:Z.Lq _lo, :.J!llluar:r 3rd1 l6 .... Term, 19 19 , Proceeding• Of the B oard of Co. comre. 2nd day January term, 1916, J uary 4th, 1916. an The Bo ard oi' County Commiesionere o:f Monteztmia County , Colorado, met in adjourned session this 4th day of January, 1916, There were present- ,_ H. 11, Guillet, Cha.ir R,. B. DUnham_. commissioner.man, C, Ke ly Commissioner. B.H, Cofield,l , County Attorney, 'IT, SF....rouel JiUrke1 Clerk . it,. T'ne re orts of the Clerk o:f the District Court and the County Judge semi-annual ]' were audited and approved by- the Board. The Board proceeds to c ncel all warrants paid during the aemi•annual period end­ a ing �cember, 3lat, 1915. In the rr.atter of the petition of Fred Darroch for ab atement of �1.00 Military an poll tax for the year 1914, account o:f not being resident of this county, the followini; a I .Resolution was passed; I Whereas 1 The County Commis-sioners of' .'Montezuma County, State of Colorado 1 at a t duly and lawfully called meeting held on the 4th day of January, 19).6, et which eet ing m I there were present Comnissionera Guillet, Dunham and Kelly, notice of ai'ch meeting and an ·opportunity to - be 11re- sent haviiig been gfven to tne Assessor of said count:J.r, and said - i I and Where�s, h�ve Aeaeasor E. Kittell being present, The County Comm.ieaioners care• l!. fuUy consinered the within application and full.y advised in relation thereto, Now be I are it llESOLVEll that said petitior! be ant ed recommended he County Assessor, ! gr a.a by t All Commissioners voting affirmatively thereon. I The following Resolution was passed in rel ation to the petition of Rebecca Ellis for a reb tement of $2.41, 1914 taxes aaseseed aga st. Lots 16, 17 18, in Block 22 in I a in & .... Term, 19 19 at one aixth of the total valuation of th e two tracts of land in the year 1913; And it appearing that the owner of said tracts of land, lilra, Rae Pederson is desirous of rs.Ying the te.xea mn_ one of said tracts only, a.t the present t1me;- Therefore be it BESOLVJ'D that the County- Treaaurer b& directed to place a seperate valuation on Mid theteo� one sixth ·tracts, and to place a valuation of $250,00 against ea.id Lot 2, e.nd to collect/the total am.Ount of taxes, interest and penalties due on--the two tracts RB listed and taxed for the year 1"14. And to place a valuation of $1250.00 on said N,E.t of Section 15 p 36 ,T . N, 16 W. N. ::.!, and to collect thereon five sixths of the total amount of taxeQ R. P, K,, two interest end penalties due on the add/tracts aa listed and taxed for the year 1914. All Comndsa;i.onerll voting affirmatively thereon •. The following claims filed against the County were allowed and warrants ordered on the J:>l'Oper funds in payment thereof: RO.AD FIDID. Claim No, To Whom pa.id, FOr- Amount. 13200 L H. Soens, Blackemi thing, 4.05 • .. 1330? J. B. Barrett, Painting, Bridge, 75. 00 • 13312 c. 11lnter, Blacksmithing, 21.60. s. 1332�? Wm Longwill, Road- Overseer, v:-: 1: 60. 75 • /?- i33;10 D,. R. Tschop,_ Repair• Road Equipment, 10. 50 • 13323 Joe Bergrurdno, Work on Bridge, 58. 50. 13325 Joe Tam, If II tt 73. 87 ' E. C. Coak,_ 70. 87 ' 13324 ,, ". " 13327 GuJ.llet BrHlrnrs, Hauling Bridge Plates, Order Jae .. Goff, l. 00 ' 13298 Pinkerton Osterfelt1 Blackarai thins, 12. 90 ' 13299 Cortez Mercantile& Co,, Supplies, 3,90 ' Miller Hdw. co., 5.85 • 13285 " 13297 Emery- Vfe.gner� Dragging Road, 9.00 ' 13364 Cortez lier. C<>., Supplies,. 10 ..25 • l�l:\M T. J. Hathcock, Building Culvert.a, 15. 00 ' 1341[) llobert B. Wilson, Dragging Road, 6. oo ' 13414 B., E. Hampton� Road Work, 23. 65 ' li\407 Miller Heh•. Co., Supplies, 8.25. fl . 13403 Harris :Brothers 1.1er.. co .. f .l� g 13408 E,. Faria; Luinber, 6. 72 • 13364 W�J,. Rush, II 475.50. 13360 N. T,.A,. Decker, Viewing Road, 5,00 ' 1:1360 Thomae Hal 1a " ff 5,00 i " 13360 Thomas Brittain, 5. 00 • 13427 Ja.ltn Lill, Pulling Tree•, lb� � f'fO 13399 J, H. I.ongwill, Road Overs e-er, 10?.3? ' 13310 0 fl " II ff 57.50 A. 134.62• 13;$98 " " 13303 lft .. Decker." ti u 181.00 " " 13392 A. Peaeraon1 0 fl 106,25. l'. II II 12 ,25 • 13391 .. " . • II 11 ti 127 ,87' 13390 " 13388 • " 194.75' " . " w. I1ont;;enbaug;h.1 33, 75 • 13421 . " 13416 II c.II • ti " 21. 75 ' II II fl • 56. 65 , 13420 " 13419 II • tl u 50. 35 . " 13417 " 248.15' " " " . 1M31 E. B. Garlinghouse , • • 162.37' • 13380 • 216. 75 . " " " 13378 Chae, Scllallea, " 23,50. ft. 13579 ff II 11 282.50. II JI II 23�50 ' 13381 " i Poor Farm Fund,. 12330 Dbuble Trees,- 2. 00 . The Board then adjourned until the following day, I /'A ... 19 ..- ... ------- ------------ ---·----·------ P:roceedinge of the Boa.X'd of Co. comrs. 6th day January te:rm, 1916, January Bth, l\H5. The Board of county'co:nunissionera of Montezuma County, ColOradot met in 'adjourned oe•sion this 6th day of Janue.ry, 1915. There were present; R. B. Dunham, Cha.irma.n, l!. M; Guillet, commissioner� C. B. Kelly, Coramiaaioner, s-,. w. Carpenter, county Attorne , Samuel M. Burke, Clerk. j' ' . ' Proceedings ofthe &ard of COtJnty Ciimfflf$$foners.... ......� .. -........ dey�.-�- --· ................ Term,.19 .. .19 ..... the follo- wing R€solution was_ passed; lT RESOLVED by the Bo rd of County Coinniesionera of Montezuma County, Colorado, tha BE a the- following named per' aons be, and they are hereby appointed as r oad overseers for their � respect! ve_,._na.raed, upon qualifying aild giving bond aB required bj' laVf', subject , however, in their appointment to the will the Board, and to removal at any time for a failure of to perform the d ties the of fice to l<hich they are reapecti vely appointed, and the u t>f; Board reserves the right to exei'cise supervision. over ssid Road o·verseere and- the work the County ; For Dist i ct No, l, Longe nb ugh, " r" • " w. c. a �. A. Pedet'eon, " " " P. Decker. " " " ;;4 , A. M. Tho e, " II " 5, J.s. P. Langwill,ma " " • 6, 11.B. arl i nghouse E. G . said !load And be it urther RESOLVED that each Overseers. _be required to give bond f of l in the sum of $500.00. Advertioement heretofore having beem made as pro�ided by law, bi de for Stationery l for Proposals for the year 1915, the BOil.rd proceeds with the consideration the bids in of that be half, filed with the County Clerk; there being three in number, na.'IWly ; The c. F. Haeckel Blank Book Lithograpl;ing Company of Denver, Colorado. & The Out West Printing Stationery Con:pany of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The W. H. Kistler Stat ionery Company of enve , Colorado. D r After due consideration thS above mentioned bids:, it was or dered by the Board that of The West Printing Stationery Co any be awarded the contract for .furnishing this Out & mp county with record books, le gal blanks and office and election auppliee, for the ensuing year; the Board eser ing the right, however) to p '.rchase elsewhere,· the epecia.l form r V u coiubi nat ion asSesament r6 l and abatr·act ass:eesment books used in- this coun ty , if � of as: deemed for the best interests of the County to do ea. The opening of bi ds for furnishing this county with atatione.ry for the year 1�16 , now being in order, the bid ine Cortez Herald, ( being the only one ile· d ) was pre·aente of f > l to the Board; a.nd the same being to the Board, it was thereupon o dered tha satisfactory r \ the contract for suppl ing County with stationery for the year 1916, be a.1<ardM to r y the. The Cortez Herald for said yeat','at'the prices named in said bid, na1< on file, j The prodeed to open the bid1pon· fil<i for .l!ounty p in ing for the year 1916; .Boat"d s r t there. being on :file one bid , only, that of The Cotitez Heraid- and The ontezuma Jnurna.l, I M jointly; and the being satisfactory to the Board, it wee ordered that the contract enme. j for printing, inoluding all legal.notic<?s, delin uent ta.x list and election notic• · county q the year 1916 be awarded to said The Cortez Herald end The Montezuma Journal, j ointl ,r for at the narL"ed in said bitl.. 1 rate The following named peraon e were appointe d as Health Officere for the several Comm• isaioner Districts of the ounty ensuing'year; C for the For Com.rui'ssioner istrict No. l, c.- Lefurgy; For COrr.•.u,ieSioner District J:fo� 2, D H. .. For CommisRioner District Mo. �. J. R, Trotter. E� E- J"ohnson; --- -- 19.. The Board proceeds to aaleot from the list of tax payer• of the county , :furnished by the County Treasurer, 200 names fromwhich to draw jurors for the April term of the District · Cou:rt · of Monte2,un1a County. I It is ordered by the Board that H.
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