Reginald Stevenson


The picture is from the Advetist Review ʹ November 08, 2001 and shows Pope John Paul II greeting his friend SDA Representative, Bert B. Beach.

I have found evidence of the Seventh-day Adventist church and the Roman Catholic Church joining hands as far back as 1926. I will be going through some of the history of these instances of our church joining hands with the RCC, which is a disgusting thing that should never have happened. First off I will give some history of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Many may say well why in the world have you chosen to do this? It is because we have allowed errors to come into our church and these errors must not only be met but they must be corrected.

TheSeventh-day Adventist Church had its roots in the Milleritemovement of the 1830s and 1840s, during the period of the Second Great Awakening, and was officially founded in 1863. Prominent figures in the early church included Hiram Edson, and his wife Ellen G. White, , and J. N. Andrews. Over the ensuing decades the church expanded from its original base in New England to become an international organization. Significant developments in the 20th century led to its recognition as a Christian denomination.The 19th century provided ideal conditions for the Second Great Awakening a revival movement in the United States. Religious diversity was paramount and many minority movements were formed. Some of these movements held beliefs that would later be adopted by the Seventh-day Adventists.

An interest in prophecy was kindled among some Protestants groups following the arrest of Pope Pius VI in 1798 by the FrenchGeneralLouis AlexandreBerthier. Forerunners of the Adventist movement believed that this event marked the end of the 1260 day prophecy from the Book of Daniel. Certain individuals began to look at the 2300 day prophecy found in Daniel 8:14. Hans Wood, an Irishlayman reached the same conclusions as Petri; however, due to a different commencement date his calculations pointed to 1880. Interest in prophecy also found its way into the Roman CatholicChurch when an exiled Jesuit priest by the name of Manuel de Lacunza published a manuscript calling for renewed interest in the Second Coming of Christ. His publication created a stirring but was later condemned by Pope Leo XII in 1824.

As a result of a pursuit for religious freedom, many revivalists had set foot in the United States, aiming to avoid persecution.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church formed out of the movement known today as the Millerites. In 1831, a Baptist convert, William Miller (until then a Deist), was asked by a Baptist to preach in their church and began to preach that the Second Advent of Jesus would occur somewhere between 1843 and 1844, based on his interpretation of Daniel 8:14. A following gathered around Miller that included many from the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian Connection churches. After a number of revisions, October 22 was considered the most probable date that the return would occur. By 1844, over 100,000 people were anticipating what Miller had dubbed as the "Blessed Hope". On October 22 many

of the believers were up late into the night watching, waiting for Christ to return and found themselves bitterly disappointed when both sunset and midnight passed with their expectations unfulfilled. This event later became known as the .

In 1888 there was a missed opportunity in the Adventist church that should have utterly changed the church and should have sent it into a major growth spurt that many people would refer to as the latter rain. What should have happened in 1888 with A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner and their message of righteousness by faith and religious liberty was that we should have followed through and moved forward but the message was rejected by the church. (Wikipedia) During the years that followed the church decided on a hierarchical church government structure that closely matches the papal system. Ellen White even warns of something even worse happening to our church;

͞A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced.͟ (White E. G.)The problem here is that a new organization is coming into the church and it is a very dangerous organization. Ellen White goes on to say that;

͞The Sabbath (Saturday) of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement.͟(White E. G.)

If we are truly joining hands with the Roman Catholic Church then it will not be long until someone in the SDA church outright says that we no longer have to worship on Saturday. As far as I am concerned something like that should never happen but in many ways I am sure that it will happen very soon.

In 1910 at the world missionary conference the start of the Protestant Christian ecumenical movement commenced.(Wikipedia) We as Adventist͛s were a part of this unholy meeting and still are. (Falvo) Why did we even join hands with the ecumenical movement? We have tied ourselves to a unholy thing.

In the Bibleis a verse that warns us that we will corrupt ourselves;

͞ For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; ͞ Deuteronomy 31:29

In 1922 we as Adventist͛s accepted worldly accreditation for our hospitals. In 1926 we changed our policy to say this;

"recognizes those agencies that lift up Christ before men as a part of the divine plan for evangelization of the world͙͟(General Conference working policy # 75)

In 1929 we accepted worldly accreditation for our educational system which put us into the same lineasCatholics. Should we be accredited by the state and swallow the hard pill that they state forces us to take by teaching mainly what the state wants us to teach? Should we sell ourselves short when it comes to teaching the Bible in our schools when the state comes in and says that we can no longer teach what we have been teaching from the Bible? Will we allow this to happen?

In 1949 the World Council of Churches was formed and one of the members is the Adventist church. This is not the case according to the following webpage.

http://www.oikoumene.org/en/member-churches/global-bodies-and-mission- communions/wcc.html#c23067

In 1955 and 1956 two non-SDA leaders helped to trade away two vital doctrines of the Adventist doctrine to be accepted by the fallen Babylonian churches, they were Walter Martin and DonaldBarnhouse. Martin was the director of cult apologetics for Zondervan and Donald Barnhousewas the editor of Eternity magazine and pastor of the great evangelical church, Tenth Presbyterian Church. Basically what happened is that got sold down the river to the evangelicals. (Weitz) The two doctrines that got traded away was our belief that Jesus came in our sinful flesh and the second was that we agreed that Christ͛s work in the Most Holy Place was not vital for our salvation; instead it was all done at the cross. This was wrong of the Adventist church to do this just to please some external group. Ellen White prophesied that this would happen years ago.

͞The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church would be discarded. Our religion would be changed.͟ (White E. , Selected Messages volume 1 page 204)

In Jude verse 3 it says;

͞Beloved,͙ Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints͟

So why are we as Adventists allowing this to happen, why are we not out there contending for our faith? Why are we allowing those in leadership at the Conference level to trample all over our beliefs and to change them to be more like the Roman Catholic Church?In 1957 someone did stand up and sent out letters to the churches to warn Adventists of what is occurring right before our eyes, that person was M.L. Andreasen(Wikipedia)As far back as 1937 Andreasen presented the package that took the implications of the Adventist faith to what he perceived to be their logical conclusion. His dispute with the church was over the theology of the atonement and humanity of Christ that was expressed in the 1957 book (QOD). Andreasen argued that the book established a sinister change in Seventh-day Adventist theology. In his book, The Sanctuary Service, Andreasen had pulled this all together in the closing chapter, The Final Generation. Andreasen urged that QOD not be published, and argued extensively with church leaders to correct the ideas they eventually placed into print.

Eventually QOD was published and Andreasen went public in identifying what he saw as problematic aspects of the book.

The church revoked his ministerial credentials in 1961, but reinstated him posthumously in 1962.

Many "historic Adventists" and advocates of Last Generation Theology regard Andreasen as a significant figure in their theological heritage.

In the years 1962 to 1964 there was a meeting called the Vatican 2 council. One of our church members was an observer and that was Arthur S. Maxwell the beloved author of the ͞Bedtime Stories͟.(Wikipedia.com) On his return from these meeting͛s he called for the scrapping of the old evangelistic sermons on the Papacy and pushed for a completely new approach. Also at these meetings was B.B. Beach who became good friends with Lukas Vischer, the key WCC observer. The two of them, Beach and Vischer set up the first meetings between WCC and SDAs which took place from 1969 to 1973. In 1965 Beach became the unofficial representative to the WCC and many other ecumenical bodies. After years of meeting together near Geneva Beach and the WCC wrote a book called ͞So Much in Common͟. Nowhere in this book could you find our three angels message. Ellen White had predicted that something like this would happen;

͞There has been for years, in churches of the Protestant faith, a strong and growing sentiment in favor of a union based upon common points of doctrine.͟(White E. , Great Controversy page 444)She also calls what is happening in the church, ͞A state of religious declension (decline) similar to that in the first centuries.͟ (White E. , Great Controversy page 444)

In 1968 the SDA church became a member of the key Faith and Order Commission of the WCC just like the Roman Catholic Church. This group is not a direct member of the WCC.

Sometime in the 1960͛s our Book and Bible Houses became purveyors of books sold by popular apostate Protestant authors. This should never have happened; it sends a mixed message to those that buy books from our stores, a mixed message that we are supporters of the Protestant belief system. It also becomes a support in like kind because some of the money from the sale of those books ends up back in Protestant hands.

In 1976 one of our church Presidents had this to say;

͞Although it is true that ͙the Seventh-day Adventist Church ͙took a distinctly anti-Roman Catholic viewpoint ͙that attitude on the Church͛s part was nothing more than a manifestation of widespread anti-popery among conservative protestant denominations͙and which has now been assigned to the historical trash heap so far as the SDA Church is concerned.͟ (calltorepent.com)

In 1977 B.B Beach gave a gold medal to the pope and on this medal you can find the words of the 4th commandment not written in what the Bible says but written just like they are in the Catholic cathecism.(calltorepent.com) Why in the world would we even do something like this? Giving gifts to the

Pope is the same as saying that we accept him for who he says he is and that we care about him and what he has to say!

In 1979 our Ministry magazine went ecumenical by starting to send out the magazine to 37,000 non SDA clergy while only sending 16,000 to SDA ministers. The magazine had this to say about what they were doing;

͞The Ministerial Association is dedicated to stimulating supportive dialogue among denominations.͟("Go ye out to meet him" powerpoint slide 96)

In 1980 we as a corporate SDA church officially incorporated into the 27 statements of belief the worship of the Catholic concept of the Trinity. An evidence of this comes from the 2006 Sabbath School Quarterly where it says;

͞TheTriune God.͟

͚There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons.͛ ͞In other words, AdventistsͶalong with millions of other ChristiansͶbelieve in the triune nature of God; that is, there is one God who exists as three Persons.͟

͞What analogiesͶsuch as ͙a three-pronged forkͶcan help someone understand the idea of how one God can be composed of three equal Persons?͟

In doing this we have removed God and have placed our dependence oh human power which without God is utterly worthless. Also in 1980 we made these statements in our 27 fundamental beliefs;

12. The Church: defined as ͞all communities that confess Jesus.͟

13. The Remnant Church: defined as part of ͞the universal church.

14. Unity in the Body of Christ, the ͞church,͟ is based on the belief in the Trinity.

What is the main way that you can join the WCC, well you have to do away with your belief system and admit that there is a Trinity. We have done this exact thing, sad I think.

Nowhere in the 27 Fundamental Beliefs will you find a definition of the second angel͛s message and you will also find no identification of Babylon, her fall, and God͛s call to come out of her. Ellen White prophesied this;

͞The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error.͟(White E. , 1 Selected Messages page 204)

In the year 1981 the Seventh-day Adventist church trademarked its name and they did this using a Catholic lawyer. (sdrvoice.org) We should never have trademarked our name, are we a business now that we have the right to do this. The money that comes into the church belongs to God not to us. We should never have done this evil thing, it only made us all the more worldly.

The corporate church went so far as to threaten non-SDA-sponsored church͛s with a commercial lawsuit for using the spiritual name that identifies them as standing on the firm platform of truth, the three angel͛s message. These churches were forced to remove the title SDA from their signs, from their books and were also forced to turn over all papers that had the name SDA on them.

In 1982 SDA͛s signed the BEM document by the power of one person, Dr. Raoul Dederen. (calltorepent.com) The Baptism, Eucharist, andMinistry document is called ͞A vital stepof the ecumenical process.͟

In 1984 then General Conference President Neil Wilson disfellowshipped 1339 Hungarian SDA͛s for protesting the ecumenical involvement of the SDA church in Hungary.

In 1986 wrote a book called ͞What I like about the Lutherans, the Baptists, the Methodists, the Charismatics, the Catholics , the Adventists. Preservers of Neglected Truth͟ Are all of these church groups truly preservers on neglected truth or is it just one of these groups that is a preserver? When we as Adventists lop ourselves right in amongst other groups like this we are making a mistake that should never have been made.

In 1990 B.B. Beach introduces Joan Campbell at the Indianapolis General Conference by saying;

͞I bring you the warmest of greetings from the World Council of Churches. ͙So as fellow Christians, like those Pentecost people in the earliest of days, we look at one another and WE SAY THAT WE HOLD ALL THINGS IN COMMON.͟

Also at this meeting was someone by the name of A. Lee who said this;

͞ ͙I pray God͛s richest blessings on this great conference, for TRULY IT IS GOOD AND PLEASANT TO DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY.͟

B.B. Beach later on indroduced T.J. Murphy;

͞as an observer and official guest representing the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He is here to give greetings on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church.͟ Strangely enough this comment got applause.

T.J. Murphy proceeded to say;

͞I convey to you the greetings and prayerful best wishes from the ͙Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and from the archbishop of Indianapolis, promising and assuring

you that PRAYERS ARE BEING OFFERED WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY FOR THE BLESSED SUCCESS OF THIS GENERAL CONFERENCE. ͙For it is the desire of the Savior Himself that His disciplesMIGHT ALL BE ONE so that the world may believe.

On May 2, 1991 in the , Roy Adams, Editor, declared this;

͞The WCC's... accentuation of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist fits into the ambit of the three angels' messages."I wonder how in the world he figured that one out. How in the world can the Eucharist fit into the ambit of the three angels message, I really do not see how when the Eucharist is a satanic ritual that the Catholic Church has expanded on and made even worse. The church goes so far as to say , ͞the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained." (italics in original, CCC, p. 346, #1374) How in the world can the body of Christ be contained in a small piece of bread, is that what Jesus meant when He said ͞do this in remembrance of me͟ I personally think not, because in Catholic churches it is the Eucharist that seems to get the praise and not Jesus.

In 1995 we changed our logo and totally removed all association with the depiction of the three angel͛s message. Also at the meeting of the General Conference for the year 1995 the Vatican flag was marched into the area signifying that some member is from the Vatican. Who is it? Or are we a fraternal church in the new order?

One of our leaders Samuel Bacchiochi graduated from the same Gregorian University that the current pope taught at. There seems to be some major disagreement on whether or not this is the truth though.

In 1996 the Porter SDA hospital merged with the Catholic hospital in Denver Colorado.

In 1997 Bert B. Beach representing the SDA church meets with ten other churches at WCC, to make agreement for all churches to celebrate Easter on a specific Sunday. "The churches need to address ͙the recovery of the meaning of Sunday.͟(World Council of Churches)

During the years 1994 to 1998 we started a dialogue with the Lutheran church. Representing the SDA church was Bert Beach (co-chair of themeetings), Neils-Erik Andreasen, John Graz, Johan Heinz, WilliamJohnsson, Pardon Mwansa, AulikkiNabkola, Jan Paulsen, JonathanPauline, George Reid, Angel Rodriguez, and William Shea.Colin Standish had this to say about these meetings;

͞Faithful SDA͛s were alarmed by the dialogue with the World Lutheran Federation when it became known that the same WLF was dialoguing with the Vatican on precisely the same topic of justification by faith.͟

In 1998 we reached an agreement with the Lutheran Church System that Obedience to the Law of God was not necessary for salvation. In 1999 the Lutherans signed an agreement with the Papacy on Justification by faith. Agreement had already been made on the Trinity.

In 1999 Gunnar Stålsett, who is General Sec. of the Lutheran World Federation is also president of the SDA International Religious Liberty Association.

In 1999 the President of Walla Walla College had this to say in court;

LAWYER͛s Question about Walla Walla͛s purpose:

Does the word ͚church͛s͛ in the phrase ͚church͛s unique mission to the world͛ mean and refer to the SDA Church?

DR. WILLIAM NELSON: Not exclusively.

Q. So it means churches generally?

A. Yes. The Christian Church.

In 1999 the SDA church welcomes the pope to St. Louis. Pastor B.T. Rice said this;

͞The ecumenical community has accepted the invitation to come together this evening with your holiness.͟ Pastor Rice went so far as to pray with the pope!

In 1999 there was an agreement between the Polish SDA and the Catholic church that said this;

͞The SDA Church ͙in its teaching and service, cultivates the most important principles of Catholic faith, especially the belief in the Blessed Trinity.͟ ͞We would like to thank the Superior Authorities of both Churches͙. We are also especially grateful to the Only One God in the Blessed Trinity for the privilege of a brotherly dialogue and common Christian prayer for the gift of unity in Christ.͟

In 2000 the General Conference B.B. Beach introduced JohnRadano, a member of the Pontifical Council For Promoting Christian Unity.

͞An old friend with whom we͛ve been in contact for many years, who attended the session in Utrecht five years ago, representing the Roman Catholic Church"(General Conference bulletin #8)

In the year 2000 at the Baptist World Congress the BWA president welcomed the Congress by saying this;

͙͞As ecumenical observers from the Anglican, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, and other churches look on. ͞

Baptist Church News.

In 2002 we as a corporate body began dialogues with Rome that included topics such as the structural organization of the Adventist Church, and issues such as evangelism, proselytism, and religious freedom.Also in 2002 the pope invited close friends to Assisi and this included Protestant bodies will be represented by Konrad Kaiser, the secretary-general of the WCC; Anglican Bishop Richard Garrard of Rome; SetriNyomi of the WARC; Cecil Robeck of the Pentecostal church; ͙and Bert Beach of the Seventh-Day Adventists. Representatives of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and traditional African faiths will also come. All of these people boarded a specially chartered train that left Rome for Assisi on the morning of January 24. Ellen White foresaw something like this happening years ago;

͞A train of cars was shown me, going with the speed of lightning. The angel bade me look carefully. I fixed my eyes upon the train. It seemed that the whole world was on board, that there could not be one left.͞ (White E. , Early Writings 88,89)

In 2003 former SDA President Jan Paulsen brought goodwill messages to the Lutheran World Fellowship Assembly and affirmed the SDA commitment to ecumenical cooperation.

In 2004 the SDA church started a dialogue with the Salvation Army.After 25 years of informal contacts, the SDA Church system and The Salvation Army system have a theological dialogue.

͞We felt very comfortable with each other from the start, as part of the same extended family.͟ John Graz

After two meetings a third one was proposed in 2007 and the Salvation Army News had this to say;

͞Possible topic could be ͙the place of their individual churches within the universal Church.͟

At the 2005 St. Louis General Conference religious leaders praised Adventist values by saying this;

"I am thankful for the values we share together.͟ Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis.

Also in 2005 the church came out with new baptismal vows and number 2 of these vows says this;

͞Do you accept the teachings of the Bible as expressed in the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and do you pledge by God's grace to live your life in harmony with these teachings? ͞ Agreeing to this totally takes away the power of God and puts more power into the hands of man!

Jan Paulsen said this;

͞I cannot imagine that a man in Asia, or a farmer in Africa will care one iota whether Christ had the nature of man before the fall or after the fall.͟

Autumn Council.

In November 2007 the global Christian forum met and the SDA͛s said this about the meeting.

SDA͛s ͞discussed how best to promote dialogue and cooperation on issues of Christian unity and common witness to the world.͟ John Graz and William Johnsson were two SDA leaders who were in attendance.

2010 marks the centennial of the Edinburgh conference. From 2-6 June 2010, a commonly owned celebration and conference took place in Edinburgh. WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism decided to be fully involved in this common experience of ͞wider ecumenism͟. Our own Jon Dybdahl was part of the planning process for this meeting. The conference organizers had this to say about their plans;

͞The memory of the 1910 Conference brings people together and opens up new perspectives on mission today with the following intended outcomes: Networks will be mobilized and alliances formed so as to develop greater strategic collaboration and greater synergy in fulfilling the mission mandate.͟


In 1 Peter 4:17 it says this;

͞For the time is come that judgment must begin at the houseofGod. ͞

I think that we have reached that time and in many ways we are long past that time. Judgment must begin within our church and a true reformation must begin in each person͛s home, put away our books of entertainment, put away all symbols of evil, put away everything that distracts from God and begin to study the Bible and Ellen White. Dig deep into the truth and become a people of the book yet again.

In the Great Controversy on page 608 Ellen White͛s inspired pen says this;

͞As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel's message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side.Men of talent and pleasing address, who once

rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren.͟

May we never be part of that group!

Ellen white in a 1904 vision said this;

"Where are the watchmen that ought to be standing on the walls of Zion? Are they asleep?͟ (White E. , Selected Messages volume 1 page 204)? She also has this to say;

"There is as great difference in our faith and that of nominal professors as the heavens are higher than the earth.͟(White E. , Spiritual Gifts Vol 2 page 300)

In the Review and Herald on May 15, 1958, Raymond Cottrell had this to say;

"Were Seventh-day Adventists to yield their distinctive teachings in order to win and wear the robe of theological respectability, they would doubtless be accepted by other Christian bodies,but in so doing they would be traitor to the truths that have made them a people... They would no longer be Seventh-day Adventists."

Where are our watchmen? Why are they not standing on the walls proclaiming the truth and defending the truth? Why are we still sitting in our comfortable pews doing nothing allowing the pastors and leaders of the truth to spoon-feed us lies? This has to stop, we must rise up and fight against this injustice in the church, we need to get back to being a people of the book as we were once called years ago and not a people of what our leaders want us to think and believe. What are you going to do to change this this coming week?I would encourage each one of us to live by Romans 12:1;

͞I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

May God richly bless each of us as we go out to meet God!

Bibliography (n.d.). General Conference bulletin #8.

"Go ye out to meet him" powerpoint slide 96. (n.d.). calltorepent.com.

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Falvo, L. (n.d.). Adventist News. Retrieved from http://www.adventistreview.org/article.php?id=3394

General Conference working policy # 75. (n.d.).

sdrvoice.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sdrvoice.org/sda1.htm

Weitz, R. (n.d.). life assurance ministries . Retrieved from http://www.lifeassuranceministries.com/pdf%20files/martin.pdf

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White, E. (n.d.). Early Writings 88,89.

White, E. G. (n.d.). Selected Messages book 1 page 204.

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White, E. (n.d.). Selected Messages volume 1 page 204.

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