Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Plans of practical classes, reading list and questions for self-discipline of "HISTORY OF UKRAINE AND UKRAINIAN CULTURE" (For 1st year students Specialty “Dentistry”)

Discussed and approved at a meeting of the department of Philosophy and Social Sciences "___28___" ____12_____2020, minutes № _9_

Head of department V. Dubinina

Poltava – 2020

2 Topics of the lectures:

1. Problems of the emergence and formation of the Ukrainian statehood of the princely period - 2 hours 2. Cossack’s Hetman State - 2 hours 3. National Revolution (1917-1921). Revival of Ukrainian statehood - 2 hours 4. The in the period of the totalitarian repressive regime and Second World War (1939-1945) - 2 hours 5. Democratic processes 60-70-th of XX century. Development dissident and human rights movement - 2 hours 6. Ukraine on the way to sovereignty and independence - 2 hours 7. The subject and methodological foundations of the history of Ukrainian culture - 2 hours 8. Syncretism of the culture of the ancient population on the territory of Ukraine - 2 hours 9. Artistic and stylistic peculiarities of Ukrainian culture in the late XIV - XVIII centuries - 2 hours

Practical classes:

Topic № 1 Ukraine in princely era. Ukrainian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (2 hours)


1. Subject, methods, principles and functions of the history of Ukraine. 2. The state-creating traditions of Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians. 3 3. Slavonic ethnogenesis. 4. Socio-economic and political system of Kyivan Rus. 5. Feudal fragmentation of Kyivan Rus. Causes and consequences. 6. Administrative and territorial system of Ukrainian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth of Lithuania and Poland. 7. Culture of Kyivan Rus.

Topic № 2. Ukrainian Cossacks. Liberation war led by B. Khmelnitsky (1648-1657). Hetman era in Ukraine (1658 - the end of the eighteenth century) (2 hours)

Plan 1. The emergence of Ukrainian Cossacks and Zaporozhian Sich. 2. The reasons, driving forces and consequences of liberation war (1648-1657). 3. Formation of state structures and social policy of Hetman government. 4. Ruin. The attack the tsarist on the autonomy of Ukraine. 5. Destruction of Zaporozhian Sich and evolution of the social structure of Ukraine in the eighteenth century. 6. Ukrainian culture of Cossack period.

Topic № 3. Ukraine as part of the Russian and Austro- Hungarian Empires. (2 hours) Plan

1. Administrative and territorial division of Ukrainian lands in the composition of Russian Empire on the beginning of XIX 4 century. The development of capitalist relations and the beginning of the industrial revolution. Social contradictions. 2. Western Ukrainian lands within the Austrian Empire. 3. The role of Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood in the national revival. 4. Reforms 60-70-th of the nineteenth century. (rural, judicial, urban, zemsky, financial, censorship and military). 5. National Liberation Movement: hromadnyky, populists, Marxists, social democrats. (fin. XIX - beg. XX centuries) 6. Culture of Ukraine in nineteenth century.

Topic № 4. Ukraine in XX-XXI centuries (2 hours) Plan

1. The February Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd and the rise of the national liberation movement in Ukraine. Formation of the Central Council and its legislative documents. 2. Hetman coup. Directory. The reasons for the defeat of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917 - 1921. 3. Restoration of Soviet power in Ukraine. The policy of "war communism". 4. The new economic policy. 5. Reasons, the content and consequences of the Ukrainization. 6. The introduction of the collective farm system. Dekulakization. 7. The promotion of the Stalinist totalitarian regime. "Executed Renaissance." 8. Ukraine during the Second World War(1939-1945): the causes, nature and periods of World War II. 9. The post-war reconstruction. The hunger of 1946-1947. The contradictory nature of democratic processes in 50-70's of twentieth century. Dissident and human rights movement in Ukraine. 5 10. "Rebuilding." The development of a multiparty system. 11. Ukraine in the period of independence: political, social and economic development. 12. Foreign policy of Ukraine. 13. The development of Ukrainian culture in the period of independence. (Architecture, art, music, education, literature, theater and cinema).

Topic № 5 Final module control - 2 hours

List of questions for independent work on the “HISTORY OF URRAINE AND UKRAINIAN CULTURE”

№ Topics Hours 1. Galician-Volyn state - the continuation of 4 state-building traditions in Ukraine 2. Ukrainian lands in the conditions of the 4 Lithuanian-Polish conquest of XIV-XVI centuries. 3. Ukrainian Cossacks as a Social Phenomenon 4 of Ukrainian History 4. Hetmanate in the aggressive plans of the 4 Russian Empire in the XVIII century. 5. Stages of national revival in Ukraine in the 2 nineteenth century. 6. The idea of the Ukrainian state creation on 4 the western Ukrainian lands during the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1919. 7. Ukrainian lands under fascist occupation 2 regime during the Second World War 8. Insurgent and partisan resistance movements 4 during the Second World War. 6 9. Ukrainian dissident movement - a 4 manifestation of opposition to the Soviet occupation regime in the 60's and 70's of the twentieth century. 10. Ukrainian culture as a social phenomenon 2 and a subject of scientific research 11. Classification of culture in the spheres of 2 human activity (spiritual and material) and on the basis of carriers (national and world) 12. Cultural values, their significance in the 4 history and present of mankind 13. Artistic creativity of the Paleolithic man 2 14. Anthropomorphic plastics of Trypillian 2 people 15. Development of ancient culture on the 2 territory of Ukraine in IV – VІ centuries B.C. 16. The art of the Eastern Slavs 2 17. Written monuments of Kiev Rus 2 18. Interconnection of the culture of Ancient 2 Galich with the artistic processes of Western Europe 19. Medieval Castles of Ukraine 2 20. The Art of the Cossack Baroque 4 21. Culture of the Sich Riflemen 4 Total 62

The list of questions to final module control from "History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture"

1. The states of primitive order. Concept formation on the territory of the Slavs. Their socio-economic, social and cultural development. 2. The formation of Kievan Rus and the main stages of its development. The Baptism of Rus. 7 3. Causes and consequences of the decline of Kievan Rus. 4. Entry of Ukrainian lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth of Lithuania and Poland. 5. The initial history of the Cossacks. The first Cossack-peasant uprising. The reasons for defeat. 6. Cossack revolution in the middle of the seventeenth century: prerequisites, reasons, milestones. Treaty January 8, 1654 and its value. 7. The "Ruins" era in the socio-political history of Ukraine in the second half of the seventeenth century. 8. Hetmanate of the late XVII - XVII centuries: borders, political and administrative-territorial structure. Poltava battle and its significance. 9. Liquidation of Ukrainian autonomy. Ukrainian national movement in the first half of the nineteenth century. 10. National socio-political life in Ukraine in the second half of the nineteenth century. Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood. Populists. Communities. 11. The politicization of national life in Ukraine. Marxists. Ukrainian political parties. 12.Ukrainian lands within the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. Ukraine during the First World War. 13. February Revolution of 1917 in Russia and its significance for the fate of Ukraine. 14. Formation and activities of the Central Council. Universals of Central Council. The reasons for defeat. 15. The coup of Hetman P. Skoropadsky and his activities. The fall of the Hetmanate. 16. Formation and activities of the Directory of Ukrainian People’s Republic.

8 17. Foreign Policy and Military Activities of the Directory of Ukrainian People’s Republic. Establishment of Soviet power. The reasons for the defeat of the National Revolution of 1917- 1920. 18. The socio-economic and socio-political situation of Western lands in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 19. Act of union Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (WUPR) and Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR). Ideological and practical significance in the history of the Ukrainian people. 20. Politics of "military communism" and new economic policy. The political crisis of the Bolshevik regime. Famine of 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1947. 21. The Great Terror in Ukraine during 1933-1939. 22. The entry of Ukraine into the (USSR). Ukrainization. 23. Executed Renaissance. 24. Western Ukrainian lands in the interwar period. The Ukrainian question in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. 25. Ukraine in the Second World War. Causes, nature and periodization. 26. The Ukrainian question in international politics. Fascist occupation regime. 27. Movement of resistance. The emergence and struggle of (UIA) for the Ukrainian unified state. 28. Operation Vistula. Deportation from Crimea in April-June 1944.

9 29. Ukraine in the conditions of Khrushchev thaw. De- Stalinization. 30. National-cultural resistance movement in 50-60's of XX century. "Thaw". 31. The development of the human rights and dissident movement in 70's and 80's of XX century. 32. Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine. Proclamation of independent Ukraine. All-Ukrainian referendum 01.12.1991 33. The problems of development of Ukrainian independent state after 1991. 34. Adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine in 1996. Changes and additions to the 2004. Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine" in 2009. 35. Ukraine's foreign policy activity at the present stage. 36. Internal political development of Ukraine in the period of independence of Ukraine. Literature:

1. 1. Робак І. Ю., Арзуманова Т. В., Семененко О. В. History of Ukraine (Лекції): Навч. посібник. – Харків: ХНМУ, 2011. – 142 с. 2. Martynenko N. M. History of Ukrainian Culture: textbook for foreign students / N. Martynenko. – Kharkiv: KNMU, 2015. – 100 p. 3. M. Alekseev, Jerzy S., Slyusarenko AG Ukraine at the turn of the eras. - K., 2000. 4. Boyko A.D. History of Ukraine. - K., 2002. 5. Borisenko VI The course of Ukrainian history. - K., 1996. 6. Grabowski, S., S. Stavroyani, Shklyar L. Essays on the history of Ukrainian statehood. - K., 1995. 7. Hrushevsky M. Illustrated History of Ukraine. - K., 1992. 8. History of Ukraine: a new vision: In 2 t. / Ed. V.A.Smoliya. T.I-2. - K., 1995 10 9. Kormich LI Bagatskaya V. History of Ukraine from ancient times to the twenty-first century. - K., 2001. 10. Polonska - Vasilenko N. History of Ukraine. - K., 1992. 11. Semenenko V.I. History of Ukraine. - Kharkov, 2000. 12. Slaboshpytsky M. With the voice of our Clio. - K., 2000.

Information resources:

1. 2. Posibnyk pdf. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2012.pdf