Agriculture in Africa
AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA ——— Transformation and outlook Feeding Africa and the World Our continent has enormous potential, not only to feed itself and chains, improving national and regional agricultural markets, fos- eliminate hunger and food insecurity, but also to be a major play- tering Africa’s collective food security and improving the manage- er in global food markets. This potential lies in its land, water and ment of natural resources. oceans, in its men and women, in its knowledge and huge mar- Over the last decade, where countries have increased invest- kets. Recognizing this opportunity, the African Union chose 10 ments in agriculture as per CAADP targets (or have exceeded), years ago to make agriculture one of the pillars of the New Part- they have seen reductions in hunger and poverty, and increas- nership for African Development. es in productivity. This includes countries such as Ghana, Togo, Agriculture forms a significant portion of the economies of all Zambia, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Congo, Senegal, African countries, as a sector it can therefore contribute towards Ethiopia and Malawi. In an effort to boost investments and pro- major continental priorities, such as eradicating poverty and hun- ductivity, intra-African trade and regional agrifood value chains, ger, boosting intra-Africa trade and investments, rapid industri- ECOWAS, SADC, ECCAS and EAC have put in place regional ag- alization and economic diversification, sustainable resource and ricultural policies. environmental management, and creating jobs, human security 2014 will be the Year of Agriculture in Africa. We will use this and shared prosperity. as an opportunity to accelerate our drive for food security, to We have come a long way since 2003.
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