1662 Hot Post Office London Hot

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1662 Hot Post Office London Hot 1662 HOT POST OFFICE LONDON HOT HOT WATER ENGINEERS-continued. Carlton h. (Jacques Krnemer, manager), Pall • GROSYENOR H. (THE) (The Gordon Hotels Maisonettes (The), f.h. (Carlo Antonio An­ Troy F. & Co. 194 & 1.96 Finchley road NW mall SW & Haymarket SW Ltd.), Buckingham palace road SW; tonelli, proprietor), 28 & 30 De V ere gar­ Twelve Hours Stove SyndicateLtd.258 Vaux­ Carter's h. Mrs. Annie Hug, 14 & 15 Albc­ adjoining Victoria station; dens, Kensington W hall bridge road SW marle street W central for Belgravia, Mandeville f.h. 8 & 10 Mandeville place W Wailer Thomas & Oo.46 Fish street hill E C & Cavendish h. Mrs. Rosa Lewi8, 81 to 83 Westminster & all parts Mansfleld h. Alfred Thomas·& Albert Edward 1 Wolseley street, Dockhead SE Jermyn street SW & 18 Duke street, St. of London; Tel. No. 9061 Gerrard; Davies, 135 Mansfleld road, Haverstock Werner, Pfieiderer & Perkins Ltd. Kingsway James' SW TA "Grosvenor Hotel, London" hill NW house, Kingsway WC CHARING CROSS HOTEL & RESTAUR· Grosvenor Court Hotel, 89 Davies street W Marsball Thompson's h. Arthur John Turk, Whitby Bros. 29, :!0 & :lOA, Eagle street WC & ANT(S.E.R.) (E.Neuschwander, manager), Guildhall tavern (Pimm's Ltd. proprietors), 28 & 29 Cavendish square W 124 Higbgate road NW Strand WC 81 & 83 GreshR.m st E C & 22 King street, McHropole h. (The GQnlon Hotels Ltd. White Henry & Sons, 55 Frith street, Soho W Charterhouse h. Charterhonse square E C Oheapside E C proprietors), Northumberland avenue WC ; Williams James 18 St. Ann's terrace, St. Cheshire Cheese h. Holloway & Myers, Half Moon h. Bernard Cohen, 183 Boro• Whitehall pl SW & Great Scotland yanl SW John's wood NW 10 Surrey street, Strand WC High street S E Midland Grand h. (F. & A. Towle, managers), Wilmer & Sons, 11, 12, 13 & 14 Bury street, OityHonse h.(OttoRothe,man.),158City rd E C Hans Crescent Hotel Co. Ltd. 1 Hans cres SW St. Pan eras station, Euston road NW St. Mary Axe E C CLARIDGB'S HOTEII, Brook st. Grosvenor Harrington Gardens Hotel (Oharles Burk­ Monte Carlo h.Riva & Rocca,2 Leicester stWC Wilson &: Smith Ltd. 7 & 8 King Willis m st square W-T A "Claridge's Hotel, London"; hardt, proprietor), 27 Harrington gdns SW Morley's h. (Frederick,Dudley & Percy James, Strand WC ; works, Manette st. Soho W T N 7160 Mayfair Haxell's f. h. 369 to 375 Strand WC proprietors), 1, 2 & 3 Trafalgar square WC Wilson Engineering Oo. Limited, 259 High Clifton h. Miss Elizh. Flint, Welbeck street W Herefonl Hotel (Mrs. Martha Tyler, pro­ Naval & Militaryh.(LouisDouglasDuke,man.), Holborn WC COBURG COURT HOTEL(Misi!Alice Woods, prietress), 6 & 7 West Bolton gardens SW 29 to 39 Har::-ington road, South Kensing­ Witham William Henry, 100 Victoria st SW manageress), Coburg plaee, Bayswater W Holborn Viaduct h. Spiers & Pond Ltd. ton SW & 57 & li7A, Greencoat pl. Westminster SW Coburg Hotel Ltd. Carlos place, Grosvenor Holborn viaduct E C New Corn Exchange t. Sydney Rihll, 58 Wontner-Smith J ., Gray & Co. Ltd. 1 & 3 Sun square W HORREX'S HOTEL, Miss Anne Horrex, Mark lane E C · street, Finsbury square E C & Halfmoon Oock t. George King & Co. 22 Fleet street E C Norfolk Rtreet WC New Norfolk Hotel Ltd. 25 London street W passage, Whitechapel High street E Coleherne h. Owen Ward, 1 Claro terrace, Horse Shoe h. Baker Bros. Limited, 264 to & 2 Norfolk square W Wood David Pimm, 41 Loudoun road NW Richmond road SW 267 Tottenham court road W NORFOLK HOTEL, 30,31 & 32 Surrey street, Wright George Ltd. 155 Queen Victoria CONNAUGHT ROOMS LTD. Great Queen Hotel Boulogne (Joseph Uccelli), 27 Gerrnrd Strand WC street E C & 1 & 238 Upper Thames street street, Kingsway WC ; banqueting halls street, Soho W Old Bell h. Arthur Carr, Wardrobe ter E C E C; works, Rotherham. :&-tablished 1854 for balls, banquets, receptions ; & restaur­ Hotel Cavonr & Restaurant, Mrs. Julia Dale, Olde Cheshire Cheese (Ye) Ltd. chop house, Yetton & Brockett Ltd. Munton road SE ant. Telephone Nos. 9020 & 9021 Gerrard 20 & 21 Leicester square WC 25 Wine office court, Fleet street E C & Oovent Garden h. R. Nobile Ltd. 22 to 25 Hotel Cecil Ltd.( The) (W. W. Elderkin, sec.), Oheshire court, Fleet street E C Southampton street, Strand WC Overhill William, h. 71 Borough High st SE HOTELS & PRINCIPAL INNS Cox's h. Percy & William Jackman, 55 Peele's f .h.Mrs. Mary Gill J ones,177 &178Fleet & TAVERNS. Jermyn street SW street E C & 1 Fetter lane E C f. h. for family hotel. e. or la~. for tavern. h. or hnt. for hotel. p.f.Ja. for private family Craven h. Christian Julius Emmanuel Daep­ Phrnnix h. Mrs . .A ugusta Fra.nces Ward, 19 i. for inn. hotel. pen, manager, 43 to 46 Craven st.StrandWC Princes street, Cavendish square W p. h. for private hotel. Cromwell Hotel Ltd. 15 & 16 Cromwell place, PICCADILLY HOTEL, 21 Piccadilly W & 69 Adelphi h. Mrs. Marion Burlet, 1 to 4 John South Kensington SW Regent street W Btreet, Adelphi WC Crown h. Charles Durden, 23 Aberdeen place, Portland h. 97, 99, 101, 103 & 105 Great Port­ African Lands & Hotels Ltd. (I. M. Brash, Maida vale NW • land street W; 1, 2 & 3 Gildea street, Great sec.), 3 Fenchurch street E C Crown h. Henry Shirvell, 55 New Oxford stWC Portland street W & 6, 8 &.10 Hallamstreet, Alexandra Hotel Co. Ltd. (G. M. Wright, sec.; Ourzon Hotel, see Hotel Curzon &c Portland place W George H. Hurst, man.), KnightsbridgeSW DB KEYSER'S ROYAL HOTEL LTD. Vic­ Premier h., Imperilll London Hotels Ltd. 150 Almond's h. G. Brancbini, 6 & 7 Olifford toria embankment, BlB<!kfriars E C-T N Southampton row WC street, Bond street W 3500 City Prince of Wales Hotel, 16 & 18 De V ere gar­ .ANDERTON'B HOTEL, Francis Harding DE YERE HOTEL(R.O.Vaughan, managing dens, Kenl:!ington W Olemow, 162, 163, 164 & 165 Fleet str!*'tE C director), 48, 49 & 50 Hyde park gate & Strand & Victoria embankment WC Princes' Hotel & Restaurant (E. 0. Oolegrave, Armfield Josepb & Son Ltd. h. 8outh place & De V ere gardens, Kensington palace W HOTEL CURZON a RESTAURANT(Simon general manager), 190 to 196 Piecadilly W South street, Finsbury E C Dover Castle h. Sirlney Fowler, 170 Westmin­ Harwath, proprietor), 56, 57, 58, 59 & 60 & 36, 37, 38, 39 & 40 Jennyn street SW Artillery Mansions h. 75 Victoria street SW ster bridge road S E Ourzon street, Mayfair W & 23, 24, 25 & 26 Queen's h. Leicester square WC Arnndel h. Patrick Caldon, manager,8Arundel Dr. Butler's Head t. (Henry Tillet Packman, Bolton street, Piccadilly W-T. A "Hotel Queen's Gate p. h. Tom Henry Menchenten, street, Strand WC propr.), Mason's avenue, Basinghall st E C Cnrzon": T N's 6449, 6450, 6451, 6452, 6453 Queen's gate SW Austral Hotels Ltd. 8, 9 & 10 Cartwright Dnrrant's p.f.h. Alfred Gibson, 26, 28, 30 & 32 & 6454 Mayfair Regina h. (Thierry's Hotels Ltd.), 126 South­ gardens WC George street, Portman square W & 1 Man­ Hotel de Hongrie (MartinRoche),36Lisle stWC ampton row WC AvenueBuffet,IsaacVernon,25Shaftesbry .avW chester street W Hotel & Grand Cafe de !'Europe, 10 to 15 RICHELIEU HOTEL a RESTAURANT, Bailey's h. Gloucester road SW Dysart h. (Dysart Ltd. proprietor), 2i Hen­ Leicester square WC 87 Oxford street W-Tel No. 4174 Regent Baker's coffee house, William Mann Cross, rietta street, Cavendish square W Hotel Great Central, Marylebone road NW­ (3 lines) 1 Change alley E C Eastern h. William Meadmore, 1 West India Telegraphic address " Centellare, London"; Ritz Hotel (London) Ltd. Piccadilly W Baldwin's h. Bona & Poletti, 19 Dover dock road E & 2 .h:ast India dock road E T N 4590 Paddington Royal Court Residential Hotel Ltd. 8, 9 & 16 street, Piccadilly W Empress Hotel, M to 60 Waterloo road SE­ Hotel Gwalia (London) Ltd. Upper Woburn Sloane square SW Barkston Gardens h. (Mrs. K. Buckler), 40, TA"ErnpressHotel, London"; TN 1390Hop place WC . Royal Palace h. 6 Kensington High Rtreet W 42 & 44 Barkston gardens SW Endsleigh Palace h. Gordon street WC Hotel Jules, Jules Ribstein, 85, 86 & 87 Jermyn RUSKIN MANOR p. h. Denmark hill SE­ Barrett John, p.f.h. 4 Clarges street W Euston hotel (Robert Herbert Glasspool, street SW (TN1740Brixton ;TA" Ruskinite,London") Batt's f.h. Mrs. Ellen May, 41 & 42 Dover st W manager), Euston station NW Hotel Mathis, Mentasti Bros. proprieton;, 10, & Camhrid!!'e ho. Richmond Bridge,Middsx Bayswater Private Hotel (Chas. Reinmann, Felix h. Felix Romeo Sartori,52 Jermyn stSW 11 & 12 Arundell street, Coventry street W Russell Hotel (The), proprietor), 18 & 19 Bayswater terrace W Fife Commercial h. Miss Annit> Da wson B:&;idie, Hotel Previtali, Mentasti Bros. proprietors, see "Hotel Russell" Bedford h., Imperial London HotelR Ltd. 83, 13 & 14 Oharterhouse square E C 13 to 19 Arundellstreet, Coventry street W St. Carlo's h. (Luigi Biazzi, proprietor), 3 85, 87, 91, 93 & 91i Southampton row WC First A venue hot. (The) (Gordon HotelsLtd. ), Hotel Provence,AlfredThomas&AlbertEdward Fitzroy square W Bedford Head h. Jethro Thomas Robinson, High Holborn WC-TA "Firavtel" Davies, 17 & 18 Leicester square WC St. Ermins Hotel, Caxton st. Westminster S\'1 manager, 11 to 15 Bayley street WC & 235 Fischer's f.h. (Fanoni & Morighetti, pro­ Hotel Rembrandt Ltd. p.h. (S. F. Vandyke, ST. JA11IES' PALACE HOTEL (Felix & 236 Tottenham court road W prietors), 11 Olifford street, Bond street W managing director), Thurloe place, South Romeo Sartori, manager), 15 Bury street, Belgrave Mansions b. (Emlie I. Bonvin, Fleming's h. (Percy Gharles Sanford), 9 & 10 Kensington SW St.
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