CHE202 Structure & Reactivity in Organic Chemistry: ! Reduction Reactions and Heterocyclic Chemistry! 9 lectures, Semester B 2014! Dr. Chris Jones! !
[email protected]! Office: 1.07 Joseph Priestley Building! ! Office hours:! 9.30-10.30 am Tuesday! 1.30-2.30 pm Thursday (by appointment only)! Course structure and recommended texts! 2! §" Coursework:! !Semester B – week 9 ! !5% (‘Coursework 7’)! !Semester B – week 11! !5% (‘Coursework 8’)! ! §" Test:! !Semester B – week 12! !15% (‘Test 4’)! §" Recommended text books:! ‘Organic Chemistry’, Clayden, ‘Oxidation & Reduction in ‘Heterocyclic Chemistry’, Greeves & Warren, OUP, 2012.! Organic Chemistry’, Donohoe, Joule & Mills, Wiley, 2010.! OUP, 2000.! Don’t forget clickers! Overview of Reduction Chemistry lecture material! 3! §" Reduction:! - Definition (recap.)! - Reduction of carbon-carbon double and triple bonds! - Heterogeneous hydrogenation! - Homogeneous hydrogenation, including stereoselective hydrogenation! - Dissolved metal reductions! - Other methods of reduction! - Reduction of carbon-heteroatom double and triple bonds! - Reduction of carbonyl derivatives, addressing chemoselectivity! - Stereoselective reduction of carbonyl derivatives! - Reduction of imines and nitriles! - Reductive cleavage reactions! - Hydrogenolysis of benzyl and allyl groups! - Dissolved metal reduction! - Deoxygenation reactions! - Reduction of heteroatom functional groups! e.g. azides, nitro groups, N-O bond cleavage! Reduction: definition! 4! §" Reduction of an organic substrate can be defined as:! - The concerted