Dual Study Programme “Studium Plus” of the TH Mittelhessen after 10 Years Marius Klytta University of Applied Sciences TH Mittelhessen (Germany)
[email protected] Abstract — The paper describes the current state of the Dual Study offered since over ten years in the University of Applied The courses offered in the Studium Plus consist of 6 Sciences TH Mittelhessen (Land Hesse, Germany). This study semesters and lead to the international Bachelor´s degree form, called “Studium Plus”, created in cooperation with (B.Eng.). There are 4 Bachelor courses in the field of companies in the Middle Hesse region, has strong practical electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, economy and orientation. management. I. INTRODUCTION There are meanwhile also master courses in Process Since 2001 the University of Applied Sciences Management and System Engineering. The lectures take Mittelhessen (THM) offers unique Bachelor and Master place in Wetzlar, in other 4 centres of the Dual Study in Land programmes, the so called “Studium Plus ”. It was created as Hesse (Biedenkopf, Bad Hersfeld, Bad Wildungen, result of cooperation between the THM and companies in the Frankenberg) and in Giessen. Land Hesse. Typical for this study is very strong practical The organizing structure of the Dual Study (Fig.2) shows orientation, which is achieved thanks to the special the partners acting in combination. The University THM acts “dovetailing” of study periods in the University with the by the Scientifical Center Dual Study . Its involved Faculties practical phases in the involved companies. The next chapters are: give short information about the draft of this study, its - Electrotechnics and Information Technology organization structure, the offered courses and of the present - Mechanical and Energy Technology experiences.