Rover Car Club of Otago Tribune
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Rover Car Club Of Otago Tribune April 2019 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF Web Site: Club Contacts 2018 / 2019 Club President Alan Matchett Mob 027 223 1601 E-mail Secretary / Treasurer Ray Pilley Ph (03) 489 0033 E-mail Newsletter Editor Norman Sparrow Mob 021 631 849 Ph (03) 487 6275 E-mail Committee Joe Smith (South Otago Rep) Diana Kearns (Librarian) Life Members Norman Sparrow, John Moore, Bernie Halford. Honorary Members Lyn Brown Steph Halford Eleanore Clark The Otago Rover Tribune is published by the Rover Car Club of Otago. The views or opinions expressed by individuals are not necessarily those of the Club or Editor. Club Postal Address Post Box 2075 Dunedin 9044 Web: Ignition April 2019 It’s Autumn once more, daylight saving is over and as one can expect, temperatures have come down a gear or two. However, we still live in one of the best parts of the country and there’s still plenty of great weather to look forward to before the on- slaught of our winter. The weather has been pretty good so far there’s been the odd rain day and a frost or two but nothing to grizzle about and as we drive around town, travelling to and from work or cruising around the country side, the autumn colours are becoming more spectacular each day and we can appreciate just how good this part of New Zealand is. As you will see elsewhere there are a number of get togethers and events coming up; we have the Memorial Run in May, our AGM in July and plans are becoming to take shape for our display at the Auto-spectacular; a celebration of the Rover P4, 70 years of a model run that has stood the test of time and are a legacy of sound engineering and design. Later there’s the Nove Rove and at our last meeting Joe Smiths sugges- tion of a visit to the Templeton Flax Mill Heritage Museum at Riverton may well eventuate into a ‘use it day’, so watch this space. Just to finish off here are a couple of my observations many of you will have experi- enced I am guessing. We have probably all followed someone who drives along on the open road consistently below the 100km/h speed limit until they come to a pass- ing lane then they speed up, often too well above the 100km/h limit only to slow down as the passing lane closes. Perhaps it’s the extra wide space or maybe not wanting anyone to pass them, who knows. Then conversely there are the many driv- ers who sit exactly on or just below the 100km/h limit on the open road but who for some reason do not apply the same sense of awareness or safety when they enter built-up areas that have 50km/h speed limits. One would think they would slow down to the 50 km/h limit or perhaps slower leaving the same safety margin as they travel at on the open road. But instead most simply speed off into the distance or if you had the opportunity to pass them somewhere back down the road suddenly they have miraculously caught you up and then that’s holding them up. One can only wonder at how the mind of some drivers works frustratingly so in on instance and incredulous in the other. Neither applies to a Rover driver of course. Safe motoring - Alan Rover Car Club of Otago Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th of April 2019 At Mosgiel RSA at 7.00p.m. Present: Kevin Phillips, Gaynor Falconer, Norman & Carleen Spar- row, Garth Lucas, Alan Matchett, Ross Allan, Bill Olsen, John Moore, Joe Smith, Eleanore Clark, Ray Pilley & Rebecca Fox, Diana Kearns Apologies: Jenny Phillips, Bernie & Steph Halford, Jan Smith, Veneta Allan Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 7th of March 2019 as detailed in the newsletter circulated passed as a true and correct record. Moved, Norman. Seconded, Ross. Carried Matters Arising: Norman is going to have Bill Falconer’s name on our memorial trophy. Rebecca is going to write an obituary about Bill Falconer and has asked for any car / Rover Club stories or anecdotes to be emailed to Ray at rov- The Dunedin Best of British Charity Day held on March 10 was discussed. It was one of the largest groups of Rovers to attend this event in recent years. The weather wasn’t the best but our club gazebos were of great bene- fit in keeping us dry on the day. Ray’s P4 100 parts car – A number of part are still available for a donation to the club. A list of parts has been made and will be published in the news- letter. Thank you to Kevin and Norman for taking the time to retrieve the parts and to Kevin for storing these items. The remainder of the car is now with Geoff Henry if anyone needs doors, drive train, rear bumper, boot lid, win- dows etc. This year’s Memorial Run is to be held on the 26th of May. Make sure you mark this date on your calendar. This year’s Nove Rove may be heading to Geraldine. Keep an eye on the newsletter for more information about our annual weekend away. At this year’s Auto-Spectacular we will be celebrating 70 years since the launch of the Rover P4. Kevin spoke about the body shapes and models covered in the P4 series of cars. We are aiming to have as many different P4s on our display as we can. Ray is going to draft a list of P4 owners in our club for discussion at our next meeting. Alan is going to talk to Diana about her feedback regarding his club library management paper. Correspondence: Newsletters received from Rover Car Club of Australia, Wellington Letter from IRD reminding that 2019 income tax returns are due to be filed by 7 July. Ray phoned IRD and they confirmed that we don’t need to file a tax return as our income only comes from subscriptions and interest from our bank accounts. Email from a member of the Auckland club offering history of a P6B that was at the Dunedin Best of British day. This offer has been passed on to the owner of the car. Finance: March cheque account statement was tabled. After discussion it was moved the Treasurers report be received. Moved, Eleanore. Seconded, Joe. Carried. General Business: Club gazebos were discussed. Alan is storing one and Ray has the other, just in case we need one for an event and one them is not available. This year’s AGM was discussed and after some deliberation it was decid- ed to hold it on July 13. Ray is going to find out if Village Green Café & Bar in Dunedin will be a suitable venue. Joe suggested that a trip to the Templeton Flax Mill Heritage Museum at Riverton would be a good idea. It is approx. 40 minutes drive from Dune- din and it is a working museum with its stripper and scutcher still in opera- tion. Closure: Meeting closed at 7.30p.m.Next Meeting Thursday the 2nd May. This was the other green car that Carleen took a lik- ing to on the Au- tumn Colours in Buckingham Street, Arrowtown. The start at Olveston Saturday morning. Autumn Colours Outing 17th Running 13th & 14th April 2019. This year it seems that the 17th Autumn Colours Outing Running for Classic Cars will be the second to last of this event organised by David and Christine Mehrtens. Starting at Olveston on Saturday 13th April with the cars heading away at 50 second intervals commencing at 8-50am. We took the Rover P5 Coupe which in overdrive for the majority of the trip was a real pleasure to drive again along the rolling hills of the South Island country roads. This year the drive was South through the countryside via Clydesvale to Millers Flat over the Blue Bridge for morning tea at Faigans Cafe. A most enjoyable morning tea / coffee it was. Then we proceeded to our lunch stop at the Waikaia Hotel. Our evening in Arrowtown was spent at the Arrowfield Apartments in Butal Park. Sunday morning was a later start for us heading into Arrowtown and parking on the roadside under the trees in Buckingham Street at around 10-30am. Heading away before 11-50am on Sunday from Arrowtown to the Highlands Motor- sport Park for lunch at the Cafe. Following lunch we were divided into two groups and proceeded behind a pace car for two laps of the Highlands Motorsport Raceway. I can assure you that the 1964 Rover 3 litre Coupe was not designed for speed around that motor sport racetrack but an early Mini was. We were Tail End Charlie again. A good mix of modern cars with only a few older classic cars on the run this year. Staying an extra two nights ( Sunday & Monday) in Arrowtown enabled us to mean- der home on Tuesday stopping again at Millers Flat for lunch. The Autumn Colours event was again well organised with marvellous meals and well organised venues over the whole weekend. Photos of our Rover at the start and in Arrowtown. Now looking forward to the 2020 Autumn Colours Outing. Norman & Carleen Sparrow. Above The Coupe in Buckingham Street, Arrowtown Sunday morning.. Below.