Archhishop Schulte Is Honored by Pope
ArchhishopSchulte is honoredby pope ') r). I ,) t)tstl0DS l C'tt,rditrctl t'cl)euls upP} I,I t,t n'teI Il; (ts ilr'() ntllllcrl '/sslsluttL 'l 'lrr0 u,t l'rit ttificul t te to L,l.S.Sclcs \\,\Slil\(i.l'()N-tlis Iloli, llfsii l)opc.lolrrr ^\\lll lras tlir itlctl lltc .\r'r'lrrlirrt:cst'of Al{CHBISHOP gCHUI-TE*fronr I'ltillttlclPhiit ltr tlttircltittg- lhc Pope a rtew honor. ft'ont it lht' ('orrrrtics of l{rr('ll l(} {lrr' lirri:lt rl1'1'111.11- []t'rlis t';rLlirr1.l.t.lt1:lr. \rrt'1l1ttrtp. t ions. l(!n iilltlS,'lrrrrhrll sri lr\ lo fofnl r' i r(:ll(is irr,,l t|r,ll-r|isll('t.:; li, {)- {ltc tttt l)tr'r'r,rr.,'1.\llr.rrtotrtr. ('('crl(i(l illtll lile lo ;r positiort irt ll\)nl {}l (lartlitral. .\l i!rt.srrrrrr. llil(' ll)(.[)rr1tr] lrrs llr thc colrrll'itl pr.o(,r.,$sionto an(l llrc rrlrcle carlt rrainr'tiIlrc ll,rsl Iilr. .lolur[ilol. \\ ab 1rt,lrrilr;rll,r. inl trtrltrt'Ct[ lr!' 'i It'ottt tltc t'cliqiort-s (](!t.c1l{}11.11,(rrc I ili'lli(.rl\ ;iiilat llisliuli uf ('i{ili ililr!(!- l {}t!r. ltc httrl a nlr.ttt Liislrop l,co lltrr.r;lcy. r11rl,\.,' ilr:rr,. pf lt .ci;rrrrl. t{) l)t. ,------ of lrt. qrr'r,lirr:1;lrrl ! 'VOL. :r lrarrrlslurlic lnd firr '\rriibrslrrrI 'l'ltis \1'tlrrr'.Sorirrr l}:rrrl: Ilirlir,ir,,\ir. iirr.
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