THE HANDBALL, ROWING, RUNNING & SWIMMING SOUTH ENDER Spring 2017 A Publication of the South End Rowing Club TABLE OF Board of Directors CONTENTS President Bill Wygant PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 3 Vice President Fran Hegeler ST. PATRICK’S DAY HANDBALL TOURNAMENT 4-6 Secretary Kim Pross SWIMMING COOK STRAIT 7-8 Treasurer Susan Blew ROWING COMMISSIONER’S UPDATE 9 OPEN OCEAN REGATTA REPORT Past President Kim Howard 10 WELCOME TO YOUR NEW BOATHOUSE 11 Directors at Large Jim Bock THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GYM IN THE CITY 12 Pat Cunneen HIGHLIGHTS OF WOMEN’S LOCKER ROOM 13 Alan Lapp MOLOKAI CHANNEL SWIM 14-15 Niland Mortimer SPRING RUNNING UPDATE 16 WHO LET THE DOGS OUT 17 Commissioners THE ROAD TO ANGEL ISLAND 18-19 CONGRATULATIONS NEW LIFE MEMBERS 20 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 20 Boathouse Captain Cy Lo AN EVENT FILLED SPRING 21 Building Ray Zahnd MELISSA BERKAY HONORED 22 Entertainment Jane Koegel CARLOS VICENTE PINEDA, 1971–2017 23 Gym Paula Moran IDEALE GAMBERA, 1926–2016 23 Handball Rory Moore Membership Kathy Bailey The South Ender is the newsletter of the Rowing Janie Bryant South End Rowing Club, published three to four Running Tara Sweet times per year since 1931. We publish material by Swimming Simon Dominguez our members that reflects the ideals, purposes, and accomplishments of the South End. It’s our members who make this newsletter, so send articles, Newsletter Editors Dylan Tweney short items, suggestions, inquiries, and photos to Kim Hedges
[email protected]. Office Manager Alex Lin Articles should be no longer than 900 words. For Webmaster Kelley Prebil photos, send us high-resolution images (we print at 300dpi, so a 1,200-pixel image can only be 4 inches wide).