Banchory Bus Network

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Banchory Bus Network Bus Information A Banchory 9 80 Key Service Bus Network Bus services operating around Banchory Number Operator Route Operation 105 201 Stagecoach Aberdeen-Banchory-Aboyne-Ballater- Bluebird Braemar M-F, S, Su 201.202.203 202 Stagecoach 204 Bluebird Aberdeen-Banchory-Lumphanan/Aboyne M-F, S, Su Brathens VH5PM VH3 203 Stagecoach Aberdeen-Banchory/Aboyne/Ballater/ Wood Bluebird Braemar M-F VH5PM 204 Stagecoach Direction of travel Bluebird Aberdeen-Banchory-Strachan M-F ©P1ndar Bus stop VH3 Deeside Tarland-Aboyne-Finzean-Banchory Thu Building Drumshalloch Contains Ordnance Survey data VH5 Aboyne-Lumphanan-Tarland/Banchory © Crown copyright 2016 Deeside Circular F A980 Wood Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative 01296 390100 Key: M-F - Monday to Friday Thu - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday Su - Sunday Locton of Leys Upper Locton Wood VH5PM Upper Banchory Woodend Barn Locton Business Arts Centre Centre Biomass Road ’Bennie Energy Burn O Centre Business h ©P1ndar rc Tree C Centre a re L s ce t ©P1ndar n Pine Tree ry Eas H t ho Business il A Road ill of Banc l o 9 ©P1ndar H Centre f 8 B 0 ©P1ndar 201.202.203 ancho Raemoir 203 Pine Tree 201.202.203 Larch Tree Road ry Garden Centre d ©P1ndar E Crescent a a 203 o Hill of ©P1ndar s Oak Tree ©P1ndar R t y West e Banchory Avenue Hill of Banchor Larch Tree e ©P1ndar r Burn of Raemoir ©P1ndar Crescent Pine T Hill of Bus fare information Garden Sycamore ©P1ndar Bennie ©P1ndar Banchory ©P1ndar Centre Place ©P1ndar Sycamore Oak Tree Hill of Banchory Place Tesco Avenue ©P1ndar 203 est Tesco W d ry a Holly Tree ho 201.202 o VH5PM anc e R Ticket type Road f B Tre VH5PM ©P1ndar o aird’s W ll ne 201.202.203 C y i h Pi nd H t u ent VH5PM o resc Tesco S C ©P1ndar ©P1ndar stnut y he Single For a one-way journey, available on the bus. Holly Firbrae r C Bridge of o Tree h Road c Bennie To Glen O’Dee Hospital Fo an A F restside Road B For two trips - One outward and one return. Provides a discount on the 201.202 H o 9 f i r Return 80 o U g e l cost of 2 singles. Available on the bus Hill of Banchory ©P1ndar h il A93 p s e P w tsid D H Hill of pe ri School a C v ©P1ndar Tesco o e ©P1ndar n o Banchory r r o d t s o R School a e Arb d P e e o c Unlimited travel in a specified zone during one day. Available on most a R a VH5PM Ro u h em Day tickets n n 203 e Silv D Pantoch e e e t services or multi-operator (GrassHOPPER). Available on the bus. a ea r o Drive 201.202 d v T r r o c b i ©P1ndar 105 A VH5PM G v d i h D 201.202 h a r e i d dn l n e H hfie ec ig R k e r s i Unlimited travel in a specified zone for 7 days. Available on most o R B v The o a t e Weekly d a Woodside Terrace en ✱ Caravan services or multi-operator (GrassHOPPER). Available on the bus. d sc 201.202 Bredero e Club Raemoir D Cr Woodside Road r 105 201.202.203 iv nk Crescent ©P1ndar e ©P1ndar oad a R Bredero b Longer term tickets Options vary so contact the operator for details. rake r 3 Pantoch Drive yb Drive e A9 ©P1ndar ill ©P1ndar v VH5PM ©P1ndar T e Road t l dsid Woodside Road i Terminating: oo Raemoir n VH3 W Woodside Bredero S e Road ©P1ndar ft Crescent c Drive VH3 Hillcro Roa s 201.202 d erloch Cr e Burnett t K Silverbank 105 Children under 5 Free travel when accompanied by an adult. t A e ©P1ndar Terrace e oad c r eeview R n b D ©P1ndar r Raemoir ©P1ndar ra e Burnett u r Lane ad ©P1ndar B Road ©P1ndar Banchory Te i 201.202 Burnett e Heath Silverbank Heath ©P1ndar Woollen ©P1ndar Terrace Row BANCHORY Child fares Half price travel for those aged under 16. ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ad Bu Row o Mill Burnett rnet R R t oa Road Roa L nie A d a d 105 lve ws n Roa d a ©P1ndar 9 Wilso D 80 Fairways Captain’s o 201.202.203 Raemoir l n ©P1ndar l Available on most services. Day, 4-week and 13-week tickets available. i 201.202 Lane Student tickets Wood A v ©P1ndar 105 ©P1ndar M e R A C n a e 9 See Banchory o Fairways 3 o ue Banchory 201.202 em iv St Nicholas rs rsee H Town Centre map u r Drive 1/3 off single fares for cardholders aged 16-18. nt D Glassel e o Rosehill Gra Primary 3 ©P1ndar Concessionary e nt R VH5PM o as C oad l Road In on reverse ©P1ndar Crescent School i o r h A9 Corsee ©P1ndar R c ©P1ndar c h o S i Travel m Hill a Banchory R N Leys Free travel for cardholders aged 60 and over, or eligible disabled people. d tr Banchory River Dee ar Banchory o ©P1ndar d t Road Morrisons l e Academy Academy ad S o 201.202 e a R Primary ©P1ndar o t St o VH5PM ad School R Arbor Nicholas ©P1ndar Road s VH3 201.202.203 Court Banchory ©P1ndar St a ©P1ndar ol Primary Ar Nicholas ©P1ndar i ch 201.202 204 ©P1ndar ©P1ndar Ra School b Road N ms e St Arbor ay a l 105 Leys R 105 d il Buying your ticket Court oad i H Road Corsee e ol 201.202.203 o Road R ch ©P1ndar Th The o S e Sq Square a Station uar ©P1ndar d Depending on how often you travel and the type of ticket you need, there are a number of different ways e Mount Court ©P1ndar The ©P1ndar Street Watson Street ©P1ndar d you can purchase your ticket: Square Roa on ©P1ndar Dee Stati Station Court Ki Banchory ©P1ndar Arbeadie nn Street Fire Police ✱ High St House VH3 On the bus e ree ©P1ndar s Station t 105 Station k ©P1ndar ie Dee Statio Banchory n R R Street oa d A93 oad Museum ©P1ndar Many tickets can be purchased directly from the driver when you board the bus, including standard single 105 Arbeadie House and return tickets, day passes and family saver tickets. Change given by driver. Banchory Bridge 201.202.203 VH3 204 Stree Golf Club t Online B Golf Course 97 4 Buy 4-weekly or monthly (recurring) tickets for Stagecoach from their website. Mount Street Terminating: De Travel Shops 105 204 e calling: S t r Stagecoach Bluebird Travel Shops located in Union Square Bus Station, Fraserburgh Bus Station and 201.202.203 e 204 et Peterhead Interchange. VH3 Riv er Dee Planning your journey Maryfield For help planning your journey, including bus times and live departure information, contact Traveline on 204 B Wood 0871 200 22 33 or visit if you would like to receive bus times direct to your 97 ©P1ndar 4 Bridge of 204 Dee VH3 mobile download the Traveline Scotland App from your App store. You can also visit the Aberdeenshire Council website at for local bus stop departure information. 0 100 200 300 400 500 metres 1 kilometre Water of Feugh Bridge of 1 ©P1ndar 0 100 200 300 400 500 yards /2 mile Toll Feugh House ©P1ndar Bus maps and timetables B If you’re looking for a particular bus timetable or for the Aberdeenshire and Moray Public Transport Guide 974 please contact Aberdeenshire Council on 01467 539525. Further information is available at or by contacting the operators directly. Contact details overleaf. Banchory_Bus_Leaflet Aug 2017.indd 1 20/07/2017 13:19 Key Banchory Road served by bus Commuting or 2017 August Town Centre Bus stop Bus Stands Car parking seeing the sights, be Guide Transport Public Post Office RAMSAY ROAD a smart GrassHOPPER Banchory Contains Ordnance Survey data M © Crown copyright 2016 O Deeside A2B dial-a-bus U Hop on and hop off any local bus service with just one Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative AD N 01296 390100 T bus ticket! Valid on all operators’ local bus services* RO A2B dial-a-bus is a demand responsive door-to-door transport STR EE service operating in Deeside and surrounding areas. The service is DU E open to people who have difficulty walking, those with other N ET CORS GEIT disabilities and residents who do not live near a regular bus route. H AV EN UE Service Route Day Frequency WATS Corsee ON STREET Drumoak - Durris - Banchory Mon Weekly Road Drumoak - Banchory Thur Weekly ©P1ndar The Finzean - Strachan - Banchory Tues Weekly Square Echt - Banchory Tues Fortnightly THE SQUA S QUA ©P1ndar ©P1ndar E R RE E Banchory Town Service (Free service open to H Mon - Fri Weekly The T everybody) Square Mount Inchmarlo - Banchory Mon/Wed Weekly Street Braemar – Crathie/Balomoral - Ballater - Aboyne - ©P1ndar Tues Fortnightly AVAILABLE Banchory D H ©P1ndar IGH S FROM YOUR A TREET K IN O Mount All trips require to be pre-booked.
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