Renault Paint Codes - 60s, 70s and '80s This page is just an intial guide to what colours the paint codes refer to. The images do not accurately represent the paint colours . That's why I'm replacing the swatches with photos of real cars. If you can help with a photo of your Renault (doesn't need to be a Renault 4) please email
[email protected] . I've referenced the guide at . Colours described in bold are either mentioned as R4 colours in that guide, or have been found to be Renault 4 colours. Colours not in bold were used on other classic Renaults, but possibly not the R4. R4-4L has given me permission to link to their gallery of teintes (colours). 100 Series - Beige/Brown 109 Beige 111 104 Alpaga Daim (Or Bahama Yellow See R4- Safari) Metallic 4L See R4-4L 117 118 113 Saintonge Saintonge Beige Metallic Metal Metal 121 122 Marron glacé Marron 123 glacé Metal Bronze Metal (chestnut) Metal (chestnut See R4-4L ) 130 134 124 Craie Beige Beige Metallic (Rodéo) Metallic (chalk) 138 135 Marron 140 Ecorce Naturel Beige (Rodéo) (Rodéo) Metallic (tree bark) 151 153 148 Beige Topaze Beige Metallic Metal 155 Sable 156 160 (sand) Curry Perle Metal Photo J.Fijen 159 161 170 Beige Champagne Beige Metal Photo: Photo: Beige Photo: Jeff Roffen Belgian 171 Gold Metal Missing R4 colours: 115, 139, 155 (sable) 200 Series 201 The car was 201 really built in Guarda, does Portugal. exist. Photo: Pedro 300 Series - White, Yellow, Orange 030 301 300 La Poste Jaune Kilimanjar Citron Photo: La o White (Lemon Poste