THE HAZLITT REVIEW The Hazlitt Review is an annual peer-reviewed journal, the first internationally to be devoted to Hazlitt studies. The Review aims to promote and maintain Hazlitt’s standing, both in the academy and to a wider readership, by providing a forum for new writing on Hazlitt, by established scholars as well as more recent entrants in the field. Editor Uttara Natarajan Assistant Editors James Whitehead, Philipp Hunnekuhl Editorial Board Geoffrey Bindman Tim Milnes David Bromwich James Mulvihill Jon Cook Seamus Perry Gregory Dart Michael Simpson A.C. Grayling Fiona Stafford Paul Hamilton John Whale Ian Mayes Duncan Wu We invite essays of 4,000 to 9,000 words in length on any aspect of William Hazlitt’s work and life; articles relating Hazlitt to wider Romantic circles, topics, or discourses are also expressly welcome, as are reviews of books pertaining to such matters. Contributions should follow the MHRA style and should be sent by email to James Whitehead (
[email protected]) or Philipp Hunnekuhl (
[email protected]). Submissions will be considered year- round, but must be received by 1 April to be considered for publication in the same year’s Review. We regret that we cannot publish material already published or submitted elsewhere. Contributors who require their articles to be open access (under the RCUK policy effective from 1 April 2013) should indicate this, and they will be made freely available on the Hazlitt Society’s website on publication. Subscriptions, including annual membership of the Hazlitt Society, are £10 (individual) or £15 (corporate or institution) per annum.