Alfred Salter Weekly

18th June 2021

News from Alfred Salter Primary School

Headteacher’s Message pick the winner and took us a while to make a We have had a fantastic week this week! It decision. Well done to everyone who entered and has been very busy and there has been lots congratulations to the following pupils:

of exciting learning, activities and events. First Prize: Eowyn, Reception Design and Technology (D&T) week was a triumph; Runners up: Ashley, Year 5 and Elizabeth, Year thank you to Louisa Ogborne, D&T Lead for 4. organising a great event. We also celebrated what Eowyn won a very special chef’s hat and apron and would have been Alfred Salter’s birthday on Ashley and Elizbeth both took home an inventor’s Wednesday with a focus on the humanitarian work handbook. The posters are proudly displayed all that he and his wife spent many years around the school. Photos from D&T week can be working on. Next week is Sports Day(s), details of seen on the last page. which can be found further down this Newsletter. We look forward to seeing as many parents and Alfred Salter’s Birthday th carers that can attend. It has been a very long time Wednesday 16 June would have been th since we have been able to safely invite parents and Alfred Salter’s 148 Birthday. This year, carers into the school, and I would like to remind you we focussed on the passion that both he that, to ensure the safety of the whole school and his wife Ada had for humanitarian work and the community, social distancing will be in place and love they showed for their local community. We Government guidance will be followed. celebrated the day with an assembly with Year 3 and We welcome back our bubble who have been self- 5 performing their own songs. In the coming week, isolating on Monday. The children have continued all year groups will be recording their songs and we their learning from home on Seesaw and I have seen will share the compilation of songs with parents lots of great work being produced. Well done to the soon! Please see the last page for photos. staff for adapting seamlessly! Parent Governor Election It was announced by the Prime Minister on Monday Nomination forms for our Parent Governor that the next stage of the roadmap for lifting position need to be in by Wednesday 23rd th lockdown has been put back until 19 July 2021. June at 12 noon. This is a really great This is to allow for more people to be vaccinated. opportunity to shape the strategic direction of the There has not been any further guidance released school. A nomination form and information letter for schools so we will continue with the measures we were sent out via email with a further text reminder. have in place and will monitor very closely as cases All details including the nomination form can be continue to rise. found here. If you have any questions, please let us D&T Week know.

D&T week involved lots of exciting Sports Days learning, projects and visits! The children Tickets for Sports Day are available on had the opportunity to learn about health ParentMail. All parents and carers who and safety as well as other areas relating to D&T. wish to attend must purchase a ticket, the Thank you to Louisa Ogborne, D&T Lead for cost is free. Please note that you will not be admitted organising a fantastic event. Year 2 learnt about without a ticket and all individuals, including younger food safety and had a special visit from Bellucci's siblings, will need a ticket. Everyone coming on to restaurant in who serve delicious the site will be asked to give their name to enable us pizzas. to carry out Track and Trace if necessary. We We also had a large number of entries for the D&T must ensure that health and safety guidelines Safety Poster Competition. It was very difficult to

Alfred Salter Weekly

18th June 2021

News from Alfred Salter Primary School are adhered to and that the event can take place for the children. Lynn will be missed by all of us and safely. The timetable is below and we look forward we wish her well in her very well earned retirement! to seeing you there!

Monday 21st June Year 2 1.40 – 3.00pm SEND Saturday Sports Club The PE and School Sports Network (PESSN) are running a SEND Tuesday 22nd June Year 3 1.40 – 3.00pm Saturday Sports Club open to SEND Wednesday 23rd June Reception 9.10 – 10.30am pupils in Southwark. Attached is a poster with further details. If you require more information or Year 4 1.40 – 3.00pm would like to book, please contact the PESSN Thursday 24th June Year 1 9.10 – 10.30am directly.

Year 5 1.40 – 3.00pm Dates for your diary

Friday 25th June Year 6 1.40 – 3.00pm 21st - 25th June Health and Wellbeing Week (& Sports Days)

Hand Face Space Friday 16th July Reports out to Parents Please remember to adhere to the social Friday 23rd July Term ends distancing guidelines at picking up and dropping off times. If social distancing is not Wednesday 1st INSET Day possible, we ask parents and carers to wear September

face coverings at these times. Thursday 2nd Term starts for Years September 1-6

Goodbyes 25th - 29th October Half Term Holiday At the end of this academic year, we will be saying goodbye to Sophie Alcock, Friday 19th November INSET Day Deputy Headteacher. Sophie has been at Friday 17th December Term ends Alfred Salter since January 2018 and has played a key role in developing and moving the school forward. Sophie will be moving to another school in East and will be taking on the role of Headteacher. We offer her our congratulations on her promotion and wish her well in her new school. We will be saying farewell to Lynn Pepperrell, our Office Manager, who has taken the decision to retire. Lynn has been at the school since it opened in 1995 and has undertaken a number of roles and in that time, Lynn has built so many key relationships with parents and pupils and has been a fountain of knowledge when it comes to life at Alfred Salter and a source of great support to many of our families. Lynn has been a vital part of our school community for a very long time and has always worked so hard

Alfred Salter Weekly

18th June 2021

News from Alfred Salter Primary School

Alfred Salter’s Birthday

Alfred Salter Weekly

18th June 2021

News from Alfred Salter Primary School

D&T Safety Week