Dean of CASA Resigns

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Dean of CASA Resigns Otherworldly Volleyball: Thrilla from Manila: music comes UTEP and Boise A lonely man's from 'Oregon' to come to SISU quest Page Page 6 Page 2 411 404 SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTAN DAILY WWW.TH ES PARTANDA I LY.COM VOLUME 123, NUMBER 27 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2004 "I've bad 15 wonderful years at San Jose State University." UPD presents annual Safety Fair Dean of CASA - favela Daily Staff resigns ABOVE. Freshman art major Alex Grivet, left, incorrectly reaches for a ruler while wearing "Fatal Vision" goggles on Tuesday at the UPD By Sara Spivey Safety Fair. The goggles, provided by Mothers Datiii Stall It', rter Against Drunk Driving victim advocate Barbara Jacobson, right, simulate the peripheral vision of After IS Years, Mu. had Ego, the dean of the College of a person with a blood alcohol content of 10 or Applied Scum. es and Arts (CASA), is leaving San Jose State higher. Ifniversity at the end at tall semester. Ego has ascepted A position at the l Iniversity of Connect- icut at the Stanitartd regrarnal ampus As the associate vice LEFT: Capt. Shannon Maloney, left, of the provost beginning Jan. IC. 20();. he said. California State University Police Department, "The opportunity one beton- me at the t Iniversity of observes as Cpl Eric Wong practices rope- I,. onnetti, it to Make A .ottribution to higher education at A switching on the wall of Clark Hall during ditterent klg, said Tuesday's Safety fair Maloney said rope use is Ego said lie Anir taa "jSt iii 1959 sometimes needed during rescue missions. As the Ass., rate ot the (2,allege at 11,15-k ,,114.1" Stall Applied Ssleii. es And .1rts. And has served as the dean sin, e 19.1; Before ',Nil. Ego said Display of carfrom fatal crash that he served tor eight sears as the de partment than' tar rea reation and lea sure studies At State N.irthridge captures students' attention lie said lie also re, rived A bACIIC MICHAEL EGO I. is degree tra am CAI State IN,minguez By Ken Lotich ture.1 ., 11,1! I, Aster's degree trona ('al State Dean of College I ), 11.maging I It. I I :eles and ha. 1'1, I) nom the of Applied 1111,1 tiiitv: a: it Oregon Sciences and \ I aallorig through Pasta. Jr son W a al. , .1. 1,1 Ire, kling to leave sIS1 'ss as a dal)- el Inter, lel, as l'h . as ..1,,oke Arts moving to . 1.1esdas st,,pped dead in their , ult de, lain ta mike% bar ,i1,1 the larger. tier i - ,.r. r,. .111111k University of .1t. a smoke spurting Irma a to "Eve had 1c SVoll.lethil Veal.. at San r II 41.1... Csvik driving 1., Connecticut Jose State I 111VrtsIR: 1..4o, saki. 'AVe've : ITITesti.111, the smoke was ACM Ne,vsl, tiler tan. :. .± e rep from over.artur Jia eattlitplake, 1,11k14etary t, 44, 1,11t the %elude itself was very real that A., Idt,t IL' at i. ertaitities and tiling to keep stirrer)* with the needs art cas., inv, aired III A 2002 atAident in the Bay tire displa% The a atlas a aft %rat the region." \ a. ii. %chi, la the Voting Mall behind the wheel old Ito, 4).11' hi e....antor. Egar said his biggest a hallenge at SJSLI has been trying to icas killed his grad:1.01.4 ,1 IT 4 The rear maintain A positive morale thrasigh budgetary difficulties. The au that turned heads was presented b% Vle\S "Students are the ones whaP !rave been Attested," he said. Ita.niaiiiin Ius cla I )aily Stan Nla idlers .gainst Drunk Driving as A part art the liarb.0.1 ,a si rail akh...ate tot As the dean, Ego "verwes Approximately 4,000 students, sixth annual Safer% Eau, put on by the 11/41A1/D. ii.1 slat 1,14..1 the , a. aitulaf draw the ABOVE: Undeclared freshman Ryan Robles, left, and freshman radio- 100 fasults and fat staff an the 10 departments sits P. altar Ifepartment. Attention at .11,1. be. a ,se it slioss The 4iitty at television -film major David Adametz examine the wreckage of a car within the Ciallege at Applied Ssiences and Arts, he said. t Alt tet'ottS'ent, today' train, 10:10 termath .4 ,shat ...I. it tpisrli from a drunk -driving accident that killed an 18 -year-old high school Ego Aisi his main resparnsibility As dean is distributing tar I SO pan drunk student. The display, part of the Safety Fair put on by the UPD on A vide.. plated aril two trlevisicm screens As A Drunk Driving. a. E(.;(). page 4 Tuesday, was sponsored by Mothers Against saippleniaeran to the wresked . At. The video tea- FETY . page c School of nursing Celebration puts livers to test Student receives grant to at German Oktoberfest wins a By Maria Villalobos fund endowed chair nadi..cho By Janet Pak I. II Ikelle% said she was sat 'Fortune' "Zicke-zacke, zicke-zAcke, hoy, hos', hot'," yelled the /rai4. .star, II a the She sk reamed "ye." when band The Internationals to the rowdy crowd as everyone, Cohen saIled her About the position By Kevin Yuen I1)1 5-’’ including the hand, held up shots and beers for a festive Colleen ()Tears- Kam was aug Ii 'tuagausn German "'roast." art direr, during Oktoberfest at Teske 41ing two jobs, trashing part time "1 'malls get tar LiC1 what I VVAlltfd San hoe. N. J.,: VI.e.ary-Kelley was With a few lao,, of a wheel on (lerinatilaiii and sharing an oftise with se% eta! said. "It July h. junior Sean Jartin Barksdale "It's like .1 fraternity style drinking chant," said Ram- ;acuity members last semester l'his rime tor me to move on ansi work letiliall at San goal in teach left "Wheel art Fortune" $10,700 and ey Sahahits, a ad 1 Jose State Uni- ..eniester, ()tear% Kenn works hill I all Taunt tar plIfStle nan - A one trip to Quebec richer. versity. aline at the ...hoot art nursing AS All tag And research .. Its new lob apIC 5aat Barksdale. a justice studies and Oktoberfest dates back to a royal wedding in 1810 be- endowed chair are ex, ited about it." English double major, participated tween the Bavarian Town Prime Ludwig And Th . of feel More part of the The 1’alles Founda- Saxons-I lildburglimisen where A festival was held as a ommunity tat San Jose ta, ail art I ars (.';i4t0.. raised in the -Wheel ot iortime" auditions wedding celebration. Sabalius said. state 11.1tuversityl, ami you more than $1 million over on the Associated Students lawn "'Flies- held a huge party at a park in the center of the P.110W, it Is A big change the last 10 years tar hind back in islarch. lie was not called J111,1111. ,0 Ii city called Theresien-Wiese in huge beer tents," Sabalius a's hard to put into wand the elislowMent to pas- tot back to be on the College Week set of shows, when two other SJS11.1 stu- said. "Pea rple sat together in long benches in rows and Sand members of The Internationals hold up shots aid I fed A great sense of the position, said Ervie dents danced to traditional Musk:. lirovever, Oktober- of "Feigling," a fig-flavored vodka, in salute to the ,esponsibilitv and lack mg Smith, executive director played on the program, but fest is much inure popular elsewhere." crowd gathered for Oktoberfest at Teske's ,ig."(1.1.eary Kelley said. of the foundation The Was called later. "I have a very 1OUlt The purpose it the selebration WAS to give thanks to Germania on Friday night. is the first en organization emphasiz personality and an outgoing attitude," Barksdale the I a iral lot the past year's crops and other blessings, As .1.need shall mition At es Wilding in the mesh ()lbw-KELLEY said. "Anal they want great personali- Well as to share in the 101 art family in the spirit of true love, dining Area, As well As with a lacer garden an the la.a.k witla die school of nursing and A.! services and health ties on the show, people who are ex- Sahalilis said. long tables that Are reminiscent of the t Tkrober test that is SJSU, Acoulling tar a Are Arras tor IOW - an- ,illt le citing to watch. 1 had a command- Teskes Germania, a family-owned German bar and held in !Slunk-Ir.( ;entrails. less release. It rusehollth within Santa Clara ing presence. I kind over restaurant, as selebrating Oktobertest, which started on A large pArIV a f blends from SliC's phone 14.1111/.111% "It's something that makes the Counts% according to the organiza- of took tlw show during the auditions." Sept. 24 and will go through the month of October, fea- came not only to a elebrate Okrobertest, bait AS11 NI a el program prestigious and that maple tion's Web site. a Barksdale, whose friends call him turing traditional music from The Internationals. ebrate Isaiah Furies 29th birthday, said long tune intend :11 the community are willing to 111. An endowment is monetary "Sean John," shares his namesake The HAllitilliati family bought Teskes from the Teske Mark Sweeties. titt the prograin itself," said Dan I donation from All organization that with media mogul P Diddy, and said family in 1990, and brothers Greg and S.artt and sister "1%'ere a great group of friends," said Sweenes, A tire l'arlbA111, AS.
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