The Highway and Economy Development a Historical Study of the Development of Economical Knots at the North Coastal of Java (Pantura) in 1930S - 1980S
Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 28 28(1), (1), 2018: 2018 80-91 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: THE HIGHWAY AND ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT A HISTORICAL STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMICAL KNOTS AT THE NORTH COASTAL OF JAVA (PANTURA) IN 1930S - 1980S Endah Sri Hartatik History Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, Diponegoro University ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This article analyze the relationship between Artikel ini menganalisis hubungan antara jalan Pantura (the north coastal) highway in Central raya Pantura (pesisir utara) di Jawa Tengah Java and the economy development society in dan masyarakat pengembangan ekonomi di those areas at the Dutch Colonial era. The daerah-daerah di era Kolonial Belanda. Ko- Dutch Colonial on the land transportation, lonial Belanda pada transportasi darat, teruta- especially in highway could open an oppor- ma di jalan raya bisa membuka peluang bagi tunity for the development of industries sector. pengembangan sektor industri. Di pesisir utara In the north coastal of Java, some cities Jawa, beberapa kota muncul, seperti Sema- emerged, such as Semarang, Pekalongan and rang, Pekalongan dan Kudus. Kota-kota indus- Kudus. Those industrial cities became a mag- tri tersebut menjadi magnet bagi masyarakat net for urban people to appear. They came to urban untuk tampil. Mereka datang ke kota- those cities for venturing as industrial laborers, kota tersebut untuk menjelajah sebagai buruh construction workers, blue-collar workers, industri, pekerja konstruksi, pekerja kerah such as housemaids, porters in terminal, mar- biru, seperti pembantu rumah tangga, kuli di ket and harbor. The better highway, the in- terminal, pasar dan pelabuhan.
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