Curriculum Vitae Dr R Sugarman

Resume/Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr Roy Sugarman

Date of birth: November 16, 1953

Nationality: Australian

Marital status: Married, two children

Current Positions: Conjoint Senior Lecturer in , University of New South Wales Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist: Professional Opinions (Sydney) Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry, Adelaide University Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist: Rose Park Psychology (Adelaide) Associate MLR Psychology, Sydney

Qualifications: Certificate in Orthotics and Prosthetics (with distinction) Witwatersrand Technicon, Johannesburg: 1979

Bachelor of Arts degree (Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy) University of South Africa, with distinction in Sociology: 1986

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Applied Psychology), IIA, University of the Witwatersrand: 1987

Master of Arts (Clinical Psychology) (with distinction), University of South Africa: 1990*

PhD (), Rand Afrikaans University, 1992* * Certified by the National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition

University Appointments:

Tutor in psychometrics, University of the Witwatersrand 1987 Consultant: Diagnostic and Assessment Centre, Child Welfare, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987 Co-ordinator of Hillbrow Hospital Outpatient Head Injury Clinic, Health Psychology Unit, Univ. of S. Africa: 1994 Senior Part-time Lecturer, Univ. of South Africa, Dept. of

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Psychology, Health Psychology Unit: 1994 External Examiner, Dept. Psychology, University of South Africa, undergraduate and Master’s degrees: 1998 External promoter, Dept. Psychology, University of the Witwatersrand, Doctoral degrees: 1998 External promoter, Dept. Psychology, Rand Afrikaans University, Doctoral degrees, 1999-2002 Clinical Lecturer, Dept Psychiatry, Adelaide University, 2000- Clinical Tutor: South Australian Psychiatry Training Committee 2001-2004 Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of New South Wales 2004-

Professional Registrations:

New South Wales Psychologists Registration Board 2003- South Australian Psychology Board (SAPB) 1999- South African Health Professions Council 1990-2002 Royal Charter of Psychologists (BPS-UK) 1992- Australian Psychological Society (APS) 1998- APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists (CCN) 1999-

Previous professional Appointments:

Clinical Director: Clinical Therapies Programme & Principal Psychologist, South Western Sydney Area Health Service 2003-2005 Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Glenside Hospital Adelaide 2000-2003 Clinical Executive Committee, Glenside Hospital 2001-2002 Management Assessment Panel, Adelaide 2002-2003 Tutor: : SA Psychiatry Training Committee 2000- 2003 Curriculum Committee: SA Psychiatry Training Committee 2003 Consultant Clin Psychologist: SA Gender Dysphoria Unit 2003 Consultant Clin Neuropsychologist: Rose Park Psychology 2002- Consultant Neuropsychologist Tara Hospital 1994-1999 Guest Reviewer, South African Journal of Psychology 1995 Associate, Family Guidance International, Toronto 1999-2001 Advisory Board: Auckland Home Health Services 1999 Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Brenthurst Centre

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for Rehabilitation Medicine 1997-2000 Associate Editor: Human Nature Review 2003-

Professional Society Memberships:

National Academy of Neuropsychology (USA) Division of Neuropsychology (Full Practitioner Member) (UK) British Psychological Society (Chartered Psychologist). Psychological Society of South Africa, Div: Clinical Psychology International Neuropsychological Society (USA). Australian Psychological Society (APS) APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists South African Clinical Neuropsychology Association Australian Society for the Study of Impairment Neurosurgical Research Foundation (South Australia)

Professional Society Service:

Executive Member for Rehabilitation, South African Clinical Neuropsychology Association (SACNA), 1998-2000 Accreditation Board, S. A. Clinical Neuropsychology Association 1998-2001 Conference Organising Committee, 7th National S. African Neuropsychology Congress, Cottesloe Hospital 1998 Scientific Programme Committee, 22nd Mid-Year Annual Meeting, International Neuropsychological Society-SACNA, Durban 1999 Executive: Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment 2001- Curriculum Committee: South Australian Psychiatry Training Committee 2003 Convener, Conference Organising Committee, ASSBI: Sydney 2006 Member: NSW Health Psychologists Council

Work published, and in progress:

1999: The phenomenology of social withdrawal after traumatic brain injury. Spanish Journal of Neuropsychology (Revista Espanola de Neuropsicologia), Vol 1(4), 83- 112.

1999: The phenomenology of social withdrawal following brain insult. First International Congress on Neuropsychology in the Internet, Nov 1- Dec 15.

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Editor: Prof Jose Leon-Carrion

2001: A neurobehavioural-informed approach to the use of clinical competencies in supporting the community based care of individuals with multi-axial diagnoses. Australian Health Review, 24(4), 197-201

2002: Evolution and executive function: Why our toolboxes are empty. Spanish Journal of Neuropsychology (Revista Espanola de Neuropsicologia), Vol 4(4), 351- 377.

2005: Cross-cultural assessment of visuospatial ability. In Uzzell, B.P., Ponton, M.O., and Ardilla, A. (Eds.), International handbook of cross-cultural neuropsychology. New Jersey: L Erlbaum and Associates, in press.

2002: Neuroepistemology and the concept of mind, with Dr L F Koopowitz. Under review

2002-: Florey Adelaide Aging Male Study. With M Haren, G Wittert, I Chapman, P O’Loughlin, J Hiller, & J Morley. Multicenter study in testosterone, in progress.

2002-: Prefeeding: A strategy to induce satiety in overweight patients receiving novel antipsychotic medication. With M Surdut (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Multicentre research project in progress, Extended Care, Glenside Campus and Flinders University, Dept of Nutritional Science; Royal Melbourne Hospital Dept of Dietetics

Selected International Conference and Workshop Presentations:

1993: Fourth National Neuropsychology Congress, University of Natal, Durban, "The role of cortical arousal in the alcohol-related brain syndrome" Proceedings (pp.1-29)

1995: "A neuropsychological approach to the treatment of Temporal Lobe Dysfunction," The Smith-Kline Beecham Series on Epilepsy, 1995, (pp. 26-37). Rand Afrikaans

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1998: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress, SACNA, Jhb: "Rehabilitation in South Africa: strategies and models" Panel discussion

1998: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress, SACNA, Jhb: "The happy puppet: recurrent brief depression as an obstacle to rehabilitation in TBI". Platform presentation and unpublished manuscript

1998: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress, SACNA, Jhb: "The use of Gingko Biloba (EGB761) in the rehabilitation of memory".”. Unpublished manuscript.

1998: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress, SACNA, Jhb: "Malingering".

1998: Proceedings of the 7th National Congress, SACNA, Jhb: "Things I have learned from woodpeckers and monkeys"

1999: Progesterone and the personality disorders. University of South Australia, Adelaide, Dept of Psychology.

1999: The phenomenology of social withdrawal. Flinders University, Adelaide, Dept of Psychology

1999: The phenomenology of social withdrawal. University of Queensland Medical School, Brisbane.

2000: Social withdrawal and rapid cycling mood disorders: Impetus for the biopsychosocial model. 35th Annual Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Adelaide, April 27-30. Abstract only, page A65.

2000: Pathology and Physiology: A guide to understanding the mechanisms and sequelae of traumatic brain injury. Department of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, SA.

2000: Issues in cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in non-western settings. Annual congress of the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Clinical

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Neuropsychologists, Hunter Valley, NSW.

2000: Alcohol related brain changes: In integrated approach to neurobehavioural assessment in the light of recent neuropsychiatric findings. Platform presentation. The Australasian Society for Biological Psychiatry and The Australian Society for Psychiatric Research: Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, S.A.

2001: Executive functions and evolution: Why our toolboxes are empty. Special paper session, 24th Annual Brain Impairment Conference, Magnetic Island, QLD.

2001: Neuroscience and the Borderline Personality. Workshop. 8th National Conference of the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association, Cape Town, S. Africa.

2001: What’s new in Neuroscience. Workshop. 8th National Conference of the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association, Cape Town, S.Africa.

2001. and for Neuropsychologists: An introduction. Workshop. 8th National Conference of the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association. Cape Town, S. Africa

2001: Evolution and executive functions. Platform presentation. 8th National Conference of the South African Neuropsychological Association. Cape Town, S. Africa.

2001: Western Weapons: Assessment and management of patients from non-western cultures. Workshop. 7th Annual Conference of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists, Melbourne, Vic.

2002: The use of clinical competencies in supporting the community-based care of individuals with multi-axial diagnoses following brain insult. Poster. 25th Annual Brain impairment Conference, Port MacQuarie, NSW.

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2002/2003: A six day workshop introduction to . Workshop, Afrox Rehabilitation Hospital, Kensington, South Africa April 2002 & July 2003. Accredited by the Health Professionals Council South Africa

2003: Graded competition as scaffolded instruction for the treatment of executive dysfunction following a traumatic brain injury. Platform presentation, 26th Annual Brain Impairment Conference, Sydney, NSW.

2003: Traumatic Brain Injury for Lawyers; Presentation for the SA Law Society

2003: Invited workshop presenter: Autism; Novel approaches to remediation. For Department of Education and Children’s Services (four workshops), Adelaide Hills, SA

2003: An introduction to Motivation Enhancement Therapy. In Proceedings of the Inaugural Scientific Conference Australian College of Psychological Medicine, May 2003, CD-ROM publication, Adelaide, SA.

2003: Invited workshop: What to do when you can do nothing. Australian Guidance and Counseling Association, Adelaide, SA

2004: Cross cultural neuropsychology: Weapons in the hands of Westerners. Invited One-Day workshops: Wellington and Auckland New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, May 17th-19th, 2004

2005: The problem with power: speed and efficiency bedevil the assessment of non-Western minds. Invited speaker: Bold Perspectives /Shared Objectives, future perspectives on injury prevention and rehabilitation, 21- 23 March 2005 Auckland, New Zealand, Accident Compensation Corporation NZ.

2005: The evolution of social competition and mental illness: Why hunt when you can herd? Keynote address: Multiple Futures in Education and Psychology, 29 September – 1 October Adelaide SA, National

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Conference: Australian Guidance and Counseling Association.

2005: Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Motivational Enhancement Therapy addressing issues of ambivalence and treatment failure. Invited workshop: Ausmed Conferences, “Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 17-18 November, Comfort Inn Cambridge, Surrey Hills NSW.

Other Media publications:

2002: “Cutters: the red scream” Television presentation, “Carte Blanche” M-Net Africa Television. Review article published in News in Brain and Behavioural Sciences, 2 (62), 15 June 2002. ?Id=1970

2002: Book review: “Cutting edge medicine. What psychiatrists need to know”, edited by N L Stotland, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., Washington 2002. In Human Nature Review, 2: 322-323.

2002: Book review: “The courtship dance of the borderline” by Anthony Walker MD, Writer’s Showcase, San Jose 2001. In Human Nature Review, 2: 391.

2002: Book review: “Why therapy doesn’t work and what we should do about it”, and “The nature of Unhappiness” by David Smail, Robinson, London 2001. In Human Nature Review, 2: 402-405.

2002: Book review: “The birth of pleasure: A new map of love” by Carol Gilligan, Chatto & Windus, London 2002. In Human Nature Review, 2: 507-508

2002: Book review: “Handbook of parenting” Vol’s 1-5. Edited by Marc H Bornstein, Lawrence Erlbaum Inc, New Jersey 2002. In Human Nature Review, 2: 518-522

2002: Book review: “Psychology” by Lewis Barker, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2002. In Human Nature Review, 2: 544-

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2003: Essay review: “Science in psychotherapy and clinical psychology”. In Human Nature Review, 3: 257-262

2003: Book Review: “Looking for Spinoza: Joy, sorrow and the feeling brain” by , Harcourt Inc, Orlando 2003. In Human Nature Review, 3: 293-295

2003: Book Review: “Under the canopy: the archaeology of the tropical rain forests” edited by Julio Mercader, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick 2003. In Human Nature Review, 3: 281-283

2003: Book review: “The book of tells: How to read people’s minds from their actions”. By Peter Collett, Doubleday Publishers, London 2003. In Human Nature Review , 3: 370-372

2003: Book Review: “The neuroscience of psychotherapy”. By Louis Cozolino, WW Norton 2002. In Metapyschology Online,

2003: Book Review: “The Mutable Brain: Dynamic and Plastic Features of the Developing and Mature Brain”. By J H Kaas (Ed), Harwood Academic Publishers 2001. In Human Nature Review 3: 432-434.

2003: Book Review: “ Diagnosis: Schizophrenia”. By Rachel Miller & Susan Mason, Columbia University Press 2002. In Metapsychology Online,

2003: Book Review: “Concise guide to Psychopharmacology“. By Lauren B Marangell, Jonathan M Silver, James M Martinez & Stuart Yodofsky (Eds), American Psychiatric Press 2002. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Dangerous and severe personality Disorder: Role and response of the psychiatric team“. By

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Len Bowers, Routledge, 2002. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Rethinking adhd: Integrated approaches to helping children at home and at school“. By Ruth Schmidt Neven, Vicki Anderson & Tim Godber, Allen & Unwin 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Cracked: recovering after brain injury“. By Lynsey Calderwood, Jessica Kingsley 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “ Treatment and rehabilitation of severe mental illness”. By William Spaulding, Mary Sullivan and Jeffrey Poland, The Guilford Press 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Treating attachment disorders”. By Karl H Brisch, The Guilford Press 1999. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Self-determination theory in the clinic: motivating physical and mental health”. By Kennon Sheldon, Geoffrey Williams and Thomas Joiner, Yale University Press 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Theory and practice of brief therapy”. By Simon Budman and Alan Gurman, Guilford Press 1999. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Reducing adolescent risk: toward an integrated approach”. By Daniel Romer (Ed). Sage Publications 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Personality disorders in modern life”. By Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Sarah Meager and

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Rowena Ramnath, John Wiley & Sons 2004. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “ Faking It”. By William Miller, Cambridge University Press 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2004: Book Review: “Creating a life of meaning and compassion: The wisdom of psychotherapy”. By Robert Firestone, Lisa Firestone and Joyce Catlett, APA 2003. In Metapsychology Online,

2005: Book Review: “Experiences of depression”. By Sidney J Blatt, APA 2004. In Metapsychology Online,

2005: Book Review: “Raising a moody child”. By Mary A Fristad and JillS Arnold Goldberg, The Guilford Press 2003. In Metapsychology Online:

2005: Book Review: “Asperger syndrome and your child”. By Michael Powers with Janet Poland. Harper Resource 2004. In Metapsychology Online:

2005: Book Review: “Genetic nature/Culture: Anthropology and science beyond the two-culture divide”. By Alan H Goodman, Deborah Heath, and M Susan Lindee (Editors), University of California Press 2003. In Metapyschology Online:

Dissertations and Theses:

1987: BA Hons: The attitudes of general practitioners with regard to professional psychological referrals. Unpublished.

1990: MA (Clin Psych): Biological determinism and feminism: Some implications for future studies in family violence. Unpublished.

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1992: D Litt et Phil (PhD): A neuropsychological investigation of the role of cortical arousal in the alcohol-related brain syndrome.

Career Details:

2003/5: Clinical Director: Clinical Therapies Programme Principal Psychologist, Sydney South West Area Health Services New South Wales

2004-: Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Psychiatry, Medical School University of New South Wales.

2003-: Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist: Professional Opinions, Suite 1, Level 40, Australia Square, George Street, Sydney. Preparation of specialist clinical neuropsychology reports, as well as clinical personality evaluations for disability claims using Minnesota Personality Inventory-2 for the detection of malingering, role enactment and negative response bias.

2000-2003: Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Royal Adelaide Hospital Mental Health Service, Glenside Campus (Extended Care Services).

2002-2005: Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Rose Park Psychology, 30 Kensington Rd, Norwood, SA.

2003-4: Consultant Clinical Psychologist, SA Gender Dysphoria Unit.

2000-: Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry, Adelaide University.

2000-2004: Clinical Tutor: South Australian Psychiatry Training Committee.

1992-1999: Medico-legal assessment of traumatic brain injury and multiple High Court appearances; family and marital therapy; rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury; consultant with major international corporations on staffing and strategic issues.

1996: Established first comprehensive training course in Clinical Neuropsychology in South Africa (1996-2003), Accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (20 CE points)

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1992-1997: Special interest in psychopharmacology; lecturer at Masters level in psychopharmacology, and part-time viva voce examiner of 5th and 6th year medical students, Dept of Biological Psychiatry, Medical School, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

1997-2000: Co-founder of Brenthurst Centre for Rehabilitation Medicine, Johannesburg South Africa: Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist Afrox Physical Rehabilitation Centres

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