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Interns and Supervisors View Each Other Letters

According to readers, an article on the church©s attitude toward social concerns "ducks the issue" and perpetuates indifference. The June editorial, "What©s Wrong With Being a Pastor?" keeps drawing comment.

Overcoming Indifference attack on the sellers in the Temple. or a conference official with a secretary and Although I wish to express strong Subsequently, when student protests excellent office equipment that is being disagreement with Enoch Oliveira's article heated up around the United States, I paid for by the church we pastor. We "Reform or Redemption: Must the Church fished into my pack for this quick illustra pastors have to find a lady in our church Choose?" (September, 1982), let me first tion during a heated argument with an who isn't working full time and train her to note my appreciation for several points he elderly person disgruntled with student give us part-time, usually volunteer help. makes: the claim that the worship of God activism. He assured me that ' action Yet we are expected to encompass every leads to action for others; the claim that in the Temple had nothing to do with part of the church program without any the only sure path for the church is to active protest. complaints of our own. follow Christ; the claim that the church You continue on the beam, and are When a church has problems with its must by precept and example summon highly appreciated here. Hang on; it's a pastor, the standard solution for many humanity to reject egoism and embrace good work you do-—Carl F. Welser, leaders is to move the pastor. His replace brotherly love; the criticism of revolu Lutheran Church, Michigan. ment is supposed to have all the answers. tionary violence. Unfortunately, the problem usually But why leave the impression, as the Saviour and Advocate remains, and the next pastor soon moves as author does, that the gospel is not about 's article "What Jesus well. Thus pastors are downgraded; they social transformation? Should we not read Said About a Pre-Advent Judgment" suffer severe financial loss, and their again the record of Jesus' sermon at (September, 1982) hits the nail on the families undergo extreme trauma. The Nazareth? And why say that Jesus did not head! We need to present the doctrines of problems are not solved, and fair-minded subvert the authority and position of the judgment and the cleansing of the sanctu church members know it. Critical mem powerful and rich? Should we not read ary as he has done. Jesus Christ is not only bers are encouraged to try to oust the pastor again His words concerning Caesar and our Saviour who died for us, He is also our again when their path is crossed. Surely, if Herod and the Jewish religious elite? And Advocate and Lawyer who lives and pastors and their families feel secure and why call the hope that the present world intercedes for us in heaven today.— happy because they are being fairly treated, order may be transformed an illusion? Harold E. Voorhees, South Lancaster, they will tend to love the church and do Should we not read again the many New Massachusetts. just that much more for it. The devil is Testament affirmations that the resurrec directing his attacks in a special way upon tion breaks the devil's power? And why, in Fair treatment pastors because he knows that is the best listing legitimate moral concerns of the I very much appreciated the article way to tear up the church.—Name With church should he mention gambling and "What's Wrong With Being a Pastor?" pornography, but not oppression and (June, 1982). In more than thirty years in held______injustice? The university student men the pastorate, I have heard numerous Enough negativism tioned in the editorial introduction to the references in workers' meetings to the Having been a pastor and evangelist for article is bothered by our indifference to importance of the pastor. But inconsisten a number of years, I too could write an despotism, tyranny, and social injustice. It cies between such statements and practice article—or a book—on church problems is doubtful whether this article gives the do exist. Your comments are the first I have (see "Things My Pastor Never Told Me," student much assurance that we will soon seen in print to cover the specifics of the August, 1982). But the extreme negativ overcome our indifference.—Charles problem so well. ism of this article turns me off. The Scriven, Walla Walla, Washington. Some conference presidents try to take inference is that if the writer had known the role of the local pastor, it seems to me. the things he refers to he may not have Ducking the question One has openly invited church members to joined the church. Perhaps he is only being I am among your host of readers who do come directly to him with criticisms of honest. But I believe he could have not agree with everything you say, but their pastor without necessarily saying accomplished his purpose without putting consider your magazine "must reading" for anything to the pastor himself. Even it into a form suitable for reprinting by its frequently provocative thinking. The worldly businesses don't normally follow those who would attempt to dissuade article by Mr. Olive ira requires some such a practice. Shouldn't the church be interested folks from joining the church. comment. With all due respect for his even more fair? If a man is to pastor a We already have enough of these.—Bob administrative position, I think he suc church effectively, he must have genuine DuBose, Orlando, Florida. ceeded admirably only in ducking the support from his superiors. The president student's question. Perhaps I would have who tries to do the pastor's job should Our purpose for printing the article, of done the same. become a pastor. Then he can handle all course, was not to provide reasons for anyone In the late 1960s, as the situation in the problems he wants. not to unite with the church. We wanted to Southeast Asia was heating up, I adopted a One of the complaints against hard point out the importance of thorough instruc position of peaceful nonintervention. A working, enterprising pastors that confer tion before baptism. Abo, the fact that the couple of local John Birch Society mem ence leaders and committees seem to take author©s church provided him enough love to bers—one a member of my congregation seriously is "He's not well organized." weather the storms he found himself for a time—assured me that Jesus could be Usually the complaint comes from a experiencing was, we thought, most posi violent when He had to be. Witness His well-paid professional person in the church tive. Editors. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 EDITOR——————————————————————— J. Robert Spangler EXECUTIVE EDITOR B. Russell Holt ASSOCIATE EDITORS Warren H. Johns Shirley Welch EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE AND FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: A Magazine for Clergy/December 1982/Volume 55/Number 12 Rex D. Edwards CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Robert H. Brown P. Gerard Damsteegt Raoul Dederen Preaching the Whole Gospel/4. Human nature makes it easy Lawrence T. Geraty for us to mistake a portion of God's plan of salvation for the Roland R. Hegstad Arnold Kurtz whole. Norval F. Pease calls for the preaching of a balanced Leo R. Van Dolson gospel. CONSULTING EDITORS: R. A. Anderson Keeping the Pastor Number One/7. K. H. Mead. Here are C. E. Bradford suggestions for maintaining your pastoral role as the most Mervyn Hardinge, M.D. Richard Lesher important calling in God's church. Enoch Oliveira N. C. Wilson Interns and Supervisors View Each Other/8. Roger L. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Dudley, Des Cummings, Jr., Kirn White. A recent study Floyd Bresee COVER: DAVID SHERWIN indicates broad agreement on the purpose and benefits of the Donald Crane Paul Smith internship program. But the view of what is actually happening W. B. Quigley varies between interns and supervising pastors. EDITORIAL SECRETARY: Dorothy Montgomery Reaching a City for Christ/10. John J. Carter. The Sydney ART DIRECTOR: Opera House is not the typical evangelistic setting, but then, Byron Steele extraordinary and innovative methods must be used to reach DESIGN AND LAYOUT: today's modern cities. Helcio Deslandes CIRCULATION MANAGER: History Confirms the Divine Call/12. In this second install Robert Smith ment of The Called Church, George W. Reid points out that ASSOCIATE CIRCULATION MANAGER: the early leaders of our church were not conscious of how Tom Kapusta clearly this movement matched the prophetic specifications INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS: until the pattern was well in place. Africa-Indian Ocean, N. C. (Ted) Wilson Speak Ye Comfortably to Jerusalem/14. Roy Allan Ander Australasia, A. N. Duffy Eastern Africa, Harry A. Cartwright son. Euro-Africa, Johannes Mager Far East, James H. Zachary Prayer: The Greatest Evangelistic Agency/17. George E. Inter-America, Carlos Aeschlimann Knowles. North America, William C. Scales, Jr., Samuel Meyers Northern Europe, David E. Lawson Rome: An Early Persecutor of the Church?/18. Samuele South America, Daniel Belvedere R. Bacchiocchi. A new look at the evidence gives the picture Southern Asia, John Wilmott of the Roman authorities' providing an environment of toler Trans-Africa, D. W. B. Chalale ance in which the early church could gain strength and expand. MINISTRY (ISSN 0026-5314), the international journal of the Handbills That Perform/21. B. Russell Holt and Tom Hall. Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association © 1982, is published monthly by the No New Thing/24. B. Russell Holt. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by the Review Women Meet in Manila/26. Miriam Wood. and Herald Publishing Association, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. Subscription price, US$16.95 a year; single copy price, US$1.50. For each subscription going to a foreign country or Canada, add US$3.45 postage. Prices subject to change without notice. MINISTRY is a member of the Associated Church Press and is indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Editorial Office: 6840 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012. Shop Talk/23 1982 Index/28 Unsolicited manuscripts will be returned only if accompanied by a From the Editor/24 Recommended Reading/32 stamped self-addressed envelope—— Shepherdess/26 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 3 NorvalF. Pease ^=^^==== We often forget that the word save means "to keep, " as well as "to rescue." The gospel is the good news about the grace of God in both its rescuing and keeping forms, for God is both Rescuer and Keeper. Preaching the whole gospel

preacher must not only understand address to the elders of the church at "For the Son of man is come to save that the gospel himself; he must also know how Ephesus, Paul said, "For I have not which was lost" (chap. 18:11); "Christ to preach the gospel so his hearers will shunned to declare unto you all the Jesus came into the world to save sinners; understand it. counsel of God" (Acts 20:27). Have we, as of whom I am chief (1 Tim. 1:15); "Not This is true for several reasons. First, as preachers of the gospel, been equally by works of righteousness which we have ministers, we are in danger of taking it for thorough in explaining the doctrine of done, but according to his mercy he saved granted that our members know Christ as a salvation to our congregations? us, by the washing of regeneration, and personal Saviour. Second, we may fail to No two ministers will present these renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Titus 3:5); communicate the good news because we truths in exactly the same way. Some will "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and understand it in theological terms that are begin with human needs and present the thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (Acts incomprehensible to our hearers. Third, gospel as the answer to these needs. Some 16:31); "For by grace ye are saved through we may be adept at preaching some will preach the gospel by exposition, faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the particular facet of the gospel, but fail to basing their sermons on portions of Scrip gift of God" (Eph. 2:8). "It pleased God by preach the whok gospel. ture wlfere the way of salvation is the foolishness of preaching to save them The doctrine of salvation falls naturally explained. There is room for variety and that believe" (1 Cor. 1:21). Either directly into five related themes: (1) the grace of originality. We can never exhaust the or indirectly, the science of salvation God; (2) faith, the response of man to that subject. The important consideration is needs to be the burden of every sermon we grace; (3) justification: (4) sanctification: that all facets of the doctrine of salvation preach. Many people are sadly ignorant (5) glorification. Under each of these are should receive appropriate coverage—not regarding God's plan to save man; they various subheadings and alternate descrip just one or two. need instruction upon this all'important tions, but each aspect of salvation seems to We need to preach on this greatest of all subject. Let's use the expressions "salva- fit into one or another of these five Biblical themes—salvation through Jesus tion by grace" and "salvation by faith." categories. Christ our Lord. Let's not allow current The words grace, save, and faith are the The grace of God is not the whole discussions and even controversy over the minister's basic tools in telling the good gospel. Neither is faith, justification, relationship of different aspects of salva news. sanctification, or glorification. Any of tion to each other to discourage us from The word save has two meanings. The these great truths, taken out of the setting opening before our people the soul-stirring first is "rescue." We speak of "saving" of the entire doctrine of salvation, can truths of God's plan for saving man. The people from drowning or burning. The produce a distorted concept of the good more we study it, the more we become second is "keeping." We speak of "saving" news. On the other hand, the preaching of aware of its profundity, the more humble money in a bank account. Likewise, when a complete gospel tends to reduce the we become. As Paul explained to the the Bible describes God's saving activity, it possibility of distortion and misunder Roman Christians in concluding the part pictures Him as the great "Rescuer" and standing. of his Epistle dealing with the doctrine of the great "Keeper." He rescues the sinner, The preacher cannot afford the luxury of salvation: "O the depth of the riches both but He does not then abandon to his own becoming a "specialist" on grace, faith, of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how devices the one whom He has rescued. justification, sanctification, glorification, unsearchable are his judgments, and his "Now unto him that is able to keep you or on any variation or subdivision of these ways past finding out" (Rom. 11:33). from falling, and to present you faultless themes. He must see each of these great Let's not be afraid of the word saved. before the presence of his glory with truths as part of the good news. In his Salvation is a Biblical term. The basic exceeding joy, the only wise God our message of the Bible is "Jesus saves." Note Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion Norval F. Pease, Ph.D., taught in the again some of the familiar texts: "Thou and power, both now and ever. Amen" Religion Department at Loma Linda Uni shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save (Jude 24, 25). Our challenge is '"to versity before his retirement. his people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21); declare the Good News about the grace of 4 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 God'" (Acts 20:24, T.E.V.)* in both its acceptance, trust, commitment. Redhead chose to treat him as though he had never rescuing and keeping forms. says that faith is a "total response of the sinned. And this amazing grace is available This divine grace was manifested whole self to the will of God. It is the because of One who actually never sinned. through Jesus Christ. "Grace and truth response of the mind in belief, the heart in The following comment enriches our came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17). "But we trust, the will in conduct. It is to accept the understanding of this experience: "Not believe that through the grace of the Lord fact that God goes all out for us, and then just any sinner is justified; only the sinner Jesus Christ we shall be saved" (Acts to be willing to go all out for Him."1 who accepts and responds by exercising 15:11). "For if through the offence of one Grace is God's hand reaching down to faith can claim justification. In doing this many be dead, much more the grace of man; faith is man's hand reaching up to he turns his back on his evil past and opens God, and the gift by grace, which is by one God. When God's hand grasps man's his life to the leading of the Spirit. By this man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto uplifted one, then and then only can the act of faith, of self-committal and self- many" (Rom. 5:15). The grace of Christ is "rescue" that we call salvation take place. abandonment, he is changed thoroughly. our only hope of salvation. And God will never release His hold on He is a new man in Christ Jesus. He is not The gospel story is a revelation of our hand unless we jerk away. He respects righteous in the sense that he has matured undeserved love. Jesus' love radiated from our will. He waits for our uplifted hand, into a righteous person . . .; but he is every act of His life, from every word that and He leads us only as long as we are righteous in the sense that his whole He spoke. His grace shone from the cross willing to be led. attitude, his whole mind and will, have and characterized His postresurrection Justification is God's gracious act of moved away from self as the center of his appearances. His grace continues to shine accepting sinners, who respond to His attention to God."3 from heaven to earth as He applies the grace in faith, as if they had never sinned. The experience of justification is some benefits of the atonement. And His second "He rescued us from the power of darkness times spoken of as righteousness that is coming will be the final, climactic expres and brought us safe into the kingdom of his "imputed." This is righteousness—or sion of His saving grace. dear Son, by whom we are set free, that is, "rightness," as the word really means— God's grace was also manifested through our sins are forgiven" (Col. 1:13, 14, that we don't deserve. It is credited to us as the gift of the Holy Spirit. "Because the T.E.V.). This is one of Paul's descriptions a gift. This transaction involves forgive love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by of justification. You can find many more ness for past sins and present acceptance as the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" references to this great miracle throughout if we were not sinners. Of all truths that we (verse 5). Scripture. Never should we let our people are commissioned to preach, this is the We must not forget that the grace by forget that justification through faith in most exciting, the most dramatic. This is which we are saved represents the unde Christ is the key to salvation. salvation at its most thrilling level! Here is served love of the entire Godhead. This is "When God pardons the sinner, remits the point at which God's rescue mission made clear in Paul's letter to Titus, which the punishment he deserves, and treats becomes breathtaking. It was because of contains some of the finest preaching him as though he had not sinned, He this miracle that a persecutor named Saul material in the Bible on the doctrine of receives him into divine favor, and justifies became a forgiven, transformed Christian salvation: "But after that the kindness and him through the merits of Christ's right in one short moment. Here is the key to love of God our Saviour toward man eousness. The sinner can be justified only success in —not merely per appeared, not by works of righteousness through faith in the atonement made suading people to go to church on Sabbath which we have done, but according to his through God's dear Son, who became a and give up their bad habits, but introduc mercy he saved us, by the washing of sacrifice for the sin of the guilty world. No ing people to a Saviour who can transform regeneration, and renewing of the Holy one can be justified by any works of his them from sinners to saints! Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly own. He can be delivered from the guilt of This experience of righteousness freely through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that sin, from condemnation of the law, from given, or imputed, to us is the basis of the being justified by his grace, we should be the penalty of transgression, only by virtue expression "righteousness by faith," which made heirs according to the hope of eternal of the suffering, death, and of has become common usage. It is a Biblical life" (chap. 3:4-7). Christ. Faith is the only condition upon term, for Paul speaks of "the righteousness The grace of God accomplishes two which justification can be obtained, and . . . which is by faith" (Rom. 3:22). But it things. First, it makes provision for our faith includes not only belief but trust. "2 describes only one part of the process of salvation. This provision included the Notice the specific points in this state salvation. "Salvation by faith" is the better cross as the supreme manifestation of ment: (1) justification involves pardon, term to describe salvation as a whole. God's love. Second, God's grace calls each remission of punishment, treating the Salvation is an act of God. Righteous person to accept the provision He has sinner as if he had never sinned; (2) ness—both imputed and imparted—is one made. "Whom he did predestinate, them justification is made possible through the of the results of that act. So if we are he also called" (Rom. 8:30). God "predes merits of Christ's righteousness; (3) justi referring to God's saving act, let's call it tined" that all who should accept Christ in fication requires faith in Christ; (4) justifi salvation. If we are referring to the new faith as their Saviour would be saved. cation is not possible through works. character—imputed or imparted—let's Then he "called" sinners to accept this Why is this divine act of justification so call it righteousness. Often we use these provision. What more could He do? important? Simply because there is no other terms loosely without clearly under Faith is part of the human response to way of salvation! Every person who enters standing their real meaning. God's gracious provision and call. Luther the kingdom will be there because God Jesus also referred to the experience of insisted that salvation was "by faith alone." And he was correct that faith, not human merit or works, is the only claim the sinner has on divine grace. But he would have been equally correct to say that Grace is God's hand reaching down to man; salvation is "by grace alone," for without divine grace, there would be no object for faith is man's hand reaching up to God. When our faith to grasp. "By grace [God's] are ye saved through faith [man's]" (Eph.2:8). God's hand grasps man's uplifted one, We must never forget that according to then and then only can the rescue that we call the Scripture, faith is part of a triumvirate including love and hope. Faith involves salvation take place. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 becoming a Christian as the "new birth." important, justification or sanctification, hushed, and there is a period of awful He made it clear that being born again is are really asking the wrong question. They silence. Finally the tension is broken by not remodeling, recycling, reconstructing, are like asking Which is the more impor the voice of God saying, "My grace is reshaping, or renovating. "If any man be in tant, birth or life? becoming a Christian or sufficient for you." Even on the threshold Christ, he is a new creature" (2 Cor. 5:17). being a Christian? the righteousness of the eternal kingdom, salvation is by Being born again is re-creation by the placed to our credit that saves us, or the grace—unmerited favor. Not one of the power and the grace of God. righteousness imparted to us that keeps us redeemed "deserves" eternal life. No one In sanctification we come to grips with saved? All of these are indispensable has "earned" a place in the world made the keeping function of salvation. A sinner components of salvation. We need to new. The divine message of the sufficiency has been forgiven and has been born into remember—and we need to urge our of grace makes a difference in the waiting the family of God. What then? The answer listeners to remember—that as birth pre throng. The faces of the righteous light up, is clear: "But now that you have been set cedes life, so justification precedes sanctifi and joy fills every heart (seep. 641). This is free from sin and have become slaves of cation. We are not sanctified in order that the harvest, the climax of the plan of God, the return you get is sanctification someday we may be justified. We are salvation. Redemption begins, and ends, and its end, eternal life" (Rom. 6:22, justified first—accepted and forgiven. with grace! R.S.V.).t Sanctification means to make Then the Lord, through His Spirit, trans Do we, who preach to others, know holy. The same gracious God who justifies forms us. "The Spirit has given us life; he from personal experience the meaning of the repentant sinner and accepts him as must also control our lives" (Gal. 5:25, grace, faith, justification, and sanctifica His child continues His work in his behalf. T.E.V.). This is not to say that God's tion? Is glorification a living hope to us? Paul declared, "And so I am sure that God, justifying grace works only once in a Has the Master found us "while we were who began this good work in you, will carry person's life. Justification is a permanent yet sinners" (Rom. 5:8) and given us the it on until it is finished on the Day of Christ phenomenon in the Christian's life. In the assurance of sins forgiven? Does our Lord Jesus" (Phil. 1:6,T.E.V). order of their effectiveness in Christian shape our lives daily through His Spirit— Paul described how this process of experience, justification precedes sanctifi sometimes by sunshine, sometimes by sanctification works in his letter to the cation. But this does not mean in any way surgery? Do we respond to His love and Colossians: "And you, who once were that one is more important than the other. grace, and do we follow the guidance of His estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil Each is incomplete—impossible, actu Spirit? deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of ally—without the other. Religion, says James S. Stewart, is "not flesh by his death, in order to present you We are well advised not to belabor these a vague abstraction, but a wonderful holy and blameless and irreproachable minute distinctions. They may serve the affection; not a tiresome argument, but a before him, provided that you continue in ology well, but our business is not to make tremendous friendship; not an intricate the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting theologians of our congregations, but to and uninspired philosophy, but an inspired from the hope of the gospel which you put our people in touch with the God who, and thrilling love; not a drudgery at the heard" (chap. 1:21-23, R.S.V). It was through Christ, will justify and sanctify grindstone of a dingy routine morality, but faith that originally laid hold on God's them. Saving faith does not demand that 'Christ in you, the hope of glory.' "5 justifying grace, and it is the continuation we understand all the mysteries of salva Whether our people will grow in their of that faith that makes possible the tion. Indeed, experience has proved that knowledge of Christ as a Saviour depends experience of sanctification. It would seem salvation can be forfeited in the heat of largely on us and on our own growth in reasonable to affirm that the degree of theological argument. grace. To experience and communicate sanctification realized is in proportion to Glorification, the final aspect of salva this good news is our most urgent responsi the faith exercised. Paul comments on tion, is another way of saying "eternal bility and our greatest privilege. "how very great is his power at work in us life." This is the Christian's hope. In that who believe" (Eph. 1:19, T.E.V.). Faith, day the Christian not only will be reunited * Bible texts credited to T.E.V. are from the though a divine gift and not a human with those he loves but will also realize his Good News Bible Old Testament: Copyright © work, is exercised by man's will to make fondest hopes for complete maturity and American Bible Society 1976; : the work of grace possible, both in perfect love. "I keep working toward that Copyright © American Bible Society 1966, 1971, 1976. justification and sanctification. day when I will finally be all that Christ t Scripture quotations marked R.S.V. are from This experience of sanctification is saved me for and wants me to be" (Phil. the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, sometimes called "imparted righteous 3:12,T.L.B.)4 copyrighted 1946, 1952 © 1971, 1973. ness." The picture is that of a "tightness" Ellen White presents a striking descrip $ Verses marked T.L.B. are taken from The Living Bible, copyright 1971 by Tyndale House not earned but "imparted," provided as a tion of the of Jesus in The Publishers, Wheaton, 111. Used by permission. gift. Salvation, someone has said, is "a Great Controversy. God's people find ladder fastened at the top." God came themselves in the presence of their Lord, 1 John A. Redhead, Learning to Have Faith down the ladder to rescue and transform and they cry with trembling, "Who shall (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1955), p. 101. us. We do not climb the ladder to discover be able to stand?" In His presence, their 2 Selected Messages, book 1, p. 389. Him. attitude is not one of self-assurance of 3 Sakae Kubo, Acquitted! (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1975), p. 13. Sanctification is also described as Chris confidence, but a humble realization of 4 , p. 69 tian growth or "the new life." It is their own frail humanity. The answer does 5 James S. Stewart, The Gates of a New Life consistent that new birth should be fol not come immediately. The angel's song is (Greenwood, S.C.: Attic Press, 1976), p. 126. lowed by new life and continued growth. "Our growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness—all depend upon our union with Christ. It is by communion with Him, daily, hourly—by abiding in Him—that Discussions about which is the more we are to grow in grace. He is not only the Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is important, justification or sanctification, are Christ first and last and always. He is to be with us, not only at the beginning and the really asking the wrong question. They end of our course, but at every step of the way. "4 are like asking, Which is the more important, Discussions about which is the more birth or life? MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 K. H. Mead Hlow many times I've heard it said, "The church pastor is the most important ======person in our organization!" But sad to say, I've also heard it said of a president or Having served both as a pastor and a departmental leader who has not been reelected, "Oh, isn't it sad? Pastor ———— conference president, here is one individual has been dropped." (It's sadder still when the dropped pastor weeps at his "demo who still sees pastoral work as the highest tion.") I've also heard it stated, "We must find a place for Pastor ———— ." As if an form of ministry within the church. When a appointment to a church pastorate wasn't a departmental leader becomes a church place! In such an atmosphere, can we blame the local pastor for becoming pastor, we should view it, suggests the author, cynical when he sees a power struggle in the church, a ladder with rungs of promo not as a demotion, but as a promotion! tion and demotion? There is no grander, more exhilarating work than personally sharing God's grace with desperate, hurting people, to see Keeping the them healed, to see them laugh again. Every minister, whether church pastor, administrator, or departmental director, should view this as his lifework. A pastor departmental leader today, a church pastor tomorrow? That's not demotion; that's promotion! We need to give this philoso phy more than lip service. We must really number one believe it. The church pastor has an awesome role, but it's a role that by the grace of God he can fulfill when motivated by the Holy Spirit. The immensity of the task, how ever, demands that, the pastor get his priorities straight. If he fails to do this, he will fail to see the importance of his work as near. When we look for God, He is there. be diminished if it's not illuminated by a church pastor and come to believe that it And wherever we may go, God can always constant family dialogue. Plan for holi' is indeed more desirable to fill some other be found. days—a day each week or two—as well as position. If the church pastorate is really 3. Develop your expertise. Never be vacations, and let nothing cancel these the most important, most responsible, satisfied with past achievements. Con family appointments. Sure, there will be ministry possible in God's church, we need stantly brush up your preaching style. Seek occasions when you just can't take this to keep this fact in mind and be sure that the advice of specialists on speech train time, but if your priorities are straight, they we conduct our ministry in such a way that ing, sermon preparation, et cetera. A will be few and far between. we sustain the high nature of our calling. classic inspiring sermon is remembered 5. Take time for culture. Those who truly How can we do this? longer. It's not a shameful thing to be a love God become sensitive and aware of After thirty-six years of ministry, I professional. the beauty that surrounds us—the beauty prayerfully submit the following sugges 4. Beware of the ego trip. Know that God of nature, of music, of art, of the fabric of tions from the school of hard knocks. can do without you, but that He doesn't history. There's much to explore, to Some of the blows I received in that school want to. discover, and make your own. My father nearly put me out for the "count out." The pastor on an ego trip loves his wife, taught me to look at a tree for an hour and Often in ignorance or stupidity I blotted but neglects her; loves his children, but still find beauty there. the record. But through it all God loved, hasn't time to play with them; loves his 6. Relate to people everywhere. Appreci forgave, and led. Here are my suggestions work, but doesn't know the meaning of ate their point of view. Take an interest in for maintaining the pastorate as the most relaxation. Possibly the greatest danger their hopes and aspirations. Find common important calling in God's church: facing a minister is right here. He consoles ground for discussion. Your pursuit of 1. Read daily the positive affirmations of himself that he is doing God's work, culture will help you here. The introverted God©s Word. "I can do all things through therefore his wife and children will under Seventh-day Adventist social circle can be Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. stand. But it just doesn't work that way. It's very limiting. And yet the genuine 4:13). There is nothing worse than a an ego trip. The compassionate pastor who Seventh-day Adventist Christian will be a pessimistic pastor. Pastor Robert Hare, relates to his members, the discerning person of charm and quiet dignity and of pioneer Adventist preacher, prayed, pastor who is alert to the youth of his fun and laughter, too. "Take away my misty-optic and give me an congregation, the pastor who can talk 7. Remember that a one-to-one relation opti-mistic!" about the joys of married love, is the pastor ship is often more meaningful than mass 2. Pray to your Heavenly Father as a who knows from his own experience, from encounters. Nowhere is this more apparent friend. Here is no room for formality. Know the security and love of his own home and than in working for youth. Follow Christ's as you pray that when you need God, He is family, what compassion, spiritual dis example here. Suffer the children to come. cernment, and quality of life are all about. Visit them in their homes. A pastor K. H. Mead, prior to his retirement in Sometimes it's more important to spend knocked on my door once. I greeted him 1979, served as president of the Tasmanian time with your family than to share your with enthusiasm. He responded, "I Conference in Australia. faith with others. The faith you share will haven't come to see you, I've come to see

MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 7 your daughter." He was a very busy pastor. He conducted a baptismal class at the Roger L. Dudley, Des Cummings, Jr., school. My daughter studied with the group, but this man gave individual studies and Kim White to everyone in his class. I also happened to know that this concern and thoroughness carried over into other aspects of his ministry. A recent survey conducted by the Institute 8. Beware of being exclusive. Early in my ministry I was taught a valuable lesson: of Church Ministry reveals that there are Don't exclude the man of the house. "What if he throws me out?" I asked the both pluses and minuses to the church©s mission leader. "The men seldom do," he responded. In fact, they never did, and internship training program. Based on many an "enemy" became a friend. If you responses from 124 interns and 89 are asked to study the Bible with a married woman, always, always, look up the man of supervisors, the survey indicates that the the house. If he's way out in the backyard digging in the vegetable patch, go out of greatest weakness of the internship your way to say Hello. Discover his interests and relate as a friend. program seems to be the lack of 9. Don't take yourself too seriously. A smile is far better than a frown, even if the experiences in which the supervisory pastor laugh is on you. Easier said than done? models ministerial behaviors for the intern. Give it a try anyhow. On the same theme, don't just play a role. Your calling is high, but your ordination doesn't make you any more important than anyone else, only a greater Interns debtor. Don't stand on your dignity and demand attention because of your posi tion. There is no need to confess your sins and supervisors publicly, but on the other hand, it doesn't hurt a bit for people to see you as an ordinary person with the same fears, weaknesses, and doubts that assail all view each mankind. And if you're in the wrong, admit it. It will build you up, not tear you down. People will seek you out for advice other and help if they sense you are a genuine, loving Christian. I believe in the great truths that have made this church of the Advent a distinct and forceful movement. But never forget 1 Corinthians 13. Our people are desperate for the knowledge that God loves and forgives and gives to us all peace and happiness if we will only let Him. God's genuine servants will demonstrate this he leadership of the Seventh-day The study power by the conviction of their preaching Adventist Church is concerned with its Two surveys were constructed to obtain and the practice of their daily life—not total ministerial education program. This data for this study—"Internship Assess because they are perfect, but simply training program consists of several stages: ment: The Intern" and "Internship Assess because they are genuine and sincere (1) undergraduate college, (2) the intern ment: The Supervising Pastor." Each Christians. ship or "fifth year," (3) seminary, and (4) survey contained items concerning the 10. Forsake all to follow Him. We need postseminary training and experience prior number and type of activities engaged in to remind ourselves daily of the total to ordination. Research conducted by the during the internship, as well as attitudes dedication of the disciples who left every Institute of Church Ministry (ICM) at toward the experience. Each survey also thing for their Master. It sometimes attempted to evaluate contained one open-ended question that appears to our lay brethren that we are the second stage, the internship, which allowed the respondent to give comments more interested in building houses here consists of a year or more of practical on his experience and/or suggestions for than preparing for mansions in heaven. ministry in a supervised setting. The improving the internship program. What if we can't make ends meet on our supervisors are pastors of experience who This study used as its primary sample all budget? What if things are really rough? If are expected to give practical guidance to conference-sponsored students who were this is our situation, there may be many the young ministerial candidate. enrolled in the Master of Divinity program factors, but perhaps we ought to take at the Theological Seminary and in resi another look and rethink our priorities. dence on campus during the 1982 winter Ours is a commitment, a giving, a life of Roger L. Dudley, Ed.D., is the associate quarter. There were 158 such students. A sacrifice and service. director and Des Cummings, Jr., is the secondary sample consisted of the pastors Ours is not just a job. It's a way of life. director of the Institute of Church Min who served as these students' supervisors And in that role you, as a church pastor, istry. Kim White is a Seminary student during their internship experience. are number one. who assisted in the study. Although 153 of the students responded

8 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 (a 97 percent response rate), it was helpful critiques. This too is a weak area. corresponding figures for the pastors were discovered that 29 of them had not served For example, 24 percent of the pastors 67 percent and 23 percent. However, the an internship. The information supplied never heard their interns preach a sermon. pastors reported even fewer hours in by the remaining 124 students forms the Also, 93 percent did not critique the supervision each week than did the basis for the view of the internship from conducting of a Bible study by the intern at interns. the perspective of the intern. all or did so only occasionally. In a similar The pastors agreed with the interns that Only 103 supervising pastors could be fashion, 92 percent did not participate to they did not supply much opportunity to identified. Of these, 96 returned surveys, a any significant extent in observing and learn from observing. Occasional model 93 percent response rate. Seven of these critiquing the intern while he was appeal ing or none at all was reported by 67 were discarded because of incomplete ing for a decision. percent of the pastors for conducting Bible information or lateness of return, leaving Most of the students felt that the studies, 60 percent for hospital calls, 48 eighty-nine usable questionnaires. These internship was quite a valuable learning percent for making home visits, and 61 form the basis for the view of the intern experience, but it appears that most percent for making appeals for decisions. from the perspective of the supervising learning had to be done on their own on a While these figures were lower than those pastor. trial-and-error basis. Perhaps this is why reported by the interns, they were in the The full twenty-page report with six the students tended to be somewhat same general direction. detailed profiles and charts is available neutral in assessing the competence of Perhaps no learning experience is more from ICM. * The following is a summary of their instructors. valuable than having the pastor observe the major findings. The open-ended question supported this the intern in a pastoral task and then analysis. While the most often listed critiquing him. Only 6 percent reported The perspective of the Intern comment was positive, most of the other that they never did this with preaching a On the average, interns engage in comments focused on the lack of profes sermon (the figure given by interns was 24 typical ministerial tasks: preaching, giving sional guidance in education for ministry. percent). But 88 percent admit that they Bible studies, visiting homes, committee In giving suggestions, thirty-three interns did not critique the giving of a Bible study work, church schools, and youth minis commented that supervisors should spend at all or only occasionally (93 percent tries. The profile presents the picture of an more time with interns modeling and given by interns), and 84 percent did not active pastor-in-learning. training in all aspects of pastoral ministry. participate to any significant extent in Nevertheless, there do seem to be some observing and critiquing the intern while gaps in the pattern of activities. For The perspective of the supervising he was appealing for a decision (92 percent example, 47 percent of the interns had pastor given by interns). either limited or no experience in working Some differences in emphasis are to be This theme is borne out by the open- with an evangelistic series, and 69 percent expected between the profiles of the ended question in which fifteen pastors had never preached an evangelistic ser interns and the pastors when it is recalled suggested that more opportunity for super mon. This appears to be a weak area. that only eighty-nine of the pastors who vision, modeling, and reflection on prog A second weak area is in lay training. supervised the 124 interns are represented ress should be incorporated into the Only 27 percent taught witnessing courses in the profile. program. Another eleven called for more to members fairly often or regularly, and Nevertheless, the two groups seemed to training and guidelines for supervisors. only 20 percent participated on the same agree in general on the nature of the The major weakness of the internship basis in taking lay members with them for internship activities. The pastors saw program seems to be the lack of experi in-field training. assisting in evangelistic meetings, preach ences in which the supervisory pastor The most obvious deficiency in the ing in evangelistic meetings, teaching models ministerial behaviors for the intern internship program, however, is the lack of witnessing courses to members, and taking and in which the pastor observes and direct teaching being done by the super along lay members for in-field training as critiques ministerial behaviors performed vising pastor. Most pastors did hold staff areas in which they have not frequently by the intern. This is particularly true in meetings with their interns at least occa assigned interns to a learning experience. regard to conducting Bible studies and sionally (half of them weekly). But 49 There is a tendency for the pastors to making appeals for decisions. percent spent two hours or less per week remember assigning more positive activi Other weaknesses in the program with their proteges. This is hardly enough ties than the interns remember having revolve around the limited experience of time for the effective development of a been assigned to them. On the negative interns in evangelistic meetings and in the minister. side this shows up as 30 percent of the training of lay members, especially by This deficiency is highlighted in the interns performing "general flunky" duties working with them in in-field ministry. section that details activities modeled by fairly often or regularly, but only 13 As the church reorganizes its program the supervising pastor. In general, pastors percent of the pastors assigning them that for educating ministers, it should also find did not do a great deal of showing interns often. better methods of screening and training how to perform successfully certain tasks In the area of professional guidance in the pastors who will supervise its interns. vital to the ministry. In 43 percent of the education for ministry, there are some cases the pastor never demonstrated giving * Write the Institute of Church Ministry, interesting comparisons. While 50 percent Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan a Bible study, and in 32 percent more of of the interns reported weekly staff meet 49104 and enclose $4 for duplicating, postage, and the cases, he did so only occasionally. ings and 16 percent monthly ones, the handling. Combining "not at all" and "occasion ally," it was found that in 70 percent of the cases hospital calls were not modeled. In 66 percent, the pastor did not demonstrate how to appeal for a decision, and in Most of the 124 students felt that the another 23 percent, did so only occasion ally. Only 14 percent of the interns internship was quite a valuable learning witnessed their supervising pastor getting decisions on a regular basis. experience, but it appears that most The reverse of the learning situation learning had to be done on their own on a calls for the pastor to observe the intern performing certain tasks and then offer trial-and-error basis. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 9 John]. Carter !==^=== Skeptics declare that it is impossible to gain and hold a large crowd for a series of meetings in a modern Western city. The recent successes in Sydney, Australia, prove that it is possible! Reaching a city for Christ

esterners are leaving at Spirit of Prophecy," "the remnant empty seats. Our first task as Christian the rate of 7,600 a day. The great cities of church," "the servant of the Lord," "the communicators is simple, fundamental, the Western world are fast becoming third angel's message," et cetera. We who and formidable—to get a crowd. Big crowds barricaded bastions of religious indiffer live in this rarified atmosphere of denomi will not come to hear the gospel preached in ence and secured strongholds of materialis national insulation may find it increasingly most Western cities that today represent our tic secularism. Thus it is little wonder that difficult to talk to the man on the street in a biggest mission field. In Port Moresby, Papua simple, direct evangelistic methods that way that is understandable, acceptable, New Guinea, certainly; but not in Sydney, worked thirty years ago are not working and persuasive. Therefore, it is imperative Australia. I have had 110,000 attend my effectively today. Perhaps our failure to that we discover the means of reaching 21 successive night series in Port Moresby, keep pace with changing thought patterns people where they are or, to put it another but I know from experience that to have a is a basic reason why Adventist Church way, to scratch where they are itching. gospel sermon as the opening address in growth in the West has slowed almost to The following represents an attempt to Sydney or is as successful as the zero. communicate the Word of God to a secure, launching of a lead balloon. One famous Paul Hogan is an Australian entertainer sophisticated, and secularized society— American evangelist had an opening audi whose television program, Hoges, attracts people for whom Jesus died. ence of thirty thousand in Sydney, but an audience two hundred times greater only with the help of hundreds of buses than major religious programs such as, Getting a crowd carrying the converted from churches up to Hour of Power and The Rex Humbard There is little point in preaching a four hundred miles away. Unfortunately, Show. The ratings indicate that Hogan is soul-stirring gospel sermon to a theater of very few of the unchurched attended. This much more popular than gospel presenters, who find it impossible to get on prime time. Hogan seems to score his most The Sydney Opera House, where Evangelist John J. Carter preached to seventeen stunning successes when he pokes fun at thousand people on the opening night of his crusade. organized religion, which he portrays as being quite unnecessary and irrelevant to the secular materialist. Today, in the minds of millions, the Bible is an anti quated collection of pious myths whose ludicrous account of origins has been debunked by the scientific method. Yet Adventists too often continue to fight the good fight of faith in rusty armor that was designed for the era of faith, when in fact we are living in a time of militant skepticism. Atheism worldwide is on the march. In 1900 atheists numbered 0.2 percent of the world population; now they number 20.8 percent. Our problem of communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ to secular society is compounded by our retreat to our own denominational "cities of refuge." In Adventist institutions a particular brand of language is used that further isolates us from the world. We talk about "the message," "righteousness by faith," "the

John J. Carter, an evangelist in the Greater Sydney Conference, is engaged in a continuing crusade in the prestigious Sydney Opera House.

10 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 lack of response from the secular man is the the spirit world or even health, society's relaxed-style address called a report. Dur same in most Adventist campaigns that fringe dwellers and cultists tend to be ing the early meetings pictures flash on a follow the direct gospel approach. attracted. 7. It ensures a good crowd. That giant screen. Many Adventist administrators and may not be everything, but it certainly is a During the third presentation New laymen are reluctant to accept the actual good start. International Version Bibles are passed out reality of this situation. This state of affairs This crowd-getting, faith-building ini by the usherettes to each person in the is a bitter pill to us who somehow feel that tial approach is followed by successive hall. It is our definite conviction that the people should be interested in what we are programs on archeology and prophecy that Holy Spirit works through His Word (2 interested in. Furthermore, opening an gradually become more heavily Bible- Tim. 4:2). The audience is invited to evangelistic campaign on a gospel note oriented. These programs include the notice an amazing story recorded in "an seems the only right and spiritual thing to following: 1. "My Visit to Petra." The ancient Hebrew manuscript." The people do. After all, did not Jesus say, "I, if I be rose-red city of human sacrifice. See and accept the Bibles without reservation, and lifted up from the earth, will draw all men hear: "I Saw Divine Predictions Fulfilled." from henceforth they are a regular feature unto me" (John 12:32)? The unpalatable 2. "Wonder Cities of the Past," "Gods of of the meetings. The programs are not fact of the matter is that the secular Gold and Graves of Ashes" (Daniel 2). 3. religious. We believe that they are materialist is not very interested in Jesus or "Ebla—City of the Gods." Just unearthed, intensely Christian and appeal to believers His cross. A wise fisherman will use bait one of the most sensational archeological as well as nonbelievers. that is attractive to the fish rather than to discoveries of the twentieth century. Television commercials are the back the fisherman. After the man of the world Amazing evidence of the dependability of bone of the advertising campaign. They has been won to an interest in the Word, the Bible. 4. "The Jew, the Arab, and consist of thirty-second commercials that then the time comes when Jesus can be Jerusalem." The curse of the rabbis and the were filmed on location in the Middle East uplifted before him. "There is a time for forbidden prophecy (Daniel 9). 5. "The by Producer Warren Judd, of the Adventist everything" (Eccl. 3:1, N.I.V.).* If our Dead Sea Scrolls." Mr. Carter has just Media Center, and feature the speaker aim is genuinely to attract the growing returned from Qumran, having explored inviting the people to have their questions multitude of secular materialists to the the caves where the famous Dead Sea answered at the program. The booth gospel of Jesus Christ, we must devise scrolls were found. announcer urges the people to book their different methods. These meetings in turn are followed by seats by "phoning Sydney 745-4000." more "religious" meetings, such as: 6. Twenty-five thousand bookings were Tutankhamen—soul "Visitors From Other Worlds." The amaz received in the first three days of the winner extraordinary ing wonders of our inhabited universe (the advertising campaign, which began seven A method that works well is the Second Coming). 7. "Wonderful World days before the opening program. So heavy archeological-prophetic approach. People of Tomorrow—What and Where is was the flood of incoming calls following are actually interested in antiquity, Heaven?" 8. "Blood on the Moon." two tightly scheduled commercials that ancient places, and the wonders of the Special feature: "My Visit to the Lost Dead the exchange became overloaded and blew past. Witness the crowds that formed long Sea Cities." 9. "When the Red Horse of its fuses. queues to see Tut's treasures during the Bible Prophecy Runs Wild." 10. "Who Other advertising consisted of distribut recent Egyptian display in America. Peo Will Suppress the Bible?" ing 700,000 colored handbills designed by ple are also interested in the occult, that Following lectures deal with the pro Alan Holman, of the Adventist Media strange world of the , which phecies of Daniel 7 and 8, the Antichrist, Center. Newspaper ads were inserted by includes, of course, prophetic utterances. the change of the Sabbath, justification by advertising specialist Pastor Bert Metcalfe Combine archeology and prophecy, and faith, et cetera. in the large daily newspapers. you have a crowd raiser in a modern, fully After four months of weekend and Western city. This method attracted more Church sermon or...? midweek meetings, the Opera House is than nine thousand people to the opening The Sydney Opera House presentations still crowded to the doors. Opera House program in Melbourne, while seventeen are not churchy. We do not have hymns, officials, initially skeptical concerning the thousand attended a similar program in choirs, or gospel singers, at least not during whole venture, state that they have never Sydney. In addition, some ten thousand an extended period of settling in. We seen such large crowds consistently attend bookings were turned away from the would not in our most desperate moments a program. opening Sydney program because of capac contemplate conducting our program in a For this remarkable response from secu ity houses and the unavailability of extra church. To do so in some areas may work lar, sinful, materialistic, but beautiful sessions. Had our faith been larger, we well, but not in large secular cities. Sydney, the evangelistic team of laity and would have had at least twenty-five thou Religious cliches are definitely out. The ministry unites in saying, "To God be the sand attend this opening program! speaker is never called "pastor." We are glory!" The advantages of this evangelistic out to win the unbeliever to Christ, so we Perhaps just such a program could work method are as follows: 1. The material will not put ecclesiastical hurdles in his in your city. presented establishes the credibility and way. ' Texts credited to N.I.V. are from The Holy authenticity of the Scriptures. 2. The The speaker is introduced by a modern- Bible: New Internationa! Version. Copyright © 1978 material presented is not "churchy," and style orchestra, the music being in keeping by the New York International Bible Society. Used appeals to the secular man. 3. This method with church standards, and presents a by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. is in harmony with the Biblical principle that truth is progressive (Prov. 4:18). It starts with basics—"The Bible is true," "There is a God who is interested in you," et cetera—and lays a solid foundation for After four months of weekend and midweek the saving truths of Scripture. 4. It leads easily into the great prophetic outlines of meetings, Opera House officials, initially the Word. 5. It attracts great numbers of unchurched people, as well as regular skeptical concerning the whole venture, churchgoers. 6. It attracts a more profes state that they have never seen such large crowds sional audience. In contrast, I have observed that when opening topics feature consistently attend a program. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 11 The Called Church/2 George W. Reid

In October we began a series of articles emphasizing the uniqueness of the mission and message of the SDA Church. If we are a called church, then we must be cognizant of the evidence for this call History confirms the divine call

oes history really confirm any kind importance. All philosophies have a sub chose to consign Him to an inactive role in of statement about purpose in human jective element, so in every case history is, current human affairs. experience? to a certain degree, an organizing con Indeed, the Enlightenment virtually Adventists and many other conserva struct. drove the supernatural and the idea of tive Christians insist that it does. On this This subjective element has troubled Divine Providence from human affairs. premise, Adventists interpret prophecy in historians and religious thinkers for cen Today, the effect of that continuing legacy the historicist mode, a method currently turies, for it raises the question of whether drains the past of meaning, reducing out of fashion with both the preterists of we are not all largely self-deluded. Philoso modern man to an existential creature of much of the scholarly world and with most phers and scientists of the nineteenth the moment, largely without meaningful futurists as well. century pursued the Holy Grail of absolute heritage or hope for the future.3 But such a truth, unstained by human values and rationalism is foreign to the Scriptures: the Can we trust oui methods? entirely coercive as authority. Today, their Bible writers argue profoundly that the One of America's leading historians of successors concede that such a goal is human drama is very directly the workshop religion, responding to questions in a almost certainly unattainable. But of God. plenary session of the American Academy curiously, much of the older methodology Perhaps nowhere in Scripture is God's of Religion, was asked some months ago continues in place as though complete activity in human affairs more clearly whether he saw evidence of divine guid objectivity were still the goal. Recent presented than in apocalyptic prophecy, ance in the history of the church. He philosophical studies of how ideas are particularly in Daniel. Here each of the denied such evidence and hastened to molded by the process of thinking and its major prophetic sweeps concludes with the warn against the danger of reading one's statement in words have dealt heavy blows triumph of God's plan. In Daniel 2, the own views into history. His answer reflects to nineteenth-century objectivism. 1 stone fills the entire world; in chapter 7, a widespread concern among scholars, Polanyi has persuasively shown that the the greatness of the everlasting kingdom is many of whom endorse the philosophic same perspective even erodes the pre given to the saints; in chapter 12, we see a rationalism of the past two centuries. On sumed objectivity of the scientific people serving God and being delivered the one hand, the historian's warning is method.2 But if we recognize and control from the final cataclysm. Similar passages certainly an appropriate one, for there is a excess subjectivity, there is much-to be occur in the Revelation, often featuring recurring temptation to read one's own gained from a thorough search of the past. the joyous shouts of triumph from biases into the past. But is this danger so redeemed saints. In short, the Bible both grave that the past must stand speechless? Legacy of the Enlightenment presumes and overtly claims human expe Whether in Mesopotamia, Egypt, or Western thought in the seventeenth rience to be the workshop of both God and wherever man discovered the art of writ and eighteenth centuries was swept by the man. History indeed speaks of His pur ing, he set the dividing point between Enlightenment, a movement that spawned poses. prehistory and history. This discovery a series of thinkers who attempted to Can we say that history, defined as a meant data could be accumulated much reconcile patterns from the Age of Faith secular report of human activities within more efficiently, but raw data is not (of which Luther and Calvin were late an environment, tells anything about history. Much of the meaning of informa stars) with the increasing body of non-Bib God's will regarding a specific people—the tion comes from the network of relation lical information coming from expanding Seventh-day Adventist movement, for ships among facts. It can be tapped only by scientific studies. Such men as Voltaire, example? The Enlightenment tradition constructing a philosophy of history to link Rousseau, Lessing, and Paine, along with would secularize history, but to the Bibli pieces of information having uneven others, concluded that traditional Christi cally oriented believer, history speaks of anity could not be reconciled with the new God's work as well as man's. In fact, the George W. Reid, Th.D., is an associate discoveries. Being unwilling to dispense entire Biblical perspective reviews man's editor of the . wholly with the idea of God, most of them actions in light of God's purposes. 12 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 While these purposes are evident, scat strong conviction of Jesus' soon return. clearly their movement matched these tered throughout Scripture, they are high The prophetic features of the Philadel prophecies until the pattern was well in lighted in apocalyptic prophecy. Here we phia church strike the reader as starkly place. see the drama of God versus Satan plain: (1) Philadelphia follows in sequence Certain other passages in Revelation reflected over and over again in the after the Reformation period (Rev. 3:1-6); come to mind that foretell just such struggles of man. We watch the ebb and (2) the Philadelphia church has little experiences as those through which flow of earthbound events from the heav strength (verse 8); (3) it is the object of Seventh-day Adventists have passed. enly perspective. As with the study of scorn from unsympathetic brethren (verse Prophecy even describes the specific con history, it is also true that interpreting 9); (4) it faces a special hour of trial (verse tent of what was preached. Revelation 10 these sweeping, universal prophecies runs 10); (5) it holds and cherishes the special forshadows in uncanny detail the experi the hazard of reading immediate events or promise of Christ's soon return (verse 11); ence of the Millerite Adventists, right one's biases into the scriptural passage. (6) it carries a final note portraying the down to the of 1844 Witness the litter of interpretative car descent of the New Jerusalem (verse 12). and the renewed commission, " 'You must casses along the pathway of past interpreta A historical scan of the early Adventist again prophesy about many peoples and tions.4 We do well to be cautioned by this, movement reveals a series of obvious nations and tongues and kings'" (verse 11, but it need not prevent our pursuing a fulfillments that could hardly have been R.S.V.).* Adventists accept that assign method clearly outlined in Scripture, orchestrated to create similarity. Miller's ment, fully persuaded that with its com where the image of Daniel 2 is interpreted Adventist movement, in fact, arose as one pletion Jesus will return (see Matt.24:14). by the prophet to apply to then-current of the major branches of the Second Another scriptural passage identifies the Babylon and its successors. In Daniel 8:20, Awakening in America, and similar groups familiar Adventist hallmarks "the com 21 the ram and the goat are specifically said developed independently and simultane mandments of God, and . . . the testimony to represent Media-Persia and Greece. In ously in other parts of the world. It is of Jesus" (Rev. 12:17). seeking reliable understanding, it is uniquely similar to the entire passage cited In a cursory way, we have set the important that our interpretation meet all from Revelation 3. elements of several Biblical prophecies the criteria demanded by the prophecy The Philadelphia church's "little alongside events in the Adventist experi without straining to improbabilities, and strength" parallels the shoestring, unor ence. The comparison yields an impressive also that it be faithful to the sequential ganized nature of the Adventists. In number of ways in which the two synchro time placement indicated by its location in addition, they were severely criticized by nize. Such evidence fires the dynamic of the sweep of a prophetic view. other denominational groups, and by the , impelling the church forward Let us consider how the nineteenth- early 1840s many Adventists were being into the most remote parts of the world to century Adventist movement fits the expelled from their local congregations. fulfill the prophetic task. Jesus Christ, the Biblical specifications of two significant Unquestionably, the disappointment of Author of all things and Redeemer of men, passages. We need to keep in mind that the 1844, both in the spring and again on is soon to return in majesty to inaugurate master key to timing stems from a clear October 22, constituted a bitter experi His kingdom of glory. Fulfilled past understanding of the 2300-day prophecy, ence indeed, but, paralleling verse 11, the prophecies give urgent voice to the present pinpointing the year 1844 as its climax. It pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist and assure the certainty of future triumph. would be difficult to exaggerate the impor movement held fast to the hope of the History, indeed, offers convincing evi tance of this point on the Millerite soon-coming Advent with its anticipated dence that the gospel work, espoused by mind-set. Its effect was to confirm special New Jerusalem. Clearly the Adventist Seventh-day Adventists as their chief significance for the Adventist movement movement moves through history in concern among all earthly enterprises, is as the religious group commissioned by amazing step and counterstep with Revela truly the work of God. Heaven to proclaim God's final message. tion 3:1-12. An additional set of parallels is evident * Scripture quotations marked R.S.V. are from Philadelphia!! parallels in the three angels' messages of Revelation the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Seventh-day Adventists have long 14. Approaching from the historical per copyrighted 1946, 1952 © 1971, 1973._____ believed the message to the Philadelphian spective, we find an early Adventist 1 Pioneered by the Vienna Circle of logical church in Revelation 3 describes the proclamation of impending judgment, positivists, but including also such thinkers as powerful evangelical revival that swept the matching the introductory theme of the Ayres. For a very useful survey of philosophical world in the first half of the nineteenth first angel (see chap. 14:6), followed by an development, see Colin Brown, Philosophy and the Christian Faith (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity century. 5 In America this was called the appeal for believers to withdraw from other Press, 1969). Second Awakening. It was responsible for religious bodies, partly in response to their 2 Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge (London: an almost explosive expansion of churches own rejection by those bodies, but also as a Routledge, 1958). across the eastern half of North America, result of the organization of a distinctly 3 Francis A. Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revel, and established the Baptists, Methodists, Adventist fellowship of churches. When 1976). See also the film series based on this book. and Presbyterians as the leaders among the Sabbath message was accepted as a 4 L. E. Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, American denominations. Because of its special identifying sign of God's people, 4 volumes (Washington: Review and Herald Pub. unique last-time message, the Adventist Assn., 1946-1954). the mark-of-the-beast doctrine came to 5 E. O. White, The Great Controversy, Moun branch of this sweeping revival is espe the forefront. There is no evidence that tain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing cially identified with the Philadelphian early Adventists were conscious of how Association, 1950. pp. 355-374. message. Following as it does the message to Sardis, reminiscent of the Reformation and its later decline into Protestant scho lastic and rationalistic doldrums, the Phil In a cursory way, we have set the elements adelphia message is timed well to fit nineteenth-century events. Although the of several Biblical prophecies alongside events in early Adventist movement was particu larly guided by William Miller, a Baptist the Adventist experience. The comparison lay preacher, it was in fact a truly yields an impressive number of ways in which interdenominational, ecumenical move ment dedicated to prophetic study and the the two synchronize. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 13 Roy Allan Anderson

Our world is full of fear, and many are tortured and tormented by a nameless dread. They need wise and understanding counselors, people who know the inner meaning of comfort Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem

'hristianity came into the world at a verse—He said, "I go unto my Father" People suffer from all kinds of com time when philosophy and reason reigned (John 16:10), yet "I will not leave you plexes. Unable to understand themselves, supreme. The religions of the Greeks and comfortless: I will come to you" (John many otherwise good people are often Romans were little more than a hotbed of 14:18). And again, "The Comforter, spiritually abnormal and maladjusted. controversy. The universal argument even which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father They need someone to extricate them from in the marketplace was love and peace, but will send in my name, he shall teach you all the contradiction of their own natures. there was little love and less peace. It was things, and bring all things to your And when they find someone who can in many ways a restless, loveless world. remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto understand them, they are drawn to him as Comfort was something almost unknown you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I to a magnet. That is why the people except for the wealthy, who alone could give unto you: not as the world giveth, give flocked to Jesus. He understood them. He afford the conveniences that made comfort I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, took time to study their needs. He was a possible. neither let it be afraid" (John 14:26, 27). Friend to the friendless. He had a simple Then one day a man named Jesus His teaching, full of comfort and but wonderful technique for helping the stepped into this jungle of ideas and compassion, set in motion the influences afflicted and oppressed. debate. He challenged every concept of that built the Christian church. It brought mere human wisdom. He dwelt among a new understanding between men and Jesus set men free men as the greatest teacher the world has nations, and wherever His gospel has gone "The afflicted ones who came to Him ever known. But he did more than teach; the results are overwhelming. Love and felt that He linked His interest with theirs He lived His message. He did not argue peace, which the pre-Christian world as a faithful and tender friend, and they with the philosophers; He just loved them. discussed philosophically, became a tre desired to know more of the truths He He also loved the poor and the outcasts. mendous reality in the lives of all who taught. Heaven was brought near. They He was God in the flesh. Men either accepted the teachings of our Lord. longed to abide in His presence, that the hated Him violently or loved Him passion In this tension torn world of today we, comfort of His love might be with them ately. Some called Him an imposter, a too, need a ministry of comfort. Our world continually."—, pp. blasphemer, a devil-possessed madman, is full of fear, and many are tortured and 254, 255. It was His friendly sympathy that but others knew that He was the Son of the tormented by a nameless dread. They are won their hearts and lifted their spirits. "In Living God. To those who hung upon His unable to analyze their problems. Con leading souls to Jesus, there must be a words He said "Come unto me, all ye that quered by an inner tyranny, they have no knowledge of human nature and a study of labour and are heavy laden, and I will give security. They long for someone to the human mind," says Ellen White.— you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and uncover their hidden complexes and set Review and Herald, October 10, 1882. learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of them free. They need wise and under This knowledge of human nature, heart: and ye shall find rest unto your standing counselors, people who know the together with the knowledge of God, is the souls" (Matt. 11:28, 29). inner meaning of comfort. greatest knowledge known to man. Much It was soul rest He came to give. Those One of the prophetic titles of Christ is more training and infinitely more ability is who heeded His counsel and were later "Wonderful, Counselor." How gloriously required to understand a mind than to read baptized by His Spirit turned the world He fulfilled that prediction! True, He was a balance sheet. Of the Master it was said, upside down. He gave life a new dimen the "mighty God," whose word controlled "He knew all men, and needed not that sion. And just before He left to go back to the winds and the waves, and in whose any should testify of man: for he knew what His Father—the great God of the uni- hands the bread was multiplied to feed the was in man" (John 2:24, 25). Moffatt's hungry thousands, but He was more often translation reads, "He knew all men, and the Counselor, calmly talking to a single required no evidence from anyone about Roy Allan Anderson was for many years soul, unraveling the tangled skein of life human nature; well did He know what was editor of MINISTRY and secretary of the and setting him free. A wonderful Coun in human nature."* General Conference Ministerial Associa selor indeed! He had compassion on the Jesus came as a fresh revelation of tion. This article is adapted from his book, ignorant and on them that were out of the incomparable moral power. He came to The Shepherd Evangelist, now out of print. way. And compassion is the basis of all true recreate men mentally, physically, Used by permission. morality. socially, and spiritually. "I am come that 14 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 they might have life, and that they might Then he illustrates the point by the story of people, older ones in particular, began life have it more abundantly," He said (John an old man who, suddenly discovering in a rural area. But today they find 10:10). In His ministry life touched life, himself in a cemetery one night and themselves in an urban area, an environ flame kindled flame. Yet He was not a making a headlong exit, fell over tomb ment quite different from that of their personality that overpowered people. "His stones and scratched himself badly among former training and experience. At the word was with power," but His power was the briers and bushes. Next day, someone very time when science has made it that which lifted man. It raised them from hearing his story, smiled and said, "Don't possible for more people to grow old, the dust of discouragement, disillusion you know ghosts can't hurt you?" changes in the basic patterns of our culture ment, disease, and even death. When He "I know that, but they can make you are bringing greater hardship to the aged. moved among the multitude, He was "full hurt yourself." Many lonely souls have lost their life of grace and truth." He spoke words of companions. Now the future holds little grace and knew how to speak them All need guidance interest for them. They listen for the graciously. "All . . . wondered at the It is not the real problem, but the voices now silent, and in the stillness of gracious words which proceeded out of his apparent problem, that most frequently the night their prayers ascend to God for mouth" (Luke 4:22). distresses these unfortunate souls. To scold help and comfort. Grace is more than a duty done. It is a people, or even worse, to ridicule them for As His ambassadors, we should deal way of doing duty. Gracefulness can be their imaginary fears, does not solve the kindly with the aged, the lonely, and the cultivated. But graciousness is the unre problem. What they need is some kind, sad. These defeated personalities, tor strained expression of a self-forgetful soul. sympathetic soul wise enough and kind mented by tensions and conflicts, need to Jesus was not cloistered in some inaccessi enough to help them analyze their prob know the abiding presence of God. They ble place; He moved among the people; all lem, one who is patient enough to help need our special care. But often those who kinds of people—churchmen and outcasts them lay a new foundation on which to are in most need of love and sympathy alike. "Friend of publicans and sinners," erect a temple of peace. Such a counselor receive the least. Maybe it is because the they styled Him. And that was true, for He and comforter must be spiritually healthy, neediest are frequently so situated that was their Friend. intellectually sound, physically fit, and they can contribute the least. So the He came to set men free from their socially faultless. natural outcome is that they are neglected. narrow, restricted ways of thinking. And But the nerve-racked and the physically But the privilege of the pastor is to help as His ambassadors, we are to follow in His broken are not the only qp.es who need these unfortunate souls to become a part of steps. The Pharisees were a very particular such counsel. Our youth also need guid the fellowship of service. group. Forms and ceremonies, traditions ance. The three most important decisions and codes, what they ate and how they in a young person's life are to decide for or Ten suggestions for counselors washed, constituted a large part of their against God, to decide his vocation, and to 1. Never appear impatient. Jesus was religion. How revolutionary it must have decide who is to be his life companion. busy, but never too busy to talk to a sounded when Jesus said, "There is noth These discoveries are not easy. And the troubled soul. Although it is wise to budget ing from without a man, that entering into last is not the least important. We set them your time, souls are more precious than him can defile him: but the things which in this order because they usually follow time. It is better to save a life than to save a come out of him, those are they that defile this sequence. Youthful navigators are not minute. How many sensitive souls have the man" (Mark 7:15). He was not, always aware of the treacherous seas been crushed by the fussy and fidgety however, giving men a license to eat and through which they are sailing. They need attitude of the one to whom they have drink anything and everything. He Him a pilot, someone to guide them, some kind come for counsel! To be looking at your self refused a palliative drug when dying on soul who can help them make these watch every minute or two while talking to the cross. But He was emphasizing that a adjustments in life. Every church needs a a troubled soul is unpardonable. The man is defiled more by what he thinks and clinic for vocational and social counsel. Master, who could stay all day with a needy says than by what he eats and drinks. And such counsel should be accessible, soul and all night with a ruler of the capable, reliable, and reasonable. The synagogue, was the one who said, "Are Mind's influence over body pastor may not be qualified to meet all there not twelve hours in the day? The The mind has a greater influence on the these requirements, but he should be Scripture says, "He that believeth shall not body than many realize. Not only right sufficiently acquainted with the problems make haste." combinations of food, but right combina to know where to secure the help his 2. Be sympathetic. Troubled souls need tions of thought, are part of true health people need. sympathy—sympathetic ears as well as reform. You Are What You Eat is the title of Then there are the aged who need sympathetic speech. And sometimes all a book on the subject of diet, and that is guidance. With technological changes that is needed is a sympathetic audience. right as far as it goes. But the Scripture occurring so rapidly, it is hard for older "You will never know how much you have says, "As he [a man] thinketh in his heart, people to keep abreast of new develop helped me," said an afflicted soul at the so is he." (Prov. 23:7). People do the ments. Then, too, many have not had the close of a three-hour interview. Yet all I things they do because they think the educational advantages of the younger did was to listen sympathetically. I scarcely things they think. generation. Another cause for maladjust uttered a word, but it was evident the yoke Millions today belong to a generation ment is the rapid transition from an had been made easy and the burden light. that has virtually turned its back to God. agrarian to an industrialized society. Many It was the Saviour's sympathy that gave Many are in the grip of fear, tortured and tormented by their own thoughts. Having either lost God out of their lives or not knowing Him, they now know not where to turn for security. The knowledge of human nature, together with One writer puts the case very clearly the knowledge of God, is the greatest knowledge when he says: "Only the 'initiated' can understand the nameless fears, the ghosts, known to man. Much more training and and goblins that look into the windows of minds so distressed. They may be imagi infinitely more ability are required to understand nary and we may laugh at them later, but they are real enough while they last." a mind than to read a balance sheet.

MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 15 Him access to hearts. In Testimonies, wounds and sets up a barrier. And a kind Both of us prayed. Next day she was Volume 9, p. 30, we read, "The true heart counselor will give the impression that, for back and said, "I have been praying over expression of Christlike sympathy, given the moment at least, it is the most the matter, and I see it all now just as you in simplicity, has power to open the door of important and critical thing in the world. do. You can use the information where and hearts that need the simple, delicate touch He will never indicate by act or even a how you feel you need to." of the spirit of Christ." glance that it is beneath his notice. Jesus I did. That information saved a double Deep sorrow came to a Christian home declared that our heavenly Father is tragedy. But until I had permission to open one night—a little girl less than two years interested even in the funeral of a sparrow. up the story, my duty was to guard her old passed away. Next morning, the older 6. Never appear shocked. No matter how confidence. The ability to keep a confi sister, then about six, ran to her Sabbath strange and bewildering the situation, dence inspires confidence. school teacher, who lived not far away, never give the impression that it is 9. See beyond the present problem. The and through her tears she said, "Oh, particularly unusual. Human nature will true shepherd-counselor sees a person not teacher, something dreadful happened last act in strange ways at times, but a in his present state, but as he can be under night—little sister died. And I came here counselor can afford to be blind to some the grace of God. He sees in the one who so you could cry with me." She knew things. Hanging on the wall of my study is comes to him not a downtrodden, dis where to go for real comfort and sympathy. a picture drawn by my artist brother before couraged, sin-smitten soul, but rather one It is a wonderful gift to be able to weep with he lost his life serving his country. He that can, under the impact of divine grace, those who weep. pictured a little girl cuddling a broken doll become a saint of God; and as a true 3. Be a good listener. Listening is an art in childish affection. It's a poor wreck of a physician, he begins to apply the balm of every counselor must cultivate. It seems doll—no hair, only one leg and half of one Gilead to the wounded heart. "In every easier for some pastors to preach than to arm. But it nevertheless holds a big place human being, however fallen, He beheld a listen because preaching is preacher-cen in her heart. Underneath are the signifi son of God, one who might be restored to tered whereas listening is parishioner-cen cant words, "Love Is Blind." How true! the privilege of his divine relationship.... tered. Patience, courage, and confidence 7. Show readiness to share the trouble. In every human being He discerned are required to be a good listener. "One of Remember, unshared troubles sap the soul. infinite possibilities. He saw men as they the greatest values of a counselor is that he David said, "When I kept silence, my might be, transfigured by His grace—in knows enough to keep silence," so wrote a bones waxed old" (Ps. 32:3). How often it 'the beauty of the Lord our God.' Psalm friend the other day. And he is right. A is that when one begins to explain his 90:17. Looking upon them with hope, He counselor needs to be at home with difficulties he actually explains them away. inspired hope. Meeting them with confi silence. Sharing them makes them transparent. dence, He inspired trust. Revealing in The art of real counseling is the ability Haunting fears vanish when one tries to Himself man's true ideal, He awakened, to ask the right questions at the right time put them into words. Their very vagueness for its attainment, both desire and faith." and in the right way. But the only reason is their strength. Because they are ill Education, pp. 79, 80. for asking questions is to get the answers. defined, they appear terrible. But they are 10. Recognize the dignity of human per The answer may give you the clue to the often destroyed when they are shared. sonality. While sensing the gravity of the problem. "I did nothing but listen," 8. Never break a confidence. Nothing is problem or even the apparent hopelessness replied one who was surprised at the more distressing than one who cannot of a situation, be sure never to imply by reversal of attitude on the part of the one keep a confidence. There may be times word or even the tone of voice that the he was trying to help. Not only was that when information should be shared with individual is beyond hope. One of the the best thing to do; it was the only thing to others. But never divulge a confidence great secrets of the Saviour's success was do. Training oneself to listen creatively is without first obtaining permission. His ability to inspire hope in the downcast vital to success. "Now, what am I to do with this and the sin-laden. No matter how far To be able to listen passively (in incriminating information?" I said after sunken one may be in sin and debauchery, silence), then actively (by wise question one woman finished unburdening her the counselor must determine to inspire ing), then interpretatively (by explaining heart. confidence. Of the Saviour's work we read underlying causes), one is able to give the "Oh, don't say a word," she said. an amazing and a revealing statement: "In reassurance so needed in the time of "But if I keep silence, the problem will His presence souls despised and fallen trouble. never be solved," I replied. realized that they were still men, and they 4- Be observant. Watch for indications. "Oh, please keep my confidence. Don't longed to prove themselves worthy of His The clue to the whole problem might be let anybody know," was the plea of her regard." The Spirit of God can awaken in revealed in some little act or attitude. soul. hearts that seem dead to all holy influences Knowing how to penetrate the heart is a "I gave you my word," I said, "and you the desire to reach out for a new life. We science, but a science worth studying. can hold me to that promise as long as you must study how to inspire confidence in "Jesus watched with deep earnestness the like. But this information I should share if oneself and especially in the living God. changing countenance of His hearers"— we ever expect to help the situation." The Desire of Ages, p. 255. He'studied: and Then I made a suggestion. "We shall pray * From: The Bible: A New Translation by James could always put His finger on the deter over the matter now," I said, "and I will Moffatt. Copyright by James Moffatt 1954. Used mining factor. Remember, in dealing with leave it with you to tell me when I can by permission of Harper & Row, Publishers, people, that the only reliable law in human release it." Incorporated. nature is that there is no reliable law. So be ready for anything. 5. Be big-hearted. Remember that all troubles are big to those concerned. Don't minimize the problem and set it aside as of Jesus was busy, but never too busy to talk little consequence. It is right to analyze it and help the troubled soul to see it in the to a troubled soul Although it is wise to budget right light, but to exhibit a superior air and give the impression that the whole thing is your time, souls are more precious insignificant is to fail. Had it not been big than time. It is better to save a life than to to him, he would never have brought it to the pastor. An attitude of indifference only save a minute. 16 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 George E. Knowles B now everyone knows that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has com mitted itself to 1,000 Days of Reaping. But everyone may not realize that 1,000 days of reaping demands a thousand days and nights of prayer on the part of each of us. Prayer is the most effective evangelistic Prayer: agency we have. Prayer changes people and circumstances. It changes not only the one prayed for but the one praying as well. And it opens the way for God Himself to the greatest do things He would not otherwise do. "It is a part of God's plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask."—The evangelistic Great Controversy, p. 525. Revival and prayer have always been inseparably linked together. A lack of agency prayer has always resulted in a lack of power. If spiritual activity is to be redemp tive and produce lasting results to the glory of our Lord, it must be an outgrowth of prayer, not a competing activity that stifles watching, intercession, petition, thanks mind on a soul? Never since the time our prayer. "As activity increases and men giving, singing, meditation, and listening. Lord challenged those first disciples to become successful in doing any work for A devotional hour of prayer and Bible reach the world with the message of God, there is danger of trusting to human study could be the most glorious discovery salvation has there been a greater need plans and methods. There is a tendency to in the life of many a believer. Even ten than today for intercession in prayer. pray less, and to have less faith. . . . Only minutes a day dedicated to prayer would be World population now exceeds four the work accomplished with much prayer, a giant stride for many! If you could have billion! Based on language, customs and and sanctified by the merit of Christ, will seen the enthusiasm of our Australian cultural background, this total world popu in the end prove to have been efficient for believers who had discovered the joy of a lation is compromised of some 26,000 good."—The Desire of Ages, p. 362. satisfying prayer experience, you would be people-groups speaking 6,000 languages. Prayer is our connection with God's motivated to find what they had found. More than 16,000 of these people-groups omnipotent power. God has promised, "If You cannot obtain this "secret" by writing still do not have access to a Christian my people, which are called by my name, to the General Conference or to MINISTRY church of any kind! For political or shall humble themselves, and pray, and for further details or information. It is a religious reasons several entire countries seek my face, and turn from their wicked matter of "taste and see." are closed to Christian missionaries. But ways; then will I hear from heaven, and Besides personal, private prayer, the prayer can reach anyone, anywhere. Its will forgive their sin, and will heal their 1,000 Days of Reaping must be bathed in only limitation is the free moral choice of land" (2 Chron. 7:14). The "land" is corporate prayer. In churches, brothers the individual. composed of nations, families, churches and sisters in Jesus need to pray together for What happens when we pray? Daniel, and individuals. Here, then, is a promise of themselves and for souls. In every institu chapter 10, gives some insight. Daniel healing for families who will pray and seek tion where Adventists work together it prayed earnestly for his people. As far as he His will. How much the world and the would be good to meet together in groups could tell, three weeks passed, and there church and each of us individually need of two or three each working day during seemed to be no change in anything. But the healing touch of God! the 1,000 Days of Reaping for ten minutes from the time he began to pray things had "Lord, teach us to pray," was the of intercessory prayer. begun to happen behind the scenes, where response of the first-century disciples when Both public and personal evangelism are human eyes could not penetrate. The they witnessed the Saviour's prayer life. strengthened by intercessory prayer. angel Gabriel was dispatched to the court But it must also be a need that twentieth- Prayer is the cutting edge of evangelism, its of the Persian king to impress him to make century disciples feel keenly as well. The most valuable asset. While Spurgeon decisions necessary for Daniel's prayer to fact that those first disciples were not preached and invited men and women to be answered. When the angel's influence ashamed to ask for help in prayer makes it accept the Saviour, a hundred of his was not enough, Michael [Christ] Himself easier for us to ask. members interceded in prayer with God in visited the court of the king. And the king During a recent visit to Australia I heard a room beneath the rostrum! "The hearts yielded to influences set in motion by enthusiastic church members tell of help of our church members should be drawn intercessory prayer! Daniel's prayer was that had come to them through dedicating out in prayer for those who are preaching answered and God's people were delivered. an hour a day to prayer. More than one the gospel."—E. G. White, Letter 49, God is ready and willing, but what about testified that an hour of private or family 1903. you and me? "If my people.. . shall humble prayer had become a delightful and Souls are won one by one and likewise themselves, and pray . . . then will I hear rewarding reality in their lives as the result need to be prayed for one by one whether . . . and will heal their land" (2 Chron. of devoting small segments of time, the message is being preached to one or to 7:14). approximately five minutes, to such areas thousands. "In times past there were those People outside the church know God as praise, waiting, confession, Bible study, who fastened their minds upon one soul has visited His peole when they see after another, saying, 'Lord, help me to genuine repentance manifested by tears, save this soul.' But now such instances are restitution, reformation, and resultant joy. rare. How many act as if they realized the One Thousand Days of Reaping George E. Knowles is director of the peril of sinners?— Gospel Workers, p. 65. demands one thousand days of prayer, General Conference Lay Activities Do you realize the peril of sinners? Do because prayer is the greatest agency of Department. you know what it means to fasten your evangelism. MlNISTRY/DECEMBERyi982 17 Samuele R. Bacc/izocc/iz

Christians have traditionally believed that Roman persecution of the church began soon after Christ left this earth. However, another look at the evidence suggests that Christians in the first century were relatively free from persecution by the Romans; it was the Jews who treated them with contempt. In fact, the restraining influence of Stoicism may have caused the Romans to protect the infant Christian church. Rome: an early persecutor of the church?

it is generally assumed that the Roman Jesus' Messianic movement no anti- ricity of Tertullian's account, primarily government largely ignored Christianity Roman political motivation. (See Luke because they believe that Christianity until A.D. 62, that is, up to approximately 13:1; Josephus, Ant. 18.3.1; 18.4.1.) could hardly have attracted imperial atten the first half of Nero's reign, treating it at Luke indirectly supports this conclusion tion at such an early date (about A.D. 35).5 best as one of several Jewish sects. This by his account of Pilate's policy toward the Recent studies, however, have argued in article argues instead that Rome early first Christian community of Jerusalem. its favor. 6 The existence of such a report is recognized the basic differences between The Roman governor could hardly have presupposed by Tacitus' accurate knowl the politically-oriented Jewish Messianic ignored the conflict that erupted between edge of Pilate's condemnation of Christ as movements and the nonpolitical nature of the popular new Messianic movement and well as by Justin Martyr's reference to the Christianity, and that Rome's basic policy the Jewish religious authorities. The latter Acts of Pilate and by the various apocryphal toward Christianity during this period was tried to suppress the new movement by versions of the same Acts produced at a one of tolerance. jailing the apostles (Acts 4:3; 5:18) and by later date. Moreover, Tertullian could stoning Stephen to death (chap. 7:57-60) hardly have fabricated the story of Pilate's Tiberius and Christianity without due authorization of the Roman report and of Tiberius' proposed consecratio A.D. 14-37 governor. Luke places the responsibility of Christ, when he mentions these events The trial of Jesus during Tiberius' reign for this persecution entirely upon the incidentally and when he urges magistrates represents the first major confrontation Sanhedrin, giving the impression that the to "consult" their records to verify his between Roman authorities and the Foun Romans were indifferent to what was account (Apology, 5). Pilate's report and der of Christianity. The Gospels and Acts happening (see chaps. 4:5, 15; 5:17, 27, Tiberius' proposal are dated by Eusebius in unanimously exclude any direct Roman 40, 41; 6:12; 7:57). his Chronicon to A.D. 35. 7 The violent interest in Jesus' condemnation, placing It was customary for governors to report anti-Christian persecution, which, the initiative for Jesus' trial and condem to the emperor any new developments in according to Acts, was stirred up at that nation exclusively upon Jewish author their provinces,2 and according to Tertul- time in Palestine by the Sanhedrin, could ities. 1 The fact that Pilate intervened lian (about A.D. 200), Pilate sent Tiberius a explain why Pilate deemed it necessary to ruthlessly against those suspected of sedi report. 3 Tertullian's account, as well as inform Tiberius about the events that led tion against Rome while he exonerated various forgeries purporting to be letters to the establishment of Christianity and its Jesus from the grave charge of political from Pilate to Tiberius, pictures Pilate's conflict with . insurrection suggests that he detected in report as dealing not only with the trial and If Tiberius really did propose to the condemnation of Jesus but also with Senate to accept Christ among the Roman Samuele R. Bacchiocchi, Ph.D., is pro subsequent events indicating His divinity. 4 deities, he could well have been motivated fessor of religion, Andrews University, On the basis of this report, Tertullian says, by both supersititious and political consid Berrien Springs, Michigan. This article is a Tiberius proposed to the Senate the erations. The mysterious "wonders" sur synopsis of a paper presented at the Society consecrate) of Christ—His inclusion among rounding Christ's death and resurrection, of Biblical Literature. A fuller version will the deities of the Roman pantheon and His which the Emperor learned from Pilate, be published in Andrews University Semi© admission to the cult of the empire. and presumably also from his Samaritan nary Studies. Some scholars have rejected the histo chronographer, Thallus,8 coujd well have 18 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 favorably predisposed him toward Christ, Claudius and Christianity to Christianity of Pomponia Graecina, especially in view of his superstitious faith A.D. 41-54 niece of Tiberius and wife of Aulus in astrological signs and his skepticism The reign of Claudius (A.D. 41-54) can Plautius, the conqueror of Britain. Her toward the traditional religion.9 Politi be characterized as a restoration of conversion is suggested by Tacitus' refer cally, Tiberius may have seen the possibil Tiberius' policy of religious tolerance. To ence that she was accused of "foreign ity of offsetting anti-Roman sentiment the Jews, Claudius restored their religious superstition" (superstitio externd), 13 a among Jewish masses through a legal privileges by edict in A.D. 41 and placed charge frequently leveled against Chris recognition and consequent penetration of Judea directly under a Jewish king, tians. Another indication is provided by Christianity—a pacifistic movement that Agrippa I (A.D. 37-44). Claudius' policy the burial of a Christian descendant, taught: "Render therefore to Caesar the toward Christians can be deduced pri Pomponios Grekeinos, in the catacomb of things that are Caesar's" (Matt. 22:21). * marily from the actions taken by his St. Callistus. Such indications suggest a Tiberius' proposed consecratio of Christ magistrates when dealing wih them. For knowledge of and interest in Christianity was, however, rejected by the Roman example, Luke suggests that the temporary among some persons of the imperial and senate, presumably because the senate was cessation of direct Roman control over senatorial circles. jealous of its own prerogatives in the Judea during the reign of King Agrippa 1 This conclusion is supported by Luke's matter. Tertullian views this negative marked the immediate resumption of account of the action taken by certain decision of the senate as the genesis of persecution against Christ's followers: Roman officials toward Christian leaders. anti-Christian legislation. The emperor "Herod the king laid violent hands upon The proconsul of Achaia, Junius Lucius "held to his opinion" and neutralized the some. . . . He killed James the brother of Gallic (brother of Seneca), ignored the possible negative consequences of the John with the sword; and when he saw that charge leveled by the Jews in Corinth Senate's refusal by "threatening wrath it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest against Paul, of "persuading men to wor against all accusers of the Christians" Peter also" (chap. 12:1-3). The situation ship God contrary to the law" (Acts (Apology, 5). The "accusers" Tiberius had changed at Agrippa's death (A.D. 44). 18:12), declaring the matter to be merely in mind were presumably the Palestinian Judea returned under direct Roman con "questions about words and names and Jewish authorities who had launched a trol and, according to Luke, the Palestin your own [Jewish] law" (verse 15). Simi bitter attack against the followers of Christ ian church experienced no significant larly in Ephesus, civil authorities took (Acts 8, 9). Roman officials had not yet persecution until Paul's arrest (about A.D. measures to protect Christian preachers. taken punitive actions against Christians. 58). m While the town clerk exonerated Paul's How did Tiberius' action affect Chris Luke makes it evident that in the associates, Gaius and Aristarchus, from tians, especially in Palestine, the epicenter diaspora the Roman administration the charge of sacrilegious acts against of the conflict? Josephus informs us that favored the expansion of Christianity by Artemis (chap. 19:37), the "Asiarchs . . . Vitellius, the Roman Governor of Syria, restraining or hindering the Jewish perse who were friends of his [Paul], sent to him "came into Judea, and went up to Jerusa cution of the church. In Cyprus, for and begged him not to venture into the lem" (about A.D. 36) and "deprived example, scene of the first Christian theater" (verse 31). The Asiarchs were the Joseph, who was also called Caiaphas, of encounter with Roman authorities outside representatives of the provincial cities to the high priesthood, and appointed Jona Palestine (about A.D. 46-47), the procon the commune of Asia and thus they than the son of Ananus, the former high sul Sergius Paulus, in spite of the dissuasion represented the closest link between the priest, to succeed him" (Ant. 18.4.3.). of a Jewish prophet Bar-Jesus, "summoned provincial administration and the Roman The removal from office of Caiaphas by Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the government. That the Asiarchs and the Tiberius' legate may well account for the word of God" (chap. 13:7). The curiosity Ephesian magistrates would advise and sudden change from a situation of "great of this Roman official for the Christian protect Paul and his associates from the persecution" (Acts 8:1) to one of "peace." message, which he accepted, suggests not fanaticism of the crowd reflects an under "So the church throughout all Judea and only a favorable disposition toward Chris standing on their part of the harmless Galilee and Samaria had peace and was tianity but also some prior knowledge of it, nature of Christianity and an implementa built up" (Acts 9:31). Vitellius' action possibly through government channels. tion of the tolerant Roman policy toward could represent the implementation of Other sources suggest that government it. Tiberius' policy of tolerance. circles knew of Christianity. About the middle of the first century, the historian Nero and Christianity until A.D. 62 Caligula and Christianity Thallus, a Samaritan Hellenist attached to Roman policy toward Christianity dur A.D. 37-41 the imperial court, endeavored to explain ing the first half of Nero's reign (until A.D. During the reign of Tiberius' successor, as a natural phenomenon (solar eclipse) 62) appears to have been basically a Caligula (A.D. 37-41), the situation for the three hours of darkness that accompa continuation of the Tiberian-Claudian Christians remained practically nied Christ's death." A Roman inscription tradition. Note, for example, the way unchanged. We have no indication that prior to A.D. 38 mentions a certain Roman officials handled the arrest of Paul, Caligula had any dealings with Christians. Incundus Chrestianus, a servant of Tiberius' as well as the execution in A.D. 62 of James, But the severe conflict that developed sister-in-law, Antonia Drusi. 12 The name "the Lord's brother," not to be confused between the Jews and the emperor on Chrestianus, a frequent misspelling of with James, the brother of John, who was account of his senseless effort to install a Christus, suggests a Christian affiliation. martyred by Herod in A.D. 44 (Acts statue of himself within the Temple of More significant is the possible conversion 12:1,2). The arrest of Paul in Jerusalem in Jerusalem may have indirectly contributed to peace for the Christians (see Josephus, Ant. 19.5.2,3). The Jewish authorities, concerned at this critical time about their own survival could not afford planned The Stoic idealism that influenced Roman actions against Christians. Presumably, during the reign of Caligula the Christian emperors and administrators may provide a clue mission reached out beyond the Jews in Palestine and Antioch to convert Romans, to the early Roman tolerance toward such as the centurion Cornelius Christianity, as well as to Christian respect (chap. 10:24,34,35), as well as Greeks (chap. 11:20). for the Roman government. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 19 the late spring of A.D. 58 was for security took place in A.D. 62, as numerous scholars Roman tolerance. Melito of Sardis, about reasons. The Roman tribune, Claudius maintain, it is conceivable that the praeto A.D. 175, argued that Roman intolerance Lysias (chap. 23:26), rescued Paul from an rian prefect Sextus Afranius Burrus and the toward Christianity began with Nero. 16 infuriated crowd that was attempting to stoic Seneca were influential in determin This argument, often repeated by the lynch him because they falsely believed ing Paul's first acquittal, since they were Apologists, 17 can hardly be treated as a that he had profaned the Temple. Nero's key advisers until that year and part fabrication of second-century Christian It is noteworthy that, according to of his consilium. 14 The late . Luke, neither the tribune Claudius Lysias tradition of an alleged correspondence Thus it seems that until the earlier part nor the procurators Felix and Festus or between Paul and Seneca suggests the of Nero's reign (about A.D. 62) the Roman King Agrippa II took seriously the charges possibility that Seneca became acquainted government favored the expansion of of profaning the Temple or sedition (Acts with Paul, especially since Seneca's Christianity by restraining anti-Christian 23:29; 24:5,6). Presumably, these Roman beloved brother, Gallic, did hear and hostile forces. Paul apparently sensed that officials knew of the nonpolitical, irenic acquit Paul in Corinth in A.D. 51 and since the restraining function of the Roman nature of the Christian Messianic move Paul himself claimed to have had Christian government was soon to cease, when he ment. Felix, for example, had a "rather friends within "Caesar's household" (Phil. wrote: "For the mystery of lawlessness is accurate knowledge of the Way" (verse 4:22). already at work; only he who now restrains 22). On the basis of this knowledge, the Roman tolerance toward Christians it will do so until he is out of the way" procurator adopted a diplomatic course of ended in A.D. 62. The change in Nero's (2Thess. 2:7). action, putting off the trial indefinitely, policy is indicated and/or was influenced while at the same time keeping Paul in by several concomitant events: the myste " Scripture quotations in this article are from prison with "some liberty" (verse 23) in rious death of the prefect Burrus; the the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, order "to do the Jews a favor" (verse 27). removal of the restraining influence of copyrighted 1946, 1952, © 1971, 1973. The same desire motivated his successor, stoic advisors such as Seneca; Nero's Festus, to advise Paul to be tried in his repudiation of his lawful wife, Octavia, in 1 See Mark 14:1; Luke 23:1-25; John 11:47-50; presence in Jerusalem before the Sanhe- order to marry his Jewish mistress Poppea; 18:38; 19:6; Acts 3:13, 14, 17. On the responsibil drin (chap. 25:9). These compromise and the emperor's break with the senato ity the New Testament attributes to the Jews for measures reflect the imperial government's rial class. the accusation and condemnation of Christ, see concern to avoid antagonizing Jewish The stoic idealism that influenced Samuel Sandmel, Anti-Semitism in the New Testa ment (Philadelphia, 1979); Gerard Sloyan, Jesus on religious sentiments, thus fueling unrest Roman emperors and administrators may Trial (Philadelphia, 1973). and revolts. Yet, even these political provide a clue for the early Roman 2 Evidence of extensive correspondence considerations did not induce Festus to tolerance toward Christianity as well as for between governors and emperors is provided by hand over Paul to Jewish authorities for Christian respect for the Roman govern The Letters of Pliny. The letters inform Trajan about practically all new developments in the condemnation. His awareness that Paul ment. Although Christianity and Stoicism province of Bithinia, and ask for guidance on a "had done nothing deserving death" (verse differed profoundly in their religious con great variety of questions. 25), apparently restrained him from ceptions, they were strikingly similar in 3 Tertullian, Apology 5, ANFIII: 22; cf. chapter granting to the Sanhedrin the right to try their view of moral values, civil rights and 22. Justin Martyr, inhisIApoJogy, twice (chaps. 35 and 48) appeals to the "Acts of " to the apostle. duties, and belief in the nondeity of the substantiate his account of Christ's crucifixion. It is Further mention must be made of the emperor. 15 These common ideals may have hard to believe that Justin would challenge the execution of James and other leaders in influenced Roman officials to reject the Romans to verify his account by reading the Acts of A.D. 62. According to Josephus, the high popular anti-Christian charges of sedition Pilate, if such a document was not in existence or not readily available. The existing versions of the priest Ananus was able to have these and sacrilegious acts and to understand Acts and Letters of Pilate are an obvious Christian church leaders prosecuted and executed that the Christian movement posed no forgery, but probably they are based upon a genuine during the time between the sudden death threat to the security of the state. On their historical tradition. of Festus and the arrival of his successor, part Christians refrained from attacking 4 Speaking of the darkening of the sun at the time of Christ's crucifixion, Tertullian says, this Albinus (Ant. 20.9.1). The fact that the Roman policies. The apostolic writings account "you yourselves [Romans] have. . . still in high priest took advantage of the tern' urge submission to and respect for "gov your archives" (Apology 21, ANF III: 35). Eusebius porary absence of a Roman procurator to erning authorities" as being "instituted by also explicitly says that Pilate "gave an account act suggests that this official's presence God" (Rom. 13:1). The only anti-Roman also of other wonders which he had learned of him [Christ], and how, after his death, having risen prevented such actions. In fact, the new Christian voice is to be found in the book from the dead, he was now believed by many to be a procurator Albinus, while yet in Alexan of Revelation. This reflects the new God" (Church History 2, 2, 2, NPNF 2nd Series I: dria, wrote to Ananus, strongly con political climate in which the theocratic 105). demning him for his course, and Agrippa demands of the later first-century emperors 5 For example, J. Beaujeu, in his article "L'incendie de Rome en 64 et les chr£tiens," for the same reason had him deposed from (Nero, Domitian) collided frontally with Latomus 19 (I960): 33ff., rejects the historicity of the high priesthood. By moderating and the exclusive Christian acknowledgment Tertullian's account, treating it as a pious Chris restraining Jewish persecution, Roman of the lordship of Christ. tian fabrication of the late first century. E. Volterra authorities favored the expansion of Chris In the second century when Christians at first rejected but then accepted the authenticity of Tertullian's account (see, Scritt! in onore di C, tianity. faced the contempt not only of the masses Fezxini [Milan, 1947], vol. I, pp. 471ff.). F. Paul's Roman imprisonment and trial but also of intellectuals and magistrates, Scheidweiler believes that the letter from Pilate to offer further insight into the attitude of they remembered and appealed to an early Tiberius mentioned by Tertullian must have been Roman authorities toward Christianity. Luke speaks of the freedom the apostle enjoyed while a prisoner: "And he lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, Although Christianity and Stoicism differed preaching the kingdom of God and teach ing about the Lord Jesus Christ quite profoundly in their religious conceptions, openly and unhindered" (Acts 28:30,31). they were strikingly similar in their view of Paul implicity confirms Luke's account when he speaks of the gospel among moral values, civil rights and duties, and belief praetorian guards and "Caesar's house hold" (Phil. 1:13; 4:21). If Paul's first trial in the nondeity of the emperor.

20 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 "an apocryphal Christian document" that was known to the writer ("The Gospel of Nicodemus," in New Testament Apocrypha, ed. Edgar Hennecke [Philadelphia, 1963], I, p. 444). 6 An extensive and cogent discussion is pro Handbills vided by Marta Sordi in "I primi rapporti fra lo Stato romano e il Christianesimo," Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale Lincei 12 (1957): 58-93; and "Sui primi rapporti deli'autorita romana con il that perfoim Christianesimo," Stud1; Romani 8 (1960): 393-409; and II Christianesimo e Roma, Institute di Studi Romani 19 (Bologna, 1965), pp. 21-31. Marta Sordi argues convincingly in favor of the historicity of Tertullian's account regarding Pilate's report and Tiberius' proposal to the senate. She views the Are you having trouble finding a printer who negative decision of the senate as the juridical basis of the later persecution of Christians. Vincenzo will print evangelistic handbills just the Monachino defends basically Sordi's view in Le persecution; e la polemica pagano-cristiana (Rome, 1974), pp. 21-24. SeealsoO. Papini, UCesaredelh way you want them and at a price you can crocifissione (Rome, 1934), pp. 40ff; C. Cecchelli, Studi in onore di Calderini e Paribeni (Milan, 1956), afford? Are you tired of the same old pp. 351ff. 7 Eusebius, Hieronymi Chronicon, in Die grie- two-color design youve been using since chischen christlichen Schriftsteller 47, ed. R. Helm (Leipzig, 1956), pp. 176-177. Eusebius' Chronicon college? Are you having problems obtaining is used by the seventh century Byzantine author of the Chronicon Paschale to establish the consular A.D. 35 date for Pilate's report, under the consulate lists of the residential occupants in your of Gallus and Nonianus (Chronicon Paschak, ed. L. Dindorf in Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae town? And have you given up trying to get [Bonn, 1832], p. 430). 8 On Thallus, see below, note 11. your church members to hand-address 10,000 9 The Roman historical Dio Cassius gives the following account of Tiberius' interest in astrology envelopes? If you answered Yes to any of and magic: "Tiberius, moreover, was forever in the company of Thrasyllus and made some use of the art of divination every day, becoming so proficient the above, we have help for you. Russell Holt in the subject himself, that when he was once bidden in a dream to give money to a certain man, recently interviewed Tom Hall about the he realized that a spirit had been called up before him by deceit, and so put the man to death" services available to ministers at Media, (Roman History 57, 15, 7-9, nans. Earnest Gary [Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1924], p. 153). Sue Incorporated. tonius says that Tiberius was indifferent toward gods and religions, devoting himself rather to mathematics and magic (Tiberius 69). Tacitus also informs us that Tiberius was instructed at Rhodes in the science of the Chaldeans (The Annals 60, 20). On the influence of the astrologer Thrasyllus upon Tiberius' policies, see Frederick H. Cramer, Astrology in Roman Law and Politics (Philadelphia, 1954), pp. 92-108, 10 It is noteworthy that Luke connects the death of the persecuting king with the Christian expan sion: "He [Agrippa I] was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied" (Acts 12:23, 24). Presumably with the return of Judea under direct Roman control, the Sanhedrin was prevented from taking action against Christ's followers. The card that you just handed me says, United States doing this) is that we 11 Thallus' explanation is reported by Julius Mecit'a, Incorporated: Specialists in Lithogra provide a handbill that is sharp, colorful, Africanus, whose text has been preserved by the Byzantine historian George Syncellus (c. A.D. 800) phy and Direct Mail." What exactly is a professional, and that has proved and has been published by E. Schurer, Geschichte "specialist in lithography and direct mail"? appeal— and at a price that is far less than desjudischen Volkes im ZeitalterJesu-Christi (Leipzig, anything comparable printed locally. 1909), Vol. Ill, p. 494. The significance of the /x» Basically, we are specialty printers Here's how. We have developed a fragmentary testimony of Thallus is noted by F. F. Bruce, who remarks: "It is worth noting that about and mailers. Because we want to help our variety of attractive, four-color handbills the middle of the first century A. D. the traditional church, we have developed a service for that can be adapted somewhat according story of the death of Christ was known in pastors and evangelists that we think can to each person's needs. Local information non-Christian circles at Rome."—The Spreading really help them prepare effective hand regarding subjects, time and place of Flame (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1958), p. 137. 12 Corpus Inscriptionum Latinorum (Berlin, bills and get them into the hands of people. meetings, speaker, etcetera, can be placed 1863-1893), Vol. VI, n. 24944. into our standardized-format handbills to 13 Tacitus, The Annals 13, 32. On the charge of create a "custom-design" piece. And "superstition" used against Christians, see, for because the artwork, mechanicals, and example, Tacitus, The Annals 15, 44; Suetonius, Could you explain in more detail just VitaNeronis 16; Pliny, Letters to Trajan 10, 96. what you can do for a pastor or evangelist who other expensive preparation have already 14 Tacitus describes Burrus and Seneca as Nero's wants to use your services? been done, the cost is much cheaper than key advisers until A,D. 62 (The Annals 14, 52). it could possibly be if printed from scratch. 15 For a perceptive comparison of the similarities £\» Sure. First of all is the handbill. Another advantage of our service, I feel, between Stoicism and Christianity, see J. B. Some pastors and evangelists feel that is that the pastor or evangelist is working Lightfoot, Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians (New York, 1896), p. 173. four-color is too expensive for them to use. with handbills that are fairly well proved in 16 Cited by Eusebius, Church History 4, 26, 8. And it may be, if they go to their local their ability to get results. We don't expect 17 See Tertullian, Apology 5; Ad nationes 7; printer. One advantage of our service or a a pastor to be a printing expert or a design Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2, 29, 3. similar one (I'm not the only person in the specialist. But even if he doesn't really MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 21 understand printing or how to design a the post office. It's all spelled out for him. enrollment cards, don©t you, in addition to the good handbill, by matching his meetings handbill service? to one of our handbills, we can help him have a brochure that will be right for him » Give our readers an idea of what your £\9 Yes. We've been having terrific and that he can afford. service costs. Suppose I©m a pastor in a small success with Bible study enrollment cards We feel that four-color is an absolute Midwestern town. I select one of your through the mail. I've been surprised at the necessity in today's direct mail communi handbills, have it printed with my information, results. Many church members say, "I'd cation. One large national advertiser has and want you to mail it to the three thousand like to give Bible studies, but I don't have said simply, "Black and white is for homes in my town. What would that cost? anyone to study with." This is a way to budgets; color is for results." The average obtain contacts—someone who writes person today is constantly deluged by A.* It's not easy to say, because we have back and says, "I'm that individual; I'd like information and mail pieces. He has so many different handbill styles and so to study the Bible. Come and see me!" become more sophisticated and less many different prices within those styles. Actually, with four-color work, a person impressionable. Our piece, then, must be How does this work? simple, yet professional in appearance. We would have to buy a minimum of five o, thousand handbills for us to be able to print feel that its purpose must be to assure the .A.* Again, the church gives us the ZIP them economically. Most of our handbills reader that he can find the answers to the codes to be covered. But the post office is are running from a low of $105 per problems of daily living—and that he will refining ZIP codes to the point that in thousand on up to $200 per thousand. find them at these meetings. We have only many cases they can pinpoint an exact a few seconds to grasp his attention, so the carrier's route, even to which side of the piece must be striking and speak to enough And that price includes the total pack street an address is on! It's called carrier needs to be sure that it will touch one of age printing, mailing., and all? route presorted, and it goes at a less his. However, we don't want to include expensive rate because we presort the too much copy—just enough to whet his A.» That's right. computer cards in the exact order a carrier appetite and instill confidence in the walks that particular route. Then the cards program and the speaker. are sent to him already addressed in that We think our handbills do that. Does a pastor or evangelist have a order so that he doesn't have to do any chance to approve the handbill before it©s sorting; they're all ready to go. printed? ,E» But you are a mailer too, isn't that With this system we can pinpoint very specific areas to cover, which is an right? You don©t just print a handbill and A.» If we have enough advance time and deliver it to the pastor or evangelist. advantage for a church that is sending out he requests a proof, we can do that. Most of Bible study enrollment cards. This system A.9 That's right. The second part of our the time we don't send a proof; we just allows you to be very selective in whom service is to provide mailing. We will proofread it ourselves. you wish to reach. determine the ZIP codes needed to be covered and the dates of the mailings. We You have a service involving Bibk study VJ» Is the cost feasible on this? Could a then work with the post office to see that church send out ten thousand or twenty the brochures are delivered on time. thousand in its immediate area, for exampk?

But you©re located in North Carolina. A.* With the total package, the cost Suppose I©m holding meetings in Minnesota or would be perhaps ten cents apiece—$100 California. You can©t help me there, can you? per thousand—on such a mailing. That includes everything. Of course, these £\.» It doesn't matter where you are in the aren't usually mailed all at once. If they United States, we can handle it from were, the church could be covered up with North Carolina! Right now we're working the returns all at once. We usually send out with twenty or thirty evangelists across the a certain number each month. United States on a regular basis, as well as many, many pastors who are running How can a pastor or evangelist learn Daniel seminar series. more about these services and how to use them? Do you mean that all the evangelist or pastor has to do is to select the handbill he z\« We have a pastor's package that will wants to use and give you the information to be explain the whole program and how it printed on it along with the ZIP codes to be works. We'll be happy to send it to any covered? Then he doesn©t have to worry about pastor or evangelist in the United States a thing as far as the post office is concerned? who asks for it. Just write: Media Incor porated, P.O. Box 18464, Greensboro, /».» Well, it isn't quite that easy! He does North Carolina 27419. have to worry about the mailing. He has to check on his end with the local post office at certain intervals and make sure that they are following the instructions we send We feel that four-color is an absolute them. There's always a certain element of headache in mailing, and the pastor needs necessity in today©s direct mail communication. to do everything he can to be sure the post office is following through. Don't take One large national advertiser said simply, anything for granted. But we send a letter "Black and white is for budgets; color is for to the pastor or evangelist outlining just what steps he is to follow in checking up on results. 22 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 Shop talk

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Seminary needs books mine the degree of interest; The Seventh-day Adventist (3) cultivation of key interests Theological Seminary, Far through monthly telephone East, in Manila is attempting Bible studies, followed by area to increase its library hold discussion groups; (4) deci ings. This important institu sions, as individuals are ready, tion for ministerial training in reaping meetings; and (5) possessed only 350 books cultivation of new members when it began operation in through telephone counseling. 1978; currently the library The entire cycle is designed houses some 10,000 volumes. to be accomplished within a This is a respectable increase, twelve-month time period. but still far from adequate for The system can be imple Your past issues of its needs. Dr. Leslie Har- mented in part or in its dinge, president, is appealing entirety depending on your MINISTRY Just became more to readers of MINISTRY to con church need. It utilizes the sider donating surplus books unique spiritual gifts of people valuable! from their personal libraries to in the church, and is cost Now you can find exactly the article or information you are the Philippine seminary or effective. For more informa looking for with the new MINISTRY Subject and Author Index, perhaps even bequeathing tion, write: These Times Min 1970-1979. their entire library to the istries, Review and Herald institution through a will. Publishing Association, 6856 • Complete ten-year listing in one convenient place. Sack mail is the most inex Eastern Avenue NW., • Sixty-eight pages, easy to use two-column format. pensive method of mailing Washington, D.C. 20012. • Separate sections for subjects, authors, book reviews. books to the Philippines. • Prepared by a professional librarian. (Your local post office can • More complete than yearly index published in magazine. provide details.) However, Your library needs this important reference tool. Order a copy before you mail books it today. would be well to write Dr. Hardinge for information Also available: index for 1928-1961, supplement for 1962- regarding the items and mate 1965, supplement for 1966-1969. Although not as thorough as rials that are most needed. the new 1970-1979 index, these also provide valuable research His address: Seventh-day information. Adventist Theological Semi nary, Far East, P.O. Box 1834, Manila, Philippines. Timely idea General Conference of SDA, Central Departmental Services A new dimension in 7112 Willow Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912 church growth, called These Image of Daniel 2 Please send me the following MINISTRY index(es) Times Telephone Ministry, is Prophetic Visuals now has now available to churches in available a three-dimensional ___ Index, 1928-1961 (MIN 2110), $3.50 North America. It combines figure of the image seen in ___ Supplement, 1962-1965 (MIN 2120), $1.25 the power of high quality Nebuchadnezzar's dream journalism contained in These (Daniel 2). Made of sturdy ____ Supplement, 1966-1969 (MIN 2130), $1.25 Times with the dynamics of plastic with a metallic finish ____ Subject and Author Index, 1970-1979 (MIN 2140), telephone communication in in gold, silver, bronze, and $5.00 a streamlined system of evan iron, this unusual visual aid gelistic outreach. can be used for evangelistic Designed to produce maxi meetings, Daniel and Revela Enclosed is my check for $ _____ or a purchase order. mum results from limited tion seminars, branch Sab (All prices include postage and handling.) church resources, the system bath schools, Bible studies, or consists of five basic parts: (1) as an interesting conversation Name ______circulation of the journal, piece for your office or home. Street __ placing it into the hands of Cost is $19.95 each postpaid. receptive people; (2) evalua Send your order to: Prophetic City__ _Zip_ tion by telephone of those Visuals, 112 North St., receiving the journal to deter Osseo, Michigan 49266. I————— MINISTRY/DECEMBERyi982 23 From the Editor No new thing

Our church has become increasingly complex, compared with former years. This may be the inevitable result of growth in a complicated and modern world, but somehow we must retain the clear goals of an earlier age.

he hour comes in every reformatory warns of confusing mechanics with essen ences and missions, 455 local conferences movement when, with its founding fathers tials, and accessories with fundamentals. and missions, and 3,392 ordained and all sleeping in their graves, and a new Then he lists five things that, in his licensed ministers. In 1981 we had about generation of leaders in responsibility opinion, the Seventh-day Adventist the same number of union conferences and facing new and unprecedented conditions, Church is not here to do, as well as four missions (79), even fewer local confer it must review its founding purpose and things it is here to do. In my opinion we ences and missions (383); but the church determine anew that nothing shall deflect would do well down in 1982 (almost 1983) employed 14,476 ordained and licensed from that original course and objective. It to review Froom's counsel. First, the five ministers—more than four times the num comes, as it were, to an inevitable fork in things the church is not here to do: ber of ministerial workers there was in the road. It must either go on with 1. "We are not here to build up an 1933! undeviating purpose, or swerving from intricate system of dogmatic and system The institutional world of Adventism in that course, begin from that moment to atic theology, with its philosophical rami 1933 included 69 publishing houses and lose its distinctive character and impelling fications." branches; 112 hospitals, sanitariums, and force. . . . That we as a people have 2. "We are not here to build up costly treatment rooms; 2,064 primary schools; reached such an hour of review and and complicated organizations." and 207 colleges, academies, and interme reaffirmation, will become increasingly 3. "We are not here to build up vast diate schools. These institutions employed clear to all who give it thought. . . . [The] institutions." 7,460 workers of all categories. By 1981 we pioneers of this message gave their all, 4. "We are not here to build up a great had 50 publishing houses; 166 hospitals their very lives, that this last gospel educational system competitive with the and sanitariums; 224 treatment rooms, message, based on the full threefold world, and designed to match its philoso clinics, and dispensaries; 3,921 primary commission of Revelation 14, might come phy." schools; and 913 universities, colleges, and into being. And now these men are gone. 5. "We are not here to vie with the vast secondary schools. And these institutions We constitute the new generation, or humanitarium enterprises functioning employed 64,001 workers. Primary schools group, that has come onto the stage of impressively all about us." in 1933 enrolled 71,579 pupils and utilized action. These precious truths have been One may or may not agree with each of 2,807 teachers. Beyond the primary level, bequeathed by them to us as a sacred Froom's observations. The point that 2,325 teachers instructed 23,481 students. legacy, but without that untransferable struck me, however, was this: If in 1933 For 1981, primary schools had 408,426 personal experience which made them the editor of MINISTRY felt it necessary to students and 16,983 teachers; beyond the mean so much to them. We must now go warn the church against theological intri primary level there were 11,119 teachers on with the banner of truth, or we shall go cacies and attendant philosophical ramifi and 152,767 students. back. We must complete the task they so cations, if he felt it appropriate to warn One may argue, of course, that such nobly began. We must consummate the against "costly and complicated organiza figures simply reflect a growing work and movement they initiated, else we shall tions," "vast institutions," "a great educa that growth inevitably results in greater retrograde and lose our distinctive purpose tional system" that competes with the complexity and cost. One might also argue in the world." world, and humanitarian enterprises that that the world we live in today is incredibly The impassioned words of a church vie with the world's, would he not feel a more complicated and expensive than the leader who believes that recent theological much greater urgency to do so today? For world of 1933. Still, Froom's cautions seem discussions, attacks on the Spirit of Proph whatever reasons, we seem to be much valid. For whatever reasons, we seem to be ecy, and financial difficulties a la Daven- more advanced in all these areas than we increasingly preoccupied with theological port have brought the Adventist message were nearly fifty years ago. intricacies rather than with the simple, to a perilous hour of decision? No. On this point, a comparison of certain everlasting gospel. Our church could be These words, which seem so applicable items of the 1933 Statistical Report with (and should be) less complicated and and up-to-date to our ears in the 1980s, are that of 1981 (the latest available) is expensive to operate. almost half a century old! They come from enlightening. According to this source, no Froom concludes his 1933 editorial with a November, 1933, MINISTRY editorial by Adventist educational institution offered four things the church is here to do: Editor L. E. Froom. As I chanced upon it instruction beyond the college level in 1. "We are here to give a specific and read his words, I was impressed again 1933. A theological seminary for the message to men just prior to, and as the with Solomon's observation "The thing church existed on paper only; a year-old preparation for, the second coming of that hath been, it is that which shall be; action by the Autumn Council to establish Christ." and that which is done is that which shall a school of theology had encountered 2. "We are here to complete a given be done: and there is no new thing under difficulties. In 1933 we had 3,329 church task before our deliverance." the sun" (Eccl. 1:9). buildings worldwide, valued at some $9.6 3. "We are here to proclaim the hour of In that nearly-fifty-year-old editorial million. Figures for 1981: 19,981 church God's judgment now .in solemn session." Froom speaks of "dangers," "tendencies," buildings valued at more than $1.9 billion. 4. "We are to protest and warn against and "perils" that beset the church. He In 1933 the church had 70 union confer the moral fall of Christendom." 24 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 Of course, the church was doing many in mind that the problems of today are not Sabbath? What would be wrong with other things than these even back in 1933. really new problems; they are simply old having a congregational song following the Certainly, today it is carrying out the ones in new dress. And this being so, closing hymn and benediction as the activities of 1933 on an even greater scale perhaps we do not need new solutions as ministers walk out? A song such as "God and has added many additional tasks. But much as we need to apply the old Be With You" unites hearts, helps us to in all our activity, we would do well to keep ones.—B.R.H. think of others, and creates a deeper respect and love for one another. Too often our worship services are a passive performance rather than an active partici Lead your people heavenward pation on the part of the worshipers before the Lord God. 4. At another church I attended, testi • rom time to time I try to visit various and hands could be free to pass the plate monies of God's leading and blessings were churches, not only to worship and to meet and put in the offering. Memorizing a song given during the missionary period. One my own spiritual needs, but also to get could be managed if necessary, or even member, an engineer at a radio station, ideas to share with our ministers around different songs dealing with salvation came forward and related how God had the world. Here are a few suggestions I through our Lord and the consecration to healed him of a physical disability. A dear have gleaned: which He is entitled on the part of those lady mentioned a minor, but very mean 1. Why not have all the visitors—both who serve Him. ingful, experience. She could not get her Adventists and non-Adventists—stand In other churches I have heard passages door unlocked one rainy and cold evening. during the pastor's welcome in the eleven of Scripture read during the taking of the She offered up a short prayer, and then o'clock hour? Read a poem or a paragraph offering. In fact, at the last church I tried the lock once more. The key turned or two specially prepared to welcome them visited, the Emmanuel Seventh-day easily! She felt sure the Lord had blessed in to the services and urge them to come Adventist church in Brinklow, Maryland, answer to her prayer. Members gave four or back. This recognition creates good will the local elder read 1 Corinthians 13 while five such testimonies during the missionary and makes an impression upon a visitor's the offering was taken. Selected passages period at this church. The experience mind that will not be soon forgotten. from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy seemed to warm the whole congregation During this same welcome period, have can be used that lift a person's heart in and bring in a spirit of fellowship. everyone in the church shake hands and worship to God. This helps each to realize Sabbath morning services should be a introduce himself to those whom he does that the offering is a part of worshiping time when God's people come together for not know who are sitting around him, God. I suggest that no strange remarks, no worship and praise of God, for spiritual both in front and behind and at the sides. "strange fire," be offered to God during this strengthening of their own souls, and for During this time those on the platform can time. This is no place for negative state reaching out in fellowship to strengthen also come down and mingle in the ments, but rather positive ones connected their brothers and sisters in the Lord. This audience for just a few seconds, shaking with giving to the Lord. Following the is no time for us to give our people abstract hands with individuals, especially focusing offering in the church I just mentioned, discussions that leave them unfed and on those they do not know and who are when the deacons came forward, they unsatisfied. This is no time for humanistic visitors. This will break down walls of knelt and held the plates high as all sang philosophy masquerading as Biblical coldness and prejudice, bring in a warm "Praise God, From Whom All Blessings preaching. There is far too much of this feeling, and set up a responsive attitude in Flow." This was a memorable experience. kind of preaching in Seventh-day Advent the heart for what comes later in the 3. I believe that we can create a greater ist churches today. Sabbath morning serv worship service. worshipful atmosphere in our churches if ices are a time to lead our people heaven 2. During the taking up of the tithes we participate in more congregational ward, to provide them with solid spiritual and offerings we are admonished to be singing. We don't need to wait until the food that will nourish them until the joyful givers, but the act of giving our new hymnal comes along to do this. Our following Sabbath and give them strength offerings and tithes to God is anything but people need to be taught literally hundreds to face the battles of life on a day-to-day joyful in most churches I have attended! of hymns. Why not try a new one every basis.—J.R.S. As a matter of fact, it is the most solemn portion of any church service. Watch the faces of people as the offering plate is passed. Their faces show concern, serious Church is boring ness, soberness, and at times even grief! One would think that instead of an offering plate, an open coffin were passing Or n the evening of March 4, 1982, the been enormous slipping away from the by, in which lay their dearest friend or emcee of TV's popular "Family Feud" kind of incisive truth that a church of long relative! Why not, instead of some musical program posed to the contestant this ago demonstrated! If so, the church is selection on the organ or piano during this question: "What is the most boring place failing to convey the excitement of the time, make it a joyful occasion by having you go to?" Her ready answer? "Church." greatest thing in the world! the whole congregation sing while the And it turned out to be the number one Of course, some people are bored in offering is being taken? I experienced the answer, based on 100 people surveyed! church because their lives are centered in thrill of this in a church in Soweto, South Is this what has happened to the church? the very things that are incompatible with Africa, the largest black township in the What church, whose church, is the most the church and its standards. Such, no country. Our neat, clean church had no boring place to go? Yours? Mine? Can it be doubt, feel under pressure in church and musical instrument because they couldn't that those living when the most striking attend only because some outside influ afford one, but the voices of the people as prophetic fulfillments of all time are ence dictates that they be there. With such they sang sounded more beautiful than any bursting around us are finding the source of an attitude and motive, church can hardly organ. Of course, they didn't have song- this truth and light "the most boring avoid being considered boring. But surely books, but they knew the songs by heart. place"? no one who comes to our places of worship Perhaps your congregation could be taught If so, it is a paradox stranger than earnestly seeking information about God to memorize a song so that the people fiction! If so, somewhere there are a lot of and blessing for his hungry soul should would not have to be holding songbooks inept pastors! If so, somewhere there has receive only boredom in return!—W. B. Q. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 25 Shepherdess/Miriam Wood Women meet in Manila

During the recent Annual Council in Manila, two days were devoted to meetings dealing with the needs and interests of ministers© wives. We think you II appreciate this special report.

One of the most exciting parts of Annual dress accented her graceful carriage as she ago, presented "Caring and Sharing." She Council for me is the opportunity to meet with gave her own welcome to the women of the told of her new-found joy as a volunteer other ministerial wives, especially during the session. Bible instructor in her new home town of specially arranged women's meetings. The Using the theme "Status or Stature?" Walla Walla, Washington. "After a retire recent Annual Council in Maniia was no Mrs. Wilson urged the importance of ment home is put into perfect order it is exception. On Wednesday, October 6, the seeking true values and of being what one time for a new interest; I looked about me first session convened in die beautiful Visayas seems to be. "I can think of nothing more and realized that although I had never Room of the Philippine Plaza Hotel. Special important than to live by genuine, not given Bible studies, this was a great need. I guests included Filipino ministerial wives and spurious, standards," she declared. She can now state that I wish I had been a Bible students from Philippine Union Coifege, as further stated that persons in leadership worker all my life." well as women faculty members and wives of roles face the temptation to seek recogni Mrs. Emmerson stressed the need to be other workers in the Manila area. I asked tion and honor, and this is especially true sensitive to the physical, emotional, and Miriam Wood to capture on paper the when secular society strongly endorses this social needs of those to be helped. This highlights of our two days of meetings; I think mode of life. "We need to take as our goal may even involve helping someone in you©ll find her report inspiring. Marie to grow up into the stature of Christ," she debt, or balancing a checkbook, or even Spongier. concluded. staying night and day for a week with Jeanne Larsen, now working with her someone who is trying to break the minister husband, Ralph, at Philippine cigarette habit. , presented the topic "Team "Health That Brings Life" was the Ministry." She traced the beginnings of lecture given by Pat Jones, associate dean • he women's meetings at the Annual ministerial wifehood in the Adventist of the School of Nursing at Philippine Council session in Manila in October, Church, including the concept that wives Union College. As she discussed "levels of 1982, reflected the problems and concerns were expected to work as a full team wellness" she explained that one may of Adventist women in the changing, member, to sublimate all personal goals, possess a high level of wellness, a moderate turbulent world of the late twentieth and to be totally competent in every area of level, a low level, or actually be in a state of century. Though the primary focus was living. "But the role is not so clearly illness. Dr. Jones indicated that sometimes centered on challenges faced by the defined at present," she stated. "Because of the part of the world in which an ministerial wife, the material presented the need for wives to work outside the individual lives has a bearing on the level can be fully applied to all Adventist home, because of the greater educational of wellness that he is able to achieve. By homes. Mrs. Marie Spangler, director of level of ministerial wives, and because of the use of a projector and graphs the the meetings, planned and conducted a the pressures of society in general, it is speaker illustrated her points. tightly packed two-afternoon seminar on important to decide what values to retain "God intends for His children to such wide-ranging topics as "The Chang and what to reject." She pointed out that achieve the highest level of wellness," she ing Role of the Minister's Wife," "Chal teaching, nursing, and secretarial work said. "That is what health is all about. We lenges of the Modern Home," "Coping were once considered the only "accept are to have as our aim constant movement With Loneliness," and "Nutritional able" jobs for ministerial wives. toward the highest level. It is important for Update." Speakers were chosen for. their "Probably the most devastating goal a a truly healthy Christian woman to under expertise and experiential knowledge of ministerial wife can have is to feel that she stand her deep feelings and emotions and their subject matter. must do everything to perfection," Mrs. face them as a part of the total picture of In her opening remarks Marie Spangler Larsen remarked. In their team ministry harmonious functioning." challenged the group to find new ways of she and her husband have arrived at some As the last speaker for this first session, solving old problems, and to develop new unique solutions to problems. For Miriam Wood discussed some of the and positive attitudes. "As women in a instance, when the children were still at serious challenges facing ministerial homes unique role, the role of ministerial wives, home the entire family arose one hour today. For instance, divorce is becoming we need constantly to reassess our commit early to do housework. They always came more prevalent—a condition once ments and our goals," she stated. home to a clean home, and Sundays could unheard-of in this group. Another prob It seemed most appropriate that the be used for family fun. Other specific lem to be dealt with is the resentment felt devotional speaker for the first session suggestions were collaborating on sermon by a number of younger ministerial wives. should be Elinor Wilson, wife of the preparation, coordination of social obliga "It is not accepted automatically that the president of the General Conference. On tions, emotional support, and particularly wife of a minister is simply a pale reflection the previous day Mrs. Wilson had been for the wife, acting as a healing influence of her husband, though this was the presented with a dress in the Filipino style, in the congregation. unquestioned view several decades ago." made for her as a gift by certain church Dorothy Emmerson, who, with her Mrs. Wood suggested that Adventist members in the area. The beautifully husband, Kenneth Emmerson, retired colleges take definite steps in building embroidered, cream-colored, floor-length from the General Conference two years curricula that include information regard- 26 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 ing the role of a minister's wife, and should time when they were young missionaries, the two-day seminar was the special music. provide counseling for young women who during his overseas army service, on Among the groups who sang were the are romantically interested in future min- through various positions, and concluding North Philippine Union office trio, a choir isters. "Certainly the church cannot and with his sixteen years as treasurer of the from Philippine Union College, and the would not wish to get into the marriage- General Conference. "We have spent only Women's International Club from the broker business, but the fact remains that it eighteen years together," she reported. PUC campus. This last group represented is better to let young women know ahead of Her suggestions for coping were as citizens of countries all over the Far East. time that to marry a minister means to follows: (1) Do things with the children if Their song, "Heaven Is My Home," share him with others for the rest of their they are still in the home. (2) If you work seemed especially poignant because of the lives together," she said. outside the home be sure that it is in a wide range of nationalities with one Another challenge faced by ministerial setting where you meet many other people. common goal, one common belief. Char wives is the need for expertise in counsel (3) Become involved with church work. lotte Dennis, a vocal soloist from the ing young people involved in the "new (4) Relax with friends. (5) Keep well and General Conference, also contributed to morality," drugs, et cetera. healthy, being especially meticulous about the beauty of the session. Jeanne Zachary, a librarian, opened the regular meals. (6) Make your home as safe On both days a unique feature was the second session of the seminar on Thursday from intruders as possible. (7) Develop "oxygen cocktail" presented by Dorothy afternoon with her devotional on the new interests of your own. (8) Have some Nelson, health educator and airplane importance of growth. Comparing the private time just for yourself. (9) Keep in pilot. As she directed the group in standing human being to a plant, she stated that the contact with a traveling husband by letter and taking deep breaths, she stated that it much-used term sanctification could really and telephone. (10) Realize that it is only is just as possible to suffer from spiritual be substituted for the word growth in natural to feel lonely, and do not feel guilty oxygen deprivation as from physical depri Christian living. as long as you maintain a cheerful exterior. vation. Dr. Miriam Tumangday, psychologist Fern Calkins, nutritionist, concluded Summing up the two afternoons of and director of guidance services at Philip the afternoon's presentation with "Nutri study, Marie Spangler presented to the pine Union College, addressed the group tion Update." She described the interest group two definite challenges and con on the topic of "Challenges of the Modern that she had developed a number of years cerns. First, she asked for suggestions as to Home." She gave the following reasons for ago in preparing simple, healthful foods how the changing role of the ministerial the breakdown of many homes: mobility, that taste good and are good for one. "I wife can be handled. What should be depersonalization of the human being, decided that there is a great need for an retained? What should be discarded? She sexual revolution, affluence, and the intelligent and consecrated approach to asked that definite suggestions be sent to growing neglect of children by parents. "It cooking," she asserted. "Simple and natu her on this topic, via MINISTRY. is vital that parents portray genuine ral foods prepared in a simple and natural Second, Mrs. Spangler informed the Christian virtues, not spurious ones, if manner is the goal to be reached. Avoid group that she hopes to set up an interna they wish their children to emulate them," extremes." tional organization for ministerial wives, she asserted. "Some well-meaning parents An outgrowth of Mrs. Calkins' study is so that all groups can contribute and can actually make it almost impossible for their the popular It's Your World Vegetarian strengthen and enhance the concept of children to become good Christians." In Cookbook published by the Review and team ministry all over the world. She discussing methods of child-rearing, she Herald. Of interest to the group were the welcomes suggestions as to how this idea listed (1) authoritarianism, (2) laissez slides that Mrs. Calkins presented delin can be implemented. faire, and (3) democratice methods. eating the results of various statistical Expressing the sentiment of those pres One of the qualities most needed by studies in California regarding the health ent at the two-afternoon seminar, one ministerial wives—and all other and life expectancy of Adventists and person said, "I just wish that the women's women—is that of adaptability. In discuss non-Adventists. meetings had been planned for every day of ing this point, Genevieve Bothe, secre One of the most appreciated features of the session, all day long." tary, stated that adaptability means being able to adjust to life's demands without undue stress. Pressures and stress need not necessarily be thought of as totally nega tive; they can be beneficial in helping the human being realize his potential, if they Prayers from the parsonage are reacted to properly. "We need to learn to escape from the wear and tear of daily living by changing our environment for Christmas. There is a lull in squabbles comprehend Your disciples. Those who short periods of time, and to conquer between siblings; feuding neighbors hate You will war against whoever loves destructive emotions, which produce neg observe a truce; and enemy armies declare You. ative physical reactions," she said. "Our a cease-fire. We contrive a little peace, if "Think not that I am come to send response to stress shows how genuine is our only for twenty-four hours. peace on earth: I came not to send peace, dependence on God." She also suggested "Glory to God in the highest, and on but a sword" (Matt. 10:34). that Jesus renounced His "rights" and thus earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke The Prince of Peace armed with a reduced stress, while always contending for 2:14). sword? Yes, because people are suspicious the rights of others. If we follow His So great is our longing for peace that we of differences, critical of individuality, example we will adopt the policy, not of misinterpret the angels' words. We forget resistant to new ideas, intolerant of high CONfronting, but of CAREfranting. that peace is impossible until God and man ideals. A problem faced by many ministerial are reconciled. Lord, I accept Your gift of peace. If wives is that of loneliness, since the Those who ignore You will find only possible, so far as it depends on me, I will husband and father is often out of the substitutes for the peace You promise. live peaceably with others. But I realize home so much. Dorothy Emmerson, in Those who misunderstand You will never that I can neither prevent nor correct all discussing "Coping With Loneliness," told the problems in this world. May I proclaim the group that she had kept a record of her Your gracious nature to all men so that husband's absences during the forty-four many may be reconciled and find the peace years of their marriage, beginning with the -Cherry B. Habenicht. that only You can give. MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 27 1982Index

del Pozo, Luis, and John B. Youngberg. Holmes, C. Raymond. Preaching as Com Kuyper, Neal A. Turning the Funeral How Seriously Should We Take munication, by Myron R. Chattier. Around. Nov 13 Marriage? Sep 4 Aug 31 LaRondelle, Hans K. Christ or Antichrist: Devnich, D. Douglas. Ministering to the Who is Present at Communion? Aug 4 The Mysterious Gap in Daniel 9. j Hostile. Aug 11 Holt, B. Russell. His Resurrection and May 14 ! Digel, George. You Can Do Public Evan Ours [editorial]. Mar 22 The Church and the Great Tribulation: gelism! Apr 18 Homosexuals and Other Sinners Helped Protection or Escape? Mar 13 Douglass, Herbert E. God on Trial. May 7 [editorial]. Mar 22 Is the Secret Rapture the Blessed Hope? Drescher, John N. Alcohol: A Witness John Wesky, by Stanley Aylind. May 32 Jan 10 Against Itself. Mar 7 No New Thing [editorial]. Dec 24 The Millennium: Its Old Testament Dudley, Roger L. Encounter or Enrich' Remember Southview! [editorial]. Sep Roots. Nov 10 ment—What's the Difference? Feb 25 The One Thousand Years of Revelation 13 Should We Have a Loose-leaf Bible? 20. Sep 12 Understanding Church Growth and [editorial]. Jul 24 Where Did Jesus Place the Seventieth Decline, 1950-1978, edited by R. Spangler and the Beast [editorial]. Jan Week? Jul 12 Hoge and David A. Roozen. Jun 32 Lay, Michael J. Beginning Your Ministry, by Dudley, Roger L., and Des Cummings, Jr. Holt, B. Russell, and Tom Hall. Handbills C. W. Brister, James L. Cooper, and Who Reads Ellen White? Oct 10 That Perform [interview]. Dec 21 J. David Fite. Feb 32 Dudley, Roger L., Des Cummings, Jt., Kirn Hooper, Wayne, andj. R. Spangler. How Church Growth—A Mighty River, by White. Interns and Supervisors a Hymnal Is Bom [interview]. Oct Delos Miles. Jul 32 View Each Other. Dec 12 14 Lohne, Agnes, and others. Ministers' Dudley, Roger L., and others. Morale in Horn, Siegfried H. The Psalms, by Claus Wives in Russia [interview]. Aug 28 Ministry—A Study of the Pastor's Westermann. Oct 30 Lozano, Juan, and J. R. Spangler. Preach Authors- Wife as a Person. Feb 22 ing the Word in Spain [interview]. Aeschlimann, Carlos. Inter-America in Edwards, Rex D. Conflict Ministry in the Aug 14 Action. Apr 12 Church, by Larry L. McSwain and Magie, Allan R. Covetousness or Content Anderson, Roy Allan. Speak Ye Comfort William C. Treadwell, Jr. Aug 31 ment? Nov 24 ably to Jerusalem. Dec 14 Growth in Ministry, edited by Thomas E. McGraw, John W. Dwell in Peace, by Andreasen, Niels-Erik. Made in the Image Kadel. Sep 32 Ronald C. Arnett. Mar 32 of God. Jan 13 Ministers Without Pulpits. Jun 20 How to Help Your Church Grow, by Are, Thomas L. Conquering the Clock. Jul Ferris, Roger H. The Divorce Myth, by J. George E. Knowles. Oct 31 4 Carl Laney. Oct 31 Mclntyre, J. Ralph. After the Funeral Bacchiocchi, Samuele R. Divine Rest for Finley, Mark. Vital Signs of a Healthy [reprint]. Jan 8 Human Restlessness. Jan 18 Church. May 4 Mead, K. H. Keeping the Pastor Number Rome: An Early Persecutor of the Finley, Teenie. Adventures in Ministry. One. Dec 7 Church? Dec 18 Oct 28 Mitchell, Norman L. You Are What You Ball, Bryan W. This Incomparable Jesus Finney, C. G. How to Preach So as to Think. May 26 [reprint]. May 10 Convert Nobody [reprint]. Nov 8 Moon, Robert D. Computers Come to Barren, Richard E. Students, Churches, and Flowers, Ron. Good Marriages Don't Just Church. Mar 4 Higher Education, by R. T. Gribbon. Happen. Mar 18 Morris, Richard A. It's Time to Do Less for May 32 Fowler, John W. The Motivated Pastor. Your Church Members. Jan 4 Bell, Skip. Let the Church Grow! Nov 4 Aug 8 Oliveira, Enoch. Reform or Redemption: Bennett, Douglas. To Dream Again, by Froom, L. E. The Sanctuary: Pivotal Must the Church Choose? Sep 10 Robert D. Dale. Apr 32 Teaching of Adventism [reprint]. Parks, David. Preparing for Public Meet Bietz, Gordon. O Come, Let Us Worship, Aug 18 ings. Apr 20 by Robert G. Raybum. May 32 Geraty, Lawrence T. Update on Ebla. , Jan. The Christian World Mission, Blanco, Jack. A Unique Message and 24 Tischendorf and the New Testament. by J. Herbert Kane. Oct 30 Mission. Oct 4 Gladson, Jerry. Man and Woman in Chirst, Mar 26 Pease, Norval F. Preaching the Whole Boyle, Patrick. Building Sermons to Meet by Stephen B. Clark. Aug 31 Howse, Kevin J. Feeding the Sheep or Gospel. Dec 4 People©s Needs, by Harold T. Bryson Theological Wordbook of the Old Testa Guarding the Goats? Jul 10 Peterson, Duane R. The Complete Book of and James C. Taylor. Oct 31 ment, edited by R. Laird Harris, Hunt, J. N. How Much Is It Worth? Apr Church Growth, by Elmer L. Towns, Bradford, C. E. Bradford on Evangelism Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. 17 John N. Vaughan, and David J. [interview]. Apr 6 Waltke. May 32 Hyde, Gordon M. Jesus Is Coming Soon! Seifert. Feb 32 Butler, Peg. The Holding Pattern. Jun 28 Glass, John. Telling the Story, by Richard Mar 10 Quigley, W. B. Is Our Goal to Not Win Carter, John J. Reaching a City for Christ. A. Jensen. Nov 32 Our Prophetic Heritage. Feb 18 Souls? [editorial]. Apr 27 Dec 10 Graham, Roy E. Opportunity for Miracles. James, Willard D. Dramatic Narrative in One Thousand Days of Reaping. Feb 8 Case, Charles C. Use the Bible Your Mar 16 Preaching, by David M. Brown. Oct A Prior Claim. Mar 4 People Use! Oct 7 The White Lie, by Walter T. Rea. Aug 30 31 Transformed by the Renewing of Your Chalfant, Morris, Feed the Lambs, Not the Gruesbeck, Clarence. Small-Group Evan Johns, Warren H, The Camel's Amazing Mind. Oct 18 Giraffes. Nov 21 gelism. Apr 22 Nose. Aug 26 Radford, Dennis W. The Secular Saint, by Passion: The Indispensable Ingredient. Habenicht, Cherry B. Prayers From the Ellen White: Prophet or Plagiarist? Jun 5 Robert E. Webber. Mar 32 Jul 18 Parsonage. Jan 29; Mar 25; Apr 29; Johnsson, William G. Beyond the Barriers, Reid, George W. From Despair to Destiny. Clark, Greg, and others. Morale in Min May 29; Jun 29; Jul 29; Aug 29; Sep by William E. Hull. Oct 31 Apr 10 istry—A Study of the Pastor's Wife 29; Oct 29; Nov 29; Dec 27 Uplift Christ. Feb 4 History Confirms the Divine Call. Dec as a Person. Feb 22 Hall, Tom, and B. Russell Holt. Handbills Keough, Arthur. Consistent Christianity. 12 Coffen, Richard W. The Gospek, by Fred That Perform [interview]. Dec 21 Nov 18 Rhodes, John. A Troubling Dream in the B. Craddock. Jul 32 Hammill, Richard. Spiritual Gifts in the Kiesler, Herbert. God's Design: Focusing on Night. Feb 17 Coffin, James. Marriage, Divorce, and Church Today. Jul 15 Old Testament Theology, by Elmer A. Rice, George E. Baptism: Union With Remarriage in the Bible, by Jay E. Hannum, Harold B. Jubilate! by Donald P. Martens. Dec 32 Christ. May 20 Adams. Jul 32 Hustad. Sep 32 Kilcher, Carole Luke, and others. Morale Ritter, David M. Things My Pastor Never Reach Out and Touch Someone. Jul 20 Harris, J. H. The Complete Youth Ministries in Ministry—A Study of the Pastor's Told Me. Aug 12 Coffman, Carl. A Time for Growing. Aug Handbook Vols. I and II, byj. David Wife as a Person. Feb 22 Satelmajer, Nikolaus. Organise to Evange Stone. Nov 32 Klimes, Rudolf E. Burnout in Ministry, by lize, by Larry L. Lewis. Feb 32 Cooper, Victor. The Servant-Leader. Feb Hasel, Gerhard F. God's Perpetual Gift to Brooks R. Faulkner. Nov 32 Schwantes, Siegfried J. Bound in Heaven. 20 Man. Sep 21 Evangelism as a Lifestyle, by J im Petersen. Feb 14 Cummings, Des, Jr., and Roger L. Dudley. Hasel, Gerhard F., and J. R. Spangler. Oct 31 Self, Ruthie. The Greatest of These. Jul 28 Who Reads Ellen White! Oct 10 Theological Seminary Plans New Multiplying Disciples, by Waylon B. Seton, Bernard E. Planning Communion Cummings, Des, Jr., Roger L. Dudley, Kirn Master of Divinity Curriculum for Moore. Apr 32 Music. Aug 6 White. Interns and Supervisors 1982 [interview]. Aug 22 Knowles, George E. Prayer: The Greatest Shea, William H. Esther and History, [1] View Each Other. Dec 8 Hegstad, Roland R. World View. May 25 Evangelistic Agency. Dec 17 Jul 26; [2] Sep 26 Cummings, Des, Jr., and others. Morale in Hemdon, Bunnie. the Color of Spring Is Knowles, Lillian. No Longer Afraid. Apr Shires, Reginald N. PracticalHermeneudcs, Ministry—A Study of the Pastor's Love. Mar 24 28 by Charles E. Winquist. Jun 32 Wife as a Person. Feb 22 Hessel, William H. The English Bible From Kubo, Sakae. Archaeology, the Rabbis, and Spangler, J. R. Annual Council—Excite Dale, Robert L. If Not You—Who.' Jun 25 K.J.V. toN.LV., by Jack P. Lewis. Early Christianity, by Eric M. Meyers ment & Boredom [editorial]. Jan 22 Davis, Thomas A. The Christian in an Age Jul 32 and James F. Strange. Nov 32 Does Truth Change: [editorial]. Oct 24 of Sexual Eclipse, by Michael Braun Hight, Rebecca E. Struggling With Stress. Testaments of Love, by Leon Morris. Jan The English Connection [editorial]. and George Alan Rekers. Dec 32 Jul 6 32 May 22 Dederen, Raoul. Ministry, by Edward HofTman, J. Reynolds. Is Jesus Jehovah Kulakov, Anna, and others. Ministers' Let No One Deceive You [editorial]. Schillebeeckx. Sep 32 God? Jun 22 Wives in Russia [interview]. Aug 28 Nov 26 Delafield, D. A. Adventism in Perspec Holland, Betty G. Receiving Is Blessed Kurtz, Arnold. A Day of Mourning. May A Letter to God [editorial]. Apr 25 tive. Oct 13 Too. Nov 28 12 A Special Tribute [editorial]. Feb 29

28 MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 Yeager, Norman A. A Theobgy of Preach Week? Hans K. LaRondelle. Jul 12 and Decline, 1950-1978. Roger L. ing, by Richard Lischer. Dec 32 Bible, O.T.: Christ or Antichrist: The Dudley. Jun 32 Yeagley, Lawrence R. Death and the Caring Mysterious Gap in Daniel 9. Hans Holloway, Richard. Beyond Belief. Gerald Community, by Larry Richards and K. LaRondelle. May 14 Wheeler. Oct 30 Paul Johnson. Aug 31 Esther and History. William H. Shea. Hull, William E. Beyond the Barriers. Visiting Those That Hurt. Nov 16 [1] Jul 26; [2] Sep 26 William G. Johnsson. Oct 31 Young, Norman H. Imperatives of Salva Made in the Image of God. Niels-Erik Hulme, William E. Pastoral Care and tion. Nov 14 Andreasen. Jan 13 Counseling. Dick Tibbits. Mar 32 Youngberg, John, and Luis del Pozo. How The Millennium: Its Old Testament Hustad, Donald P. Jubilate! Harold B. Seriously Should We Take Mar Roots. Hans K. LaRondelle. Nov Hannum. Sep 32 riage? Sep 4 10 Jensen, Richard A. Telling the Story. John Zhukaluk, Janette, and others Ministers' What Jesus Said About the Prophets. Glass. Nov 32 Wives in Russia [interview]. Aug 28 Morris L. Venden. Nov 22 Jackson, Edgar N. A Psychology for Preach Zinke, E. Edward. Toward an Exegetical Where Did Jesus Place the Seventieth ing. Jan 32 Theology, by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Week? Hans K. LaRondelle. Jul 12 Kadel, Thomas E., ed. Growth in Ministry. Oct 30 Book reviews: (In addition to the books Rex D. Edwards. Sep 32 Zoellner, Eleanor. To Love and To Cher listed below, the March issue con Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. Toward an Exegetical ish. May 28 tained a bibliography on premarital Theology. E. Edward Zinke. Oct 30 counseling.) Kane, J. Hetbert. The Christian World Adams, Jay E. Marriage, Divorce, and Mission. Jan Paulsen. Oct 30 The Two Mind-sets. Jun 4 Remarriage in the Bible. James Coffin. Knowles, George E. How; to Help Your What's Wrong With Being a Pastor! Jul 32 Church Grow. John W. McGraw. [editorial] Jun 26 Aldrich, Joseph C. Lifestyle Evangelism. Oct 31 Why Consultation II? [editorial]. Feb 26 Steven P. Vitrano. Apr 32 Laney, J. Carl. The Divorce Myth. Roger H. Spangler, ]. R., and Gerhard F. Hasel. Alexander, David and Pat, eds. Eerdmans© Ferris. Oct 31 Theological Seminary Plans New Concise Bible Handbook. Jan 32 Lewis, Jack P. The English Bible From Master of Divinity Curriculum for Subjects- Alexander, Pat. Eerdmans© Concise Bible KJ.V. to N.I.V. William H. Hessel. 1982 [interview]. Aug 22 Encyclopedia. Jan 32 Jul 32 Spangler, ]. R., and . How Administration: Computers Come to Arnett, Ronald. Dwell in Peace. John W. Lewis, Larry L. Organize to Evangelise. a Hymnal Is Born [interview]. Oct Church. Robert D. Moon. Mar 4 McGraw. Mar 32 Nikolaus Satelmajer. Feb 32 14 A Day of Mourning. Arnold Kurtz. May Ayling, Stanley. John Wesky. B. Russell Lischer, Richard. A Theobg-y of Preaching. Spangler, J. R., and Juan Lozano. Preach 12 Holt. May 32 Norman A. Yeager. Dec 32 ing the Word in Spain [interview]. The Motivated Pastor. John W. Fowler. Ball, Bryan W. The English Connection Martens, Elmer A. God's Design: Focusing Aug 14 Aug 8 [editorial]. J. R. Spangler. May 22 on Old Testament Theobgy. Herbert Spangler, J. R., and . It What's Wrong With Being a Pastor? Benn, J. Solomon II, God's Soul Medicine; Kiesler. Dec 32 Is Written [interview]. Sep 17 [editorial]. J. R. Spangler. Jun 26 Preaching From the Bible; Preaching in McSwain, Larry L., and William C. Spangler, J. R., and Arthur L. White. Why Consultation II? [editorial]. J. R. Ebon}. Jan 32 Treadwell, Jr. Conflict Ministry in the EGW: A Biography [interview]. Feb Spangler. Feb 26 Braun, Michael, and George Alan Rekers. Church. Rex D. Edwards. Aug 31 10 Annual Council: Annual Council— The Christian in an Age of Sexual Miles, Delos. Church Growth A Mighty Stevens, James L. Small Churches Can Excitement & Boredom [editorial]. Eclipse. Thomas A. Davis. Dec 32 River. Michael J. Lay. Jul 32 Grow. Apr 14 J. R. Spangler. Jan 22 Brister, C. W., James L. Cooper, and J. Moore, Waylon B. Multiplying Disciples. Tibbits, Dick. Pastoral Care and Counsel© Giving Priority to Evangelism. [Annual David File. Beginning Your Ministry. Rudolph E. Klimes. Apr 32 ing, by William E. Hulme. Mar 32 Council action]. Feb 9 Michael J. Lay. Feb 32 Morris, Leon. Testaments of Love. Sakae Tonstad, Sigve, Reflections on the Refor Antichrist: Christ or Antichrist: The Brown, David M. Dramatic Narrative in Kubo. Jan 32 mation. Oct 22 Mysterious Gap in Daniel 9. Hans Preaching. Willard D. James. Oct 31 Paul, Cecil R. Passages of a Pastor. Myron Turner, Lawrence E., Jr. Science Has Its K. LaRondelle. May 14 Bryson, Harold T., and James C. Taylor. Widmer. Dec 32 Limits! Oct 26 Archeology: Esther and History. William Building Sermons to Meet People©s Peterson, Jim. Evangelism as a Lifestyle. Vandeman, George, andj. R. Spangler. It H. Shea. [1] Jul 26; [2] Sep 26 Needs. Patrick Boyle. Oct 31 Rudolf E. Klimes. Oct 31 Is Written [interview]. Sep 17 Tischendorf and the New Testament. Chartier, Myron R. Preaching as Communi Raybum, Robert G. O Come, Let Us Van Dolson, Bobbie Jane. Creating Chil Siegfried H. Horn. Mar 26 cation. C. Raymond Holmes. Aug 31 Worship. Gordon Bietz. May 32 dren©s Sermons, by Bucky Dann. Mar Update on Ebla. Lawrence T. Geraty. Clark, Stephen B. Man and Woman in Rea, Water R. The White Lie. Roy E. 32 Jan 24 Christ. Jerry Gladson. Aug 31 Graham. Aug 30 Venden, Morris L. What Jesus Said About Audiovisual ministry: You Can Do Craddock, Fred B. The Gospels. Richard Richards, Larry, and Paul Johnson. Death a Pre-Advent Judgment. Sep 14 Public Evangelism! George Diegel. W. Coffen. Jul 32 andtheCaringCommunity. Lawrence What Jesus Said About Faith and Apr 18 Dale, Robert D. To Dream Again. Douglas R. Yeagley. Aug 31 Relationship. Mar 8 Baptism: Baptism: Union With Christ. Bennett. Apr 32 Schillebeeckx, Edward. Ministry. Raoul What Jesus Said About Himself. May 18 George E. Rice. May 20 Dann, Bucky. Creating Children©s Sermons. Dederen. Sep 32 What Jesus Said About Perfection. Jul 8 Bereavement: After the Funeral Bobbie Jane Van Dolson. Mar 32 Stone, J. David. The Complete Youth What Jesus Said About Sanctification. [reprint]. J. Ralph Mclntyre. Jan 8 Dunn, Samuel, comp. The Best of John Ministries Handbook, Vols. I and II. Jan 6 Bible: Should We Have a Loose-leaf Calvin. Wayne Willey. Mar 32 J. H. Harris. Nov 32 What Jesus Said About the Prophets. Bible? [editorial], B. Russell Holt. Goodrick, Edward W., and John R. Stuart, Douglas. Old Testament Exegesis: A Nov 22 Jul 24 Kohlenberger III. The N.I.V. Com Primer for Students and Pastors. Vitrano, Steven P. Lifestyle Evangelism, by Use the Bible Your People Use! Charles plete Concordance. Shirley Welch. Gerald Wheeler. Nov 32 Joseph C. Aldrich. Apr 32 C. Case. Oct 7 Jan 32 Towns, Elmer L., John N. Vaughan, and Walter, Arlys. No More Guilt Boxes. Oct Bible, Interpretation: Why Consultation Gribbon, R. T. Students, Churches, and David J. Seifert. The Complete Book 8 II? [editorial] J. R. Spangler. Feb 26 Higher Education. Richard E. Bar of Church Growth. Duane R. Peter- Watts, Ron. Wanted: More Heart Bible, N.T.: Baptism: Union With ren. May 32 son. Feb 32 Attacks. Sep 24 Christ. George E. Rice. May 20 Morris, R. Laird, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Webber, Robert E. The Secular Saint. Welch, Shirley. The N.I.V. Complete The Church and the Great Tribulation: and Bruce K. Waltke, eds. Tfieologi- Dennis W. Radford. Mar 32 Concordance, by Edward W. Good- Protection or Escape? Hans K. cal Wordbook of the Old Testament. Westermann, Claus. The Psalms. Siegfried rick and John R. Kohlenberger III. LaRondelle. Mar 13 Jerry Gladson. May 32 H. Horn. Oct 30 Jan 32 Imperatives of Salvation. Norman H. Hoge, Dean R., and David A. Roozen, Winquist, Charles E. Practical Hermeneu- Reading for Winter Evenings. Jan 28 Young. Nov 14 eds. Understanding Church Growth tics. Reginald N. Shires. Jun 32 Wheeler, Gerald. Beyond Belief, by Is the Secret Rapture the Blessed Hope? Woudstta, Marten H. The Book of Joshua. Richard HoIIoway. Oct 30 Hans K. LaRondelle. Jan 10 Feb 32 Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for The Millennium: Its Old Testament Books: Reading fot Winter Evenings. Students and Pastors, by Douglas Roots. Hans K. LaRondelle. Nov Shirley Welch. Jan 28 Stuart. Nov 32 10 Spangler and the Beast [editorial]. B. Wheeler, Penny Estes. You Can Be Ann The One Thousand Years of Revelation Russell Holt. Jan 23 Landers Too! Sep 28 20. Hans K. LaRondelle. Sep 12 Callicott, Rex and Maudine: A Special White, Arthur L., and J. R. Spangler. Opportunity for Miracles. Roy E. Gra Tribute [editorial]. J. R. Spangler EGW: A Biography [interview]. Feb ham. Mar 16 Feb 29 10 Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today. Christian life: Consistent Christianity. White, Ellen G. A More Exalted Ministry Richard Hammill. Jul 15 Arthur Keogh. Nov 18 [reprint]. Jan 16 Tischendorf and the New Testament. Covetousness or Contentment? Allan White, Kirn, Roger L. Dudley, Des Cum- Siegfried H. Horn. Mar 26 R. Magie. Nov 24 mings, Jr. Interns and Supervisors Uplift Christ. William G. Johnsson. Feb Opportunity for Miracles. Roy E. View Each Other. Dec 8 Graham. Mar 16 Widmer, Myron. Passages of a Pastor, by What Jesus Said About A Pre-Advent Wanted: More Heart Attacks. Ron Cecil R. Paul. Dec 32 Judgment. Morris L. Venden. Sep Watts. Sep 24 Willey, Wayne. The Best of John Calvm, 14 What Jesus Said About Faith and compiled by Samuel Dunn. Mar 32 What Jesus Said About Faith and Relationship. Morris L. Venden. Williams, Merrill S. Equipping the Minis Relationship. Morris L. Venden. Mar 8 ter's Workshop. Nov 6 Mar 8 Church growth: Let the Church Grow! Wilson, Elinor, and others. Ministers1 What Jesus Said About Himself. Morris Skip Bell. Nov 4 Wives in Russia [interview]. Aug 28 L. Venden. May 3 Small Churches Can Grow. James L. Wilson, Neal C. Our First Business. Apr 2 What Jesus Said About Sanctification. Stevens. Apr 14 A Report to the President of the United Morris L. Venden. Jan 6 Vital Signs of a Healthy Church. Mark States. Sep 7 What Jesus Said About the Prophets. A. Finley. May 4 Wood, Miriam. Women Meet in Manila. Morris L. Venden. Nov 22 Church history: From Despair to Des Dec 26 Where Did Jesus Place the Seventieth tiny. George W. Reid. Apr 10

MINISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 29 History Confirms the Divine Call. Ministers: Equipping the Minister's George W. Reid. Dec 12 Workshop. Merrill S. Williams. Our Prophetic Heritage. George M. Nov 6 Hyde, Feb 18 Interns and Supervisors View Each Rome: An Early Persecutor of the Other. Roger L. Dudley, Des Cum- Church? Samuele R. Bacchiocchi. mings, Jr., Kim White. Dec 8" Dec 18 Keeping the Pastor Number One. K. H. A Unique Message and Mission. Jack Mead. Dec 7 Blanco. Oct 4 Ministering to the Hostile. D. Douglas Cities: Reaching a City for Christ. John J. Devnich. Aug 11 Carter. Dec 10 A More Exalted Ministry [reprint]. Ellen Communion: Planning Communion G. White. Jan 16 Music. Bernard E. Seton. Aug 6 The Motivated Pastor. John W. Fowler. Who Is Present at Communion? C Aug 8 Raymond Holmes. Aug 4 Opportunity for Miracles. Roy E. Gra Computers: Computers Come to Church. ham. Mar 16 Robert D. Moon. Mar 4 Passion: The Indispensable Ingredient. Continuing education: Continuing Edu Morris Chalfant. Jul 18 cation Is for You! Jul 25 The Servant-Leader. Victor Cooper. Counseling: Speak Ye Comfortably to Feb 20 Jerusalem. Roy Allan Anderson. Funerals: After the Funeral [reprint). J. Struggling With Stress. Rebecca E. Devnich. Aug 11 Dec 14 Ralph Mclntyre. Jan 8 Hight. Jul 6 No More Guilt Boxes. Arlys Walter. Cross: Uplift Christ. William G. Johns- Turning the Funeral Around. Neal A. Theological Seminary Plans New Mas Oct 8 son. Feb 4 Kuyper. Nov 13 ter of Divinity Curriculum for 1982 Passion: The Indispensable Ingredient. Dispensationalism: Christ or Antichrist: Gifts, spiritual: Spiritual Gifts in the [interview]. J. R. Spangler and Morris Chalfant. Jul 18 The Mysterious Gap in Daniel 9. Church Today. Richard Hammill. Gerhard F. Hasel. Aug 22 Reach Out and Touch Someone. James Hans K. LaRondelle. May 14 Jul 15 A Time for Growing. Carl Coffman. Coffin. Jul 20 The Church and the Great Tribulation: Great controversy: God on Trial. Her Aug 17 Remember Southview! [editorial]. B. Protection or Escape? Hans K. bert E. Douglass. May 7 Ministers' wives: Adventures in Min Russell Holt. Sep 25 LaRondelle. Mar 13 Grosboll, Harold and Erne: A Special istry. Teenie Finley. Oct 28 Speak Ye Comfortably to Jerusalem. Roy Is the Secret Rapture the Blessed Hope? Tribute [editorial]. J. R. Spangler. The Greatest of These. Ruthie Self. Jul Allan Anderson. Dec 14 Hans K. LaRondelle. Jan 10 Feb 29 28 Things My Pastor Never Told Me. The One Thousand Years of Revelation Homosexuality: Homosexuals and Other The Holding Pattern. Peg Butler. Jun 28 David M. Ritter. Aug 12 20. Hans K. LaRondelle. Sep 12 Sinners Helped [editorial]. B. Rus Ministers' Wives in Russia [interview]. A Time for Growing. Carl Coftman. Where Did Jesus Place the Seventieth sell Holt. Mar 23 Elinor Wilson, Agnes Lohne, Anna Aug 17 Week? Hans K. LaRondelle. Jul 12 Hymnal: How a Hymnal Is Born [inter Kulakov, Janette Zhukaluk. Aug 28 Turning the Funeral Around. Neal A. Doctrine: Baptism: Union With Christ. view]. J. R. Spangler and Wayne Morale in Ministry—A Study of the Kuyper. Nov 13 George E. Rice. May 20 Hooper. Oct 14 Pastor's Wife as a Person. Carole Visiting Those That Hurt. Lawrence R. Divine Rest for Human Restlessness. Inspiration: How Much Is It Worth? J. N. Luke Kilcher, Roger L, Dudley, Des Yeagley. Nov 16 Samuele R. Bacchiocchi. Jan 18 Hunt. Apr 17 Cummings, Jr., Greg Clark. Feb 22 What's Wrong With Being a Pastor? God's Perpetual Gift to Man. Gerhard F. If Not You—Who? Robert L. Dale. Jun No Longer Afraid. Lillian Knowles. Apr [editorial]. J. R. Spangler. Jun 26 Hasel. Sep 21 25 28 Perfection: What Jesus Said About Per Jesus Is Coming Soon! Gordon M. Interpersonal relations: A Day of Prayers From the Parsonage. Cherry fection. Morris L. Venden. Jul 8 Hyde. Mar 10 Mourning. Arnold Kurtz. May 12 Habenicht. Jan 29; Mar 25; Apr 29; Politics: Reform or Redemption: Must the Made in the Image of God. Niels-Erik : It Is Written [interview]. J. May 29; lun 29; Jul 29; Aug 29; Sep Church Choose? Enoch Oliveira. Andreasen. Jan 13 R. Spangler and George Vandeman. 29; Oct 29; Nov 29; Dec 27 Sep 10 The Sanctuary: Pivotal Teaching of Sep 17 Reading for Winter Evenings. Shirley Prayer: Prayer: The Greatest Evangelistic Adventism. [reprint] L. E. Froom. Jesus Christ: His Resurrection and Ours. Welch. Jan 28 Agency. George E. Knowles. Dec 17 Aug 18 B. Russell Holt. Mar 22 Receiving Is Blessed Too. Betty G. Prayers From the Parsonage. Cherry Ebla: Update on Ebla. Lawrence T. Is Jesus Jehovah God? J. Reynolds Holland. Nov 28 Habenicht. Jan 29; Mar 25; Apr 29; Geraty. Jan 24 Hoffman. Jun 22 To Love and to Cherish. Eleanor May 29; Jun 29; Jul 29; Aug 29; Sep Eschatology: The Church and the Great This Incomparable Jesus [reprint]. Bryan Zoellner. May 28 29; Oct 29; Nov 29; Dec 27 Tribulation: Protection or Escape? W. Ball. May 10 Women Meet in Manila. Miriam Wood. Prayer meeting: Adventism in Perspec Hans K. LaRondelle. Mar 13 Uplift Christ. William G. Johnsson. Feb Dec 26 tive. D. A. Delafield. Oct 13 Is the Secret Rapture the Blessed Hope? 4 You Can Be Ann Landers Too! Penny Preaching: Feed the Lambs, Not the Hans K. LaRondelle. Jan 10 What Jesus Said About Himself. Morris Estes Wheeler. Sep 28 Giraffes. Morris Chalfant. Nov 21 Evangelism: Bradford on Evangelism L. Venden. May 18 Music: How a Hymnal Is Born [interview]. How to Preach So as to Convert [interview]. C. E. Bradford. Apr 6 Judgment: What Jesus Said About a J. R. Spangler and Wayne Hooper. Nobody. C. G. Finney. Nov 8 Giving Priority to Evangelism [Annual Pre-Advent Judgment. Morris L. Oct 14 Preaching the Whole Gospel. Norval F. Council action]. Feb 9 Venden. Sep 14 Planning Communion Music. Bernard Pease. Dec 4 Prayer: The Greatest Evangelistic Lay ministry: It's Time to Do Less for E. Seton. Aug 6 Premarital counseling: Good Marriages Agency. George E. Knowles. Dec 17 Your Church Members. Richard A. Nature: The Color of Spring Is Love. Don't Just Happen. Ron Flowers. How Much Is It Worth?]. N. Hunt. Apr Morris. Jan 4 Bunnie Herndon. Mar 24 Mar 18 1? Ministers Without Pulpits. Rex D. One Thousand Days of Reaping: Giv Prophecy: Christ or Antichrist: The If Not You—Who? Robert L. Dale. Jun Edwards. Jun 20 ing Priority to Evangelism [Annual Mysterious Gap in Daniel 9. Hans 25 Leadership: A Day of Mourning. Arnold Council action]. Feb 9 K. LaRondelle. May 14 Inter-America in Action. Carlos Kurtz. May 12 One Thousand Days of Reaping. W. B. Our Prophetic Heritage. Gordon M. Aeschlimann. Apr 12 It's Time to Do Less for Your Church Quigley. Feb 8 Hyde. Feb 18 Is Our Goal to Not Win Souls? [edito Members. Richard A. Morris. Jan 4 Pastoral work: Adventism in Perspec Where Did Jesus Place the Seventieth rial]. W. B. Quigley. Apr 27 Let the Church Grow! Skip Bell. Nov 4 tive. D. A. Delafield. Oct 13 Week? Hans K. LaRondelle. Jul 12 A Letter to God [editorial]. J. R. Remember Southview! [editorial]. B. After the Funeral [reprint]. J. Ralph Prophecy, gift of: Ellen White: Prophet Spangler. Apr 25 Russell Holt. Sep 25 Mclntyre. Jan 8 or Plagiarist? Warren H. Johns. Jun No Longer Afraid. Lillian Knowles. Apr The Servant-Leader. Victor Cooper. Conquering the Clock. Thomas L. Are. 28 Feb 20 Jul 4 Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today. No More Guilt Boxes. Arlys Walter. Liberation theology: Reform or Redemp Encounter or Enrichment—What's the Richard Hammill. Jul 15 Oct 8 tion: Must the Church Choose? Difference? Roger L. Dudley. Feb 13 The Truth About The White Lie [insert]. One Thousand Days of Reaping. W. G. Enoch Oliveira. Sep 10 Feeding the Sheep or Guarding the Aug Quigley. Feb 8 Library: Equipping the Minister's Work Goats? Kevin J. Howse. Jul 10 The Two Mind-sets. J. R. Spangler. Jun Our First Business. NealC. Wilson. Apr shop. Merrill S. Williams. Nov 6 Good Marriages Don't Just Happen. 4 Man: Made in the Image of God. Niels- Ron Flowers. Mar 18 What Jesus Said About the Prophets. Preaching the Word in Spain [inter Erik Andreasen. Jan 13 It's Time to Do Less for Your Church Morris L. Venden. Nov 22 view]. J, R. Spangler and Juan Transformed by the Renewing of Your Members. Richard A. Morris. Jan 4 Psychology: Transformed by the Renew Lozano. Aug 14 Mind. W. B. Quigley. Oct 18 Ministering to the Hostile. D. Douglas ing of Your Mind. W. B. Quigley. Preparing for Public Meetings- David Marriage: Encounter or Enrichment— Oct 18 Parks. Apr 20 What's the Difference? Roger L. You Are What You Think. Norman L. A Prior Claim. W. B. Quigley. Apr 4 Dudley. Feb 13 Mitchell. May 26 Handbills That Perform [interview] B. Good Marriages Don't Just Happen. Puritans: The English Connection [edito Russell Holt and Tom Hall. Dec 21 Ron Flowers. Mar 18 rial]. J. R. Spangler. May 22 Reaching a City for Christ. John J. How Seriously Should We Take Mar This Incomparable Jesus [reprint]. Bryan Carter. Dec 10 riage? John B. Youngberg and Louis W. Ball. May 10 Small Churches Can Grow. James L. del Pozo. Sep 4 Reformation: Reflections on the Refor Stevens. Apr 14 To Love and to Cherish. Eleanor mation. Sigve Tonstad. Oct 22 Small-Group Evangelism. Clarence Zoellner. May 28 Resurrection: His Resurrection and Ours Gruesbeck. Apr 22 Media: Handbills That Perform [inter [editorial]. B. Russell Holt. Mar 22 A Troubling Dream in the Night. John view]. B. Russell Holt and Tom Revelation-inspiration: The Inspiration Rhodes. Feb 17 Hall. Dec 21 and Authority of the Ellen G. White You Can Do Public Evangelism! George Millennium: The Millennium: Its Old Writings [study document]. Aug 21 Digel. Apr 18 Testament Roots. Hans K. LaRon Should We Have a Loose-leaf Bible? Faith: What Jesus Said About Faith and delle. Nov 10 [editorial]. B. Russell Holt. Jul 24 Relationship. Morris L. Venden. The One Thousand Years of Revelation Righteousness by faith: What Jesus Said Mar 8 20. Hans K. LaRondelle. Sep 12 About Perfection. Morris L. Ven-

30 M1NISTRY/DECEMBER/1982 den. Jul 8 The English Connection. Jul 31 What Jesus Said About Sanctification. Evangelistic Advertising Packet. Apr 31 Morris L. Venden. Jan 6 Evangelistic Multi-media Series I. Apr Sabbath: Divine Rest for Human Rest 31 lessness. Samuele R. Bacchiocchi. Faith Associates. Aug 32 Jan 18 Families. Mar 31 God's Perpetual Gift to Man. Gerhard F. Family Life '82. Aug 32 Hasel. Sep 21 Family Life '82 (Workshop). May 31 Salvation: Bound in Heaven. Siegfried J. Festival of Evangelism Notebooks. Schwantes. Feb 14 Nov 30 God on Trial. Herbert E. Douglass. May Filing System. Mar 31 7 Hendricks Leadership Effecriveness Imperatives of Salvation. Norman H. Series. May 31 Young. Nov 14 The Illustrated Bible Dictionary. May 30 Transformed by the Renewing of Your Image of Daniel 2, Dec 23 Mind. W. B. Quigley. Oct 18 Induction Loop System. Jul 31 What Jesus Said About Faith and Institute on Mental Health. Jul 31 Relationship. Morris L. Venden. Intel-America Is Evangelism Leader. Mar 8 Feb 31 Sanctification: What Jesus Said About In the Footsteps of the Pioneers. Feb 31 Sanctification. Morris L. Venden. MINISTRY Cover Wins Top Award. Sep Jan 6 31 Sanctuary: Bound in Heaven. Siegfried J. TheN.I.V. Complete Concordance- May Schwantes. Feb 14 30 The Sanctuary: Pivotal Teaching of One Thousand Days of Reaping. Oct 32 Adventism [reprint]. L. E. Froom. Paid Musicians? Feb 31 Aug 18 Pledges. Nov 31 Principles to Live By. Sep 31 Questionnaire for Ministers. Sep 31 Quest Seminars. Jun 31 Reverse Farewell. Aug 32 Save Money on Energy. Nov 31 Scripture and Worship. Jan 31 Seminar on Church Growth and Pasto ral Leadership. Mar 31 Seminar on Church Growth Tapes. May 31 Seminar on Conflict Management. Jun 31 Seminary Needs Books. Dec 23 Your Health Sermons by Venden. Sep 31 Steps to Christ in Quantity. Mar 31 Theological Wordbook of the Old Testa ment. Jan 31 These Times Telephone Ministry. GYour Future Dec 23 Trauma Booklets. May 30 This integrated health and prophecy program combines Science and Religion: The Camel's TV Spots. Apr 31 lectures from Daniel and Revelation with health lectures on Amazing Nose. Warren H. Johns. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries. Aug 26 May 30 corresponding topics. The four-color Daniel and Revelation Science Has Its Limits! Lawrence E. Understanding the Unchurched. Nov handouts furnish colorful backup for each lecture. Turner, Jr. Oct 26 31 There is also a life & Health reprint to coincide with each You Are What You Think. Norman L. Update on Ellen White. Jun 31 Mitchell. May 26 Vital Sermons of the Day Mar 31 health topic. Bright-yellow folders are available for use by Second Advent: Jesus Is Coming Soon! When a Child Is Bom. Jan 31 attendees. Gordon M. Hyde. Mar lO White Flower Sabbath. Oct 32 Secret rapture: Is the Secret Rapture the Workshop on Spiritual Gifts. Feb 31 The pastor's material includes 7 lectures on Daniel, Blessed Hope? Hans K. LaRondelle. Workshop on the Caring Church. Feb 9 lectures on Revelation, 16 lectures on health Jan 10 31 Seminary: Theological Seminary Plans Stress: Struggling With Stress. Rebecca E. topics, 71 Daniel slides, and 163 Revelation slides. New Master of Divinity Curriculum Might. Jul 6 Health slides are available for rental. In addition, for 1982 [interview], J. R. Spangler Television: It Is Written [interview]. J. R. 10 Daniel and Revelation charts and 13 Sanctuary and Gerhard F. Hasel. Aug 22 Spangler and George Vandeman. Seventh-day Adventists: A Report to Sep 17 charts, printed on durable plasticized material, provide the President of the United States. Temperance: Alcohol: A Witness graphic illustrations of prophetic symbols. Neal C. Wilson. Sep 7 Against Itself. John M. Drescher. A Unique Message and Mission. Jack Mar 7 Blanco. Oct 4 Ten Commandments: Covetousness or Sample Set (56375-9), $4-50 Seventh-day Adventists—history: Contentment? Allan R. Magie. Nov From Despair to Destiny. George W. 24 Daniel Lectures (56385-8), $1.65 Reid. Apr 10 Time, use of: Conquering the Clock. Revelation Lectures (56387-4), $1.95 History Confirms the Divine Call. Thomas L. Are. Jul 4 Health Lectures (56389-0), $2.95 George W. Reid. Dec 12 Tribute: A Special Tribute [editorial]. J. Our Prophetic Heritage. Gordon M. R. Spangler. Feb 29 Daniel Slides (56391-6), $15.75 Hyde. Feb 18 Trinity: Is Jesus Jehovah God? J. Reynolds Revelation Slides (56393-2), $33.75 Seventh-day Adventists—Spain: Hoffman. Jun 22. Preaching the Word in Spain [inter Truth: Does Truth Change? [editorial] J. Daniel & Revelation Charts (56395-7), $13.95 view]. J. R. Spangler and Juan R. Spangler. Oct 24 Sanctuary Charts (56396-5), $13.95 Lozano. Aug 14 Visitation: Visiting Those That Hurt. Shop Talk: Abingdon Preachers Library. Larry Yeagley. Nov 16 Daniel & Revelation Handouts Jan 31 White, Ellen G. EGW: A Biography Sample Set (56356-2), $1.50 Baptismal Certificate. Feb 31 [interview]. J. R. Spangler and Individual Handouts, $8.50/100 Better Bible Study. Feb 31 Arthur L. White. Feb 10 Bread for Ingathering. Aug 32 Ellen White: Prophet or Plagiarist? Life & Health Reprints Cards That Linger. Mar 31 Warren H. Johns. Jun 5 Sample Set (56400-5), $2.85 Christian Discount Book Center. Jan 31 The Inspiration and Authority of the Christian Home and Family Altar Ellen G. White Writings. Aug 21 Individual Reprints, $17.50/100; $150/1,000 Week. Oct 32 Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today. Christian Training Center for rhe Deaf. Richard Hammill. Jul 15 Sep 31 The Truth About The White Lie [insert]. Clergy Honesty. Nov 31 Aug EVANGELISTIC AND Clergy Salaries Decline. Nov 31 The Two Mind-sets. J. R. Spangler. Jun Communist Army Chaplains, Nov 31 4 CHURCH GROWTH Computer Software. Sep 31 Who Reads Ellen White? Roger L. CPE Openings. Mar 31 Dudley and Des Cummings, Jr. Oct CPE Training. Nov 30 10 SUPPLYCENTER Each One Wins One. Oct 32 Worship: Who Is Present at Communion? P.O. Box 4353, Washington, D.C. 20012. (202) 291-2035. Editing Your Newsletter. Jul 31 C. Raymond Holmes. Aug 4 E. G. White Laser Index. Jun 31 Youth pastor: Feeding the Sheep or Add 10 percent to the total for mailing cost (minimum, $1.00). The 80/20 Rule. Nov 31 Guarding the Goats? Kevin J. Purchase order number, Visa, or MasterCard acceptable with telephone Encounter II. Apr 31 Howse. Jul 10 orders. See catalog for additional information. Recommended reading

A new book by Martens sees one central message in the Old Testament Other books featured this month discuss a theology of preaching, the sexual revolution, and the stages of a pastor©s life.

God's Design: Focusing on Old the preacher understands the power of progressive stages of a pastor's life. Dr. Paul Testament Theology preaching. This is why the written sermon concludes that tensions arise from the Elmer A. Martens, Baker Book House, does not have the power of the spoken one. pastor's attempts to fulfill Christ's com 1981, 368 pages, $12.95. Reviewed by The sermon is "the word of God for a mission to a sin-sick and resistant people Herbert Kieskr, associate director, Biblical particular time, place and people" (page and to fulfill his own needs, along with Research Institute. 79). This means there must be commit those of his family. Caught in the middle of In the light of the current crisis in Old ment on the part of the preacher. He must all three, the author suggests a penetrating Testament theology, Martens' book understand that the sermon works; not self-evaluation identifying personal needs, invites us to consider a new approach. always at the moment it is preached, but as sources of pressures, and patterns for Unlike those who distinguish between people hear at some point are confronted coping. various theological strands in the Old with situations that will bring forth Testament, Martens sets out to prove that responses in harmony with the Word of Recently Published there is but a single central message in the God. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah (New Old Testament—God's design for building International Commentary on the Old the kingdom on earth as in heaven. This The Christian in an Age Testament). F. Charles Fensham, Eerd- design incorporates four essential compo' of Sexual Eclipse mans, 1982, 256 pages, $12.95. nents: deliverance, community, the Michael Brawn and George Alan Rekers, knowledge of God, and the abundant life. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, The Daily Study Bible—Old Testament. This fourfold design, according to Mar Illinois, 1981, 224 pages, $6.95. Reviewed (Genesis, vol. 1; Genesis, vol. 2; Exodus; tens, is articulated in a passage such as by Thomas A. Davis, acting editor of Your Leviticus; Samuel; Psalms, vol. I; and Daniel Exodus 5:22-6:8. Life and Health. now available.) Westminster Press; 1981, The author sees God's design operative This wide-ranging book written by a 1982; $10.95/$5.95. in the New Testament, as well, with a pastor-psychologist team, goes beyond the certain progression or unfolding God's problems of sex and looks into the spirit How to Operate a Cassette Tape Ministry. purpose throughout Old and New Testa ual, philosophical, political, and psycho John Hack, Broadman Press, 1981, 128 ments with theological implications for logical forces that have shaped the sexual pages, $3.95, paper. today's believer. attitudes and beliefs of America. Martens' book is to be commended for The authors hold that the sex abuse and Managing Today's Church. Robert N. its Biblical orientation. On the other perversion found in our present culture is White, editor, Judson Press, 1981, 192 hand, we question the author's insistence the result of subtle (and not so subtle) pages, $12.95. upon a single or central theme in the Old forces. In their examination of these Testament. Such an approach can hardly forces, the well-nigh universal philosophy do justice to the varieties of Old Testament of humanism is indicted. They also fault viewpoints. A more fundamental problem the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) p>>£p 3 lies with Martens' choice of Exodus 5:22- movement, and the National Organiza On g < £-9. 6:8 as the key to the content of the Old tion for Women (NOW) as influences Testament, for Martens leaves us in doubt tending to pervert sex and the home. as to whether another passage could serve Several chapters are devoted to analyz the same purpose. ing Biblical statements touching the ques tion of sex. The authors show that Paul is A Theology of Preaching often misunderstood and accused of sexism Richard Lischer, Abingdon, NashviUe, Ten because of some of his observations in this nessee, 1981, 112 pages, $4.95, paper. area. In a concluding remark upholding Reviewed by Norman A. Yeager, pastor, Biblical standards of sex, the authors point Plymouth, Michigan. out that "historically every alternate to This book on the relationship of theol biblically based morality has failed. Not ogy and preaching will renew the desire to only has each failed, but cumulatively, preach theologically sound sermons in the they have had a disastrous global impact on light of the Bible's teaching concerning the well-being of human life" (p. 186). the role of preaching. Lischer builds a sound theology of preaching based on the Passages of a Pastor centrality of the Resurrection—the Resur Cecil R. Paul, Zondervan, 1981, 128 pages, rection gives authority to preaching and $6.95. Reviewed by Myron Widmer, pastor, makes it possible to call men to the hearing Walla Walla, Washington. ts of the gospel. If tensions of the ministry are harrassing •5' The oral word of God is a word of power. you, you are not alone! Psychologist Paul It is through His Word that God accom has vividly captured in numerous case- plishes His ends. Thus, it is important that scenarios the inherent stress factors in the