RISK ANALYSIS OF CORRUPTION WITHIN LAW ENFORCEMENT Strengthening the accountability of law enforcement institutions is of critical importance to effectively combat corruption and break the circle of impunity.” Strengthening the Capacities of Law Enforcement and Judiciary in the Fight against Corruption in Serbia (PACS) RISK ANALYSIS ON THE CURRENT SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE POSSIBILITIES AND ACTUAL EXTENT OF CORRUPTION WITHIN LAW ENFORCEMENT JOINT EUROPEAN UNION – COUNCIL OF EUROPE PROJECT “Strengthening the Capacities of Law Enforcement and Judiciary in the Fight against Corruption in Serbia” (PACS) www.coe.int/pacs Belgrade • 2015 Publisher Council of Europe, Office in Belgrade Španskih boraca 3, 11070 Belgrade www.coe.int This publication has been prepared within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Capacities of Law Enforcement and Judiciary in the Fight against Corruption in Serbia” (PACS), funded by the European Union and Council of Europe, and implemented by Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official position of the European Union and/or Council of Europe. Authors Robert Šumi, Council of Europe expert Lado Laličić, Council of Europe Secretariat Circulation 200 copies Preparation and printing Kuća Štampe plus www.stampanje.com ISBN 978-86-84437-70-1 All rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic (CD-Rom, Internet etc.) or mechanical, including photocopying, re- cording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without prior permission in writing from the Directorate of Communication (F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex or
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