Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times Consolidated March 17, l»»7 T he Courier-Gazette. In Eastern Maine TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday December 7 1897 Vol. 52. N o. 87 MISS ELLIOTT'S DIAMOND FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL August and September under its operation, as ON TO KLONDIKE IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY Colds Chaps Colic compared with August and September of 1896; Great Brltian, also one of Ihe protesting coun­ The One Purchase*1 After Reciting Time WxaniaoTOR, D. C-, Dee. 4 ,18S7. Fnrtnnea Awaiting the Men Who tin Rarly tries, increased her purchases nearly 86,000, “The West ss Interpreted in Fiction” will Was Not the One Rtolen. I f the average farmer did not enjoy hia anil Avoid the Rn.h, Coughs . Chafing Croup 000 in August and September, 1897, as com­ be the subject o f a paper In tn early number Tbankigiving turkey thia year it was prubably ’ After all Ibeir la b ile sleuthing, ray* the pared with Ibe corresponding months of T acoma, W ash., Nev. M, way. of Ihe Atlenlic Monthly. because he was too busy w;th prosperity which New York Journal, on the trail of a stolen 1896. Taking the thirteen countries which From statistics just compiled by theTscoms Much new work, II it reported, will appear Catarrh Chilblains Cramps this first year of tbe M cK inley administration diamond Maxine Elliott and Nat Goodwin offered protesls against the Dingley law, tnd Citizens Klondike committee the steamers end in William W alto n ’s forthcoming volume, Arc ills to which all flesh la heir. You can relieve and speedily care all of these by the free has brough him. The official figures continue bave only aucceeded in purchasing another comparing their purcbasei from the United tailing vessels that w ill leave for Ihe A lttk s • The Hope of Ihe World end Other Poems." cure of our old reliable Anodyne. Generation after generation have used it with entire satis­ Io show such prospetily as the farmer has not faction, and handed down the knowledge of its worth to their children as a valuable inheri­ grm at an outlay of 6550. The location of States in Ihe first two months of its opertlioni tnd Klondike gold fields during the coming There It a hit of very trothfol criticism la a known for many years. The November tance. Could a remedy have existed for eighty years except that it possesses great merit for tbe leading lady's 61,200 bsable is still envel­ ex­ wi-h the corresponding months of the pre "K londike" season will have a ctpscily for remark marie try Gerald Masaey in the coutae family use? It was originated to cure all ailments attended with inflammation; such as portation o f wheat was nearly fifty per oped in gloom. ceding year, it it found that the purchases 40,000 passenger, and 10,000 Ions of freight of a recent interview. Of Mr. Watson he asthma, abscesses, bites, burns, bruises, bronchitis, all forma of sore throat, earache, head­ cent. Istger than during last year, and Ibe ache, la grippe, lame back, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, scalds, stings, sprains, French writers of detective fiction and from us under the new Itw were nearly 825, per month. said: " H e has the grand style, Ihe grand man- shipments of last week from the Atlantic ports .stiff joints, toothache, tonsilitis and whooping cough. The great vital and muscle nervine. Stephen O’Brien never conceived anything 000,000 greater Ihtn in the corresponding At that rate transportation plant have al­ ner, but I do not tee Ihe grand matter.” are Ihe largest recorded in any week for many more bewildering than Ihe plot of Min El­ months of last year. J. P. ready been perfected for carrying north 1,000 yean, If not at any time in the history of Ihe “ Audubon and his lour nils,” in two large liott’s lost gem. And tbe efforts of her- people every day. From one Io three ttesm - country. Tbe actual exports of wheat from volumes, by Miss M arla R. Audubon, the 1 self and Mr. Goodwin to unravel the mystery bosts or tailing vessels will lesv^ daily. That all porla for Ihe crop year thus far has been, granddaughter o f the grrst ornithologist, will Johnsons Anodyne Liniment ' without publicity is one of the strangest events THE METHODIST DOCTRINE they w ill carry people from all pails of Ihe be published by the Scribnris immediately. In in round numbers, a hundred million bushels. It soothes every ache, every bruise. every cramp, every Irritation, every Inmenesa. every in the history ol things theatrics,. United Stales is shown by Ihe personnel of a it the full text of Audubon's journals will be swelling everywhere. It la for INTERNAL aa much aa EXTERNAL uac. It wna originated When (he increase in prices is taken into con To begin with, tbe ring was stolen from tbe Further DI.ctiR.lon On the Interesting party which departed yesterday for Copper In i8to. by Dr. A. Johnson, an old Family Physician. Every Mother ahould have It in the honae. sideralion also it w ill be seen that the farmers given for the first time, coveting f it trips Io dreuing room o f the actress at the K nicker­ Subject of Baptism. River. There were tixteen men and they Europe, Labrador and Ihe Missouri River. arc getting a very large sum of money for “Best Liver PiU Made.” I use Johnson’9 Liniment for catarrh. I had bocker Theatre on the night of October 19 represented Ihe following cities and states: tried almost everything recommended for their wheat product this year— far in excesa Thomaston, Deo. 4. Auriin Dohsr n et least finds il profitable to M us Elliott said nothing. She sleulhed. So Providence, R. I.; New York cily; Fort catarrh, but find Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment of (but in many preceding years. The expor­ It is plainly the right of each and every write poetry. His “Old World Idylls" is in far superior to any. I use it as you direct. did Mr. Goodwin. Even when toiling be­ Myers, Florida; Montana; Idaho; Grand tations of corn are also increasing, (hose for Christian denomination to settle for itself, all its eleventh thousand; “ At the Sign of Ihe J. Ii. W h ip p l e , South W indham , Vt. hind the footlights Ibeir minds were on tbe View, Ind.; Rockfort, Ind.; Franklin, Mat..; arsons' P ills Ihe present month being nearly a million questions of doctrine and polity. W e are not Lvre” has gone Into its eighth thousand, while trail, and they thought of suitable disguises in Onr Book "Treatment for Diseases” Mailed Free. Placerville, Cel.; Butte, M ont.; Washington, P which to pursue the robber. bushels in excess of November of last year. at all troubled because our Baptist friends “ The Ballad o f Beau Brocade” it in Ihe D C . ; Wisconsin, end Chicago, III. Doctor’s Signature and Directions on every bnttla. And while Ihe farmer has occasion to be cor tend that immersion is the only scriptural twelfth thousand, and "Proverbs in Porcelain” All Druggists. I. 8. Johnson A Co., Boston, M au O f all Ihe clews the most promising one People are already going into Ihe mining thankful for his fortune in good crops and mode of baptism, nor yet thst many of them and “ Tbe Story of Rosins” are respectively in came from Brooklyn, which is a good place districts at Ihe rale of too per day. They not good prices,other citizens of the United States believe baptism to be a prerequisite to partici­ their sevenlh and tenth thousand. to sleulb. Misa Elliott received an anony­ only come from all part, of tbe Union but have occasion to he> thankful to the farmer pating in Ibe L ord’s supper. mous letter two weeks ago. from South Africa, Australia and Europe at Professor Charles G . D . Roberts, poet and that his prosperity has brought prosperous So far as we are concerned they are wel­ “ H h t I ” the said to M r. Goodwin. "A l well. Men drop in daily from Ihe four Cor­ novelist, is a canoist and capable, it is slid, of conditions to others and to the country itself come to cling to such views, or to cast them last we have a clew. W e w ill yet recover ners of the civilized wotld. any amount of physical excrlion. These The alarm which was felt at this season dur­ away at will. But on Ihe first page of your the di-a-mond I” W ith ‘ he people who come to outfit for (he qualibcstiona have enabled him Io explore ing those years in which gold was being issue of Nov. 30, there is a “ Discussion of the “Wait till I get m e whiskers!" said Good­ gold fields come bands of beggars. They do Acadia to its furthest limits tnd his love for win. drawn nut of tbe country, and the government Question Argued at the Recent Congress in the region hat grown with bit knowledge of Chicago,” which misrepresents Ihe views ol not toil, neither do Ihey .pin hut they cel and Peering furtively from under tbe brim of a compelled to sell bonds to replenish the gold it. It it no wonder thst hit book, "The There Are Photographs most of the gtest Christian churches of Ihe go to prison without Ihe leasl objection In in ihe Treasury, no longer troubles the finan­ slouch hat tbe actor escorted bis leading lady fact, they seem Io enjoy going to jtil.
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