Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times Consolidated March 17, l»»7 T he Courier-Gazette. In Eastern Maine TWICE-A-WEEK . . . . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY.

Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday December 7 1897 Vol. 52. . . . N o. 87

MISS ELLIOTT'S DIAMOND FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL August and September under its operation, as ON TO KLONDIKE IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY Colds Chaps Colic compared with August and September of 1896; Great Brltian, also one of Ihe protesting coun­ The One Purchase*1 After Reciting Time WxaniaoTOR, D. C-, Dee. 4 ,18S7. Fnrtnnea Awaiting the Men Who tin Rarly tries, increased her purchases nearly 86,000, “The West ss Interpreted in Fiction” will Was Not the One Rtolen. I f the average farmer did not enjoy hia anil Avoid the Rn.h, Coughs . Chafing Croup 000 in August and September, 1897, as com­ be the subject o f a paper In tn early number Tbankigiving turkey thia year it was prubably ’ After all Ibeir la b ile sleuthing, ray* the pared with Ibe corresponding months of T acoma, W ash., Nev. M, way. of Ihe Atlenlic Monthly. because he was too busy w;th prosperity which New York Journal, on the trail of a stolen 1896. Taking the thirteen countries which From statistics just compiled by theTscoms Much new work, II it reported, will appear Catarrh Chilblains Cramps this first year of tbe M cK inley administration diamond Maxine Elliott and Nat Goodwin offered protesls against the Dingley law, tnd Citizens Klondike committee the steamers end in William W alto n ’s forthcoming volume, Arc ills to which all flesh la heir. You can relieve and speedily care all of these by the free has brough him. The official figures continue bave only aucceeded in purchasing another comparing their purcbasei from the United tailing vessels that w ill leave for Ihe A lttk s • The Hope of Ihe World end Other Poems." cure of our old reliable Anodyne. Generation after generation have used it with entire satis­ Io show such prospetily as the farmer has not faction, and handed down the knowledge of its worth to their children as a valuable inheri­ grm at an outlay of 6550. The location of States in Ihe first two months of its opertlioni tnd Klondike gold fields during the coming There It a hit of very trothfol criticism la a known for many years. The November tance. Could a remedy have existed for eighty years except that it possesses great merit for tbe leading lady's 61,200 bsable is still envel­ ex­ wi-h the corresponding months of the pre "K londike" season will have a ctpscily for remark marie try Gerald Masaey in the coutae family use? It was originated to cure all ailments attended with inflammation; such as portation o f wheat was nearly fifty per oped in gloom. ceding year, it it found that the purchases 40,000 passenger, and 10,000 Ions of freight of a recent interview. Of Mr. Watson he asthma, abscesses, bites, burns, bruises, bronchitis, all forma of sore throat, earache, head­ cent. Istger than during last year, and Ibe ache, la grippe, lame back, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, scalds, stings, sprains, French writers of detective fiction and from us under the new Itw were nearly 825, per month. said: " H e has the grand style, Ihe grand man- shipments of last week from the Atlantic ports .stiff joints, toothache, tonsilitis and whooping cough. The great vital and muscle nervine. Stephen O’Brien never conceived anything 000,000 greater Ihtn in the corresponding At that rate transportation plant have al­ ner, but I do not tee Ihe grand matter.” are Ihe largest recorded in any week for many more bewildering than Ihe plot of Min El­ months of last year. J. P. ready been perfected for carrying north 1,000 yean, If not at any time in the history of Ihe “ Audubon and his lour nils,” in two large liott’s lost gem. And tbe efforts of her- people every day. From one Io three ttesm - country. Tbe actual exports of wheat from volumes, by Miss M arla R. Audubon, the 1 self and Mr. Goodwin to unravel the mystery bosts or tailing vessels will lesv^ daily. That all porla for Ihe crop year thus far has been, granddaughter o f the grrst ornithologist, will Johnsons Anodyne Liniment ' without publicity is one of the strangest events THE METHODIST DOCTRINE they w ill carry people from all pails of Ihe be published by the Scribnris immediately. In in round numbers, a hundred million bushels. It soothes every ache, every bruise. every cramp, every Irritation, every Inmenesa. every in the history ol things theatrics,. United Stales is shown by Ihe personnel of a it the full text of Audubon's journals will be swelling everywhere. It la for INTERNAL aa much aa EXTERNAL uac. It wna originated When (he increase in prices is taken into con To begin with, tbe ring was stolen from tbe Further DI.ctiR.lon On the Interesting party which departed yesterday for Copper In i8to. by Dr. A. Johnson, an old Family Physician. Every Mother ahould have It in the honae. sideralion also it w ill be seen that the farmers given for the first time, coveting f it trips Io dreuing room o f the actress at the K nicker­ Subject of Baptism. River. There were tixteen men and they Europe, Labrador and Ihe Missouri River. arc getting a very large sum of money for “Best Liver PiU Made.” I use Johnson’9 Liniment for catarrh. I had bocker Theatre on the night of October 19 represented Ihe following cities and states: tried almost everything recommended for their wheat product this year— far in excesa Thomaston, Deo. 4. Auriin Dohsr n et least finds il profitable to M us Elliott said nothing. She sleulhed. So Providence, R. I.; New York cily; Fort catarrh, but find Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment of (but in many preceding years. The expor­ It is plainly the right of each and every write poetry. His “Old World Idylls" is in far superior to any. I use it as you direct. did Mr. Goodwin. Even when toiling be­ Myers, Florida; Montana; Idaho; Grand tations of corn are also increasing, (hose for Christian denomination to settle for itself, all its eleventh thousand; “ At the Sign of Ihe J. Ii. W h ip p l e , South W indham , Vt. hind the footlights Ibeir minds were on tbe View, Ind.; Rockfort, Ind.; Franklin, Mat..; arsons' P ills Ihe present month being nearly a million questions of doctrine and polity. W e are not Lvre” has gone Into its eighth thousand, while trail, and they thought of suitable disguises in Onr Book "Treatment for Diseases” Mailed Free. Placerville, Cel.; Butte, M ont.; Washington, P which to pursue the robber. bushels in excess of November of last year. at all troubled because our Baptist friends “ The Ballad o f Beau Brocade” it in Ihe D C . ; Wisconsin, end Chicago, III. Doctor’s Signature and Directions on every bnttla. And while Ihe farmer has occasion to be cor tend that immersion is the only scriptural twelfth thousand, and "Proverbs in Porcelain” All Druggists. I. 8. Johnson A Co., Boston, M au O f all Ihe clews the most promising one People are already going into Ihe mining thankful for his fortune in good crops and mode of baptism, nor yet thst many of them and “ Tbe Story of Rosins” are respectively in came from Brooklyn, which is a good place districts at Ihe rale of too per day. They not good prices,other citizens of the United States believe baptism to be a prerequisite to partici­ their sevenlh and tenth thousand. to sleulb. Misa Elliott received an anony­ only come from all part, of tbe Union but have occasion to he> thankful to the farmer pating in Ibe L ord’s supper. mous letter two weeks ago. from South Africa, Australia and Europe at Professor Charles G . D . Roberts, poet and that his prosperity has brought prosperous So far as we are concerned they are wel­ “ H h t I ” the said to M r. Goodwin. "A l well. Men drop in daily from Ihe four Cor­ novelist, is a canoist and capable, it is slid, of conditions to others and to the country itself come to cling to such views, or to cast them last we have a clew. W e w ill yet recover ners of the civilized wotld. any amount of physical excrlion. These The alarm which was felt at this season dur­ away at will. But on Ihe first page of your the di-a-mond I” W ith ‘ he people who come to outfit for (he qualibcstiona have enabled him Io explore ing those years in which gold was being issue of Nov. 30, there is a “ Discussion of the “Wait till I get m e whiskers!" said Good­ gold fields come bands of beggars. They do Acadia to its furthest limits tnd his love for win. drawn nut of tbe country, and the government Question Argued at the Recent Congress in the region hat grown with bit knowledge of Chicago,” which misrepresents Ihe views ol not toil, neither do Ihey .pin hut they cel and Peering furtively from under tbe brim of a compelled to sell bonds to replenish the gold it. It it no wonder thst hit book, "The There Are Photographs most of the gtest Christian churches of Ihe go to prison without Ihe leasl objection In in ihe Treasury, no longer troubles the finan­ slouch hat tbe actor escorted bis leading lady fact, they seem Io enjoy going to jtil. T a x ­ Forge and the Forest,’- is full to the brim of world ss to these sacraments. AND PHOTOGRAPHS ______to the jewelty a,ore of H . flealy, al N o. 339 ciers or business men of the great cities, nor payers finally objected to boarding Ihe vaga­ Acaditn feeling and Acadian romance; lilt Ibe administration. The fact thst the farmers Rev. R. W. Van Kiiksays: “The propo­ The excellence ol n good picture Is easily perceived, but few are capa­ Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Their actions at bond! and put them to work In Ihe chain written out of e true enthusiasm. of the country have many millions of bushels sition that Baptism is a scriplursl prerequisite ble of telling why it looks uell. Here nre a few suggestions for your guidance the show window moved the jeweller Io hurl geng. At Seattle, where Ihey are (he thick­ Mr. Lang's collections o l fairy Islet are at- of wheat to send abroad, for which gold is to participate tn the Lord's supper, really re­ i n critically examining a Photo. bis jewel trays into tbe safe. H e had them est, they are compelled to break stone; at T a ­ readv numerous. “ The Red Fairy Book" has paid by the gold-slandsrd nations purchasing quires no vindication, for here we stand on all in but one when the aleutba enteied on coma they are forced to clean Ihe alreets and been followed by "T h e Green Fairy Book,” iBt. Is the person well posed? common ground with other denominations. tiptoe. it, obviates the danger of reduction of the and lhat one by anthologies yellow and bine, 2nd. Is the face and drapery artistically lighted? Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist and Con­ taw wood. But “sawing wood” is now Ihe “ H is t ! ' said Miss Elliott. “ There it is I” quantity o f gold in the country, nr of raids chief occupation of Ihe busy people of T a ­ but apparently his resources ate inexhaustible. 3rd. Is the expression the best? gregational churches alike require baptism be­ 4th. Is the retouching good? “ W here?” queried M r. Goodwin. upon the gold in Ihe treasury. Treasury offi­ coma. They ate industriously “ sawing wood" Longmans, Green & Co. publish for him nose cials say they ate getting gteater quantities fore administering the communion.” 6th. Is the print toned prettily? “ In the show case," murmured the lady in and saying very little for publication. “The Pink Fairy Book,” wilb drawings by II. of gold lhan they need or even lhan they de­ This must have been written advertently,for a low tone. “That 5-carat ring in the cor­ The people of Hoquian, on Gray’s Harbor, J. Ford, who has helped to illustrate its pre­ 6th. And is it effectively mounted? the brother must bave known that the state­ ner. I would know it among a thousand 1” sire, tbe gold reserve now reaching nearly an inlet from Ibe Pacific ocean in thia state decessors, and it must be said that this new If a picture meets all of tbe above requirements it is good; and if you 6160,000,000, while the official figures show­ ment was not correct. The mysterious conduct ol his visitors im ­ which it retched by one ol the Northern Pa­ book it as good ss any that bave gone want Photos for Christmas built on such specifications the place to get them ing Ihe amount of gold in Ihe United States A ll churches, aside from the Baptist, hold io pressed M r. H ealy with the belief that he cific branch lines from this cily, were sur­ before. M r. Lang is wise in hit selections, at Merrill’s Studio. Following our custom in other yearn we are offering and in circulation continue to indicate an in­ that immersion is not the only scriptural mode was entertaining a pair of ahoplifters, and he, prised a few days ago by the appearance of tactful in hit srrangtmenl., end pleasant In special prices for Xmas, viz., 16 Cabinets (on glossy paper) 62.00. 1 doz. of crease, due doubtless to the fact that our ex­ of baptism, and more of them bold that bap­ too, became subtle In bis demeanor. This 23 miners from the Klondike country. They bis preftce. The book is delightfully com­ the new Mat Surface Oarbonettes 62.00. Call and Bee our samples before go­ tism is not to be required before communion, action the actor and actress likened unto that ports are now largely in excess of our imports, came down on a schooner tnd most of Ihem panionable. ng elsewhere. If you oan’t come at any other time come in the evening. The chronological order of these two sacra­ of a man detected in Ihe act of keeping a which have fallen materially since the enact­ were natives and residents of easlern titles. ment of the uew tariff law. ments is not regarded ss important; other­ Jane Barlow’s “ Irish Idylls,” in Ihe luxuri­ "fence." Tbe minere reported thst ex Governor M c­ wise communion would always be placed ous Christmas edition published by Dodd, "W e must He cautious .or he w ill take Graw, o l this stale,it very much in evidence in MERRILL’S STUDIO, THK COMING OP CONGEESS. belore baptism. Mead & Co., is a book which will appeal to flight,'* whiipered Mr. Goodwin, with a finger Rampart City where he it in the real estste Tbe sacrament of the I-ord's sapper was many. Clifton Johnson, who uses the camera to his lips. Congress, when it meets it its regular ses­ and mining claim business, and a boomer ol 564 MAIN STREET. instituted before tbe crucifixion, and Christian as skilfully ss tome men use tbe pencil or the “ Hist I ” said Miss Elliott. sion this week, w ill have no occasion (o re­ Ihe old style, showing nuggets purported to baptism after Ihe resurrection. brush, has made a fine collection of photo­ •‘Keep your eye ou that couple. Don't gret its action in the special teaiion by which come from the Minook district, hut which As H e was about to ascend Christ said to graphs in the Connemara bog lands lor t ie lose ’em for a minute," muttered the jeweler it placed the Dingley tariff law upon Ihe bear the impress of some other. There were tbe eleven diaciples, “ Go ye therefore and edition, end good press work htt been be* to his assistant. italute books. The doleful piedictions made those in tbe crowd who did not hetilete Io de­ Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Go. teach all nations, baptizing them in Ihe name stoaed upon both text end pictures. Jane To disarm suspicion the amateur detectives by (he Democrala about tbe prospective clare that M inook district would not pan out of tbe Father, and of Ihe Son and of the Batlow is a charming writer, She has some­ sleuthed among the other rings, and finally operations of Ibe Republican tariff measure say El Dorados. MILW AUKIE, WISCONSIN H oly Ghost.’’ Christian baptism was then thing of ihe Celtic mystery in her vork, with­ priced what they thought was Miss Elliott's which was enacted at the special session a The old miners of Ihe patty advise those and there instituted, and on that command out any of the Celtic nonsense lhat goes with gem. Tb e figure was satisfactory, and, with few monlba ago are not being realised. Un who intend going in next spring, Io go by tbe alone teats the authority of the church to bap­ so many of those contemporaries ol hets who extreme cunning, they left 620 on deposit to tbe contrary, the four months in which it baa Chilkoot pass, es they w ill save at least a tize. Up to that time any person bad ever have sought to exploit the legends of the HENRY L. PALMER, President prevent tbe jeweler Irons disposing of tbe di-a- been tested have proven that tbe Republi­ month and a half, besides some money by been baptized in the name o f the trinity. Irish. mond. cans made no mistake in their action with going lhat way in preference to Ihe water W hether or not the disciples had been bsp- It would be interesting to know just what Next day Mias Elliott, leaving her under­ reference to this measure. Its earnings in route. They all went in that way and say lized with Ihe baptism of John or any other, Ihe “ Outward Bound” edition i f Kipling's study at home, appeared with two profession­ (be four months in which it baa been in they ate going back in Ibe tpting ov-1 Ibe we do not know; but we do know that when work is to be like when completed. Two vol­ SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT, JUNE 30, 1897. al deleclivea, but the jeweler, in mortal fear operation are many millions in excess of tim e trail. Besides they will arrive a month they sat at the table of Ihe last supper, they umes of Ibe twelve promised ire ell that re­ of the supposed shoplifters, had gone to New ■hose of the corresponding months in the before those wintering at St. Michaels Assets ...... 697,960,025 78 had not been baptized with the baptism au­ main to be published, and if Ihe American York with tbe ring in bis pocket. histoiy ol the W ilson law and are sufficient to will arrive. Liabilities...... 76,696,248 92 thorized under the Christian dispensation. edilion is Io be like Ibe English in arrange­ " H a ! I shall not be foiled," hissed the fully justify the belief of the Republicans Ihsl Twenty three of Ihe party attended the It is a knowledge of these factors, perhaps, ment, then tbe eleventh volume w ill be actress. “ H ist I” it w ill, when normal conditions are resumed, Methodist church at Hoquian Sunday in the which in leading some of our Baptist friends devoted to the author’s poems and the twellth Surplus...... 621,364,776 86 Thanksgiving eve she again called on M r. prove ample in its qualities as a revenue pro­ evening. W hen several o f them pulled out to open communion idea. to "Csptsint Courageous.” But this slill Healy with five detectives and a half— that ducer and in its effect upon our commerce. their sacks and dropped a nuggel in Ihe bas­ Income, 6 months, 1897...... 9,194,920 20 I fancy that when, in bis article, Mr. leaves quite a body ot material to be answered is, M r. Goodwin was in the party. Tbe receipts of the Treasury during the first ket lot the parton the ushers nearly look a Disburscinonts, 6 mouths, 1897 4,714,072 35 Farshley referred to the “sweeping verdict of for. The hsnrls.ime "Thistle" edition of Stev­ “ Produce the stolen di-a mond,” said M r. four months of the operation of the law will fainting spell and have scarcely recovered as biblical scholarship, thst immersion, and t 'a t enson was expanded and includes Ihe posthu­ Goodwin in dramatic accents. amount in round numbers to 690,000,000, yet. Excess Income over Disbursements...... 6 4,480,847 85 slone, constitutes the baptism of tbe New mous romance of “ St. Ives.” W ill tbe edition "Never. I t wasn't stolen,” replied tbe while Ihe Wilson law in its first four mouths Freight and passenger rates by the various Testament," he meant Baptist biblical schol o l K ipling be expanded to include “The jeweler. . earned about 683 000,000. When it is con­ routes to Ibe gold diggings ere being an­ S ix M onths’ Progress aribip. If so 4nt s'atement was evidently Brushwood Boy,” “ The Record of Madeira So they went to the Myrtle avenue police sidered that tbe Wilson law bud Ihe benefit nounced wilb considerable caution by tbe va correct. It is also correct that of biblical Herodsfoot" and all tboae’abort Holies which Increase in Assets...... 6 5,310,065 62 station, where a conference resulted in the of enormous impoitalions which had been tioua transportation companies. By the scholars, the wotld ’over, about seven-tenths bave tp p etied during (he last year or to 7 Increase in Hurplus...... J...... 1,853,769 12 cate being set for yesterday. Miss Elliott held back in order to get the advantage of route to Dyea and Skaguay the passenger of all give Ihe sweeping verdict that im mer­ Theie is ‘The Ship that Found HertelP*; Increase in Insurance in force...... 14,413,581 00 declared she could identify the ring, but (be lower tariff rates which it gave, and that rate from Tacoma is 825 second class and 840 sion, and lhat alone, Is not the baptism ol there is “Bread Upon tbe Waters"; there it she was not present in court. M r. Good­ tbe Dingley law labored under tbe disadvsn first class, with freight at 89- To Cook In ­ Dividends in (his Company are unequaled. the New Testament. “ The Slaves of the Lam p,” and there is" 007.” win looked after her interests. tage of very aroall importations because of let and Copper River a first class rate o f 690 Tbe Baptist church, while not at Ibe very Are these to be printed in the beautiful form Dividends regulate ihe cost of Insurance. The jeweler proved that be bought the Ihe heavy shipments into the country prior and 870 second class wee announced yester­ front, is a large, growing, living body; a great given Io tbe bulk of Kipling's works by tbe ring at an auction sale two weeks belore Ihe to its enactment, it will be seen that the day. O n this route each passenger it al­ The New ANNUAL DIVIDEND Policy of the Northwestern GUARAN­ power for good in every land. Scribners, or will they have Io be sought in actress lost her gem, and M r. Goodwin operations ot the new law indicate that it is lowed to carry half a ton ol freight (tee end TEES Definite and Stated Cash, Loau, Paid-up aud Extended lusnranoe W e alt say. Go on in the great work so well some olber, differently made, volumes? ceased to sleuth. After the bearing he bought to be much more successful as a revenue it charged 8*5 per ton for excess freight ot values. 73 begun, but don’t claim all Ibe biblical schol­ the ring for 6550, which is 6150 more than producer lhan was the Wilson law. The btggage. On llte steamers Io tbe passes etch Bret Hartc declares that bis favorite novel arship in the world, nor attempt to force other Healy paid for iL M r. Goodwin said it was 'urlher fact that Ibe receipts bave steadily passenger is allowed 150 pounds bsggtge, it “The Count of Monte CtlHo”; it it, be churches into line with you regsiding Ibe Miss E lliott’s money he used. inctessed, and that those o f November and is charged Ion rates on hit outfit over and thinks, a peifect one. In Munsey's Mtgesine sacraments, election, ate. “ By me beard," he mused, “ I would like to were, in round numbers, 825.000,000, shows above the baggage limit. On 1 through lick- be says: But “Monte Cristo" is romance, end, C. ft. DUftTOfi, 4lel>T that w ith Ihe return to noiroai busi * ( R e v .) S. L. H a nsco m . et I am told, o f a very antiquated type. I am know who sent us that clew from Brooklyn." el to Dawson City or Klondike or intermediate 189 Exchange Street, Bangor, Maine. W hat Miss Elliot: said has not yet been ness conditions, and tbe importations which claims on tbe Yukon a rate of 8350 >• an­ informed by writera (not readers) that tbit it given out. will follqw the absorption of tbe immense THE METHODIST COMMUNION nounced, with 150 pounds of baggage al­ all wrong, that the world wants to koow itself Mr. Healy produced Ihe original bill of stock which was in band when tbe new law lowed. O n freight or excess baggage a in ell its sordid, material aspects, relieved only by occtsionsl excursions inlo ibe domain of sale. This stated that the stone had been went into effect, it is perfectly apparent thst K icuroan, Yr., Dee. 1. charge ol ten centa per pound is made. bought of Auctioneer Sheehan of No. 132 it w ill, w ithin a very short tim e, he pro­ pathology tn d Ibe conlemplatlon o f diseased Editor The Courier-Gaxette:— I have read Many of Ibe large transportation companies Canal strett, New York, on the night of ducing all the revenue that tbe Government and morbid lypet; that “ the proper study of with interest the symposium in Tbe Courier- will operate their own river boats, but theie S p ecial October Previous to that time the ring requires to meet ita curreul expenditures, and it little prospect of the price o f transportation mankind it man” as he it, anil not at be might 4. Gazette of Nov. 30. The controversy being be; tn d that it it very reprehensible to deceive had been in Ihe possession ol H enry Mc- a surplus to put into the sinking fund, some­ largely within the Baptist denomination, I being reduced as the result of competition, To all new 8ubsoribers to the Alecnan, a Washington street pawnbroker. thing which was not done in any period of him with fairy talcs, or Io sstitly a longing have no intention or desire to take any part unless there is among Ihe transportation com­ PARER TRADE JOURNAL who Tbe Justice said Ibe actress had evidently tbe Wilson law. panies one that will break the ice by culling that was in him when tbe first bard sang to Offer in it. I want simply to call attention to an bim, or in the gloom o f his cave dwelling, tbe eend in their orders prior to De­ been mistaken. The similsritv between the erroneous alalxment made by the Rev. R. W . rates, in which case a general slaughter two rings was very great, according to M r. EZPORTATIOM INCKEASE UNlrlK THK NSW LAW of transportation schedules will follow. hist story teller interested bim in accounts o f cember Slat, 1897, we will send a Van K irk, when he says: “ Episcopal, Pres- improbable beasts and men, wilb illustrations Goodwin. One curious drvalopmenl since tbe new M ott of the parlies going in now are bead­ byterian, Methodist and Congregational on bone. But 1 venture to believe that when oo p y o f tariff law went im p effect and one in which churches alike require baptism before ad­ ing for Ihe Cook Inlet and Copper River dis­ J jn e t cornea home from tbe cily and lakes the memb re ot C-ngreaa, when they come trict, with Ibe intention of prospecting through up ministering communion.” a book, be does not greatly care lo read THE HISTORICAL SOUVENIR NUHBER together lor lbs tegular session, w ill he in ­ Ihe winter and working down 10 Ibe Klondike a Tbe Methodist church does not require faithful cbiuoicle of bit own doings, nor has terested, is tbe incirase in exportations to in M ay or June in case Ihey do not succeed baptism before administering its communion Mrs. Jones fieabened b rrtc lf for b it coming XTMXlhZSd those couotries which offered protests in making rich strikes during Ibe winter. Our invitation is always in the following form by seeking a transcript of ber own uneventful FREE OF CHARGE MISS BEECHER’S sgsinst the Dingley tariff bill, end which W ell seasoned Alaska miners, however, w ill and Mrtbodist mini lets are not authorized to day in tbe pages o l ber favorite novel. But if it aee claimed, would exclude Aeseiicsn pro­ not go into Ihe new diggings earlier then Subscriptions $4.oo per annum . give any other: they bave been lifted temporarily out ol (belt H A IR AND.... ducts unless Ibe tariff hill should he shaped February, and many of them will prospect lor “ Wherefore ye that do tiuly end earnestly commonplace surroundings and limited bosi- to suit their w i.b e .. There were thirteen na­ e month 01 two end then in c i t e of no rich repent of your sins, and are in love and ton by some specious Isle of heroism, endetvor, The Howard Lockwood Publishing Co. tions which dated format protests sgsinst finds will work down toward tbe El Doradot WHISKER DYE. charity with your neighbors, and intend to wrongs redressed and (sitb rewarded, tn d ace the tariff bill, p -drably a larger number than in Ihe Dawson C ily country, expecting to find It ooDUlos do sulphur or lead. Clear dye lead a new life, following Ibe commandments inclined to look a little more hopefully to 143 Bleecker S t, N. Y —large UoU'ee. ever before, «.» rouaiy, an exsminsliou of work there at at least 810 per day. of God, and walking h im henceforth in bis Jonra't chances of promotion, or to Met. M ON K A LI A T DHUOttiard. Ibe records of ou, c -uuaerce since the new holy wayr, draw near with faith and take Ibis Al'bougb Ihe prevailing price for a day’s law went into effecr >h wt that in tbe face of labor in Ihe K londike district bat been 815 Jones's aunt's prospective legacy— why blame holy sacrament to your comfort, earl devoutly them or Ibeir noveliu ? nearly every couotiy h u« prole ting our tales kneeling, make your bumble confession to tor skilled labor end 810 lor unskilled, an at­ tempt is being made tbete to cut down tbe UNEMPLOYED YOUNQ MEN, whose education lias been have increased under Ihe Dingley law instead Almighty God." W e can supply any of the publications tiniahud in Public Schools, Academies and Colleges, H. U. Uaxkltixx. o . h . Hazbltimu of decreasing, as was 1 -edicled by the oppon­ Since the scriptures do not teach baptismal wages to from »5 to 6 io a day. Tbe great mentioned in tbe above column at or lass WANTED to write for publications explaining our courses of ents of that measure. Au ia-Hungary, tegeneralion be who feel, witbin film an bulk of tbe miners, including Ibe employee than tbe publishers' prices. H u v io m Rock­ end tbe employer, ere opposed to this reduc­ Bookkeeping,Bookkf Banking, Penmanship, Steuo graphy, Type­ HAZELTINE & CO., which was one of the Inst com riui Io effer earnest desire toward a new life has a right land, Maine. tion, and it w ill ptobably not go into effect writing, Telegraphy and Preparatory Departments, if you want a UtCBIVBUe AUD DUALBUe IK protests sgsinst Ibe new law, ba ught from to partake ol that which shall help to sustain position and are willing to study, send five two-cent starnpe for live easy lesson* us ueariy twice a t much in In first two and advance him in his holy purpose, whether generally. |iiy mail) in Slnudlfled Phonetic shorthand to months of in operations ss she did 1 the cor­ he has received the ordinance of baptism or Tbe aerial tramway over Ihe Chilkoot pats Butter, Cheese and Eggs. is being placed in potilion and their railway YOUN FAVORITE POEN responding m onth, of lu t year, '’elgium, nob from Dyea leading up Io il is neatly com­ No. 16 Blackstooe St., Boitoo, Ma m . which also entered p < test against th . - -w law, As to tbe scriptual mode of baptism, none N e w Y ork pleted. A telephone line, Ibe longest in •PM bought over 6 f 1.000,000 worth ufour 1 -ducts need make any mistake as to wbst the tix Here wtll he printed the old poems that have 4a- Alaska aod the moat northerly in Ibe world in August and September under Ibe 1 gley millions ol Methodists in tbe United States llghted Iho world for gvovrwloiie; sad Uxae ut lew, while tbe bought hut e Utile ovc. 85,- is now io successful operation between Dyea oroderu Olrth that aeear words preeaivtag. Uaadere o r th e hive always held. (R e v .) P. A . Sm it h . are larlud lo w ud la their favorite pumi<. B u s in e s s oooooo worth in August tnd Septet. -r. and Sheep Camp. T ho m a s Sa m m o n s . DR. E. ALDEN bboomhands 1896, under Ibe Wilton law. France, wl,--• H ow much business css a man do whose I n s titu te MUM. A. M. HTOHKtt’8 alto protested against certain features o l I, •ystem is in a stale of diaoidet? Headache The Hatirrrt bill, bought 66,939,631 iu value from us 1, I it only a symptom. I l is not a disease. The 81 E. 125U» St., New York- September, 1896, under the Wbson lew, end A llllle head le SooeAleg el ury heart. Cough & Croup Balsam tain in the bead it the sign of rebellion. Aud i bore clom d ibe door. The most celebrated Practical Schools In America. We train for | •- < ileal work took 6>4,z$o,ooo worth from us io the 1 I h ire ’-are been mistakes iu diet and other "1 prey Uree, loi Ihe ove of Had, deperl. The bret thing ever known for Coughs, months ol 1897 under the D.uglcy law. Gee- Thou ehatl coroe hr no more ” and obtain salaried positions for all worthy graduates of our Business and Colds. Croup end Pnt-uwouU end all ibe abuses. * Shorthand Courses. We offer Lu g DUeuaee. mauy, whose protest wat much talked of when D i. Pit c c 's Pleasant Pellets ate a gentle, ON SALB AT its attention was brought to tbe public, bought “Opeo, for I onr wrary of ihe way. Ih ...... I for first information of a vacancy for a Bookkeeper, Stenonrapher, effective 1 novalor aod invigoralor of stomach, I he utghl le very Ourefc ■ JhS tfPl||A|'£l Clerk ur Telegraph Operator, which we auurerafully fill. C o m p .lt nt nearly 820,000,000 worth of our goods iu awtie»»nta auppllod to bustnea* houses without charge. Thoaauadeof COAKLEY’S, . The Druggist liver and 1 weig. They assist nstuie without I here been wendrrh'a ureoy e olabl ead day vv ItttVHIM August and Srpicmircr of 1897 unde, tbe Opt a. I have coroe bock.** t<*8iinaoulalM from Bunkers. Ui-rchautB and prominent putronu everywhere. Studeum enUsf Mrs. A M. btor r'e EogUsh Cr*e iu August ate no gnpr- rf pates, no nausea. One is a ^nper>, and September, 1896, were only a trifle over Tbe llllle bard la koovAlou patleolly, CLPUUNT C. GdlNKH. foufihkerj^r, j/, y. laxative. I llateo, dumb er,lb pete. 6 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Italy increased her puicbtae. A book > I i< 0 8 page-, profusely illu.lratcd, I "Will ibou.b uoi open aoy more lome? from us nearly 50 per cent in August and written by D r. It. v . Purree, called “ The Peo j I bave cutoe bark a be sent lice for 21 one-ceul stamps to covet 1. Ibalooee lied , aro dead “ protested, followed tr at action by purchasing cost of mailing only. W orld’s Dispensary The betid iboi bad been k- ocklog al my keen Cabinet Fliotoss $11.00 per dozen mm.m b — six times as much from us iu the first two Medical As-ocialion, No 663 Main Sheet, Wee alUL "Aod 1 1" ebe said. montus of tbe new law as she did io tbe coy- Buffalo, N. V______MAT SURFACE ‘ THE LATEST” S3 00 per dosen, #2 00. responding m ouibs of Iasi yeas. Even Japan, Thera la aw awuod, cave, la Ike aluler air, which has made such violent protots againsi I'he a. aud of a led cud (trio “Clover Form” »i 1 be ptor need at Damar it- All Iboi I loced la all lira world Claude “ -at*. certain fcalurcs of ibe new law, increased her colla tburt y by tbe Thalia Club, uodcr tbe Aod wbl out kuock agala, THE C. A. SMITH PHOTO CO. purchases of American goods molcriaily io auspices of Ibe Masaaaaoit Engine Co. -Anhui ffywMe. THE ROCKLA.N1> COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1S97.

TEE BEST VET possess the necessary qualifications for self —r-t /—< • Z-» . . | American sei ui' ies formerly held government?” He made an able argument, i but he had hardly closed when up rose Camp­ 1 flC v>OUl" 1CI*—■ v_X.lx.Crte. nbrottrd are b cir returned to the That'* How Th«y Drncribe the Emit Meet­ bell, who, feeling very sore because of what rwice-A-wte* Uni cd State* in I, rgc qnsn Mice, thus ing: of Y, M. C. A.’* Literary Society. Prescott h id said at»out him previously, - ■ — - ■ ! reducing the actimi imports of money i MEET ME The be*t *o far this year. evidently saw in Frank Shaw a victim upon AU. TWt M646. dent of the (inaiit iorg of the old world, . Timely Suggestions of Sensible as extemporaneous speakers and proved a than to say that those fellows were capable of Ihc Courier was established,______r r.d cons ol:;la ted with pleasing change from the usual order of pro­ he Gazette in 188a. The Free Press was established and that there wi t be from this time governing themselves. Just think of compar­ In *855, and in 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. forward a great reduction in the ceedings. ing the Latin race w ith the stout and broad- The Union Times was established ii 1899. The three Christmas Gifts. W . R. Prescott was given the subject, shouldered Anglo-Saxons.” papers consolidated March i , . ’897. amount of motiev sent abroad in the “ W hat is the best method of regulsting the Shaw being totally unused to such treat­ liquor trsffic— by a license law or by pro­ Subscriptions $9 per year in advance; single copies payment of into cat. The country at ment turned and twisted and strove hard to three cents. large is followin'- t|ie example of indi­ O v e rc o a ts U m b r e lla s U ls te r s hibiting regulations?” H e expressed him* discover a way of escape, but finding none AxHertising rates based upon circu’ation and very Inflne quality black taffeta silk,with For men, of heavy brownish mixed self as being extremely sorry fur haviag to he feebly tried to expostulate with his irate seasonable. viduals, and reducing the indebtedness Of flne all wool Indigo blue kersey, speak upon this subject. Nevertheless he neighbor but without avail. Communications upon topics of general interest are 1 frieze, large collar, coat cut extra weat manfully to work to defend the pro —Melted. 1 to others. black velvet collar, heavy black stylish, natural wood . fT/"V T he subject, “ As a revenue producer, is the Entered at the postoffice at Rockland for circulation lasting linings. All sizes handles. Size 26...... S p J-.O v r long, black diagonal Q 1 bihitory law . “ Any public wrong, no matter Dingley tariff bill a success or a failure?” was a*_____ second______class postal rates. That blufl of the foreign nations $ i o Leather covered cane umbrellas body linings...... «JP-Lvz what,” be said, “ should be dealt with as bandied by James E . Rhodes, 2nd, in as able 34 to 44...... wrong, and it should not be licensed or ~2~_ _ _ against our new tariff did not work. •1.69. a manner as could possibly be expected from H o u s e c o a ts tolerated. A * a Christian nation we are such a difficult subject. Circulation c.uOO Each Issue The 13 foreign nations whoserepre- Joung Mett's Over­ sending missionaries to heathen lands, but G . O. Coombs spoke upon, “ W hat w ill be _ seutatives made protests against cer- Wo are showing great values in All wool tricot flannel in blue, we are also sending them bad rum. All Tom Reed’a place in history?” c o a ts except those that use or sell intoxicating tain features of the Dlngioy bill dnr- brown and garnet, nicely trimmed B. C. Calderwood bad a subject to his lik­ In blue and brown worsted chev­ our glove department. Heavy lined drink regard the sale of those liquors as a ing. It was, “ Is it expedient in order to en­ Canadn contains a population of j,g consicleiution by Congress havo with satin facings to iot, guaranteed fast color and all oil tanned mitta with yarn wrist 25o great eviL” H e then described what he force the Prohibitory law to secare the ser­ 00,000 while that of tho United I pUrci,a9ej f,.olll ug 25 per cent, more match. Sizes 34 to 44.. DO thought was the source from whence the t , < wool. A very stylish garment, vices of a ‘spotter’ ? ” States is 73,000.000. 1 lie ambitions 1 gj1|ce c„11C||„ ent of the Dingley law Also pretty plaid caasiraere gar­ habit of licensing anything that was wrong Gen. C illey’s subject was, “ I * a man ever for young men. Sizes came. “ I f you were to go to Camden to­ diplomats of the Domiu on are apt to t|)al] t|)(J ,corr(..p0U(iing months of last $ 1 2 ments with fancy cord trimmings, justified in changing his opinion under any 15 to 19...... night,” he continued, “ you would find men circumstance?” H e was in a great hurry on 1898 Bicycle Price8 •4.00, 85.00. with red noses and large circumference who forget this difference when they talk ycal.> while llll.l.o llft8 beull a rej Uction account of an important engagement but o f reciprocity. of 05 per cent, in onr importations Hoys' Suits ARE OUT! would say that the prohibitory law is a fail­ handled bis subject very skillfully. H ath Itobes ure, but I might go through the whole cate The subject for next evening w ill be: “ Re­ from those countries meantime In scotch mixtures, cheviots and gory of law and show that no law is wholly The adoption of a protective taritl ______In fancy eider down flannels. A solved, That a bill substantially the same as worsteds, strongly sewed. Pants POPULAR ‘ 19 YEAR OLD” enforced. Some say that a license law would the Fowler bill now before congress ought to warm, comfortable gar- OT stop this breaking of the law but the fact is has not cut off foreign markets for WHAT IT COSTS have double seat and become a law .” Messrs. W . R. Prescott, F. American products as was predicted, I m e n t ...... ffP • that there are about 38 or 40 who are breaking M. Shaw, E. W. Porter, G. O. Coombs and J. 1 . And the Method of Getting: to Klondike knee...... the U nited States license law in this county P. Cilley w ill take the affirmative and L . R . onr exportations having Increased ma- OoId riclds_Omci»i luroimatioi H t •ess S u it Cases today. T h e reason why the prohibitory law Campbell, B. C. Calderwood, W. A. Ilolman, tcrially feinco the enactment of the | Mayor Butler lately received fiom Erastus N e c k w e a r is not enforced is because some men wear Philip Howard, F. W. Smith and II. II. In dark olive calf skin, brass look two faces and show one to the people in Dinglev law, in tho face of the fact , Brainerd, secrets y of the Bureau ol Inform a- When we say that we are showing M onroe taka the negative side of the ques­ ‘ 1 1 , 1 tiun. Se.tilc Chamber o f Com m . ce, the fol- and trimmings. Raise favor of prohibition and another lo the tion. Ihat our purchases abroad hate been luAi’0K lffi.ial a,d vai.abie m o tio n c o .- more neokwear than any two stores 50c a size. Size 20...... officials.” ^reduced. ceting Klondike. in Rockland, we are confident we Frank M ille r’s subject, was, “ Should the — ■ ------' OLrariA, W ash , S ot. 8 , 1MT. A Stalwart American Newspaper. are notexaggerating one bit. String BICYCLES Ladies' Helts greenback be retired and its place be sup­ Those are interesting figures which There a.a two established mates to tbs ties,bows,tecksand four plied by the issue of national bank notes?” The Americanism of the New York Trib­ la tbs new plaid leather. We are Thrusting h i* band into his pocket and ex­ 1 .. a Klondike ciuu.y from Puget Sound. One 2 5 c List Price, $ 60 . ane, which is broad enough to desire tha c o , ru.r the Kan-as K m u d o f „ , . l;.t , Cia>. ’ Sl. M lJ ae, , tb„ c e via in hands...... the only parties showing this nov­ tending bis head somewhat in a forward di­ welfare and labor for the advancement of JV 1,. ut c, which untiouucGd that iLc . VCI euauiu up the Yukon. 1 .is jeurney is Better quality 50 cents. rection he commenced to review the history tvery American citizen, whether born in tha “ T b * HigliMt ni aa increase of 30 p ci . w h ite Pass, anJ he Daulton I . ail respective For lads 4 to 10 years of age. The Rambler Tandems...... 100 A r m H a n d s of State Carlisle, “ who,” he said,“ had changed American hat won for The Tribune the in­ cent. over that of last year. Curious- ly to m e he- qua ersof the Yukon and then most comfortable article of winter 1897 Ramblers.while they last 50 his opinion to please President Cleveland.” spect of men of all parties; and, to the honor In beautiful silk trimmed elastic, L . R. Campbell’s subject “ Is capital pun­ ly, Kansas gave a ltepubliean majority '‘own by boat. . be distance , ver the various dress ever worn by the 1897 30 inch wheels...... 60 of that paper be it said, that no mau is any ■ V . 6 ■ i J tratls U, boat oav _atn,n on I i es Ltndetaaa 1897 Tandems...... 90 colors blue, green, pink, old gold. ishment justifiable under any and all condi­ lest nsefnl and influential in bis town or coun­ iu llraL sumo >ear, reversing lla usual and Bt.nt.eil am u e Pelly R h . r is as follows: little m en...... Put up one pair in g.ass tions?” was of the right kind to draw forth a try, because he reads T h e N ew Y ork Tribune. Democratic majority of late. I L)>.a to Lake Lindetnan. 29 miles; Skag- Best quality SUSO. box. Per pair...... 2 5 c sensational speech and he improved his On the contrary, it may safely be said that the ______Bay to Lake Bern ett, 47 mil ; from Pyra. BETTER THAN EVER! opportunity to the fullest extent. Commenc­ family which takes it is sure to produce patri­ mid Harbor to felly River ov.r the Daulton C a p a One Quality Only I ing by quoting the scriptures he denounced otic and public-spirited men and women. The President MeKiuley hrs occasion for H a n dkereh i efs the wickedness o f capital punishment in Weekly Tribune is made up of a selection of Trail, 415 un'is. Each of l ese trails has For men and boys,in blue and black j-raiilicaliou iu the fact that the tiio t been suc.caafull) used by pai es going into CHEAPER THAN EVER! Men’s flue Irish lawn in- glowing language. H e cited cases where the latest news, best editorials, and most use­ men bad been convicted falsely and had suf­ -year of iris administration is siguulizcd the Yukon, ibe n it two being most generally kersey, neat scotch (TYV One Price Only! itlal handkerchiefs ea.. JL»JC ful general articles of The Daily Tribune, to used. Distance from Seattle to Dyea or plaids and mixtures---- O L rc fered a martyr's death on account o f this which are added a page ot two for women by the exportation to Europo u t Amer­ Skaguay, 9S0 m.l.s; to Pyramid Harbor, 965 Sample 1898 Ramblers now on Two for 25 cents. cruel and heathenish law. A case where a and the household, another page for farmers, ican tiu plate, wliosc manufacture in miles; Seattle to m.utb ol Yukon River, view at Ladies’ fancy embroidered silk young negro, a protege of Henry Clay, had and one for mechanics. I t is a sound, clean, S u s p e n d e r s suffered upon the scaffold simplv because he tho United State, wa, brought about 2,500 miler; It in mouth of Yukon to Daw- handkerchiefs, 50c, 75c, 81.00. excellent newspaper, and we commend to tba r.,u City, >.725 miles. Dvea or Skaguay to In elegant silk webbings, silk endB, defended himself against the unjust chastise­ attention o f our readers its Prospectus in by the high protection given to thul Dawson C m , 450 miles. T h t time o f travel fancy buckles, also fan- fT/'v . Men’s fancy silk handkerchiefs, ment of an overseer was so pathetically aaothcr column. It is desired that especial J.F.GREGORY&SON pictured that anyone might have heard a pin industry by the lu.v Leariug his name from Seattle by uther way is .oout the same cy embroidered satin •• O v J C 50 cents. attention be called to Ibe pictorial supplement aud flamed under his management. — thirty or lor y days. drop and several of the members seemed to the Semi-Weekly Tribune. N o person should start for the gold fields suddenly possessed with a severe throat , wttb less than >500, rxcluding bis trsnsporta- trouble, whde others seemed much dis­ turbed over their organs of smell and sight. liercafter the silver coins of Chile tion t„ Puget sound. This soar will be barely "How to Cure A ll Skin Dl.oa»os.M Will ho maintained at a fixed value, sufficient for ..1 e man for one year with the J. F. G R E G O R Y & SON H e closed by saying that he was glad this . meant necessities o f life and traveling under beautiful Pine Tree State which we all love . . .i. oiam raio n n otiO TECisriB, quirt d Cure, tett.r, ecom a, Ito h Without reference to the fluctuations loe mu„ laVurab e dicoml,aiicefc and honor so well took the first step in put­ di., h in t., nose, See., loavlng iu the price of the inelul of which | person* im xp .rienced in mountain travel Under Farwell Opera House, Rockland. Branch Store, Warren ting down this monstrous evil. tbe .kin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative power, are p; ueseed by no other lhealV crop the isulath-n ■> the mining regions all per- Not to be undersold Mayor Butler presided. Aldermen Aridsr diced the following order: Ordered, that Festival read and prepared by Mrs. L u d iv K suus are c-uti ued to take ample supplies of a oommittee be appointed to aot in conuec . sou, Peterson and Blackirigtou were ubsenl Thomas, it being the «af unoat is looking ucl . ditck provu.uua aud tvarm clothi g. lion wttb tha present committee to ascertain I and the lower hoatd succeeded in getting a CutUlc aud fa. Legs are bringing iho what contract can he made for electric light- which Mrs. Thomas gave such satisfied n be­ W il l L . I&n k in s , quorum . by anybody, we have Secretary State. fore a recent meeting ol the Metbebe- c n •. Jtoal prices for >cais, and the Cuba are Following is the report of City Tressurer following woro appointed ou that The musical program w a-as follows: > ug, bulging with corn. W hat i» the matter A SMART TAX CG.LECTOR E. A. Jones: committee: Aldermen Petnrsou aad John­ “ Could I? ” Tosti, by Miss Aimee M ur-b; son, C ouncilm an A lle n , Jameson, Fernald ui'th Kau»ub? Nothing, lor ihough MCCtFTS. piano solo, Guiez, by Mrs. W . C. Pooler; bought direct from and Emery R. Thomas. song, “ Good Bye,” Tosti, by Mrs. Spear; L jiA rL ' 'L >v.^perik? io crowding thingo one will Cssh bslsnce N ov. I , 1897, ^35,3*9 18 Cupt. Frank F. Curling < f Thomaston was Tha monthly report of the road commis­ chorus, “ The W ish,” Kucken, by the Rubin in the city >esierday weaiing a more than Fees pet City Msrsbsl, 8 86 sion was tabled in the lower board upon j wii through. stein club. The next ruetting will be w 4S.757 82 of Mrs. Ada F. Keene. The opening chorus and Thursday of this week, Dec. H t and 2nd. 11 in ouurig vucn a year a» 1896. But he did DISBURSEMENTS. was from Mendelssohn’s 43d psalm and wa9 i iui die leciprocii) feature© of me bid This church was originally erected in 1837,ana n , and too without auests or harsh feel- interpreted in an exceptional manner. The 4 27,428 69 The dedicatory service* were sndcr the di l l w out! Pt-ilttKogues. congregation,and here again the Mendelssohn Thus saving the middleman’s profits vl lo .. in Oeinoetalie vole. u a. great­ Cash balance Dec. I, 1897, J 21,329 13 rection of the pastor and Rev. W . W . Ogier dug of the Maine Peda- composition ruled. It was Mendelssohn night 'I be a a u u -i u Trust funds invested at Rockland o f Thomaston, and the following named e r Ilia n iu tire y e a r fo llo w in ;- Luc U l»e held at Augusta during and tbe event will not soon be forgotten by ,.» a a l »..t> ry Saviug* Bank, | 5400 00 clergymen took part: Rev. T . J. W right, and giviug yon better bargains. ? f this month. The pro- the congregation. 1‘re.iduulial election of 1692, wtieu Waldoboro; Rev. S. L. Hansconi, Thomas published in a few days C ity M arshal Crcokett made 30 arrests as W . R. Chapman was present at the W ight tree trade wa. the i.eue. The lot. of follows: drunkenness 22, larceny 3, selling ton; Rev. William Wood, Boothbay Harbor; I’..: worth attending. One Philharmonic rehearsal, Friday night, and re­ intox eating liquors 4, assault and battery 1. Rev. R. W . Pierson. Rockport; Rev. A. E. Democratic vole, iu M a..ucliu.eli. in devoted to a general dis- ceived tbe glad hand from his numerous Money received 811.61. Russell, East Boothbay; Rev. L. G. March, 1»97 w a. 24 per cent, of the 1690 vote, it. ils conducted by H on. *rieuds in the big chorus. M r. Chapman made Richard C. Hall, chairman of the board of Damariscotta and Dr. L. F. Bachelder of \\. •••cveral speakers from out- an announcement concerning the forthcoming I S t\il I deh id P^ESEfi/S: w Urie iu 4693 there wu. a lulling oil ut overseers of poor reported as having received Rockland. I Ult eig ag td . Excursion rates 86040, from other towns 8 ‘.>02.47;total 811002, festival concert to take place in this city Jan. 12 per cent, from the 1‘rc.nieiniul vote 47. Paid out 88974.85. T h e chairm an re­ will O' fcive Uu railroads Tickets will A Great Surprise la iu Store 13, when the famous symphony orchestra and ports many sick and a constant demand V u t the preceding year. In Virginia oe good » r n | ssage when stamped by for those who will go todsy sad gel a package of the equally famous Mine. Blauvelt and Hans Opal S'uds, $1.00 to $3 50 Cravat Pins, 10c to $7.50 ti e trcasui t) 4 «ciety who w ill stamp up< u the department. Kronold will be preseut. Io addition to the there w a. a tailing off' ru 1697 of 26 Tax Collector Simonton reported as hav­ UUA1N-O It tskea lb"place of coffoe at about q »»tiu upon r«*c of the annual dues, the cost. It la a food drink, full uf health, aud cud splendid program that these stars of the oeut. iu the Democratic vote, ing collected on 1890 tax 8596 79 w ith in ­ pur Hl 1 sou - ut l mt rs of the -ociety can be given to tha chi Urea ea wrli as the adult wilk musical world w ill provide, there will proba­ Cuff Buttons, 50c to 10.00 terest am ounting to 847 97- T o ta l collec­ great bei.erik. It la made of pure grains aud looks Rhine Stone Studs, 50c to 2.50 jigaiubl 21 per cent, iu Ib93; in Iowa. brcoiue mewhe*) the payniint of one tions lor 1896, 8101.761 93. Collected ou 1897 umi luali-M like (he Sural grade* of Uo> ha or Java bly be two numbers by W ight Philharmonic 42 per cent, iu 1«97, against 11 pet dollar Trie oih< • re H . K . \Knite, Ban tax 89244.39 w ith 83 07 interest. Total col­ coffee. It saUsfiv* rwryoue. A cup of Uraia-O is Society, an invitation to that effect having 14k Cval Rings, 125 per pwt. got, ptcaiGcnl. - 'Jiaves, Augusta, vice lection fur this year, 877.646 18 Uncollected; belter foi the systeaihau a tonic, because Ite henefii been extended. There will also be a matinee, Watch Chains, 1.50 to 6 00 oeul. in 1693; in Ohio, 16 per cent, ii for 1896, 85430,74; for 1897, 0^,928.11. is normnnent. What aoffee breaks diw u Oruin-O orchidem; A. H » of ibis citv, secretary builds up. Aakyourgreoo for Gruin-O. 16c uad 25e one half of the proceeds of which will he de­ 4B97, agaiu.l 12 per edit, in 1693. and licbauiei. .al effort is t<> be made Liquor Agent vouaet disposed of 18 gal­ voted to W ight Philharmonic Society as a Gents' Watches, 2.50 to 65.00 Diamond fii.igs, 25.00 to 65.00 lons of new rum, 5 gallons of whiskey and ne tnembersl ip. This testimonial of the gratitude which M r. Chap­ while iu ether .late, the result, wen year to various amounts of ether liquors, with a re­ is 1 he oniv les rganizaion in Maine SHERIFF'S SALE. man feels for that organization. The con­ equally disuearteuiug lo the advocate. venue of 8155 48. mat induces a r» from kmaeigartea Judge'Uu ksof tin- police court reported 21 Be I £ cd this third dsy of December, A. D ., 1897, certs w ill probably be held in Elmwood H a ll, Other Gold Goods loo Numerous to Mention in this Space, u t a, v e r . to college. arrests for drunkenness, luroeuy 3, assault os hd exvcullou dated I), cernber 2, A. D , 1807, Spring street. 2, search aud seizure 4, vagrancy 1. R e­ iaaut-d ou a judgment reudt-ied by the conaideraiiou ceipts >83.22. of our Justices ef our Huprrme Judicial Court, Road Commissioner Crockett paid out holdt-u at htocklaad, for and within our county •*Trnddla’u an avrfnl fool, a in ’t Isnf'* • f Knox aforesaid, al tha term thereof begun aag HBe’n ia lev* yon know.” 8119.45, leaving cash ou hand of 81006 25.. held os the second Tuesday of Deo*1 saber A. D., Call and see the only New Stock in the city; none : A S TO ADVERTISING. R o ll of accounts; neJlcs fund 876 24, eou- 1808, aud eu the twentieth day sf the term, bt log *‘WbM baa that In Ao with kia boin< tiugsu- 8178 39, pauper 8746.84, dre d eyait- the -rcead day of January, A. 1) , IBM. is favor of a fioolT” uieul 8274.54. Beojuia u Willi ms of kocklasd iu auld County sf of ye olden jewelry sandwiched in. The communication from city treasured B tox, sgalsa' Hattie A Msaon ef South Thomas­ “ Don’t you know tbn deftuition n< Jones, received at last session was acoepted ton, in said County of Knox, for foity-srveu dollars lorn? *Two sou la with hut n M r. Dauiels, the jeweler, lulls The Courler-tinzell'- 11' t he never li»s and aeveuty cents, debt or damage, sad twe ve dol PFMPnRFP^ , aud placed on file. etc.” .igucil or truth H zed auy stuleuieut fur publics' >.»•., auy one, uis aud srvesty five oe’ te, casts ol suit, asd will { A. P. Irving's bond of 82,000 for super­ be sold at public audios at the Hkeritf's ottos st ths visor of schools was received aud accepted. “ Wall?” 01 itisernuiuaiiu: akuiusl auy ulbers, uf the ltuckltmv.papere l as ail- Court House, in said Itocklaad, lo tbe highest g Frank 11 Bwcelland put in his applica­ bidder, on Saturday, the eighth dsy 0/ Jsou siy, A. “ That allows Trtddln jnsk b«U n g vertisiug uudruui.. He tells us that be regards all tbe papers as valu-tion for tbs janitorship of the new city I) , 1808 st 10 o'clock iu ths forcooso, ail the right, th o u g h t, y o u see. ” — N e w Y ork toua. title and interest which said Hattie A Maaou has iu * able aud bis luver tis u.cnl appears in tbeiu all. building- Alderman Porter introduced the follow­ and lo tbs fbllowiog described lot or naicei of land, The old Hueklaud business buuses have been atlviqusers for many X ing ordrr: That the over»eers of the poor, with the but diu gs thereon, situated iu said tiouth ■tcvBrt. lo l* .,. Ihofuaelou, to w it: Hegiuniog at »iake sod stoues school committee, committees en highways years, toe are eouleut to lei ibeir wise tuuuaueis n'lwiuuce upon ibe £ ea the easterly aide of the Ash Point road; these* X b eloctnu wir* with • kit •< cXaete D A N IELS, The Jeweler, aud sidowalas, lire department, city prop easterly 4 0 rods to stake and atouea; thence south­ ► value uf tbe local papers. Wu notice that all such udk > riuers appear ♦ erty, cemeteries, street lights, furnish to the erly eight rods to stake aud slnncs ou the northerly •b Uie and ia U>« iaMBl raBln*. Tb* ci y goversmsst at next rsgnlar mreiijof, ilae ef Charles Hanlon's land; thence wester y by rat or luotuw Miuida ajroa a aa.aH ajeial » regularly iu Tbe C'-uricr-tidzette, some of them to i e < xleul of h u u - * lust and accurate accounts of all receipts sain 11 nu I on’a laud 4b rods to slake aud sluues on ta a* b* taiw tb* bait, aad ** hta Thorndike House Block, Rockland. aud expenditures during the press si fiscal the easteily Hue of the town road above ratuUeued; £ tired* of dollars each year. Z thence northerly bv tbe easterly line of said road 8 j b«*MMS tba **dia*a tor**- veer, teswlker with all outstanding iadsbt C F Ash tbtiu what iLey of us. We will publish ihv.r opinions gia* ♦ rods to the piaae of beginning, containing two acres. to ( tb * elaatato alxwur.. M * U ataetta- NEW GOODS EXCHANOBD FOR OLD QOLD. duess and tbe general standing of ike ser­ Dated at kockiand, this third dsy of December, V ruinously. ’ ial ta p e r insets te Jan. 1, 1898. The fel- A D . 1W7. •a ta * balara b * ba* deata aaaas feaa u w ia g am endm ent effoxed by Alderm an kl-SlT W M. V . ULMK&, fc her iff. hi RQiM .ANU < ol ktKR-GAZBTTB; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1897.

1 Park place rejoices in a new plank sirie- EVERYBODY’S COLUMN TALK OF THE TOWN. I walk. / Shall ’ Miss Nellie Robinson, a pupil at the Me Advert-aemenla In thia column not to exceed Owing to an accident to our large press ’he ' Lain grammar school, sustained a broken leg Are Itoaa Inserted once for 25 oeota, four time* for editions of Friday and today w v tt delayed,for , while skating last Thursday. Open Christmas Novelties. which we crave the indulgence of our many | D r. Sullivan the well known eye and ear W a n t e d . reader*. Thanks to the g e n e io u s spirit o f the specialist of Portland, M e., will be in Rock­ GRANDEST - DEHONSTRATION . I land at the Thirndike House, Wednesday, LU - WITNESSED - IN - ROCKLAND Opinion Publishing Co. we were able to get A tfT K D —One or two firaLclaM parllea to Thursday and Friday, Dec. 8, 9 and 10. board In. a private family. Address P. O. the Friday edition oft. Accident* will happen Supreme Court convenes next Tuesday Holiday Headquarters. and often times when least expected. forenoon, Judge Savage officiating. This will fly Jewelry Store c R O Holiday Headquarters p i U A R L l MAN to represent an ••Old Line" be Judge Savage’s first term in Knox County Xt» 1W« Inruraace company, having large business in farce. For city of Rockland and vlolnltv. Lib­ The storei are being finely decorated for and the members of the bar will see to it Umbrellas, Hosiery, Underwear i eral contract to right party. Addreea P. O. Box 4UW, the holidays. that he doesn’t get lonesome. The judges all W e ope h i s W e e k ) Portland, Me. like Rockland as a matter of fact. The residence of Fr. Phelan, Park St. has Thursday Morning, Dress Ooods, Hattibuifs, Hanker- the bes I { ‘>1 Dolls Toys Onmes Books E .. Miss Clara M . Farwell gave a very interest­ T o L e t. been reshingleri. chiefs, Laces, Pocket Books, ing talk on the recent World’s and National . C Ity I silverware Novelties Tollv Steam Lighter Panuco is hauled up at T ill D E C . 9 . day G ifts Cloaks, Capes, Skirts. Furs, Chil­ pKN"EMENT on Orient street, 6 rooma, modern io n ’s wharf for the winter. conventions before the W. C. T. U. meeting L conveniences. Let In part or the whole. Flat In Friday afternoon. Miss Farwell was a dele­ and coid I D ' i n v i t e . . [Cases Mirrors and Fancy Articles 3lake Block, Main street. A pply to N. B. COBB. The Simonton D ry Goods Co. have put a gate from Maine to both conventions, and The Rloro has been remodeled nod dren’s Fur Sets and Mackintosh­ speaking tube system into their store. naturally bad a fund of highly interesting refitted in hntidRome fnahlon. your ins es, Carpets Rugs Etc. — ...... J too numerous to m ention. No further advance in coal is anticipated information to impart. Both conventions / have an Entirely New Stock of URNT8H1ED H O U B R .-l will let my hoaae, thia winter. This is good news indeed. were largely attended and the ablest W . C. c mpicietv furnished for the winter to daslr F able parti e. House has all the modern Improve­ O. R. Keizer, who has been breaking on the T . U . workers in the world were present. . Goods. . Rockland’s Dry Golds Emporium is Recognized asH>j> ay HeadDuait ments, with stab e. Bath room, with but and aald section train, is now acting in that capacity on Much of the city property which has been water. Hot water heating apparatus; aoal and gas stove*; laanriry In cellar; dumb waiter In pantry; the freight. laying around in different places, is now It minute* walk from P. O. One of the most desir­ C. C. Atkins has moved into the Pratt stored in the rear of the r Id armory building, able lecatloan In tewn. Fer lnforasatloe call at which not only gives excellent quarters O. E. Davies, store er at MO Broadway. It. ANBOff CRIB. house on Grace street, Mrs. Pratt having SIMONTON EH7 GOODS CO. moved to the South End. but makes a saving cf about 8150 in the way of rent. The floor of the (Successor to Genthner) ALF of a new doable koase o f t rooms on Artemas Tibbetts has moved from one of armory building has also been repaired -W M l-U g CP. H the A. II. Ulmer tenements Grace St. to the 414 Mila St., Opp. Rockfaaf Nat'l Bank and there will Ire uo immediate danger of the The ladies of Si. Peter’a church will give honte on L ille St. recently vacated by Stephen 17 hiok and ladder truck falling into the bate another of their celebrated suppers next Thurs­ O ’Brien. ment. day eveaing consisting * f chicken pie, baked Be i'i ppy When You Can The merchant* would gladly welcome a few Hereafter the Satarday Isaac of Th e Coa- TJ OUBB ea Btaaley Ease, desirable for a small The lecture on ••Discipline” be delivered beans, cold meats, etc. The houseketpeit family. Reasonable rates. Address 1*. O iaches of snow. It would be a great help to to J I by Col. C. G. Morton before Tillaon Light ri.r Gaiette will Ire delivered at the koaea of w ill be Mrs. E. W .Thom as, Mrs. E. J. Clifton, BOX 164, Warraa, Malae. HHt the gcxeral trade. Iukntry tsuigkt will take place in Elmwood Ihe city labocrtben »n Friday ereniag. Kite Mrs. Gilbert and Miss M . E. Dow. TTHJRKintBD ROOVB by tbe day, week er Few canditatea have developed aa yet for where tbe paper will be reoeteed aa Satarday W ith a desire to please the taste* of their fj meatb. Beat a ■ able rates. Apply te Mrs. M. H all, Spring street. It had been intended to commander af the Maine G. A. the de­ a . aianl. ■ T K IM B A gL,* Middle street. TV R., have the event ia Grand Army Hall, as customen, the managers of the Spring and pat tment meeting of which w ill be held in prer.oatly announced, but tke latter place had Mn, W. C. French it clerking at E. B. Park afreet lunch carta are constantly adding ‘ MnLABLBTBNBMBNT ea Oardr Street. Lmiston hi Fcbraary. D Apply te O. X. LITTLIFIRLD. 21 already keen engaged and Tillaon Light Hastings’. to n e delicacy to the hill of fcir. The latest ftiE K C M B irT TO LXT ee W ar* Male Btr -t Aocm«*ing te Mansill’i almanac, the storm Infantry finds it necessary to tall back npou Col. E. N. Coarson af Rraaowick will In­ it the chicken sandwich which bid* fare to be I BleepaPa B ill; aearly aew, la i rat-eleas < -e. periods, for the ceaamg month of Decem bn m quarters. The lecture w ill begin at spect Anderoon Camp, 8. of V., taaanaw a much called for article. The benu aaad- •dffSmi, eeavaailaat, vary pleeaaat Mtaatlaa, tea mto. are located a ba it the 7th and 8th, 12th ana 8 o*deck and the public is cordially invited night. wich lately introduced is much in demand as area’ walk from post «.Met. ears past the dot ■ 13th, 21 it te 25th, and 28th te 31st. - present. Col. Morton is an attractive arc the clam and lobster chowders. Exary b m lr e PAR O R , N Warraa fire- . A special section of Knox District Lodge X. M. thing neat as a pin. Kecktaad, Ma. kt Kenaebec Journal: “F. J. Bicknell of lecturer and in treating of a m ilitary subject of Good Templars will be held at Rockville Rockland, a clothing dealer of that city, was spetfca from valuable experience. tomorrow. Aa*th*r Kteambftat R iiior, F « r S a le . in the city upon a business call, Tbnraday T ic yawl boat Theresa, built by Jacob One of the workmen in a neighboring form A despatch from Rangor says: It is morning.” Wrong this time Brother Journal. Lonr.g and launched last week, has started dry is improving b it spare moments ia tbe AtTRKH af weed land In towa of Cuahlag. rumored that a steamship line w ill be ia “ Old Glory” will soon fly from the top of a for Florida, where she will be employed by msaafseture of a b ra a shovel. There it con­ 6 0 (rnnlie af H. H. tiniBLBd, Thensaeten. operation between Bangor and New York in Bk*M handsome flag pole on the Grand Arm y lot, the owners in gathering curiosities and be­ siderable cariosity around the liroak to see the spring. Several weeks ago a party of Union street. The spars for this pole were tween whiles in taking out pleasure parties. how (he experiment will work. T p o i t BALK CUBAP, all the following artlolea; A description of the somewhat odd-looking Philadelphia men went to Bangor and,accoai J j One A. W. Ladd s/jnare plane la perfect ren­ furnished and trimmed by W illiam O . Steele, craft appeared in The Courier-Gazette at the Through the agency of Gen. J. P. Cilley an panied by business men of that city, made i dition and taae, with ateol; eae Dyer ft Hackee who did an A 1 job. increase of pension h tt been granted Io W il largo eiza saalvdeoa sad aloel la good aondltlon; time Mr. Loring made Ihe contract. The trip through Aroostook county regarding the Some kind but unknown friend has donated owe black walaut dialog set; one cxtenalon table; owners are much satisfied with the w ork, and liam Cummings of Bristol, a member of Co. establishment of the line. It is reported that one dollar to Edwin Libby Post— a belated six chairs; one alalgh; one extension top dsnblo indeed they should be for Messrs Loring and E, 3d Massacbusetta Cavalry. The increase a company has been formed in N ew York Reeled carry; eae sat new carriage w heels, harness; fair oflering. It is such little acta o f kindness Staples have few if any superiors in that line ia from Jt2to$24a montb, from O, composed of N ew York and Philadelphia en» 18 fl. sloop boat. All tlga above at a bargain If as this now and then that makes the veterans aold nt once. For partlcaUre sad prloea write to along the coast. *897- capitalists, who have contracted with Phila­ T. O. BOX » « , Camden, Maine. 12 think that their labors are appreciated. Rev. Leroy S. Bean of Portland is to de­ The steam heat was turned on ia Ihe new delphia shipbuilders to build a steel propeller The Rockland schooner Julia Edna, which EW HOUSE OFFERED FOR BALK at a bar liver his noted lecture “ The Devil in Black city building yesterday, and from now on Ibe for the Bangor and N ew York line for uie A visit Io Olli M' gain, .last built and bne never,been occu­ was scuttled in Kenduskeag stream at Bangor :l I'onvineo yon lliut wo can itiultu you happy, and W hite” at the Advent Christian church plastering will dry more rapidly. W hen this in the spring. N pied 6 days work will complete the house andon Thanksgiving Day to extinguish the fire in Let yottr pocketbook ■ ever so lilllu money we can oell you goods wlihin make it reedy far occupancy. It will he completed on W illow street, Wednesday evening, Dec. is accomplished the work of adding the liaisb- her cargo of lime, has arrived at Saturday when sold. It la pleasantly located at 16 Birch Ht. 22. The Manchester, Vt. Journal says that ing touches will hrgin. The building w ill be your nieaiiH. Not cln -Is but good goods cheap. For iu»laiu e, Claletc Size of rooms viz: Par or 13-3x12-6; silting room Cove. There are about 75 barrels of loose the lecture is “ a great treat.” The Aroostook ready for occupancy early in January but the from $4 to $18. Boy-.' 12x15-10; dlnlag room 12x12; kitchen 12-2x13-4; lime in her hold and when these are taken 1T Capa for 2)c. Gent.' I''urtdalungs, For Coats; front hall 2-2x18-6. There aro also 4 chambers, Times says: “ Mr. Pean is a powerful speaker. cily government will probably not be able to out she will be beached and the damage will Winter Clothing for tl We cat. make ihu lulhui'n and nulla happy. Ho bathroom, large attic and closets a 1 conveniently He has the wonderful faculty of holding the bold its first meeting there until February. arranged Good cellar and well graded lot. A de­ be repaired. The ltocklaad Charitable Association met bo lmppy when you otn sirable place te live in. Call on or address J N . attention of the audience. H e mixes mirth FARNHAM . St Cedar Bt., for further particulars. Charles T . Spear still continues his love for with profound thought. H is language is of Satarday, bat did not elect officers, and there W Ttf fowl and his flock is constantly increasing. the be*t, and a person spends an hour and a seems to be immediate prospect that this or­ TO-NICHT WO etory dwelling with ell end ehod, stable H e is now erecting a new house 25x50 feet half very profitably when they attend one of ganization will dissolve. T h e interest has mid small carriage house. House has 13 which will be heated by hot water. I f there bis lectures. W e hope he may visit Houlton been gradually dying out for several years, O. L ' . BLACKINGTON, T roorae betides pantries, halls and shed; eight ors anyone around these parts who thoroughly again another season.” and the fa tbful who have labored year after nine closets. Arranged for two families. Water THE BOY CONVICT understands fowl it is M r. Spear. Attached below and almve, also on the outeldo of the bouse The Universaliit Leader in its latest issue year have found rather au uphill task for 435 Main Stre<: - - - ROCK! ANO and In the stable. N ew ly pointed laet fall. Elec­ to the house will be a conservatory 18x25 has the following from Rockland : “The six themselves. In the event of the Association Special engagement of tihe Biggest tric cars the door. Also a large lot on Waldo feet. going under it is very consoling that tbe sev­ -----awl Best Repertoire organization Avenue, overlooking tho harbor. Alao a small cbuiches of the city united in a Thanksgiving The commander of the Maine Brigade Uni eral church parishes are doing an active work -----before the public—tlhe field of 1 acres near the Joha Jones farm on service in the Universalist Church. The spirit R o c k la n d H ig h l a n d s - \l, I ’n t y un-l NOilTd NATION -a L C Jameaot.'e point. Inquire of O. C. CROSS, of formed Rank K . o f P„ offers two prizes, a re­ ol Cbustun brotherhood was never ao well ill­ among the poor aad needy. Cochran, Baker fit Groan, 406 Maiu Bt, Rockland. John Wade were in' Ap| ' ' 11 one day re­ T h u Wlookhohl -r* <»f tint N.» N at gulation flag for the company making the ustrated here. The congregation was very W illiam I I . Jeffrey, will leave for the 60 ______cently to bay tarkeys but in 1 not pet n luik urn liu<«’hv HuiHlud ih it tliwir -i i i i ' a largest gain in membership between August l?rge for the day, nearly filling the house. K londike Dec. 18, going ns the advance b 1 iifl-i at Di.tir »t 'iklf'if* hi T A O R K A T B A RG AIN—A choice farm In ------Mra. Annie Pelton - at the High­ 19, ’97 and Feb. 19th, 1898, and a prize of T’bc heimon, by Rev. M r. W hite, Methodist, agent of the Klondike Company in which .Ltnuary 11, IriDW, nt 1(1 o'.nuuk the town of Liberty, about 100 acres, nearly WHITTIER land. lart week bidding ' lend, end ac Irnriaimt lb • fulluwiux I.iimIih -sf A new buildings, all painted, barn 40x80 feet, about$25 in money for the company making tne was pronounced an excellent one. The pro­ Hon. Fred Emory Beane of Hallowell, Col. quaintances farewell, aa with her iwo To tlx ih<> uuu*b‘> of mill olioo- . 76 tons of hey la the barn. At least 1000 cords of second largest gain. Now let's hear from gram was arranged by Rev. Thus. Stratton, Mayberry of Saco and other gentlemen are Dlii'titoia f<>r in I 'laij 114 . » I f » wood and lumber standing upon the farm. Best daughters will leave Dam: • cotta Dec, 6 for Keyes Division of Rockland. the six pastors being represented and all re­ interested. The company w ill go by the Cbil- uoy v .uay « stock farm in thia reglou. Would aell oa easy Washington state, where ' • r hu.hand ha* bufuru ill. i terms or exchange for vlllace or city property. In* E. E. Light of Union was one of the apeak sponding. A handsome collection was taken coot route, M r. Jeffrey preceeding to the been since August and ' n enipknnient I ers at the dairy convention in Bangor last in aid of :he benevolent work of the Charita­ Pacific coast and Dvea to make arrangements MARTINE ------Ethel Marsh o f T l -uaston .p eat a Hocklund, Mu., Dec 6, 1 Maine, Kept 18V7. OltfTS week. H e said that some experiences of the ble Association of the city. for their transportation in ihe spring. M r, few days with her gr-n 'earen's M r. A LAM BOABOLENB EN G IN E 1 II I’., In past year were not altogether pleasant, the The ladies o f the Congregational society Jeffrey was in Rockland and vicinity last week Mra. Gilbert Marsh r ' - Highland! u„ flookbnd Naii./i; X > . first-class condition, used but little Bell cheap booming Klondike and gunning up pros­ For Information address, C.F. BROWN, Pulpit farmers having received only 10 cents per have been working very hard for the past two week — J. R. W ade, 1 I id ds-iphtrr. I Ui« Hlookbol'uih of Harbor, Maine. 77lf pound, net, for their butter some times during months, trying to make their coming fair one pectors. in Warren recently, tin 1 •4 2 of M r W ade urn ln»rol»v I tin ! b u b.Id a in. It liMiiko the past summer. Th»* farmers needed better . f me l*cst ever held in the city. There will The Whittier-Martine company opened a COMEDY CO. slater, Mrs. Sumner L- *tk ------C. A. W« OR H A L K -ltt cords It ted Hard W ood; 60 iu iy 11 laitn ui i cords fitted Juniper and Pine, Bpl t fine and returns for their product. H e believed that be on unusual number of attractions. The week’s engagement at F .rw e ll Opera bouse mouth has finished |-r»T»» - ng tl’*- h*y cut on I o f I.ud e t It Ho I I k F well seasoned, for kindling sold cheap aa I need theMaine would produce enough butter to have following is a list of the different booths and last evening, playing to a crowded house. 16 ARTISTS 16. the farm nl Mra. H e - v I > ay at G len C ove | 1.1 lr. wharf room. Q. B. BICKNELL. 46 This is a first class organization, much better [ally CMIUU b. fu.u U.vtu a foreign outlet, but the dairy products of tablet: Dolls, bags, baskets and cushions, ------J. L . Clark, v •, ■ • < been at work for i I'rr OHIO. <1 il'M VEblt than the usual repertoire companies that visit flis^ellaneous. Maine must have a local market to get the candy, fancy articles, aprons, mystery table, With more apeclal features and more C. A. Weymouth, I a b liked bis i »b and lloekbtnd Dlc.'u,livr tl, lhV7. best re urns. The creamery trade should be haudkerchiefs, cake and pastry, cocoa and here. The leading characters are very strong, specialties than were ever atteniptea returned to his h- • • •I Appleton------'I'll.- Annual Dividend wh developed. Jemtnade, also an old fashioned picture gal a word of praise not neceasasy for the people , before at popular prlcee. . Ralph Smith, wh< ' < been very ill with llid Mile i J Mil. blh »•’ fever, is now out of ! ------John Perry of Fox Islands, Me., who Passers by on Main street near tha Tborn lery which promises to be very unique and are well known here. The tpeciallies are canker rash and died 1884. Ills wife was llaanah Wooster Ilecamo dike H otel were treated to a dazzliag display pleasing. In connection with the fair a supper extra good and alone are worth the admission danger. The car • •« been removed from Limo Rock Nativ ii c . - ,» to Maine from Mass, abont 1770. Hie brothers were ALL NEW PLAYS. of electrical fireworks, Saturday night, about consiiting of chicken pie, oysters, pastry etc. money. The company will be here all the the door. It was a 1 • 1 pull for the little Tl.« Ai iiU'.l Merliny of tin Ephi tarn sad W ilder;bis slaters,Hannah and Wary. T he MartlneH In their enchanted house It la believed the Information be found la to 8 o’clock. W hen the car from Camden ar­ w ill be served on the European plan from 5 to week presenting nothing hut the most popu­ n r r fellow and all arr- ■ ■•ing a* bis rec very Liu... Hi (in Niiilnniil H».nk * \ L L Mil e Noo. ah, queen of the silver wire lbtllMlIlg Hooiiin in »ha- uliy of or eld family recorda. unlcate with THE rived at that point the trolley came off and 8 o’clock. The fair will open at one o’clock lar plays. People’s prices prevail. ------Mrs. H o ln - Tod little son O iver 85*90 U l | The views of t .e Ki.ONDIKK iImj , .iMimuiy II. ihvs, ui two COURIKtVOAZXlTK- striking *ne of the guy wires with consider­ Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 8. The remains of tbe late Elijah H a ll, who The Illustrated sungi. Wendell llolinc^. recently visited Mrs. citon u of • flomil of fn. r i GDI) HOUril CANTABBMR wanted at once able force, broke it and let the net work of The editorial staff of the Boston Globe gave died Satarday at tbe home of kis daughter, Holmes' sister, ' B eecb. near Tuniper ; i.i.d fur thu tr.iimBUi on of »ui;li t-ili r b..» a*, LX Apply with references at 43 Park q(., City. Mrs. W . G . Avery, in Conway, M ass, arrived H ill, have return* their b>»nie in Brewer. .' may n*»ithy < f btilor lb in 84tf L. K. BI1AW SUPPLY C<>. wire* into the street. They were all hot and Managing Editor Arthur A. Fowle a compli­ Popular Prices. T 11. a. i every time they touched the rails electrical ant ntaty banquet Thursday evening in honor here this morning, aad funeral services will Uuckiund, :, »kw7. who owna a watch t occur st the Burpee undertaking rooms at 2 » Jeweler in the Thorn connection was established and there was an of his 50th birthday. M r. Fowle is regarded • Laxllea free Monday nlg!ht with this afternoon, Rev K. W . Van K irk offici­ LIST LETTEHS dike Hotel black will put in a now main sprlaa for illumination. T h e wires were soon restored as one of the ablest journalists of N ew En ©very reserved seat. NOTH $1, nud warranted far two years. 411/ to their natural position and the big Saturday gland today, and largely to hia abilities as ating. Tbe deceased was a native of South ■ight crowd moved on to find further excite­ managing editor is the splendid sncceis o f the Thomaston sad a former resident and busi­ 1 Kf-u d fioatliiK, N'*v *"i, IMu; OYS AND GIRLH d u r in g profitable home s o m x r Remaining 1” -laud T. 1.1. fur the wcclt i II .shut i-'i.i'.-u im I ioiI. > empleyment, spare Moments, or fu'l time, ment. ness msa of this city. H e went to H a m Globe due. H e is extremely pupular with the ending Dec. 4 VliiMlbavuii Multi*, u veaa S aeonclaaa aUmp sod address, W. W. BMITII, attache* of the paper, and in speaking of the chusetls about a yetr ago, M r. H a ll was 83 Bag , Warraa, Maine.______*0_ ivt 4dR .niB D press of Boston one is pretty sure to hear a years of age and highly respected ia this city kfoitTON— M s l v in West Itoakpart. December Gents Ll»i O Pu> big cburtf' i* io*fi | Adams K D IIENUV a. liilO 44 VfllUlD • ANTED.—People to know that I do the very eulogy for Editor Fowle. Among those who and vicinity where he was well known. 4. by Iter. Mr. Drew, Clifford W. Morton and beat of Upholstery and Faraiture repair­ Esther E. Melrlu, both of Hock purl. Atkina ( ’apt Joe* 1 trb - ' .!• Dwu. 4, laU7 bi i W ing, old furniture repoilahed aad make over mat­Toys, Dolls, Games. Sleds, took a prominent part in the banquet cere­ Co m m e r c ia l Co lle g e .— There is a large D u iiii .John sob J 1 Dow u Mi tresses N.T. MURRAY, Hea street. monies was W infield M. Thompson, a member Hmtlb llla/h attendance t l the Commercial College at pres­ DIED D’lffey Janie* 1/iufc <1 M l-P iu * TicHtfAprtO of the Globe’s editorial staff, and well known WitLoiit-a, C lo ck* a .4 ent------New atadents have recently enrolled TnUS—Rockland, Decern tier 4, Rliza T ., widow Klbcrbrcri (Jburit» Knbfr - klf.lull* louuuuda, uL 4 1K1AI far general housework, nuraea and the Rocking Horses. here as a former editor of tke Rockland Free nt follows: Alton Robbins, Union, Harry of tbe late Lewi« M True, aged 91 tears, 7 months, Kiufinun M. I’’I . .. ’ Mra N il X nursery oaa obtain ftrst-eta«a places by apply* Press. M r. Thompson also has a brilliant fu S. Alden, Union; P. F. Crabtree, North )2 ays. Thu reiusius were taken to Yarmouth for 1 era. Y. H. W l l-f a Mia I li.*a Ing at tee latelllgenca oflhw of MRR.R.C.ll ICDGK9, hurt -• I. Thuuiua (I o A 3 Will! Olla Mlrta l.y la Ord way'b Hliu-terw Cu .\0iiral4;; •» 7 Orove Street, Rockland. Get. 1* lure if preaent indications count for anything. Haven; Hubert Grant, Vinalhtven; Ethlys LAIN SEWING W\NTBD—Will be well 'This city loses another of its oldest resi­ Wilton, Rockport; R. A. Wood, Soath done at very reasonable rates Work called dents in the death of Mrs. Eliza T . True, Brooksville; B B.Smith, Rockland; CliBurd P for ttud retaraed. Address I*. G. Box 652, Rock* which occurred at that lady’s home, 39 Hamilton, Rockland: Maude Hupper, Rock­ loud. And a Big Line of Pieasant street, Saturday. Th e deceased was land; Caroline M. Andrews, Rockport and J 1 > I A NG FORTE INSTRUCTION— Ml H d MA- nearly 92 years of age, the widow of the late IL Ilewelt, Thomaston------Frederic Carter L BEL H. HOLBROOK, 12 Camdau Street, uA-i’ will receive aapils la plaaoforto Ins', ruotlaii, Lewis M . True. She was born in North of South Hope has left college to teach a either at her moms or will go to them .1 Especial Yarmouth, the daughter of Motes Titcomb term of school. H e will return to complete attention gives beginner*. XMAS GOODS of Newbury, Mass., and Sarah (Batchelder) bis studies in the busineii department. Titcomb of Phipsburg. She was a lady of OVERCOR Note To Subscribers rare Christian principles and an exceedingly Hlsteen Years Ago A large number of changes io and additions kind disposition, a lady who came to be A Rockland residence was painted with F. to The Courier-Gazette's m ailing list haa been greatly loved and respected during her long W. Devoe 4 Co.’s paiat. It’s still in good made during the past few weeks. It will be a residence ia Rockland. The funeral services condition; so lay Farrand, Spear 4 Co, special favor to ui if auhacribera w ill look at will be held in this city, Rev. Thomas In every qual/y 0: clavjr.ety if the date printed against 'th e ir names on the Copeland's Bazar Stratton < fficiating, but the remains will be margin or wrapper cf the paper, and notify taken to Yarmouth, where they will be in­ shade and styl. J cui. lu ic o a ls ua at once if there is any error in the account. 398 MAIN STREET. terred beaide those of her husband. Mrs. True is survived by three children Edward R., who occupies a position of great trust and and Ulsters ll.? i. tq i .tij as wall as responsibility in the treasury department at WE ARE Washington, D. C., Maroia S., who made her tailor-made i 1 l L.U i i.iw-lialt tile STRICTLY CASH STORE. home with her mother, and George, wbo rc.ule. ia California. price. If ycu v.un an Ivarcuai or Tha .nnu.l meering of Edwin Libby Port, G. A. R., » M held Friday night, when the Ulster that is t Lb , siy ish, attractive ONLY 3o~DAYS MORE? following officer, were elected for tbe er.uing year: CaitMader, Edward A. Ruler; Up-toDatc and genteel r' lew r .t«, cor stare Scalar Vice Cuoutandcr, W illiau O. Steele; Javiot Vic. CaaoMBder, Jaote* G. Sitaortoo; F a r j o b to taka advantage of oar great mark down tale is nt your s 1 i.t with a mare com­ Qaarta. Mortar, J. Coaaat; Chaplaia, IN b a . n M. Shaw, S.rgeoa, Dr. Bcojtroia WlQiaaot; Officer of tke Day, M srtia S. plete stick; f - vu btti dmred. Some of the largains: Britt*; Offiaer of tk< Gawd, Aleak Babbidg.; I r.rtaa for ikraa yoera, J. E. khaAwa, Atle- Wi iirry ; w «. L iu (LSfttaent •ataa ta Ik . dawartawaat iw ia L a w irta ^ CbwrUo D . Jaaaa, Joka F. Siagki, n s Men’s Underwear White Shirts A a ffiM g M . Groatay, awd Jaaaa Mallow; • I I ' Ft. w..a;a ahaaataa, Jaaaa G. Staoatoa, Irrfag F. l A i r i-u S o l d ra ica m ix r a ic a o l d ra ica n a w r a i c i M m o o w ; Fraak Faaott aad W. U. StaaU, Picture silling i t v i f otw ets ® o e t a Tke Part ka. tka f.ll.wtag part aaaaaaadarr. 40 eta all af wkaa arc .atlllef ta lepraMBtatioa at tke awcaaoacal: W. Crocker, A. I. 7 i S OS ets T £ 5 7 0 eta Crockett, Siaoa A. Fiih, Joka W. Titua, #1.00 WO cts Wl-oo WUkai. li. Foglcr, George F. Tboaa., • O eta Beajaw h William., C. C Crow, Jaae K. Rkodc 1 Robert Aoderaon, S. A. Keyea, Other goods in oar store in like proportion Save monej and buj Framing. M artia H. Britto, O . J. Coaaat, John H . of ns. Bargains in everything, Boots, Shoes and Furnishings. Tboaa.I Jonathan Crockett, William Norter, BURPEE 5 LOL; Willram'H. Simaont and J. P. Cilley. Tbe member.hip of Edwin Libby Port ia now 214 and tbere are few more active organization, in Ihe .late than 'b e Rockland Poat haa shown New End? Fernald, Blethen & Co., iite'f. Neil Friday night occur, the auoual inapcctictu by S. L. M iller of tbe Waldoboro DUNN & ADDITON. 310 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND Poat. The installation occur, at the brat . 4 / ...... -...... a a a lia g ia Janaary. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1897

RECENT CUSHING HISTOHT M iller who called upon Moses L . Woodcock spicy, interesting and lively. The speaker RNOX COUNTY.—In Court of Probate, held at STATE OF MAINE. KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG to preside. M r. M iller addressed the meet in opening referred to the fact that one hun­ Rockland, on tho 16th day of Noreanb- r. 1397. ing briefly outlining the early history of the dred years was a long space o f time, that Julia D Gurney admlnlatrator on the eatate of Repnblirnn Itnlly—Lertore Course-One W lliam C. Quruey, late of Appleton, In aald town and advocating the proposed celebra­ when we compare the centennial of A m eri­ county, d e c need, having presented her flrat ae Rsspectfnlly represents Ellen K Wlnaiow of Hundredth Anniversary of Incorpora­ Appleton, admlnl-tratrix < f the eatate of Runlec tio n o f Town—Committees Decline to tion. H e was followed by several others who can cities and towns with the old world count of ndmlnl-tratlon of H"td cel ate for allowance . ^ A N D Y CATHARTIC Oid k r c d . That notice tb« reof be given, ihr»-e Hart late of Appleton, In said county, deceased, earnestly favored the propostion. W ith prac­ places with their tenth and twentieth centen­ Act—Celebration Held July 4-Addre»n week* eucceeatvely. In The Courier-Gazette, lest,te, that said Eunice Hart at tbs time o f hto decease wa* the owner o* c -rtflln real esiate *M- o f W elco m e — O ratio n — Ode — H is to ric a l tical unanimity and a show o f the utmost nials, we realize the extreme youth of our printed in Rockland, In aald county, thai all per country and are then is a position to appre­ unt d In Appleton In Knox County, bounded nnd Address. good feeling, it was voted to celebrate the eona Interested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at Rockland, on the twenty flret day o’ De­ described ss follows, v»i: One building on east town’s incorporation, July 4, the place of ciate the wonderful growth and progress of side of road leading from C. L. Ptone'a to L. R. 1888 continued. cember npxt, nnd show enuae. If anv they have holding the same to be deciaed by the com­ her one hundred years of existence. The why the said account ahon'd not b- Allowed. Burkett'a in *ald App'eton, with land on which Ik speaker then gave a brief sketch of the geo stands and land surrounding It; being the same O n a resolve of the Legislature proposing mittee on location. The chairman of the P3 87 C. K. M EHKRVEY, Judge. A true copy,—A ttest: premise* deeded to Kunlce Hart by Allred K Bur­ an amendment to the Constitution providing general committee was directed to invite Col. logical history of this country, and referred to kett by hl« deed, dnu d luuary 1,1883. and re­ E dw ard K Gould, Register. CURE CONSTIPATION for annual sessions ct the Legislature, there Samuel II. Allen of Thomaston, a former the many ages in which the country was left cord'd In Book 107. page 16, r. feienee being had to resident, to act in the capacity as chief cfficir in undiscovered darkness, indicating a pur­ a,ld deed for a mur.- particular description of the were in this town 2 votes given in favor of and KNOX COUNTY —In Court of Probate, held premises. IO* ALL 55 against The vote throughout the stale of the day. pose in the divine creatioo to preserve fur Rockland,on the 16th dnv of November. I.>97 1 hst the debts of the deceased 1 The following anniversary committees were futurity a place where the persecuted of the Jane Monk. wld» w of Thomaa W Mank, late of DRUGGISTS was adverse to the propositi n. On a pro­ a- own l»e sscertnined amount Io, 3866 03 25 * 50* appointed: Edwin S. Vose, Niven R. Hyler, Old W orld could find a home that should not Rockland. In aald county, ueeeaaed, bavli g pre A nd 1 ht-« xpeuaes 01 sale, and of sdmlnie- ■y. nil summer complaints, causing easy, natural posed amendment that the state treasurer be eented her application for allowance out of the per truilon to, 31 79 Ad. STERLING REMEDY GO., Chicago, Montreal. C New Y ork. «70 chosen biennially at the first session of the John F. Bu'ton, Svlvanus Hyler, Albert V. know oppression; that a continent discov­ aon«l estate of aald deceased .* Amountli g In a'l to 896 W Legislature, by jjin t ballot of the senators and Robinson, Eugene B Kelleran, Alexander R. ered must he peopled, and in obedience to Or d e r e d , That notice thereof bo given, three the personal estate la therefore In- week* aucceaeively, In The Courier Gazette snffl lent lo p*y the debt* of the de- representatives in convention, but not to be Riverc, Capt. Eli Maloney, Francis C. Hath­ that law which sent the Asian race from Asia orn, Thomas, J. Orne, Oliver P Davis and into Europe, so now that the tide of empire print’ ll in Rockland, In aald county, that all per cess, »d, and exocnses of sale nnd nd- eligible more than six years successively, nine •one interested may Hth nd at a Probate Court to be minlatrsilon, and it Is necessary for that shall sweep westward and crowded Europe STEAMBOAT SPARKS votea were given in favor of and seven John Miller; Committee on Invitations,Edwin hold nt Rockland, on the twenty first day of Peoeti purpose to sod some part ot the real es­ BOSTON & BAMJOR 8. 8. CO. find a vent in the broad acres of America. ber next, and ahow enuae, If any tb>yhave, wh tate to raise the sum of, 355 against. S. Vose, Joshua Rivers and A . R. Rivers; 9t Music, A. S. Fales, Mrs. Alice V . Payson and The work of colonization went steadily on tho prayer of aald petition should not he grantee That the residue would be greatly depre­ A t the Presidential election Tuesday, Nov. C E. MKcKRVBY, Judge. ciated by a sale of any portion thereof: Steamer City of Bangor will remain at East Mrs. M innie Sherman; Processions, Alonzo and the little settlements dotted the Atlantic Great eduction in Fares B >ston during the winter. 6, the Democratic electors, Clark S. Edwards, A true copy,—A ttest: W here fore your petitioner prey tbst he Charles McCarthy, Jr., Samuel L. Lord, John . Young, Joseph H . Freeman and M otet L. seaboard. By the hardships and privation* 33-87 E dward K. Gould, Register. may be licensed to sell and convey the Th e officers on the Penobscot will remain whole of a Id real estate st private aale D . Rust, Benjamin F. Parrott and John P. j W oodcock; Literary Exercises, A . S. Fales, of theae early settlers was developed charac­ the same as now until about January 1st, 1898, ter which distinguishes (be American of today. KNOX COUNTY.—In Court of Probate, held at for tho payment of aald debts and ex- R o ckland Ker had 57 votes each; the Republican elect­ F. C. Hathorn, A. R. Rivera and Leander pensea of sale and admin strstlon. when the usual re arrangement w ill be made. Roeklaud, on tbeiriiteantb day of November, ors, Samuel N . Campbell, Horace H . Shaw, Moore; Ixrca'ion, Capt. Samuel Hathorn, Then the speaker treated in order the im­ 18v7. Dated at Rockland, 16th day of November, A. D_ to B oston $1.75 Icl Capt. Cyrus H. Chadwick ano Alden Seavey; portant events in the history of the country, Nathan Kachelder, admlnlatrator on the estate of 1897. Mark F. Wentworth, Thaddeus R. Simonton, Decorations, A. W. Miller, Eldrean Oiff, A. and their bearing upon succeeding eras and Mary K. Harris, late of Ht George, In said county, ELLE N K. W INSLO W . Fare between Boston and Rockland reduced from Th e City of Bangor made 182 trips this Albert W. Cushman and (Lambert Sands, 35 L. Wall, Elijah Norton and Edwin W. Seavey; the country’s progress. The great achieve deceased, having prea< nted h»a final account of ad- *3.50 lo <1 75. season and was successful in every way. each, the Prohibition electors, Neal Dow, ministration of said eatate for allowance: KNOX CO UNTY.—In Probate Court, held at Fare between Camden and Bouton reduced from Capt. Otis Ingraham will take a much needed Volney B. Cushing, Rufus Deering,Wilder W. Dinner, Mrs. James Young, Mrs. E. F . menta i f the 100 years was taken as a basis Or d er ed , That notice thereof be given, three Rockland, on the sixteenth day of November, *3.66 to *1 86. Sherman, Mrs. Frank Davis, Miss M ary for a prophecy ol the coming century. The weeks suocesalvely, In Tbs Court r-Gnzette 1897. Fare between Belfast and Boaton reduced from vacation for the present and w ill then Perry, Samuel T. Emerson and George M. W in g ; Fireworks, S am uelD . Payson, Albert American race problem was treated at some printed In Rockland, In said county ihat al per (>■» tho petition, aforesaid, ordered, That not too *3.00 to *3 26, and a proportionate rednctl in made probably divide his time with other captains Park, 8 each; and the Labor electors, Dexter rons Interested may attend at a l’robm« ' ••nri »o h, In the price of tbro*>gh tleketn between Boaton and W. Thompson, George I. Young, Wm. A. length and its solution pointed out, to w it: be given, by publishing a copy of said petition,with on the route. W. Smith, Horace S.Hobbs, Charles E. Halli­ held at Rockland, on the twenty-first d»y ui Dec m- this o der thereon, once a week for three weeke- all landings on Penobscot River. Rivers, Alvin A . Stone; Constables, Shepherd education—not the booklearning that is ber next, and ahow churc. If any they have, why 1 be price of rooms, accommodating two peraona W hen the steamer City of Bangor came day, James L . Cummings, George W . Gillette Bueoesalvely, prior to the third Tuen.lay of Decem­ Robinson, Charles F. Hilt, Os > ond D Rob- sometimes regarded as a substitute for com­ the aald account should n> t he allowed ber next, In The Courier Gazette, a newspaper each, will be rednred from *2.00 and 31 60 to 31 60 into port on Wednesday, her Digs were at and Geo. E. Church, one each. 83-37 C. E. M M BRVEY, Judg<). and 31 00 each. inson, Leonard Grover, Joshua B. Allen and mon sense, but that education which makes printed In Rockland, thnt all persons lutensted half mast in honor of the memory of Thomas Thursday, Aug. 30, the Republicans held a A true copy,— may attend at n Court of Probate, th«-n to be held iu Steamers w ill leave Rockland: large and enthusiastic rally, the first since James E. U lm er: Mounted Police, W m. J. a man a good citizen by giving him a knowl­ E dw ard K. Gould, Register. Bock bind, and ahow cauae. If any, why the prayer H . Bennett, long in the service of the Bos 1 j ~ ------, .(j not «rn„je For Boaton, at (about) 5 30 p. x , Mondays, and i860 when Hon T. R. Simonton gave the ad­ Brasier, Oliver P. Jones, Enoch C Clark, edge o f his country’s history and impressing Thursdays. ton & Bangor Steamship Company, who died u sold und the proceed" p in ed nt InU rest. Bald 45 n m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, boat inspectors, was sold in Chelsea, Mass., But this meeting was never held. The gu irdlun therefore prays ih»t ahe may be em pow­ Waterville, Portland and Boston, arriving In Boston 30, Frank B. M iller, Cushing, “ Restricted or Help ua to come today, Notice of Anaignee of His Appointment. Tuesday, for $2100 and will be broken up and several committees, even after the town at Our offering 10 lay ered. agreeably o law. to sell tbe same nt pablle at 9 .*26 p. m. Universal Suffrage;” Stpr. 6, R -v . C. S. Cum ­ At Rockland, In rhH County of Knox and Slate of auction or private sale, or such part thereof ua tb« sold for old junk, no more to roll in the its annual meeting had appropriated 8100 to Before her (hrono Mains, the tilth day of October, A. D 1897 T rains a r r iv e : mings, Rockland, “ Fn m the Cradle to the Court may devin expedient heavy seas that beat against our rock-bound he used for purposes connected with the pro O f gratitude and pni1«o The un vrslgned hereby vlv s notice of hl" ap 10:40 a. m. morning train from Portland, Lewis- G rave;” Sept. 13, Rev. C. A. Plummer,Thom- For trluht a'd j >ynui» day*, MRd KLIZV U. LUCK, Guard. Con, Augusta and Waterville. coast. point merit ns a-*lmiee of ihee»tati-of Gt'man B. a«ton, “ the Nineteenth C entury:” Sept. 20, posed celebration, became suddenly indiffer­ Thut she *0 fully him lngrihitm of Rockport, In sub! County of Knox, in­ 6 10 p m. from Boaton, Portland, Lewiston and ent and ultimately refused to discharge the On ua bcatown. KNOX COUNTY.—in I'robutoCnurt.held at Rock­ Bangor. R’V. W. M. Kimmel, Rockland, “Taking solvent debior, who has been dec'uri d an Insolvi nt various duties assigned them at the January upon his petition by the Court of Insolvency for land, on the third Tuesday of S'ov mber. GEO F. E V A N S, Gen’l Manager. For Over Fifty Years 1 bings Easy.” Then lift hei banner high, <>n the petitln aforesaid Ordered, that notice be F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. & T. A. meeting. About the middle of June the suid County of Knox. Proud wave It In ih>* sky, A J. BKIDMORK, Assignee. given, by pub ishiog a copy of said petition, with M r s . W in s l o w 's 8 o o th in q S t r u t hast been this order thereon, three weeks smcc< selvely, prior XLIX. writer, M. L. Woodcock, E. S Vose and a And alng her p aiao. 83-87 Liberty, Msioe. Portland, Mt. Deaert A Machias S.S.Co used for over fifty years by millions of few others whose courage never wavered, and Unite u- In heart and hand to the third Tuesday of Dcc-mhor next. In The mothers for their children while teething 1 88 9. As the one hundredth anniversary In one fraternul band, Courier Gazette, a newspaper prl tea in Rockland, FR A IVK : JOJVEfi whose faith was still strong in the cause of thui all percous tab-rented n rein cou|..iueu ure true to the Have-i 4 :30 p m., arriving at Green's Landing at matter to meet at the Town H all on Monday and bid fair to he so for many years to come. best of Ills knowledge ai d belief 6:30 p m Will leave Green's Landing shout 6:0o by one of the local clergymen, the following evening, January 28, 1889 at 7 3 0 o’clock— “ When the late foseph Fish first turned bis tion of these two desirahlos—cheap­ Dated thi* sixteenth day of November, A. I). 1897. . m , on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, address of welcome was delivered by Frank Bwan's Island. the eve of the anniversary—to discuss the attention to maratime matters, he visited ness and quality. JAMES M BMITU, A good Hot Water Bottle is a B. M ille r: By A . 8. Littlefield, Atty. Connections at Rockland with 1 p. m. train of the practicability of celebrating the town’afirst cen­ Cushing to purchase a suitable site for a ship­ Knox hr. M. C R R., sr’-'vlng «t Portland at 6/20 p. m “ We stand today upon an eminence over­ tennial. As the incorporation was consummated yard. Near Pleasant Point be found a loca­ Subscribed and sworn to by A. rt Llty« field, said Boaton at V .*30 p m., same day. luxury, a poor one is a nuisance and a looking a hundred years of national life. at a season of the year which would preclude tion in every way adapted to his business, but attorney, this sixteenth duy of November, A. D. 3SF“Round ^rtp Tickets, between Rockland an Th e echoes coming down from the recent destroyer of good nature. We will any out of door exercises, it is recommended the owner refused to part with any of bis pos­ Best Groceries Vlnalhaven, 36 oents. observance of the oiganization of the Federal J. R. FLYS, Gen'l Agt., Rockland. that the 4'h of July would be a suitable day on sessions, M r. Fish turned his attention else­ guarantee our Hot Water Bottles to Government have hardly died away as we which to hold them. A t the time o f the in­ where. H e located in that part of St.George gather on the 113'h anniversary of our coun­ Best Meats be all right as they are the vory best corporation, Cushing included St. George, now known as Port Clyde, and entered upon Inland Routs— Portland and Rockland- try’s release trom monarchical thralldom to KNOX CO UNTY.—In ProbuieCourt held nt Rock­ which was set off and incorporated February a notable career of shipbuilding which cov­ land on the third Tuesday of November, 1897. that can he bought. Very necessary commemmorate an event, which, in local his­ On the foregoing petition Ordered, That notice 7, 1803. Th e birth of Cushing had a striking ered many years of active and intelligent ser­ Best Provisions Commencing Monday, July S, Steamer tory, assumes an importance co-equal with ihe be given by publishing u copy thereof and of and memorable beginning, for the twelve- vice. The short sightedness and unprogres- article for cold weather and no house* birth of the republic. Three months ‘after this order three weeks successively, prior to the month that opened one hundred years ago, sive spirit o f one man robbed tbe town of Best Everything third Tuesday of I) c mber next, lu The Courler- Cushirg had reached the dignity of an in­ MERRYCONEAC, hold should he without one. beheld ihe organization o f our Federal gov­ what was one of the growing industries of the G'.Z'-tie, a newspaper printed In Rockland, corporated town, Washington set in motion hm all persons Int* rested nroy Hltend al a Court of 1. K. ARCHIBALD, Master ernment under the Constitution, and the state. If M r. Fish could have given the national cradle in which reposed ihe new Prohute then 'o be held In Rockland, und ahow memorable convocation of the French States- this town tbe benefit of. his business cause, If any, why the prayer of said petition should Leaves Portland TU ESDAY, TH URSDAY and born nation. Thus we enj iy the pre-eminent to be found in any store of its kind SA T U R D A Y , Portland Pier. at 6.80 and Boston General.” sagacity and ventures, Pleasant Point, not tie grained. C. K. M ESERVEY, Judge. distinction of being inseparably linked to a A true copy of the petition und order thereon. Boat Wharf at 7 a m for Rockland, touching at In response to the foregoing suggestion, a today, might have been a large and in tho citv. Boothhay Harbor. New Harbor, Round Pond, year which of itself is an epoch in history. At t e s t :— large number of citizens gathered at the time thrifty village, while (he industrial history of 83 bi EDWARD K. GOULD, Register. Friendship, Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor, ar­ W nh mingled pride and admiration we point riving lu Bt-osou to connect with steum-r for Boaton and place for the purpose outlined in the call. the town would have received a more extend­ to that year, and, today, by the memories of Leaves Rockland MUS'D Y. WEDNESDAY W. C. POOLER, The meeting w called to order by Frank B. ed treatment at the hand of the historian and ST A T E OK MAINE. and FRIDAY. Tillson's Wharf, at 6 80 a m , for the past and the hopes of ihe future, we call annalist. Tbe decay of the town is one of K nox hs. - A t a Prohute Court held at Rockland to Portland, mating way landing-* as above, arriving Pharmacist. upon you all to so regard and observe this und lor said County of Knox, ou ihe sixteenth In aea»on to connect with Boston und New York the marked features of its history, due in great John H. McGrath's occasion, that when another hundred years day of November, iu the y, ur of our Lord ou© Btean»-r- same night. ROCKLAND, - MAINE measure to the restrictive and unprogressive thousand eight hundr«d aud nit ei>-si-ven. onnkctionh l peal forth its century’s chimes, we roay be re- 80 SEA STREET. <‘ made at Rockland tho following spirit which ebarae'erized some of our people. U her- ns a p 111I1111 ha* been yd'ilv filed pruytng morning with steamers for Be fast, Castine, Bucks- > garded in as favorable a light as we regard iai the bi'iaui-e r« rnaimng m the baud* <,f J<.*« ph ia»n and Bangor; Is esboro. I leer Isle, Bedgwlos, Policy Holders I those earnest workers of 1789. Opportunities fraught with unmeasured possi­ T t h p h o n e cnnnw th n P4 9. K ills, miininisttuior ol thei, un s. tilerueui of Green's Landing. Swan's Ialmid Ho. West Llurbor, effectual remedy made la which, had they been accepted, would have iccouoi. mace ol a Probite ( ouit, held at Rock- North East Harbor and Bar Harbor. I friends of neighboring towns, that you have turned the stream of material prosperity our . wllVin and for *atu co in iy , on the (bird Tim e table subject (o c h an g e . been ptrm iued to engage in our festivities, i.|..y 01 N.-v nibr, A I». raty be ordered U. d. \T W o o l I, Agent, I'< rtland I'ler. Bay State TRUE’S PIN WORM ELIXIR and rejoice in our rejoicings. W e welcome you, way, instead of diverting it into other chan­ t disirinut d muong the heirs of *uld d< c ased. J R. FLY E . Agent, Tlliaou’a Wharf id He re of t •h dei , one and all, to this beautiful grove, one of nels to the lasting injury of ourselves, and of Beneficiary Association immeasurable benefit to those who have profit­ KltED. Unit lioti'UlOti-reof be given lo al' per- 1 God’s fi st temples where primiiive man held BOIIM Inl iesled^ b y' causing a cnp> of ibis Older ed from our errors and prejudices. Fred F. Burpee, Vinalhaven St Rockland Steamboat Co. communion with his maker. From these to b« published ihrue week* sueoessively In “ Mv townsmen : Make no more mistakes. Be Th e Attorney-General of Mass, petitioned Ihe Uttrler Gaz-te u newspaper pub ished al THE NESTOR OF THE MAGAZINES w« oded heights the lights of the campfire d. in suid county. Ih it they ui appeur ut a Winter Arrangement. j Nov. 6, to the Supreme Court for a receiver fi ished out into th** night and were reflected imbued with smncuf the stirring, progressive sp nt which animates ihe builders of ihe t ourt to be held ui Rockland, iu and for -----liE T W E E H ----- (or the association. I f you tind yourself in in yonder river. From its shore shot out the Ubiy.on ibe tw. nty fir»t nay of l>.o e mouth-piece of the rneu who which has been the scene of contending iu aud for said t 'ouniy o' Knox, on ih.- sixteenth world is fl/ing by on the wings of steam and R ockland, flaine OAPT. W M . R. CREED, have a large variety of Bonds. Give us an know most about the great to dcs ou wldoli forcer, between the savage and civilized on day ol Nov. mlwr, iu tbe year .f o u r Lord one electricity. Yo. r grandfathers have been y- thoUM4Ud tight huu-m d and ninety seven WH1 run as follows: opportunity to explain some of their attractive Americans require to lie informed from ihe one hand, and the American and Europ­ Tu* sriuys. Wednesdays, Thursdays und Fridays sleeping beneath the yew trees ‘-hade for many A eeitain iustrumvui purporting lu be the last for RocMaud return contracts. usouth to month, its contributors beiog ths ean on Ibe other; to a community which re­ will aud testauiebl of Geoig • V Creigbtou, late of sponded to ihe call of a country smuggling in a year. Their times died with them. Come War«eo. iu said county, hating been puseuted for tag leave ns s' Elrst-Class Pharmacy Rock l»ud at 10 60 a in und 8 p. ui., for Vinali aveu. highest knowledge ou the affairs of the time, bones and musty records of the dead and gone sous interested, by causing a copy of said petnloo N o t e . -T h e (Jompaoy reserves tb- right to Penn flutual Life Ins. Co. wrought in blood on the field of battle have wltb ibis order thereunto he published thr.-c weeks bar-gv the Baluiday ano Monuay schedule without and le ru what is to be said regarding them founu no prominent mention on the pages of ages. Break from y ur environment of local Sucot-s*ive y iu The ( ourler-Ga*. lie, a new*, feelings and p e fy jealousies. The eigblby paper published at Roeklaud, lu said county, notice. Maine Agency, - PORTLAND, he. by the recognized authorities on both sides history, yet they live in lender memory and £lm Street. W. R. WH1TF. General Manager. teenth century with its results has passed int<6 tt al they mat appear at a Prob-.te Comt to be bold izust therefore read the North American grateful remembiance, W e welcome you M kt Rock and In and for s-Ad county, on the iw. uly- Rockland, November 23, 1897. bistory, and there let it remain in quiet v/n- one and all to participate in these centen­ flrsl d v f hecerober. A D 1597, at nine o'clock Review, the Nestor of the magazines. disturbed. The present is ever with us. l[,et nial observances, and although our resources In .h- forenoob aud show cause, It auy (hey have, Tkl* roagaziiiK ha* for more th m eighty years, us wisely improve it and meet Ihe future tin why Ihe prayer of the petitiuuer should uot bo FIRE, are scanty, yet our greeting is both generous granted. Waned and Thomaston Stage Line within it* well d'-H'i’ d lint’*, Blood u< the head ui that broad, generous, liberal spirit which vJjll W ill leave Warren fur Thomaston at 7.46 a ro. mouthly publication*. —Coicago itacord. and hearty. C. B. M EHKRVEY, Judge of Probate L IF E and magnify our name, develop our resources, a/nd ▲ true copy,—Attest: aad 12 46 p ro . coum cling ailb electric cars fur The K«-vl<-w m-it* io'itil'. variety ••• century which awaits us, let us so direct our all limes and under all circumstances climhibg ro , rgc-pi Haturduya K«>rtu ale i* the one who < uu t-il dorm aud fi-a*t efforts and aspirations that life’s great battle* Best toward the shining heights of industrial a>nd S T A T E OK MAINE. Heiuduys aldlvuve 12 46 p upou th- wood »b ng* furnieh d by th b- H dtuiary ruay be fought on the hilltops of right, and au and 5 45 p ro. W 11 leave Tburoaaiou al 11 a ro, cutvreia iu the world - (fraud Kaplde Dnuocrut. individual pr< gress and prosperity.” ' M oline of aibgiguee of Illg Appoiutsneut. INSURANCE we be rewa ded by the loud acclaim <4 ‘well 4 Mod 11 p. ro If any ou** name In u n ia il e iiteralure «l iud* After singing by the club,music by the bajnd in Our A» R- ckla'"i,io the County of Kuox aud (Stale of SUNDAYS 'or wh»t 1* tuiburilill-e th I rotuie 1m the Nvipi done, as it rolls from the citadels of Tim e.” and tbe pronouncing of the benediction / by Malue. 'he six em th duy ol November, •. |> 1897. Wan ro at 3 46 e ro and 8 46 p. Leave We represent only good and reliable com pan 1 w \iu.-ilcaii U‘ Vi«-w.which for mur thau eighty ye n* A t the close of the address of welcome, 'itu u d r.igoeo h.r by give* nolle.-of his up <1 a. ro aod k p m which enables u» 10 y|r« enure sattrfaoiiou to all the Rev. F. L . Farnham, the anniversary ]ex- h - - • m d •->< .I ihe heid of therooulbly p« rludteal* the orator ol ihe day, Herbert M Lord. Esq , pfduiin.ui a> assignee ol Ibe «state of Gevigc E patron* Cull and ex oon e the great accumulation — Bo* 100 Boat. crctsrs came lo a close. Z Mar on | Houtu i lo roarlon iu Suld *UUUl) of policy an-w 1* fil ed each womb with uril>-l«* To he continued. / Knox. Inaolvtui d- Ido , who bus lie. n d.-. lur. d un T4m> 6 KYI have previously examiued. introduced. Th.s was M r. Lord’s first ap­ insu vei 1 upon hie poiitiu y ih« Court of in- We are ai»o igt-ms for the N -w Horne Hewing whb h-In ul Im* lead b- every true ciiixeu. —Odd­ »o veucy 101 said of Knox fellow* hevi w. Bl F Ul pearance before our people, aud ihe enthust- The Beat Tobacco ROB'TM . READ. Macbioe and keep a lew of Ibero conutantiv on j HTUUK«. U I ILKrlKLO. A«.l,an. (M. D-, HwVferd, 1876.) Hand to seti ou Very «a»y term* and each roacblui The Hr view ba* done more for the be'ter cua* sue recepiion he received plainly indicated Best Brenrt*»>f PILES ia also fully warranted- Give rota trial of ri a?rr- th >u any • ther pubitcullou of thU kiud (hat be had become well and favoiahly known Best Quitliiy of Pipe* ’ lu the couutry.—< briatSau Advocate, dt. Loui*. CASTOR lift 8PECIAll8T — DISEASES OF RECTUM D- H. A E. L. GLIDDEN, io them ibrougb (be medium of this paper lies 1 A-Moriini-iii n f G oods 176 Trcinoul bireol, Mouton. I'be manner of Mr. Lord’s deliveiy was per­ Best Kind of Treatment 26T , Board of Health Vinalh«ven, Maine. fect lbr> ugbi'Ut, and (be many happy illusions Send for Pam phlet. J2£3uLf>*bL BO Corns a Numb -r; SB a year. For Infants and Children, f Dry Gotxl* Ue made in (he course of bis oration were api I - r Hwkl.i.d Ru,rd o. Ili-aiib will b- In and pointed. Ih e s y lj ct m aitrr <1 the Th. Ik- • u c ti SrM .y >,t> muon .■[ < o'clock, u «; Kim c i r ..u > 0W IS ' HE TIME TO SUBSCEIBE. 'larion w*a so harm >uiou>ly bice cd that it ilw l. Howard Cigar Co. K II U IIKKI.KK, u. U. FISTULA Jrilway'g I’ did nat fail to awaken a rare degree of in CIIAK. A -USK . THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, R. Y. ’ l l I), C I-KKKINa U .U . terest among all classes. In brief, it was Ord-**j > JPUMM Cur* L a id * B ac K 404 MAIN STREET. I OrdWKjr'i P la M M * Cur* THE ROCKLAND COURUUR-GAZBJTTK: TUESDAY, DECEMBER T, lH*r7. * J I Perhaps you're doctoring ywtir atomndi or It ret RAISING GOLDFISH. A nvpnotle Par the Jnsaea. An article which appeared some time ago in The Hcmninc Mcdicalo on this Insist on the THE TWO LARGEST FARMS IN THE •eglei . ■object lias hern widely quoted. It them until It’ll too late. You WORLD ARE IN INDIANA. soems that two Prnssinn physicians, M. can sa fely t r y Dr. Baker’a Oldeogge and M. .Tnrninn, mndon series J* jh j l j l Genuine Oorrtrlinn Rome I’npnlrtr Error* About of careful experiments with the hydro- bromide of scope]limine ni d found that Miate pet Theae Finny Ileautle* The llnlner Ha# thirty-firsi volume in 189ft. During the year it will be as heretoh tho drug possessed a trim vnloo as a Great Difficulty In Fighting Off the Peat hypnotio in tho treatment of t ho insane. A MIRROR OF FASHION v*t j* j» World Go1rtfl«h With Many Tale*. Administered hypodermically, iu doses Paris and New York I Each issue will contain carcfullv pre Kidney Pills and they work pared drawines of the advance fashions like magic on the Kidney*. Goldllsh aro so rxlreinrly common vurying from 0.008 lo 0.016 of a grain, Fashions ) o( Pari# Bn(1 Npw Ynrk < ,* a month . Buker w ill gladly answer they found that it induced in tho ma h Colored Fashion . the Bazar will issue, free, a c- hired ions and g ive adviee free. nowadnyH that few people over Btop to « S t e.m n lom ant j fashion supplement Cut paper patterns jority of subjects a sleep which lasted Supplement o( cerUjn »gown# in rirh numher wlll bc ------Pills eoc. at your druggists ■wonder where they enmo from or bow postpaidLr price. from three to ten hours, mid on awaken­ The l>cst Washing Powder Cut Paper Patterns made a feature. These will be sold in Buker Pill Co., Bangor, Mo. they are railed. Comparatively little in ing the patients appeared ninch rainier 4a a o; i-rre u /m e riyU u p Dnttnr'n artem prireconnection with BAtAB each will issue alw at publuh a uniform bl made. Best for ali clean­ generally known nbout tbe lit.tlo cxihl thau befoTO the ndmisistratinn of tho Sheet I weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet. bloodeol vertebrates thnt. owim ubont In substance. This effect was especially ing, docs the work quickly, LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES THE MAINE DAIRYMEN the aqnnrinmB in so mnny homes. Tho pronounced in tho eases of maniacs, lint Two famousauthors will contribute long I W IL D E E L E N cheaply and thoroughly. serial stories to the Bazar in 1898. The w /u ./A M BLACK pets require n careful and nyntematio was not so marked in those of aente What Has Been Accomplished the Past first deals with Scotch and Continental o i.-in t i'n 1 a r» v rairiug thnt is acaroely appreciated by lypcmanln. In chronic insanity tho hyp Largest package— greatest economy. scenes, the second » a story of a young » A O O BD L A D Y Year and the Prospect*. girl, versatile, and typically American. I /r- n- ,,OH 111 n thOFc who expect to get them for small nolle notion was also manifest to a do M ary E . W ilk in s | ThMc and a score of other equally Tbe tenth annual dairy conference in prices of dealers iu the city. gre«. In delirium tremens, however, the THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, n _ , ' T h . n e t prominent writers will contribute Bangor last week was attended by prominent Octeve Thenet ,he Bai„ The largost goldfish farm in tbe world. tendency of the drug wns only to weak­ OhMagv, BL Loult, N.w York, Uontnn, PblladelphlA. H . P. Spofford maklnR the paper especially rich in batter and cheese makers from all over tbe If it may be called such, is located in en the patient nnd there was no hypnot­ M . 8. Briscoe | fiction. state, and tdc sessions as reported were fall of Shelby county, Ind., nbont 80 miles ic action whatever. DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES interest for all who went. Prof. Gowell of tbe University of Maine from Indianapolis. Here tho original OllR PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER Jnst Khrewrl JndsnienL By KATHIHINE DE FOBEB1 By Mrs. J'OULTNtY BtGFJ OH' was one of the speakers “ Dairy W ork for goldfish men of tbe country have their Just for Fun! Y O R K S A F E CLUB WOMEN HUMOR 1897” being bis theme. H e said that in propagating institntion. She—I went to a fortune toller today, By At ABC. A BET H. WELCH Ey JOHN KENDBhK B.lNC.S order to make tbe best butter it was necessary There nro two farms, several miles just. foT a lark, and sho told me a lot of The Best in the World, There will be a series of articles on Etiquette, Music, the for tbe dairyman to get as near to tbe cow as Voice, Art, tbe Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women, apnrt, which are devoted to the differ­ things. Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, etc. possible, or in other words to manufacture ent branches of the industry. In the Ho—Yes; somo of them bit it protty Always Reliablp, 10c, a Copy (Send for Free Prospectual Sub.. $4 a Year tbe m ilk into marketable products at tbe north part o f the county is one farm of olosely, but 1 liopoyou don’t think there Pottage free in the United States, Canada, and Mexico shortest time. This applied to both private eight or ten aoTcs. The other is a few is anything snpernatnral nbont their Nice Pressed Hay Sure Protection from Fire Addre»a HARPER A BROTHERS. Publishers. New York City and association work in dairying. The best quality < f milk should be used and the poor miles farther sooth nnd is nbont half powers. They just nso shrewd judgment; rejected, then the product will be of higher again ns lnrRO ns the first one. thnt is all. EPH. PERRY, Agt., quality. Prof. Gowell referred to tbe report Today there are in tho vnrions ponds "That may bo true, door. She told Rookland, Mains. of tbe State assessors to show that we have in of Spring Lake fishery over 300, uOO fish, me I wns married to a mail who fell far $11.50 Maine 137,000 cows. But the reports from from which specimens arc constantly short of what I deserve. ”—Indianapolis DR. J. H. DAMON, all ihe creameries that were at work in 1897 being sent to every state nnd territory Journal. Per Ton Nnrcenn and Meehan lad I show they received the m ilk of 39.000 cows. Silver-Plated t of the Union. It is oven said that some 1 11 Dcvntlwt • Now the milk of the other 98,000 cows is | made into butter at private dairies, and these of the finest fish iu tho royal nqunrinros ■ f'KAlt RIKUIK, Maim STi.n. 3" Kthar and <»«» a I wav* on hand. TEASPOON , dairies make butter of high quality which of Enropo were raised by Mr. Shoup ! finds a good market. M r. Gowell believed and his partner nt this farm. Fi st Q uality^ w v. h a n s c o m , m . D. with every large ' the creameries could not make the fine grade On each of the farms spoken of aro a ! o f goods that the private dairymen make Physician and Surgeon, siz e cake ol large number of small ponds, some ol because of tbe unfavorable conditions of them not much larger than ten feet handling the cream. Farmers must weed out square. Theso ponds aro all connected poor cows and hold themselves rigidly to with each other by little channels, so making butter of a high quality. But while C o a l , W o o d , he believed it true that private dairymen were thut tho water and fish can he let from White Cloud Floating Soap | one to tho other without tho least diffi­ making better butter than creameries, he DR. E. H. WHEELER, containing 20 would not by this argue against the cream culty. OR—A Spool eries, which were doing as well as was possi­ Tho breeding ponds, which aro, of . . AND . . Physician and Surgeon. yards of the best sewing silk with every ble under the conditions. course, tho most important, aro protect­ (IFFICK AND ItKHIDKNGK 33 BCIIOOL HT. s m a ll size c a k e o f W hite Cloud Floating Secretary McKeen spoke upon the general ed from tho wind and cold by high em­ Oli'phone S M I. Soap. The cost of this spoon and spool ou'lo<>k for tbe dairying industry ol Maine bankments around tho edges. This is flason’s Supplies. for 1898, so far as the same could be foretold all tho protection that is necessary for EDWARD K. COULD, of silk comes out of our pocket entirely by present conditions. H e noted signs ol — it’s one of our ways of advertising. encouragement for those farmers wl o would go tho fish, oven in tho winter Limo, so it Counsellor at Law f W e want you to get acquainted with the carefully along the lines with which they were is seen that, ulthongh tho fish are un­ bring contentm ent. AND whitest floating soap on the market. w»««o by the monotuck silk co acquainted and for which they wete equipped. doubtedly delicate, they ure much moro Register of Probate, H e believed in the “ survival of the fittest” in hardy thun is generally supposed. Such is the mission of W hite Cloud is the only soap in Ihe world made in Porcelalne Fred R. Spear, UO1IKT HOUKB, - - HQCKLAWD dairying, ano that the dairy farmer who puts Several times a year tho fish aro sorted tea (that is,good tea),anti Lined Kettles which is an absolute guarantee of purity. If y o u r fine goods upon the market at least cost is in tho different ponds aud classified so [NO. t PAIIK|BT„ UOUKLANH, UK. sure to succeed. There can be no mistake in H. O. Curdy, grocer can not supply you send us hit name and address. that the largest and finest ones will be when the tea is one o f Telephone.?-fl. this; intelligent, though'ful work reaching together, and thoso whicii will not bring FIRE INSURANCE _ • MADE ONLY BV J A S . S. K’RK & CO., CHICAGO. good results must succeed. THE LARGEST SOAP MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED 1839. The best cows and cheaply home produced snob good prices will bo by theniBelves. Chase & Sanborn’s Oflleo with Uooktand Loon and Building Aaaoa* lotion. feed for them is one feature of success in Many peoplo suppose that when the Everybody can have soft water to wash with if they will use Kirk’s 888 Main St. Rookland Me. Rainwater Maker.” It makes bard water soft. Try it. 1898. Cheap feed to offset Sow prices for goldfish is first hatched from tho egg il Package Teas, dairy product. For special food for cows he has tho peculiar pretty markings on ita 4 9 Persons COCHRAN.BAKER ACROSS spoke well of clover and peas, also of cheaply Beales which make it so beautiful and the drinker feels that he is produced fodder from corn and ensilage. W e vuluahlo. K. H. Oochr.ti. J. )L Dakar. 0 O. C'rOM. mutt increase (he cow population; this seems This is not tho case. In its youth in using the best that m oney Fire, Life A Accident Insurance. to he necessary lor future success in dairying, reulity tho fish is just tho same as any Y 'A Out #f 50 The Oldest luaurunoe Agency In Maine. making it more dense, in order that our can buy, w hether it is the ordinary und cveryduy fish, aud looks 104 MAIN HTHKKT. IIOGKLAWD WASHINGTON creameries can have a larger quantity cf fam ous OrlofT, K oh-i-noor cream from a Email territory and he able to like it forull tho world. Evenun expert Who ure ruptured cunuot handle it quicker in large quantity. This could scarcely tell it from tho little or the O range Pekoe, each loouie the reut ot the trouble PROBATE COURT. Life Insurance Company. cream must he got to the factory in the best minnows wbioli aro found in any stream. without akllled aaaUlanoe Special attention given to Prdbale'and Insolvency possible condition and be made into fine They aro cf a whitish, silvery color, distinctively characteris­ They think they oan—are poaltlve they can-yet proceeding#; U yearaexperience In Probate Offloe. goods. Then high quality of goods can be und have not tho least evidence of th« five mlnutea ciplanulloii couvluoea them th«y are COLLKUT1ON8 MADK ma:ntained and success will be sure to follow. beautiful hues which they will later ns- tic in its flavor, and al­ mlatakcn. A ae entlflo truae ahoald never touch As many farmers ore now going into sheep thu public bone, nt ver pre## ih» apermatlo oord or PHILIP HOWARD, Attorney at Law. som e. husbandry and other lines of farming, this ways coming in pound any other delicate pari, ahould never have under .'IHH MAIN HT., ROCMLAND. would seem to leave the butter market for Sometimes, however, tho goldfish alrapH. ahould alway# he eo#y on the back ond those naturally interested in dairying. Then grower is sadly disappointed in finding and half-pound packages. ahould bold the rupture at the Internal ring ao a# if we go into the work with steady courage, that his fish fail to acquire the golden Your grocer sells and not to allow any part of It to lodge lo the Inguinal W. 0. MIOHIil, / and make uo our minds to do better work tint for which ho bus so long been look eanal. Tho Dra. Hiolthe' tia n in 1897, we shall succeed and the year ^Book Binder,^ ing in vain. There buvo been many in­ recommends them. 1898 will he a profitable one for dairy farmers. stances time andugaiu in which tho fish Honest John Trusa B ath , M e . Msj. Alvord of Washington, D C ., chief of never did chango to the reddish color, I# a aclentUle in'lruinent but cannot be bought like the dairy divUion, U . S. department of agri­ but grew to be several years old, retain­ One pound makes over 2 0 0 cups. culture spoke up n “ State Aid for Dairying.” cutlery, It would be of no aae, people would not •f. JF. Ilnrlon, In the course of bis remarks he said: “ A ll ing their white, silvery, youthful com­ know where to wear It. They have to be abown; regular trade depends upon success in m ain­ plexion. Ordinarily, however, the fish for thia rea#on It la bandied only through agenla— MOhUMENTAL WORKS :• taining a satisfactory and uniform quality in develop tbe golden sbude iu less than , NOTICE TO THE men knowing how to apply It the product concerned. This is especially year. General Cemetery W ork, true ot dairy products, as it concerned our First, they begin getting dark, some­ CIGAR TRADE Granite and Marble. home markets. The same principles hold times becoming almost black. From the TIIUM ABTOK, MU. Nuar M. 0 . K.llt. true and must be ke, t constantly in view, in dark complexion they begin turning tc Drdvr. Bolkllrd. H.ll.fu.lloo«l aiy attempt to build up an txport trade and the reddish shade, und finally come out T. H. DONAHUE, - Agent, find foreign markets fi r butler and cheese in ull their glory, full fledged goldfish. A. M. AUSTIN, made in tbe United States. Any dealers offering for Bale the Pharmaceutist. It is within the province of the several The food huH not, as many people Cor. Main und Llinrroek Sts., Itecklaud Surgeon and Meohanioal Dentist. states of the unioo, to do much work to pro­ suppose, the least thing to do with col­ J. W J. Brand of Cigar are liable Telephone to-2. 44 Ul HAIN HT, . HODK1ANI), MK mote tbe dairy industry on lines like those oring the fish. All tho fish aro fed ex­ 6r> fine, according to Law, us the described as in operation in other countries. actly tho same thing, toasted b re a d two brand is clearly an iuiiingmcnt on A lew states where dairying is of special im or three times u week, und nothing else die J. W. A. Brand, ns the following A . J. Kiukink Edw ahd A. BUThgg p tance have already taken action by legisla- is given them for their subsistence. Tho letter will show. A. J. ERSKINE Si CO.. ion and otberwise.whicb to some extent coven PAINLESS EXTRACTING tbe ground indicated. Wisconsin has dune sun seems to he the nccessury agent und ». W. ANDERSON CIGAIt CO. Fire IniursnOfi Ay’enoy the only ouo to complete the scheme el Iluve lieen trying for a number of year* to something in ihe way of troplo>ing cheese produce a preparation for Painmchh E x U l M A IN H-rKKKT, . IMXJKLAND.'m* instructors. In Iow a and Minnesota the nature, und even this sometimes don J . VY. AWPKHHON (hGAK Co., Itoolciaiid Mu. iiiactino Khkk ntOM ( ocaink and at la#i OfflM, rw i room ovur llo.kl.iul N »i‘l H u h . S a'e daiiy commitsinn and their deputies not work successfully. U kntlb zkn Your iHtur of < >ct. *0ih u ll. lo have ■utctH'di d. No bad after < ff«-cl« or #ore Lm AIo. An»rl»n u>d Kn.ll.b Ure ln.ur.oo, inspect creameries and give more or less Tbe greatest difficulty with which tbt band W« Ii ure both tabula and Hud I bo mouth* H«mu a# with majority of coculue mix* (Jempanlo# represented. ,J W J U clearly •»" lufrlng**a> Mra. Hock New Y> rk regu’ar'y employs three cheese in- Yt ur# Hraproifnily, world. Snakes, eats, coons, frogs und TOBACCO I K»F KKUUT&AVION F R E E E X T R A C I IN G , strut tors, who pj&s from factory to factory, insects ’uuumcrublo ure ull fell destroy­ BDUK\W, N. Y. criticising tbe work done and teaching the Or In other word#, all (hoae di airing arllftelul ers of the goldfish, und the crawfish ii b elli money pa d for f i t rut l Ing will bu allowed newest and most improved methods. All by uo uieuus u second in the destruction back when teeth mude. these state tff its have had good t IT ct and I demonstrae what might tie accomplished try which he cun work when he gets in the A rent for U.rinon Amerlr.n Kir. Io.un.uoe | more work of the same kind. In any state it neighborhood of the finny tribe. Some l/’huiwgra/hy, by Bena Teach-ll’itrnaii and Jerome B. N . Y., and I aluilue Juainauoe Co (l.d ) is simp v a question whether Ihe dairy interest one must ho kept constantly ou watch Howard. A pet (net self PAINLESS FILLING. is of sufficient general importance to justify ut tbe season of tho year when theso iu- Y&vrslif instructor. Over 3$o.cxx> public • xpenditure for advancement. seels and little unimals ubound tu see copies sold. For sale by Hale Method. E. C. PAYSON, all booksellers, or we w ill that they do uot get into the water el Have been u#lng IIalk Method row I'a in - Attorney and Counsellor at' Law. send it, by*paid, the [Kind where the fish ure. I.khh Fn.i.ihO for pa* I three yvar# and can aw MAIN HTUKKT, KOUKLAND. with the Phonographu cheerfu ly n commend it lo those who euffcr The sting of some insects will kill s 'Pender and the Phono­ through hiving teeth filled. fish in almost every instance. Snake graphic Copy Hook, tor $1.25. No Injury to Teeth In Any feeders und some other well known in­ THE BENN PITMAN SYSTEM sects fly close to the surface of tho wa- has tor 43 years been the standard. C a'le l . . W a y . . . STRENGTH ter in the summer time und with the hy the U. S. Bureau of Education “ The /tint/- Jl work# so aatl#fa**torily that It make* (he greatest ease touch the tiny little fish icon System." First prize, W orld’s Fair. Full oper itlon of t«cih filling a tlilne not to be infornialiori ami complete catalog tree. dr* ailed In ihe No extra charge. swimming near the surfuce of the pool. The raving of broken down natural ter th Many peoplo “go to piece.” aa hoou Au egg is laid ou the fish or a stiugei THE PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE COH cond* tuned by other dt-uilnl# a *p* claiiy. In»- CINCINNATI, OHIO. colored routheth re#lor< d to natural color. a, hot weather come,. Ap|ieii:e inserted, aud either will invariably All opeiatlou# perlalnlng to modern deutlairy prove fatal. perform* d ro #k1ilful manner- become, fickle, alccp I, uot refreah* The freuks and unusual dovelopmentr dlauppcur, aud klreugih in the fish are the varieties which will BURNTHEBESf vaniahea. It lan’t neceaaary ihat always bring the best prices in the mar aucb condition, ahould uoulinue. ket. Odd and rare colors aud apeta upon COAL F.E.FOLLETT.D.DS. tbe scales are tbe marks which are pre­ ROCKLAND. ferred hy fanciers. Unusual shapes in the fishes ure equally popular with oddi- A. K. Bl'KAlt BLOCK. Ovu C. T. Spw,- Sheerer’s Sarsaparilla IS wiU beep your chicken# strong and healthy. It will UAuke young pullet# lay early. Worth iu »eighl tiea in colors and will cause a fish'tc gold for uioultlotf horn. uod prev« nt# all dheuaea It la a hot weather help. IL ia ju«t absolutely puie Highly e«uieotrat<«l. In quantity bring us good u price us if it had orange t - tooth or aueut a (lay. Ko other kino like M. or purple scales. aucb a remedy aa you need; a e lm * — our Iu physical deveJopmeuta the great ulant aud a nutriment, It Induce, a I B . BRACKETT, Mangfr for Maine: E. J. BRACKETT, Asst MangY varieties are iu reaped lo tbe tail. Oue healthy appetite aud reuewa one', OFFICE. 186 MIDDLE STREET. PORTLAND. MAINE. never finds two heuded fish, hut those at length. ,#- with more than oue tail ure plentiful. CONDITION POWDER Two, three, four aud five tuila ure quite Therefore, no manor vital kind of food you uae. mis atents Price 81.00. six for »8 OO »IU> U daily ■'her .iluo'i* Powder. Other# hie. your proOt often found ou H im fiah aud sometime! P torr fad end wloter will tie loot when the price for errpfl h wry hgil It aMMurea prefect araludlaLkwi of lbr food even six, hut the latter is very ra re . O f SlOO •wroeou- oeodud to produue health and form rape It Ladies! Ladies! h ->1*1 by diugguu. givooes. feed dealere or by mah course a fish with six lulls would bring Oksmsw W. E. HI1EEUEU & CO., The chance you’ve be**o watting for ha# arrived; I to us. Aak fiml a huudsome price in auy inurkeL Cof>vRiaHT» Ac. earn a I'Inner or Tea Set, Ho* ker rillver Jervtoe or z lb can 91 zu. 811 < ana Anyone sending a sketch and deaertpuon may Tenant’s Harbor, Ma. >ud of • rockery or furniture by salting a lew ouhTpy I’AiiKNHi fita j Goldfish ure ofteu killed by overut- a trick I y aaearrtaln our opinion free whether ae 4 REWARD. ba. of our Teat. IT Uoui«o fc>t.. liwotvO. S ia ^ Invention is probably p/ue’-Urblo. (dinmunlra. Write lor c dutoeue teutiou, but semetimes by lack of atten­ UoussincLly contldonilul. H und book on I'utcnta •out tree. Oldest agency for securing paumta. The above reward will tie paid by the Cliy of VOKMOSt TEA loa. P'Uenta lik en ibroueh kfunn A (Jo. receive flock'and, for evidence thui will lead to ihe arrest should be avoided ure overfeeding them FOR a VLB BY ooedai nut ice, without eharuo. iu the n

UNION THOMASTON CAMOEN There was qnite a large gathering at the T h e ladies at M ill1 River will h ,ve a tea and pleasant home of G. W. Fish and wife Friday fifteen cent supper at the vestry of the old evening. Refreshments were served and chutch Wednesday ev rung for Ibe benefit of Rockland Gala Days the M ill River Baptist Sunday school. Supper J SOME LEADERS. whist indulged In until a late hour------Oacar PICTURES! Gould is woraing hard to have a tinging w ill be served at five O'clock. school ia this place. It is something all should Th e schools closed Friday. Exercises con­ FREERIDE be interested in, and so far there baa been a sisting nt recitations and singing were held at . TO a good deal of interest shown There are about the following schools: Oyster River, Wads­ OUR 37.00 FRIEZE ULSTERS fifty who have signed a paper and if all go worth street, Bailey intermediate and primary, Rockland and Return. they w ill have a profitable as well as a pleas­ PICTURES ! Gleason street. Meadows and Beech Woods. OUR S5.6O ALL WOOL SUITS ant tim e— i-Miss Vtllie Messer has gone to At the Bailey primary prizes were awarded W althsm , Mass., to visit her brother------Mrs. The following Rockland merchants will give Walter Winchenbach of the third grade and Margaret Thompson has gone to Connecticut purchasers of I’wo Dollars worth o f goods OUR 39c FLEECED UNDERWEAR Olive Mitchell of the second grade for lead­ to pass the winter with her son D r. George the equivalent of a return fare from Rock­ ing off at the head o f these grades the great­ Thompson— Richard Thompson goes to N ew land. The R., T. & C. Street Railway will O U R S1.OO B O Y S ’ S W E A T E R S est number o f times. Pupils in this school Y ork where he has a position------Charles Bar­ PICTURES^ issue a half rate ticket from Camden and I not absent during the term: Walter Winchen­ nard was in town Sunday -Mrs. C. I. Rockport to Rockland and return, good on bach, Olive Mitchell, Willie Stone, Reta A pair of Steel Club Skates with every Boy’s Short Barrows came on the train Saturday------H a r­ car leaving Camden an the half hour and Wall, Charlie Whittimore, Charlie Smith, ry Thompson and wife of Lowell, Mast., are Rockland on the half hour between the hoars Pant Suit. Your money back for the asking. I.afy Carter, Ariel Reed, Lelia Clark, Grant visiting friends and relatives in town------— of 9 30 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. ou Tuesdays snd Demons, Warren Wallace. Harry Tbompnon and wife and Arthur Stew­ Fridays. These special tickets can be pur­ art and wife visited the Misses H ills Saturday Capt. John Brown, whose vessel the Lottie chased of the conductors in charge of the ------Miss Eveline H ills has returned from G IVEN A W A Y was recently sunk in collision came home half bout cars. They will be good between from Providence Saturday. / ' < W o £ Rsngor------Miss Mertie Henderson was in those hours only on the day ol parchase. town last week, called here by the death of George Robinson led Monday for New Simonton Dry Goods Co., Mrs. E. F. Crockett, Bedford to work on a steamboat. Other car- W. O. Hewett A Co., J. R. Frohock, Faller A her brother Arthnr. At the penters from this vicinity went with him. Cobb, E. B. Hastings, A. C. Philhtick, F. A. The Barton House has received a new coat Scb. Lugno sailed Monday for N ew York Peterson, Burpee & Lamb, W . J. Perry, O . E. of paint. with lime. Blackington, J. F. Gregory * Son, Mayo A Main St., Foot Limerock. Mist Effie Coggan has retnrned from Frank­ Rose, E. W . Berry & Co., G. W . Palmer A sr B- Phe,l’« look the train for New lin, M ata.------Bessie Fish was given a surprise Son, C. E. Daniels, W . M . Purington, Spear, party last week in honor of her ninth birthday. Y o tk Monday.- H e will be absent about three weeks snd during Ibat time will May & Stove-, Dunn & Additon. There were Japanese lantern festooned about G STIDRE the lawn anil mne candles bnrned, one for DSTIDN 1Cl.01[HIIN D r. D . P. Ordway, who has beta very III, is BI take unto himself a wife. Mr. and Mrs. VARRER MOKKRT Phelps w ill visit Boston snd Portland oa now able to be aut— H . V . Starrett was la •nah year. W a . Fayton Fast, G. A. R., bald its an- their purney to Thomaston. town last week revising the M aiae Register Frank Thompson it visiting friends ia nnal Rockland, M aine. for 1898-9. el»ott,i of often* at ita laat regular M r. and M rs. W m . C. Burgess have re­ a n tin g ftatarday sxeaiag last aad tke fal Rockland Gala Days town------Carl Seidera Is aisk with scarlet 1 ret. ’’ turned from a visit to Brockton. Jadge R ead Rohtusoa has beta lavited te lowing rfkers were ckoaea: Olhar A. deliver the memorial address by Fred A. Mar- „ r*1* b,H *nd «“PP« “ Coaace Spear, Cwa.; Wa. F. Caaataghaa, S. V . C .; Qnite a party went to Sonth Hope Io Fo- Hall rkarsday evening was fairly well atten­ wood Post G . A . R. of Rackyart. W . O. Ward, J. V . C .j A. C. Batgeea, la r - mona Grange Saturday. ded. The receipts were not so large as the The annual fair a f Ike Ladies* A id society gaea; Beej. Libby, Ckaalaia; Lewie Hkll, Noitm Umion.—The revival mooting* are abject warrented. of the Methodist ckarch will be held la tke Q. M .; Alden M. Weetoa, O. D.; Daniel still in nrogreea. Five strong men were Onme in and See Them . The Thomaston Improvement Society is charch veatry tosaorrow aft.raooa aad even­ Lhasa, O. G.; ft. C. Steraaa, Traetee. Freak Rocklaad and Return. brought forward to the saxieus seat last having the mall filled and graded. ing. CaaaingkiuB waa ckaaaa delegate Io Dapt. Thamday evening and when the geed work M r*. M ell M atthew * of Syracuse, N . Y ., aad Eaoaapmeat aad Jaka McIntyre alternate. F. I I . Jordan has presented the superinten­ will end ne one knows------Stone school be­ dent o f schools with flag staffs enough to Miia Hattie Matthew* of Tetant’i Harbor Jaaea M. Saitk af Laag Cart, Dial. Dept, The following Rack land merchants will give gan last Monday with Llxslc Norwood as VISALHAVEH equip the school buildings not supplied. were guests last week of M r. aad M r*. George G. M. af tke 91k Masonic District, aide hi* purchasers of Tw o Dollars worth of good* the teacher------Albert Vote and wife viaited ia D e V tloie Comaaaadery, K . T , elected the abaxavnasnSldlt^yndtha pipe- Glover— Mis* Louise Stetson ha* returaed official r iiit ta St. George Ledge, F. A A. M., equivalent of a return Care from Rockland. Rockland Mat week------Charles H eath has Th e Baptist Sunday school has recently ollowicg officer* for the coming fe a r »< their •mm c f narttnn ham lasttariy been the from a visit In Low ell— Miss Bessie Adsaas is last Meaday eaeaiag. After Ike aceting a The R., T. R C. Street Railway will issue a moved in one part of the Layer honse------purchased 109 books for their library. aannal conclave Friday evening: D. H. the guest of M r*. W illiam T . Plummer, Phila­ boaahfnl eallatioa. was eereed aad a social half rate ticket from Camden and Rockport Oacar Carroll w ill aood move to W arren------Glidden, Em inent Commander; S. A . Craar- Miss E tta O ’Brien has taken a position in Kekaha, har emncajla, beta beam nrnflited delphia— Mrs. Helen M. Marshall, who has tin e waa enjoyed by all present. to Rockland and return, good on car leaving George Hall will move back on his farm------ford,Geaeraliaaimo; R. W. Wiley,Capt.Gee.; the effice o f the Rockland Opinion. Miss with ncyrhsg that all of Sanaa, nn nautt«i been the guest o f her sister M r*. S. G. Ritter- W ork ta the akae akop waa reaaaed this Camden on the half hoar and Rockland on H arry Vote is in Rockland visiting relatives W. S. Carver, Prelate; O. C. Lane, S. W.; O B rim has heen in the H erald office several the half hour between the hours of 9 30 a. m. bow nnaapfex Sany nai^bt nypnor to |fu> bush, has returned to Boston— M . C. Sea- week, the aoet of tkoae wka ate their -Geo. Brackett ia in the hen business------H. L. Raymond, J. W.; T. E. Libby. Tree*.; years and is a competent compositor. grave, who hat been guest of S. G. Ritter and 5.30 p m on Tuesdays and Fridays. riiaakagieiag tarkey ia Mtaaackaaetta kaetag W ill M iller is doing quite a basinets cooper­ C. E. Littlefield, Rec.; J W. Gray, Standard bnamaae eon ear. oatMast in rnnlf ty af fjte bush, has retnr ued to Boston. Tbc»e ip rc ’al 'irketa can be purchased of the John Turner, Jr., left Monday for a tiip to retarued. in g , employing several men. Bearer; F. S. H am ilton, Sword Bearer; C. S. naoWoaon at invinabia naolaaclaa, co«l if, Portland and Boston. The young ladies of the Shakespeare cub c o :‘ 0< »urs if charge o f the half hour cars. Libby, W arder; Gaarda, W . F. Pierce, E. R. tlaar adaaa, by aaaata naansaa, a ll tbwte W est W a x r e n —M i,a Alice Weaeer aad I f one would like to see some fine beef w ill soon issue a Snakesperian game of ttc ir Tb- y will be guod between those hours only Roberts, H . W . Ftfield; Sentinel, W . H . madanoka oonld, tat tha aaaat Moto, be B ttijta tn R. Graeea left here f ir Portland on thr cay f parchase. Simonton Dry APPLETON cattle he can do so by calling at P. M . S'ud- own get-up. The game is very interesting Doe. I where they were married by Rev. Brown. The appointed committee w ill meet im rta ha aaave ia exaotly tian appamtetH- Go id* < <•. 4f«. E F. Crockett, W . O. a p f l x t o n R id g k .— Again in a s' ort space ley’s stable at the West End, where can be and shows much ingenuity. H enry BhiBOhard------Mra. Sasie Heald of next Friday evening to make arrangemeut* aeatiaaa, a r t each w ith tha taana velocity Ifewer: & 1 o., J. f< Ft oh >ck, Fuller & Cobb, of lime dralb has visited our community and seen three pair of heavy weight cattle recent Miss N i’a M artin of Augusta was the gue?.t Rockland visited friend* in thia vicinity laat for the inatallatior. E B. ” j, a . C. Phtlbrick, F A. Peter­ taken a loved one from our midst. Harry L , that it poaaeaatvd at tba aaomant, all the ly purchased by M r. Stuiiley uf George W rekr last week of Miss Anne Kittredge— M r. ano week------The hay preaaera ate at M r. Edwin The Memorial Associalion fair held Thurs­ son, B trp e - & Lam b, W . J. Perry, O . E. youngest aon of M r. and Mrs. Zenas Fuller, w«cU wacid ltejin and continue io move o f Jefferson. M r*. G. W . Achorn are home from Boston — Anders tn’i. H e has a large lot of h .y to day at Memorial Opera House waa a auccess Bbckiugi. n, I. F. G’egory & Son, Mayo k pasted away Tuesday evening, Nov. 30, after baackward.; waterffalls would flaw up the Clifford Clark is grading his lot on Green C. B. Allen, principal of the high school, has press------Gardiner Wiaslow has several men in every respect, affording hours of entertain­ R *e, E W , B ern i\: C o , G. W . Palmer & a long illness of consumption. Through all ■ides of cliKe, rive r* w oui4 roll opwat’d Street. A large quantity of earth will be re ­ gone to his home in Spencer, Mass, for the at work chopping on the Wade wood lot ment to all participating and resulting in a St»o, C. E Daniels, W . M. Purington, Spear, his illness he was very patient, uttering no moved. holidays. ------Miss Rhodes of Rockland commenced materially increased treasury fund. An un­ faeam hJta ana, rada would riaa, fa ll blown May \ Stover, Dunn & Additon. word o f complaint— something remarkable flowers would shrink into ebuda and P. Henry Tillson Post, G. A. R., held their Last Sunday was observed as “ Young Peo­ school here Monday, Dec. 6. usually pleasant day graced the occasion and G l e n c o v e .—The King’s Daughters will in one so young. Although he had known patrons were in waiting long before Ibe ad­ plants d w indle into aoodlinga, n u t h im ­ annual election o f officers and delegate? Sat- ple’s day” at the Methodist church, with toe Pleasantville — J. P. Rusaell waa at home for some time that he could not recover ke meet wnn Mrs. Parks Bukcr Thursday after- vertised opening hour. The suite ot rooms self would became young agbha, pcpsiug u rday evening. The newly ele ted .ffie is following program : for a lew d«ys vacation last week from teach­ seemed to have no fear o f death and would n«ou, December 9 ------Chas. F . Richards devoted to the sale proper were in festive at- are: Commander, Lerm nd K. hales- S V Organ Voluntary. ing tn Wilton. He returned to Wilton frosai old a- I last of the week from bis final Boston trip of Fuller of Appleton, and two sisters, Mrs. M . which wilt linger long in the memory of every A vail Linnekin's delivery trim met wi h a Walter Wtlcy is home from Vermont Miss Laura1 Sanborn of Vtnalhaven who I the season in his schooner, the Chas. R. iatad SO yeurr, has cared for 10,000 cuwea Waltz of Appleton and Mrs. Mrs. M. Dunn person iu the audience. Beside Ihe novel slight aciident Monday. The team sai 1,(1 academy, Saxton R iver------Miss W inm fred haa been visiting here returned to her h Washington------Capt. W . R. and E. B. Hall of Rochester, N . H ., deeply mourn his loss. figures personally improvised by M r. Athearn aad secured aver JfOO.OOO to ita aestfy unhitched in Iron! of the stoic. W hile the Tuesday------Merton E. Tolman left here Simmons is visiting in M orrill. left Satuiday, from Rockland, in schooner C. The deceased was aged 27 years, 11 months. the familiar initiate of G. A. R. and W. R. C. adieaata. It ia mppertad by voluntary delivery clerk was within the store the h use Tuesday for Rockland where he is to take the Mrs. Olive Hosmer, widow of the late and R. Tar box for a trip along the neighbor­ Tke family have the sincere sympathy of the were formed calling forth special applause. itributiona. started for his stable I,nt in sltcnipUng to civil service examination for letter carrier’s \m a sa Hosmer, died Saturday morning at the ing coast------Merton Tolm an of Matinicus entire community. The drill being finished a social hop was in leap a trench in front of T. B. Brown*. ,trug grade------Leon L. Young returned from age of 82 Deceased had been sick for a wa* a guest at Horatio D . Hall's last week. order, a happy ending to a most pleasant atme the harness broke allowing the b t«e to Rockland, Saturday, where he has been mak­ W est A p pleto n .— W e are to have a R«aa« W ealey L«Ma>a. lung time. Mrs. Hosmer was a member of R o c k v il l e .— Miss Maud Lermond of Gear h.mse’f from the wagon which was l*-tt ing a business Irip ------Mis. Grace Young W oman’s Lodge benefit consisting of a sale event. (be Congregational church and waa a lady Union and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overlook of ▲ Bwuber of paper* of iasereflt fa in the trend . weit to Rockland, Tuesday, where she will of edibles, fsney work, etc. There will be Moses Webster Lodge F. and A. M, held much beloved. A son, E. E. Hosmer, and a South Liberty recently visited at R. S. H o w ­ Methodiam bare been disoovarM in twa R eta Cre. net has a position in the I L aid pass a few days------Steamer W . G. Butman music by Boynton & Thorndike with Mrs. its anuual installation Taeaday evening at M a ­ sister, Mrs. Bean of B eilaii, survive. ard*------Dxvul Slosn and family have moved bosRa at tha W aalajan conference offtea •nice. made a special trip to this place Saturday------Mae Bartlett at the organ. W e plan for a sonic H a ll. Past Master F. A . Grindle was to H o p e ------Alden Merrifield is working for Frank W . Collin’s lobster steamer, In a E. first-class time, Wednesday, the 18th ------For master of ceremonies and performed hia duties in Ixmdosa. Am ong them are 44 let ton M is . E. K . Winchenbach has recovered Otis hi U. Mrs. Samuel Cleveland of Rock­ ST GEORGE Collins waa here Saturday, and,we understand, the benefit of tke Poverty H ill scribe we will in a highly interesting manner. An unaaualiy of Jabn VFaalcy to hia brother Cisarka from a recet Illness------Mr. ,„d Mrs C W. land caiied on friends in this place Friday. bought 4000 lobsters. W ho says the ficher say that our “smart” young man M. II. had large company of guests waa present and Mid 80 by Selina, conn teas W Hanting- Stimpson h re returned from Boston------M artinsville .— E. O. Martin we< t ------.Miss Maud Kuhn has returned from men will starve this winter------It is with sad­ business near the Bryant house— w ai in search delightfully entertained. The following dwn, tba foander c f tba aeot known aa Miss Bernn • -Simmons of Waldoboro, who Rockland Monday on busints*------A 1 umber Waldoboro - Sylvester Barrows is visiting ness that the fien d s in this place of Capt. of hoop poles, but you will not sea him again choice musical aelectiona were rendered dur­ Use (kninteaa of H nniinfdasa’a oewnee- h a . been th. guest of Miss O live D elan o, has of our neighbors attended the funeral of Mrs friend* in Boston------Mi-s Myra E Tolman Harvey Anders in read tba account of hit so don’t let it trouble you------C. R. Bartlett ing the evening: returned hot. a— --Misses Hannah W ait, and Abbie Hart at Tenant’s Harbor Friday recently called on Mrs. Cora H all, Glen Cove tien. written ta Cbnrlca Waalcy. death by drowniug last week from sch. Nor- hah b it hall finished. It makes a Yooal trio, “ The Chase,” Medfield”; j S 'J . *he Mrs. H a rt waa a highly respecicd lady; was The sociable at the hall Friday evening tnau Fisher off La llarve. Capt. Andetson fine hall and ia o f great benefit to the neigh­ U te O. U. J o .ee , Mlee Albre Vlnal, W . F. Pierce member of the Bap'ist church and uf the 1 gr< at saccess, both socially aHd finan­ Bate aolo. "SVh. n Y ou Aak a Girl To Leave Her was a native c f Deer Isle, aad had many borhood------W e are pleased to see brother MEW YORK TRIBUsXE. T h e ladies circle of the Methodist church Eastern Star. Cap:. H ad has the heartfelt cially------Mrs. Minnie Weed of Rockport Happy Home,” U. C. Lane friesda aud acquaintances here------Cap*. Davidson’s grocery and dry goods team on Plano duet, Uleaei Mae Pendldton, Alice Hopkla, WedneVd'.y* " ‘ “PP" “ “ “ “ cbn,ch sympathy of the entire community------The recently visited her m nher Mrs. Amanda Chas. Burgess of Matinicus Rock Light the road again. W e miss Fred’s smiling face Trio, "Balllug." Puritan Rebekah Locge expect to work al K oa*— - The Ladies’ Union H all has been Slauicb la Suppart of Republlcaa Principle. Station made a trip^to Rockland Saturday, bat M r. Morton is very pleasant and obliging. Refreshment* of ice* and cake were served the meeting 1 hursday night, Dec. 9 ------I he painte , wb ch makes a great improvement. tci When 01 bars Fall. & Wh'te ’ f Rockland will preach returning Monday------M r. aad Mrs. W illiam aad dancing enjoyed in the banquet hall un­ E Odd Fellow will work at a special meeting We wun some of the houses might also be at the Methodist church next Sunday morn- Young Jr , and three children, who have been til a late boar. Dec. I I ------H e Martinsville Baplint church painted as it would greatly improve the ap WASHINGTON tng. is without a pastor and it is hoped tne pi ce passing the summer in this place with Mr. The home of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Follett is WHOLESOnE, BREEZY, INSPIRING AND pearance of our village. N o. W a s h in g t o n — M. W. Lenfest killed a T n e hour o f Sunday services at the Bap- w ill soon hr occupied by a good m an------Mrs Young’s parents, M r. and Mrs. W illnm saddened by the loss uf their only ton, Her­ ENTERTAINING. 405 pound porker recently------Mrs. Chas. tist church ba. been changed to 2 p. m. lor Margaret A. H art and Mrs. F. O . Martin Young, left yesterday for KocfcUnd, en route Death has again entered our little villsge. man, 8 years and 12 days old. Death came Cunningham, who has been quite lame for the the winter. Th e Sunday school session will were in Rockland Wednesday------Howard D for their home at South Deer Isle. Je*aie V. Norwood, daughter of M r. and Mrs. from breaking through the ice in Uid Harbor Ita Contents Absolutely Pree from Whatever past two weeks, is much better. Mis* Lora Jones open at -12.45 o'clock. W iley is again confined to the house with a Andrew Norwood died at her home Wednes­ Puud Friday afternoon. The accident oc­ Is Unfit tor the Family. is at work for her------School commenced here lung trouble------Edward Harris had his hog HOPE day. She was 13 years of age and we can curred about 3 o'clock hut 12 feet frum land. Mra. Horace Little sang at the Baptist Munday under the instruction of Arial Nason The New York Trib nue offers, to Uepubll- killed Saturday. The weight was 240 lbs. truly say she died a cbiis ian girl. She was There were many skaters on the pond at the saus sml to patriotic men of evsry party, a ut’ws- chmch Sunday evening. Ernest Hobbs leaves Thursday for Massa- of So. Washington------Chas. Overlock had a E. C. Cook killed one weighing 265 lbs------a member of the Christian Endeavor Society, time, all of whom happened just then Io be at pnpor, which in its editorial expredalous, Is abao- The S. O. .. dance at Counce Hall Satui­ chusett and Providence, R . 1., where large crew in Edn unn Prescott's woods getting Iulcly reprbnentntiYe of tbs dominating aplrlt, the J. W . Hupper is at h me lor a few days---- in which she also took an uctive part, and a distant part beyond heating. When discov- day evening was a successful one. M i.v he will make an extended visit with friends— out shoes to go under the old Spead shop, situs and sm bllious o* Ihe Republic tn arij of lbs The ladies of the Martinsville Baptist church also a member of the Juvenile Temple. She ered the boy was sinking, hut by qaick and United States Sinun -b, stahlo snd true. It is four- Gale and Atkins. E. W. Hewett, wife and daughter Margie, which he iotends to haul to South will hold an entertainment Friday evening. will be gieotly missed in both societies. She praiseworthy work two young men rescued less In support of measured cslcu'sted ta promote were guests of W . O. Hewett in Rockland Liberty and connect with his house to aeneral prosperity and public morale, and Is never We hope to see a good number out. There leav- s a Christian fa'her and mother, a grand him, but all too late, death bad heen before Friday------F. L . Mansfield aud family moved make it larger------B E. Cunningham recently swerved from Its devotion to the psriy platform by SO THOMASTON will he lota of good things to eat. Admission mother and quite a number o f uncles, one them. The faneral services were solemnized aubseirJ nuy to Improper lufluenues. It was uu ar­ last Friday from their farm to their home in sold Jessie Overlock 1600 hoop poles------M . only five cents. Come one and all, old and sister and one brother, who we hope may yesterday at 2 o’clock at the family residence. dent advocate of the election of MoKInlev and Ho O w l ’s H e a d .— Rev. R. w . Van K itk South Hope where thty will pass the winter. W . Lenfest has purchased of Rufus Colby 50 bart, a d Is unfailingly loyal to the conscience and young and have a good lime. grow up to be Christians and when their work preached al the chapel bunday afternoon. Mrs. Mansfield is in poor health having re­ is done they can say it was well done. She cords of stave lumber. H e lias a large crew Mra. Charlotte McDonald is visiting tela principle of the partv, under all eircuoasi .uc-es and H e was accompanied l.y fran k Cummings W il e y ’s Co r n e r — School in District No. cently been very sick------School* in this vici­ ou all occasions. T he reader will flad In Us was sick out five week* with congestion of at work fur him ------Arthur Collins, who kas tivaa in Boston and vicinity— F. M. Lane is columns a trustworthy expos.tloo of Hepub lcan • T h e ska!t-f 3 have been e n jn iitg fin,- 1 in Si. George commenced Monday nity began Monday, at the Corner Miss Lead the lungi and through alt her sickness she did been at work ot Rumford Falls retnrned borne in N ew Y o rk— Mra. Frank Smith held Ibe doctrine. The Daily Tribune, $'0 u year sport on F . M Sm ith’s po„d— M rs Sadie N< v 29 with Miss Lucy Dorman of better, of Lincolnville, Safford district, Miss not murmur nor complain; she knew she was recently------L . P Jones is at work for our lucky ticket which won (he parlor rocker at The Weekly Tribune will he handsomely E Young 11I L in e Invilie made a sq are f E»st Umoo as teac’ er------Scbr. Eliza Leven Duntqn o f Appleton an1 a year. Readers can sometimes c iiala afternoon------Mis. Maggie Philbtook very there------J. A Gilchred ba* bis barn nearly ant called on friends in East Union Sunday Tolman, Mr*. Eliza Hewett, Mr*. A Word T h e W e e k ly T r ib u n e ut a lower price. In Mias Myra The basement of the new fact try is being binatlon with a local weekly pan r. Hun pie copies pleasantly entertained the Knitting Bee Soci finished------The Y. P. M . Band arc to have ------Mr. an I Mrs. Wilson and two children. John Clough of Rockport, six beautiful pink* completed. free Friends of the party aud T h o T r ib u n e are ely Saturday evening------Fled Cheyt.e. who an entertainment in the near future. after a visit with Mrs. W ilson’s parents, M r from Master Oscar Russ, and a beautiful About Invited to aoake up clubs for the paper iu their U- has been ou H r.m e . Rockland, is at Lome and Mrs. John Robbins, went to Camden wreath from Mrs. Linnie Carroll. The funeral Nison Andrews narrowly escaped whal oalittes. Sunday en route for their home in East Harps mutt have proved a fatal accident Friday T h e Neuil-Weekly T rlb u n o la Issued every - M it t liam .n b C. H ix is recovering from JEFFERSON took plate at her home Friday, Elder Drew Tuesday auni is dlgalfl d and to work in the straw shop------Chas. O. H all They report a very good time. Always was her KuiOo and comfort to be appreciated must be good. We lake oere Iu tome severe bruiaea. H ad Ike blow fallen on able, sod set enlyosost entertaining, but lasivrasely Ho her tile were not severe. ha. gone to work in the Norway shoe factory meklug our selection, sad eeu truly say tkai we h it bead death would have resulted inataatly. educatleaal upon (be minds and tastes ef lbs family. Au Increasing number of sab crlbrrs iudls«iM psfe­ — — Mra. Either Moody ami Herbert Moady G oes from earth, from paia aud sorrow; have tke beet obtainable. W e do not sell poor Sixle-n well knows youag men were at the are viaitipg relatives in Aloa------School ia in All her eofferlnga now ere o'er; lls approval ef tals feature sf The Tribune. ___ j Miltw w ’a . Coffee aad make you pay for some artfele of farnl- town ball Saturday evtning, practicing basket Uamp s sepias of Friday's paper, free aeaiion iu Koaa district, titight by Mina Addle Hhe Ie weltlaa, walchtua for us, ■ n*V H 7*ara Ou the bright celestial ekore. tare for at tke price we sell we cannot make hall. If sufficient inteaeat it manifested lea ma The Tribune Almuxuso fer 1M0H, saw la Amea------Miaa Fannie Hodgkina ia viiitiag preparation, will contain several features of vela*, ■ b.reltB, a il W ft a yfta preeeate. Here Is what we offer : anil otgaaixe aad proceed to bueineie. CLOTHING! relatives in Boaton------We expect to kcar netlsslnded In yvevleus a ambers, sm osg tb sa tbe AUSOITA asw Ooustltatloa sf the ■tats ef New Tera, pre wedding belle about ChriiHaas------Mra. Joka «m4 (’«»>« h r M art lie a Ik. vldleg fer aea partisan maalelpal electleus. The A W .eka ie in aery poor health------Mra. Mias L iu ie Springer, who baa been cm O»t4 af Thanks. T rlb u a e 's dlpest bsvlag been approved by Joseph Jara Baoka Bleat. A Ika. far S l.rt R Choate, s premiaeot msmbsi ef tha Ooastiiu Faaay Sideliogar and childrea are stopptag ,lo y *d at lb * hospital for the laat year, hat We wish to extend heartfelt intake tn oar Fax? Rle ttr a Ik. .tonal (Jenveafloa; Tbe O easiltsilea ef Ibe United Call and examine our ALL WOOL with ker fatker, Otia Waeka------Mra. Barak gtae* op her aitaatioa oa account o f in health netghhara and friend* for thn r thoeghtfilaese **•*••1 '*bes so ay s red SUITS fo r Men’s Sizes, 31 to 42, Hall of Eaat Jcilamn, who baa baea alntt.g -----,E . Craaer it flailing in Washington fix Baral Haeka art Jara, • Iki. far SI.M . and kiadanaa in oat let* eatafortane. 7? W,beB » « U b e to friends and relalieee in thia plaaa, kaa re- toll; a bletery ef the «rss e-Tarblefi wa>; i s t a s M W a few days------The machinery it being pat Jara a rt Maaka Ma. a Ik. Ma. *»"- « » •.▼ . T. Follwit. _ ___ ... O n ly 8 6 . 0 0 tamed home------N. A. Miller, wife aad cklld, atawatre te ha «■ late the aaw that ehop-----G. F. French ef raa retalaM, fl». : llw iL a resare. hr isea .U S1< Oararareaat Balakerry 4ka a B of Bristol, were in tke place last weak------Sosareffia area in the city Munday on boil 1MI.. 1. k a ld l, a l.u .rw , .1 all yartha, aa axlaakat Lajsgeel Slock o f Clothing ever carried a r i.y Mra. M ary Hodgkina ha> retnrned fraaa I-a v aeaa------C. E. Tlllaoa and lady epeat Thaaha- KaaAeltag Jara 4ka a lk Tka whale, f ° “ * r Kheyyam’s qaatraim .1 autlmlM W wake, aowwaaa, laaaaa, iu thia town. saoaag,« , arada.lloa af praalaai ■Mala, n a rance, Maae------Skaridan Hodgkins, wife aad ftflng aflth relallaes ia Sidney------Geo, (between e‘*B< * Bj' jre^hnndredjn aamber) la>«,n „ Z yaklls, .k l l . a.sta, k.kla, aartaa.. rallia.4.. >k*»>a(, littla sonnf East Jeffcraoa were riaddag tola- Boynton haa gone to Aabora where be beat We will guaranme ibis Coffee ke ke feed aad have baa< fad by John Payaa la aa alt. ; sf Ma fifaateat aM.taia af i t . Uallak S O T S * KNEE PANTS just received Ho'rtT?" * • “ « bm.. ti.ea kere laat week. eitaatUa------Mlaaaa Dora Jaaea aad Hal ekeaper Ikaa yen eaa gel tke same gaatlky else­ iiU. “ ika Mvazal Matw. >Hk ihflr aflaitaa; aa (rea New York, A ll W o o l, a ayiuaa It asigbt appear to a a a five af akalia.1 * f lh - »rtafl»al law . .11 aa Bradaireet, arha beat bcca employed al where. Ika SUM iM ta la la iw ; a a la wwal ■Bill,Balky af O n ly 6 O o •vftaray’a Ow« the hoapital rat two or throe years, beat re ,xu*ia. T ie Yillioa Society w ill issue tha alkar vaiaakla saaiure, ta vS a k .vary iaulilfaal agaed their sltaatloai and baae accepted Wa Sail Oaffaa an Ita Marita. oaah .a a wUkaa I* r.fv i ssaaally. M m u U a aopy. This Is surely the place to huv Cloth­ Oeplee may be erdered la advaaee. Tbe Alaaueese 1 poaitioa* ia Iowa. w ill be eol ear .J n Ja teary. ing a. well a* olhei good.. A torse number el Pamphlet Extra*, seme ef BUNKER HILL ism of gr«at lutereel, have been printed by Ib e , OLDS AND COUGHS ribuae. A eireuler deeerlbleg them wl I shear- i — yieH at Onca to-— W ta. Weelie it confined to the honae------Chas. T. Spear CASTORIA ' i z ...... J Alpbonao Chase and Atony Hodgkina are TRADE CENTER Gardiner’s Balsam of . . . Some for the winter— — F. B. H all and John GRAIN MERCHANT, Far Infanta and Children. A. Weeks bare bought two cowa ol Frank FOR SALE. . . spruce Gum and Wild Cherry Vsmith of No. Newcastle------Walter Heaaey Ooe thousandsand bobotilae I Ila* _eold____ owr our coaster laat aoasou.thai tel la hew it la 1 vended at hease. tat bought forty cords of ateodiog wood which Rockland, - Main LEVI SEAVEY, Tba boat oeot rimed j made Sold by all drag^la'e aad lewsUaf fioowrs te iutcuds to market thia wittier— -Mrs. •< x « , Bd«artewa. tu .. ’ ,u Thomaston, Maine i TUE U. J. UOBINbOJI DKUO CO., lkoiaa»l.», Man Mary Hodgkius, who baa been viaiting tela* ▲SK YOUR LOCAL DKALBK VOU IT. liaca ia Boaton, has relumed houie. Oakwat; ‘a Plaaiara Cure CoU Feet.' 0rSw»z'« Flaatora Cor, PlAAVtant C u re C oiu


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL occasions when he should have been assisting GRAPES AND THE AFPENS’X. O ’Malley that he was on the other aide of Alfred Murray the rink. O ’Malley put up a good game in John, Frost of Boston is vititing in the city The Little Reeds Are Not Rn Hnngermiw aa front of the cage. M m Been Claimed. Samuel W eaver of W ashington is visiting The Lewistons played good polo but were in the city. «* not in it except in the second period when Things have been shW about tho hano- Great Bargains Ernest Doe is ill at his home, Rockland the Rocklands appeared to be in a trrnce nt fnl and deliolnns Jnlrnof the grnpn over Highlands. Pneumonia is threatened. times. The three goals in thin period were aineo tho olden time when Noah found . . . IN . . . Miss Jennie Fisk is home from Bangor, all made by the visitors and the crowd was out nhoht It and Oatno thereby to grief, where she has been visiting relatives for sev* very silent. But Rockland p’.ayed great polo tint even before that mqp ate grapoe, eral months. in the last period and on some of the best and only within tho last deende have juggling, passing and Interference secured CLOTHING! Miss Clara M. Farwell is in Hallowcii at­ they been talked to nlrout that. It ia three goals. The game was free from rough tending a trustees* meeting of the M aine In- work. The summary. only since surgeons began to make dustrial^Home. FULLER & COBB. money hunting for gmpo seeda In tha LBWISTOV rocrlaub Sails . . . ’6.50 Mrs. Gearge Burkett of Belfast has been a Tarrant, flret rush Campbell vermiform appendix1 that) people have gaest o f Col. and Mrs. F . C. K night, Beech Walton eeennd rush Morphy All wool fancy ohuviotu, reduced from been afraid to eat grnpes nasi to tat street, the past week. Fltagerald center McGowan 38.76 and 310—half dozen different pat­ Kurhuth halfback Mnynard them straight. terns—choice 36.50. Miss Addie Snow is visiting in Staten White goal O’Malley It now nppenrs that In all the thou­ Island, N . Y ., the guest of Commander A. Goals Won by Made by Time Rockland Campbell ROCKLAND, H E ,. Dec, 6. I897. L j . sands of cases . fnmpns, and possibly tar Suits _ - - $8.75 Sidney Snow and wife. Lewiston Walton some eases infamous, hi which thia uaw Mrs. Maynard William s, who has been Rockland Campbell fashioned surgical operation has beea very ill with pneumonia, is gradually recover* Roealand Murphy Over ISO to pick from, rednoed from 10 in other words, when a faahien- performed there is not one oase in ing health and strength. and 312—nobby plaide and mixtures. able man meets a fanhlonablc man, Lewiston Tarrant which a grapn seed or any other little Cholcu 18.75. Mrs. M. F. Hanley ol Appleton is the Lebrlaton Tarrant there is sure to bo a comparison of' Lewleten Tarrant 10 IB bullet shaped thing has heen feared ia guest for a few days of her sister, Mra. A. H . Limit tho terniifnrtn appendix. The whole la- Newbert, North Main street, tailors. Our customers need fear no • Rockland B SO Suits - - - $10 * Rockland O il terlor of thn appendix fa only big enough Mrs. R. A. Ingraham went to Boston yes­ criticism of their clothes. Not only 10 Rookland ______18 ■ GALA DAYS W to admit n medium sized darning media. Ca.slme»ei, tweeds and cheviots, re­ terday morning where she w ill make an ex­ are the main points of cloth and fit Score, Roekland B, Lewlatoa 4; ruahea Campbell duced from 12,15 and 318—latest stylos tended visit with relatives. 8, Tarrant 6; rove In goal, O'Malley 30, W hite 48; Nobody kitrtwA whiit It is fltere for, but and patterna. Choice 310. well taken care of, but tho details of fan I, Rockland, Lewiston; Referee, May; Timer, Mi3s N ettie W yman, who has been thegnest A . Blackington. it must have ficen useful nt mints time. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waltz, returned to linings, seams, button-holes and gen­ It is a case of tbo snrylvai of the nufit, Suits = *15 her borne in Waldoboro Saturday. eral finish show the hand of au oxpert OTHER GAMES. Christmas Shopping like tho w.iHdpm teeth, >vhlirh tire of ee Deo. 4, At Bath 8, Portland 2. little nse to most peoplc, nnd tbo ton­ Miss Sadie Perkins has resumed her duties tailor who knows the latest in every­ At Gardiner, Gardiner 6, Auauata 1. Im p.rted worsteds and tweeds, reduced at the Central telephone office after a well i Dec. 6, At Portland, Gardiner IB, Portland 7. sils, which eutipo so much trouble now from 18, 20 and 322—a ll ta ilo r made. earned vacation of three weeks, spent in JBos* thing. At Anguata, Bath S, Augusta 2. ami then. Choice 315. ton. The tonsils anti the appeudlx nee The N. M. I. club met with Mrs. Harry The Rocklands will not play tonight but both unused putts of tho Hotly tuid p e ­ Overcoats - = French last Wednesday. Mrs. W . Oxton eD $8 J. A. BREWSTER, tomorrow night the Augusta* will be here nod culiarly linblo to 'ilisousi* hecuusu they tertains the club at Mrs. Palmer's, Park street, one of the game* of the season may be ex­ Commencing Today. tire not strengthened'by Use. If inflaas- CO celebrated Beoll keraeyn, black, blue next Wednesday. pected. The last time the Augusta* were aud brown, regularly $15, to close 88. Merchant Tailor mutiou nttnckH them, th e y tiro unable te Vesper A. Leach and wife c f this city and here they defeated Rockland and are going So Grand an Array of Attractions and Bar­ resist. Thus ninny dlseiises whiefr have Miss ( ’race Mears of Thomaston have been Washington St., Camden to try and do the same trick over again. Friday been userlhed to peritonitis or eoltu e* Overcoats = = $10 admitted to membership in the First Baptist night Rockland goes to Gardiner and Satur­ Churai Asiociatiou. day night to Lewiston. gains W as'Never Displayed By any a mysterious provideuoo of soara kln< RACE FOR POLO PEMtART have been duo to the diseased leeditioa Lap and raw edge, 315 kerseys, A t her home on Columbua Avenue last Store in Maine. a ll s ix .., to close at 810. Thursday evening Miss Agnes Outhouse en- There are no snaps now io the M aiae of this little useless organ of the hum . Bath Ila. Now Got a I-..U That W ill IU system, and if tho troiililo hail btou dla tertaioed very charmingly. Tho occasion was league. Every team is playing the best kind Boston had her Merchant’s Week. The people of Rocklan- Overcoats . . $i5 that yoUug lady’s 17 birthday. Hard Te Overcome. uf p lo. covered in ti mo tho appendix co aid his. The Neighb ihood Whist Club met Friday Although tho Rocklands outplayed the Balks been removed, nutfall would have buns ‘ I’. or Old Gramp” haa been having hard and vicinity will have ,E ghteen Days In which to do their A ll tailor mads and selling regularly at evsuiug with M r. aud Mra. E. I I . Rose, Broad­ Satur 'ay night yet the latter team w m, for well. 20, 12 and 325, includiug genuine Irish luck again. Tho Lewiston Snn lays: “George way. I'he club meets fortnightly aud tbe which much credit should bo given Bargeas. and a visit to our store will certainly pay Tho remedy, therefore, is not in avoid frieze, lap s.ams, mcltous, k»rse»s, Wheeler, Grandpa Morse and Frank Strout Christmas Shopping next gathering will be with M r. and Mrs. the Bath goal toad. vicuna, aad unfinished worsted, black, tried their luck with Reynard l^st Tuesday. ing grupe seeds, which do ntit eisern tbs Arthur Shea. Burgess put up a game that was well nigh them as it will be hard to leave our Magnetic Counters without bln.,brown aud tnodu shades, all for 315 Grandpa Morse took his two well-bred fox trouble, but, in keeping its well and .a perfect and tbo way he kicked them awa) Misa Kathryne C. Emery has resigned as hound* and they went to N orth Auburn purchasing something strong ns possible, anti in easo uf at I from the cage iu the first two periods wav teacher at Timber Hill in South Thomaston * h»*re two foxes were started both of which den illness calling 11 reliublo doot >. U lsters . . . 510 wonderful and we willingly give him credit of aad Harold W.Haynes of Old Town,a student some accommodating (? ) hunters shot before being as good as any goal tend in tbe league. who will know what t l « n uhter in Colby Uuiveisity baa beea engaged to the Auburn parties reached within gun shot. We Cordially Invite the Public Patronage Heavy all wool frieze, regularly selllug O ’M allry also made some brilliant stops but Somebody once said tlint ’ .esc pro s at 315-black or Oxfo d—a most won­ teach the winter term. These fellows took their foxes and skipped did not have tbe work to do that Burgess had. Children Especially Welc, m e . use a doctor to enuble them to 1 u derful barg.iu at 810. not even giving them one of the foxes wnich Capt. John I. Snow and Elon Gilcbrest The Rocklands shculd have scored ia the against the luwa -qf liaturo with ini] a- tbeir dog had j chased so lung and well.” have gone to New York, whence they sail to­ first two periods but didn’t. Campbell was nity. lint that is a butt uso for him.— - 446 M ain S t., ■ Rockland morrow iu the schooner M tthcbciec for Flor off on bis goal strokes at times, otherwise I 2 0 0 yds. Bunting Used for Inside Dec Washington Time*. . '■ ida. From there they go to the West Indies, The report that Hipton and Wiley of tha 87 playing a very strong game. M urphy was the vesiei loading back to M obile. Salem* were to play in Rockland was without very rapid and was everywhere in evidebce, oration of Our Store. A BIT OF HISTORY. The I2m o Clu*> was entertained last eve­ Murphy is improving *teadily in bis work and foundation. The Rockland team is all right ning at tne bonv- of L*-w<* Fiederick Starn tt, is n- »•- playing v* iy *a i foctory polo. Me- as it is when the men play as they know bow. Try the You can hear most any old thing about polo ELECTRIC CARS STOP AT COR LCCF— W tire n cre welccm e to ihe Ovruiaataska, '1’ft.*, W as Okiro Callod Sh« on Broadway. Supper was served at 6.30 >y Gowan secured Ro tb o ri** only goal and did Capltffi bf iii<- O o tin trj. H on a very prelty pby McGowaa is a tower but you wan: to believe less than half of it. Mrs. Arthur Sb»’a and Mrs O B. Luvej y. A pupil in tliii Bo^a' Hiyuniaar school, The paper of tv«- tveniog was by W . t'.Co »t», of strength to ihe 'vickbmd team and is L use of our store md chairs to writ fer ihe cars. on Lafayette street, Gcrniautowa, was BOSTON the subject "K it b a g .” playing the best center of any- man in the Tbe Rocklaads had an exceptionally hard league. The Mother G-. paity given under the week last week, being scheduled for five suc­ naked by bis teacher “ when the flrat Maynard war, no* feeling w. Friday night, auspices of the Yea ng Peoples’ Society uf the Il cessive games, three of them away from congress occupied tho UcruaautowB «%HOE Congregational chuich Friday evening proved but he was on the fl .or f r 'he first two pe­ home. With the game that all the teama are ncuduiay, located on West Hchool Ians.” riods aod hia I licking 'at as good as any a very interesting event and was witnessed by now putting up this waa too great a strain. It was a puzzle, of courso, to tha young ever seen here. He retired in the third an audience numbetii g about 150. Quite c. scholar, who w h s nt u loss to find any­ petiofi in f v of Gendreau. neat little sum was rea.'ieed. A Brunswick correspondent of the Lewis­ thing in print verifying snch an svont. The Bai »ys played pol • all the time but ton Journal takes exception to the “ A ll- STORE! Mrs. E. J. Brann au children left this although they won they were outplayed, the Fuller & Cobb. Tho facta, however; from wbich the Maine Footb- 1 Eleven” at lined up by a morning for Gardiner * here they will visit work of both teama arousing g ’.eat en­ falsa impression has frequently obtuinad relatives for several wtekn. M r. Brann ha- Bates college or. The selection of the And see how much a little tail ia*m team was given us follows: R . E. Veazie, nro aa fed laws: The government of lb several situations in view and will leave hi 1 A n-w record for the tom e 1 irk,and we be United States was tlrst inaugurated ha shortly to accept one of them. M i Bran R. T. Futnqm and R. G. Brooks, right side money will buy. hrve iu me league, was esta,Jisb< 1 for goals of the line; C. Hoag, center; and L. G. New York in 17h!l, but. by tint sf c o b - was manager, until recently o f the Wester.. , 1 28 minutes aad 19 secoiua before the Saunders, L I. Sturgis and L . E. Putnam on gress l-’hiluin Jphin was niiuJu (liecapital Examine our Children's Box Calf Union telegraph cffice, and w ill cave hr! iu 1 i h ist ball waa caged by McGilvary. J. Mooney him many friends. the left side of the line; Q . B. Purington, of tbe tuition frum 17110 nntil 1330. Ia Button Boots, sizes 5 to 8, for 49c, made the second one in only 57 seconds. quarterback; R. II. Kendall and Nate Pulai- 17U3 tho-yellow fever became epidemic 9 to 11 for <5c. They are good The Monday Clnb enjoyed a very pieasatit McGowan then scored for Rocklaryl and try fer, half backs; F. B. Sawyer, full-back. But and profitable aesiion yesterday. There was as bard as they could Rockland could not in tiiiH city, aud it w as‘in Oetobcr ef shape and good wearing. for the center rush says tbe Brunswick cor­ a full attendance, and a dainty and delicious score again. Poor Consolation Though. that year that the govt'iilWr of Penngyl See cur Miaaes’ Kid Lace Shoes, respondent there seems to be other candi­ CUHEMONT COMMANOERr ELECTS tea was lerved. Mrs. M . F. Hanley of Ap Tbe majority of the spectators thought it dates. M r. Hoag of Bates is a good hard Thomaston can sympathize with Bidde­ vuiiia asked the loqr'tl til 'trusteea to a«; thick aolsa and Patent Leather Tips, pleton, vice president of the club, was pres­ was the beat game ef the season. It was player and has played on the Bates team ford. Wbereaa the latter city reports the loai column(lute tin, liousu of u^iunhly, s u sizea 11 1-2 to 2. The price is low, ent, which waa an agreeable and pleasant sur­ goad, clean, scientific polo and although we from tbe kindergarten to tbe Divinity school. of three vessels Biddeford bound and tbeir A t the annual corn U re u f Claremont Cm u sitnilur reqtii si lor ertb. Bomh A frica fre ig h t* The untimely death of W. It.Whitney, pro­ are d u ll, tbo Hteum *11A oh taking the bulk of riaine State Press prietor olthe Warreu Hotel, h)s brought sad­ tbo good! now going frrward. There in yet ness ami regret lo those who knew and appre- Home In q u iry for lu iu lw r 'ouuMgn to ib e Two Dollars a Year, At E. B. HASTINGS'. elated bit many good qualities. Eor sume lime Kiver Plato, but tbippere are' unwilling to AO Cents lor Three Mouths. grant any improvement iu goiug »hu -h, bid­ pail II has been generally believed Ibsl M r. ding Mbaud tfiHroiu tbe K h»i and Provlucaa W hitaey’s mental condtljon waa impaired lo Biiouoa Ayrea and Koaariu, aud >11.70 Sixecn Pages of News and General aud troubles > b lth need not be mentioned and >12 from tbo Gulf to Mpnleviilatj aud Reading Every Week. here seethed lobe weighing heavily upon blur. Bueuoa Ayrea There U Rule actiou Duriag the lime while discouraged aud almost noticed iu the 1 ne of Brash or other Boutb A Great Weekly Paper for the Farmer Today We Open Our New Holiday Goods Counter hopeless, needing council,encouragement aud Amerh aa freight*. Outward ratea do uol the Merchant and the Sailor; and Ea- improve, and buck buainoaa ia certainly uu- pecaliy attractive to the W ives of All sympathy, s search warrant waa istacd against Hutiafaciory. There ha* dontinued a mod- him, through tke efforts 0 / ibe Christian Civic Three. —Loaded With erale demand for lounage to llie Weal lu- League ol Warren, aod bearing tbe aiguature diee and Wludward, with (be fixture* cou­ ot a clergyiuau uf that town. Mr. Whitney ple: ed indicating a firm maiuteuauee of full PORTLAND had bceu practically lewpcrale of late, aod il previous rates. Coastwise I dm her freights la a fact which can be proven that he bad conliuue dull, with tlie tendency if rates stopped tbe sale uf liquor more than a week rather favorable lo shippers. Colliers to tbe East are iu better demand, aud rate* rrevious lo ibe lime ot the seizure, txaviug aa ie said givta it up. In view of Ihete facta, during the week have advanced slightly, { tbe market closing firm at tbe improve* aud IB consideration of Ihe condition io which Price *2.00 a Veer. With tbe Pit ESS m ent. CHRIS! HA5 NOVELTIES the aaau was 10, ibis action seems inconsistent CuauTMMs.-Scb. Chas. L. Davenport, •7.50 a Year la Advauee. with mao's duly ’to his fellow man, to say Norfolk to Bi. f.ucla, coal >2.10— fkb. LU* nothing of cbiiktiau only, in which oame ibis aie B. W ille y , lienee io ilu vu n u , ease oil, at A Great Newspaper. Giving Mora and league it Working. From Inc lim e ,.f me or ab» ut 9 3-4 < «*nia-~ Hcb Wm H Humner, Later New. 7 ban tbe Boston Sunday seizure tne itrtfortiuiatc man became uisuemt- Sob. eocd and broken. He had reached ibe limit .kcio , * u* >» w*;vuln to i MisdeJpbla, Papers—Sixteen Pages. Suitable for All. All are Invited to Call and See Our Display. Every lumber >0.37 1-3 and free wharfage— Sub. of eodutascc aud ibua an honest uiau, a true Silver Spray. South Amboy to Bo.ton, coal thing Marked at LOWEST PRICES. . . . friend aud a sympathetic and generous spirit 00 cents—Scb. Maggie J. Chadwick, Pl. coded bia existence. Tbe friends of tbe de­ L ib e rty to Gloucester, coal GO cents. Portland Publishing Co., ceased aad all fair minded criizcut, who are fam 1 bar with tbe circqmataocca, deeply regret Portland, that most unfortunate affair and ita tragic Wshlutf sch. O. || M. Tarfaox. 87 loss regleUr. ending. CinzstM. with n.w ls, durle. aud cable. Tbo)oe

PIRE TREE CONES Must Nam* the Man. AROUND THE COUNTY. THE “GROWN-UP” DAUGHTER’S DUTY TO HER The postmasters throngbout Maine are re­ N e w s and O p in io n s AN An A u rn .ta boy, 16 year* of age, married a ceiving the following from the post office de MOTHER. pariment : OP O PEN ------There is an old lady in North Appleton, girl ol 22 the other day. H e wovka in the (CIRCULAR.) 9.’ years old, who remembers when there mill at 75 cent* a day and support* 1 bride. Yon can only have one mother; therefore, when her step Is growing slow Indefinite Alternative Address Not Permitted National Importance SECRET were hot very few brnldinfs on School street, Muimuna are actively at work holding reli­ on Second, Third and Fourth-Clatt Matter. Bos'on. Today Ibis is one of the most im and her mind gloomy with forebodings, and you can see that her who.u gion* meeting. in *chuol home* in the rnral Post Office Department, It is an open secret that there la a portont streets in city. This old lady has nervous system is upset, It Is your fllisi the district* in variou* part* ol Oaford cousty. Office of Third A **t Postmaster Gen'l, good deal of adulteration in groceries, a remarkable memory and although the duty and privilege to attend to her lit A Georgetown man discovered not long Washington, D C., Nov. 20, 1897. and il therefore behooves the careful suffer, much from rheumatism she Is able to time I Mother is approaching the most ago when he shelled a clam a black pearl a* I t is not permissible to write upon third or housekeeper who has some considera­ knit, sew and perform many other household crltioal period of her life. large aa half a pea. The pearl has not been foarth-clus matter or ita wrapper, or fo print tion for the health of the people at duties. W ill the generation of today, if The change of life, th at is what mother polished. It ia coal black and if perfect in or write upon aecond-claaa matter or ita wrap­ y V I u < » [ home to patronize such houses aa are tiring throe quarters of a century hence, bare 1£2 dreading, and no wonder, for It is full form might bring 8 *0 or »»S per* direction! relative to the delivery there­ known to handle only “Pure Food” the memory and the physique of our grand of peril to all but the strongest The Deer Isle Gazette thu* keep* on the of, inconsistent with the Postal Regulations; prod nets. We handle none others. parents? This is a much faster life we are CONTAINS BOTH. safe aide in reporting a recent occurrence at consequently directions to deliver to aome tiring than (bat o f our forefathers, who were women. That does not mean, however, that our Stonington: “ Someone by mistake got Fred In d 'fin ite address, aa to a “ Druggiat,” content to p'od and who had but few luaunes There are some special and very pflrices are high. In fact, here is, tbo Grots'* overcoat, cap, silk muffler and rub • "Pnytician,” If the matter be nndeliverable taei and but few modes of dissipation to break up wearing symptoms from which st cvideuce that they are not: to the addressee, mn«t in all ease* be disre­ Daily, by mail, • - - $6 a year the mind ann body. Vet the medical pro mother suffers, but she will not beta at the ball on Thanksgiving eve.” gard, d by the poatmaater at the office of ad­ Extra Fancy P. R. Mol. per gal., 3 .48 fession has advanced at rapid strides sod “ My husband it just the beat man in the Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8a year speak of them to any one. Help dress. Very “ *• “ “ M many of the diseases o f a half or qnarter world and we get along beautifully,” taid a (her e right spirit.. fiaence, and they played just a t good polo as otner ci'ies would be very expensive. The only BIRD & BARNEY, the ice from freezing so he could move some N o one should give up because of ooe fail­ the Rocklands, better if anything, and at way to deal with the contract jumpers and the fine line of Gent’s Furnishings; also things. In the morning he gathered up his know Syndicate Bldg. State Ageata. ure. Washington people want better mail ■ an y stages ot the game much cleaner. Connecticut league is to declare a relentless hens and a few necessaries and mimed ashore ROCKLAND, ME. aervice between that towu and Rockland and “Daring the day, Tnursday, three of the and exteamlnating war upon both. Black list where you got that cold. Do F u r Coats. until the ice is frozen enough to cross on. are going to get it if peraistance is sll that is Augusta team, Perry, Schofield and Murphy the contract jumper and smaab the league.— Boy's W inter Caps, 25o. necessary. were on the verge of being on the sick list, (Providence Telegram) Contract jumpers The Portland Express hear* of plans for a you know w here you can get the but Schofield was the only one who showed usually get the worst of it in the end. great biatorical festival to be held in that city cure for It ? Every drug store + to Januarv, at which the historical and literary — Overdoing things brings its reward it in the game, and after the first period, a Goods ere the Best societies i f the state w ill present aiirring The liquor dealers of Camden became t o part of which Tobin played, he war all keeps Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. 0. E. BLACKINGTON scenes and incident* in American history. Prices are the Loerest bold with the aaual result. Th e people be­ right. Turner played like a fiend until in FOR PARTIES, FAIRS. ETC- Nearly every family in Maine Ireaaarea legend* 7 / cures coughs a n d colds. came aroused. Use selectmen were forced to the last period be was hurt by being hit in 436 Main St.,Rockland the at imach with a stick, which noticeably of the bardshipe and adventniea of variou* Variety the Largest do something and the violators o f the law The winter month* are here again, and many ancestors and if the state’s old families take came to the end of their rope. Murder will weakened him. Malone did some grand folks are planning bolu of aoeb a scheme it might be made a •There Is lots of religion In a out and the transgressors of the law are blocking, and M urphy’s work at goal was very attractive and instructive exhibition. Beefsteak H given to the right sooner or later brought before the bar ol tally up to bis usual high standard. Some party, fair or sociable to pass a pleasant “ For the Rocklands, Csmpbell and Me justice. ______evening; There was an insane lady taken to Augusta man at the right time. Gowan put up the best game-, their passing recently, who became insane in a most pecu­ And then, o f course, they wish to serve the According to a celebrated anatomist there being ex'ra fine. Murphy did some very good liar way. A relative died who possessed some M ats, Provisions, Groceries best refreshments made— FREE! OUR QOODS ARB. are upwards o f 5,000,000 little glands in the work. Gendreau played at half back during property, aod the young lady, it was thought, . a . AMD . . human stomach. These glands pour out the the first period, and at the last he committed So take tbeir orders to the man who has the would receive about 84°,°°o, but in some digestive j uicea which dissolve or digest the a foul that should have been called, out the leading trade. way another relative received the whole. This ON AND AFTER TODAY referee claimed it was done after the time unbalanced the unfortunate lady’s mind and All Home Made food Indigestion is want o f juice, weakness I shall give FREE to every customer General Household Supplies. of glands, need of help to restore the health lim it, although the whistle had not been You all hnow him by standard goods he’s it was necessary to take her to the hospital. Oar Bakery is the only one In Knot plaoing a dwelling house or furniture of these organs. The best and moil natural blown. Maynard took his place, and he brought you many a year, On the way she said the gentleman accom­ County that really dtala In played in bis usual over zealous style that so panying her was President M cKinley and they polloy, with me, a handsome help is that given by Shaker Digestive Cor­ And bread and cake and pies he bakes, you dial. Natural, because it supplies the ma­ aggravates the audieoce. Tw o fouls were were on their way to the White House, where relish without fear; Cake, Pastry and Bred terials needed by the glands to prepare the called upon him and these with one by the whole matter was to be adjusted and she “ Dwelling House Inventory.” digestive juices. Because it strengthens and O 'M alley lost Rockland one goal. O 'her They're pure and clean— you know it well— would have her rights. of this class than this foul, O 'M alley put up an extra good McInnis & McNamara, invigorates the glands and the stomach until if bought of C. E. R IiIN G , The Portland Express tells how an audi­ One of theae enables a person to keep game at goal, making some phenomenal they are able to do tbeir work alone. Shaker His large trade's due superior skill and liberal ence in that city lately helped out a lecture in an exact account of all the furniture Give them a trial, Cor. Main and Myrtle Sts., Digestive Cordial cures indigestion certainly stops. 1 wholly unuaual way. A lady was giving a use our bread,eapeo* advertising. they own, each room separate by Itself, and permanently. It does so by natural “ Rockland started the hall to rolling by talk in the Y . W . C. A . rooms, when there tally our ROCKLAND. making a goal in less than three minute*. The aod thus In ca*e of Are, one can easily means, and therein lies the secret o f its won­ For all the dainties in his line and everything was a great scramble out in the hallway. derful and unvaried success. only other goal in thia period was by Perry, Some one fainted. Ten minute* later another account for all lost articles. that’s new, A t druggists, price 10 cents to 8>.oo per in about 5 minutes, play. In the second, woman, overcome by the heat, or the ten To all those who do not have a polloy NICKEL bottle. Campbell made two goals which was followed H e has a reputation which is equaled by but syllabled nouns o f materia medics swooned expire In the near future, who will give by three by Turner, pu ting Augu.ta ahead. few; and the, too, fitted gracefully into the lecture. me the amount and expiration of tltelr “ Perry made a goal after only 56 seconds To Core gtpp.tlpatlon fcrevar. H a lf an hour later the speaker was explaia- polloy, I shall be pleased to present BREAD play in the third period, which was followed And if for fair* or sociables you wish a sump Take Cuscuets Cuuilv Cathartic. lOo or 25a tng wbat to do in cate o f epileptic fits, when a tuons spread, them with one of the above. If U. C. C. fall Msouru, druggists refund money by one in 45 seconds by Campbell. Then stout lady in one of the rear seats collapsed. Rockland quickly made three g mis, losing Buy C. E. R IS IN G 'S cakes and pies and New air aod wet water toon placed her on one of them on fouls. D uring the last nine A North Gray dog appear* as the champion NEW DOMESTIC BREAD. Convalescent avenue, and the lecture fiaithed No “cut" in prices. Ot all Kinds. Pree minutes, both sides failed to score, although and reacurer o l bia hereditary enemy the cat. with no more object lessons. Alfred S. Black, from dust and slate. they fought like tigers. Pusay bad been gone two nigbta from her K*ervbody Say. So. A man may mean well and yet get into home at Mr. Scott Doughty's when the family CmsoaretH ( 'atidv C ath artic, the mot.t won­ trouble. A lealive drummer— drummers are INSURANCE FLINT BROS. dog suddenly left kit matter » the gentleman The Sun says that the Lewiston polo tetm derful metlloul discos orv ot the age, p eas­ always festive in print— was atrolling down a ant uud refreshing to the Uutte. m t gently S Llmerock St. • ROCKLAND Telephone 67-a was returning to Camp from North Raymond, will appear neat week io new hats. It ap­ back aireet in Lewiston the other evening 276 Main Street. F arra n d , anil |>oeitlvi‘ly on kidneys, liver mid bowels, only to return in a few minutes bringing the pears that a gentleman who ia interested in TW lf cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds, feeling well satisfied with himself as most T o ta l assets ot oompaniea represented the game promised the Lewiston team that if cat uniDjured,bat held fast in a steel tr ip with cure hou'lsolio, fever, liahilunl constipation drummers do. Indeed his spirits were so to my agenoy larger than those of any S p ear chain dragging- As these is no one trapping they were in the second petition by Dec. 1 high either because of large tales or for some and biilousoesa. I’leaso buy and try n box other agenoy In Knox Co. nearer the dog must have brought the cat they should all be entitled to a new hat. The o tC ." J. tn-day; IO, 26, fU cenls. Bold and other reason that he couldn't refrain from fully one half mile. A nd yet there are those aforesaid gentleman will be obliged to settle guaranteed to aure by all druggists. making a noiae. First be whittled a popular who claim that the dumb beasts are not ad­ according to the standing on Dec. I. And A T C O ST! &co. air ana then he sang a medley o f song*. H e then the Sun adda thia mean fling: “ H e vancing. Maine baa been particularly free from loreat had just started in on, “ A ll coons look alike Want to fill your next never would have made the aloteaaid gamble and bruih fires tb it year. to me," when he caught a staggering bid on order for ooal. Try thorn. if be thought be would he obbged to settle.'* the tide of his bead from the fist of a big A T C O S T ! Pit. at Pile. I I telling Pile*. burly darkey who happened Io be listening They guarantee to satisfy. Kennebec Journal: “Young Dicky, who H v w r o a s - Moisture; IdU um licking aod *«>«■ and, not catchiog the drift of the sung, took came to Gardiner from Salem very highly tu n m u « » la l« M ; worm by aarnlulitag If alia wad it aa a personal affront to himself. Hereafter to ou'.Utiue tum or. Sirin, whisk often bleed and For a Few Days Only Orders by mull or telephone prooiptly aad recommended as a fast player, has returned SWeraU, beooeaiu< r.ry aor. r . I . , 1 OlXT- the drummer is going to whittle exclusively home, he being in every way outclassed m rv stupa the I eh Ins and btendlae, bests utaer- to himself when in ("Darkest Lewiston.” carefully (filed. H e was very much surprised at tne gait that a ton. ami til nioat oases remove. tbs tumor.. At ECZEMAMost Tbrturlng, Disfiguring, druaetate,giri»U, or by malmail, tor Mt ovals. Dr. k A Biddeford reporter bat told in a very Humiliating was taken by the M aine League, saying that amusing manner the way in which a mega­ it is much faster than the National League. phone in the hands o f a M aia street clerk In order to make room for new Of itching, burui.ig, bleeding, scaly skin Same of the Maine polo cranks should care N o - T v 1^*0 fo r F if t y C en ts. was made to waken the conscience of a farmer goods will offer about 200 pairs of Farrand, Spear&Co., and scalp bmuors is htsUuUy relieved fully follow the National Leagae standing and Guarunuxxl tobacco habit euro, inakoa weak who while in town one day recently, noticed by a warm bath with Cunouna, B o a r, attendance. At Pawtucket Wedi.radar night awnatrougg blood pure. AU druoUla. a haltir lying to buy “ mighty close,” au'lafled. . . . and we sell the same way. If you F. J. C IIE N E Y St CO .. Prop*., Toledo, O. The rising young author We the uuderaigaed, have knowu F. J. S.G. Prescott &Co. doubt it visit our store aud we will The Kennebec Journal reports that the Cheney for the last 15 yeais, and believe him convince you that we can serve you condition of Chai lie Gay, fiial rush on the perfectly honorable in all business transactions Rockland, Me. both regarding price aud quality iu The Land of the Changing Sun hard r Gardiner polo team, ia much improved. and financially able to carry out any obliga­ 2' 48-2 .COAL SOF tions made by their firm. Wasr&TkUAX. Wholesale Diuggista,Toledo,O Lee’s Restaurant, Editorial in Bath 1 im e *: “ Shame to some From Clue to Climax Groceries, W a l d in u , K in n a n & M a k v in , Wholesale of the polo crank* of thia city who luaintatued 7 A C . Diuggi.ts, Toledo, Ohio. 3 LIMEROCK STREET tbul Tuesday evening’s game was sold, or Almost Persuaded Cheap as anybody. Aleuts, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ that the home tram made an tffoit to win. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ JOHN A. LEE, Proprietor These people do not slop to consider how Provisions, faces of the sy stem. Price 75c. per bottle. A Mute Confessor The Right Shape ! evenly the Rockland and Bath Itams are Hail's Family Pills are the beat. The Right Size I matched. Tbeir number of gamrs woo and < auned Goods Are all excellent stories arid all lost last year as well as this shows that there The Right Flavor » MEDFORD is certainly but little difference. When the AND THE LIKE. The Uelfart Creamery it doing a good by Harben. His latest,1 is Tr»e Hight Price I two teams are matched one or the oihci must business, handling about 300 gallons of cicsm MATIRESSES win. So many elements of chance enter into weekly which is disputed of in Boston THE RIGHT CIGAR FOR 5c. a contest bet*ecu two such teams that 'ti* fat markets. The capacity for caring for the The North Walk Mystery MartBESsts' Healthful and from h-riimina a iairinlodcd sporting mao to cream is much more and the managers would H.C. CLARK, • Manufacturer gladly secure it if they were able, but at tb it The first chapters w ill sr>on ap­ H O U K LA MU. M t: Comfortable time ol year the amount of cream which can -AT— ori'tc’ teatu bappeoa to be beaten don’t ac­ be procured ia small. Farmers who have pear in these columns. Start it O-A-HTOXIIA.. A A t> a Burpo* knowledge your white feather through simply Cream to dispose of find a good market at the and you w ill want to finish it. the loss of one game. I t ia to be hoped that creamery, the great difficulty being the limited Ordway's Plaoiers Cure Female as long a* the Bath team icuaina among the amount which they have.— Belfast Age.