
H552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 23, 2021 ‘‘It commits the United States . . . as a University of Iowa Hawkeye Even as she endured treatment for that will entangle American businesses against Chicago State. Since then, he cancer, Sharon remained devoted to and jobs in new lengths of red tape, and has gone on to win numerous con- Kids First. Despite her hospitalization, will also probably increase electricity ference and national awards, including she was overjoyed that they were, once prices. Big Ten Player of Year and the Sport- again, able to help over 1,000 families ‘‘China, which emits twice as much ing News Player of the Year last sea- during the holidays past. carbon each year as we do, has given son. Mr. Speaker, the Charlotte commu- the rest of the world nothing but As a former faculty member at the nity will miss Sharon greatly. It is a empty promises. university, I was thrilled when Luka privilege to honor her memory today. ‘‘Biden is giving away the store for decided to return to Iowa City for his f nothing . . . he should demand external senior season instead of heading to the verification of emissions data. . . .’’ NBA draft. With four regular season RECESS Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, God bless games, the Big Ten Tournament, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- our troops, and we will never forget March Madness left, I have no doubt ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair September the 11th in the global war that Luka will continue to break his declares the House in recess until ap- on terrorism. own record and make Iowa proud and proximately 4 p.m. today. I appreciate President Biden last the best place to live, work, play, and Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 11 min- night recognizing the lives lost by the raise a family. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. Wuhan virus, joining President Trump f last year, who took the first action to f PRESERVING OUR CIVIL RIGHTS ban travel from China. b 1600 f (Mrs. GREENE of asked and was given permission to address the AFTER RECESS UNRELATED COVID RELIEF BILL House for 1 minute.) The recess having expired, the House (Mr. POSEY asked and was given per- Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Speak- was called to order by the Speaker pro mission to address the House for 1 er, as we convene this week, I would tempore (Mrs. DEMINGS) at 4 p.m. minute and to revise and extend his re- like to ask all of my fellow colleagues f marks.) and Members of the 117th Congress to Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, I have been reflect on the words right there on the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER reading the COVID ‘‘unrelated’’ relief wall: In God We Trust. PRO TEMPORE bill. At least when President Trump God created us male and female. In The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- His image, He created us. The Equality was borrowing money to keep the econ- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Act that we are to vote on this week omy from crashing, he was creating will postpone further proceedings destroys God’s creation. It also com- jobs, making America energy inde- today on motions to suspend the rules pletely annihilates women’s rights and pendent—lowering gasoline and fuel on which the yeas and nays are or- religious freedoms. prices for every American family—low- dered. ering unemployment, protecting our It can be handled completely dif- ferently to stop discrimination without The House will resume proceedings borders, rebuilding our military, and so on postponed questions at a later time. on. destroying women’s rights, little girls’ Now, however, with the assistance of rights in sports, and religious freedoms f this Chamber, this administration is violating everything that we hold dear JOSEPH HAYNE RAINEY MEMO- doing just the opposite. in God’s creation. RIAL POST OFFICE BUILDING It sounds like something right from As we are reflecting on the 500,000 the pages of Saul Alinsky’s book, people who have died from COVID–19, I Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I move ‘‘Rules for Radicals,’’ how malcontents would like to remind everyone that to suspend the rules and pass the bill propose to destroy America. over 62 million people have been mur- (H.R. 264) to designate the facility of This COVID ‘‘unrelated’’ relief bill is dered in the womb in our country and the United States Postal Service lo- more about keeping America closed that our tax dollars many times have cated at 1101 Charlotte Street in and funding liberal policies than get- funded it. This is an evil that should Georgetown, , as the ting past this virus, and it is out- not exist in our land, and I ask all ‘‘Joseph Hayne Rainey Memorial Post rageous. Members of Congress to stop this evil Office Building’’. The Clerk read the title of the bill. f now. f The text of the bill is as follows: RECOGNIZING LUKA GARZA H.R. 264 HONORING SHARON SANDERS (Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS asked and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- was given permission to address the (Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina asked resentatives of the United States of America in House for 1 minute and to revise and and was given permission to address Congress assembled, extend her remarks.) the House for 1 minute and to revise SECTION 1. JOSEPH HAYNE RAINEY MEMORIAL Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, and extend his remarks.) POST OFFICE BUILDING. I rise today to recognize the accom- Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina. Mr. (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the plishments of someone in my district Speaker, today I rise to honor the life United States Postal Service located at 1101 who is not as vertically challenged as I of Sharon Sanders, one of Charlotte’s Charlotte Street in Georgetown, South Caro- great philanthropists and the founder lina, shall be known and designated as the am. ‘‘Joseph Hayne Rainey Memorial Post Office This past weekend, University of of Kids First of the Carolinas, which Building’’. Iowa men’s basketball player Luka through the decades has provided es- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Garza broke the University of Iowa’s sentials and Christmas gifts to over map, regulation, document, paper, or other all-time scoring record in basketball. 35,000 children and families in the record of the United States to the facility re- The new record of 2,126 points put Luka Charlotte area. Ms. Sanders died Janu- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ahead of the late Roy Marble, who held ary 14 after a battle with cancer. be a reference to the ‘‘Joseph Hayne Rainey the previous record of 2,116 points for Sharon was a wife, mother, and Memorial Post Office Building’’. over 30 years. friend to all, with an extraordinary The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- A native of the D.C. area, Luka was a passion for helping others. Her love for ant to the rule, the gentleman from star player for the Maret School, lead- children led to her founding Kids First; Maryland (Mr. MFUME) and the gentle- ing the Frogs to a city championship and with the assistance of legendary woman from South Carolina (Ms. while being named Gatorade D.C. Play- Charlotte broadcaster John Hancock, MACE) each will control 20 minutes. er of the Year and setting the school the organization was able to expand The Chair recognizes the gentleman points record. outreach, providing for more than 2,000 from Maryland. Luka has been a dominant player in children every Christmas and raising Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I yield college basketball since his first game about $80,000 a year. myself such time as I may consume.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Feb 24, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23FE7.002 H23FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE February 23, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H553 Madam Speaker, I am pleased to join House of Representatives. Rainey was This is a much-deserved honor for an my colleagues here in the House in born into in Georgetown in accomplished American patriot from consideration of H.R. 264 to designate 1832. His father was a slave, but also a South Carolina, Joseph Rainey. I urge the facility of the United States Postal barber, and used his earnings to buy my colleagues to vote ‘‘yea’’. Service located at 1101 Charlotte Street freedom for himself and his family, in- Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I yield in Georgetown, South Carolina, as the cluding Joseph. 5 minutes to the distinguished gen- Joseph Hayne Rainey Memorial Post During the Civil War, Joseph Rainey tleman from North Carolina (Mr. Office Building. was conscripted into the Confederate BUTTERFIELD). Joseph Rainey was the first African- Army, but he escaped to with Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speak- American Member of the United States his family and built a prosperous busi- er, I thank Mr. MFUME for yielding House of Representatives and one of 14 ness as a barber. time, and I thank Mr. RICE for intro- Black Representatives elected before In 1866, he returned to Georgetown, ducing this legislation. the end of Reconstruction in 1877. where he became the county’s Repub- Madam Speaker, when I was first Joseph Rainey was born into slavery lican Party Chairman. In 1870, he was elected to Congress, I visited Congress- in Georgetown, South Carolina, in 1832. elected to the , man CLYBURN’s office seeking his as- His father was a barber and used his where he served until 1879. Think about sistance with committee assignments. earnings to buy freedom for himself that for a moment. The first African While there, I noticed the pictures of and his family and, yes, including Jo- American to serve in the United States eight former South Carolina Congress- seph. Later, during the Civil War, Jo- Congress was a former slave and a Re- men, all African American, hanging seph was drafted by the Confederacy, publican from Georgetown, South prominently in his outer office. but he escaped to Bermuda and his wife Carolina. Among those was Joseph Rainey, the and he there started a business. His tenure in Congress was distin- first African American elected to the In 1866, he returned to Georgetown guished by its advancement of civil U.S. House of Representatives. I was where he became the county’s Repub- rights, equality, and opportunity for unaware of Mr. Rainey, and so I be- lican Party chairman. Just a few years all. He fought against violence and in- came curious about this man. later, in 1870, he was elected to the timidation toward African . Joseph Rainey was born to enslaved United States Congress where he In 1878, as Reconstruction was ending, parents on June 21, 1832, in George- served until 1879, making him the long- he was defeated in his last race for town, South Carolina, a community est serving African-American Member Congress. He was one of 14 Black Rep- heavily dominated with slaves. of Congress in the 19th century. resentatives elected before the end of As the years went on, Joseph Following his time in Congress, Reconstruction in 1877. He was the Rainey’s father was permitted by his Rainey was appointed as a Federal longest-serving African-American master to work independently and save agent of the U.S. Treasury Depart- Member of Congress, a record which a little money. Using his accumulated ment. He returned to South Carolina in stood until the 1950s. funds, Edward Rainey purchased free- Following his time in Congress, 1886 and, unfortunately, passed away dom for little Joseph and his family. Rainey was appointed as a Federal the following year in Georgetown. When President Lincoln was elected agent of the United States Treasury Representative Joe Rainey fought in 1860, 11 States seceded from the Department for the Internal Revenue tirelessly for civil rights, education, Union; South Carolina was the first. A and economic opportunity for all peo- Service in South Carolina. In 1866, he returned to South Caro- civil war erupts. ple. He left behind a legacy that will Joseph Rainey, now 28 years of age, never be forgotten. So, at the very lina for good and passed away the fol- lowing year in Georgetown. Rainey was conscripted, or drafted, to work on least, naming a post office in his honor fortifications in Charleston. This was will continually help all of us to re- fought tirelessly for equal rights, edu- cation, and economic opportunity for unacceptable to Joseph, and so, with member the contributions of this re- his family, he escaped to St. George, markable trailblazer. all. He left behind a legacy that has improved the lives of generations, not Bermuda. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- Madam Speaker, St. George is a ance of my time. just in South Carolina, but across the country. small parish on the island of Bermuda. Ms. MACE. Madam Speaker, I yield 5 While there, Rainey undoubtedly be- minutes to the gentleman from South Representative Rainey’s house still stands in historic Georgetown. It is lo- came acquainted with my grandfather, Carolina (Mr. RICE) for his remarks. James Peter Butterfield, born 1853, who Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Madam cated at 921 Prince Street. It was des- lived his entire life in St. George. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman ignated a national historic landmark On December 6, 1865, the 13th Amend- from the First District of South Caro- in 1984, and I had the opportunity to ment was added to the Constitution, lina for yielding. visit just last year. The next time you Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- are close by, stroll by the modest home ending slavery in America. 400,000 port of my bill, H.R. 264. in downtown Georgetown and pause for slaves in South Carolina are free: 37,000 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- a moment to marvel at the life of an in Charleston, 32,000 in Beaufort, 18,000 tleman will suspend. Will the gen- American hero; a man born a slave, a in Georgetown. tleman put on his mask, please. successful entrepreneur, escaped con- The same year, the Civil War ends. Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Oh, I scription in the Civil War, and served South Carolina desires to be re- thought you could take it off when you as a Representative in the United admitted to the Union. As a condition, are speaking. I am sorry. States Congress. What a remarkable South Carolina was required to adopt a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- life. constitution that repudiated secession, tleman may proceed. It was a privilege to introduce this acknowledged the end of slavery and Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Madam bill that honors a true American pa- repudiated debts that the State and its Speaker, I rise today in support of my triot like Mr. Rainey. All South Caro- White citizens had incurred. bill, H.R. 264, to rename the Post Office linians, all Americans, can look up to The South Carolina Constitutional in Georgetown, South Carolina, the Jo- Joseph Rainey as a trailblazer of civil Convention convened on January 14, seph Hayne Rainey Memorial Post Of- rights. 1868. A very prominent delegate to the fice. I would like to thank Lorna Rainey, convention was Joseph H. Rainey. The A man, a trailblazer of many firsts, a the great-granddaughter of Joseph convention’s minutes, Madam Speaker, civil rights pioneer, an American hero Rainey, for her support in this effort. reflect that Rainey advocated for free that I had never heard of before I got I also want to thank Representative public education for all South Carolina to Congress; I first learned of him be- CLYBURN and Representative MACE, citizens. He advocated for relieving cause his portrait hangs on the wall in who helped move this through com- White landowners of their insurmount- the halls of the House of Representa- mittee and bring it to the floor, along able debt that had accumulated during tives. with the entire South Carolina House the war. Joseph Rainey was the first African- delegation for their cosponsorship of The convention was successful; a new American Member of the United States this bill. constitution was adopted, and on July

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Feb 24, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23FE7.006 H23FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 23, 2021 9, 1868, South Carolina was readmitted tory teacher who believes knowing our since the 1960s to retrogress, as it did to the Union. Joseph Rainey was recog- history is instructive so that we don’t after the 1860s. nized for his brilliance during the con- repeat the mistakes of our past, I To truly honor the contributions of vention. would like to share with you my fellow Joseph Rainey and all African Ameri- The following year, 1869, Congress South Carolinian’s legacy. cans, we must build on this progress by passed the 15th Amendment granting Joseph Rainey, as you heard, was working together to address our coun- the former slaves the right to vote and born enslaved in 1832 in Georgetown, try’s longstanding racial inequities and hold office. On February 3, 1870, the South Carolina. His father was able to fulfill the promise of liberty and jus- 15th Amendment was finally ratified by buy his family’s freedom with earnings tice for all. the States. he made as a barber. As a freedman liv- Ms. MACE. Madam Speaker, I have Joseph Rainey seized the oppor- ing in Charleston, Rainey was con- no further speakers and am prepared to tunity; ran for Congress in the First scripted by the Confederacy in 1862. close. District. Elected on December 12, 1870, Rather than fighting to preserve slav- It is a real honor to be here today, Congressman Rainey remained a Mem- ery, he and his family fled to Bermuda, and the distinguished whip is correct ber of this body until after President where he worked as a barber until the that this is long overdue, to recognize Rutherford B. Hayes ended Reconstruc- end of the war. Joseph Rainey and his accomplish- tion, which gave rise to violence Rainey returned to South Carolina ments. against . after the Civil War and served, as you He fought tirelessly for civil rights Though Rainey was reelected in 1876, heard, as a delegate to the 1868 South and education and opportunity. He he did not seek office again, making Carolina Constitutional Convention. fought for freedom for every working him the longest-serving African-Amer- He was elected to the State senate in American in this country. To be here ican Congressman during Reconstruc- 1870. Later that year, he was elected to today in Black History Month to recog- tion. Congress in a special election and was nize his legacy and his legend, he will Madam Speaker, this is a remarkable sworn into Congress on December 12, not be forgotten, and we ensure that story. I appreciate Mr. RICE, and Mr. 150 years ago, becoming the first Black today. CLYBURN, and the entire South Caro- to serve in the House of Representa- I hope that future generations of lina delegation for offering this legisla- tives. South Carolinians and Americans tion to name the Post Office located at He was the first of several African- across the country can be inspired by 1101 Charlotte Street in Georgetown as American Members of this body during his courageous leadership here in this the Joseph Hayne Rainey Memorial Reconstruction, when the 13th, 14th, House. I urge my colleagues to support Post Office Building. and 15th Amendments were enforced, this bill today. Ms. MACE. Madam Speaker, I have however imperfectly, by the power of Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- no further speakers and I am prepared the Federal Government. ance of my time. to close. I reserve the balance of my But Reconstruction was short-lived. Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I want time. and white supremacists to make sure that I mention my appre- GENERAL LEAVE dismantled multiracial democracy ciation to the gentleman from South Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I ask with voter suppression, nullifications, Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN) and the gen- unanimous consent that all Members and violent insurrection. Federal tleman from North Carolina (Mr. have 5 legislative days in which to re- troops were withdrawn from the South BUTTERFIELD) for the way they suc- vise and extend their remarks and to following widespread white suprema- cinctly captured a great swath of include extraneous material on H.R. cist violence during the 1876 election American history over the period of 264. and the subsequent election of Ruther- time that followed Lincoln’s signing of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ford B. Hayes as President. the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 objection to the request of the gen- Joseph Rainey spoke out against the all the way up to the beginning of the tleman from Maryland? removal of Federal protection of voting Black Codes and the failing of Recon- There was no objection. rights, but in 1878, he lost reelection to struction, an era that held great hope Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I yield former Confederate officer John for this country but did not come to such time as he may consume to the Smythe Richardson in a district that pass and really was not evidenced until gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. was, like South Carolina, majority many, many decades later, as Mr. CLY- CLYBURN), the distinguished whip of Black. BURN pointed out. the House of Representatives. Severe gerrymandering reduced the I am happy and honored to bring this number of Black South Carolinians in measure forward. I want to thank the b 1615 Congress to one in the 1890s. When gentlewoman from South Carolina for Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I George Washington Murray lost his bid all of her efforts and the gentleman rise today in support of H.R. 264, which for reelection in 1897, South Carolina’s from South Carolina (Mr. RICE) for will designate the post office located representation in Congress was again their work advancing this. on Charlotte Street in Georgetown, all White and remained all White for Madam Speaker, I strongly urge the South Carolina, as the Joseph Hayne the next 95 years. passage of H.R. 264. I yield back the Rainey Memorial Post Office Building. Segregation and Black disenfran- balance of my time. I am proud to join with the bill’s lead chisement were the law of the land The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sponsor, Congressman TOM RICE, and until the 1960s. But thanks to the Vot- question is on the motion offered by the other members of the South Caro- ing Rights Act of 1965 and its 1982 the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. lina congressional delegation in co- amendments, I was elected to this au- MFUME) that the House suspend the sponsoring this important legislation. gust body in 1992. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 264. This action builds on our efforts in Today, Congress is still grappling The question was taken; and (two- the last Congress to honor the life and with racial issues, voter suppression, thirds being in the affirmative) the legacy of Joseph Rainey by naming H– and, as we witnessed last month, do- rules were suspended and the bill was 150, the former House Committee on In- mestic terrorism. passed. dian Affairs room in the Capitol, in his It is fitting and proper that we are A motion to reconsider was laid on honor. taking this step as we are celebrating the table. These are just two of the long-over- Black History Month. I believe we f due actions needed to amplify the his- would do well to learn some of the les- torical significance of the first African sons of American history through Jo- JIM RAMSTAD POST OFFICE American to serve in the United States seph Rainey’s experiences, and I hope Mr. MFUME. Madam Speaker, I move House of Representatives. today’s action will help illuminate his to suspend the rules and pass the bill Congressman Rainey was a trail- story and cause us all to reflect on his (H.R. 772) to designate the facility of blazer whose story and place in history legacy. We must not allow the progress the United States Postal Service lo- have been overlooked. As a former his- we have made toward racial equity cated at 229 Minnetonka Avenue South

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Feb 24, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23FE7.007 H23FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE