

REVIEW: GEOCHEMISTRY Ocean Chemistry and Evolution: A Bioinorganic Bridge? A. D. Anbar1* and A. H. Knoll2

contrast, under a moderately oxidiz- Recent data imply that for much of the Proterozoic Eon (2500 to 543 million ing mid-Proterozoic atmosphere would have 2– ago), ’s oceans were moderately oxic at the surface and sulfidic at depth. Under enhanced the delivery of SO4 to the anoxic these conditions, biologically important trace metals would have been scarce in most depths. Assuming biologically productive

marine environments, potentially restricting the nitrogen cycle, affecting primary oceans, the result would have been higher H2S productivity, and limiting the ecological distribution of eukaryotic algae. Oceanic concentrations during this period than either conditions and their bioinorganic consequences may thus help to explain before or since (8). observed patterns of Proterozoic evolution. Is there any evidence for such a world? Canfield and his colleagues have developed an argument based on the S isotopic compo-

n the present-day Earth, O2 is abun- es and forms insoluble Fe-oxyhydroxides, sition of biogenic sedimentary sulfides, 2– dant from the upper atmosphere to thus removing Fe and precluding BIF forma- which reflect SO4 availability and redox the bottoms of ocean basins. When tion. This reading of the stratigraphic record conditions at their time of formation (16–18). O 2– began, however, O2 was at best a trace made sense because independent geochemi- When the availability of SO4 is strongly 2– Ͻϳ constituent of the surface environment. The cal evidence indicates that the partial pressure limited (SO4 concentration 1 mM, ϳ intervening history of ocean redox has been of atmospheric (PO2) rose substan- 4% of that in present-day seawater), H2S interpreted in terms of two long-lasting tially about 2400 to 2000 Ma (4–7). produced by BSR is depleted in 34SbyϳϽ5 2– steady states: anoxic oceans (or nearly so) Because the solubility of Fe-sulfides is per mil (‰) relative to dissolved SO4 . Frac- that persisted for some 2000 million years, also low, however, the disappearance of BIF tionation increases to as much as ϳ45‰ 2– followed by essentially modern oceans of can alternatively be taken to indicate that the when SO4 is more freely available. Larger comparable duration. Here, we review re- deep oceans became sulfidic, rather than fractionations (45 to 70‰) appear to require a cent evidence pointing to the presence of oxic, after 1800 Ma. According to this sce- cyclical process in which 34S-depleted sul- “intermediate” oceans—oxic at the surface nario, recently advanced by Canfield (8), fides are reoxidized to elemental sulfur (S0), but anoxic and sulfidic at depth—that may deep sea water became more reducing rather followed by bacterial disproportionation of 0 34 have persisted for more than 1000 million than more oxidizing at this time despite the S to produce extremely S-depleted H2S years, originating some time after ϳ1800 rise in atmospheric oxygen. Ocean anoxia (19, 20). Hence, S isotope fractionation million years ago (Ma). Aspects of the might have persisted into the Ͼϳ45‰ between sedimentary sulfides and evolutionary pattern recorded by of (9), when C and S isotopic data indicate sulfates may indicate increased oxygenation Proterozoic may be explained another increase in the oxidation state of of the environment (21). by the scarcity of biologically essential Earth surface environments (10–13). Several changes in S isotope systematics trace metals in such sulfidic seas, suggest- At first blush, sulfidic oceans appear coun- are seen in the geological record ing a bioinorganic bridge between environ- terintuitive in the face of contemporaneous at- (Fig. 1B) (22). BSR appears to have been in mental and biological evolution. mospheric oxygenation. However, simple mod- place by at least ϳ3470 Ma, as suggested by eling of ocean redox suggests that deep waters a fractionation of up to 21‰ (mean ϳ11‰) Sulfidic Deep Oceans would have remained anoxic if PO2 had been between S in evaporitic barite deposits and The classical argument that the deep oceans Ͻ0.07 atm and if biological productivity, which sulfide inclusions found within these sedi- became oxidized at ϳ1800 Ma is based prin- delivers reduced C to the deep sea, was at all ments (23). However, in rocks older than cipally on the disappearance of banded comparable to that of modern oceans (8). It is 2400 Ma, ⌬34S (the difference in ␦34S be-

formations (BIFs; Fig. 1A). BIFs are mas- likely that PO2 did not approach modern values tween marine sulfate minerals—which record ␦34 2– sive, laterally extensive and globally distrib- until the Neoproterozoic (14, 15). Sulfidization S of seawater SO4 —and co-occurring uted chemical deposits that consist follows from the fact that the concentration of sulfides) is typically ϽϽ20‰. From this time ⌬34 ϳ primarily of Fe-bearing minerals and silica. hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in seawater is affected until 800 to 600 Ma, S reaches 40‰, Their formation seems to require anoxic deep by the supply of both organic C and sulfate near the maximum associated with BSR, but 2– waters to deliver hydrothermally derived (SO4 )—which constitute a source of H2S rarely exceeds this value. Only in later Neo- Fe2ϩ to locations where deposition took when their reaction is catalyzed by dissimilato- proterozoic and rocks does ⌬34S place [e.g., (1–3)]. Oxygenation of the oceans ry bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR)—and by approach the modern maximum of ϳ65‰. 3ϩ would produce Fe , which readily hydrolyz- the availability of O2, which acts as a reactive The biogeochemical record of S is thus con- 2– sink for H2S and inhibits BSR. Today, perva- sistent with SO4 -poor oceans giving 2– sive O2 limits H2S concentrations, as has gen- way to modest SO4 concentrations, and con- 1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences erally been the case for the Phanerozoic Eon. In sequent global enhancement of BSR, in the and Department of Chemistry, University of Roches- the Archean and early , the Paleoproterozoic. Presumably, the rise of a ter, Rochester, NY 14627, USA. 2Department of Or- ganismic and Evolutionary , Harvard Universi- low solubility of reduced S minerals in igneous moderately oxidizing atmosphere facilitated, ty, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. and sedimentary rocks during weathering under for the first time, the delivery of large quantities 2– 2– *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- a nearly anoxic atmosphere limited the SO4 of SO4 to the oceans (8, 24). The observation ⌬34 Ͻ mail: [email protected] supply, keeping H2S concentrations low. In that S 45‰ during the mid-Proterozoic

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 29716 AUGUST 2002 1137 S CIENCE’ S C OMPASS suggests that the oceans were oxygenated only Proterozoic basin, as might be expected in a gan to rise at this time, but the observed 2– to shallow depths during this time, and that low-SO4 ocean (32, 33). isotopic variability, not seen in Phanerozoic more extensive oxygenation did not occur until and anhydrite (CaSO4 minerals) sulfate minerals (35), again suggests a small- 2– late in the eon (12). are common in rocks that formed along the er mid-Proterozoic global ocean SO4 reser- ϳ 2– If sulfidic conditions were common margins of 1200-Ma carbonate platforms in voir. Seawater SO4 may have remained through much of the Proterozoic Eon, inde- the Bylot Supergroup, , but are well below present-day levels until the end of pendent geochemical redox indicators should scarce in older rocks. ␦34S in these minerals the Proterozoic Eon (36). provide evidence of anoxia. In addition, sea- varies by up to 10‰ over 300 m of section As yet, detailed stratigraphic analyses are 2– water SO4 concentrations in the Proterozo- (34). The appearance of extensive CaSO4 too few to demonstrate unequivocally the 2– ic, although greatly elevated over Archean deposits indicates that SO4 inventories be- global of sulfidic deep waters in mid- values, should have been lower Proterozoic oceans. However, than at present; this prediction available data point to globally Time before present (Ma) 2– can be tested by looking for “res- extensive BSR in low-SO4 ervoir” effects in pyrite ␦34S oceans, ocean oxygenation insuf- 0

within individual sedimentary ba- 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 543 ficient to support S dispropor- sins (25). tionation, and sulfidic bottom wa- Both predictions are met in Archean Proterozoic Eon ters in at least some marine basins Eon superbly preserved black shales Paleo- Meso- Neo- during this time. We must there- deposited ϳ1730 and 1640 Ma fore take seriously the proposition during maximum flooding of the A that the deep oceans were persis- Tawallah and McArthur basins, tently sulfidic for much of our respectively, in northern Austra- planet’s middle age. lia. Two geochemical indicators reliably differentiate B Biology of Mid-Proterozoic formed beneath oxic and sulfidic 0 Oceans waters in the Black Sea (26–28) What was biology like in mid-Pro-

and in marine basins ) terozoic oceans? Hints come from (29). The ratio of “highly reac- ‰ C isotopes and fossils, which show S (

tive” Fe (Fe present in pyrite or 34 distinctive stratigraphic trends that oxides/hydroxides) to total Fe ∆ correlate broadly with the inferred tends to be higher in sediments redox history. deposited beneath sulfidic waters * –60 Secular variation of C isotopes than in sediments deposited be- C in marine carbonates (␦13C ) +12 carb neath an oxic water column. Sim- reflects changes in the ratio of ilarly, the “degree of pyritization” organic to inorganic C removed (the proportion of reactive Fe in- from the oceans during burial in )

corporated into pyrite) tends to be ‰ sediments (37). This ratio (and ( 13

C ␦ substantially higher beneath sul- 0 hence Ccarb) may increase 13

fidic bottom waters. Both indica- δ when enhanced tectonic activity tors show that Tawallah and increases the opportunities for or- McArthur shales accumulated be- –8 ganic C burial (38). Enhanced neath sulfidic waters (30). More- tectonic activity may also affect D over, relative to the Black Sea, 1 this ratio by increasing the supply Cariaco Basin, and other modern 2 of P to the oceans (39), stimulat- sulfidic settings (27, 31), sedi- 3 ing primary production where N mentary pyrites in Tawallah and 4 is not limiting. McArthur shales are markedly Unusually large variations in 34 5 ␦13 S-enriched, suggesting that Ccarb characterize rocks that 2– 6 BSR strongly depleted the SO4 formed at the beginning and the reservoir in deep waters of these 7 end of the Proterozoic Eon (Fig. basins. Given reasonable esti- 1C), both times of widespread gla- mates of primary production in AnoxicAnoxic & sulfidic Oxic ciation and increasing oxidation of surface waters, this indicates a Fig. 1. Biological and geochemical changes during the Proterozoic Eon. the biosphere (5, 10, 40–42). The 2– seawater SO4 reservoir as much Color gradations denote postulated changes in deep sea redox. (A) intervening interval is equally strik- as 90% lower than today’s(30). Periods of deposition of banded iron formations. (B) Range of values of ing for its lack of variation; ⌬34 ␦34 S, the difference in S between coeval marine sulfides and sulfates. ␦13 Elsewhere, large and - ⌬34 ϭ Ccarb varies only within the lim- ␦34 Dashed line: S 20‰, the maximum Archean value. Dotted line: Ϯ ϳ atic stratigraphic variation in S ⌬34S ϭ 45‰, the maximum fractionation associated with single-step its of 0 2‰ between 1850 and of sedimentary pyrites (Ͼ20‰ BSR. Asterisk: ⌬34S determined from a single sample, and thus not well 1250 Ma (Fig. 1C), documenting ␦13 over tens to hundreds of meters of constrained. (C) Range of values of Ccarb (after a compilation by A. J. unique long-term stability of the C section) is seen in 1470- to 1440- Kaufman). The frequency and magnitude of variations in the Paleoprot- cycle (43–45). This stasis gave Ma rocks from the Belt Super- erozoic are somewhat uncertain. (D) Eukaryotic evolution, as indicated way to moderate variation (similar group, , suggestive of by the first appearances of body fossils (solid lines) and molecular to that seen in Phanerozoic carbon- biomarkers (dotted lines), including chlorophytes (1), ciliates (2), ϳ reservoir effects. This finding dinoflagellates (3), rhodophytes (4), eukaryotes of unknown affinities, ates) after 1250 Ma (45–47), be- provides evidence of episodic possibly stem groups (5), stramenopiles (6), and testate amoebae (7). See fore the onset of large-amplitude 2– ␦13 ϳ SO4 limitation in another mid- text for geochemical references. distributions from (147). Ccarb variations at 800 Ma.

1138 16 AUGUST 2002 VOL 297SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org S CIENCE’ S C OMPASS It has been hypothesized that mid-Protero- photosynthetic eukaryotes appear to have would have limited the Mo concentration in ␦13 zoic Ccarb stasis reflects tectonic quiescence been most abundant and diverse in shoreline mid-Proterozoic seawater (82). Sulfidic waters during this time, in contrast to major continental environments, despite the stresses that fluc- cover only ϳ0.3% of the sea floor today, local- rifting and orogenesis at the beginning and end tuating salinity and temperature impose on ized in areas of restricted circulation and high of the eon (44). However, Phanerozoic-scale such habitats (62). productivity, but may account for as much as ␦13 ϳ Ccarb variations might still be expected be- Bangiophyte red algae occur in silicified 40% of Mo removal (77, 79). We infer that fore 1250 Ma, as the mid-Proterozoic was not a tidal flat carbonates deposited around 1200 Mo surface concentrations in the late Paleopro- period without variations in tectonic activity Ma (63), and conspicuously ornamented ac- terozoic and early oceans ␦13 (48). Hence, Ccarb stasis appears to call for ritarchs also occur in rocks this age or older were less than 10% of present levels if sulfidic attenuation of the link between tectonism and (64–66). Only in the latest Proterozoic, how- conditions covered Ͼ10% of the sea floor (83). primary production. Such attenuation might fol- ever, did morphologically complex, larger A similar set of arguments can be made low naturally if P were not the limiting nutrient eukaryotic phytoplankton and branching for some other bioessential metals that are during this time. Increased availability of P in macroalgal benthos diversify markedly in also less available under sulfidic conditions, the mid-Proterozoic oceans compared to the open shelf settings (67–71). Thus, the fossil such as Cu, Zn, and Cd (84). The mid-Prot- Archean and Paleoproterozoic goes hand-in- record of algal diversification parallels, at erozoic interval may thus be the only extend- hand with the end of BIF deposition and the least broadly, the history of ocean oxidation ed period in Earth history during which Fe, advent of sulfidic oceans at ϳ1800 Ma because inferred from S isotopes (Fig. 1). Mo, and some other redox-sensitive, bioes- Fe oxides are a sink for dissolved P (49), and sential metals were simultaneously scarce in because P is released from organic-rich sedi- Trace Metals and the Nitrogen Cycle the oceans (Fig. 2) (85). ments under sulfidic conditions (50, 51). If widespread sulfidic conditions were a If so, the consequences for biology would A changed nutrient regime in mid-Prot- unique feature of the mid-Proterozoic oceans, have been profound. The energy-intensive pro- erozoic oceans is consistent with suggestions as suggested by S isotopes and other indica- cess of N2 fixation, a capability limited to some of lower overall productivity at this time as tors, it is perhaps not surprising that C iso- and , can be catalyzed by three compared to the Paleoproterozoic, Neopro- topes and fossils also mark this period as known nitrogenase metalloenzyme systems. terozoic, and Phanerozoic. The evidence unique with respect to C cycling and evolu- Each requires Fe, in the form of Fe-S clusters. again comes from C isotopes. First, the aver- tion. But what might relate these seemingly The best studied nitrogenase, present in all ␦13 age value of Ccarb in mid-Proterozoic car- unrelated phenomena? known diazotrophs, also requires Mo as part of ϳ bonates appears to be 1.5‰ lower than in The connection may lie in the effect of aFe7MoS9 cluster (86). In a number of organ- Paleoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, and Pha- sulfidic conditions on the availability of redox- isms, two “alternative” nitrogenases—geneti- nerozoic carbonates (38, 43–45, 52, 53), as sensitive bioessential metals in the oceans (72, cally distinct but clearly homologous with would be expected from a decrease in the 73). In particular, Fe and Mo, important for MoFe-nitrogenase—use V and Fe, or Fe alone, proportion of carbon buried as organic C due biological N2 fixation (the reduction of N2 to but not Mo (87, 88). The mechanism by which to depressed mid-Proterozoic primary pro- biologically useful ammonia) and nitrate these enzyme systems reduce N2 remains elu- 13 – ductivity. Second, the export of C-depleted (NO3 ) assimilation, are removed from solution sive (89). The specific activity of MoFe-nitro- ϳ organic C from surface waters reflects rates in H2S-bearing waters. These metals, therefore, genase for N2 reduction appears to be 1.5 of primary production (54). In consequence, directly couple ocean redox conditions to N times that of VFe-nitrogenase at ϳ30°C(90), one would expect low productivity to be ac- bioavailability—leading us to question the and it is at least this much more efficient than companied by a relatively small depth gradi- common assumption that biological N2 fixation Fe-nitrogenase (87), which helps to explain the ent in the isotopic composition of dissolved precludes N limitation of the biosphere on geo- prevalence of MoFe-nitrogenase in the modern inorganic C. Data from several Mesoprotero- logic time scales. environment (91). zoic basins are consistent with this notion Fe is effectively removed from solution in Chemostat experiments (92) have shown (43, 44). In contrast, gradients for both earlier both oxic and sulfidic conditions. In the an- that nitrogenase expression is regulated by Mo Paleoproterozoic and later Neoproterozoic oxic Archean oceans, the Fe concentration concentration. Alternative nitrogenase expres- oceans are larger (55, 56). The apparent ab- may have been as high as 50 ␮M(2), as sion begins when Mo Ͻ 100 nM, and MoFe- sence of extensive continental ice sheets dur- opposed to concentrations more than three nitrogenase is not expressed when Mo Ͻ 25 ing the long interval between the large ice orders of magnitude lower in both modern nM, about one-fourth the concentration in mod- ages of the early Paleoproterozoic (42) and oxygenated seawater (74) and sulfidic deep ern seawater. Hence, it seems likely that the less later Neoproterozoic (57) is also consistent waters of the chemically stratified Black Sea efficient alternative nitrogenases had prominent with nutrient limitation of the biological C (75)—the closest modern analog to a sulfidic roles in global N cycling until the oceans were pump, although other factors undoubtedly ocean. Hence, Fe availability surely declined thoroughly oxygenated. contributed to the long-term maintenance of a from the Archean to the mid-Proterozoic, Redox-sensitive metals are also important mid-Proterozoic greenhouse. whether the deep sea became more oxidized in other parts of the N cycle. Mo, as part of a Like C isotopes, fossils of presumed eu- or reduced (76). molybdopterin cofactor, is found in the ni- – karyotes show distinct mid- and late Protero- Mo forms the highly mobile molybdate an- trate reductase enzymes used for NO3 assim- 2– zoic distributions (Fig. 1D). Eukaryotic fos- ion (MoO4 ) under oxidizing conditions. ilation by eukaryotes and some , sils appear in the geologic record as early as Hence, today Mo is the most abundant transi- and in the nitrate reductases used by some – 1800 to 2100 Ma (58, 59), and recent organic tion metal in the oceans, with a concentration of prokaryotes in NO3 respiration (“denitrifica- geochemical studies indicate that at least 105 nM and an ocean residence time of ϳ8 ϫ tion”)(93–95). Chemoautotrophs that oxidize 5 stem eukaryotes diverged as early as 2700 10 years (77–79). In the presence of H2S, Mo ammonia (“nitrification”) use the Mo enzyme Ma (60). Despite this early differentiation, is readily removed to sediments by reduction to nitrite oxidoreductase (94) and probably also photosynthetic appear to have played insoluble sulfides or conversion to particle-re- use Cu in ammonia monooxygenase (96). Cu 2– a limited role in mid-Proterozoic ecosystems. active thiomolybdate (MoS4 )(80). Therefore, is also used in both nitrite and N2O reducta- Fossil diversity is low (59), and eukaryotic in the Black Sea, Mo concentrations fall from ses (97). Fe appears to be necessary for all biomarker molecules are limited in both ϳ40 nM in oxygenated surface waters to ϳ3 these processes as well as for NO reduction abundance and diversity (61). Moreover, nM below the chemocline (81). Such removal (93, 96, 97).

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It follows that the development of sulfidic (102). At the same time, rising PO2 likely shorter than ocean mixing times, which are Proterozoic oceans would have initiated a peri- led to biological nitrification and denitrifi- on the order of 1000 years. In contrast, the od of exceptional N stress for the biosphere. cation becoming important on a global residence time of dissolved P is Ͼ10,000 Before this development, in the Fe-rich Arche- scale. These processes, although hampered years in oxygenated oceans (51, 105, 106)

an and Paleoproterozoic oceans, biological N2 by metal scarcity, would have converted and perhaps longer in sulfidic oceans. There- ϩ – – fixation dominated by Fe-nitrogenase probably NH4 in surface seawater to NO3 ,NO2 , fore, the effect of a typical orogenic episode – – accounted for most of the fixed N supply (98). N2, and N2O. Although NO3 and NO2 are on the availability of bioessential metals, and MoFe-nitrogenase was likely unimportant be- bioavailable forms of fixed N today, their hence on ocean productivity, would have cause, as with S, input of Mo from weathering utility would have been limited in the mid- been local or regional and variable with time, would have been limited under an atmosphere Proterozoic because of the Mo (and Fe) rather than global and persistent (as is the

with only trace O2. Regardless of metal abun- requirement of the various nitrate reductase case with P today). Lower overall productiv- dances, nitrification and denitrification were enzymes. Because N2 and N2O are volatile ity in the mid-Proterozoic, inferred from ␦13 Ccarb, is also consistent with N stress and 1850 1250 Ma Phanerozoic with the scarcity of other micronutrients (e.g., Zn, Cd) (107). pper Fe scarcity apparently limits N2 fixation cean in parts of the modern, oxygenated oceans [e.g., (108–110)], but the global bioavail- ability of fixed N is probably less con- strained today for three reasons. First, be- cause of the higher specific activity of

eriod eriod MoFe-nitrogenase compared to the alterna- p p eep tive nitrogenases, and the heavy Fe require- cean ment of all the nitrogenases, the availability of Mo in oxygenated oceans may substan- ransition ransition T T tially reduce the impact of Fe limitation on biospheric N fixation rates. Second, Mo – availability facilitates assimilation of NO3 as an N source, as well as exploitation of – NO3 reduction to drive in sub- – oxic environments with abundant NO3 . Third, the Phanerozoic development of a Ocean ediments vigorous terrestrial N cycle introduced a new source of fixed N, largely uncon- Fig. 2. Schematic depiction of effects of changing ocean redox conditions on the depth strained by metal availability, to the distributions of Mo (dashed lines) and Fe (solid lines). Influences of nutrient-type depletion and oceans. Although the N budget is not tight-

aeolian inputs on surface seawater concentrations are omitted for simplicity. Color gradations are ly quantified, at least as much N2 is fixed the same as in Fig. 1. During the Archean, oceans are anoxic but not sulfidic. Significant O2 is only each on land as in the oceans (111). associated with cyanobacterial “blooms.” Mo is scarce because it is not readily mobilized from The transfer of even a small fraction of this crustal rocks during weathering under low PO . Fe is abundant in the absence of O and H S. 2 2 2 fixed N from land to sea may have an From 1850 to 1250 Ma, moderate PO2 oxygenates surface waters but sulfidic deep waters develop. Mo is scarce because of rapid removal in sulfidic waters. Mo is somewhat elevated at the important impact on the ocean N budget. surface because of upper ocean oxygenation and enhanced oxidative weathering. Fe, as in the modern Black Sea, is depleted in sulfidic deep waters, severely depleted in oxic surface waters, Implications for Evolution and enriched near the redoxcline where both O2 and H2S are scarce. During the Phanerozoic, O2 Compared with autotrophic bacteria and ar- penetrates to the sediment-water interface. Mo and Fe distributions are similar to today’s. See chaea, photosynthetic eukaryotes are poorly text for details and references. equipped to cope with N-limited oceans in at

likely of minor importance before oxygenation and much less soluble than NH3, their for- least three ways. First, and most obviously, of the surface ocean (99). Hence, denitrification mation would have accelerated loss of fixed eukaryotes lack the capacity for biological N2 as a pathway for loss of fixed N was minor as N from the oceans. Thus, it seems likely fixation and must assimilate fixed N from

long as PO2 remained low. Fixed N may have that the ocean inventory of fixed N, as well their surroundings. Mo and Cu scarcity in ϩ been relatively abundant in the form of the as NH4 levels in surface waters, decreased sulfidic oceans would have exacerbated this ϩ ϳ ammonium ion (NH4 ) and was probably lost after 1800 Ma. Relevant N isotope data problem by limiting the ability of eukaryotes – – primarily by burial of organic N in sediments are sparse and difficult to interpret, but they to assimilate NO3 and NO2 . Second, red and loss of volatile NH3 to the atmosphere. suggest a qualitative change in the global N algae and most green algae (the two algal Phosphate was likely the limiting nutrient (49). budget at about this time, consistent with clades with descended directly The situation would have changed after oxygenation of the upper ocean (103, 104). from cyanobacterial endosymbionts) and all ϳ 1800 Ma. Global rates of N2 fixation N stress of the mid-Proterozoic biosphere multicellular members of these groups se- ␦13 presumably decreased because of the de- is consistent with Ccarb stasis because, in crete cellulosic walls that preclude inges- crease in ocean Fe, particularly if—in con- contrast to P, continental weathering is a tion of N-bearing organic particles. Third, in ϩ trast to modern oceans—the use of the minor source of N to the oceans. Although living , NH4 depletion induc- more efficient MoFe-nitrogenase was lim- the supplies of many redox-sensitive metals es formation of a transcriptional regulator, ited by Mo scarcity (100, 101). The antag- are ultimately controlled by tectonic activity, which in turn unleashes a battery of enzymes

onistic effect of O2 on nitrogenase activity in the postulated sulfidic mid-Proterozoic that efficiently scavenge bioavailable N from may also have been important before the oceans the residence times of many of these seawater (112, 113). Eukaryotes lack this development of compensatory strategies elements would probably have been much ability.

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Under conditions of nutrient limitation, terozoic environments and biology. Specifically, monly expressed as ␦34S ϭ ‰ deviation in 34S/32S therefore, eukaryotic algae compete poorly further work is needed to substantiate the infer- from the Canyon Diablo Troilite (CDT ) standard ϭ [(34S/32S) /(34S/32S) –1]ϫ 1000. ␦34 sample CDT against cyanobacteria (114). Indeed, eukary- ences drawn from S, to better constrain the 19. D. E. Canfield, B. Thamdrup, Science 266, 1973 otic algae with larger cells (i.e., the seaweeds timing and mechanism(s) of redox transitions, to (1994). and net plankton most likely to be recognized determine the effects of these transitions on 20. K. S. Habicht, D. E. Canfield, 29, 555 (2001). ␦34 2– 21. S depletion of H2S relative to SO4 in Black Sea as eukaryotic in the fossil record) compete ocean biogeochemistry, and to tease more pa- waters is Ͼ45‰ [(19) and references therein], most effectively when N availability exceeds leobiological information from the geologic hence 34S depletion by S0 disproportionation does their immediate metabolic needs, allowing record. New approaches may be helpful, includ- not require a completely oxic water column. How- ever, in redox-stratified oceans with low-H S sur- them to store fixed N in intracellular vacu- ing study of redox-sensitive metal abundances 2 face waters, anoxygenic , which pro- ϩ ␦34 oles; NH4 is not easily stored. Thus, in in sediments (31, 120), S of carbonate-asso- duces little S isotope fractionation while converting 2– modern oceans the growth of larger algae is ciated sulfate (36, 121), mass-independent S H2StoSO4 , may dominate S cycling in the photic – zone. Therefore, S isotope fractionation of Ͼ45‰ facilitated by high NO3 levels (115, 116). isotope effects (7), and mass-dependent frac- suggests O2 penetration at least below the photic As a consequence of these limitations, mid- tionation of Mo isotopes (122). Development of zone [see (12) and references therein]. Proterozoic eukaryotic algae would likely a reliable proxy for marine N isotopes would 22. Precambrian S isotope data and interpretations are have fared best in coastal and estuarine hab- help to shed light on perturbations of the N reviewed by Canfield and colleagues in (8) and (125); see also (126, 127). itats where proximity to riverine metal sourc- cycle. Molecular biosignatures can provide an 23. Y. A. Shen, R. Buick, D. E. Canfield, Nature 410,77 es minimized the effects of metal limitation, improved perspective on the relative abundanc- (2001). ϩ 24. A different interpretation is given in (128, 129). But and where upwelling of NH4 -bearing deep es of prokaryotes and eukaryotes in Proterozoic waters could have provided an adequate oceans. Progress will come most rapidly if these see also a rebuttal in (130). 25. The extent of S isotope fractionation by biochemical source of bioavailable N. and other techniques are applied by multidisci- effects may be restricted by reservoir effects, 32 2– Greatly enhanced weathering associated plinary teams working in an integrated manner whereby preferential loss of S from the SO4 ϳ reservoir progressively enriches the reservoir in 34S. with the extensive Grenville at 1250 on stratigraphic sequences of paleoenvironmen- 34 H2S subsequently produced is enriched in S com- Ma may have increased the supply of metals to tal importance. pared to the maximum depletion possible when 2– the oceans. Enhanced burial of organic C initi- The hypothesis articulated here also sug- SO4 is abundant. ated at this time may also have led to a modest gests that bioinorganic chemistry, broadly de- 26. D. E. Canfield, T. W. Lyons, R. Raiswell, Am. J. Sci. 296, 818 (1996). rise in PO2 (45). Together, these effects could fined, can provide unique insights into the co- 27. T. W. Lyons, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3367 have eased N limitation, facilitating limited eu- evolution of life and environment (72, 73). (1997). karyotic diversification as the Neoproterozoic Integrated study of genetic diversity, (metallo- 28. R. Raiswell, R. Newton, P. B. Wignall, J. Sed. Res. 71, began (Fig. 1D). The contemporaneous ter- )enzyme gene expression, and elemental bio- 286 (2001). 13 29. P. B. Wignall, R. Newton, Sediment. Geol. 144, 335 mination of ␦ C stasis (45), suggestive of an availability in natural systems may be useful in (2001). intensification of the link between primary pro- unraveling life’s history on Earth (and evaluat- 30. Y. Shen, D. E. Canfield, A. H. Knoll, Am. J. Sci., 302, duction and tectonics, is consistent with this ing the prospects for life elsewhere). This 81 (2002). 31. T. W. Lyons, J. P. Werne, D. J. Hollander, R. W. scenario. However, only with the later Neopro- should be fertile ground for research as the Murray, Chem. Geol., in press. terozoic appearance of more fully oxic oceans nascent subdisciplines of and astro- 32. J. J. Luepke, T. W. Lyons, Precambrian Res. 111,79 would the increased availability of Mo and Cu biology unfold. (2001). 33. T. W. Lyons, J. J. Luepke, M. E. Schreiber, G. A. Zieg, have facilitated the biological assimilation of Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 427(2000). NO – and NO –. Such assimilation would have 3 2 References and Notes 34. L. C. Kah, T. W. Lyons, J. T. Chesley, Precambrian Res. greatly expanded the pool of bioavailable N, 1. P. Cloud, Am. J. Sci. 272, 537(1972). 111, 203 (2001). returned the oceans to a phosphate-limited re- 2. H. D. Holland, Econ. Geol. 68, 1169 (1973). 35. G. E. Claypool, W. T. Holser, I. R. Kaplan, H. Sakai, I. Zak, Chem. Geol. 28, 199 (1980). gime, and enabled algae to diversify throughout 3. Geochemical evidence of a hydrothermal source for Fe in BIFs is presented in (123, 124). 36. M. T. Hurtgen, M. A. Arthur, N. S. Suits, A. J. Kauf- the marine realm. 4. H. D. Holland, N. J. Beukes, Am. J. Sci. 290A,1 man, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., in press. The known fossil record of eukaryotic (1990). 37. Mass-dependent C isotope fractionation is com- ␦13 ϭ 13 12 5. J. A. Karhu, H. D. Holland, Geology 24, 867(1996). monly expressed as C ‰ deviation in C/ C algae is subject to preservational biases but is ϭ 6. B. Rasmussen, R. Buick, Geology 27, 115 (1999). from the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) standard consistent with this scenario (62, 67–71, 117– 13 12 13 12 ϫ 7. J. Farquhar, H. M. Bao, M. Thiemens, Science 289, [( C/ C)sample/( C/ C)PDB –1] 1000. 119 ). Latest Proterozoic diversifica- 756 (2000). 38. J. M. Hayes, H. Strauss, A. J. Kaufman, Chem. Geol. tion, itself likely influenced by renewed ox- 8. D. E. Canfield, Nature 396, 450 (1998). 161, 103 (1999). 39. R. M. Ganels, F. T. MacKenzie, Evolution of Sedimen- ygenation, would further have facilitated al- 9. The Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic Eons span the intervals 3800 to 2500 Ma, 2500 to 543 tary Rocks (Norton, New York, 1971), pp. 119–131. gal diversification via ecological interactions Ma, and 543 to 0 Ma, respectively. The Paleopro- 40. A. J. Kaufman, A. H. Knoll, Precambrian Res. 73,27 (59, 69). terozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Neoproterozoic (1995). span the intervals 2500 to 1600 Ma, 1600 to 1000 41. J. L. Kirschvink et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. 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U.S.A. 94, 6600 (1997). 46. A. H. Knoll, A. J. Kaufman, M. A. Semikhatov, Am. J. environments. The hypothesis presented here, 14. B. Runnegar, Alcheringa 6, 223 (1982). Sci. 295, 823 (1995). consistent with available data, provides a 15. A. H. Knoll, in Origin and Early Evolution of the 47. J. K. Bartley et al., Precambrian Res. 111, 165 (2001). compelling explanation for observed patterns Metazoa, J. H. Lipps, P. W. Signor, Eds. (Plenum, New 48. E. M. Moores, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 114, 80 (2002). of early eukaryote evolution. However, in York, 1992), pp. 53–84. 49. C. J. Bjerrum, D. E. Canfield, Nature 417, 159 (2002). 16. Anoxic conditions amenable to BSR occurred at 50. P. Van Cappellen, E. D. Ingall, Paleoceanography 9, view of the limitations of available data, it least locally and sporadically since the Archean, as 677 (1994). should be regarded primarily as a new lens they do today in the waters of restricted ocean 51. A. S. Colman, H. D. Holland, SEPM Spec. Pub. 66 through which to focus research. basins and in marine sediments. (2000), p. 53. 17. For a review of relevant S isotope systematics, see 52. J. Veizer, R. N. Clayton, R. W. Hinton, Geochim. In the geosciences, this hypothesis should (125). Cosmochim. Acta 56, 875 (1992). help to motivate further investigations into Pro- 18. Mass-dependent S isotope fractionation is com- 53. J. Veizer, K. A. Plumb, R. N. Clayton, R. W. Hinton,

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ϳ 15 ϩ J. P. Grotzinger, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 100 m deep, and a riverine Mo flux comparable to N when NH4 is in excess (139, 140). Therefore, ϩ 2487(1992). the modern. There is no evidence of substantially a transition from NH4 -rich surface waters in the ϩ 54. P. Kroopnick, Deep-Sea Res. 32, 57(1985). reduced ocean circulation during this time. Although Archean to NH4 -poor conditions in the Proterozo- 55. N. J. Beukes, C. Klein, A. J. Kaufman, J. M. Hayes, physical stratification and large fluxes of organic C ic could contribute to a shift to heavier ␦15N values Econ. Geol. 85, 663 (1990). are prerequisites to generating anoxic waters today, in kerogens. 56. C. R. Calver, Precambrian Res. 100, 121 (2000). this would not have been the case under an atmo- 105. K. C. Ruttenberg, Chem. Geol. 107, 405 (1993). 57. P. F. Hoffman, A. J. Kaufman, G. P. Halverson, D. P. sphere containing only a fraction of present-day 106. G. M. Filippelli, M. L. Delaney, Geochim. Cosmochim. Schrag, Science 281, 1342 (1998). PO2. Even lower Mo concentration is expected if, as Acta 60, 1479 (1996). 58. T. M. Han, B. Runnegar, Science 257, 232 (1992). seems likely, the riverine Mo flux was lower under 107. Carbonic anhydrase, important for uptake of inor- 59. A. H. Knoll, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 6743 an atmosphere with lower PO2. ganic carbon, is a Zn enzyme in eukaryotes and (1994). 84. B. L. Lewis, W. M. Landing, Mar. Chem. 40, 105 prokaryotes and a Cd enzyme in some marine dia- 60. J. J. Brocks, G. A. Logan, R. Buick, R. E. Summons, (1992). toms (141–143). Science 285, 1033 (1999). 85. Compared to today, an elevated dust budget was 108. J. H. Martin, S. E. Fitzwater, Nature 331, 341 (1988). 61. R. E. Summons, M. R. Walter, Am. J. Sci. 290A, 212 possible in a Precambrian world without rooted 109. P. G. Falkowski, R. T. Barber, V. Smetacek, Science (1990). terrestrial vegetation. As it is today, dust could have 281, 200 (1998). 62. E. J. Javaux, A. H. Knoll, M. R. Walter, Nature 412,66 been an important source of Fe to the mid-Protero- 110. J. F. Wu et al., Science 289, 759 (2000). (2001). zoic oceans because of the high concentration of Fe 111. For recent perspectives on the N cycle, see (144– 63. N. J. Butterfield, Precambrian Res. 111, 235 (2001). in the crust. By comparison, aeolian delivery of Mo 146). 64. Acritarchs are closed, organic-walled of and most other transition metals was likely unim- 112. D. Lindell et al., J. Bacteriol. 180, 1878 (1998). uncertain systematic relationships; most are portant because their crustal concentrations are 113. A. Herrero et al., J. Bacteriol. 183, 411 (2001). thought to be the vegetative or reproductive walls many orders of magnitude lower. 114. D. Lindell et al., Limnol. Oceanogr. 40, 1130 (1995). of eukaryotic algae. 86. J. B. Howard, D. C. Rees, Chem. Rev. 96, 2965 115. T. C. Malone, in Primary Productivity in the Sea, P. G. 65. P. Y. Petrov, A. F. Veis, Stratigr. Geol. Correl. 3, 435 (1996). 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Acta 60, 100. Fe availability in surface waters may have decreased 137. J. P. Zehr, E. J. Carpenter, T. A. Villareal, Trends 3631 (1996). earlier, after the development of oxygenic photo- Microbiol. 8, 68 (2000). 81. S. R. Emerson, S. S. Huested, Mar. Chem. 34, 177 (1991). synthesis in the Archean, but resupply by upwelling 138. D. G. Capone, J. P. Zehr, H. W. Paerl, B. Bergman, E. J. 82. Mo is supplied to the upper part of the Black Sea of anoxic, Fe-rich deep waters, evidenced by BIF Carpenter, Science 276, 1221 (1997). primarily by regional rivers with Mo concentrations deposition, presumably prevented biospheric crisis. 139. D. J. Velinsky, M. L. Fogel, J. F. Todd, B. M. Tebo, four times that of global-average river water (131). 101. VFe-nitrogenase may have been particularly impor- Geophys. Res. Lett. 18, 649 (1991). Therefore, Mo concentrations in the Black Sea gen- tant at this time because V sulfides are more soluble 140. M. P. Hoch, M. L. Fogel, D. L. Kirchman, Geomicro- erally, and especially near the surface, are higher than Mo sulfides (73). biol. J. 12, 113 (1994). than would be expected in analogous portions of 102. Strategies used by the marine cyanobacterium Tri- 141. F. M. M. Morel et al., Nature 369, 740 (1994). the hypothesized sulfidic mid-Proterozoic oceans far chodesmium are summarized in (138). 142. T. W. Lane, F. M. M. Morel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. from riverine sources. Fe concentrations in the Black 103. V. Beaumont, F. Robert, J. Precambrian Res. 96,63 U.S.A. 94, 4627(2000). Sea—ϳ20 nM at depth (75)—are also likely elevat- (1999). 143. K. S. Smith, J. G. Ferry, FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 24, 335 ed by proximity to riverine and aeolian sources. 104. ␦15N in kerogen shifts from values as light as –6‰ (2000). 83. Mo depletion can be illustrated by a simple two-box in the Archean to a Phanerozoic-type range of 0 to 144. P. M. Vitousek et al., Ecol. Appl. 7, 737 (1997). steady-state model of the oceans in which riverine 10‰ by 2000 to 1600 Ma. In the modern oceans, 145. D. G. Capone, Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 4, 341 (2001), – 15 and references therein. input is balanced by removal to sediments. Removal NO3 near the surface is enriched in N because of is assumed to be roughly proportional to the con- a kinetic isotope effect during denitrification. 146. J. P. Zehr, B. B. Ward, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68, centration of Mo in deep waters and to the area of Hence, the ␦15N shift from the Archean to the 1015 (2002). sulfidic sea floor, and removal constants are cali- Proterozoic has been interpreted as reflecting the 147. S. M. Porter, A. H. Knoll, Paleobiology 26, 360 brated against the modern Mo budget. Such a model initiation of widespread nitrification and denitrifica- (2000).

captures the first-order features of the Mo budget tion due to increased PO2, with subsequent assim- 148. We thank M. Anbar, R. Buick, D. E. Canfield, A. S. 15 Ϫ because sulfidic sediments are the most efficient ilation of N-enriched NO3 . This interpretation Colman, R. R. Eady, P. G. Falkowski, A. J. Kaufman, J. sink for Mo from the oceans (although it should be may overstate the importance of denitrification and McCarthy, K. H. Nealson, A. Post, Y. Shen, and E. I. Ϫ noted that the importance of Mo removal in sulfidic NO3 assimilation in the metal-starved Paleoprot- Stiefel for helpful discussions. N. Butterfield and sediments that form beneath the sediment-water erozoic and Mesoproterozoic oceans. N isotopes are T. W. Lyons provided insightful reviews. Supported interface is unclear). We assume modern rates of also strongly fractionated during biosynthetic up- by NSF grants CHE 9714282 and EAR 0106712 ϩ mixing between the deep sea and a surface layer take of NH4 such that biological N is depleted in (A.D.A.) and by the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

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