Team Leader: Dr. Ahmad Mulyana., M.Si NIDN: 0318116602 Members: Dr.Emilia Bassar, M.Si NIDN 0327067001 Siti Ntara Mutmainah Mulya, NIM 5521910023 Heru Susanto, NIM 55219110052


Validity Sheet

1. a. Title of Community Service Proposal : Social media literation as a creative economic activity on promotion of industrial recycles. b. title of previous research : Empowerment of Productive Age Women in the Karawang Suburbs to support the Family Economy 2. Chairperson a. Name : Dr. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si. b. NIDN : 0318116602 c. Fungtional : Lektor Kepala d. Study Program : Communication Ccience 3. Team member : a. Number of member : 1 person b. Name of member : Dr. Emilia Bassar, M.Si/ c. NIDN : 0304108504 4. Team Members (Student) a. Number of Student : 2 (two) person : b. Name : 1. Siti Ntara Mutmainah Mulya/NIM 5521910023 2. Heru Susanto/NIM 55219110052 5. Location of activity a. Area of activity : North Meruya b. Kabupaten/Kotamadya : c. Propinsi : DKI Jakarta 6. Project Partner : UTHM, Malaysia 7. Output produced : Improving community understanding and skills 8. Duration : November 2020 – April 2021 9. Cost required : a. Source of P2M-UMB : Rp 7.500.000,- b. Source of Mitra : Rp 1.500.000,- (in-kind) Grand Total : Rp 9.000.000,-

Jakarta, 28 November 2020


Leader of Community Services Group Team Leader

Dr. Suraya , M.Si Dr. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si. NIK : 117680597 NIP : 103660264

Approve, Postgraduate Director Head of Community Service Program

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus Dr. Inge Hutagalung, M.Si NIP : 103710262 NIP : 11359 0380 3


Endorsement Page...... ii

Table of Contents...... iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1.. Situation Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 1.2.. Problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 1.3.. Focus Activity ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 1.4.. Target Program Activities ……………………………………………………………………………… 7 1.5. Benefits of Activities ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8

CHAPTER II SOLUTION AND OUTCOME TARGET ……………………………………………………………………… 8 2.1. Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 2.2.Outcome Target ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION METHOD...... …10 3.1.. Implementation Activity ……………………………………………………………………………… 10 3.2.. Methodology of Activity ………………………………………………………………………………. 10 3.3.. Time Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 3.4.. Target Audience ……………………….………………………………………………………………… 11

CHAPTER IV FEES AND ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE...... …12 4.1. Details of UMB Fund Fees ………………………………………………………………………………. 12 4.2. Details of Mitra Fund Fees (in-kind) ……………………………………………………………… 13

REFERENCES 14 Attachment 4


One of the successes of environmentally friendly programs is the recycled product activities carried out by the community. There are many recycled products produced by the community, but they cannot be maximally and continuously distributed. if not distributed, environmentally friendly programs in Jakarta could be disrupted. one of the things that can be done is by doing promotion through social media. For the success of this, social media literacy activities will be carried out in support of the creative economy of recycled products so that they can develop optimally and sustainably while at the same time supporting DKI Jakarta's environmentally friendly program. This community service activity is carried out in order to improve the ability of recycled product craftsmen to develop themselves in order to increase income for the welfare of their families. This activity was carried out simultaneously by involving Master of Communication Science students at Mercu Buana University in collaboration with Tun Sri Onn University. These activities are carried out with the support of the local Kembangan government so that activities run smoothly. Through this activity, there will be a growing awareness of the creative economy which has economic value. This can be seen from the enthusiasm that appears in the field with questions. The suggestion from this activity is to continue the policy of the urban village so that the empowerment of women in supporting the family economy can be carried out in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: Literation, social media, creative economic, industrial recycle 5


1.1.Situation Analysis

Creative economy is a concept that emphasizes the development of added value of an object through creativity and innovation to drive the economy. Waste is an item that is no longer economically valuable which is produced by human activities or from nature so that it has no useful value. However, this waste will have another benefit if it is recycled with a creative touch and turned it into useful and economic goods.

Garbage is goods that have been used for the purposes of human life, but some of these items can still be used again and there are also items that cannot be reused. However, this article will discuss waste that can still be reused for daily needs through the waste processing process. This time, the process of processing waste to be reused can be done by changing it into a different item that also has a high selling value.

Creative economy is an industrial business activity that is carried out by utilizing and developing the condition of natural resources around the area which is characteristic meaning that there are no other areas. The creative economy can increase local income figures and can increase the economic income of creative economy product and service business actors. With not too much capital it can still be done effectively and efficiently with maximum results.

To support the creative economic activities of recycled products to be maximized as an economic support for the craftsmen and to become an industry that takes place continuously, promotional elements are needed. Currently, the maximum channel to reach consumers is through social media channels.

Social media is a medium on the internet that allows users to represent themselves and interact, cooperate, share, communicate with other users, and form virtual social bonds. The internet medium is not just a long distance communication channel or simply looking for information, the internet has become a virtual realm where users communicate and interact with each other via computer media. To communicate with the internet, the community needs several devices in the form of a computer application program. Popular and frequently used devices are e-mail (electronic mail), chatting, and internet sites (websites). Through these devices, a popular computer mediation communication is established. 6

The existence of social media is basically a form that is not much different from the way computers work. Three social forms, such as introduction, communication, and cooperation can be analogous to how computers work which also form a system as there is a system between individuals or communities. These forms are the layers where the first layer is the basis for the formation of other layers, introduction is basically the basis for communication and communication is the basis for collaborating. In the web or computer network (internet) there is a system of inter-user relationships that simultaneously forms a kind of network like people in the offline world complete with order, values, structure, to social reality; This concept can be understood as a techno-social system (Fuchs, 2014: 44). Techno-social system is a social system that occurs and develops with the intermediary and involvement of technological devices.1

The characteristics of social media, namely: 1. Network (network) 2. Information (information) 3. Archive (archive) 4. Interactivity 5. Social simulation (simulation of society) 6. User-generated content

One of the social media that is owned by various groups is the Facebook social network. Various age levels are familiar with this site. One of the advantages of the Facebook site is that it can share information from various sources to the homepage (news feed). From these strengths, the author believes that Facebook users can develop themselves through information obtained from the Facebook homepage. However, if an understanding of media literacy is not provided, Facebook users may not filter existing information.

These various social media applications create opportunities for people to do business. Opportunities for social media do not stop at product endeavors. Service and tourism businesses have also started using social media as a means of attracting people's attention to buy products offered through social media. Selling products using social media to attract buyers by providing information related to the products offered to the public. The use of social media can have a positive impact on a product. The use of social media is used by the community in carrying out many activities ranging from entertainment, doing business, finding information or other activities. Marketing through social media will affect external factors that affect consumer perceptions of a product, which in turn will affect consumer

1Rulli Nasrullah. Media Sosial Perspektif Komunikasi, Budaya, Dan Sosiateknologi. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media. 2015. 10-11 7 purchase interest (Maoyan et al, 2014). Gunawan and Huarng (2015) suggest that social interactions and perceived risks through social media affect consumer buying interest. Using social media with the intention of marketing products or services, providing certain information to consumers and promoting the products it produces. Social media is used as a marketing communication tool to increase consumer awareness of products, increase product image, and end up increasing sales (Kotler and Keller, 2016).

The potential of social media will be used as material in community service which will be carried out by providing social media literacy activities as an important skill for supporters to promote community recycled products in West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

1.2. Problem

Community recycled products are increasing as a sustainable effort from environmentally friendly activities that are increasingly developing positively. However, the problem is how this recycled product can be marketed more optimally. The focus of the target audience in this program is the people in the Kembangan Area of ​ ​ DKI Jakarta. The program to be run is entitled "Social Media Literacy as a Creative Economy Activity in promoting recycled products". As a form of concern for Mercu Buana University, the Faculty of Communication Sciences in instilling social, cultural and religious values ​ ​ as basic values ​ ​ in society, the problem is formulated as follows:

1. How do community members who produce recycled products in Kembangan, West Jakarta utilize social media?

2. How do you create and optimize messages on social media as a creative economy that supports the promotion of recycled products?

3. What forms of social media literacy are suitable for growing the creative economy of recycled product makers

1.3. Focus Activities

1 Increase the knowledge of community members who produce recycled products in Kembangan, West Jakarta in utilizing social media. 2 Increase the knowledge of the people of the Kembangan area about how to create and optimize messages on social media as a creative economy that supports the promotion of recycled products. 8

3 Create social media literacy programs that are suitable for growing the creative economy of recycled product makers.

1.4. Activity Objectives The target of this community service activity program is specifically aimed at craftsmen of recycled products in the Kembangan District, West Jakarta.

1.5 Benefits of Activities This activity is expected to provide maximum benefits for the recycled product craftsmen. Products that are environmentally friendly are made in such a way as to have more value that can be sold in the market. In addition, this activity also provides additional knowledge for them about how to help the family economy by utilizing social media. As well as knowing how to market their creative economy products well on social media to attract and make consumers want to buy their products. 9


2.1. Solution

The solution to the problem of literacy in using social media is as follows:

1. Delivery of knowledge about the features available in smartphones that can be used in the creative economy of recycled products.

From this delivery, the expected outcome is an increase in knowledge and understanding of the use of social media as a means of community economic development.

2. Creative economy messages on social media

Delivering how to create message content that can support creative economy activities. Thus the activity participants can maximize the informative function of social media to support the creative economic activities of recycled products.

3. Social Media Optimization

This program will also explain how to manage social media for creative economic activities in the form of any content that can support the promotion of recycled products through social media.

2.2. Outcome Target

The expected targets of this empowerment program are: First, to carry out socialization activities for craftsmen of recycled products in Kematan Kembangan, West Jakarta according to the maximum schedule and plan. Second, the implementation and understanding of high awareness for craftsmen about the importance of helping the family economy by creating local wisdom products and environmentally friendly products that have market potential. In addition, it can also teach you how to use social media to market these local products. And their talents develop recycled products in Kembangan into products that are known to the public.

The output to be achieved from this program is the publication of the results of this community service through available documentation and the results of activity reports made by lecturers and students of Mercu Buana University. Publication can be done through mainstream media, both conventional and online media. So that the material for this activity 10 can have a positive influence on other communities who have the same character as the Bangau Bay area, in particular and also for young people who care about rural problems through other creativity that can support efforts to empower craftsmen of environmentally friendly recycled products in improving the family economy. in the industrial era 4.0 in other areas. (Mulyana: 2020)

In addition, the output target of media literacy activities is scientific publications in ISSN journals or proceedings that discuss community service. This publication needs to be done. In addition, through publications it is hoped that the wider community, institutions related to the issue of crafters of recycled products and how to develop the creative economic potential of local wisdom products and environmentally friendly

Tabel 1. Expansion Target Plan

No Jenis Luaran Indikator Capaian

1 Publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal ber ISSN/prosiding Published

2 Publikasi pada media masa cetak/online/repocitory PT -

3 Peningkatan daya saing (peningkatan kualitas, kuantitas, serta nilai tambah - barang, jasa, diversifikasi produk, atau sumber daya lainnya)

4 Peningkatan penerapan iptek di masyarakat (mekanisasi, IT, dan manajemen) -

5 Perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat (seni budaya, sosial, politik, keamanan, Terlaksana ketentraman, pendidikan, kesehatan)

6 Publikasi di jurnal internasional -

7 Jasa, rekayasa sosial, metode atau sistem, produk/barang -

8 Inovasi baru TTG -

9 Hak kekayaan intelektual (Paten, Paten sederhana, Hak Cipta, Merek dagang, - Rahasia dagang, Desain Produk Industri, Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman, Perlindungan Desain Topografi Sirkuit Terpadu)

10 Buku ber ISBN - 11


3.1. Implementation Activity This activity is a social media literacy activity for recycled product crafters which includes seven skills, namely: Analysis (related to the ability to understand the contents and contents and to dismantle and review a message or information from a media), evaluation (able to provide an assessment of an information message conveyed by the media), Grouping (able to classify various information that we get from a media in one particular similarity and difference), Induction (the ability to analyze and review information from certain properties in a small scope towards the general character as a whole), Deduction (the ability to analyze and reviewing general information then describing it into specific information), Synthesis (the ability to rearrange messages or information from a medium into messages in a new structure that is different from before), and Abstracts (complete abilities and skills, starting from analyzing, describing correctly, men look for problem points or problems to summarize the message and present it in a language that is easier to understand).

3.2. Method of Activity

This training uses several methods, namely: discussion, presentation and lecture. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted by dividing the participants into several small groups to discuss the themes or issues raised by the speakers, especially related to recycled product craftsmen in supporting the environmentally friendly program of the DKI Jakarta government. After the discussion was over, representatives of each group presented the results of their group discussions in turn which were then responded to or responded to by other discussion groups. Furthermore, the results of the focus group discussion (FGD) were discussed by the speakers by providing directions and explanations through lecture techniques. In this discussion, the speaker delivered the main material about social media literacy as a support for the creative economic activities of recycled products in support of environmentally friendly programs.

3.3. Time Schedule  Social Mapping: November – December 2020 12

 Implementation: February 2021  Monitoring and Evaluation: March 2021

3.2. Target Audience The target of the activity program is the PKK Team and Karang Taruna of Sub- District of North Meruya, West Jakarta. 13


4.1. Budget from UMB

No Component Budget 1 Making poster Rp. 500.000 2 Honor operational Webinar Rp. 500.000 3 Honor MC Rp. 500.000 4 Publication mass media Rp. 500.000 5 Publication International Journal Rp. 2.500.000 6 Pulsa 20 person @ Rp. 100.000 Rp. 2.000.000 7 Monev Rp. 500.000 8 Making report Rp. 500.000 TOTAL Rp. 7.500.000

4.2. Budget from Project Partner (inkind)

No Component Budget 1 Wifi Webinar Rp. 1.000.000 2 Making report Rp. 500.000 TOTAL Rp. 1.500.000

4.3. Activity Schedule

DEC PEB MARCH APRIL NO ITEM ACTIVITY NOP 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 1 Submit proposal

2 Social mapping

Prepation for the 3. implementation

4. Implementation

Monitoring & 5. Evaluation

6. Making Report 14


Fuchs, Christian. 2009, Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age, Journal of Communication ISSN 0021-9916, Routledge, New York

Kotler, Philip. 2009. Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta:Erlangga

Maoyan, et.al.2014. Consumer Purchase Intention Research Based on Social Media Marketing, International Journal of Business and Social Science

Mulyana, Ahmad. (2020), ICT and Social Media as a Marketing Communication Platform in Facilitating Social Engagement in the Digital Era, The International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC)

Nasrullah Rulli. 2015. Media Sosial Perspektif Komunikasi, Budaya, Dan Sosiateknologi. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.

Daryanto. 2010.Ilmu Komunikasi. Bandung: Satu Nusa. Https://www.academia.edu/10094397/LITERASI_MEDIA_DAN_ANTISIPASI_TERHADAP _MASALAH_SOSIAL diakses pada 10 Oktober 2016


A. Identitas Diri

1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Dr. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si

2 Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki

3 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala

4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 1 0366 0264

5 NIDN 0318116602

6 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Jakarta, 18 November 1966

[email protected], 7 E-mail [email protected]

8 Nomor Telepon/HP 081807422579 15

9 Alamat Kantor Jl. Raya Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11650

10 Nomor Telepon/Faks 021 5848016, 021-5870341

1 Metode Penelitian Kualitatif

2 Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi

3 Teori Komunikasi 12 Mata Kuliah yang Diampu 4 Etika Periklanan

5 Semiotika Komunikasi Visual

6 Creative Communication

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

S-1 S-2 S-3

Nama Perguruan Tinggi IISIP Jakarta Univ. Unpad Bandung

Bidang Ilmu Komunikasi Komunikasi Komunikasi

Tahun Masuk-Lulus 1987 - 1991 1992 - 1995 2007 - 2011

Pengaruh Pesan Karakteristik Iklan Representasi Emosional dan Rasional Persuasi di Televisi (studi Mediascape dan Judul Iklan Anti Merokok semiotika terhadap iklan Popscape Pria Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi terhadap sikap siswa di televise periode Metrosexual di SMA untuk tidak Januari-Maret 1993) Majalah Pria Ibukota merokok

Prof. Dr. Nina W.Syam, M.Si dan Prof. Dr. Nama Engkus Kuswarno, Pembimbing/Promotor Prof. Dr. Harsono M.Si., Dr. Yusuf Dra. Widiastuti, M.Si Suwardi, M.Si, Dr. Hamdan, M.Si Pinckey Triputra, M.Si 16

C. Pengalaman Penelitian (Bukan Skripsi, Tesis, maupun Disertasi)

Pendanaan No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)

2010 Literacy Penggunaan Internet di Bangka BPPLPKI-Dekominfo 58.500.000,- 1 Belitung

2011 Komodifikasi Nilai-Nilai PAUD dalam Iklan Univ. Mercu Buana 3.500.000,- 2 Nutrilon di Televisi

2011 Aksesibilitas Informasi Masyarakat Pemda Tiri Management 20.050.000, 3 Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah dalam layanan Publik

2011 Kompetensi SMK di Propinsi Palu Diknas 69.000.000.- 4 Tengah

2012 Kompetensi PISA (Programe International Diknas 69.000.000.- 5 Student Assasment) di Propinsi Palu Sulawesi Tengah

2012- Tekanan Ekonomi Politik dan DIKTI 182.000.000,- 6 2013 Pengaruhnya Terhadap Isi Program Televisi Nasional

2015 Kecenderungan Penyajian Isu Politik Univ. Mercu Buana 3.500.000,- Dalam Berita Harian Kompas Pasca 7 Pelantikan Presiden Jokowi Periode Desember 2014

2015 Strategi Komunikasi Pembangunan Univ. Mercu Buana 3.500.000,- terhadap Penggunaan Nuklir sebagai 8 Solusi Mengatasi Ancaman Kelangkaan Sumber Energi

2016 Gambaran dan potensi pengembangan Kementerian Pemberdayaan 998.000.000.000,- 9 Perempuan di sektor non formal Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia 17

D. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

Pendanaan No. Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)

2010 Sosialisi Guru BPK Jakarta Utara tentang Trend Institut Kalbe 8.500.000,- 1 Generasi Net dan bagaimana menyikapinya. Farma

2011 Sosialisasi Global Warming di tingkat SD UMB 3.500.000,- 2

2011 Perancangan Situs Web Pemerintah dengan Berbagai BPPKI- 15.000.000,- 3 permasalahannya di Pemprov DKI Jakarta Depkominfo Jakarta

2014 Penyuluhan Penggunaan Nuklir sebagai Solusi UMB 3.500.000,- 4 Mengatasi Ancaman Kelangkaan Sumber Energi di Mega Mendung, Cisarua

5 2016 Penyuluhan Cerdas Menggunakan Media Sosial UMB 3.500.000,-

2016 Pendampingan Komunikasi Pariwisata dalam UMB 3.500.000,- 6 meningkatkan ekonomi Kreatif di Dieng

2017 Pemberdayaan Perempuan Usia Produktif dalam UMB-Bapeda 9.000.000,- 7 meningkatakan industri kreatif di Pantai Sawarna, Lebak Banten Lebak Banten

2018 Pemanfaatan Media sosial dalam meningkatkan UMB-Bapeda 9.000.000,- 8 industri kreatif di Pantai Sawarna, Lebak Banten Lebak Banten

2018 Pengelolaan Social Engineering masyarakat dalam UMB-PT SAN 72.000.000,- 9 mendukung Karawang sebagai kota industri, Jawa Barat

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/Nomor/Tahun 18

Aksesibilitas Masyarakat Pada Informasi 1 Pelayanan Publik Pemerintahan Umum Jurnal Visi Komunikasi Volume I No. 4/2014 di Klaten Jawa Tengah

Representasi Gaya Hidup Pria 2 Jurnal Visi Komunikasi Volume IV No. 4/2014 Metrosexual di Majalah Pria Ibukota

Strategi Promosi Indonesia Idol Dalam 3 Buana Mediawatch Volume III/2013 Menarik Minat Audience di Indonesia

Sekaten tradition: The ritual ceremony in Yogyakarta as International Journal of Volume-IV, Issue-II, 4 acculturation reality of Javanese Humanities & Social September 2017, Page No. culture in Indonesia Science Studies 50-61

International Journal of Media and Cultural Preference: Volume 9 • Issue 1, January 5 Communication Watching Activity On Pay Television / March 2019 Research

Feminine Behavior Management in International Journal of Personal Selling Activities for Vol-4, Issue-5, Sep – Oct 6 English, Literature and Professional Male Makeup Artists 2019 Social Science (IJELS)

The Effect of Instagram Exposure of International Journal o1f. Hedonic Lifestyle on Dissonance Vol 5 No 2 (2020): March - 7 English, Literature and Rates for Digital Native April 2020 Social Science (IJELS)

Manajemen Rantai Pasok: Implementasi dan efektivitas media Sosial dalam MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Volume 9, No.3, Oktober 8 pengelolaan bisnis radio (Studi pada Manajemen 2019 Radio 89.6FM IRadio Jakarta)

Kepemimpinan efektif melalui kompetensi komunikasi di Media Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi 9 Volume 7, No.2, 2019 Nusantara Citra Group Unpad

International Journal of Digital Marketing Communication 10 Economics and Business Volume VIII, Issue 3, 2020 Strategies: The Case of Indonesian News‘ Portals Administration

ICT and Social Media as a Marketing www.ijicc.net Volume 13, 11 International Journal of Communication Platform in Innovation, Creativity Issue 5, 2020 Facilitating Social Engagement in the 19

Digital Era and Change.

Radicalism on Teens As The effect Malaysian of 12 of Digital Media Usage Vol 36, No 1 (2020) Communication

International Research Social Construction Fandom as Cultural vol. XII no. 03 (December 13 Journal of Business Industry Marketing of JKT 48 Fan Group 2019 - March 2020) Studies

F. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No. Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Tempat 2nd International Conference on Civility on Social Media (The Universiti Sains 1. Media, Communication and Culture Tendency Of Politeness Level Of Malaysia, (ICMCC2015) Internet Users On Social Media) Penang 2015 Konferensi Komunikasi Politik Menuju Dinamika Politik dan wajah 2. Batam, Maret 2014 Indonesia Lebih baik Pertelevisian Nasional Sinergi Antara LSF & KPI Dalam 3. Rakornas KPI Menciptakan Program yang Jambi,April 2014 Mendidik Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi 2014 Budaya Media Dan Wajah Universitas Mercu 4. (Komunikasi Politik: Menuju Demokrasi Televisi Dalam Pemilu 2014 Buana 2014 Indonesia Lebih Baik) Political Economy Pressure and Its 10th Biennial Convention of the Universitas 5. Effect on National Television Program Pacific and Asian Communication Padjajaran 2014 Content Association Mediascape and popscape di Selangor, Malaysia, 6. Konferensi AMIC Majalah Pria Ibu kota 2012

G. Karya Buku dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir Jumlah No. Judul Buku Tahun Penerbit Halaman Standar Kompetensi Pranata Humas Nasional 2006 87 Standar Kompetensi 1 Pranata Humas Nasional Gaya Hidup Metroseksual dalam Perspektif Ilmu 2015 195 Bumi Aksara 2 Komunikasi H. Pengalaman Merumuskan Kebijakan Publik/Rekayasa Sosial Lainnya dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir 20

Judul/Tema/Jenis Rekayasa Sosial Lainnya Tempat No. Tahun Respon Masyarakat yang Telah Diterapkan Penerapan

2015 Membuat KKN Indonesia Bidang Kehumasan di Jakarta - 1 Menakertrans dan Kominfo

2012 Penyusunan Standar Kompetensi SMK se- Palu, Sulawesi Baik dan meningkatkan Indonesia Tengah kinerja Guru 2

2011 Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Melalui Media Jakarta Baik Baru, BPPKI-Depkominfo Jakarta 3

2010 Pola Komunikasi Masyarakat melalui Aplikasi Jakarta Baik, setelah dilakukan Jejaring social BPPKI Depkominfo Jakarta sosialisasi 4

I. Penghargaan dalam 10 tahun Terakhir (dari pemerintah, asosiasi atau institusi lainnya)

Institusi Pemberi No. Jenis Penghargaan Tahun Penghargaan

1 Ketua Program Studi Terbaik I Kopertis Wilayah III Kopertis Wilayah III 2012

Jakarta, 28 November 2020 Pengusul,

(Dr. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si)