Edited by Donna Valley Russell, C.G.


Detroit 1982 Copyright @ 1982 Detroit Society for Genealogical Research, InC. C/O Burton Historical Collection Detroit Public Library 5201 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48202 All rights reserved

Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 82-72729 ISBN 0-943112-02-8 INTRODUCTION

One of the most fascinating manuscripts in the Bayliss Library in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, is the "Mackinac Notary Book 1806-1818." lncluded in the book kept by Samuel Abbott, Notary Public at (as Mackinac Island was then called) is a twenty-nine page list of "Engagements Passed by S. Abbott N.P. at Michili- mackinac." This list, dating from 1807 to 1817, is a record of the men whose muscles powered the large birch bark fur trading canoes westward from Mackinac.

In accordance with a French legal systern developed during the seventeenth century, the voyageurs embarking on a journey into the interior were required to sign before a notary public a formal contract or engagement. In return, the employer agreed to pay a specified wage and to furnish a blanket, shirt, pair of trousers, two handkerchiefs, several pounds of tobacco, and occasionally other items. The canoemen signed the printed French contract (often with an X) and thus became engag&.

The wages of the canoemen were traditionally noted in French livres, worth about six livres to the dollar. Wages varied according to the task to be performed. The skilled foreman or dewnt in the bow of the canoe and the steersman or governait in the stern were paid higher wages than the milieu who paddled in the middle. A crew of six to eight men was needed to handle a thirty-five-foot-long freight canoe. Most of the contracts were for a specific trip, which lasted several months. When the engagks spent a winter in the interior, and thus became known as hivernants, they usually received double wages.

The Mackinac records list engagements of men who were going from Mackinac to some point within the to spend the winter. Apparently these men had already paddled canoes from to Mackinac Island and were now being employed to go far beyond. Michigan Voyageurs

The voyageurs were not local Mackinac men, but probably lived in . Nearly all have French names, often written phonetically by the English-speaking Abbott. Their fathers and grandfathers before them probably had sought adventure and escape from the boredom of farm life in the same way.

The list of 845 engagements does not include all voyageurs in the during those years. The Northwest Company was also sending many canoes west by way of Sault Ste. Marie and Fort William at Thunder Bay, but because these canoes remained in Canada, they were not recorded at Mackinac. The employers were a mix of old time French traders, such as Augustin Grignon, and Scottish merchants, such as Robert Dickson and Murdock Cameron. Only a few of the employers, such as David Mitchell, lived on Mackinac Island. The others resided in western trading posts or Montreal.

The list covers years of dramatic change in the fur trade and faithfully documents these upheaval. In 1807, thirty-five independent employers are listed, each com- peting for his share of the market. In 1808 many of them banded together to form the Mackinac Company, which employed the majority of the engag6s that year. This effort at cooperation continued in 1809. However, by 1810, it began to disintegrate when a number of traders again worked independently. There are no listings for 1812-1814, because the British captured Mackinac Island on 17 July 1812 and held it until 1815. Samuel Abbott thus lost his job until 1815, when his record begins again.

In the postwar period, the British traders were ex- cluded, and American merchants dominated. John and Michael Dousman first appear on the record in 1816, and in 1817 Ramsey Crooks, representing the American Fur Company, signed up the majority of the voyageurs. This new company was soon to absorb most of the smaller merchants. Introduction 3

Mackinac was the center of a vast fur trade. The wintering locations of the engaghs dramatically demon- strate the huge distances traversed by the voyageurs at an average speed of fifty miles per day. Some transported their merchandise only a short distance to Green Bay, Muskegon, the , St. Joseph, or . Others 1 went farther to the , the lllinois, and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Others paddled into the upper ! reaches of the Mississippi, up the distant Missouri, or south to the Arkansas and Red Rivers.

After wintering at isolated trading posts and collecting a rich harvest of furs from the western tribes, the traders returned to Mackinac Island in the spring. There the furs were sorted, cleaned, repacked, and sent on their way to warehouses in Quebec or New York. From these ports sailing ships carried the furs to and even China. The voyageurs who paddled the freight canoes served a function similar to that of today's long distance semi-truck driver. They performed much of the work in the trade, but reaped very little profit.

Samuel Abbott, the author of the list, had been appointed Notary Public at Mackinac on 5 October 1805. His brother, Judge James Abbott of Detroit, helped secure Samuel's appointment. An active public servant, Abbott served as Justice of the Peace, Collector of Customs, Judge of Probate, Lieutenant, and census taker. After 1816 he worked for the American Fur Company on Mackinac Island. A prominent Mackinac citizen, Abbott was elected mayor in 1827-30, 1832-43, and 1815. He died at Mackinac 26 April 1851. David A. Armour Assistant Superintendant Mackinac Island State Park Commission PLACES WPTH VARIANT SPELLINGS OR NAMES

Court Oreille River Courtron Des Moines River R. des Moins, R. de Mouin Green Bay The Bay, La Baie, Baie Haut Mississippi Upper Mississippi River Ile au Nois Kalarnazoo Callinaseau, Callirnason, Calimaseau Kankakee Cancicl, Kenkiki Lake Winnebago Folles Avoine Mackinac Mac, Mack Manitoulin Island La Cloche Muskegon Moseigon, Mascigon, Moscigon Natchitoches Matichidas North Nord Prairie du Chien P. de Shin, Le P. de Cns, Prerie, Parc au Vache Par a vache (southwestern Michigan) Saginaw Saguina South Sud Lake Superior L. S. Sud, L. S. Sous, La Pointe, Fond du Lac, Lac du S. S. Wisconsin Ouisconsin


Rellassigon Wenocs Chez les Pocs River au Sable -.-.-.-.-.c.-.-'-'-

the Mlrrlrrlppl RI-r


The drawing on the cover by Chet Kozlak is from A Fur Tmde Coloring Book/Les Fourreres et LeS Gmnds lacs Cahier 6 colorier, a bilingual publication, copyright 1981 by the Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota. Used with permission. The map appearing on page 5, The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Fur Trade, was drawn by Chris Hogg of the Mackinac Island State Park Commission especially for this publication. The drawing on page 49 is from the files of the Mackinac Island State Park Commission. Janet Courtney of Birmingham, Michigan, assisted in the preparation of the index. LIST OF ENGAGEMENTS 1807 June 7 Etienne Larnarandikre R. Callinaseau Baptiste Dudoire 10 Francois Frenikre Mississippi Benjamin C:adott Dominic LeRoux Pierre Pierojai Augustin Grignion South Faissen Gareau Geoffroi Bourdeaux Waweh Cameron and Company Mississippi John B. Courvillion 11 Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Guilliaume LaLonde Pierre Dejenvier Cameron and Company Pierre Lafrointe 12 P. de Shin Joshua Baren Sioux Michel Breban Francis Frenikre and CO. R. St. Peter Joseph Amelin Mississippi Joseph Myott Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Noel Gernie Pierre ~anjb Joseph Leblanc 13 Francis Frenikre and Co. Mississippi Thomas Peter Cameron and Co. Sioux Francis St. John 14 R. St. Peter Joseph Ojai Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Francois Bisson Paul Detour Pascal Roi 16 Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Baptiste Lafleur Ouisconsin Louis Leblanc 8 Michigan Voyageurs

1807 June 16 Robert Dickson Mississippi Joseph Pera Franqois Martial Michel Houle John B. Leclair 17 Giasson and Berthelot R. St. Peter Joseph Legros Joseph Relle Charles Chandonnet St. Joseph Baptiste Perrault Joseph Lagumonier 18 Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Henry Robidoux Francois Hubert Michel Houle Mississippi Baptiste Houle 19 Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Jean Marie Letour L. P. de Cns Joseph Grenier Michel Roberts Mississippi Pierre Picotte Thomson Wood R. St. Peter Pierre Rond Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Pierre Chalifouse 20 Robert Dickson R. St. Peter Charles Lussier 21 Dominic Rousseau North Joseph Smith Cameron and Co. Sud Franqois Faubert Robert Dickson Mississippi Michel Arseneau Augustin Allerie Joseph Baillie Cancici Antoine Legaux Baptiste Lestarge Grand River Jean Baptiste Betcour 22 Cameron and Co. Sud Alexis Beaudoin June 1807 1807 June 22 Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Francois Galarneau Joseph Baillie Cancici Ignias Lafortune 23 M. Cameron and Co. Sud Isaac Duchaine Robert Dickson and Co. Nord Ignias Pichet Cameron and Co. Louis Babie Joseph L'Heureuse 24 Robert Dickson and Co. Ouisconsi n Baptiste Jeanvelle Etienne Lamarandikrre Callimason Antoine Bisset Henrie Baillie Rellassigon Antoine FiYisque Robert Dickson and Co. Milwaukie J. B. Lageunesse 25 Rocheblave and Pollier Lac au Flambeau Francois St. George M. Cameron and Co. Sud William Bennett Charles Chandonett St. Joseph Amable Richard Giasson and Berthelott R. St. Peter Michele Major Michel Houle L. Flambeau J. B. Leclair Denis Julien Mississippi Julian Perat J. B. Caron and Co. Mississippi Baptiste Boyer Ouisconsin Etienne Luciers Denis Julien Mississippi Louis Roi Cameron and Co. R. St. Peter Paul Trembli! Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Pierre Pereau 10 Michigan Voyageurs

1807 June 25 Rocheblave and Pollier Lac Flambeau Amable Laplante Franqois Prudomme Michel and Paul Lacroise Missoury Francois Allard Michelle Mousette John Bellousett Louis Ouilette David Mitchell L. Huron Antoine Lalancette 27 Lacroix and Lamoine Illinoise Pierre Bolieu Louis Dogon George T. Wood St. Pierre Baptiste Boudri Robert Dickson and Co. Ouisconsin Baptiste Bruyer Denis Julien Missouris Colishe Jeanveau Robert Dickson and Co. Ouisconsin Louis Fountaine Giasson and Berthelot Mississippi Baptiste Silveste Denis Julien Mississippi Ambroise Phanett Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Charles LaBaye 28 Philip Aslin Denis Julien Mississippi Amable Lecompte Pierre Brunet John B. Caron and Co. Mississippi John B. Siteaucaul George F. Woods Alexis Jauffroi M. Cameron and Co. Sioux Alexis Jauffroi Geo. F. Woods Mississippi John Africa June 1807 1807 June 29 Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi John B. Roland North Francois Desbiens Mississippi John B. Lavalle' North Joseph Herse 30 Mississippi Pierre Giroux Potette Bourgare Touissant Kobidoux John Lessard Alexis Buisset George F. Woods R. St. Peter Joseph Mor~tie Giasson and Berthelot Mack Fran~oisCorbin Sud Joseph Hubert Dennis Julien Mississippi Joseph Proux Robert Dickson and Co. Mackinac Baptiste Robert Mississippi Pierre Plainte Pierre Ochu July 1 JarnesMaxwell Mississippi Arnable Dubes Dennis Julien Mississippi Baptiste Drollette Etienne Monbrun 2 Cameron and Co. Sioux Joseph Liones Robert Dickson and Co. R. St. Peter Charles Lemieux Robert Campbell Glaude Rene Rocheblave and Pollier Lac du Flambeau Jacque Lepkre Robert Dickson and Co. R. St. Peter James Cleghorn Emanuel Fiche Mississippi Ignias Wimette 12 Michigan Voyageurs

-1807 July 2 Lewis Crawford Chez les Pocs Pierre Sylvain Mississippi Baptiste Monette 3 James Maxwell Mississippi Joseph Benac Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Etienne Rassette Mssrs Cameron and Co. Mississippi Haut Andri! Provo Rocheblave and Pollier Mississippi Haut Regisse Payer Jean B. Caron and Co. Ouisconsin Joseph Pillier Rocheblave and Pollier Lac Flambeau Alexis Duma Robert Dickson and Co. L. S. Sous Louis Amelin 4 Fon du Lac Louis Rondeau 5 Michel and Paul Lacroix Missoury George Constane Robert Dickson and Co. Missoury Herbert Fruchon Rocheblave and Pollier Mississippi Antoine Laviolette Antoine Gillory Mississippi Augustin Bisson Lacroix and Lamoine Isle au Noix Michel Breban Antoine Beaudoin Rocheblave and Pollier Sud Francois Cammon 7 Antoine Fillion David Mitchell Mississippi Michel Francoeur Rocheblave and Pollier Sud Pipique Robert Dickson and Co. Nord Joseph Houle L. S. Sud Francois Brunet July 1R07

1807 July 7 Messrs Dickson, Crawford and Co. Fon du Lac Pierre Charrett Joseph Gagnion Benjamin Payans Antoine Guillory Mississippi Francois Deslisle Rocheblave and Pollier Lac du Flambeau Pierre Girc~ux Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Joseph Boyer 8 Lac du S. S. Peter Buishier Dickson and Crawford and Co. Lac Superior Jean B. Leblanc 9 Douseman and Lebord R. au Sable Pierre Beauchamp Charles Chandonett St. Joseph Charles St. Germain George F. Wood R. St. Pierre Pierre St. Pierre Antoine Guillory Mississippi Baptiste Miette P. Lasalessay Mississippi Baptiste Houle Lewis Crawford Sud Antoine Francour Mississippi Francois Boudril Alexis Monjon R. des Moins Antoine Debin Francois Labourin Dickson and Crawford and Co. Fond du Lac Pierre Maurain 11 Joseph Bailly Grand River Jerornie Clerrnon Dickson and Crawford and Co. Le Nord Augustin Arnelin Joseph Bailly Moscigon Joseph Barret P. Calimaseau H. Louis Cariere Par a Va-che Michel Belm Thomas Dubois 14 Michigan Voyageurs 1807 July 11 Dickson and Co. and D.R. Nord Antoine Legeau Pierre Major Lewis Crawford Mississippi Charles Patneau Antoine Guillery Mississippi Pierre Lafleur 14 Dickson and Co. Mississippi Jacques Lanctin Joseph Chevallier William Henry Joseph Manseau 15 Rocheblave and Pollier Partie au Sud Loren Fortier Lewis Crawford Mississippi Pierre Tourville 16 Joseph Bailly St. Joseph A. Menard Robert Dickson and Co. Baie Pierre Charon Louis Crawford Mississippi Louis Bradaire 17 Augustin Paquet 18 Robert Dickson and Co. Missouri Paul Bourke Mackinac James Belan Milwaukee Antoine Alscome Mississippi Paul LIAuguste 21 Rocheblave and Pollier Mississippi Alexis Larnotte J. B. Caron and Co. Mississippi P. Grand Maison Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Joseph Darnarai Amable Bourdeau Missourie Louis Dugal Rocheblave and Pollier Missourie Louis Fournier Baptiste Sanchagrin J. B. Bircier Etienne Pr6cour July 1807

1807 July 22 Base1 Proux Missourie Abram --- Lewis Crawford Mississippi Amable Langlain 2 3 Augustin LeBlanc Narcisse Lagotherie Mississippi Pierre Clermond J. B. L'eveillb Robert Dickson and Co. Mississippi Baptist Lemieux Rocheblave and Pollier Missouri Baptist Tission Robert Dickson Missouri Joseph Masay Touissant Pothier Missouri Chrisostome Ponca Charles Bruyer Missouri Gabriel Lyott Baptist Roie George Lagotherie Missourie Jeremie Mallet Lewis Crawford Sud Charles Fiex Mississippi Pierre Fournier Robert Dickson and Co. Missouri John B. Bell Charles Bruyeur Missouri Francois NIanseau Michel Briyen Charles Chandonett St. Joseph Joseph Bertrand Andr6 St. John Isle au Nois Joseph Deline Baptist Sallois Fran~oisDernairer Pierre Rousseau Mascigon Michel Jandron Robert Dickson and Co. Missourie Jean B. Jireux Joseph Perrault Mississippi Louis Merctelle 16 Michigan Voyageurs

-1807 August 1 Dennis Julien Mississippi Michel Sarnpson J. B. Lebone Gabriel Barnabie Andrew St. John Isle au Nois Joseph Harse Touissant Rassene 5 Lewis Crawford Joseph Cuisson 6 Joseph Bailly St. Joseph Baptist Favera Louison Wilmet Grand River Charles Peticlair Joseph ~upr6 Alexn Robinson Pierre Benerau J. B. Baubien Daviel Bourasa Kenkiki James Dodge October 16 Robert Dickson and Co. Joseph ~alibert6 20 And& Sarrey Michilirnackinac Charles Prevo J. Bapt. Puno

-1808 June 16 Mackinac Company River St. Peter John Ouvie Louis Jolie Michel Robert John B. Loyer Gabriel Ranger Guillaume Cardinal Charles Grigoire Charles Lussier Jacques Levard Mississippi Antoine Clappen Pierre Febeau Joseph L'ordre Guillaume Lalonde Pierre llEpigne June 1808 1808 June 21 Mackinac Company Ouisconsin Barthlornew Gotier 22 Francois Faucher Godfroy Bourdeau 2 3 Upper Mississippi Baptiste Lafleur Francois St. John River St. Peter Benjamin Cadotte 24 Charles Delorme 27 Michel Bruyer Pierre Foufard 28 South Antoine LeLoup 3 0 North Joseph Beauprb Pierre Rondeau Augustin Dehi Staneren Fournesse Prairie du Chien Louis Bourdon Pierre Gladeau Souverain Danie -July 1 Prerie Joseph Pothuin North Francois Larnadelaine Michael Brisbois Prairie du Chien William Berlnet Mackinac Company River St. Peter Alexis Larose Prairie du Chien Pierre Larnonde Baptiste Illianard River St. Peter Baptiste Belcour L Arnable Bourdeau North Michel Breban River St. Peter Louis Mersau 4 Mackinac John B. Yeuph Milwaukee Antoine Bisson Laprairie Jean Ouillet Jean Lafrarnboise Pierre Constant Andrb Lachappelle 5 North Francis Larose John B. Cadotte 18 Michigan Voyageurs 1808 July 5 Mackinac Company Illinois Michel Prudornrne Simon Champagne 6 Prairie Antoine St. Dennis North Alexis Boyer St. Joseph Etienne Lucier Louis Bisson River Illinois Jeoffroi Rassine Milwaukee Jean. B. Deroteau Charles Chaquet St. Joseph Antoine Delude Milwaukee Antoine Beauchamp Jean B. Lesage Ouisconsin Thomas Hood Cahokia Charles Depeaux North Francois Balliard 8 Michel LaRamie Ouisconsin Pierre Grienion Milwaukee Ignace Les Sard 9 Jean B. Nolin Lake Superior Jean B. Decanteau Jean F. Nolin Thbodose Pillion Charles Ermatinger Lake Superior Francis St. George Mackinac Company Lake Superior FPBR@+%~~R(sic) Hycente Febeau Jean B. Cirevillion Louis Bisson Illinois River Francis Doyon 11 Mackinac Company St. Joseph Henri Menard Lake Superior Baptiste Monbruin Thomas Conner 12 Jacques Vasseur River St. Peter Antoine Favarnier 14 IIlinois Francois He01 16 Cahokia Francois Bouche La Cloche Joseph Rou July I808 1808 July 19 Mackinac Company Mississippi Baptist Moreau Baptist Monette Joseph Chambly Touissant Bouchard Jacques Lantier Jacques Fournesse Antoine Plante With the Sauches St. Luke 1)ubois Simon Hyron Pierre Gausselin Alexis Brisette Joseph Goillet Pierre ~rembli! Manuel Amelin Philippe Fontaine Joseph Sintoneau Le Bay Joseph Duga Pierre Curlier Edward Pizaianne Bazil Plante Theodore Saliot Francois Vaillancour Prairie du Chien Paul Dutoi~r Mississippi Jean B. Lemoulin Prairie du Chien Michel Arnois Pierre Majeau Missoury Julien Perat Dominique Raymond Joseph Val16 Etienne Bellaire Prairie du Chien Antoine Labay Missoury Alexis Brilneail Prairie du Chien Guillaume St. Jermain Amable Trem bli! St. Joseph Jean B. Cttnndonett George F. Rupp Michel Etie Pierre Gueau Augustin Raboin 20 Michigan 1808 July 29 Mackinac Company St. Joseph Antoine Jurelle Joseph Lefant 30 McClellan and Crooks Missouri Louis Denelle Louis Lavalley Mackinac Company Prairie du Chien Benjamin Roie Michel Martin Francois Ferrikre Matichidas Charles Lafond St. Joseph Pascal Seri 3 1 Sud Charles Labay August 1 Jean B. Provot 3 St. Joseph Ignace Lafortune 5 Mississippi Francis Gotier Prairie du Chien Jean B. Igrain 6 Louis Revard 11 Jean B. Labord Saguina Pierre Beauchamp Antoine Landre Ignace Couvillion 12 Mackinac Company St. Joseph Alexis Lavallez Alexandre Robinson James Pullman Antoine Menar Dennis Julien Mississippi Eustache Gadiva Antoine Labain Charles Breau Joseph Grondin Joseph St. Tommas Baptist Veaudri Joseph Cousineau Pierre Gagnier Gabriel Barnabi! August 1808 1808 August 18 Mackinac Company Mississippi Louis Bredear

24 Michel Carlere " 25 Bernard Larivikre Michel Aiseneau 26 Antoine Dutrembl6 Manual Piche 27 Mackinac Louis Bourasa 31 St. Joseph Alexandre Loran September 3 Mississippi Joseph C. Dacheneau Pierre Bienvenu 1809 June 13 Grand River Pierre Moudin St. Luke Dubois Michel Etie Joseph Goulet 15 River St. Peter Pierre Fiheault Antoine Clappin Pierre Lepine Joseph Lordu Charles Tuffar 19 Grand River Guillaume Lalonde 20 Louis Prudomme Milwaukee Jean B. Lesage Antoine Landrie 21 Antoine Bisson Grand River Antoine Furelle -- Michel Girard 22 Mackinac Jean B. yopch Grand River Pierre Longtain 26 Paul Trembl6 27 Augustin liaboin Montreal River Louis Passeur Joseph Lapointe 28 Folles avoine Louis Bargevain Alexandre Boyez Alexis Bouchet 22 Michigan Voyageurs

1809 June 28 Mackinac Company Montreal River Louis Ladebouche South Antoine Deslisle 29 Cadotte and Company Lac Court Oreille Francis Larose Francis Landrie Joseph Rivard Pierre Rondeau Joseph Beaupr6 Jean B. Leveill6 30 La Pointe Alexandre Lava116 Lac Court Oreille Francis Lemieux July 1 Mackinac Company River St. Croix Augustin Deb6 lgnace Lessard 3 St. Joseph Joseph Mousseau Illinois River Gabriel Dani Francis Larnadelaine Joseph Chabot 4 Lower Mississippi Jean B. Monet Jeremie Matte1 Etienne Feneau Jacques Fournaise Pierre Trernblb Simon Irons Michel Carrikre Antoine Letrernbl6 Joseph Charnblie Lac Court Oreille Paul Beaulieu Charles Bargevain 8 Illinois River Jean B. Lionard St. Joseph Joseph Dufard Louis JoIie Illinois River Philippe Fontaine Mississippi Andr6 Baren Francois Lanville Gabriel Rang6 St. Joseph Vitalle Bourden July 1

10 Mackinac Company St. Joseph Francois Fontaine Touissant Boucher Pierre Gouin/Gnou Jacques Eeseau La Bay Charles Fix Mississippi Jean B. Lava116 Theodor E'allan St. Joseph Baptiste Robert 11 Joseph Decheneau Folles Avoine Baptiste Leclair River St. Peter Pierre Briyi'ere 12 Lower Mississippi Jacques Lantier Prairie du Chien Joseph Leblanc River St. Peter Joseph ~aliberti! 13 Francois Beauchemin Baptiste Reauchemin Baptiste Robert Paul Valade Baptist Preveau Jean Ouvre Pierre Vasseur Jean B. I,oyez/Boyez? Simon Champagne --- Charles Depot -- Andre Franchefain /sain? 15 Mississippi Antoine St. Dennis Paul Dutour 16 Folles Avoine Souverain Danie Joseph Potvain 17 Mississippi Benjamin Cadotte Antoine 1:avornee -- Andre Lachapelle 19 Mississippi Pierre Tapar/Tassar Pierre Gladieu Arnable L,eRoie Mississippi Jean B. Ouelet --- Charles Chaquette 20 --- Francois Dayon Michigan Voyageurs

-1809 Julv Mackinac Company Mississippi Louis Champagnie Duncan Campbell Prairie du Chien Baptist Robert Mississippi Eustache Patneau Louis ~'epigne Francois Vaillancour Baptist Gautier Prairie du Chien Charles Baubin Pierre Gausselin Mississippi Francois Gautier Pierre Champeau Manuelle Piche Lake Huron Baptiste Lachapelle Mississippi Joseph St. Tamas Antoine Dabin Gabriel Barnabe Arkansas Basile Plante Francois Fouche Joseph Landrie La Baie Jean B. Proveau Edward Pisanne Joseph Couvelle Alex Lauve Mississippi Jean B. Chounau La Baie Jean B. Ernerie St. Joe George F. Rape Grand River Baptiste Chandonett Green Bay Charles Labarge Green Bay Michel Arseneau Dennis Julien Mississippi Bartholornie Gautier Pierre Ganier Baptist Vaudri Baptist Denege Joseph Grandain Pierre H-- (illegible) Baptist Latour July 1809

-1809 Julv 28 Alexandre Mississippi Alexandrt: Page 29 Augustin Buchi! 3 1 Jean B. Belcour August 1 Dominique Perain St. Joseph James Pateman Alexander Robinson Antoine Menard 3 Mississippi Pierre Gautier Antoine Ricard Pierre Benereau 1810 June 25 David and Mitchell Michilimackinac Joseph ~upi-6 28 Mackinac Company Michilimackinac Jean B. Yoph 29 Constant Relle Jean B. 1,eveille July 6 Lac Flambeau Francois Cadotte Jean B. Cadotte Francois Contoie Jaco Vasseur Basele Beaulieu Bartholemu Gotier Joseph Courvalli! Joseph Deneau John B. Courvillion River Court Oreille Hycinth l'ibeau 'a la Pointe Michel Cadotte River Court Oreille Augustin Delie Francois Larose Alexis Bouch6 Louis Ladebouche 'a la Pointe Alexis Valli! h la Court Oreille Francois Lemieux 12 Folles Avoine Paul Beaulieu 26 Michigan Voyageurs 1810 Mackinac Company 12 Folles Avoine Souverain Danie River Court Oreille Jean B. Cadran Joseph Lapointe George Yarnz at the Bay Edward Pozanne South Guillaume Lalonde 13 Folles Avoine Theodore Comeau River Court Oreille Joseph Beaupri! Francois Boisverd 17 Michel Cadotte Folles Avoine Benjamin Cadotte Elie Rather Francois Beauchemain 18 Michel Girard 20 Joseph Rolette Mississippi Baptiste Langevain P. 6. T,acroix Milwaukee Joseph Rivard Ignace Lesar Joseph Rolette Mississippi Jean Ouvri! Michel Lacroix Illinois River Jean B. Etionard Antoine St. Dennis 21 Joseph Rolette Mississippi Louis L'Epine James Aird Mississippi Pierre La Pine Pierre Brug'ere Michel Lacroix Illinois River Joseph Potvain Jacob Franks La Bay Alexis Larose Jean B. Lemoine Missouri Louis Montreuil Louis Proudome Pierre Longlin Charles Labargb Joseph Rolette Mississippi Jean B. Proveau July

1810 July Jacob Franks 2 3 La Bay Augustin 'ribeau J. Bte Lernoine b'lissouri Jean B. Lesage James Aird Mississippi Joseph Lajernonikre Jacob Franks La Baie John B. Emerie Jean B. Lernoine 24 Missouri Pierre Moran Allen C. Wilmot Mississippi Charles Lousier Piere Fafar 27 Pierre Grignon Ou~sconsin Baptiste Latouche Loran Fortier 28 Michel Lacroix Illinois R. Pierre Constant Antoine Delisle David Mitchell Michilimackinac Thomas Gutherie 30 Murdock Cameron Rivcr St. Peter Louis Proudome Charles Delorme Michel Robert Missouri Jean B. ~oy6 J. R. Lemoinc Missouri Joseph Satoll Michel Coursolk Grand River Francois Pag6 Louis Montreil Jean Filion Lewis Crawford Lake Superior Francois Ladouceur 31 Louis Bursson Illinols River Louis Auget August 1 Robert Dickson Mississippi Jean B. Monette 2 Guillaurne Cardinal 28 Michigan I'oyogeurs 1810 August Robert Dickson 2 Mississippi Pierre Vasseur R. Crawford Mississippi Joseph Goule Joseph Cousineau 3 Joseph Rolette Mississippi Joseph Chamblie R. Crawford Mississippi Gabriel Rang6 Robert Dickson Mississippi Antoine Dabbin 4 Joseph Rolette Mississippi Paul Detour Charles Pineau Robert Dickson Mississippi Jeremi Mattel R. Crawford Mississippi Germain Bodette Robert Dickson Mississippi Pierre Gagnier John Blakley Mississippi Andr6 Basin Antoine Ricar Lewis Crawford B la Cloche Jean B. Lachappelle J. B. Berthelot 6 trip to Prairie du Chien Louis Lauvrain Alexis Chevallier Charles Bellaire Missouri Charles Braux Nicolas Lebeau Illinois River Louis Buisson James Aird Missouri Louis Champagnie Lewis Crawford Lake Huron Francois Parisien 7 Charles Bellaire Missouri Joseph Galerneau J. R. Rerthelot Prairie du Chien Joseph Laplante August

1810 =st- M. Brisbois 7 Prairie du Chien Michael Martin R. Dickson Mississippi Charles Raubin Charles Bellaire Missouri Philippe Fontaine Baptist Veaudri Gabriel Rarnabi! John Bleakley Mississippi Francois Lamouille 8 James Porlier Mississippi Joseph Facier Michel Brisbois Mississippi Francois Chausse trip to the Prairie Thomas Woods Dennis Julien Mississippi Alexandre Pagi! Michel Brisbois trip to the Prairie Pierre Livernois P. J. Lacroix Milwaukee Jean B. Chouinard 9 Jacob Franks the Bay Jean B. Larain Michel Brisbois trip to the Prairie Baptist Latour Wbert Dickson River St. Peter Louis Choinard 10 Jacques Porlier Mississippi Jacques Fournaise Lewis Crawford Lake Superior Antoine Turelle 12 Denis Julien Mississippi Francois Eon taine 14 John Bleakly Mississippi Charles Labe 17 Dennis Julien Mississippi Joseph Labarge August 20 Jacques Porlier Mississippi Jean B. Gondbeau 30 Michigan Voyageurs --1811 June Michel Goursolle 22 Grand River Michel Girard 24 Louis Montrul July Michel Cadotte 12 Lake Superior Guillaume Lalonde 13 Sauverain Danie 17 George Gellispie Lac Court Oreil Jean B. Cadran 18 Louis Ladebuche Joseph ~eaupre 20 Joseph Rolette Prairie du Chien Paul Detour 22 Etienne Lamerandi'ere Calimaseau Jeremi Clerrnon 26 Jean B. Berthelot Prairie du Chien Jean B. Belicque Antoine Gauthier 27 Jacques Porlier Mississippi Gabriel Range John B. Lemoine Wenocs Pierre Moran 29 Joseph Bailly St. Joseph Alexander Robinson Alexander Lava116 Lewis Crawford St. Joseph Antoine Longevain Joseph Goulet Denis Lava116 3 1 Joseph Rolette Mississippi Louis LfEpigne John B. Loyer ~ugustJean B. Berthelot 1 Prairie du Chien Manuel Piche 2 Joseph Rolette

Mississi~~i. . L. Louis Leblanc 5 Jacques Porlier Mississippi Edouard Pizan 8 Harry M. Fisher Mississippi Joseph Chaboillier 9 Joseph Bailly St. Joseph Pierre Frum August 1811 August Etienne Lamarandiere Lake Michigan Augustin :Raborn 12 Joseph P. Lacroix Milwaukee Jacques Languic 16 Robert Dickson Mississippi Pierre St. Germain Pierre Vasseur Jean B. Montre Michel Robert Jean B. Beaudrie 19 Joseph Leconte Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Jean Bte Mayrand George Gellespie Lac de Flambeau Jacques Vasseur Louis Vasseur Pierre Duvernay Robert Dickson Mississippi Antoine Davin 22 Lewis Beauford St. Joseph Joseph Decheneau Jacob Franks Bay Batiste Yopch 24 Thbodore Pellon Joseph Rolette Prairie Amable Turpin Pierre L'llpigne 25 Michael Coursolle Grand River Jean Felion St. Luke Dubois James Aird Mississippi Joseph Cousineau Denis Julien Mississippi Charles Labay 26 Charles Bellaire Mississi~~i. . Charles Braux 1815 July Frederick Oliva 15 Trip to St. Louis Pierre Welse Charles Rasette 32 Michigan Voyageurs 1815 JqBerthelot and Rolette 28 Mississippi Francois Despot Pierre Legris 29 Jean B. Cridey 31 River de Mouin Joseph Calin Trip to The Prairie Pierre Gausselin September 25 Mississippi Henry Joseph October John Caron 8 Trip to The Prairie John Francois Henry Wagner

.-1816 June H. Graverat 25 Mackinac Francois Roy 28 W. H. Putuff Mackinac Pierre Bourdeaux Charles Lacornbe Alexis Grhgoire 29 J. Dousman "Macf7or Grand River Francois Ladouceur 30 Pierre Rocheblave Northwest - 3 years Joseph Deneau Francois Suprenant July James Aird 1 Upper Mississippi Jean Canfelle P. Rocheblave Northwest - 3 years Olivier Desjardains 4 James Aird Mississippi Francois Frenikre 6 Lewis Debreuil 7 Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Augustin Auselin Joseph Dejeunai 8 Michel Don6 10 W. H. Putuff Michilimackinac Jean B. Bellair John Dousman Maskigon Pascal Roi 11 Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Jacques Parisien July 1816 1816 July Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Antoine Langevain Francois St. Morris Baptist Barte Louis ~afrenikre Louis Rovansalle Francois Bogue 13 Etienne ~amerandikre Kankiki Jeremie Clermont 15 Jean B. Berthelot Prairie du Chien Joseph Duplici Joseph Baret Joseph St. John Mississippi Pierre Gauselin James Aird Mississippi Lewis Dafour Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Narcisse Deloni 16 Rocheblave and Varnum Lake Huron Eloy Bourasa John B. Berthelot Mississippi Charles Antoine Jack Eber 17 James Aird Mississippi Gabriel Rang6 Guillaume Lalonde John B. Berthelot Mississippi Pierre Vasseur 18 Joseph St. John Mississippi Francois Massie James Aird Mississippi Amable ~arvk Joseph St. John Trip to The Prairie Jean B. Yoph 19 P. and R. Grignion Green Bay Alexis Dequin Edward Lagottorie Mississippi Pierre Lemay 22 Michel Dousman Lac Flambeau Michel Houle 34 Michigan Voyageurs 1816 John Law 2 2 Mississippi Jean B. Bouchard 23 Pierre and R. Grignion Bay Etienne Bontere Pierre Chalifoux 24 John Dousman Maskigon Philip ~ufre^ne John Kenzie Chicago Pierre Rolande 26 Joseph St. Jean Mississippi Jean B. Cridey Jacques Porlier Mississippi Francois Bostie Louis Buison Illinoie Alexis Hamelin Jean B. Guillory Mississippi Amable Lacombe Antoine Da bin Edouard Lagotrie Mississippi Pierre Frum 29 Jacques Porlier Mississippi Charles Drolette Paul Drolette Francois Donion Louis Binet Mississippi George Rosse Louis Buison Mississippi Pierre Goselin John B. Berthelot Mississippi Antoine Gauthier 30 Augustin Beaudrie Joseph St. Jean Trip to the Prairie Jaco. Laurant David Graham Red River John Yoph Jean B. Berthelot Mississippi Pierre Lambert Pierre Pichi! Jacques Porlier Mississippi Louis Jenereux July 1816 -&@ Etienne Lamorandikre 3 0 Chicago Antoine Leduc Louis Moreau Mackinac Alexis Lava116 August Pierre Rocheblave 1 Grand River Pierre Doni Baptist C:loutie Etienne Lamorandikre Chicago Charles Labay Berthelot and Rolette Mackinac Colbert Lessart 10 George Johnston Mackinac Henry Joseph 12 Daniel Bourasa lllinois River Louison N[artin John Dousman Illinois River Jean Fillion -1817 Mav" John Dousrnan 28 Mackinac Joseph Mallet July Ramsay Crooks 3 St. Joseph Antoine Menard Mackinac Jerernie neno anyplace required Pierre Lasallier St. Joe Alexis ~avallb 7 Green Bay Francois Louisigna 9 Grand River Pierre Caione Illinois River Joseph C. Deschenaux Antoine 1)escharnp 10 Grand River John B. Cloutier 11 Fond du Lac David Rochefort Benjamin Lebrun Francois Rouch6 Louis Brunel 12 Joseph Beaudoin 14 Louison Gouli. 12 Illinois River Alexis Lecornpte Arnable Turpin Louis Martin Joseph Descharnp 36 Michigan Voyageurs 1817 Ramsey Crooks 15 Illinois River Louis Jbnbreux 14 Fond du Lac Charles Goulil Louis Dufault Grand River Luc Dubois Fond du Lac Jean Drew 15 Grand River Pierre Doni 19 Fond du Lac Jean B. Lagarde 20 St. Joseph Pierre Burelle Grand River Pierre Roland 23 Mississippi Francois Massbe August 5 Jean B. Bayuh Daniel Darling 6 Pierre Gauselin 9 Louis Grignon Green Bay Joseph Deneau 11 Alexis Vaillancourt Jacques Porlier Green Bay Basel Perault 12 George Ermatinger Mississippi James Biyarde Michel Ondaire Louis Beaupr6 16 James Aird Mississippi Joseph Biarjon6 Etienne Lamorandikre Kankiki Augustin Dardaine -1818 April Louis Rolette 18 --- Antoine Masclaux May 6 -- Joseph Charet June Jacob Franks :3 0 Mackinac Etienne Deniger August James Henly 31 Mississippi Augustin Rochb INDEX OF VOYAGEURS A BARTE AFRICA Baptist 33 John 10 BASIN ALLARD Andre 28 Francois 10 BAUBIENIBAUBIN ALLERIE Charles 24, 29 Augustin 8 J. B. 16 ALSCOMBE BAYUH Antoine 14 Jean B. 36 AMELIN BEAUCHAMP Augustin 13 Antoine 18 Joseph 7 Pierre 13, 20 Louis 12 BEAUCHEMINIBEAUCHEMAIN Manuel 19 Baptist 23 ANTOINE Franqois 8, 23, :!6 Charles 33 BEAUDOIN ARNOIS Alexis 8 Michel 19 Antoine 12 ARSENEAUIAISENEAU Joseph 35 Michel 8, 21, 24 BEAUDRIE ASLIN Augustin 34 Philip 10 Jean B. 31 AUSELIN BEAULIEU Augustin 32 Basele 25 AUGET Paul 22, 25 Louis 27 BEAUPRE Joseph 17, 22, 26, 30 ~ouis36 BELAN James 14 B Michel 13 BABIE BELCOUR Louis 9 Jean Ba~tiste17, 25 BALLIARD BELICQUE Francois 18 Jean B. 30 BANJE BELL Pierre 7 John B. 15 BAREN BELLAIREIBELLAIR ~ndre22 Etienne 19 Joshua 7 Jean B. 32 BARETIBARRET BELLOUSETT Joseph 13, 33 John 10 BARGEVAIN BENAC Charles 22 Joseph 12 BENEREAU Pierre 16, 25 38 Michigan Voyageurs

BENNETT BOURDEAUIBOURDEAUX William 9, 17 Arnable 14, 17 BERTRAND Geoffroi 7 Joseph 15 Godfroy 17 BESEAU Pierre .32 Jacques 23 BOURDONIBOURDEN BETCOUR Louis 17 Jean Baptiste 8 Vitalle 22 BIARJONfi BOURGARE Joseph 36 Potette 11 BIENVENU BOURKE Pierre 21 Paul 14 BIRCIER BOY ERIBOY EZ J. B. 14 Alexandre 21 BlSSET Alexis 18 Antoine 9 Jean Baptiste 9. 23 BISSON Joseph i3 Antoine 17, 21 BRADAlRE Augustin 12 Louis 14 Francois 17 BRAUXIBREAU BIYARDE Charles 20, 28, 31 James 36 BREBAN BODETTE Michel 7, 12, 17 Gerrnain 28 BREDEAR BOGUE Louis 21 Francois 33 BRlSETTE BOISVERD Alexis 19 Francois 26 BRIYENIBRlYERE BOLIEU ~ichei15 Pierre 10 Pierre 23 BONTERE BRUG~RE Etienne 34 Pierre 26 BOSTlE BRUNEAU Francois 34 Alexis 19 BOUCHARD BRUNEL Jean B. 34 Louis 35 Touissant 19 BRUNET BOUCHC/BOUCHET/BUCHC Francois 12 Alexis 21. 25 Pierre 10 Auzustin 25 BRUYER Francois 18 Baptiste 10 BOUCHER Michel 17 Touissant 23 BUCHfi (see Bouche) BOUDRl Augustin 25 Baptiste 10 BUlSHlER BOUDRIL Peter 13 Francois 13 BUISSET BOURASA Alexis 11 Eloy 33 Louis 21 Index of Voyageurs

BUISSON CHARET Louis 28 Joseph 36 BURELLE CHARON Pierre 36 Pierre 14 CHARRETT Pierre CHAUSSE C Francois 29 CADOTTICADOTTE CHEVALLIER Benjamin 7, 17, 23, 26 Alexis 28 Jean B. 17, 25 Joseph 14 Francois 25 CHOUINARDICHOINAXDI Michel 25 CHOUNAU CADRAN Jean 8. 24, 29 Jean B. 26, 30 Louis 29 CAIONE CIREVILLION Pierre 35 Jean B. 18 CALIN CLAPPENICLAPPIN Joseph 32 Antoine 16. 21 CAMMON CLEGHORN Prancois 12 James 11 CAMPBELL CLERMONICLERMONDI Duncan 24 CLERMONT CANFELLE Jeremi 13, 30, 33 Jean 32 Pierre 15 CARDINAL CLOUTIE/CLOUTIER Guillaume 16, 27 Jean Baptiste 35 CARIERE/CARRIERE COMEAU H. Louis 13 Thkodore 26 Michel 21, 22 CONNER CHABOILLIER Thomas 18 Joseph 30 CONSTANE CHABOT Georee 12 Joseph 22 CONST-ANT CHADONETT (see Chandonett) Pierre 17, 27 Jean B. 19 CONTOIE CHALIFOUX/CHALIFOUSE Francois 25 Pierre 8, 34 CORBIN CHAMBLY ICHAMBLIE Francois 11 Joseph 19. 22, 28 COURVALLE/COUIZVEI,LE/ CHAklPAGNE/C:lAMPAGNIE COUVELLE Louis 24, 28 Joseph 24, 25 Simon 18. 23 COURVlLLlON CHAMPEAU lgnace 20 Pierre 24 John B. 7, 25 CHANDONETT (see Chadonett) COUSINEAU Baptist 24 Joseph 20, 28, 3t CHAQUETICHAQUETTE CRIDEY Charles 18. 23 Jean B. 32, 34 40 Michigan Voyageurs

CUISSON DELORME Joseph 16 Charles 17, 27 CURLIER DELUDE Pierre 19 Antoine 18 DEMAIRER Francois 15 DENEAU Joseph 25, 32, 36 DENEG!~ Antoine 24, 28. 34 Baptist 24 DACHENEAU DENELLE Joseph C. 21 Louis 20 DAFOUR DENIGER Lewis 33 Etienne 36 DAMARAI DEN0 Joseph 14 Jeremie 35 DANIIDANIE DEPEAUXIDEPOT Gabriel 22 Charles 18, 23 Souverain 17, 23 DEQUIN DARDAINE Alexis 33 Augustin 36 DERETEAU DARLING Jean B. 18 Daniel 36 DESBIENS D AVIN Francois 11 Antoine 31 DESCHAMP DAYON Antoine 35 Francois 23 Joseph 35 DEB!^ DESCHENAUX Augustin 22 Joseph C. 35 DEBIN DESJARDlNS Antoine 13 Oliver 32 DEBREUIL DESLILEIDESLISLE Lewis 32 Antoine 22, 27

DECANTEAU Francois 13- ~ Jean B. 18 DESPOT DECHENAUIDECHENEAU Francois 32 Joseph 23, 31 DETOUR DEHI Paul 7, 28, 30 Augustin 17 DODGE DEJEUNAI James 16 Joseph 32 DOGON DELI Louis 10 Augustin 25 DONe/DONI DELINE Michel 32 Joseph 15 Pierre 35, 36 DELONI DONION Nsrcisse 33 Fran~ois34 DORSSON Francois 18 hdex of Voyageur

DOYON ETlE Francis 18 Michel 19, 21 DREW ETIONARD Jean 35 Jean B. 26 DROLETTEIDROLLETTE Baptiste 11 Charles 34 Paul 34 DUBES Arnable 11 DUBOIS St. Luke 19, 21, 31, 36 F Thomas 13 FAClER DUCHAINE Joseph 29 Isaac 9 FAFAR DUDOIRE Piere 27 Baptiste 7 FAISSEN DUFARD Gareau 7 Joseph 22 FAUBERT DUFAULT Francois 8 Louis 36 FAUCHER DUFRENE Francois Philip 34 FAVARNIERIFAVORN~E DUGA Antoine 18, 23 Joseph 19 FAVERA DUGAL Baptist 16 Louis 14 FEBEAU DUMA Hycente 18 Alexis 12 Pierre 16 DUPLICI FELION Joseph 33 Jean 31 DUPRE FENEAU Joseph 16, 25 Etienne 22 DUTOUR FERRIERE Paul 19, 23 Francois 20 DUTREMBL~ FIBEAULT Antoine 21 Pierre 21 DUVERMAY FICHE Pierre 31 Emanuel 11 FIEX / FIX Charles 15. 23 FILISQUE Antoine 9 FILLION / FILION Antoine 12 EBER~ ~ Jack 33 Jean 27, 35 EMERIE FONTAINE Jean B. 24, 27 Frnncois 23, 29 Philippe 19, 22, 29 42 Michigan Voyageurs

FORTIER GAUTHIERIGAUTIERI GOTIER Loran 14, 27 Antoine 30, 34 FOUCHE Baptist 24 Francois 24 Bartholomie 17, 24, 25 FOUFARD Francis 20 Pierre 17 Pierre 25 FOUNTAINE GERARD Louis 10 Michel 21 FOURNAISEIFOURNESSE GERNlE Jacques 19. 22. 29 Noel 7 stanere" 17 GIRARD FOURNIER Michel 26. 30 Louis 14 GIROUX Pierre 15 Pierre 11, 13 FRANCHEFAINIFRANCHESAIN GLADEAUIGLADIEU Andre 23 Pierre 17, 23 FRANCOIS GNOU John 32 Pierre 23 FRANCOUR GONDBEAU Antoine 13 Jean B. 29 Michel 12 GOSELIN (see Gauselin) FRENI~RE- ~- Pierre 34 Francois 32 GOUIN FRUCHON Pierre 23 Herbert 12 GOUL~IGOULET FRUM Charles 36 Pierre 30, 34 Joseph 19. 21, 28, 30 FURELLE Louison 35 Antoine 21 GRAND MAISON P. 14 GRANDAIN Joseph 24 GREGOlRE GADIVA Alexis 32 Eustache 20 GRENIER GAGNIER Joseph 8 Pierre 20, 28 GRIGNION GAGNION Pierre 18 Joseph 13 GRIGOIRE GALARNEAU Charles 16 Francois 9 GRONDIN Joseph 28 Joseph 20 GANIER GUEAU Pierre 24 Pierre 19 GAUSELINIGAUSSELIN GUTHERIE Pierre 19, 24, 32, 33, 36 Thomas 27 Index of Voyageurs

JIREUX Jean B. H-- JOLIE Pierre 24 Louis 16. 22 HAMELlN JOSEPH Alexis 34 Henry 32, 35 HARSEIHERSE JU RELLE Joseph 11, 16 Antoine 20 HENRY William 14 HEOL Francois 18 HOOD LABAIN Thomas 18 Antoine 20 HOULE LABARGE Baptiste 8, 13 Charles 24, 26 Joseph 12 Joseph 29 Michel 33 LABAYILABB~LABAYE HUBERT Antoine 19 Francois 8 Charles 10, 20, 29, 31, 35 Joseph 11 LABOURIN HYRON Francois 13 Simon 19 LACHAPPELLE And& 17, 23 Jean B. 24, 28 LACOMBE I Amable 34 IGRAIN Charles 32 Jean B. 20 LADEBOUCHEILADEBUCHE ILLIANARD Louis 22, 25, 30 Baptiste 17 LAFLEUR IRONS Ba~tiste7, 17 Simon 22 pierre 14 LAFOND Charles 20 LAFORTUNE J Ignace 9, 20 JANDRON LAFRAMBOISE Michel 15 Jean 17 JANVBIJARV~~ LAFRENIXRE

Pierre 7 LAGARDE Jean B. 36 LAGEUNESSE J. B. 9 LAGUMONIER/LAJEMONI?XE Louis 34, 36 Joseph 8, 27 44 Michigan Voyageurs

LALANCETTE LASALLIER Antoine 10 Pierre 35 LALIBERTE LATOUCHE Joseph 16, 23 Baptiste 27 LALONDE LATOUR Guillaurne 7, 16, 21, 26, 30, 33 Baptist 24, 29 LAMADELAINE L'AUGUSTE Francis 17, 22 Paul 14 LAMBERT LAURANT Pierre 34 Jaco 34 LAMONDE LAUVE Pierre 17 Alex 24 LAMOTTE LAUVRAIN Alexis 14 Louis 28 LAMOUILLE LAVALL~ILAVALLEZILAVALLEYI Francois 29 LAVEILLE LANCTIN Alexandre 22, 30 Jacques 14 Alexis 20, 35 LANDRIEILANDR~ Denis 30 Antoine 20, 21 Jean B. 11. 23. 25 Francis 22 Louis 20 Joseph 24 LAVIOLETTE LANGEVAINILONGEVAIN Antoine 12 Antoine 30, 33 LEBLANC Baptiste 26 Augustin 15 LANGLAIN Jean B. 13 Arnable 15 Joseph 7, 23 LANGUlC Louis 7, 30 Jacques 31 LEBONE LANTIER J. B. 16 Jacques 19, 23 LEBRUN LANVILLE Benjamin 35 Francois 22 LECLAIR LA PINE (see L'epigne) Baptiste 23 Pierre 26 John B. 8, 9 LAPLANTE LECOlllPTE Arnable 10 Alexis 35 Joseph 28 Arnable 10 LAPOlNTE Joseph 31 Joseph 21, 26 LEDUC LARAIN Antoine 35 Jean B. 29 LEFANT LARAMIE Joseph 20 Michel 18 LEGAUSILEGEAU LARWIERE Antoine 8, 14 Bernard 21 LEGRIS LAROSE Pierre 32 Alexis 17, 26 LEGROS Francois 17, 22, 25 Joseph 8 Index of Vo

LELOUP L'ORDRE Antoine 17 Joseph 16 LEMAY LOUlSIGNA Pierre 33 Francois 35 LEMIEUX -T.OUSIER - Baptist 15 Charles 27 Charles 11 LOYE/LOYER/LOY EZ Francois 22, 25 Jean B. 16, 23, 27, 30 LEMOULIN LUCIER/LUCIERS/I,USSIER Jean B. 19 Charles 8, 16 LEPBRE Etienne 9. 18 Jacque 11 LYOTT L'EPIGNE/LIEPINE/LE PINE Gabriel 15 Louis 24, 26, 30 Pierre 16, 21, 26, 31 LEROIE Arnable 23 LEROUX MAJORIMAJEAU Dominic 7 Michele 9 LESAGE Pierre 14, 19 Jean B. 18, 21, 27 MALLET l,ESSARD/LESSART/LESAR/ Jerernie 15 LES SARD Joseph 35 Colbert 35 MANSEAU John 11 Francois 15 Ienace 18. 22. 26 Joseph 14 LESTARGE MARTIAL Baotiste 8 Francois 8 LETOUR MARTIN Jean Marie 8 Louis 35 LETREMBLE Michel 20, 29 Antoine 22 MASAY LEVARD Jacques 16 LEVEILLB (see LAVALLE) Antoine 36 Jean B. 15, 22 MASSIEIMASBE L'HEUREUSE Francois 33, 36 Joseph 9 MATTEL 1,IONARD Jerernie 22, 28 Jean 8. 22 MAURAIN LlONES Pierre 13 Joseph 11 MAYRAND 1,IVERNOIS Jean Bte 31 Pierre 29 MENARDIMENAR LONGLlN Antoine 14, 20, 25, 35 Pierre 26 Henri 18 1,ONGTAIN MERCELLE 2 1 Louis 15 LORAN MERSAU Alexandre 21 Louis 17 46 Michigan Voyageurs

MIETTE Baptiste 13 MONBRUINIMONBRUN PAGE Baptiste 18 Alexandre 25, Etienne 11 Francois 27 MONETTEIMONET PALLAN Jean Baptiste 12, 19, 22, 27 ThGodor 23 MONJON PAQUET Alexis 13 Augustin 14 MONTlE PARlSlEN Joseph 11 Franqois 28 MONTRE Jacques 32 Jean B. 31 PASSEUR MONTREUILIMONTREILI Louis 21 MONTRUL PATEMAN Louis 26, 27, 30 James 25 MORAN PATNEAU Pierre 27, 30 Charles 14 MOREAU Eustache 24 Baptist 19 PAYANS MOUDIN Benjamin 13 Pierre 21 PAYER MOUSETTE Repisse 12 Michelle 10 MOUSSEAU Joseph 22 PERAIN MYOTT Dominique 25 Joseph 7 PERATIPERA Jose~h8

~a~tiste8 NOLIN Base1 36 Jean F. 18 Joseph 15 Pierre 9 PETER Thomas 7 PETICLAIR OCHU Charles 16 Pierre 11 PHANETT OJAI Ambroise 10 Joseph 7 PICHEIPICHET ONDAIRE Ignias 9 Michel 36 Manuel 21, 24 OUILLET/OUILETTE/OUELET Pierre 34 Jean B. 17. 23 PICOTTE Louis 10 Pierre 8 0 WRE/O WIE PIEROJAl Jean B. 17. 23 Pierre 7 Index of Voyageurs

PILLIER RASETTE Joseph 12 Charles 31 PILLION Etienne 12 Th6odose 18 RASSINEIRASSENE PINEAU Jeoffroi 18 Charles 28 Touissant 16 PIPIQUE 12 RATHER PISANNEIPIZAINNEIPIZAN Elie 26 Edward 19, 24, 30 RAYMOND PLANTE Dominique 19 Antoine 19 RELLE Basile 19, 26 Constant 25 PLAINTE Joseph 8 Pierre 11 RENE PONCA Glaude 11 Chrisostome 15 REVARD POTVAINIPOTHUIN? Louis 20 Joseph 17, 23, 26 RICARDIRICAR POZANNE Antoine 25, 28 Edward 26 RICHARD PRECOUR Amable 9 Etienne 14 RWARD PREVEAUIPREVO Joseph 22, 26 Baptist; 23 ROBERTIROBERTS Charles 16 Beptiste 11, 23, 24 PROUX Michel 8, 16, 27, 31 Joseph 11 ROBlDOUX P ROVEAUIPROVOIPROVOT Henry 8 Andr6 12 Touissant 11 Jean B. 20, 24, 26 ROBINSON PRUDOMME/PROUDOME/ Alexandre 16. 20. 25. 30 PRUDHOMME ROCHE Fren~ois10 Augustin 36 Louis 21, 26, 27 ROCHEFORT Michel 18 David 35 PULLMAN ROIIROIE (see Roy) James 20 Baptiste 15 PUN0 Benjamin 20 J. Bept. 16 ROIIROIE (see Rov) Baptiste 15 Benjamin 20 R Louis 9 RABOINIRABORN Pascal 7 Augustin 19, 21, 31 ROLANDIROLANDE RANGPIRANGER John B. 11 Gabriel 16, 22, 28, 30, 33 Pierre 34, 36 RAPE ROND George F. 24 Pierre 8 RONDEAU Louis 12 Pierre 17. 22 48 Michigan Voyageurs

ROSSE SMITH Georae- 24 Joseph 8 ROU SUPRENANT JoseDh 18 Francois 32 ROUCHB SYLVAIN Francois 35 Pierre 12 ROVANSALLE Louis 33 ROY (see Roi) Francois 32 T RUPP TASSARITAPAR? George F. 19 Pierre 23 TIBEAU Augustin 27 Hycinth 25 TISSION ST. DENNIS Baptist 15 Antoine 18, 23, 26 TOURVILLE ST. GEORGE Pierre 14 Francois 9, 18 TREMBLE ST. GERMAINIST. JERMAlN Arnable 19 Charles 13 Paul 9, 21 Guillaurne 19 Pierre 19. 22 Pierre 31 TUFFAR ST. JOHN Charles 21 Francois 7, 17 TURELLE ST. MORRIS Antoine 29 Fran~ois33 TURPIN ST. PIERRE Arnable 31, 35 Pierre 13 ST. TOMMASIST. TAM AS Joseph 20, '24 SALIOT Theodore 19 VAILLANCOURTNAILLANCOUR SALLOIS Alexis 36 Baptist 15 Francois 19. 24 SAMPSON VALADE Michel 16 Paul 23 SANCHAGRIN VALLE Baptiste 14 Alexis 25 SATOLL Joseph 19 Joseph 27 VASSEURNESSEUR

SERI- ~ Jacques 18, 25, 31 Pascal 20 Louis 31 SILVESTE Pierre 23, 28, 31, 33 Baptiste 10 VAUDRINEAUDRI SIMONEAU Baptist 20, 2.1. 29 Joseph 19 SITEAUCAUL John B. 10 Index of Voyageurs W Y WAGNER YARNZ Henry 32 GeorPe 26 WAWEH 7 YOPC~IYOPHIYEOPH WELSE Jean Baotiste 17. 21. 25. 31. 33. 34 Pierre 31 WILMET Louison 16 WIMETTE lgnias 11 --- , Abram 15 WOODS Thomas 29