
and Early : Evidence for Accelerating Evolutionary Tempo

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Citation Knoll, Andrew H. 1994. Proterozoic and early Cambrian protists: Evidence for accelerating evolutionary tempo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91, no. 15: 6743-6750.

Published Version http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.91.15.6743

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This paper was presented at a colloquium entitled "Tempo and Mode in Evolution" organized by Walter M. Fitch and Francisco J. Ayala, held January 27-29, 1994, by the National Academy of Sciences, in Irvine, CA. Proterozoic and Early Cambrian protists: Evidence for accelerating evolutionary tempo Proterozoic/Cambrian/) ANDREW H. KNOLL Botanical Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138

ABSTRACT In rocks of late and Meso- chronostratigraphic, or relative, time-scale has been cali- proterozoic (ca. 1700-1000 million ago), probable brated by radiometric data in a few key sections. eukaryotic are widespread and well preserved, but The Proterozoic-Cambrian time scale is developing along assemblage and global diversities are low and turnover Is slow. the same path (22-26). A biostratigraphic framework based Near the MesoproterozoicNeoproterozoic boundary (1000 on , microfossils, and (in younger rocks) both million years ago), red, green, and chromophytic algae diver- the body and trace ofanimals can be used to divide this sified; molecular phylogenles suggest that this was part of a nearly 1200-Ma expanse into recognizable intervals of vari- broader radiation of "higher" eukaryotic phyla. Observed ous lengths. Complementing this is an increasingly well- diversity levels for protistan microfossils increased sinicantly supported chemostratigraphic framework based on the dis- at this time, as did turnover rates. Coincident with the Cam- tinctive pattern of secular variation in the isotopic composi- brian radiation of , protistan microfossils tions of C and Sr in carbonate rocks (27). These data define again doubled in diversity and rates of turnover increased by the chronostratigraphic scale now being calibrated. Within an order of magnitude. Evidently, the Cambrian diversifica- the period under consideration, younger intervals are shorter tion of strongly influenced evolutionary rates within than older ones, both because strong isoto- clades already present in marine communities, implying an pic variation has no parallel in the record important role for ecology in fueling a that and, more importantly, because of the finer biostratigraphic extends across kingdoms. resolution in younger successions. For the purposes ofthis analysis, I have divided the period In the 50 years since G. G. Simpson published Tempo and from 1700 to 520 Ma into 17 intervals as shown in Table 1 and Mode in Evolution (1), paleontological documentation of Figs. 1-3. Table 1 and Fig. 1 also show my placement of evolutionary history has improved substantially. Not only representative assemblages into these intervals. has the quality of stratigraphic and systematic data increased Others might estimate the ages of interval boundaries differ- for , , and protistan taxa found in * ently, and one or two assemblages might be moved to bins rocks; recent decades have witnessed a tremendous increase adjacent to those chosen here. However, no assemblage in the documented length of the record. Speculation placement or estimate of interval duration is so egregiously about a long pre-Cambrian history of has been replaced uncertain as to affect the analysis in a substantial way. That by a palpable record of evolution that begins some 3000 Ma is, relative to the strength and time scale of the pattern before the Cambrian explosion. In this paper, I examine the observed, uncertainties of time are acceptably small. early fossil record of eukaryotic organisms, asking whether The Paleontological Data Base: Taxonomy. For the estima- or not this longer record is amenable to the types of inves- tion ofevolutionary tempo, I will restrict consideration to the tigation used to estimate tempo in Phanerozoic evolution. organic-walled microfossils known as acritarchs (Fig. 4). Even though analysis is limited by incomplete sampling, Structural features leave little doubt that all or nearly all were patchy radiometric calibration, and taxonomic uncertainty, a eukaryotic. Most were the vegetative and reproductive walls robust pattern of increasing diversity and accelerating evo- of unicellular protists, although the reproductive cysts of lutionary tempo is evident. multicellular algae and even egg cases of early animals may be included. The Nature and Limitations of the Record The total number ofclades that contributed to the observed record is unknown, but probably small. Some of the Early Stratigraphic and Geochronometric Framework. The time Cambrian microfossils included here are clearly the phyco- interval considered here is 1700-520 Ma; that is, the latest mata of green algal flagellates (28). (The phycoma is a Paleoproterozoic Eon to the end of the Early Cambrian nonmotile vegetative of the flagellates' life cycle char- Period (Fig. 1 and Table 1). U-Pb dates on accessory minerals acterized by a wall that contains the degradation-resistant in volcanic rocks ofknown relationship to fossiliferous strata polymer, sporopollenin.) Others, including most Neopro- are limited for this interval-but then, such data are also terozoic taxa, may also represent (28-30), but limited for younger fossils on which much greater paleobiological demands are placed. Quantitative analysis of Abbreviation: Ma, million (s). the Paleozoic fossil record is possible because a well-defined *The Phanerozoic Eon is one of the three major divisions of the geological time scale. Literally, the age of visible animal life, the Phanerozoic Eon encompasses the past 545 million years (Ma), The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge beginning at the start of the Cambrian Period. Earlier earth history payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" is divided between the Proterozoic (2500-545 Ma) and in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. (>2500 Ma) eons. 6743 6744 Colloquium Paper: Knoll Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)

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P| MESO NEOPROTEROZOIC CAMBRIAN I 11- 1 1 1 1I 1-'-I I I 1 1 I 0O oO ,%cfo500 60SO ~9O° $ °OS 6<0%Sa S 6o v (Ma)

FIG. 1. Species richness of selected protistan microfossil assemblages in 17 stratigraphic intervals running from the latest Paleoproterozoic (P), through the Mesoproterozoic (Meso), Neoproterozoic, and Early Cambrian. Numbers 1-33 identifying assemblages refer to Table 1. V marks the Varanger . Species richnesses are based on my taxonomic evaluation and do not necessarily reflect published tabulations. With a single exception (assemblage 31), all assemblages have been examined first-hand, resulting in uniform systematic treatment. Stratigraphic and systematic data for all figures and tables are available from the author. phylogenetic relationships have not been established un- of microfossil assemblages. In particular, fossils of multicel- equivocally. lular algae relate the latest Mesoproterozoic and early The pre- record of seaweeds is too patchy for Neoproterozoic diversification of acritarchs to the biological meaningful evaluation of evolutionary tempo, but these fos- differentiation of "higher" protists inferred from molecular sils do provide a paleobiological context for the interpretation phylogenies (31, 32). Table 1. Stratigraphic intervals used in analyses of tempo and representative assemblages. Interval (age in Ma) and formation Location Ref. Interval (age in Ma) and formation Location Ref. Late Paleoproterozoic- and Mesoproterozoic Neoproterozoic (continued) Ml (1700-1400) N8 (575-560; Redkino) Satka [1] Urals, Russia 2 Redkino [19] Baltic 15 Bakal [2] Urals, Russia 2 Mogilev/Nagoryany [20] Ukraine 16 Ust'-Il'ya [3] 3 N9 (560-545; Kotlin) McMinn [4] 4 Kotlin [21] Baltic 15 M2 (1400-1200) Early Cambrian Omachtin [5] Siberia 5 C1 (545-538; Rovno) Zigazino-Kamarovsk [6] Urals, Russia 2 Rovno [22] Baltic 17 M3 (1200-1000) C2 (538-531; Lontova) Baicaoping [7] China 6 Lontova [23] Baltic 17 Neoproterozoic Mazowsze [24] Poland 18 Ni (1000-900) C3 (531-528; Talsy) Lakhanda [8] Siberia 7 Talsy [25] Baltic 17 N2 (900-800) Lower Radzyx/ Miroyedikha [9] Siberia 7 Kaplanosy [26] Poland 18 Kwagunt [10] Arizona, USA 8 C4 (528-524; Vergale) Dakkovarre [11] Norway 9 Middle Radzyi/ N3 (800-750) Kaplanosy [27] Poland 18 Andersby [12] Norway 9 Qianzhisi [28] China 19 Middle Visingso [13] Sweden 10 Tokammane [29] Svalbard 20 N4 (750-700) Vergale [30] Baltic 17 Svanbergajellet [14] Svalbard 11 Buen [31] Greenland 21 NS (700-650) C5 (524-520; Rausve) Upper Visingso [15] Sweden 10 Upper Radzydi/ N6 (650-600)* Kaplanosy [32] Poland 18 N7 (600-575; Volhyn) Rausve [33] Estonia 17 Pertatataka [16] Australia 12 Doushantuo [17] China 13 Kursovsky [18] Siberia 14 Assembly numbers in brackets refer to Fig. 1. *Interval includes Varanger ice age. CoUoquium Paper: KnoH Proc. Nadl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 6745 80

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60 50 usc ago (n (A w (D U U 40 == 0.0.0.M a 0. a 3 0 a, < <

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FIG. 2. Total taxonomic richness (histogram), first appearances (solid circles), and last appearances (open circles) of protistan microfossil species for the 17 intervals recognized in this study (Tables 1 and 2). V marks the Varanger ice age. Abbreviations are as in Fig. 1. If the view of eukaryotic evolution provided by molecular brates and protists with good fossil records. Therefore, the phylogenies is reliable, many of the protistan phyla that limited clade diversity of Proterozoic and Early Cambrian differentiated during the Proterozoic are not represented in acritarchs may reflect a broader pattern of early eukaryotic the fossil record. Therefore, care must be exercised in evolution. ascribing generality to the preserved record. The problem is A second type of biological uncertainty concerns the well understood by invertebrate paleontologists who enjoy interpretation of paleospecies. In studies of acritarchs, anal- excellent preservation for only a few of the more than 30 yses are necessarily done at the species level, because phyla of invertebrate animals. Estimates of evolutionary biologically meaningful higher taxa have not been defined. tempo and the timing ofdiversification and extinction events The uncertain phylogenetic relationships of most forms ex- are broadly similar across phyla for Phanerozoic inverte- acerbate the common paleontological problem of relating 80

. 60


I) 0. 40 Ln w -( E lC C~~20 Z

I PALI MESOPROTEROZOIC I NEOPROTEROZOIIC C 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 (Ma) FIG. 3. Histogram showing total species richness of protistan microfossils for the 17 intervals recognized in this study (Tables 1 and 2). The time scale along the abscissa is linear, underscoring the long initial interval of low diversity and the rapidity of later radiations. V marks the Varanger ice age. PAL, Paleoproterozoic; C, Cambrian. 6746 Colloquium Paper: Knoll Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)




FIG. 4. Representative Proterozoic and Early Cambrian acritarchs. A-C and the specimen on the left in D are spheromorphic; the specimen on the right inD and E-H are acanthomorphic. (A) sp., Mesoproterozoic [Ml] McMinn Formation, Australia. (B) Leiosphaeridia crassa, Neoproterozoic [N2] Miroyedikha Formation, Siberia. (C) Kildinosphaera verrucata, Miroyedikha Formation. (D) Shuiyousphaeridium macroreticulata (Left) and Dictyosphaera incrassata (Right), late Mesoproterozoic [M3] Baicaoping Formation, China. (E) Trachyhystricho- sphaera aimika, Neoproterozoic [N4] Draken Formation, Svalbard. (F) Tanarium densum, Neoproterozoic [N7] , China. (G) Tanarium conoideum, Neoproterozoic [N7] Kursovsky Formation, Siberia. (H) Skiagia citiosa, Early Cambrian [C4] Tokammane Formation, Svalbard. (Bar in E: A-C and H, 25 jm; D and G, 60 um; E, 300 pm; G, 100 pm.) paleospecies to biological species. While the paleontological meticulously monographed, and well buttressed by strati- use of the term species is convenient and accurate in the graphic and sedimentological data (Fig. 1). sense of "most inclusive diagnosable units," what we can Older assemblages are both less numerous and less diverse really measure is diversity of morphology. Estimates of than those of younger intervals. One might, therefore, sup- tempo are, therefore, to be viewed as rates of morphological pose that low observed diversity is a product of poor sam- diversification and turnover within a preservable subset of pling or poor preservation; however, sampling adequacy is early eukaryotes. not simply a function of assemblages per interval. It is also The Paleontological Data Base: S mpflg Qty. Several dependent on quality of preservation, facies and/or paleo- hundred Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian formations are geographic heterogeneity, and rates of taxonomic turnover. known to contain protistan microfossils (33); however, many Iffossils are well preserved, cosmopolitan, and slowly evolv- assemblages are indifferently preserved, poorly described, ing, a limited number of samples may be sufficient to char- and/or accompanied by inadequate stratigraphic and pa- acterize the of an interval. leoenvironmental information. Assessment ofsample quality This appears to be the case for the Mesoproterozoic is better based on those assemblages that are well preserved, acritarch record. The quality of fossil preservation in Meso- Cofloquium Paper: KnoH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 6747 proterozoic mudstones (e.g., ref. 4) and silicified carbonates mented spheromorphs (Fig. 4C). Latest Mesoproterozoic to (e.g., ref. 34) matches the best seen in Neoproterozoic rocks, early Neoproterozoic acritarch diversification is comple- but the acanthomorphic (process or spine bearing) and other mented by the first appearance of multicellular eukaryotes ornamented acritarchs seen in younger rocks of comparable that can be placed in extant phyla. that display environmental setting are not seen in these or any other rocks clear cellular differentiation are locally abundant in silicified older than ca. 1100 Ma. In contrast, even metamorphosed peritidal carbonates ofthe Hunting Formation, arctic Neoproterozoic rocks may contain ornamented acritarchs (43); probable chromophytic algae are beautifully preserved (35). Observations such as these suggest that differential in Lakhanda mudstones (7); and several green algal taxa preservation is not a principal determinant of observed occur in the younger SvanbergfJellet Formation of Svalbard diversity and turnover patterns. (11). In general, Proterozoic and Cambrian acritarch species Acritarchs increase in both total and assemblage diversity have wide (and known) paleoenvironmental distributions and in 900- to 800-Ma-old rocks (Figs. 1-3), due largely to the show little evidence of provincialism. This minimizes the differentiation of ornamented forms. Vase-shaped protistan likelihood that observed patterns are influenced strongly by tests also proliferate at this time. Most taxa that originated differential sampling of facies among time intervals. during the early-to-middle Neoproterozoic Era disappeared Perhaps the best indicators ofsample quality are the degree by the time of the great Varanger ice age (?650-590 Ma ago), of similarity among assemblages within an interval and the but post-Varanger successions on three contain incremental taxonomic richness accompanying each new diverse assemblages of new and highly ornamented acri- assemblage reported. The total number of assemblages tarchs (refs. 35 and 12-14; Fig. 4 F and G). This postglacial known for the interval from 1700 to 1000 Ma is low, but the diversification is all the more remarkable because it is so taxonomic similarity among samples is high. Insofar as short-lived. Even exceptionally preserved latest Proterozoic knowledge ofthe age and environmental setting of an assem- acritarch assemblages are limited to a handful of leio- blage permits the prediction of taxonomic composition, the sphaerids and small acanthomorphs. The extinction corre- Proterozoic and Early Cambrian acritarch record appears to stratigraphically with the appearance of diverse Edi- be sufficiently well sampled to permit the broad estimation of acaran-type metazoans; where diverse acanthomorphs and evolutionary tempo. Ediacaran remains occur in the same succession, the former Despite my confidence that the existing record is governed lie stratigraphically beneath the latter. However, correlation more by evolution than by sampling, this paper should be to the independent chronostratigraphic record of C and Sr read as a dispatch from the trenches and not as a definitive isotopic variation suggests that the two types of assemblage history. The events most likely to have escaped notice to date coexisted for a limited interval (27). Acritarchs again diver- are short bursts of diversification and extinction of the type sified rapidly during the Early Cambrian (refs. 17 and 18; Fig. recorded in interval N7. The time intervals most likely to 4H). yield new assemblages that will modify the conclusions drawn here are those between 750 and 600 Ma ago, just prior Estimates of Evolutionary Tempo to and including the Varanger ice age. Figs. 1 and 2 depict assemblage and total diversity through Early Eukaryotic Fossils: A Narrative Record the interval from 1700 to 520 Ma ago. (Fig. 3 plots total diversity data on a linear time scale to show more clearly the Acritarchs occur in rocks as old as 1900-1700 Ma (36). The length of the initial interval of low diversity and the rapidity fossils are morphologically simple, but sedimentological dis- of subsequent changes.) The similarity of the figures is not tributions, size frequency distributions, and inferred excyst- surprising, given the wide facies and geographic distributions ment structures ally these remains to unequivocally eukary- of many taxa. Species richness began low and rose only otic microfossils that extend upward from this interval to the slightly during the first 700-800 Ma of the acritarch present. Independent evidence for the occurrence of late record-an interval longer than the entire Phanerozoic Eon. Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic eukaryotes A burst offirst appearances 900-800 Ma nearly doubled both comes from significant sterane concentrations in bitumens assemblage and total diversity, bringing them to a new level (37) and problematic macrofossils (38, 39). There is no reason that would persist with limited change until the Varanger ice to assume that these remains document the evolutionary first age. The figures show diversity peaking 750-700 Ma ago and appearance ofthe Eucarya nor even any necessary reason to then declining to a minimum during the Varanger interval. insist that they mark the emergence of clades capable of However, intervals N5 and N6 are the most poorly sampled synthesizing preservable walls or cysts. What can be con- of the entire period under consideration. Taxa whose cur- cluded is that eukaryotic organisms were significant parts of rently known last appearance is in N4 or N5 may well be marine in the late Paleoproterozoic Era and that discovered in closer proximity to Varanger strata, while some the fossil record of earlier periods is poor. of the many acritarch taxa whose first known appearance is Acritarchs are widespread and abundant in late Paleopro- in N7 may be found in earlier intervals. For example, the terozoic and Mesoproterozoic rocks, and in all known as- large acritarchs Papillomembrana compta and Ericiasphaera semblages morphological diversity is limited to a few taxa of spjeldnaessi, both conspicuous components of N7 assem- smooth-walled spheromorphs (leiosphaerids; Fig. 4A) differ- blages, occur in clasts of the Biskopas Comglomerate, Nor- entiated on the basis of size, spheroids bearing a single way, that underlie Varanger tillites (44). On the other hand, filament-like emergence, and/or somewhat lumpy or irregu- few pre-Varanger taxa occur in the beautifully preserved lar vesicles (40-42). assemblages that characterize N7, and in places like north- Morphological diversification began in the late Mesopro- western Canada, assemblages deposited just before the ice terozoic Eon with the appearance of striated spheromorphic age contain only characteristically pre-Varanger taxa (45). vesicles (Valeria lophostriata) and the first acanthomorphic Thus, the marked change in assemblage composition across acritarchs (41, 42). Chinese rocks poorly dated at ca. 1100 Ma the Varanger interval is probably a stable feature of the contain the oldest known large (>100 um) acanthomorphs record, and the extinctions inferred from the figures may (ref. 6; Fig. 4D)-a type of microfossil characteristically have been concentrated in a briefinterval before or during the found in Neoproterozoic assemblages (22, 42). The 900- to Varanger ice age. 1000-Ma-old Lakhanda biota of Siberia (7) contains a mod- The high diversity of immediately post-Varanger acritarch erate diversity of both acanthomorphs and lightly orna- assemblages is apparent from the figures. A burst of first 6748 Colloquium Paper: Knoll Proc. Nadl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) appearances lifted both assemblage and total species richness 0I- _Ml to their Proterozoic maxima, and an ensuing maximum in last appearances subsequently reduced diversity to levels resem- CA bling those ofthe Mesoproterozoic and earliest Neoprotero- zoic. Seventy-five percent of recorded species disappeared, including most if not all large morphologically distinctive .3 forms. C3 The first four intervals ofthe Early Cambrian exhibit sharp increases in numbers of first appearances; species richness 1 NZ

4. within assemblages eclipsed its Proterozoic'maximum in C3 c (ca. 531-528 Ma), and total diversity peaked one interval later CL8 (C4, ca. 528-524 Ma ago). Last appearances also increase first at I I I I -IF I I throughout these intervals and exceed appearances 200 300 400 Soo the end of the Early Cambrian. 100 Table 2 shows calculated rates of cladogenetic evolution Time from Cohort Origin (Ma) for each of the intervals under consideration. For intervals FIG. 5. Cohort survivorship curves for species that originated Ml though Ni, both total and per taxon rates offirst and last during intervals Ml (1700-1400 Ma), N2 (900-800 Ma), and C3 appearances are low, indicating not only that diversity was (531-528 Ma). The abscissa denotes time since cohort origin. low but also that constituent species were long lasting. (The calculated rates of first appearance for Ml may be mislead- Cohort survivorship provides another means of evaluating ing, in that all species are recorded as first appearances. The evolutionary tempo (46-48). A comparison of the three presence of simple acritarchs in rocks that may be older than cohort survivorship curves in Fig. 5 shows that species 1700 Ma indicates that at least some ofthese forms may have originating in early Cambrian interval C3 turned over much originated earlier.) By 900-800 Ma ago (N2), total rates of more rapidly than those ofNeoproterozoic cohort N2, which origination had increased by an order of magnitude to a level in turn decayed more quickly than Paleo- and Mesoprotero- at which they remained for the duration of the pre-Varanger zoic cohort Ml. Very rough estimates of mean species Neoproterozoic. Interestingly, after an increase during inter- duration and half-life (median species duration) confirm the val N2, per taxon rates of oriination returned to levels order of magnitude increases in tempo between the Meso- comparable to earlier intervals; both total and per taxon and Neoproterozoic and again between the Neoproterozoic extinction rates increased toward the Varanger ice age. and Early Cambrian (Table 3). Thus, relative to earlier Another order of magnitude increase in origination and intervals, Cambrian acritarch assemblages contain more and extinction rates attended the brief post-Varanger diversifi- more species that survive for shorter and shorter periods of cation event, after which terminal Proterozoic turnover re- time. Mean species duration and half-life for Cambrian ac- turned to average Neoproterozoic levels. During the peak of ritarchs is similar to values computed for both younger the Cambrian acritarch radiation, origin and extinction rates protistan groups with good fossil records and Phanerozoic both increased to levels an additional order of magnitude animal taxa (Table 3). above the Neoproterozoic mean. Table 2. Species richness, rates of origination, and rates of Discussion extinction for Proterozoic and early Cambrian acritarchs How seriously should we take these figures? The general Interval N, FA, FA/ FA/ LA, LA/ LA/ problems of sampling, data set size, and age estimation have (Ma ago) no. no. Ma Sp/Ma no. Ma Sp/Ma already been noted. Imprecisions could easily alter estimates Ml (1700-1400) 6 6 0.02* 0.003* 0 0.00 0.000 of tempo by a factor of two. However, it is unlikely that any M2 (1400-1200) 8 2 0.01 0.001 2 0.01 0.001 combination of sampling, taxonomic, or geochronometric M3 (1200-1000) 11 5 0.03 0.004 3 0.02 0.002 errors exerts a major control on the principal pattern revealed Ni (1000-900) 13 5 0.05 0.005 1 0.01 0.001 by this analysis-that of doubling in diversity and 10-fold N2 (900-800) 28 16 0.16 0.009 3 0.03 0.002 increase in rates of origination and extinction near the N3 (800-750) 31 6 0.12 0.004 3 0.06 0.002 Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic boundary and again in the N4 (750-700) 35 7 0.14 0.004 12 0.24 0.008 Early Cambrian. Indeed, this exercise quantifies what we NS (700-650) 28 5 0.10 0.004 13 0.26 0.010 have long known as biostratigraphers-that acritarch-based N6 (650-600) 17 2 0.04 0.002 1 0.02 0.001 correlation is difficult among Mesoproterozoic successions, N7 (600-575) 60 44 1.76 0.060 46 1.84 0.060 N8 (575-560) 16 2 0.13 0.008 4 0.26 0.017 Table 3. Estimates of species durations N9 (560-545) 15 3 0.20 0.015 6 0.40 0.030 Taxonomic group Half-life, Ma Mean duration, Ma C1 (545-538) 11 5 0.70 0.070 4 0.60 0.060 C2 (538-531) 22 16 2.30 0.185 7 1.00 0.080 Acritarch cohort Ml 1390* 1960* C3 (531-528) 48 32 10.70 0.400 12 4.00 0.150 Acritarch cohort N2 75 102 C4 (528-524) 78 42 10.50 0.198 31 7.75 0.150 Acritarch cohort C3 5.4 7.7 CS (524-520) 54 7 1.75 0.035 18 4.50 0.089 Planktonic 5 7 9 13 N, total species richness; FA, first appearance; LA, last appear- ance; FA (LA)/Ma, first (last) appearance per Ma; FA (LA)/Sp/Ma, 5.5 7.9 first (last) appearance per species per Ma. For the calculation ofper All invertebrates 7.7 11.1 species rates of origination and extinction, standing diversity was Half-life (median species duration) and mean duration were cal- taken to be the geometric mean ofdiversity at the beginning and end culated'according to Raup (46,47). Datafor Phanerozoic protists and of each interval, making the simplifying assumption that all extinc- invertebrates are from Van Valen (48) and Raup (47). tions took place at the ends of intervals. *Of course, species that originated <1700 Ma ago cannot have true *AJI species present in Ml are counted as first appearances, but some durations that exceed this age. Durations presented were calculated may have originated earlier. Thus, calculated rates of first appear- from the mean extinction rate (the slope of the cohort survivorship ance for Ml may be too high. curve), which is very low. Colloquium Paper: KnoH Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 6749 somewhat easier in the Neoproterozoic, and precise in the Cambrian boundary also document the acceleration of cla- Lower Cambrian. dogenetic tempo. Of course, the sharp increase in acritarch Comparisons with Previous Diversity Estimates. The diver- diversity and turnover coincides with a comparable evolu- sity trends noted here are broadly similar to those outlined a tionary burst in animals. The nearly simultaneous radiation in decade ago by Vidal and Knoll (29), indicating an overall two such phylogenetically, developmentally, and trophically stability of pattern despite substantial increases in the num- disparate groups suggests the importance of ecology in de- bers of species and assemblages described. There is one termining the tempo of Cambrian (and later) evolution. difference between the two estimates, however, and it is a Evolving animals would have contributed in several ways to major one; Vidal and Knoll's compilation (29) lacks any the complexity of environments perceived by acritarch- inkling ofthe short-lived diversity peak in N7. That peak first producing protists: for example, through , the dis- appears in the literature in 1988 in a figure by Zang (49), who turbance of pre-existing physical environments, the creation discovered highly diverse N7 acritarchs in the Pertatataka of new physical environments, and the alteration of nutrient Formation, Australia. Since then, even more diverse assem- fluxes in marine platform and shelf waters. Diversifying blages have been recognized in rocks of this age (Fig. 1). The protists would have had reciprocal effects on animals. Di- N7 spike cautions us that despite the overall stability of versity levels reached by Early Cambrian animals and pro- Proterozoic and early Cambrian acritarch diversity trends, tists were later eclipsed by continuing diversification, but the short-lived diversification and extinction episodes may be increased rates of turnover established at this time have missed at current levels of temporal sampling density. persisted for the past 500 Ma (Table 2; refs. 46 and 48). A different view of Proterozoic protistan diversity was This is interesting in light of evidence that turnover in presented by Schopf (50), who showed a broad diversity peak Phanerozoic marine communities may be coordinated among 1000-850 Ma ago, followed by a strong and continuing species and concentrated at times of environmental distur- decline until the end of the eon. Schopf's compilations of bance represented sedimentologically by sequence bound- mean assemblage diversity for plankton and eukaryotes aries (57-59). This suggests that the basal Cambrian increase emphasize the inferred early Neoproterozoic diversity peak in the biological complexity of environments may have even more strongly. This discrepancy arises for at least three lowered the response thresholds of populations to physical reasons: (i) Schopf's estimates of species richness for early fluctuations, perhaps by decreasing population sizes and Neoproterozoic assemblages from Russia significantly ex- effective niche breadth. ceed those accepted here, (ii) most of the fossils that deter- The short-lived acritarch radiation in N7 stands out as mine the diversity levels of intervals N4 to N7 in the present anomalous. Is this when faster evolutionary tempo was paper do not appear in Schopf's data set, largely because of established in protists, only to be cut offby mass extinction? recent discovery, and (iii) Schopf's calculation of mean Might it correspond to an of cryptic animal diversifi- assemblage diversity is swamped by low diversity assem- cation that presaged the Ediacaran faunas of the next inter- blages of limited paleobiological value. For these reasons, I val? Is the acritarch diversification causally related to ocean- believe that the diversity trends shown in Figs. 1-3 of the ographic changes that accompanied the end of the Varanger present paper better reflect the known record of early pro- glaciation, and if so, why aren't comparable changes ob- tists. served in the wake of earlier Neoproterozoic ice ages? Intimations of Mode? As noted above, the increase in acritarch diversity and tempo near the Mesoproterozoic- Conclusions Neoproterozoic boundary coincides with the appearance of identifiable red, green, and probable chromophyte algae in We still glimpse early biological history through a glass the record. Branching patterns in molecular phylogenies of darkly, but broad patterns are beginning to come into focus. the eukaryotes suggest that these algal taxa, along with These patterns suggest that on the time scale of eukaryotic stramenopiles (, dinoflagellates, and plasmodia), evolution as a whole, evolutionary tempo has increased fungi, and the ancestors of animals, diverged rapidly rela- episodically. Morphological diversity and turnover rates tively late in the history of the domain (31). The paleonto- were low for the earliest recorded period of early protistan logical data suggest that the radiation implied by molecular evolution, an interval that lasted longer than the entire phylogenies occurred near the Mesoproterozoic-Neoprot- Phanerozoic Eon. Near the Mesoproterozoic-Neoprotero- erozoic boundary; phylogenetic data, in turn, suggest possi- zoic boundary, the morphological diversity and turnover ble explanations for the acceleration of evolutionary tempo rates of acritarch-producing protists increased significantly, documented by the fossils. apparently as part of a larger increase in eukaryotic diversity Nuclear introns, multicellular development that includes that included heterotrophs as well as algae. Most notably, the coordinated growth and cellular differentiation, and life cy- Proterozoic and Early Cambrian record of acritarchs sug- cles in which classical meiosis plays a prominent role are all gests that radiating animals had a profound effect on both characters displayed by higher eukaryotes but not earlier diversity and turnover within clades already present in ma- branching clades (51-54). The evolutionary relationships rine communities, implying an important role for ecology in among these features are poorly understood, but possibly not fueling the Cambrian explosion and, perhaps, earlier pro- coincidental. Either sexual life cycles or the exon shuffling tistan diversification. made possible by introns could increase genetic variation and, thereby, accelerate evolutionary tempo (32, 55). This I thank Zhang Yun, Yin Leiming, Kathleen Grey, Zang Wenlong, would be true of nuclear introns whether they first evolved at Malcolm Walter, Tadas Jankauskas, Nina Volkova, Tamara Ger- the time ofhigher protistan differentiation (54) or were simply man, Alexei Veis, Vladimir Sergeev, Nicholas Butterfield, and- retained more readily in lineages characterized by sexual life especially-Gonzalo Vidal and Malgorzata Moczydlowska for ac- cycles (56). cess to and discussions about Proterozoic and Cambrian microfos- Given the population genetic possibilities of such changes, sils. George Miklos, Kenneth Campbell, and J. William Schopf it is provided helpful criticisms of an earlier draft. This work was surprising that the greater increase in acritarch diversity sponsored in part by National Aeronautics and Space Administration and tempo is concentrated at the beginning of the Cambrian Grant NAGW-893 and National Science Foundation Grant BSR Period. 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