Pca England Masters 2017 Fixtures
PROUD SPONSOR OF THE PCA ENGLAND MASTERS L EaDER w elcome to issue 20 of Beyond thought the day demonstrated the PCA at its very best. the Boundaries and my first as We had six winners in three categories, editor. this is the first issue in Newcomer, Current Player and Past Player, and the successful candidates – Alex Lees, Lewis Beyond the Boundaries is the pca’s 50th anniversary and Hill, Billy Godleman, Will Bragg, Paul Best and published by the professional cricketers’ association, it is only right that we celebrate Tim Linley – all made presentations that were however the views expressed highly professional and engaging. in contributed articles are not necessarily those of and pay tribute to those who We judged Tim Linley, whose interview the pca, its members, included a practical demonstration of his officers, employees or group founded the organisation in 1967. companies. barista skills, to be overall winner, but I would The players of today and of recent years owe like to congratulate the other category winners EDITOR a huge debt of gratitude to Fred Rumsey on their achievement. DaviD LeatherDaLe We start our 50th anniversary year dleatherdale@thepca.co.uk for his vision and courage in setting up the with a new Chairman. Daryl Mitchell, of aRT DIREcTOR PCA, despite opposition from the cricket sam BowLes establishment, and to those pioneers who Worcestershire was elected in a keenly-contested sam stencil-agency.co.uk @ attended the inaugural meeting. ballot. I know that he is passionate about fEaTuREs wRITER That historic occasion is recalled in our representing players in the ongoing discussions pauL BoLton about the future structure of domestic cricket.
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