Vesper PASSIONTIDE 03 06 16 Website

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Vesper PASSIONTIDE 03 06 16 Website SUNDAY VESPERS Passiontide This booklet was prepared for parish use (March 2016 rev). Text and English translation are from The Divinum Officium Project ( Music for Vespers is from the Benedictines of Solesmes (eds.) The Liber Usualis with Introduction and Rubrics in English. (Desclee Company, 1961) and music for Benediction is from the Parish Book of Chant (Church Music Association of America, 2012). SUNDAY VESPERS - PASSIONTIDE All stand for the beginning of Vespers. SUNDAY AT VESPERS. PateINVITATORYr n6ster. Ave Maria. Festal Tone. 6- -=-SUNDA+ Hi 1 YI • A•T VESPERS. +9 Make the Sign ofSUNDA theSUNDA Cross Y(Y ✠ A) AwithTT theVESPERSVESPERS Officiant as.. he intones: E-usSUNDA in adjuto-ri-uPateYr n6ster AmT. Av m^-urVESPERSe Marian .inte"nde. 1^7. D o m i n e FestaDl Tone. Pater n6ster. Ave Maria. Pater n6ster. Ave Maria. Officiant:Festal Tone . Pate r n6ster . Av e Maria . All: mFesta l Tone. • Festal Tone6- .-=-+ Hi 1 I • • +9 O God, come to my -=--=-++ HHi i 11 I I • • •• assistance. ✠ Glory be to the 66---=-+SUNDAHi 1 I Y• •AT VESPERS. ++99 6adjuvandu- m festina. G16-ri- +9 Father, and to the Son, and to Dad E-us in adjuto-ri-ume m m^-ur n inte"ndea Patri. 1^7, e. Dt oFi-li m i n-eo, E-us in adjuto-ri-uPater n6sterm. Av m^-ure Marian inte"nde. 1^7. D o m i n e the Holy Spirit. As is was in 1 E-us in adjuto-ri-um m^-urn inte"nde. 1^7. D o m i n e D m • D —th— HI— DFestaj—•—l Tone—E-u• .• s • i•—gn adjuto-ri-u— •m •— m^-ur • (bow)—•—•n —inte"nde«—•—fr. 1^7- . D o m i n e the beginning, is now, and m •-•—•- m • m • ever shall be, Amen. Alleluia 6- -=-+ Hi 1 I • • in +9 adet adjuvanduSpi-rf-tu- i mSdnctome .festinaSicu.t 6raG16-rit - aprincipiPatri, -eot, Fi-liet nunc- o, , et adjuvandum festina. G16-ri- ad adjuvandum me festina . G16-ri- a Patri, et Fi-li- o, 1 ad me a et Patri, Fi-li- o, —fr- adjuvanduE-us imn adjuto-ri-ufestinam. m^-urG16-rin- inte"nde. 1^7. D o m i n e ad —mthe — — a HIe—t j—•— Patri, Fi-li- o, —•—•— «—•—fr- 1 D— • • • •—g— (upright• •— •) -•—•- 1 j—•J—•—- —th— —•—•— «—•—fr-HI— mj—• — — • • • •—g——th— • •—•—•—•• — «—•—fr-HI— 1 — • • • •—g——th— • •—• HI— -•—•-•—•-- j—•— — • • • •—g— • •—•—•—•— «—•—fr- -•—•- esempert Spi-rf-tu, -e it Sdnctoin sae*cu-l. Sicua saecu-lorumt 6rat in principi. Amen-. o, Alle-lu-iaet nunc,.et eetFromtSpi-rf-tuSpi-rf-tu Septuagesima- -i iSdnctoSdncto to. .WednesdaySicuSicutt 6ra 6raint tHolyininprincipi principiWeek, -the-oo, following,eet tnuncnunc ,is,e esaidt t einsteadt Spi-rf-tuadjuvandu of Allelui- i Sdnctoa m: . Sicufestinat .6raG16-rit in -principi- o, et nunc, et ad me — a Patri,—fret- Fi-li- o, J—•- — —fr- — —fr- 1 j—•J—•J—•—- -— • • • •—g——th— • •—•—•—•—— «—•—fr-—frHI—- J—•semper- , et in sae*cu-la saecu-lorum. Amen. Alle-lu-ia-•—•- . sempersemper, , eet t inin sae*cu-l sae*cu-laa saecu-lorum saecu-lorum. AmenAmen. Alle-lu-iaAlle-lu-ia.. sempereFromLaut Spi-rf-tus Septuagesima,tfb ie tDomin- iinSdncto sae*cu-l eto ReWednesday. aSicu xsaecu-lorum a e tt e r6ra nin a etHoly glo-ri-aein. principiAmenWeek,. the. - oAlle-lu-iafollowing, et nunc is. , saidet insteadFromFrom of Septuagesima SeptuagesimaAlleluia : toto Wednesday Wednesday inin Holy Holy Week,Week, thethe following following isis said said instead of Alleluia : insteadFromAt VespersofSeptuagesima Allelui ofa :Solemn to WednesdayFeasts, the followingin Holy Week,Chant themay following be used : is said instead of Alleluia : — —fr- J—•-Solemn Tone. Lausempers tfb, i Dominet in sae*cu-l-*e—•—• Rex a a esaecu-lorum• t e• r n a•-e glo-ri-ae. Amen. Alle-lu-ia. •r LauLauFromss tfbtfbSeptuagesimai i DominDomin ee to ReRe Wednesdayxx a a e e t e t e r nr n ain aee glo-ri-ae Holyglo-ri-ae Week,.. the following is said LauAt s Vesperstfbi Domin of Solemne ReFeasts,x a e tthe e r nfollowing a e glo-ri-ae Chant. may be used : insteadAt Vespersof Allelui ofa Solemn: Feasts, the following Chant may be used : AtSolem DVespersn Tone E-uof. Solemns in Feasts,adjuto-ri-u the followingm me Chant- um mayintdnde be used. 1^ : . D o m i - At Vespers of Solemn Feasts, the following Chant may be used : S-SolemSolemr n nTone Tone. i Solemn Tone•r. -*—•—• • • •- •r•r -*-*—•—•—•—• • • • • •-•- Laus tfbi Domin•r -*—•—•e Re x •a e• t e r• n- a e glo-ri-ae. Dne aE-ud adjuvandus in adjuto-ri-um me m festi-na me- u. mG16-ri intdnde- a .Patri 1^. ,D oe mt iFi- - gAtD Vespersi E-uE-u ofs Solemns inin adjuto-ri-uFeasts,adjuto-ri-u the followingmm meme -- uChant umm intdnde intdndemay be used. .1^ 1^ :. D. D o o m m i - i -i •D • i S-Solemr n• ToneE-u.s i,nb adjuto-ri-u; . .i m •me- um intdnde. 1^. D o m i - S-Dr • / • • pi „ S S-S-rr ii •r -*—•—• i• • •- neli- o,a d eadjuvandut Spi- ri- tum- i mSanctoe festi-na . Sicu. G16-rit era-t ainPatri principi, et -Fi o-, ne ad gne iad adjuvanduadjuvandumm mmee festi-nafesti-na .. G16-riG16-ri--aaPatriPatri, , eet t FiFi-i - ne adi E-us in adjuto-ri-um me- um intdnde. 1^. D o m i - i •g gD• i i adjuvandu, b ; . festi-na• . G16-ri- a Patri, et Fi-i • • • ii • / • • pi i g• • i• , b, b ; ; . .. • • „ S •S- •r i• ,•b • /; / .• • .••ippi i • „ S li- o• , et Spi• - ri/ - tu• - •i Sanctopi . Sicu„„ S S t erat in principi- o, lili- -o o, , eet tSpi Spi- -ri ri- -tu tu- -i iSancto Sancto. SicuSicut t eraerat t inin principiprincipi- -o o,, nlie- o, adet adjuvanduSpi- ri- tu-m i Sanctome festi-na. Sicu. t G16-rierat -ian Patriprincipi, et- oFi, - g i i • • i , b ; . • • • / • • pi „ S li- o, et Spi- ri- tu- i Sancto. Sicut erat in principi- o, 1 Sunday at Vespers. 251 • * et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculo-mm. Amen. SundaSundaSundaSundaSundaSundayyy y aay a t tyata aVesperstVesperstVespers a tVespers VesperstVespers Vespers... ... 25252525112512511 1 • • • * * *•• •** *• * Alle-lu-iaeeet.t te enunctnunctornunc te nuncnunctnunc :nunc ,, ,Lau e ee,,t t,et e esemper,sempertt sempers e t semper sempertsempertfb semperi ,,Domin , ,, , e,ee ttete ettiie ei ntnn iti Ren isaeculnsaecul isaecul n saeculsaeculx saecul saeculaeternaaaa asaeculo-mma saeculo-mm saeculo-mm asaeculo-mmsaeculo-mm saeculo-mmesaeculo-mm glo-ri-ae.. .Amen.Amen Amen. AmenAmen. AmenAmen... ... During the Year. The Officiant The Cantor The Choi* 1. A n t . 7.C2 Alle-lu-iaAlle-lu-iaAlle-lu-iaAlle-lu-iaAlle-lu-iaAlle-lu-ia.. ..oror .or .oror or :: : or ::LauLau :Lau Lau:LauLau Lausss stfbtfbs tfb stfbtfbitfb ii tfbiDominiDomin Domin i DominiDomin DominDomineee e ReReeRe eReReRe xxRex xaeterna aeternaaeternax aeternaxaeterna aeterna aeternaeee e glo-ri-aeglo-ri-aeeglo-ri-ae eglo-ri-aeglo-ri-aeglo-ri-ae glo-ri-ae... ... DurinDurinDurinDurinDurinDuringgg thgththg etheth ge th Year YeareYearthe YearYear eYear .Year.. .. 25D225 2 Ixit DominuSundas DominSunday ayot aVespersm^-t Vesperso :. * .Sede a dextris TheTheTheThe TheOfficiant OfficiantOfficiantThe OfficiantOfficiant Officiant Officiant ATheTheTheNTIPHONTheTheThe CantorCantor CantorThe CantorCantor Cantor Cantor 1 TheTheTheTheTheThe Choi* Choi*Choi*The Choi*Choi* Choi* Choi* 10. 10Sicu. 11Sicu1..t .1A A A1era.. nAA. n1 ntA t. t n ntAera.. n. t ti n. t.t. t principio, et, mineet mine, et, semperet semper, * ,e t* inet saeculin saecula saecua saecu- - ciOrum •iOrum s. Amen\.7.C7.C 7.CAmen7.C7.C2.27.C222. 2 All AlltheAll thePsalms make Psalms theend signend thus thuso fwith the with crossthe thedoxology as doxology Officiant Glori Glori beginsa Patria Patri. unless. unless the the contrary be indicated. contrary be indicated. me- is. IxiIxiIxiIxiIxittt Ixi tDominutDominu Dominu t DominuDominut DominuDominusss sDomins Domin Domin sDominDomin DominDominooo o m^-om^- m^-o m^-m^- m^-m^-ooo o:: : o **::o* : * *Sed Sed:*Sed Sed*Sed Sed eSedee e e aaa e a adextriadextri dextri a dextridextri dextridextrissssss 3 3 DDDDDD P. P.T. Ps.T. Ps.Confitebor Confitebor. 7.. c7. p.c . 139p. 139. In PaschaOfficial Timent:. Sole Antiphon * All: for the 5 Psalms. Ant. The Lord said to my Ant. =cic cc i• • • •s si-s s1—•—17\s\r\\1—•—17" " AntAnt. cI . Ic •Ic I• s •s\ s\ \ Lord: * Sit thou at my right 7. e2 C • • - - 3 3 •• • • •• •• •• hand. memememeDixime--- me is is--is - .-ist ..isDominu. *s Domino me-o : S6dae d^xtrismda d^xtrismd- is-. is. DixiLle-lu-iat Dominu. s Domino me-o : S6de E P IInI•nnP II PaschanPaschaIPaschan •IPaschaPascha nPascha• Paschall• l TimeTimellTime lTime TimelTime Time.. .. Sole Sole.Sole Psal.SoleSole Sole SoleAntiphonAntiphonAntiphon m AntiphonAntiphonAntiphon 109Antiphon .forfor for forfor forthe thethefor thethe the 55 5the 55 Psalms.Psalms.5 Psalms. 5Psalms.Psalms. Psalms.Psalms. 2. Ant2. Ant. 3. b3. b" AntAnt1"Ant Ant.1. ^.= .= = ^=• • i-s•i-si-si-s•rr rr The CantorAntAnt.Ant .= .= = i-si-sri-sr rfa fa••P SALM•• The Choir 109 /TT/TTV V777.-. 7. e e7.e. 2 .27-e2e .e 2 CCe2C 2 CC C •• • C •••• • • ••-- • - •-- - -- -- ---- AgnAgna aoper opera D6mi-nia D6mi-ni. Lle-lu-iaLle-lu-ia.. Alternate verses Cantors and All Psalm 109 EEEEEE Lle-lu-iaLle-lu-iaLle-lu-iaLle-lu-iaLle-lu-ia... I. Dfxit D6minus Domino Psalm^Psal-m o:*Sedm110 .110.e a dextris m^- is. PsalPsalPsalPsalPsalPsalmmm m 109 109m109 m109109 109 109... ... 1. The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Cantor: * Cantors All sit.
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