:Z.Lq _lo, :.J!llluar:r 3rd1 l6 .... Term, 19 19 ,

Proceeding• Of the B oard of Co. comre. 2nd day January term, 1916, J uary 4th, 1916. an

The Bo ard oi' County Commiesionere o:f Monteztmia County , Colorado, met in adjourned

session this 4th day of January, 1916,

There were present- ,_ H. 11, Guillet, Cha.ir R,. B. DUnham_. commissioner.man, C, Ke ly Commissioner. B.H, Cofield,l , County Attorney, 'IT, SF....rouel JiUrke1 Clerk . it,. T'ne re orts of the Clerk o:f the District Court and the County Judge semi-annual ]' were audited and approved by- the Board.

The Board proceeds to c ncel all warrants paid during the aemi•annual period end­ a ing �cember, 3lat, 1915.

In the rr.atter of the petition of Fred Darroch for ab atement of �1.00 Military an poll tax for the year 1914, account o:f not being resident of this county, the followini; a I .Resolution was passed; I

Whereas 1 The County Commis-sioners of' .'Montezuma County, State of Colorado 1 at a

t duly and lawfully called meeting held on the 4th day of January, 19).6, et which eet ing m I there were present Comnissionera Guillet, Dunham and Kelly, notice of ai'ch meeting and an ·opportunity to - be 11re- sent haviiig been gfven to tne Assessor of said count:J.r, and said - i I and Where�s, h�ve Aeaeasor E. Kittell being present, The County Comm.ieaioners care• l!. fuUy consinered the within application and full.y advised in relation thereto, Now be I are

it llESOLVEll that said petitior! be ant ed recommended he County Assessor, ! gr a.a by t All Commissioners voting affirmatively thereon.

I The following Resolution was passed in rel ation to the petition of Rebecca Ellis

for a reb tement of $2.41, 1914 taxes aaseseed aga st. Lots 16, 17 18, in Block 22 in I a in & .... Term, 19 19

at one aixth of the total valuation of th e two tracts of land in the year 1913; And

it appearing that the owner of said tracts of land, lilra, Rae Pederson is desirous of

rs.Ying the te.xea mn_ one of said tracts only, a.t the present t1me;- Therefore be it

BESOLVJ'D that the County- Treaaurer b& directed to place a seperate valuation on Mid theteo� one sixth ·tracts, and to place a valuation of $250,00 against ea.id Lot 2, e.nd to collect/the total

am.Ount of taxes, interest and penalties due on--the two tracts RB listed and taxed for

the year 1"14. And to place a valuation of $1250.00 on said N,E.t of Section 15 p 36 ,T . N, 16 W. N. ::.!, and to collect thereon five sixths of the total amount of taxeQ R. P, K,, two interest end penalties due on the add/tracts aa listed and taxed for the year 1914.

All Comndsa;i.onerll voting affirmatively thereon •.

The following claims filed against the County were allowed and warrants ordered

on the J:>l'Oper funds in payment thereof:

RO.AD FIDID. Claim No, To Whom pa.id, FOr- Amount. 13200 L H. Soens, Blackemi thing, 4.05 • .. 1330? J. B. Barrett, Painting, Bridge, 75. 00 • 13312 c. 11lnter, Blacksmithing, 21.60. s. 1332�? Wm Longwill, Road- Overseer, v:-: 1: 60. 75 • /?- i33;10 D,. R. Tschop,_ Repair• Road Equipment, 10. 50 • 13323 Joe Bergrurdno, Work on Bridge, 58. 50. 13325 Joe Tam, If II tt 73. 87 ' E. C. Coak,_ 70. 87 ' 13324 ,, ". " 13327 GuJ.llet BrHlrnrs, Hauling Bridge Plates, Order Jae .. Goff, l. 00 ' 13298 Pinkerton Osterfelt1 Blackarai thins, 12. 90 ' 13299 Cortez Mercantile& Co,, Supplies, 3,90 ' Miller Hdw. co., 5.85 • 13285 " 13297 Emery- Vfe.gner� Dragging Road, 9.00 ' 13364 Cortez lier. C<>., Supplies,. 10 ..25 • l�l:\M T. J. Hathcock, Building Culvert.a, 15. 00 ' 1341[) llobert B. Wilson, Dragging Road, 6. oo ' 13414 B., E. Hampton� Road Work, 23. 65 ' li\407 Miller Heh•. Co., Supplies, 8.25. fl . 13403 Harris :Brothers 1.1er.. co .. f .l� g 13408 E,. Faria; Luinber, 6. 72 • 13364 W�J,. Rush, II 475.50. 13360 N. T,.A,. Decker, Viewing Road, 5,00 ' 1:1360 Thomae Hal 1a " ff 5,00 i " 13360 Thomas Brittain, 5. 00 • 13427 Ja.ltn Lill, Pulling Tree•, lb� � f'fO 13399 J, H. I.ongwill, Road Overs e-er, 10?.3? ' 13310 0 fl " II ff 57.50 A. 134.62• 13;$98 " " 13303 lft .. Decker." ti u 181.00 " " 13392 A. Peaeraon1 0 fl 106,25. l'. II II 12 ,25 • 13391 .. " . • II 11 ti 127 ,87' 13390 " 13388 • " 194.75' " . " w. I1ont;;enbaug;h.1 33, 75 • 13421 . " 13416 II c.II • ti " 21. 75 ' II II fl • 56. 65 , 13420 " 13419 II • tl u 50. 35 . " 13417 " 248.15' " " " . 1M31 E. B. Garlinghouse , • • 162.37' • 13380 • 216. 75 . " " " 13378 Chae, Scllallea, " 23,50. ft. 13579 ff II 11 282.50. II JI II 23�50 ' 13381 " i Poor Farm Fund,. 12330 Dbuble Trees,- 2. 00 .

The Board then adjourned until the following day,

I /'A ... 19 ..- ...

------·----·------P:roceedinge of the Boa.X'd of Co. comrs. 6th day January te:rm, 1916, January Bth, l\H5.

The Board of county'co:nunissionera of Montezuma County, ColOradot met in 'adjourned oe•sion this 6th day of Janue.ry, 1915.

There were present; R. B. Dunham, Cha.irma.n, l!. M; Guillet, commissioner� C. B. Kelly, Coramiaaioner,

s-,. w. Carpenter, county Attorne , Samuel M. Burke, Clerk. j' ' . ' Proceedings ofthe &ard of COtJnty Ciimfflf$$foners...... � .. -...... dey�.-�- --· ...... Term,.19 .. .19 ......

the follo- wing R€solution was_ passed;

lT RESOLVED by the Bo rd of County Coinniesionera of Montezuma County, Colorado, tha BE a the- following named per' aons be, and they are hereby appointed as r oad overseers for their � respect! ve_,._na.raed, upon qualifying aild giving bond aB required bj' laVf', subject , however,

in their appointment to the will the Board, and to removal at any time for a failure of to perform the d ties the of fice to lf; Board reserves the right to exei'cise supervision. over ssid Road o·verseere and- the work

the County ; For Dist i ct No, l, Longe nb ugh, " r" • " w. c. a �. A. Pedet'eon, " " " P. . Decker. " " " ;;4 , A. M. Tho e, " II " 5, J.s. P. Langwill,ma " " • 6, 11.B. arl i nghouse E. G . said !load And be it urther RESOLVED that each Overseers. _be required to give bond f of l in the sum of $500.00.

Advertioement heretofore having beem made as pro�ided by law, bi de for Stationery l for Proposals for the year 1915, the BOil.rd proceeds with the consideration the bids in of that be half, filed with the County Clerk; there being three in number, na.'IWly ;

The c. F. Haeckel Blank Book Lithograpl;ing Company of Denver, Colorado. & The Out West Printing Stationery Con:pany of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The W. H. Kistler Stat ionery Company of enve , Colorado. D r After due consideration thS above mentioned bids:, it was or dered by the Board that of The West Printing Stationery Co any be awarded the contract for .furnishing this Out & mp county with record books, le gal blanks and office and election auppliee, for the ensuing

year; the Board eser ing the right, however) to p '.rchase elsewhere,· the epecia.l form r V u coiubi nat ion asSesament r6 l and abatr·act ass:eesment books used in- this coun ty , if � of as: deemed for the best interests of the County to do ea. The opening of bi ds for furnishing this county with atatione.ry for the year 1�16 ,

now being in order, the bid ine Cortez Herald, ( being the only one ile· d ) was pre·aente of f > l to the Board; a.nd the same being to the Board, it was thereupon o dered tha satisfactory r \ the contract for suppl ing County with stationery for the year 1916, be a.1

isaioner Districts of the ounty ensuing'year; C for the

For Com.rui'ssioner istrict No. l, c.- Lefurgy; For COrr.•.u,ieSioner District J:fo� 2, D H. .. For CommisRioner District Mo. �. J. R, Trotter. E� E- J"ohnson; --- -- 19..

The Board proceeds to aaleot from the list of tax payer• of the county , :furnished by

the County Treasurer, 200 names fromwhich to draw jurors for the April term of the

District · Cou:rt · of Monte2,un1a County. I It is ordered by the Board that H. W. Ince be, and is hereby appoi nted as Jailer and J

Jani tor of the: court house, for t11e ensuing year, and that the · salasy· therefor be fixed at $35. 00 per month.

The :folloy;1ng claims l'ileo against the county-we2•e a.llowed and warrants oroei-ed drawn on the proper. funds in payme nt thereof;

Road Fund Claim lTo. To whom paid, FOr� Amount. 13317 Gingle� & Purcell, Balance on Contract, 216. 60 • " " fl .. 13313 "Thoroas. J � Rayt 45, 00 •

o. o. n. Fund. 13440 c. B. Kelly, County Conmissioner, 46.80· ., " 13442 H Guillet, 35. 00 • , ll. " .. 13343 R. B •. Dunhruu, 45.80 · 10441 Mra H. '"· Guillet, Auto Hire, 7.00

Poor Ftmd. 13442 H. M. Guillet, Supt. of the Poor, 5.00

The Doard then edj'ourned until J;'ebruny, 7th, 1915.

Chairman.. . l b th 6 Promdings of the Boardof County CommwionetL... �!;1'...... J

The :Board of COunty Commissioners of 11..ontezuma County1 ColoradoJI u.et pursuant

to adjournment this 7th day of br ax:y, 1916, Fe u There were pr eaen t R. Dunham1 Chair!l1!l.n, ; R. H. i et, commissione C, l!. Kelly,Gu ll on:m.:t a eioner,r ll.W. Carpenter, County Attorn,.ey , Samuel$, M. Burke, Clerk,c

The minutes of the meeting of January 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, 1916, were

read e.na approved .

The official bonds of Road Overseers J. Longwill, A. !.!, Decker, A, l?edereon , H. l?,

S, Thomas, E, B •. and W, Longenbaugh. were r ed by the Board and P. Garlinghouee c. a:iir ov orde7'ed recorded.

A. Spragu€' by his Agent G. O. Harrison having presented to the Board an offe P. r to ru!'chase Tu Bale certificate 4391 covering th

16 W. 1'. I.!. l?, Jl, ,for the year 1\115, and to pay there:for the sum of $294.l�, being the

arr.cunt of flat tax on said propex:ty for a d wear; the 3oard after Careful �oneiDert'ttio. s i of said offer deerrd.rie: the ncCe:ptarice of i n terests of the County, the- same fC1r the beAt the llowing Reso1Ut i0n·w&a paseed; Be It. �a Resolved by the l!oard of County Comrniseioners of llonteauroa County, Colorado, that

Tax Sale Certificate No. 4391 be aold to A. Spr.,,.ue for the sum of $294,18 and redem­ l?. ption· certificate fees . nrovided,· however, t1:1at he· rays at the tim0 of assign�Tlt of aeJd Tax Sale Certificate t0 him by the count,Y, all a·UbSecj"uiant interest and panEiltieS taxes, due on said land for the year 1914, aa offered, end that said amount be tendered for seio 'l'ith n thirty days te hereof. c•rt.ificate i af r the a ..te In r·e Aseeeament- against- Rae Pederson.

Resolution in the matter of Mrs, Rae Pederson, passed January 5th, 1916, ie he eb y r I recinded, e.nd it ordered that the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to 1• cancel the a.eseasment- thereon refer-red to erroneous by reason of the tracts having Ill as I been a.Saeased tog ther wheri t11e ea..-ne- Were- non..-oontigui)ust arid the said tracts be e asee- 1 e seed by the Treasurer as provided by statute. r - ,

The report of the auditing cor.unittee appointed to audit the books and accounts Of ! i tlie County Tr easurer for the emi nnual period ending lllecember 31st, 1915, wae approved s a by the Board. -

W. H. Carlile having presented to t!te Board an offer to purchase Tax Sale certifi caJ •

l'ioa, 42f.l5," 4296 and 4359 overing the taxes for the years, last half 1910, full tax for c the years 1911, 1912 and 1913 assessed against the East 46 acres of the s.t o:f the N.E.t,

ow s s I and all in Sect.ion 3, in . T nship 35 N. R. 19 W, N. M. I', M., and a ea ed to lOt.·2, a

A, W. Kermode, and to pay therefor the respective eu!lll> of $36.30, �69.40, $45,lO and

;\'ma.so, and tbe a.mount of certificate fee•; also to pay all subsequent taxes, interest I and penalties on said property if said offer be accepted; and the Board after carefully I aon&fdering said offer. deeming the acceptance of' t"he ea.me for the best intereata of the fI County-, the following· resolution was paBeed; Be It

County. Color-ado, that l 13S

...... Term, 19 ---···· ··--·-- . ···-- ... 19 ... ___ _

T. Smith having preaonted to the Board an offer to purcha e Tax Sale Certificate No. 4313 covering the taxes assesoed against the S.E,f Of the S,E.s t of Seotion 16 in

T ownship 36 R. 15 W, P, M., for the year 1913, and to pay therefor the sum of N. N. M. �78.42; als o to pay all subsequent taxes on s aid property if said offer be accepted;

the Boar d_ deeming tl1e acceptance of said offer to be for the best interest• of the

the following Resolution passed in relation thereto; Be It wae Resolved by the :Soard of County Col!lr.iaaionera of t ezu County, Colorado, that Mon ma Tax Sale Certificate No. 4313 be sold. to A. T, Smith for the sum of $78, 42 and certifica e

feea, provided that he pays at the time of assignment or eaid Tax Sale Certif c ate to h1J i by t�e County, and all subsequent taxes, interest and penalties on said land, and that �I

sai d amoun:!i be tendered for said certificate with in thi:rty daye fro m the date hereof .

The following resolution was paaaed in relation to the petit!on of The Gibson Lumber

and Coal Company for rut abate ent of t244.05, 1913 al'ld 1914 taxes asse sse d against it m on lumber yards situated- in the TOwne of MancOs_ and ·c-ortez, 9n · cc ount O:f an: excessive a

asaessae t ; Whereas,n The county c o iss'ioners ot the County of llont-ezuzna.1 State of Colo ado , at mm r- a dully ana·laWfully called eting held on the 7th day or February; 1916, at which me meeting there were present Commissioners Dunham, Guillet and Kelly, noti ce of such meet- I! ing and an opportunity to be. present having been given to the Assessor of said County, I' and said Aaseesor Kittell eing present, and Whereas the said C ou nt y E. ll, b have c a refully considered the within application, an d are fully advised in Commissionersrel ation I•

t ereto , NOW EE IT That said petition be granted as reco ended by the Count h RESOLVJ.JD, mm �I sessor . Voting in the f i r tive Commissioners Dunham, Guliiet and Kelly. As af ma I

In the rtatter of the petition of The Arriola Townsite Company for ab atement of an *23.40, 1915 taxes on aundry lots in the Town of Arriola, account of an exce·aaive aseesa-1

ffi nt , the following reso ution was passed; e l I Whereas, The County Commissioners of Montezuma, State or C l rado j at a duly and o o I lawfully called meeting held on the 7th day of Febru ry , 1915, at which meeting there I a were present o is-sionere Dunham, Guillet and Kelly, notice of auch· tr eting and an l m.m .e opportunity toC p es ent having been given to the a.s:Sesl?!or of said county, and ·ea.id be- r Assessor Kittell bein!l; present, and wmm:h!AS,_ the sai d County Commiee-ionere ha:ve :m. H. 1111_· carefully considered the within application and are fully ad vised in relati on thereto,

BE IT That said petition be granted as ecomme ded by the County NOW RESOLV!!JD, r Voting in the affir t ive , Commieeionere Dunham, Guillet andn Kelly, ma In the matter of the petiUon of T. Milligan for abatement of 1915Assessor. taxes 11 G. an tp/.:S-

account of a.it erro?ieo-ue asaffsmnent on horses ,_ the following resolution was passed;

Wherear:.i1 The ·county- Comnl.$aionera of ntezuma County, State of' Colorado, a.t a duly_ Mo 1I and lawfully called meeting held on the 7th day of February, 1916, at which meeting there Of such mettini.:t and an l t;oill"l+ nnrl We11v-. notice I .... Term. 19...... 19

fully called meeting held on the �th of February, 1915, at which meeting there were dicy- present Commissioner& Dunham, Guillet. and Kelly, notice of such meeting and an opportunit I to be present having been given to the Assessor of said ' Co�nty* and said Assessor E� H. I Kittell being present, and Wlll!llEAS, The eaid County Commissioners have carefully consideJ . ed the within application and are fully advised in relation thereto, Now Be It I �--+-- Resolved that sa.:ld petition beA;.i;ranted as recommended by the County Assessor. Voting in the affirrr,,.tive, Commisaioners Dunham, Guillet and Kelly. I! In the natter of tl1e petition of Stanley li'.itchell for an abatement of $20.70, 1915 tax

J account o:f an excE!'esive �iseessnient on hoZ.ses-� the following Resoultion was passed; I

WHER1£AS, The Cc>urity:-;Comniseionere of' MOntezwria County. St'ate of Colorado, at a duly and. lawfully called meeting held on the 7th day of February, 1915, at which meeting there were present Commissioners llUnham, Guillet and Kelly, notice of such meeting and an oppor tunity to be present having been given to the Assesoor of said County, and said Assessor 1

Kittell being present, and l'll!ElllllAS the said County Commissioners have carefully, :Fl, H. considered the within appli.cation and are fully adtieed in relation thereto, Now Be It

RESOLVED, That said petition be granted as reoomnended by the County Assessor.

Voting the affirmutive Commissioners Dunham, Guillet and Kelly, in 1 1'he following resolution was passed in relation to the petition of G. Allum for a ll. rebatettient of- $19.97, 1914 texe-a1 account of a.n exeeBsive ·aaseesment on land in the lf.W.t of the a.w.t of section 12 in �ownship Z5 N. R. 14 N. M. M.,; W. P. Whereas-, The County Corrun1s-s-fonera of Montezuma County. State Ot Colorado, at a duly f and lawfully called meeting he1d on the 7th day of February, 1916, at which meeting there I were present Comnies:ionera DUnha.m. Guillet and Kelly� ·notice of such meeting and- an opportunity to be present having been given to the Assessor oi' seid County, and said

Asse•••Or '.E·, l[:l:ttell being present, and the said County Commissioner• have I!, WJlERf\'.AS careful 1y considered the within appl1 ca ti on and are fully ad vised in rela.ti on thereto, . Now Be !t Resolved toot said petition be granted as recomrr.ended by the County Aeseaoor I1 Voting in the affir��tive, Commiosioners Dunham, Guillet and Kelly. J In the n:atter of the petition Of R. G, Allum for an abatement of $19,0�,1915 taxes l on account of an exceoeive assessment on land in the N.W.t of the s.w.t of Section 12 in

Township 35 N. R, 14 N. P. M.; vr. ll!. \\l!EREAS, The county Commissioners of Montezuma county, State of Colorado, at a duly and lawfully called meeting held on the 7th day of February, 1916, at which meeting thare were pres'ent Commie11ion'ei's Dunham: • GU!llet and Kelly. notice of such meeting and an opportunity to present having been given to the Assessor of said. County, and said -�., have jI Assessor E. H.. Kittell being present, and WRere'aa1 The BS.id Countjr Oormtfaaioners carefully considered the within appli1:ation and are fully advised in rdc·tion thereto, Now It RESOL\ll':D, That said petition be granted as recommended by the County Assessor!.I lle Voting in the affirmative, Commissioners Dunha.'ll, Guillet and Kelly. It appearing to the :Board that tax Sale Certificates Nos; 4085, 4724 and 4598 were I issued for sale of certain lands for taxes, and it subsequently appearing that doubl the assesili.ents had been lll& de against these lands, it ordered b;Y the Board that the Count1 1" � i ;;_yo Proceed/np ofllre Board of County rommissfonm..... ,_, ... ,.. Term, 19.c.

to J. II, Hallett for ea.me yea.t'; eaid Hallett having paid first half ta:.x,

Tax Sale No. 4598, a parcel of land 50 feet by 131 feet in Block 4, George Bauers

Second Subdi viaion in the 'rown of !Jancoa, assessed to Hood and Ames for 1914 tax; also

aaoessed to 0, :E. l!oland f'or the same year, and paid by him,

The Board then adjourned until the following


Proceedings of the Board of Co. Comrs. 8th day January term, 1916, February eth, 1916, - 1 ::� ; -- The Board of County Comlll:!nianers of Montezuma County, Colo=- in ad ourned session this 8th day of Jl'ebruary, 1916.

There were_ present; R. B. Dunham, Cha.ir:nB.n. R. M. Guillet, ComniSsioner, s, W. Carpenter, County Attorney, Samuel M. Burke, Clerk. Absent by leave, c. B. Kelly, co-!IDllissioner. The Board having ordered at the meeting held on January 6th, 1915, that the C aunty I Tr-easurer Place all E?xcesa fees of his office fo_r- the- year 1915 into the Ordinary County!

Revenue Furid f'or t11e payment of outetariding warrant·s drawn on· the said fund -prior to

November lst, 1915,. and it appearing to the Board from the Semi-annual report of the

Auditing Colllllittee to the Boe.rd fOl" said year, that tile said el(ceae fees :for the year

1915 amount to $359.0?, and that the swne agrees with the report of the County Treasurer

td thta Board :for the said year, it ia ordered by the Board that the amount so to be

paid by the County Treasurer be and the same 1a hereby deter1nined in said a1nount of


In the matter of the petitiona on file for the appointment of a.griculturalist, it

appearing to the Board. that said petitions do not contain the names of 100 tax payere

of the County as required by law, action is deferred until proper petition or petitions

are filed and presented, and the Clerk is directed to advise Mr. l?• .• B Gates and Mr.

A. W, Dillon of the requirn�nte of the law in that behalf.

It appearing to the Board tl1at an order was made. by the Board on August 6th, 1915, for the sale of Tax Sale Certificate No. 23B5 be sold to c. ll. Stone; and Whereas upon I tender of compliance by said Stone with said order, the amount neceosary to comply with I , the. terms of said order by reason Of accrued interest was $23.?l in excess of the amount I req11lired by the terms of. said order, and it was deemed for the beet interests of the

County that said tender be accepted by the County Treasurer,. .and the Co\lnty Treasurer

accepted the same and issued rsceipt accor

no order was made in the me.tte:t' by the Board at the time authorizing the acceptance of

such tender by the. Board, RESOLVED that the action of the. County Treasurer in accepting I ""id tender and issuing said receipt, be and the emne is here.by ratified and approved.

The petition of O. A. I,undquist and others to esta�lish a voting precinct at Lebanon,

laid. over for further conaideration. Proceeding� of the BoatJ ofCoitrr.fy Commtssioneta,,,.. , ...... , ... ,-�Jay__ ' 19.

�resents the se.me to the Board with the remaining coupons, 11 in number thereto attached

for c ancellation, the Board proceeds to cancel said Bonda and coupons a.a provided by

law, and the same having beemr.iluly cancelled accordingly, it is ordered by the Board

that record be made of such cancellation upon the records of said Bonda in the off ice

of the County Clerk.

The following claimB filed against the County were al.lowed and warrants ordered drewn

on the proper :funds in payment thereof;

Clai Poor Fund. Claim No. To whom paid. For. Amount.

13463 R .._.c, Ker:mtJde, Rent Kirk Houae, 14. 00 •. 1346? Bauer �ercantil e co., suppliea Pederson, 8.85 13464 Guillet Brothers, 0 for the Poor, 17.50 13449 Mrs. C. E. Watdon, Care Butler Baby, 15. 00 .

O. c. R. Fund.

13465 Dr. L. l!. C lar k, Health Officer, 41.81 • 1345? Dr •. E. )J. Johnson, Vital Statistics, ?,00·• 13466 Bauer . Iler. Co., Formadehyde, 2, 50 · • 13458 w. H, Cofield, Fees :Oist. Atty,, 9,50' ·

13461 c. A. Frederick, Printing, 9,03· • • 13460 Cortez Herald, 9. 03" 13448 The !8nncos Drug Co., Fumigating Supplies, 9,95· 13445 John Wesch, Auditing Treasurers Books, 40,00 .. « " 13444 H. V, Ausburn', .� 36,00 · 13446 C,F,l!oeckel E.ll.I,,Co., Eooko, :illa.nka ete., 135,7?" 13462 s. w. Carpenter, Salary County Attorney, 50.00 · · 13453 Cortez Garage, Jail Repairs, 1.00· • 13450 Ray 0, Smalley , J, P. Fees, 2,05·· 13451 o " fl , o " n 5 75 13459 Cortez Herald, Printing & Stationery, 24.45· • • . • 13396 George W, Lane, Fees Diet. Attorney, 50.00 • • I Sam C, Pruden having presented to the Board an Offer to purchase tax eale certificattI Noe. 277?, 2830 and 2961 covering ten acres in the North�eaat corner of Section 25 in J Tnnship 36 N, R, 16 W. N, M. P. IA., for the years 1910, 1911 and 1912, aeaesaed in the

name of F. M. Goodykoontz, and to pay therefor the respective sums of t4l,l0, $50,56 and $54.85 and redemption certificate fees, and to pay all subsequent taxes, interest and 11

penal tie's on said land if' said offer be accept'ed; The Board after carefully consider•

ing said offer, deeming the acceptance of •allle to be :for the beet interests of the

County, the followirig resolution wae pa esed ; Jle !t

llESOLVl!lD by the Board of County Commissioners o:f Montezuma County, Colorado, that

Tax Sale Certificates Nos. 2?77, 2830 and 2961 be. sold. to Sam c. Pruden for the respect•

ive sum8 of $41,10, $50,65 and $54.85 and redemption certificate fees, provided, however

that he pays at the time of assignment of said Tax Sale Certificates to him by the Count

all subsequent taxes, intereet and penalties on said property, and that eaid amonnte be

tendered for said certificates within thirty days after the date hereof.

The following resolution was passed in relation to the payment of the amount due the

State :from this County ae certified by the Auditor of State, account of the Workmena

Colnpeneation Act;

Wl!llRKAS, The Auditor of Stat e of. Colorado, has filed with the County Clerk a liet

showing the amount of money due :f'rom the County, and from each Twwn, School District

and irrigation District in eaid county for the jrenr 1915 as the proper contributions

o:f the said reopective taxing d1oti:icta to the State Compensation Insurance Fund, and

the aggregage eum due from said County and other taxing districts, pursuant to the Proceedings of the Board of County Cainm'i:isioners._ ...... da))...... c ..Term, 19., . 19...

School District No. 4, 37.10 " • • 5, 6,40 .. .. � 6, 108.86 • " .. 7. 4.55 .. " .. 8, 17.80 .. .. • 9, B,Ol .. • • 10, 3,60 • " " u, 9,00 " " " 12, 2,41 " " " l.3. 3.90 " " " 14, 4,20 " • " 15, 6,50 " " " 16, 5.20 • II II 17, 5�53 " " II 19 '· 2, 90 " " " 20, 4,20 " " " 21, 6,00 " • " 22, 3,60 $'141,lO ;

llESOLVEl), That pursuant to the provisions of said Statute, a warrant be drawn upon 1

the Ordinary County .Revenue Fund or the County for $741,10 being the amount of said

aggregate sums, payable to the order of" the State Treasurer, and that upon presentation

to the County Treasurer for paymtlnt, the said County Treasurer shall pay the amount o:f

the same frOlll the County Treasury and charge the respective it.ems thereof to the several

taxing districts respectively, as shown by said list. I

It was ordered by the Boat'd that a warrant be drawn on the Foor Fund in the sum of .f ll $25,00 in favor o:f Mre. Augueta V. Kirlc, and a warrant be drawn on said fund in the sum ·' ,• ./ of $10.00 in favor of Mre. Sophie Giorge tta for relief for the month of February, 1916,

The Board then adjourned until the following day.


------·-----.....-...... ,,.,______,�_,_ ___, __ ,_,,._..,,""'_'"''""""''"'-""""',...______'*' ______

Froceedinge of the B.oard o:f Co. Comre. 9th day January term, 1916, February 9th, J.916, "''"""'"'""'"="::=,,,�-== ==�"======--==''"""'=""""'------,,· - -1'

The Board of County Comml.aaionere of 'Montezuma County, ColOrad<>, met in adjourned

session thie 9th day of February, 1916,

There were present. !l, :a, .Dunham, Chairman, I H. M. Guillet, CoDr.J.iasioner, S, W. CEU'penter, County Attorne

• Samuel M . Burke, Clerk, C, ll, Kelly. t Absent by leave,

The following claims filed against the County were allowed and warra.>te ordered

drawn on the proper funde in payment thereof;

O. C. R. Fund. Claim No, To whom paid, For. Ammunt. 13455 ,E, D, Smith, Salary Agriculturalist, 41.65 ° • County C ommia'el:orier, 15.80. 13474 R. B . DU.".lham, IJ U f� 15473 a. !.!, Guillet, 15, 00 . 13472 Samuel M, Burke, Clerk of Beard, Stall!ps, Ex:prees etc,, 74.55. . 13470 J. II. Trotter, Health Officer,. 10,00

Poor Fund. 13471 Letha Blomquist, Care W. H. :Burah, 25,00 Procediings ./the Board ofCotm/y Commissioners. ),J)_tll...... day_ .;T!lnua,rY.. .

of Montezuma County, Ccloradoi met pursuant

adjournment, tl1ia 6th day of .March, 1916.

Th0rf3 were present·, R • • Chai rn1an, 13 .nunhar111 H. ll, Guillet, CoMJTlissioner1 C. B. KellY� Co :'ll!llinaio!'ler 1 S. W. Carpenter, County Attorney, Samuel M. Bt.rrJn3, Clerk.

The minute• of the meeting of February ?th, Bth and 9th, 1916, were read and approved

The clerk was instructed to have published in The Dolores Star, a notice that aettle- cf contrMt Will be made with William Longwill on April :'ird./1916, for tr.e construction of a bridge

· - over Bear Creek near the moutl1 thereof,- and for raising what ia known as tile Troxel ::Bria­ over tr�e Dolores river, that clalmar.:ts to whom aums are -'Wirig :for la.bor performed or

materfal furnished under said contract, may file wit the County ('lerk their claim or h

claiuw therefo1· as provicted by law. The Clerk Wal* also Ciree:ted to write aaia l,ongWill

that it be necessary for him to file with the Clerk, a sworn statement of the indeb I '.

T::·:::i::a::1:np:; Trit?. as Justice of' the Peace of Justice Precinct 21 No, W•.s .denii."d b;;r the Board.w:�;�u:•:·

In the matter of the petition of D, E. for a rebatement of $25.00 and an

abatement of' $25.00, l.915 taxes assessed against the Lighting plant in the Town of !.!lmco

account of excessive assessment, the following resolution waa passed;

WHJ!JRl!!AS, The County co:rnra1esioners of Montezuma. Caurit11 State· of' Colorndo, at a duly

and lawfully called meeting held on the 6th day of March, 1915, at which meeting there

were present Comniasionera Dui1ltam, Guillet and Kelly. nritice of euch meeting and an

opportunity to be prese·nt been giYen-- to the Asae�sor1of,·-said Coui1ty, -and aaid ha.Ying Assessor E, H. Kittell being present, and VIHER!EAS, the said Conli:.issionere have carefull

in relation t.hereto, How cOnsider.,d the within applica."tiori and are fl.illy advised be it

Resolved that said petition be granted as recommended by the County .Assessor,

Voting in the affirma.tive, Commissioners Dunham, Guillot and Kelly.·

The foilo'\Ving r;:ittolution was pasaed in relation to tl;.e· petition pf Ja..Y?ies E� Akin for 1�15 i rebatement $1,00/Military :Pall ta.x,account of his having served in the S:panieh-Americ.sli1 a war.;

i'!IEPJ�AS, County Comin!SsiOn ers of llonte:zurr!E% County1 State of Colorado, e.t a duly The and lawfully c1>lled meeting held on the 6th day of :March, 1916, at which meeting there I were pr(1Sent Comnissioners Duriham:, Guit let and Kelly, notice such meeting and of' an- Opportunity to be· prer;ent having been gi v0n to tlie Asses Sor Ot said. County, ·and said

Assessor being pr'e-aent1 and �1A8-, said County Co;rrrnla-sioners have carefully con·- the sirered the within a�plioation and are fully ioed in relation thereto, Now Ee It a.dt I Proceeding; of th� Board of County Commis:iionerS-_____ ...... _.dey. .Term. 19. ../ 9 ;

o;pportunity to be present havina been given to the Assessor of said c·ounty, and as.id

Assessor E. H. Kittell being present, a.rid WHEliliAS the said County commissioners have

carefully considered the within application and are fully advised in relation thereto,

Now be it llESOLVlTil that enid petition be granted as recommended by the Co•�nty Aesesso=.

Yotin!! in the !lffirmative; Commossioners Duillet and Kelly. Dunham, In the l!lB.tter of the :petition of Ler.a Nash for a:·rebateruent of $B. Oii ltllfl tax, account .

Of an excessive assessment- on House Hold Gocids. -the fblloWing resolution we.a _passed; !

WliERlf;AS¥ The County COntmiasior.era tif !f.ontetuma County, State of Colorado, at a duly

and lawfully called meeting held on the 6th day of March, 1916, at which meeting there

Were present. comm.:1-asionersDunhrun, GuilJet and Kelly, notice of such reeting and an opportUnity to be preaent having been gi·1en to tl1.e Asaeaaor of said County. and Said I Asse·aaor H. Kittell being �reae:tt, s.nd the said County Corr:rniaoionera have B. WHEREAS, carefully considered the within a:pplocatiob. and are fully advised in relation thereto,

Now be. it RESOLVED that said petition be granted as reco11m1ended by the County Aasesaoh:-.

to-wit; An abatement of $2.0l and rsbatement of $2.0l. a Vot-ing in thri a:ff'irrr..ative, Coniniesionera Duniha.m. Guillet and Kelli.- I In the matter of the J)etition of ll!:r,s.J,.B.Scharffor an abatement of �15.00 1915 alleged �ax l account of an/erroneous aaeeesment on ehh1;, (a) 'aol:'ell of· land and i;nprovements tlte:v.,on ,

ai.tua.te. th\3.Tow.n ,o'-j: M!>ncos, .Jlol:orado, in the f'-oll owing Resoluti- on was paaned:

WEER'.SAS, The County Coromissionera of Montezuma County) State or Colorado) at uly a d and lawfully called meeting held on the 6th day of !larch, l916, at which meeting there

were rreaent Conmiaa-:itiners Dunham;_ Guillet and Ke11y. noti_ce· ·of meeting and an 6UCh.- opportunity to be pieaent having been given to the' Aseessor of- County, and said said - AssBsaor · E-�, H.i_ Kittell_ being- pres·e_nt, and _WEE.REAS,- the atiid County_ C_ or.crnis-aiorie1•s have : carefully considered the within aPplicat fon- __and _- _ are· -fl.illy e.dviae1,l in relatiOn· thereto. NQ:r lifow Be It RESOLVED that aaid petition be/grunted, recommended_ t!:e County ,ae by Assessor,

Voting in the ai�f:ir::-:i:itiv-e, Co:rti:ii.iasianet'S- DUl'lham; G_uillet_- and Kelly.

r-e appearine to. the Board that the :follOwln!!l;descrl.bed Mi:lntezuma County, landB in Qqlora,do, were asseu�d.for the years 191Land .l{(J.ll .to Johanna!.!, Hall.a, lif,E.t of N.E.t

• Section 8; 11.t �f N.E.t; lj.E.i- of .11.E.t "tsection 9; N.W,t of .w,t of secUon of. 11 10; and N.f of ;>,,E,t, an<\ p�rt of s.w.t of S,E.t wlres in corner of s.w.t of &. Z s.m. Section 4, ,.all in Township ;;5 N. R.· 13 w, N, · ., and that said aeseeament' is •rl:'on-, !I. P. 11 I · eaue and vofd for the reason that aaiP, tractS_ were .asees�ed an� Yalued_.�a- one:·_tract�

�hereas the ·aarpe were tion-c�ntlgtt uB;- JTO\f therf;;fOre on :request ofDavid }ialls� a,*' ? - - ( .€i.�minietrator of': the eSttite of ·said .Johnanna l(� .Hal_;t.e, novf.-dece_.!lsed, •'"9.PJ?�aJjing in person

before .Boartl; it iG· Ol'd�red thatc,.the ·County Trsuaurer. l;

There were rreSent ; Chairman ·, R. B, Dunham,Gui Uet, Commi ssi oner, H, !.!, e ly COrmni nsioner. c. ll. K l , W·. CB..rpenter, County Attorney, s.- Samuel M •. Tf 11rke , Clerk,

ord ered by the lloard that a warrant be d rawn on the Poor und in favor Of It was ' Jr

favor of Mrs, Soph e Gl.orgetta in the of $10.0Q f or . relief the Month of Mar ch, i oum ' far 1916.

Herman T'!lOl1'2� before tl'i'� Board opos e to e'nter into agreement wit T. and r . an came p d h)

the Boa d the cul."rent year ·and 1fa rclt l� 191? t for farming- C'ounty Poor ]'arm, r · for until- the Pr Opo•:!ti and for the County paupers there on, and for the .swine on said County; ! H.T+Thomas caring ra:r�'.t,/\'be . to or the terms o - an a e e ent having- beAn· reached -between the parties,- the county AttorneI .. . Po ort'<>nt .Farm. 1, and f gr m r d re cted to prepare a contract ao cordiitgly, and the Chairman of the Board was author- was i I ized and dirocted to si,;n the same on the :part of the County.

i 1 the matter the pe ti tion of H, R� Rogers · an ab nternent of $10-. taxes In of for 77 1915 I account- of an excCaaive asoe sa-ment of equity in and in:pr oven:1ente on t::�e S.Esf- of the Pro ceeJ{T!gs of the Boord of Co unl;y Cam-missioners._ ..... Term, 19.. .19

- Aa seas:Or beins; present ,- and Whereas, the s·aid o nty Commi eHc:;ioners carefully c u conaidered the within application and are. fully ad vised in r l t on thereto, Now be it e a i RESOLVED , That said e ti ti on be granted as recom,en•led by the County Assesoor. p Voting in the affirmative, Coin:ni seioners DU..llham, G'J.illet and Kell;Y.

The fo ll vti reaol ation was paoaed in relat on to the petiti on of Carrol Ormiston O n,; i I: ! for a a n of $34 .00 1915 tru

0 held on Mar h, i g 1st t;:or and lawfally cail�d meeting tl1e 8th day of � 19161 at meet n there � abatonem ent whiclt Of ta..xet"f. We_fe present, C6:mm.t9aioners Dllnham,_ Guillet and-- lC elly, no t c e of such me et!ng and an 1 i !I oi-_i:.ortunity to be preaent having been gi ven. to t e_ Aaaeeuio·r- of aaid CountYt an d said h Aeses9nr b�ing present , and Whe reuer, The SaiQ County Commi ssionere have carefully

conl!idered the within a.npltcation and are fuiltly ad'tbed in relat ion th�reto, !Tow be tt

'RfriSOLVB:D,, Tl1at said pet ti o n be gr·an ted as r c omme ded by- the County Assessor,, i e n Voting in the fi r t ve, Commiseionere Guillet and Kelly. af lllll i Dunham, The first half of the 1915 Irrigation taxes on the Poor Parm in the amount of I $1 60.00 being now due and unpaid, and the Board hav i ng purchased of c. Rudy, for li. $53 . 00, Irrigation w rrant s. in the aggre gage amount of $4 4.00 to apply on Payme nt of f District a said on was d d a n first half I'! Irri ga i taxes., it. or e e py >the Boa.rd that wa ra t be: drawn on the 1915 Irri­. t r r g t i on Tax ' Poor Farm .Fund in favor of said C. H. Rud y for the amount of $3 3.I 00 in payment of said a i on _Poor 1 Far m:. Irrigation Dis tri.ct warramts , and tha t a warrant in the amount of $116,0I 0 be drawn on

said fund in favor of the ·county Treasurer to cover the balan e of s aid first half c taxes ..

In tlle matter of the demand of Mark ll'o rrie and others for lev:y to pay .judgment a retldet'ed' agai nat The Montezuma Valley . Irrigation District, and costs;

Watling, by Kayt , Dawson Wright the ir Attorneys, ha'fe filed with the County Clerk & of Del!land of . I!r thi s Coun y tneir demand upon the Board ot Count Commissioners of this County and the Nor:ri$ t y alla1'k'.hd th.Or � l individual mmbere the reof for. the levy by the<• of " tax u on the i rri ted lands in for_ 01· evy· · p i;a pay l

the record of Said judgment , filed with said demand , And hereas this Board copy ilf B ! doubt as to its power to comply with said de d and wt1e reae said The Montezuma. is in man I Valley. Irrigation Diatri ct has filed With this Board. a , certi fied copy of r es ut i on I · a ol I I of the Board of Dire to s of said Irrigation Di strict requesting this j c r the said demend for levy, and agreeing tnat it Will at tr.e sols cost and expense Of said

District efend any action, suit or proceed ing that may be brought againetBoft!'d tniato deny Board d I Proceedings of the Board of Co un{y Commi$-�ioner.) _"__ _ Term, 19____ " 19

Proceedings of the lloard of- county co_mr• . 5th day Ap ril term, Apr il 7th, 1916, 1916.

The Bo ard of' county Cotnmieeioers of '.Mo ntezuma. County, Colorado_,_ :net in ad journed

se esion this 7th day of AprJl, 1916.

There were 'Present , R. B, Dunham, Chai 1 H. Guillet, Comu1ill!'IDRn a sioner • B.1!, Kelly, Commissioner. O;S. Carp'ente1', County Attorney w. Samuel M .. Burke , Clerk.

The Jloard adjourned at 8;3"1 A, until to inspect roade and bridges Ji.. 1;00 P. L!. in Ro'ld Distric.t No. 4. The Road petition of J'. R, :Freeman and others for a ro d in Township 36 North of a date. It from the s e 3 m � th is was also ordered by the oard that u s. herein mentioned , t bond amou1:t of the !.!ontezmr.a \Talley Irrigation D1etr1ot tax due for the years 1911 and 1912 in ul wd the statutory interest and penaltlee thereon be credited f l to the proper

fund . Stat!> Ma:reh io, A Hi ghway CPl!llllUnicatio� froll! the Conmbaion dated Denve·r t Colorado, I 1916., Jtarch h and filed wit the county. Clerk 26, 1Sl6, was presented to the B<>ard in '"'ga;rd t< latter of i to. an.appor tionJlie nt I .p· this propTi at n I made by s!iid Colliltlssion of · $3. 600, 00 tp County, pursuant to .tate Hit!h­ t)le "Hi ghway Commi seion. Ac ;t", I for i. ay Commia- i on 1 pro:;isi pne of the State anc be . expended .as n;ay be I S at Cpmmi ssioner.s of 916. ' e ! !'!!1."Sed upon by the t Highwey Commi.s si oner and the :Board of. County I regulation� th1.a_,CountY, in accordance wit:h- - the ·pr-ovision:a of said Act , and the rules and

of the State Hi ghway Comni oner nd d ieor Boa rd, and und r the d re ti n o the asi a A "V y end his t e · v � " i c : r.� � • h 3 State Highway commissioner Engi neer; and i was t ereupo n ord ered Y t o rd 1. that saxne is said apportionment be and the hereby accepted and that said State High!nay that the Conuniasioner is hereoy .n otl.fisd County of Jlontezuma has provided for raising

by taxationin said County an amount equal to the amount eo apportioned to be used for i!llprovement in the construc tion and of State Highways in said County accorda.�ce with provosi one sai ill Act. the of l and others A. The petition of 0, Lundqui st for a voting prec inct at the Town of •« "'i.on of was nie it 19l6 votingmdqui or · . Lebanon, de d for the reason that the election am:ropri at ion for the year I is tec t. at inadequate to �eet the expense of caid proposed precinct. · 1 ebanon.. o, inspect wh at is :P. II. The Board adjourned at 2; 00 t known as the Mcllwen bridge ..:;,c ;, JllO anon. a c oa:rd in spe9i " over "El McElmo I at ridge . The :Board returned from Mc Ew en bridge and went into session 3;30 P. M. !1 discus sing \Tal ley j After with the :Board. of Directors ot' !he ll!onte zuria Irri gat ion atterr i a gofe drainage I1 the a n at Distri ct, the Jliat tsr of of the County Road along South line of the Blatch- latchford place • ford farm, the Bonrd adj ourned until the following I · .., fr??:J'r/ZJ___-4 I Atteat �d. Chairman . I L

The Board of County Commt ssioers of' Montezuma C-Ounty1 Col!l'radO, met in adj ourned

session this 7th day of Aprll, 1916. Du.rti1am,Guillet, There were- preaent, R. B. Chaieman, H. M. commiss_saioner,ioner, · I C... B.w. Kelly,ar pe n er' Conimi. s c _ t co. unty Attorneyt Sam\H;�l .M, Burke , Clerk, inspect bridges M• :P, lr.. The Board adj ourned at 8;34 A. untll 1;00 to roade and in 4. Road District No . l The a ;J. R. Road petiti on of "freeman and other.• for roaa in Townehip 36 ::forth of W,. Ar. ]?� Jad 13 N-� · t.R.Freepet i ti i n Range M. 1 was presented -to the Board :for lts consideration·; a.nd the same provided (10) i in >n> et al in l Board finding th

therefol'e ordered by the lloard that said sale aert1J:icatea be sold to Mrs . Johnnah tnx

Smi th for the sum of $30,84 and certii'icate fees, provided that she pays at the tim S. e

of assignrtent of said tax sale certificates to her by the County, the first he.lf of 1915

taxes on said property as offered, and that eaid amount be paid for the assignment of

said tax sale certifi cates within 30 days from th is date.

J,B.Filey The Clerk was instructed to notify J, B. F!ley to remove his fence from the road ordered to , move fence . rec ently ordered opened on the V/est line of his place, at on ce.

, In regard to the compl aint of obstruction of the road Up Taylor Creek, the County ; Attorney was direc ted to take such steps as lie might consider mo st expedient, by way Matter of I of legal proceedin-ga , if necessary in hie Judgment, to remedy the mat.ter compl ained of; complaint of Obstruc­ and the Chairman of th is Board is directed to inveatigage said mat ter an d report to the tion of Taylor • County Attorney as soon as pOsaible� Cl<: Road . I It appearing ta the Board that the South-half of the NOrth-wut quarter of Section 13 in Township 36 North of Range 17 West of the was sold for taxes fol' the N. M, P, l.I. , Cancellati 1914 T , S . cer +! , year under the name of 'fhe Colorado-Kansas !mrestment Company, and that Tax t . Sale No . 4698 I certificate No . 4698 was issued therefor; and it. appearing that said land was also

I, assesaed to l! ixon El liott in said year , and that eaid Elliott paid the taxes the:l'eon

I i!l full for said year 1914; It therefore ordered by the Board that the County I ie Treasurer be end he is hereby .authorized &nd directed to cancel said Tax Sale Certificate

I upon the records of hi s office ,

1,. 1,. J, Brumley in behrtl:I' of H. V. Pyle, preeented to the Board an offer to pur- , lf.r , M. l 2880 3072 Tax chase Tax Sale Certificates No s. and covering taxes asaessed against the s.w.t CertificaSale teI!s of the S,Jll,f of Section in Township 37 North of Fange 15 W, N. M. P, for the years!i eold to I 32 M. V .Pyle, )[, 1911 and 1912, a.'ld to pay the1•efor the respective sums of $29.35 and $61.95,, being the !.

flat tax for said years plus $1 ,00 for each certificate ; also agreeina; to pay all taxes ,

interest end penalties on said l!ilnd up to the year 1916, if said offer be accepted . The Boa:rd i af ter cB.re:fuI oonSid-eration of sititl offer1 deenti.rig the acceptance of the sam�'I to be the beet of the County, it was ordered by the Board that said Tax Sele Certif- i f'or 1 icates l!os , 2880 and 3072 be sold to H. V, Pyle for the respective sums of $29. 55 and

$61.95 rlua $1 ,00 for each certificate, as offered, provided, however, that he pays at

the tillll of asoignment of said certifi cates to him by the County, all subsequent taxes,

interest and penalties on ••id property, and that said amo unts be tendered the County

Treasurer for· said certificatea wi thin 30 daye :r:roni this date .

by the noRrd that -from- the suiw herefri me ntioned t the amount of The Montezuwa. Valley

I Irrigation Di strict bond tax due for the last hs.lf 1911 tax and full 1912 tax and the statutory intereet and penalties thereon be credited in :full to tl!e proper funds, I I Mr. R. ;r, :Elryce presented to the Board. an offer to purchase Tax Sale Certifi cates 2821 and 2929 cover ing the 1911 and 1912 tro

also to pay the necessary certificate fees , After due consideratiori it ap�ear ing to

� ·� ' ·� - _,_,., _____ -.P ...... �..t ...,,,.r,,..... mt'\H1 .4 'h#) .,.,.., ..,._ interest.e of' the Count1 . +,h'P hAs:it Proceedings of the Boatd of County Co mmissfonen _,. ______..... ______. , .... day Term, 19. ·--- - - _ /9 ____ _

O. C. R, Fund . " Claim No . Payee, For 14424 A. W, Dillon , J. P .. _Fees , 13.75 14533 R. B. Dunh am, Cash advanced for Express, 12,47 14518 A. C. Ki ttell, Salary, 58.33 14530 J. W. Bozman , Canvassing Vo te, 10. 00 14531 Bozman A. L & G. Co.,. Auto Hire, ll.50 14535 State Board Agriculture, Acct, Agriculturalist, 21 2. 50 14541 R. L. Crawford , Fees; Sheriff. 38 1.45 14540 roo ntezuma C ounty Tel Co .• Rent & Calls, 51 .02 14555 c. R. Rickman, Salary County Judge, 100.00 14517 E. R. Kit tell, Salary, County Assessor, 325.00 14508 Ura . Frances Mohler, Dep. Supt, Schools, 10,00 14514 w. R. Cofield, Attorney, Morris Case 10. 00 14510 Artie E. Lewi s, Salary County Supt., !& mileage ) 265,90 14570 Geo . W. I1an.e, Exp ense Dist. Atty. , 10. 70 14579 E. D. Smith, Sal ary Agriculturalist, 29 .15 14553 w. F. Mowry, County Attorney, 50,00 14558 E. E. Johnson, County Ph ysic ion, 50,00 14534 State Entomologist, Poisoned grain, 99,75 14539 J. M. Bruml ey, Fees Di st. Clerk, 10. 40 14538 J. M. Brumley, " " 11 19,85 14450 George '« . Lane, Fees Di st. Atty. , 20.00 14509 Arch Wal ters , Juror Certificate. 2,65 14513 Fred Kr run.er, 11 fl 4.75 14512 Henry Inc e, Wi tnesa 11 2,65 14440 �dward A. Winbourne , II ti 5,05 14542 Henry L. Crawford, Expense Sheriff, 137,75 14561 Out West P & s. co., Bo oks, Blanks etc .• 90, 71 14556 Samuel M. Burke, Cl erk of Comrs ., St2ID.pa etc., 68.15 14521 HeGty;:Vt. Inc�: nj·, Jailer & Jani tor, 35.00 14575 Harry Baxstrorn, Cleaning Closet, 15.00 14506 J. R. Trotter. Health officer, 8.00 14579 Sarnuel M. Burke, Recording Offical Bonds, 2.70 14537 J. 11. Brumley, Typewriter paper, l.50 n 14529 F. L. Miller, Ribbon s, 4.50 14580 w. I. Myl er, Salary Commissioner, 175.00 14581 c. B. Kelly, II fl 175. 00 14516 c. A. Frederi ck, Printing, 28 .53 " 14519 Cortez Herald 1 8.14 14515 E. , F., J·9hnson,, Coron er fees, 6,80 1 4582 Harris Brothers Mer . Co., c. H. Supplies, 1.50

Road Fund , 5.00 14511 H. T. Th omae , Road work, 14473 John Ro essler, Road Drags, 18 .00 14567 c. s. Minter, Blacksroi thing, 24.25 14554 J. D. Lamb , Cash ad ve,n ced for eupplies, .30 298.80 14536 R. VI. '.Moore &. co ., Road Drags , 14564 Leon Ashback, Piling, 18 .00 14576 Dug Forbes, Dragging, 4,50 14559 Jim Honaker, Stringers, 7.00 14507 Jackson Hdw. Co., Grader Blade• 7.00 14527 L.·H� -soen�. , Blacksmithing, 23 .25 14526 Wilson Ebbert, Viewing, 5,00 • 5.00 14528 Frank Wyman , 44. 70 14565 Gi bson L & c. co ,, Lumber, 14563 J.:iller Hdw. Co., Supplies, 15.10 14577 R. B, Dunham, Freight on Grad ers, 40.56 14557 J:;. 14. ·: J�es, Dragging, 7.50 14566 Gibson Lumber &. c. Co ., Lumber , 5 2 ,05 14574 Cortez, Mer. Co ., Supplies, 9.35 14562 Ge o. soulen, Lumber, 119 .14 5.00 14527 z. Prothe ro, Viewing, 14523 C. B. Kelly, Freight on Drags, 11.76 165.25 14548 J, D. Lamb , Road Overseer, 161. 75 14547 J, D. Lamb, " " " " 28. 00 14545 Ernest Hi gman , 13, 50 14544 Ernest Higman, " " " " 96. 50 14549 J, D. LBlllb, • " 159.r5 14543 J. D. Lamb, " " 134.75 14546 W. C. Longenbaugh, " • 14550 J. H. Longwill, se.oo " " 59.75 14552 A. M.. Decker, " " 68. 00 14551 ·A. M. Decker, 14583 Cl'.tas. Engel 1J er. Co., Supplies, 27 ,90 " 14582 }Iarri s Brothers 1:i:er . Co; , ...... Term, 19 .. 19 .

ay e P e 14296 G_eo. tan$,: Dist. Atty. , 55,41 14194 c. w·.Kerm ode Delivering Ballot lloxea, 21 .00 14167 W.I!. J. Uarshal l, Supplie� rep air lamps, 9.00 14172 S, B. Longeno augh Wood C. H.& s 3.50 14128 Cortez Herald 1 16.99 14276 Town- of Cortez WaterPrintin,;:, rent,. C. H. 9,00 14102 Au gus_ta V. KirkJ Meals .rurora·, 2,45 14125 Bozman A. L. G. Co., Deli vering Ballot Boxe s, 23.40 14177 Ray Smal ley, Ac tirlg- Coro!lEirt 7.00 14264 H., O.Barber, Water Commissioner-, 82 .50 M� 14262 Samuel Burke , Clerk o:r Comrs ., Stanrps etc,, 37.35 14263 11 M.-n fl fl n n n n 49.97 142139 • B, Dunham, County Commiffsioner, 50.40 14285 I! Xelly, II !1 67 14311 Cortezc, ll. Herald , Printing, 14.o,15o 14189 Cortez tier . Co. 1 C. H. Supplies, .20 14341 H, Crawf ord, Fees sheri ff, 12.40 14133 John.L . J. Downey, " county Judge, 8.05 14135 n n fl n n 11 13,05 14131 fl 11 fl " " ., 13 .05 14326 C. Ki ttel·, , Salary Dep. County AaeesaorJ 116. 67 A. 14230 Dol ores ·star,_ Printing, 4.20 l43l8 Gui llet llrothere, 8uppli es, 2. 20 14304 E. Ki tt e Salary County· Asaeasor 1 200.00 H, ll,

The Board then adJ ourned

2 Atteet ; �<-{77?, � � Clerk• .\