Project No. PWS927


March 5, 2019






Project No. PWS927







Project No. PWS927







Division 1 General Requirements 01200 Measurement and Payment 01310 Project Meetings 01326 Photographs 01330 Submittals 01500 Construction Facilities and Utilities 01520 Construction Site Security 01560 Environmental Controls (Dust, Noise, Water, Oil Spill Prevention) 01565 Storm Water Quality Controls 01600 Material and Equipment 01710 Environmental Conditions 01725 Protection of Existing Facilities 01780 Record Drawings 01782 Operation and Maintenance Information 01785 Warranties and Bonds 01825 Equipment and System Testing 01999 Reference Forms Division 2 Site Construction 02071 Geotextile Fabric 02075 High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 02081 Controlled Low Strength Material 02085 Precast Concrete Utility Structures 02200 Site Preparation 02210 Subsurface Investigations 02221 Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 02241 Control of Water 02260 Excavation Support and Protection 02300 Earthwork 02320 Trenching 02722 AggregateECOPY Base Course 02953 Pavement Restoration

City of Healdsburg TOC - i West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Division 3 Site Construction 03301 Cast-in-Place Concrete (use for small projects) 03600 Grout

Division 5 Metals 05501 Anchor Bolts and Anchoring Devices

Division 8 Doors and Windows 08385 Aluminum Utility Vault Door

Division 9 Finishes 09960 High Performance Coatings 09972 Hot-Dip Zinc Coating

Division 11 Equipment 11288 Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates

Division 15 Mechanical 15050 Piping Systems 15069 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 15100 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Drain Pipe 15110.3 Powered Valve and Gate Actuators and Accessories 15111 Gate Valves 15116.6 Swing Check Valves 15123 Flexible Couplings 15143 Ductile Iron Pipe 15951 Testing Gravity Flow Pipelines 15996 Testing Pressure Piping

Division 16 Electrical 16010 Electrical


City of Healdsburg TOC - ii West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Methods of measurement and payment for specific items of Work under this Contract. Refer also to General Conditions for administrative aspects of payments by the Owner to the Contractor.

1.02 BID COMPONENTS AND PAYMENT A. The Bid Form is comprised of the following components: 1. Lump Sum Work 2. Unit Price Work B. Contractor’s cost for “Lump Sum Work” shall cover all Work indicated by the Contract Documents with the exception of specific items of work that are to be paid on a Unit Price basis as indicated on the Bid Form. Lump Sum Work will be paid for on a progress payment basis in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions. C. “Unit Price Work” is Work indicated on the Drawings or specified. The price of each unit of Work is to be defined by the Bidder in the Unit Price Bid Schedule in the Bid Form and shall include all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals required to complete each Work Item. When actual Work differs from the basis of the Work Item, costs shall be adjusted on a pro-rata basis or other method suited for the particular condition.

1.03 DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEM A. The Bid Amounts for each Bid Item will be used for comparative bid analysis. The Bid amounts will also form the basis of monthly progress payments. Each Lump Sum bid amount will undergo further breakdown as described later in this section. Unit prices for any unit price bid items will be the basis for monthly progress payment determinations and for any changes related to that Work item. Bid Item 2, Workers Protection and Safety/Shoring, will also demonstrate the Contractor's compliance with the California Labor Code relating to the price for sheeting, shoring, and bracing of excavations. Bid items are not intended to be exclusive descriptions of work categories and the Contractor shall determine and include in its pricing all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete each Bid Item (work phase) as shown and specified

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST B. Bid Item 1: Mobilization and Demobilization 1.ECOPY Bid Item 1 includes payment for all work, equipment, and materials, not included in other bid items, necessary to complete project. 2. Payment will be "Lump Sum” and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following:

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a. Obtaining all bonds. b. Obtaining required permits, licenses, agreements and certifications. c. Moving onto the site of equipment, materials and staff including set up of Contractor’s staging area/yard. d. Furnishing and erecting needed construction facilities, fencing, and project security. e. Demobilization. f. Work as required for the proper performance and completion of the project, including preconstruction photographs, video recording of surface features, progress schedules and reports, contract meetings, and record drawings. 3. Bid Item 1 shall not exceed six percent (6%) of the total bid price. 4. In the event the Contractor writes in a Mobilization/Demobilization price greater than six percent (6%) on the Bid Sheet found in the Proposal, the Owner will pay any excess with the final Progress Payment 5. Contractor may apply for payment of mobilization on a percent complete basis as the items covered in the Mobilization are being completed. 6. Contractor may apply for payment of demobilization after the overall project substantial completion is achieved and the project begins to demobilize. C. Bid Item 2: Workers Protection and Safety/Shoring 1. Bid Item 2 includes payment for providing a detailed plan of worker safety and maintaining safety during construction. 2. Includes all work, equipment, and materials necessary to provide sheeting shoring, and bracing in conformance with Federal and California safety codes. 3. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Design, procurement, installation and removal of sheeting, shoring, and bracing.

c. Abandonment of sheeting and shoring where required. WEST YOST GUIDE d. Other excavation supports in place necessary to complete all work under the Contract in conformance with Federal and California Safety and Health Standards, Sections 6700-6708 of the Labor Code and these Specifications. SPECIFICATION D. Bid Item 3: Field Engineering and Location of Existing Underground Utilities 1. Bid Item 3 includes all work required to lay out the work and all work, ECOPYequipment, and materials necessary to expose and locate underground utilities by potholing, hand digging or other means necessary to insure these utilities are not damaged. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following:

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a. All submittals b. Staking c. Notifying Underground Service Alert d. Excavating to determine vertical and horizontal location of existing utilities e. Reporting location of existing utilities E. Bid Item 4: Demolition and Recycling 1. Bid Item 4 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to demolish and dispose of existing site facilities. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Demolish existing facilities as shown on the Contract Documents. c. Abandon existing facilities as shown on the Contract Documents. d. Complying with requirements of specification Section 02221 e. Recycling requirements. f. Transporting to an offsite location, loading and unloading material g. Paying all disposal fees. F. Bid Item 5: Clearing, Stripping and Disking 1. Bid Item 5 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to remove and dispose of the grass, weeds and other surface vegetation; remove and stockpile rocks and gravel; and disk areas that will be affected by site grading operations. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Mowing, stockpiling, removing, hauling and disposing of material. c. Transporting to an offsite location, loading and unloading material. d. Disking soil. e. Paying all disposal fees. G. Bid Item 6: Remove and Dispose Existing Felled Trees

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Bid Item 6 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials ECOPYnecessary to remove and dispose existing felled trees at the site. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals.

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b. Removing, hauling, cutting and disposing of material. c. Transporting to an offsite location, loading and unloading material d. Paying all disposal fees. H. Bid Item 7: Earthwork 1. Bid Item 7 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to complete all earthwork at the site and restore existing levee roads with new aggregate base surfacing. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Excavate, fill, backfill grade, compact, finish pond grading and liner subgrade as shown on the Contract Documents. c. Furnishing, placing, grading and compacting aggregate base including preparation of subgrade. I. Bid Item 8: Pond Liner 1. Bid item 8 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct pond liners as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Inspecting and accepting liner subgrade. c. Furnishing and installing Geotextile Fabric. d. Furnishing and installing Geosynthetic Liner. e. Excavating and backfilling liner trenches f. Furnishing and installing liner connections to existing and new concrete structures and vent pockets. g. Furnishing and installing safety ropes and anchors. h. Welding liner material. i. Furnishing and constructing liner splash apron at Reclaimed

Water Pond. WEST YOST GUIDE j. Inspecting and testing J. Bid Item 9: 16-inch FE Pipeline 1. Bid item 9 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the SPECIFICATION Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall ECOPYbe full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Pavement cutting and removal

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c. Trenching spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. d. Furnishing and placing pipe e. Furnishing and installing connection to existing 24-inch pipe f. Furnishing and installing connections to structures and pipelines g. Backfilling h. Testing i. Repaving or other surface restoration K. Bid Item 10: 4-inch PD Pipeline 1. Bid item 10 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Pavement cutting and removal c. Trenching spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. d. Furnishing and placing pipe e. Furnishing and installing connections to structures and pipelines f. Furnishing and installing all valves, valve boxes, utility vault, utility vault hatch, utility vault floor drain, pipe supports, and 3- inch pipe to sump. g. Backfilling h. Testing i. Repaving or other surface restoration L. Bid Item 11: 15-inch D Pipeline 1. Bid item 11 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Trenching spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYc. Furnishing and placing pipe and fittings d. Furnishing and installing connections to structures e. Backfilling f. Testing

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g. Repaving, repairing concrete pond liner or other surface restoration M. Bid Item 12: Pond Drain Box. 1. Bid Item 12 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct standard or risers, where shown on the Drawings. 2. Measurement and payment shall be for “Each” drain box constructed at locations shown on the Drawings and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following. a. All submittals. b. Trenching spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. c. Furnishing and installing drain boxes d. Furnishing and installing connections to pipelines e. Backfilling f. Testing N. Bid Item 13: Distribution Box 1. Bid item 13 includes payment for all for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Furnishing and installing formwork, and concrete. c. Cast in place concrete distribution box d. Cutting existing pipeline e. Aluminum grating f. Electrically actuated slide gate and operator g. Excavation spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities.

h. Backfilling WEST YOST GUIDE i. Testing j. Repaving or other surface restoration O. Bid Item 14: Pond Drain Sump . SPECIFICATION 1. Bid Item 14 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents.

2.ECOPY No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals.

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b. Excavation, spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. c. Furnishing and installing manhole base including ballast rock, geotextile fabric, formwork, concrete, channeling, benches, waterstops, connections to piping, and removal of formwork. d. Furnishing and installing precast concrete barrels, grade rings, access hatch; concrete pad, exterior water proofing; and epoxy coating of manhole base, shelf, and channel. e. Backfilling f. Manhole and riser testing. g. Discharge elbow, piping, pipe supports, guide rails, and guide rail brackets. h. Manually actuated slide gate and operator i. Level sensor j. Repaving or other surface restoration P. Bid Item 15: Pond 2 Outfall. 1. Bid Item 15 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Excavation, spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. c. Furnishing and placing pipe and fittings d. Furnishing and placing formwork and concrete Q. Bid Item 16: Reclaimed Water Pond Outfall. 1. Bid Item 16 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents.

2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Excavation, spoil handling and proper disposal, and protection of all existing utilities. c. Furnishing and placing pipe and fittings R. Bid Item 17: Electrical and Instrumentation WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1.ECOPY Bid Item 17 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following:

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a. All submittals. b. Furnishing and installing pump panels, level instruments, conduits and wires, disconnects and miscellaneous material. c. Testing and programming d. Excavation, spoil handling and proper disposal, backfill, and protection of all existing utilities. S. Bid Item 18: Fill Abandoned Pipelines 1. Bid Item 18 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to construct this item complete and in place as shown on the Contract Documents. 2. Measurement shall be by cubic yard of fill material required to fill pipes at locations shown on the Drawings and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals b. Preparing pipes c. Furnishing and installing pipe plugs d. Furnishing and installing cellular concrete or CLSM fill material. e. Complying with the requirements of specification Section 02221. f. Testing. T. Bid Item 19: Remove Duct Bank in Conflict with 16-inch FE Pipeline 1. Bid Item 19 includes payment for all work, equipment and materials necessary to demolish the existing abandoned duct bank where it conflicts with the construction of the new 16-inch FE pipeline. 2. Measurement shall be by linear feet of duct bank removed and shall be full compensation for, but not limited to, the following: a. All submittals. b. Removing abandoned concrete ductbank, conduits and wires. c. Complying with requirements of specification Section 02221 d. Recycling requirements. WEST YOST GUIDE e. Transporting to an offsite location, loading and unloading material f. Paying all disposal fees.

U. Bid Item 20: All Work in Accordance with the Contract Documents, except the Work SPECIFICATION Included in Bid Items 1 through 19 1. Bid Item 20 includes payment for all work required under the Contract ECOPYexcept for work specifically being provided under Bid Items 1 through 19. 2. No measurement will be made. Payment shall be "Lump Sum" and shall be full compensation for all such work as required by the Contract Documents.

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1.04 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Format: Identify each line item in the Schedule of Values with number and title of the major Specification sections. Submit typed schedule on 8½ x 11-inch paper; Contractor's standard form or media-driven printout will be considered on request. B. At the pre-construction meeting, submit a preliminary Schedule of Values to the Owner’s Representative for review. The Contractor shall incorporate any review comments from the Owner’s Representative and submit a final Schedule of Values at least 21 days prior to submitting the first Application for Payment. C. The Schedule of Values shall assign a fair, reasonable and equitable dollar value for each activity on the Contractor's construction schedule. The Schedule of Values shall include anticipated progress payments for each item in the bid schedule through the final payment. In addition, a detailed breakdown of lump sum prices shall be included in the Schedule of Values. D. The Schedule of Values shall specifically indicate installed cost for materials and equipment for each bid and sub-bid item. E. Each activity's assigned value shall consist of labor, equipment and materials cost and a prorata contribution to overhead and profit. Breakdown shall be so organized as to facilitate assessment of work and payment of subcontractors. F. The sum of the assigned values shall equal the lump sum price of the activity. G. If, in the opinion of the Owner’s Representative or Owner, the Schedule of Values is not balanced, the Contractor shall provide documentation substantiating the cost allocations of those activities believed to be unbalanced. Cost allocation will be considered unbalanced if an activity on the construction schedule has been assigned a disproportionate allocation of labor, direct, or overhead and profit costs which result in progress payment request(s) which would create a condition where insufficient funds are available to complete the unfinished work. Upon request by Owner, support values shall be given with data that will substantiate their accuracy. Upon Owner's request, the Contractor shall submit additional detailed cost information. H. Upon acceptance of the Schedule of Values, it shall be used as a basis for processing all progress payment requests.

1.05 PROGRESS PAYMENT REQUESTS A. Submit Progress Payment Requests during the course of the project in conformance with the General Condition. B. Submittal of progress record drawings of the project will be required at 25%, 50%, 75%, and substantial completion of the project. These submittals shall accompany the progress payment request and will be a condition of processing payment requests. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST PART 2 - PRODUCTSECOPY (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED)


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City of Healdsburg 01200 - 10 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Measurement and Payment 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01310


1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for calling for and conducting meetings for the Work.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. None

1.03 GENERAL A. Project meetings and conferences are an important administration and communication requirement of all project participants. Meetings will be conducted throughout the course of the construction to address issues related to the Work, review and coordinate progress of the Work, and to discuss other matters of common interest to project participants. B. Meeting and conference locations and qualified participants will be determined by the Engineer and the Contractor based on the meeting agenda topics.

1.04 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Prior to the start of construction, the Engineer will schedule a meeting of the Contractor, Owner, and their respective representatives. The general purpose of the meeting will be to establish working relationships, begin coordination of construction matters, discuss the Work, and to review the pertinent features of the Contract. The duration of the preconstruction conference will take approximately 4 hours. B. The agenda for the meeting will cover at least the following items, a more detailed agenda will be distributed at the meeting: 1. Organization of the Contractor's forces and personnel, including subcontractors and materials suppliers. 2. Lines of authority and channels and procedures for communication. 3. Contractor’s construction schedule, including sequence of critical work. 4. Processing of shop drawings and other data that will be submitted to Owner for review. 5. Processing of change order requests and monthly applications for payment. 6. Procedures for quality control, housekeeping and related matters. C. ContractorECOPY should be prepared to discuss the following topics: 1. Preliminary construction schedule and critical path. 2. Schedule of submittals and submittals needing short turn-around times. 3. Schedule of Values for construction payments.

City of Healdsburg 01310 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Project Meetings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Critical work sequencing. 5. Plans for mobilization, arrangement and use of staging and storage areas, use of site, location and arrangement of field offices, and site security. D. Minutes of Meeting 1. The Engineer will compile minutes of the meeting and distribute copies to all participants.

1.05 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Unless otherwise arranged, there will be a weekly progress meeting at a time and at an on-site location that is mutually agreed upon between the Contractor, Engineer and Owner. 1. Meetings are to enable orderly project review during the progress of work. 2. Engineer, Owner, Contractor’s Superintendent, representatives of subcontractors, suppliers’ representatives as may be needed, other Contractors working at the site, and other parties shall attend these meetings. 3. Engineer will preside over the meeting and will compile and distribute minutes of the meeting. B. The purpose of the weekly meetings is to coordinate the efforts of all concerned to result in smooth and coordinated progress towards completion of the overall project. C. Contractor shall bring to each weekly meeting the updated 2-week “look ahead” schedule. D. The Contractor shall be required to address the following items at the weekly meeting: 1. Work completed last week. 2. Work anticipated next week. 3. Log of submittals and Requests for Information. 4. Contract document deficiencies or questions noted during prior week. 5. Schedule status and corrective measures and procedures that are planned to place the project back on schedule, if such action is necessary. 6. Report of any accidents, and any site safety issues that need to be addressed. E. Other agenda items to be discussed include: 1. Review and revise as necessary and approve minutes of previous meetings. 2.ECOPY Status of Requests for Information, Change Order Requests, submittals and shop drawings. 3. Identify problems that impede planned progress. 4. Other current business pertaining to the Work.

City of Healdsburg 01310 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Project Meetings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 F. Revision of Minutes 1. Unless published minutes are challenged in writing prior to the next regularly scheduled progress meeting, they will be accepted as properly stating the activities and decisions of the meeting. 2. Persons challenging published minutes shall reproduce and distribute copies of the challenge to all indicated recipients of the particular set of minutes. 3. Challenge to minutes shall be settled as priority item of "old business" at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

1.06 PROGRESS BILLING MEETINGS A. Once each month, a progress payment meeting will be conducted with the Engineer. The purpose of this meeting is to review the Progress Payment Estimate and reach agreement on the extent of the Work completed during the pay period. B. The meeting date will be scheduled in accordance with the Owner’s deadline for submittal of Progress Pay Estimate. C. The Engineer may require more frequent progress schedule meetings should there be schedule revisions that necessitate such a meeting.

1.07 SUBMITTAL MEETINGS A. When required in the individual technical specification, or if requested by the Contractor or the Engineer, a meeting regarding a required submittal will be held to facilitate the timeliness of the submittal preparation and review process.

1.08 QUALITY ASSURANCE MEETINGS A. The Contractor or the Engineer may request a meeting prior to the start of a particular phase of the project to discuss how the Work shall be accomplished in accordance with the quality requirements of the Contract Documents, Codes, permits and industry standards. Quality assurance inspections and tests that are applicable to the Work will be discussed.

1.09 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. When required in the individual specification, or if requested by the Contractor or Engineer, a pre-installation meeting will be held to review conditions of the installation, installation procedures, and coordination with related work. This meeting will be scheduled to take place in advance of installation of the equipment or as required in the technical specifications.

1.10 PRE-SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION MEETING A. Thirty (30) days prior to the estimated substantial completion, the Owner, Engineer, Contractor, and appropriate subcontractors will meet to review maintenanceECOPY manuals, guarantees, closeout submittals, bonds, and service contracts for materials and equipment.

City of Healdsburg 01310 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Project Meetings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1.11 SPECIAL MEETINGS A. Any time during progress of the Work, the Owner and the Construction Manager shall have the authority to require the Contractor and any subcontractor, suppliers, or service providers to attend job-site conferences on matters which require immediate or special attention. Any notice of such conference shall be duly observed and complied with by the Contractor and subcontractors, suppliers, or service providers without extra cost to Owner.

1.12 POST CONSTRUCTION GUARANTY PERIOD MEETING A. Contractor shall meet with a representative of the Owner and the Engineer approximately eleven (11) months after the date of Substantial Completion to inspect the Work. Meeting will be arranged by the Owner at least seven (7) days before meeting. The Contractor shall require attendance of its Project Manager/Superintendent, appropriate manufactures and appropriate subcontractors.





City of Healdsburg 01310 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Project Meetings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01326



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Photographs required before, during and after construction to provide record of site conditions, construction progress, as-built features and significant planned/unplanned events.

1.02 PHOTOGRAPHY A. Employ a competent professional photographer to record this important factual information. B. Digital Camera 1. Single lens reflex design 2. 24 mega pixels or greater 3. Nikon D7100 or equal C. Prepare color photographs, in both print and digital file format, as directed by the Construction Manager. All electronic files are to be furnished in jpeg format and stored on a compact disc (CD).


2.01 DELIVERABLE PRODUCTS A. Provide electronic files, with 8-1/2" x 11" color printed page with thumbnail views and file name identification for each picture. B. Compile digital images on CD and provided with a descriptive index of the images. C. Printed pages must be indexed chronologically and provided in a three-ring binder. D. Label CD’s and protect in an individual plastic case.


3.01 PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. Provide one hundred (100) preconstruction photographs prior to commencement of Work on the sites. B. Take at locations to be designated by the Construction Manager. C. SECOPYubmit prior to beginning construction. 3.02 DURING CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. Provide construction color photographs showing the progress of the Work.

City of Healdsburg 01326 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Photographs 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Take photos of all Work prior to being buried or covered, including piping, fittings, transitions, tie-ins and valves. C. Take photos of any significant planned or unplanned events. D. Take photos from the same four locations at monthly intervals to record progress of work from same vantage points. These vantage points will be determined by the Construction Manager. E. For pipeline projects, take photos at a maximum of one hundred (100) ft intervals. F. Take a minimum of forty-eight (48) photographs every month during construction. Submit no more than two hundred (200) photographs each month. G. Submit photos with each month’s Application for Payment.

3.03 POST-CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. Upon acceptance of the Work, provide one hundred (100) photographs of the Work where directed by the Construction Manager. B. Submit photographs as part of Contract Closeout.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for the submittal of information that will enable determination of whether the Contractor’s proposed materials, equipment or methods of work are in general conformance to the design concept and in compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Furnish drawings, specifications, descriptive data, certificates, samples, test results, methods, schedules, manufacturer's installation instructions and other information as indicated.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01999 – Reference Forms

1.03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in each submittal and shall assure that the materials and equipment incorporated into the Work, or the methods of performing the Work shall be as described in the accepted submittals. B. Verify that all features of all products conform to the specified requirements. Submittal documents shall be clearly edited to indicate only those items, models, or series of equipment that are being submitted for review. Extraneous materials shall be crossed out or otherwise obliterated. C. Coordinate submittals among subcontractors and suppliers. Ensure that there is no conflict with other submittals and notify the Engineer in each case where his submittal may affect the work of another contractor or the Owner, including those submittals complying with unit responsibility requirements specified in applicable technical sections. D. Coordinate submittals with the Work so that work will not be delayed. Coordinate

and schedule different categories of submittals, so that one will not be delayed for lack of coordination with another. No extension of time will be allowed because of failure to properly schedule submittals. E. Do not proceed with work related to a submittal until the submittal process is complete and the submittal has received a response "No Exceptions Taken" or "MakeECOPY Corrections Noted." F. Certify on each submittal document that the Contractor has reviewed the submittal, verified field conditions, and complied with the contract documents. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Include a copy of the specification section with addendum updates, all referenced and applicable sections, and each paragraph check-marked to

City of Healdsburg 01330 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Submittals 700-14-18-07 PWS927

indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested deviations from specification requirements. a. Use check marks (✓) to denote full compliance with a paragraph as a whole. b. If deviations from the specifications are indicated and, therefore requested by the Contractor, underline each deviation and denote by a number in the margin to the right of the identified paragraph. c. The remaining portions of the paragraph not underlined will signify compliance on the part of the Contractor with the specifications. d. Include a detailed, written justification for each deviation. 2. Failure to comply with this paragraph is sufficient cause to reject the entire submittal.

1.04 REVIEW COSTS A. The Owner’s cost for review of submittals for the same proposed materials, equipment or work will be apportioned as follows: 1. The cost of review of the initial submittal and the first revised submittal will be borne by the Owner. 2. The cost to review all additional revised submittals after the first revised submittal will be charged to the Contractor. The cost of review shall include, without limitation, administrative, design and engineering activities directly related to review of submittals.

1.05 SUBMITTAL INDEX A. Within 30 days of the Notice to proceed, submit a list, by specification section, of all submittals to be submitted. B. Update and resubmit the submittal index on a monthly basis where additional submittals are identified, or as necessary

1.06 CATEGORIES OF SUBMITTALS A. General 1. Submittals fall into two general categories; a. Submittals for review and comment require action by the Engineer. b. Submittals that are primarily for information only do not require

Engineer’s approval. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION B. Submittals for Review and Comment 1. Transmit submittals for review and comment to the Engineer. The Engineer will review the submittal for compliance with the Contract requirements and ECOPYwill provide written comments regarding acceptability. C. Submittals for Information Only

1. Where specified, furnish submittals to the Engineer for information only. The Engineer may, at the Engineer’s option, review and comment on any product data.

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2. Incomplete or inadequate product data will be returned to the Contractor for resubmittal.

1.07 TRANSMITTAL PROCEDURE A. General 1. Transmit submittals regarding material and equipment under cover of a Shop Drawing/Transmittal Form See Section 01999. 2. Use a separate form for each specific item, class of material, equipment, and items specified in separate, discrete sections, for which the submittal is required. 3. Identify submittal documents common to more than one piece of equipment with all the appropriate equipment numbers. 4. Make submittals for various items with a single form when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's package or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or review of the group or package as a whole. 5. Assign a unique sequential number on the transmittal form accompanying each item submitted. a. Use the following format for original submittal numbers: "XXX"; where "XXX" is the sequential number assigned by the Contractor. b. Use the following format for resubmittals: "XXX-Y"; where "XXX" is the originally assigned submittal number and "Y" is a sequential letter assigned for resubmittals, i.e., A, B, or C being the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd resubmittals, respectively. Submittal 25B, for example, is the second resubmittal of submittal 25. B. Electronic Submittals 1. Electronic submittals are preferred except as otherwise indicated. 2. Prepare electronic submittals and Shop Drawings in electronic (*.pdf) format including half-sized and full-sized drawings, catalog information and other required submittal information. 3. Break down submittals that are larger than 10 megabytes into smaller sections, using logical division points to create sections. 4. Electronically bookmark electronic submittals greater than 30 pages in

length by major submittal section to facilitate ease of navigation. C. Paper copy submittals are an acceptable alternative to electronic submittals if the Contractor demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that electronic submittals presents a hardship. D. Deviation from Contract 1.ECOPY If the Contractor proposes to provide material, equipment, or method of work that deviates from the project manual, so indicate under "Proposed

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST Deviations" on the transmittal form accompanying the submittal copies.

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E. Submittal Completeness 1. Submittals that do not have all the information required to be submitted, including deviations, are not acceptable and will be returned without review.

1.08 SUBMITTAL CONTENT A. Prepare submittals in compliance with individual Specification Sections and as indicated herein. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Develop project-specific, scaled drawings to fully identify materials and products that will be provided and their relationship to other products that will be furnished and installed. 2. Do not utilize reproductions of the Contract Documents as the basis for the submittal. 3. Identify products, assemblies, equipment and systems. 4. Provide equipment identification numbers or tag numbers, wiring diagrams, and setting diagrams. 5. Identify critical dimensions. C. Product Data: 1. Provide information necessary to demonstrate conformance with the specified requirements. Include performance curves, specifications, and wiring diagrams. 2. Product data may consist of manufacturer’s standard catalog information and data sheets, marked to indicate the specific products that will be provided. 3. Provide supplemental information as necessary to fully demonstrate how products will be modified from the manufacture’s standard products to meet the specification requirements. D. Manufacturer’s Instructions: Written or published information that establishes the manufacturer’s recommendations, guidelines and procedures for handling and installation of products, equipment and assemblies. E. Samples: Mount, display or package samples in a manner that will facilitate review and establish workmanship and quality of materials.

1.09 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION A. When the Contract Documents require a submittal, submit the specified information as follows: 1. Submittals for Review and Comment: ECOPYa. Electronic Submittal: Submit one electronic (*.pdf) submittal. b. Paper Copy Submittal: If paper copy submittals are acceptable to

the Engineer, submit four (4) copies of all submitted information plus one reproducible original for review unless otherwise specified.

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2. Submittals for Information Only: a. Electronic Submittal: Submit one electronic (*.pdf) submittal. b. Paper Copy Submittal: If paper copy submittals are acceptable to the Engineer, submit four (4) copies of all submittal information for review, unless otherwise specified.

1.10 REVIEW PROCEDURE A. General 1. The Engineer will review submittals within the processing time identified in paragraph “Processing Time” and return: a. Electronic Submittal – a signed submittal response document, in (*.pdf) format. b. Paper Copy Submittal – Two marked up copies of the submitted copies. The reproducible original will be retained by the Engineer. B. Submittals for Review and Comment 1. The returned submittal will indicate one of the following actions: a. "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" – The material, equipment or work method complies with the project manual. b. "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED" – Limited corrections are required. 1) Provide a corrected copy where: a) The information is to be included in the O&M data. b) If requested by the Engineer. c. "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" – The submittal is insufficient or contains incorrect data. d. "REJECTED – SEE REMARKS" – The material, equipment, or work method does not comply with the project manual. Submittals with deviations that have not been identified clearly may be rejected. 2. For submittals marked "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED. a. The Contractor may begin implementing the work method or incorporating the material and equipment covered by the submittal in accordance with any noted corrections.

3. For submittals marked "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" or "REJECTED – SEE REMARKS" a. Contractor shall provide a typed letter responding to each of the Engineer’s review comments with each resubmittal. b. Except at its own risk, the Contractor shall not undertake the work ECOPYcovered by such submittals until a new submittal is submitted and returned marked either "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED." WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST

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C. Submittals for Information Only 1. The returned submittal will indicate ACCEPTED FOR RECORD” if the submittal is complete and adequate. 2. Engineer may return comments on information submittals to identify concerns with what was submitted, in such case, Contractor shall address concerns in writing and return a revised submittal.

1.11 PROCESSING TIME A. Prepare submittals and transmit to Engineer for review in sufficient time to allow Engineer’s review; manufacture, fabrication or assembly of materials and systems; and shipping of material to the site in time for installation in accordance with the Contractor’s schedule. B. Engineer’s time for review will begin upon receipt of a complete and comprehensive submittal containing all required information. C. Engineer will review submitted information and transmit a response to Contractor within 15 days after receipt, subject to the following: 1. In some instances, review times for specific submittals may be modified by the individual specification Section. 2. Resubmittals will be subject to the same review time. D. No adjustment of Contract Time or Contract Price will be allowed due to delays in the progress of the Work that are caused by rejected submittals and subsequent resubmittals.

1.12 EFFECT OF REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTALS A. The purpose of submittals is to demonstrate how Contractor intends to conform to the Contract Documents and design concepts. Engineer is entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of designs, calculations, or certifications made by licensed professionals whether or not a stamp or seal is required by the Contract Documents. B. The review procedure is based on the Contractor's guarantee that all features and characteristics not requiring submittals conform to the contract documents. C. Review of contract drawings, methods of work, or information regarding materials or equipment the Contractor proposes to provide, does not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for

1. Fulfilling the requirements of the Contract, WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 2. Proper operation of the equipment, 3. Correction of defective work D. Reviews shall not be regarded as an assumption of risk or liability by the Engineer orECOPY the Owner. E. A mark of "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED"

means that the Owner has no objection to the Contractor, upon its own responsibility, using the plan or method of work proposed, or providing the materials or equipment proposed.

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F. The Engineer's review of shop drawings, samples, or test procedures will be only for conformance with design concepts and for compliance with information given in Contract Documents. The Engineer's review does not extend to: 1. Accuracy of dimensions, quantities, or performance of equipment and systems designed by Contractor. 2. Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures except when specified, indicated on the Drawings, or required by Contract Documents. 3. Safety precautions or programs related to safety which shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor. G. Review of a separate item does not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions.

1.13 SUBSTITUTIONS OR “OR EQUAL” ITEMS A. Named or Sole Source Times 1. Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function, and quality required. 2. Unless the name designated a “sole source” and/or is followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, materials, or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by Engineer if sufficient information is submitted by Contractor to allow Engineer to determine that the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that named. B. Initiating Substitution Request 1. To propose to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, Contractor shall use the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution Submittal Transmittal Form found in Section 01999. 2. Submit the Substitution Submittal form to Engineer for acceptance, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified. 3. State that the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will not

prejudice Contractor’s achievement of Substantial Completion on time, whether acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require: a. A change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with Owner for Work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute. ECOPYb. Incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty.

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 4. Identify all variations of the proposed substitution from that specified 5. Identify available maintenance, repair, and replacement service

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6. Provide an itemized estimate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change 7. The Owner, or Engineer may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor’s expense additional data about the proposed substitute. 8. If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, Contractor may propose to furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction. Submit sufficient information to allow Engineer to determine that the proposed substitution is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract Documents. C. Review Procedure 1. The procedure for review of substitutions by Engineer will be similar to that provided in this Section. 2. Requests for substitutions may only be submitted by the Contractor. 3. All requests for substitution shall be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of Notice to Proceed unless the Owner has agreed in writing to a later submittal date and the Contractor agrees to comply with all conditions of the Owner for the late submittal. 4. The Owner’s agreement to a later submittal date shall not be construed as favorable review or acceptance of the proposed “or equal” substitution. 5. The Engineer will respond to all requests for substitutions within thirty (30) days following receipt of an acceptable substitution submittal, unless the Engineer notifies the Contractor within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the proposed “or equal” substitution submittal that more time is needed to complete a thorough review. 6. The Engineer and Owner will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no proposed “or equal” substitution item or service will be ordered, installed or utilized without Engineer’s prior written acceptance that will be evidenced by either a Change Order or an accepted Shop Drawing. 7. As a condition of acceptance, the Owner may require Contractor to furnish, at Contractor’s expense, a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to a proposed “or equal” substitution item or service. D. Modification due to Substitutions 1. All costs for redesign required by the implementation of the proposed WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION substitute shall be borne by the Contractor. 2. All costs associated with incorporating a substitution into the project shall be borne by the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTSECOPY (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED)


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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for Contractor’s temporary facilities at the job site and for the prosecution of the Work.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section. 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Provide the following information in accordance with Section 01330. 1. Proposed plan and layout for all temporary offices, designated parking areas, sanitary facilities, storage yards, temporary water service and distribution, temporary sewer connection, temporary phone service, temporary power service and distribution, stockpiles, access roads, and haul routes. 2. Proposed layout (site and floor plan) of Contractor’s office trailers. Include manufacturer’s name and product literature. 3. Proposed layout of parking area, staging area, field office trailers, storage buildings and workshops.

1.04 CONTRACTOR’S CONSTRUCTION OFFICE A. Maintain a suitable office at the site. B. Temporary office will be considered as the headquarters of the Contractor’s representative whom is authorized to receive drawings, instructions, or other communication or articles. Any communication given to the representative or delivered at Contractor’s temporary office at the site in his absence is deemed to have been delivered to the Contractor. C. Maintain copies of the Drawings, Specifications, and other Contract documents at Contractor’s temporary office at the site and make these available for use at all times.


WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST A. Before starting the work, submit a proposed plan and layout for all temporary offices,ECOPY sanitary facilities, storage areas, temporary water service and distribution, and temporary power service and distribution. B. Erect temporary security fence as appropriate. Contractor is responsible for the security of the staging area. Owner and Engineer do not take any responsibility for missing or damaged equipment, tools or personal belongings.

City of Healdsburg 01500 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Construction Facilities and Utilities 700-14-18-07 PWS927

C. Store only those materials and equipment that are related to the construction within the staging area.



3.01 LOCAL POST OFFICE BOX: A. The Contractor shall have a local post office box for receiving mail. Street address delivery of mail is not available.

3.02 TEMPORARY ELECTRIC POWER A. Contractor shall make provisions to obtain temporary electric power for use during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a source of electric power for construction. B. Cost of electric power shall be borne by the Contractor. C. The temporary electric power installation shall meet the construction safety requirements of OSHA, state, and other governing agencies.

3.03 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICE A. Provide telephone service at the construction site office. Cellular telephone service is acceptable. B. The Contractor is not permitted to use the Owner's telephone service.

3.04 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide toilet and wash-up facilities for the construction work force at the site of work. B. Facilities shall comply with applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the public health and sanitation of construction field offices, dwellings, and camps.

3.05 TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY A. Use City Recycled water for soil moisture conditioning, pipeline pressure testing and other construction uses. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1. Recycled water is available at no cost at the existing fill station outside the WRF entrance. 2. Contractor shall complete a no cost use agreement to get an account for the water. 3. An existing wharf hydrant is also available at the recycled water pump station. City will supply a portable meter for hydrant. Contractor must ECOPYsupply all other connection facilities. END OF SECTION

City of Healdsburg 01500 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Construction Facilities and Utilities 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01520



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Provisions for protection of the Work.

1.02 GENERAL A. Protect existing site entry gate and perimeter fencing.

1.03 EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL A. Provide, in advance of starting construction, a list of all employees and vehicles that need access to the sites. This list would include employees of subcontractors at all tier levels. Provide periodic updates to this list as needed or required by the Construction Manager. B. Ensure that no alcohol, firearm, weapon or controlled substance enters or is used on the Project site. Immediately remove from a Site and terminate the employment at this Site any employee found in violation of this provision. C. The Contractor’s employees, agents and subcontractors shall be restricted from entry to existing buildings and structures except as may be required by the Work.

1.04 VISITORS A. Maintain a sign in/out log for all visitors to a project site. Provide a full time employee escort if a visitor tours any part of the Project site. There are no exceptions to this important requirement. Food vendors are not allowed at the Project site.

1.05 DELIVERIES A. Provide, to the Engineer, a list of all scheduled deliveries to the Project sites at regular intervals. This list shall include the items to be delivered, the name of the delivery company and the time the delivery is to be made. Deliveries must be scheduled during allowed work hours. B. Owner personnel will not accept deliveries for the Project.

1.06 NIGHT AND WEEK-ENDS A. Make arrangement with Engineer for locking and unlocking the Project site gate outside of working hours. PART 2 - PRODUCTSECOPY (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED)


City of Healdsburg 01520 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Construction Site Security 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Environmental controls to be maintained during construction.

1.02 APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. Comply with applicable Federal, State and local environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.

1.03 SITE CLEANLINESS A. Maintain work sites, staging areas, public roadways and private property clean and free of rubbish and debris. Remove materials and equipment from the site when they are no longer necessary for the Work. B. Keep buildings that are occupied by the Contractor clear of refuse and debris and in a reasonably neat condition. C. Upon completion of the work and before final acceptance, clear work areas of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish to present a clean and neat appearance.

1.04 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. Handle paints, solvents, and other construction materials with care to prevent contaminants from entering into sewers, storm drains, surface waters, or soils. B. Develop an emergency response plan for spills of sewage, paint, oil, and other hazardous materials. C. In the event of a spill, immediately notify the Engineer, Owner and jurisdictional agencies. Take proper measures to clean up spills of hazardous materials in accordance with the emergency response plan, State, Federal, and local

regulations and manufacturer’s recommendations.

1.05 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL A. Contractor shall not discharge smoke, dust, and other contaminants into the atmosphere that violate the air pollution regulations for the area. B. Do not idle internal combustion engines for prolonged periods of time. C. Minimize dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling work areas, exposed WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST soil,ECOPY and haul roads with water or by powered brushing. 1.06 NOISE CONTROL A. Comply with local controls and noise level rules, regulations, and ordinances which apply to any work performed pursuant to the Contract. If the requirements of this

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Section are more restrictive than those of the local regulations, the requirements of this Section shall govern. B. Amplified sounds such as telephone, loudspeakers, and other forms of loud communication that constitute a nuisance and potential disturbance shall not be used.

1.07 DIRT AND MUD CONTROL A. Contractor is responsible for preventing dirt, mud, and debris from accumulating on streets, sidewalks, parking areas, or other paved surfaces and for maintaining the cleanliness of these areas. 1. Track Out: Clean vehicle tires of mud and dirt before exiting the site. 2. Cover all dump truck loads and other loads that may result in debris falling from the vehicle. 3. Sweeping Paved Areas: a. Maintain cleanliness of paved areas used by the Contractor for the duration of the project. b. Sweep paved areas that have been used since the previous cleaning on at least a weekly basis, or more frequently when directed by the Engineer. Utilize regenerative air or vacuum pickup sweepers together with proper dust control methods to remove sediment, dust, dirt, and other matter from paved areas. Do not use excessive water resulting in mud on pavement.

1.08 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION A. Temporary tree protection 1. Trees not designated for removal shall be protected. 2. Carefully protect existing trees from damage by construction activities. 3. Every reasonable effort shall be made to avoid creating conditions adverse to the tree’s health. a. The natural ground within the dripline of protected trees shall remain undisturbed.

b. The dripline area of trees shall be identified on the ground by a circle WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION with a radius measurement from the trunk of the tree to the tip of its longest limb. c. No limb shall be cut back in order to change the dripline measurement without the permission of the City. d. The area within the dripline is a critical area of the tree’s root zone and defines the minimum protected area of each tree. e. No vehicles, construction equipment, temporary buildings, supplies, ECOPYmaterials or facilities shall be driven, parked, stockpiled or located within the dripline of protected trees. f. No trees outside the construction limits shall be removed or damaged, unless authorized by the Engineer.

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4. If a tree is damaged or destroyed by construction (other than those designated for removal), the Contractor shall replace it in species, size and grade with a healthy tree as directed by the Construction Manager. Where it is necessary to replace a tree damaged by construction, the Contractor shall bear all expenses required to establish the replacement tree and paying tree removal fees. B. Cultivated areas and other surface improvements: 1. Landscaped areas and other surface improvements which are damaged by actions of the Contractor shall be restored. 2. Minimize vegetation removal. 3. Areas shall not be cleared until construction activities require the work. 4. Erosion controls shall be in place prior to clearing and grading activities.

1.09 OIL SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL A. Store fuel and oil in accordance with requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. B. Assume responsibility for the prevention, containment, and cleanup of spilled oil, fuel, and other petroleum products used in the Contractor’s operations. Prevention, containment and cleanup costs shall be borne by the Contractor. C. Periodically inspect fuel hoses, lubricating equipment, hydraulically operated equipment, oil drums, and other devices for drips, leaks or signs of damage. Maintain and properly store to prevent spills and vandalism. D. Construct dikes around storage tanks or locate tanks to prevent spills from escaping to surface waters or drainage ditches. E. Park vehicles and equipment over drip pans F. Remove oils on land using sand, clay, sawdust or other absorbent material and dispose in an acceptable manner. Store waste materials in drums or other leak proof containers after cleanup and during transport to disposal.





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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for compliance with the General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity in the State of California.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTION A. The following sections are reference in the Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01560 – Environmental Controls

1.03 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Construction activities are regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities – Construction General Permit Order 2009- 009-DWQ. B. The General Permit indicates the construction projects that are within the drainage footprint of a sewage treatment plant do not require coverage under the General Permit. This Project falls under this category. This determination eliminates the preparation of permit registration document by the Contractor and the Owner.

1.04 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall not discharge water, wastewater or other waste that will impact the Owner’s sanitary sewer facilities, their staff working at their facilities, the facility’s effluent quality or the air emission from the facility. B. Prior to soil disturbing work the Contractor shall implement all measures to assure that all storm runoff, drainage and construction water is directed to the wastewater

treatment plant storm water system. C. Prior to soil disturbing work, submit a Water Pollution Control plan in accordance with Section 01330. The Water Pollution Control Plan shall include the following: 1. Description of how the Contractor will meet the requirements in this Section, including the minimum requirements for Construction Site BMPs. 2. Pollution sources and control measures including the following: a. Soil stabilization and erosion control. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYb. Non-storm water management BMPs. c. Waste management and materials pollution control BMPs. d. Water pollution control drawings showing the site and the location of proposed BMPs. e. Construction BMP maintenance, inspection and repair.

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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Materials, equipment and products incorporated into the work.

1.02 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Specified in individual specification Sections in Divisions 2 through 16. B. Specifications are minimum requirements and manufacturers’ standard products may require modifications to meet the specified requirements. C. Provide products and equipment with all accessories, trim, finish, safety guards and other devices needed for a complete and operational installation. D. Products to be supplied in quantity shall be the same product from a single source to provide standardization and interchangeability.

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer’s product name and model number as indicated in the manufacturer’s published product data. B. Materials: Products that are shaped, cut, worked, finished or otherwise fabricated or installed to form a part of the Work. C. Equipment: A product with working parts, whether motorized or manually operated, that requires connections such as wiring or piping.

1.04 PACKAGING AND MARKING A. Equipment shall be protected against damage from moisture, dust, handling, or other cause during transport from manufacturer’s premises to site. Each item or package shall be marked with the number unique to the specification reference covering the item.

B. Stiffeners shall be used where necessary to maintain shapes and to give rigidity. Parts of equipment shall be delivered in assembled or subassembled units where possible. C. Bearing housings, vents and other types of openings shall be wrapped or otherwise sealed to prevent contamination by dust and dirt.

1.05 SHIPPING AND DELIVERY WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST A. Plan,ECOPY order, coordinate and deliver materials and equipment in accordance with the construction schedule to avoid delays and conflicts with the Work. B. Deliver anchor bolts and bolt templates sufficiently early to permit setting and placement in structural concrete.

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C. Unload products in accordance with the manufacturer’s handling instructions. Promptly inspect for completeness and evidence of damage during shipment.

1.06 HANDLING AND STORAGE A. During the interval between the delivery of equipment to the site and installation, all equipment, unless otherwise specified, shall be stored in an enclosed space affording protection from weather, dust and mechanical damage and providing favorable temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions to ensure against equipment deterioration. Manufacturer’s recommendations shall be adhered to in addition to these requirements. B. Equipment and materials to be located outdoors may be stored outdoors if protected against moisture condensation. Equipment shall be stored at least 6 inches above ground. Temporary power shall be provided to energize space heaters or other heat sources for control of moisture condensation. Space heaters or other heat sources shall be energized without disturbing the sealed enclosure. C. Fabricated products, pipe and pipe appurtenances shall be handled, stored off the ground on blocking or skids. Pipes with paint, tape coatings, linings or the like shall be stored to protect the coating or lining from physical damage or other deterioration. Pipes shipped with interior bracing shall have the bracing removed only when recommended by the pipe manufacturer. D. Store loose granular products in -drained area on a solid surface to prevent mixing with foreign matter. Cover products that are subject to erosion or deterioration with plastic sheeting. E. Store electrical, instrumentation and control products in a water-tight enclosure to protect against damage from moisture, dust and corrosion.

1.07 PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT AFTER INSTALLATION A. After installation, protect equipment from damage from, including but not limited to, dust, abrasive particles, debris and dirt generated by the placement, chipping, sandblasting, cutting, finishing and grinding of new or existing concrete, terrazzo and metal; and from the fumes, particulate matter, and splatter from welding, brazing and painting of new or existing piping and equipment. B. As a minimum, vacuum cleaning, blowers with filters, protective shielding, and other dust suppression methods will be required at all times to adequately protect all equipment. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION C. When sandblasting or when finishing concrete, all equipment that may be affected by cement dust shall be completely covered. Electrical switchgear, substations and motor load centers shall not be installed until after all concrete work and sandblasting in those areas have been completed and accepted and the ventilation systems installed. D. During painting operations, all grease fittings and similar openings shall be covered toECOPY prevent the entry of paint.

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3.01 INSPECTION A. Prior to installation, inspect materials and equipment for signs of corrosion and other effects of storage. Do not install material or equipment showing such effects. B. Remove damaged material from the site and expedite delivery of replacement material or equipment. Delays to the Work resulting from material or equipment damage that necessitates procurement of new products will be considered delays that are within the Contractor’s control.

3.02 INSTALLATION A. Handle, install, connect, clean and adjust products in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. B. Fill lubricant reservoirs and grease bearings prior to starting equipment. Use lubricants recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment. C. Recoat painted surfaces that are damaged prior to final acceptance of the Work.



City of Healdsburg 01600 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Materials and Equipment 700-14-18-07 PWS927




City of Healdsburg 01600 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Materials and Equipment 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01710



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Environmental conditions which have been observed at the Site of the Work and which may reasonably be anticipated throughout the life of the Project. The Owner makes no guarantee of stated environmental conditions.

1.02 SITE CONDITIONS A. The Site of the Work is at an elevation of approximately 90’ above mean sea level. The weather is influenced by the proximity of the Pacific Ocean. Climate conditions are described as follows:

Description Range of Conditions Location: Healdsburg, CA Typical Air temperature, ºF Outdoors: 35 to 90 (Temperatures below 35 and above 90 should be expected. Temperatures do not account for the effect of wind or reflected heat from the pavement, buildings, etc.) Prevailing wind direction Summer: West Winter: North Typical average daily wind speed, (High winds are common and should be expected, particularly miles per hour during the daylight hours, with gusts of at least 80 miles per hour) Summer: 8 (high winds are common) Winter: 7 (high winds are common)




City of Healdsburg 01710 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Environmental Conditions 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 01710 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Environmental Conditions 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01725



1.01 GENERAL A. Protect all existing utilities and improvements not designated for removal and restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and improvements to a condition equal to or better than prior to such damage or temporary relocation, all in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The location of the work is an active wastewater treatment plant operating under a state issued permit. Interruption of treatment will not be allowed. Outages of facilities will be considered on a case by case basis and must be coordinated with City staff. 1. Only City staff will operate City Facilities, including but not limited to closing and opening valves, closing and opening electrical switches. C. Contractor shall be legally and financially responsible for its actions that result in an authorized release of wastewater

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Document 1. General Provisions – Section 5, Trenching and Utilities

1.03 CONNECTIONS A. Connections to existing facilities, and all associated Work, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 5, Trenching and Utilities, and this Section, except that in the case of conflict, Section 5, Trenching and Utilities, shall take precedence. B. Unless otherwise specified or indicated, make all necessary connections to existing facilities, including structures, drain lines, and utilities such as water, sewer, gas, telephone, and electric. In each case, Contractor shall receive permission from Owner or the owning utility prior to undertaking connections. Protect facilities against deleterious substances and damage. C. Connections to existing facilities that are in service shall be thoroughly planned in advance, and all required equipment, materials, and labor shall be on hand at the time of undertaking the connections. Work shall proceed continuously (around the clock) if necessary to complete connections in the minimum time. Operation of valves or other appurtenances on existing utilities, when required, shall be by or underECOPY the direct supervision of the owning utility. D. Any work which requires a system outage shall be coordinated and a request made, including contingency plans, to the owning utility at least two (2) weeks in advance.

City of Healdsburg 01725 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Protection of Existing Facilities 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1.04 RIGHTS-OF-WAY A. Do not do any Work that would affect any oil, gas, sewer, or water pipeline; any telephone, telegraph, or electric transmission line; any fence; or any other structure or enter upon any private property unless notified that the Owner has secured authority therefor from the proper party. B. After authority has been obtained, the Contractor shall give said party due notice of its intention to begin work, if required by said party, and shall remove, shore, support, or otherwise protect such pipeline, transmission line, ditch, fence, or structure, or replace the same.

1.05 PROTECTION OF SURVEY MARKERS A. Do not destroy, remove, or otherwise disturb any existing survey markers or other existing street or roadway markers without proper authorization. B. No pavement breaking or excavation shall be started until all survey or other permanent marker points that will be disturbed by the construction operations have been properly referenced. C. Survey markers or points disturbed by the Contractor shall be accurately restored after street or roadway resurfacing has been completed.

1.06 RESTORATION OF PAVEMENT A. General 1. All paved areas including asphaltic concrete berms cut or damaged during construction shall be replaced with similar materials of equal thickness to match the existing adjacent undisturbed areas, except where specific resurfacing requirements have been called for in the Contract Documents or in the requirements of the agency issuing the permit. 2. The pavement restoration requirement to match existing sections shall apply to all components of existing sections, including sub-base, base, and pavement. 3. Temporary and permanent pavement shall conform to the requirements of the affected pavement owner. Pavements which are subject to partial removal shall be neatly saw cut in straight lines. B. Temporary Resurfacing 1. Wherever required by the public authorities having jurisdiction, the place temporary surfacing promptly after backfilling and maintain such surfacing for the period of time fixed by said authorities before proceeding with the final restoration of improvements. C. Permanent Resurfacing 1. To obtain a satisfactory junction with adjacent surfaces, saw cut back and ECOPYtrim the edge so as to provide a clean, sound, vertical joint before permanent replacement of an excavated or damaged portion of pavement. 2. Damaged edges of pavement along excavations and elsewhere shall be trimmed back by saw cutting in straight lines.

City of Healdsburg 01725 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Protection of Existing Facilities 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. All pavement restoration and other facilities restoration shall be constructed to finish grades compatible with adjacent undisturbed pavement.

1.07 EXISTING UTILITIES A. General: 1. Work in accordance with the requirements of Section 5, Trenching and Utilities. B. Protect existing utilities and other improvements which may be impaired during construction operations, regardless of whether or not the Utilities are indicated on the Drawings. Take all possible precautions for the protection of unforeseen utility lines to provide for uninterrupted service and to provide such special protection as may be necessary. C. Except where the Drawings indicate utilities have been field located during design or certain Utility locations shall be exposed as part of the Work, the Contractor shall be responsible for exploratory excavations as it deems necessary to determine the exact locations and depths of Utilities which may interfere with its work. Perform all exploratory excavations as soon as practicable after Notice to Proceed and, in any event, sufficient time in advance of fabrication and/or construction to avoid potential delays to the construction progress. When such exploratory excavations show the utility location as shown on the Drawings to be in error, notify the Engineer. D. The number of exploratory excavations required shall be that number which is sufficient to determine the alignment and grade of the Utility. E. Utilities to be Removed 1. Where the proper completion of the Work requires the temporary or permanent removal and/or relocation of an existing Utility or other improvement which is indicated, remove and, without unnecessary delay, temporarily replace or relocate such Utility or improvement in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer and the owner of the facility. 2. In all cases of temporary removal or relocation, restoration to the former location shall be accomplished in a manner that will restore or replace the Utility or improvement as nearly as possible to its former locations and to as good or better condition than found prior to removal. F. Approval of Repairs 1. All repairs to a damaged Utility or improvement are subject to inspection and approval by an authorized representative of the Utility or improvement owner before being concealed by backfill or other work.

1.08 NOTIFICATION BY THE CONTRACTOR A. Prior to excavation in the vicinity of any existing underground facilities, including water,ECOPY sewer, storm drain, gas, petroleum products, or other pipelines; buried electric power, communications, or television cables; traffic signal and street lighting facilities; notify the respective authorities representing the owners or agencies responsible for such facilities not less than three (3) days nor more than seven (7) days prior to excavation so that a representative of said owners or agencies can be present during such work if they so desire.

City of Healdsburg 01725 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Protection of Existing Facilities 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED)




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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for maintaining records of actual conditions in the field and for changes in the work as contained on the As-Built drawings and transcribed to become the Record Documents. B. The purpose of final Project Record Documents is to provide factual information regarding all aspects of the work, both concealed and visible, to enable future modifications of the work to proceed without lengthy and expensive site measurement, investigation, and examination. C. Drawings shall be updated weekly. Progress payments may be delayed until record As-Built drawings are updated to meet requirements and date of pay request.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the complete set of As-Built Project Record Documents to the Construction Manager upon request for Substantial Completion. B. Participate in review meetings with the Owner's Representative and the Engineer as required. C. Make changes and promptly deliver paper copies of the final Project Record Documents to the Owner's Representative. D. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter as specified in Section 01330. Include a signed certification that each document, as submitted, is complete and accurate.

1.04 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED A. Maintain at the site the following record documents to be turned over to the Owner upon request for Substantial Completion: 1. Drawings. 2. Specifications. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 4. Field Instructions and other written instructions from the Owner's Representative. 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Test reports.

City of Healdsburg 01780 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Record Drawings 700-14-18-07 PWS927

7. Requests for Information. 8. Claims. 9. Training.



3.01 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. Store record documents and samples in Contractor's field office apart from documents used for construction. 1. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. 2. Provide locked cabinets or secure storage space for storage of samples. B. File documents and samples in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. C. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by the Owner's Representative. D. Update the document within 24 hours after receiving information that a change has occurred, or clarification has been issued.

3.02 MARKING DEVICES A. Use marking pens for recording information in the color approved by the Owner's Representative.

3.03 RECORDING A. Label each document "AS BUILT PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large printed letters. B. Record information concurrently with the construction process. 1. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. 2. Completely, accurately, and legibly record, to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative, all deviations in construction, especially pipe and conduit locations, and any deviations caused by approved changes and/or WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION clarifications to the work. 3. Use additional copies of prints, if necessary, to insure legible recording of data. 4. Date all entries. 5. Call attention to the entry by drawing a "cloud" around the area affected.

6.ECOPY In the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for each change. C. Legibly mark drawings to record actual construction: 1. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum.

City of Healdsburg 01780 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Record Drawings 700-14-18-07 PWS927

2. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permit surface improvements. 3. Locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Changes made reflecting approved changes to the work. 6. Details not on original Contract Drawings. D. Legibly mark each Section of the Specifications to record: 1. Manufacturer's trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each product and item of equipment installed. 2. Changes made reflecting approved changes to the work. E. Maintain shop drawings as record drawings. Legibly annotate shop drawings to record changes made after approval. F. Prior to submitting each request for payment, secure approval from the Owner's Representative of the current status of record documents. G. Periodic payments or portions thereof to the Contractor may be withheld until the Owner's Representative verifies that all as-built information to date has been properly recorded on project record documents.

3.04 CONVERSION OF COORDINATION DRAWINGS AND SCHEMATIC LAYOUTS A. The drawings, arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, and similar items are shown schematically and are not intended to portray precise physical layout. The final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Engineer, and shall be accurately recorded by the Contractor on the record documents. B. Show on the job set of record drawings, by dimension accurate to one-inch, the centerline of each run of all items specified in the preceding paragraph. 1. Clearly identify the item by accurate note such as "cast iron drain" or "galvanized flashing", etc. 2. Show by symbol or note the vertical location of the item ("6 inches below

slab", "in ceiling plenum", "exposed", etc.). 3. Make identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related reliably to the Specifications. C. Coordinate with the Coordination Drawings.


WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST A. At a time nearing Substantial Completion of the work, provide a copy of the job set AsECOPY-built drawings to the Construction Manager. B. Obtain approval from the Construction Manager of all data recorded on the As-Built set of prints.

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C. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other drawings a full description of changes made during construction, and the actual location of items as previously specified. D. "Cloud" all affected areas. E. Stamp each record drawing with the following information: 1. Project Record Document. 2. Prepared by: Contractor's name, permanent address. 3. Date prepared. 4. Contractor's signature.



City of Healdsburg 01780 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Record Drawings 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 GENERAL A. Provide Operation and Maintenance (O&M) information for each maintainable piece of equipment, equipment assembly or subassembly, and material provided or modified under this Contract. 1. Provide in the form of an instructional manual for use by Owner’s personnel. 2. Provide a separate manual for each piece of equipment (i.e., submersible pumps will have a separate manual from vertical turbine pumps). One exception is that O&M Manuals for valves specified in Division 15 may be combined into one manual. 3. O&M Manuals and CMMS Data are required for equipment, specialties, electrical, and instruments included in, but not limited to, the following sections:

Section Title 11288 Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 15110.3 Powered Valve and Gate Actuators and Accessories 15111 Resilient Wedge Gate Valve 15116.6 Swing Check Valves 16010 Electrical General

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

2. Section 01999 – Reference Forms

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit preliminary O&M manuals in electronic format. 1. Refer to “Format Requirements – Electronic Copies” below. 2. Include all material in final O&M manual except startup and field testing WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYinformation. 3. Engineer and Owner will review manuals. Make additions and revisions in accordance with review comments. C. Submit final O&M manuals in hard-copy and in electronic format on CD or DVD. 1. Include startup and field testing information.

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Submit two (2) final hard copy O&M Manuals and one (1) electronic copy on CD or DVD for review. Hard copies will be returned to Contractor. 3. Provide five (5) approved O&M manuals and two (2) copies on CD or DVD to Owner. D. Submittals that are not fully indexed and tabbed with sequentially numbered pages may be returned without review. E. Complete and submit O&M Information Transmittal (See Section 01999) with each Manual. F. Deferred submittal parts, which need not be included with final manuals, but shall be included with approved manuals: 1. Master Volume Index as specified in Paragraph 2.01 2. Include test reports as specified in Paragraph 2.05 in final O&M manuals. 3. Include forms required during startup and training in final O&M manuals. 4. Include completed Equipment Record Forms with equipment serial numbers, as specified in Paragraph 2.02, in final O&M manuals. G. Submit data for import in a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) as specified under Paragraph 2.07 below.


2.01 GENERAL A. Each O&M Manual shall provide instructions and procedures for all aspects of equipment installation, operation, and maintenance including: delivery, handling, storage, maintenance during storage, assembly, erection, installation, startup, adjusting, testing, operating, shutdown, troubleshooting, maintenance, and as may otherwise be required. B. Organize information in a consistent format under separate headings for each different procedure, with a logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. C. Where manufacturers’ standard pre-printed manuals are included in O&M Manuals, mark to reflect only the model or series of equipment used on the Project. Neatly cross out non-applicable material. D. Master Volume Index 1. Provide a neatly typewritten master index of all O&M manuals. 2. List each manual as Volume __ of __. 3. Include a copy of the index at the front of each manual. Clearly call out the manual in the index. 2.02 FORMATECOPY REQUIREMENTS – GENERAL A. Cover: Provide a cover page the includes the following information: 1. "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, VOLUME NO. __ OF __" 2. Project Name

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3. Owner Project Number 4. Specification Number(s) 5. Equipment Name(s) 6. Equipment Tag Numbers B. Title Page: Provide a title page at the front of each Equipment O&M Manual containing the following information: 1. Owner Name and Project Name 2. Equipment Name 3. Specification Section 4. Equipment Tag Numbers 5. Equipment Model Numbers 6. Equipment Serial Numbers 7. Names, addresses, telephone numbers and individuals to contact for the manufacturer, the nearest representative of the manufacturer, and the nearest supplier of the manufacturer’s equipment and parts 8. Engineer name, address, and telephone number 9. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address, and telephone number. 10. Date C. Table of Contents 1. Number each page of O&M Manuals and provide a typed table of contents with page numbers at the front of each O&M Manual. 2. Divide the O&M Manuals into major sections and subsections, to allow easy location of material. At a minimum, list each major section in the table of contents. 3. Provide a fly sheet for each major section listed in the table of contents, with section title printed on fly sheet. D. Section 1: Reserve Section 1 of the manual for the following: 1. Equipment Record Forms (Section 01999 and Division 16) a. Fill out by machine. Hand entries will not be allowed. b. Include all required information. The Equipment Record Form is intended as an easily accessible quick reference for plant operation and maintenance personnel. c. Equipment record sheet for electrical/instrumentation equipment shall be as specified in Division 16. Include a complete list of items WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST supplied, including serial numbers, ranges, options, and other ECOPYpertinent data necessary for ordering replacement parts. 2. Startup forms required by individual specification sections. These may include but are not limited to the following forms in Section 01999: a. Equipment Test Report

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927 b. Manufacturer’s Representative Service Report c. Manufacturer’s Installation Certification Form d. Manufacturer’s Instruction Certification Form E. Presentation of Data 1. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify the specific project or part installed. b. Clearly identify the data applicable to the installation. c. Cross-out references to inapplicable information. 3. Identify each product by product name and other identifying numbers or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. 4. Material shall be suitable for reproduction, with quality equal to original. No scanned or faxed copies of standard published manuals and product data available from manufacturers will be allowed. F. Text 1. Manufacturer’s printed data properly edited for project. Cross out all data that does not apply to the equipment to be furnished. Clearly annotate to identify applicable product, part, or data. 2. Documents shall be machine typed; hand written documents are not acceptable. Documents shall be legible and original size, documents that cannot be read or have been reduced will be returned for correction.

2.03 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS – HARD COPIES A. Binders 1. Bind Equipment O&M Manuals in heavy duty hard cover three-ring “Slant D” binders with clear vinyl overlay pocket on binder front and spine, Avery Dennison, Heavy Duty, EZD, View Binder or equal. 2. Insert cover page specified above into clear pocket on the front of each binder. 3. Provide with heavy plastic-coated section dividers with numbered plastic index tabs. 4. Include plastic sheet lifters prior to first page and following last page. B. Spine Label 1. Provide a spine label to be inserted into the clear pocket on the spine of each binder. Include the following information on the spine label: a. Equipment Name(s) ECOPYb. Specification Number(s) c. Equipment Tag Numbers. d. Appendix number and/or volume number

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C. Drawings 1. Drawings reduced to 11-inch by 17-inch are acceptable if they are clear and readable, and are neatly and individually double-folded to 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch size. Drawing title shall be visible in lower right hand corner of the original and folded drawing. Reinforce binding edge with clear Mylar strip. 2. Larger drawings or illustrations are acceptable if neatly folded and individually placed in an 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch clear plastic pocket which fits in the binder. Only one drawing or illustration shall be placed in each pocket. Drawing title shall be visible in lower right hand corner of the original and folded drawing. D. Additional formatting requirements: 1. Paper Size: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, except as noted below. 2. Paper: 20-pound minimum, white for typed pages. 3. Arrange printing so that punched holes do not obliterate data and use hole reinforcements for bound in plan sheets.

2.04 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS - ELECTRONIC COPIES A. Include all information in the hard-copy Operation and Maintenance Manuals. B. Insert fly sheets as specified above at the location of tabbed section dividers. C. Provide as a single, searchable PDF file. Generate PDF files from original documents to enable text searches. D. The files shall become the property of the Owner for use in training programs and other uses.

2.05 CONTENTS OF MANUALS A. Product Data 1. Provide manufacturer’s catalog data indicating equipment and accessories provided for the Project. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to the products supplied and delete references to inapplicable information.

2. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems. 3. Provide “As Constructed” submittal shop documents, data sheets, and drawings, including all items in the electrical/instrumentation system as specified in Division 16. Contract documents shall not be used as “As Constructed” drawings. B. Drawings WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1.ECOPY Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems. Include individual parts list with exploded views for all equipment. b. Control and flow diagrams.

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Coordinate drawings with information in project contract documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. C. Equipment Description 1. Theory of Operation. 2. Description: Provide description of unit and component parts functions, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. a. Include descriptive bulletins, brochures, or catalog sheets to describe the equipment. b. Include performance curves, engineering data, and test results. D. Procedures 1. Safety Procedures: Manufacturer’s safety procedures for operating and maintaining all equipment and materials used. List personnel hazards and safety precautions for all operating conditions. 2. Shipping and Installation Procedures a. Receiving and handling. b. Short-term storage, long-term storage and maintenance during storage. c. Complete step-by-step installation instructions for all components. d. Startup, adjusting and testing. E. Operating Instructions 1. Provide complete, detailed, written description of the sequence of operations for all operations in all modes. Prepare specifically for this work and reference to control diagrams and system components. a. Recommended step-by-step pre-start, startup, adjustment, calibration, and break-in operating instructions. b. Recommended step-by-step regulation and control instructions for routine operation. Include summer and winter operating instructions as applicable. Include any special operating instructions. c. Recommended step-by-step stopping, shut-down, and post- shutdown instructions. 2. Staff Service Requirements: Provide instructions for services to be performed by the staff such as lubrication, adjustments, and inspection. 3. Current and desired control settings. 4. Emergency Procedures. a. Provide emergency procedures for equipment malfunctions to permit a short period of continued operation or to shut down the equipment to prevent further damage to systems and equipment. ECOPYb. Include emergency shutdown instructions for fire, explosion, spills, or other foreseeable contingencies. F. Preventive Maintenance Information 1. Preventive Maintenance Plan and Schedule

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a. Provide manufacturer's schedule for routine preventive maintenance, inspections, tests, and adjustments required to ensure proper and economical operation and to minimize corrective maintenance and repair. b. Provide manufacturer's projection of preventive maintenance man- hours on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. 2. Lubrication information a. Lubrication schedule showing service interval frequency b. Table showing recommended lubricants for specific temperature ranges and applications 1) For each required lubricant, provide a list of acceptable equivalents from at least one different major manufacturer whose products are locally available. c. Include a schematic diagram of the equipment showing lubrication points, recommended types and grades of lubricants, and capacities 3. Additional requirements a. Include procedures for disassembly, assembly, alignment, adjusting, and checking. b. Provide manufacturer’s printed maintenance instructions. c. Include illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. G. Corrective Maintenance Information 1. Corrective maintenance to include disassembly, repair, overhaul and re- assembly. 2. Provide manufacturer’s step-by-step trouble shooting and diagnostic procedures to promptly isolate the cause of typical malfunctions. Describe clearly why the checkout is performed and what conditions are to be sought. Identify tests or inspections and test equipment required to determine whether parts and equipment may be reused or require replacement

3. Provide manufacturer’s step-by-step procedures and list required tools and supplies for removal, replacement, disassembly, and assembly of components, assemblies, subassemblies, accessories, and attachments. Provide tolerances, dimensions, settings, and adjustments required. Instructions shall include a combination of text and illustrations 4. Wiring diagrams and control diagrams shall be point-to-point drawings of wiring and control circuits including factory-field interfaces. Provide a complete and accurate depiction of the actual job-specific wiring and

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST control work. On diagrams, number electrical and electronic wiring and ECOPYpneumatic control tubing and the terminals for each type identically to actual installation numbering. 5. Provide manufacturer’s instructions and list tools required to restore product or equipment to proper condition or operating standards

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 7 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927 6. Provide manufacturer's projection of corrective maintenance man-hours including craft requirements by type of craft. H. Electrical and Instrumentation Information 1. Electrical & Instrumentation Drawings shall include as-built information per Division 16 for the project. As-built drawings shall be signed and stamped by an electrical engineer registered in the State of California. 2. Complete software ladder logic printouts. 3. Record of all settings or parameters for all programmable devices. 4. At the end of the project these manuals shall be updated to show “as-built” or “as-installed” conditions, including any field changes. I. Parts Identification 1. Provide full identification and listing of all parts of each component, assembly, subassembly, and accessory. a. Identify parts by make, model, serial number, and source of supply to allow reordering without further identification. b. Provide clear and legible illustrations, drawings, and exploded views to enable easy identification of the items. When illustrations omit the part numbers and description, both the illustrations and separate listing shall show the index, reference, or key number which will cross reference the illustrated part to the listed part. 2. Include schematic diagrams of all electronic devices. Provide a complete parts list with stock numbers for the components that make up the assembly. 3. Include special hardware requirements, such as requirement to use high- strength bolts and nuts. 4. Include control and flow diagrams and panel wiring diagrams. 5. Coordinate drawings to ensure correct illustration of completed installation. J. Spare Parts: 1. Provide lists of spare parts and supplies required for maintenance and repair to ensure continued service or operation without unreasonable delays. a. Manufacturer’s recommended spare parts list with manufacturer’s current prices. b. Include complete nomenclature and commercial numbers of replaceable parts. c. List spare parts and supplies that have a long lead-time to obtain. d. Provide a table showing the predicted life of parts subject to wear. 2.ECOPY Include the spare parts list on Equipment Record Forms A and B (Section 01999). K. Test Data a. Provide copies of factory test reports as specified in the applicable equipment sections.

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b. After field testing is completed, include field test data. c. Include performance curves and engineering data. L. Additional Information 1. Provide any information not specified in the preceding paragraphs but pertinent to the maintenance or operation of the product or equipment. Examples include: a. Information on test equipment required to perform specified tests and on special tools needed for the operation, maintenance, and repair of components. b. Instances that might affect the validity of Warranties or Bonds

2.06 APPENDICES: A. Submittals 1. Include a copy of all approved submittals. B. Warranty Information 1. List and explain the various warranties and include the servicing and technical precautions prescribed by the manufacturers or contract documents to keep warranties in force. C. Personnel Training 1. Provide information available from the manufacturers to use in training designated personnel to operate and maintain the equipment and systems properly.

2.07 COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A. Collate and submit information on the new and modified equipment, specialties, electrical, and instrumentation installed during the Project, for potential import into a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). B. Data Format 1. Submit equipment and instrument information in a database file format suitable for direct import to an SQL-based relational database

management system, without additional data manipulation. 2. The acceptable format is Microsoft Excel file format. 3. Format data in row (equipment name or tag) and column (equipment, name, tag, description, and various features as noted herein) so that it can be added to the CMMS database. C. Data Content

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Maintenance information to be provided shall include all equipment ECOPYinformation relevant to a reliability-centered maintenance program. 2. File and file name of electronic (PDF version) of equipment manual. 3. The spreadsheet information shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

City of Healdsburg 01782 - 9 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Operations and Maintenance Information 700-14-18-07 PWS927 a. General information required for all equipment: 1) Equipment or instrument name, model number, serial number 2) Equipment or instrument tag numbers 3) Description 4) Equipment cost 5) Manufacturer and local representative name and contact information 6) Dates of purchase, installation and commissioning 7) List of spare parts, including part number, quantity, name and cost 8) Required inspections and frequency 9) Required preventive maintenance procedures and frequency b. Mechanical equipment information: 1) Lubrication information, including lubrication points, frequency of lubrication, and recommended lubricants 2) Replaceable wear components and recommended replacement intervals c. Electric motor information: 1) Frame number 2) Horsepower 3) Amperages 4) Voltage, frequency, number of phases 5) RPM 6) Service factor 7) Duty 8) NEMA design code 9) Insulation class 10) Ambient temperature rating 11) Temperature rise d. Instrumentation equipment information: 1) Instrument type 2) NEMA rating 3) Size 4) Range 5) Power requirements 6) Output units ECOPY7) Output signal (e.g. millivolts, 4-20 milliamps, pulse) 8) Communications protocol (where applicable)

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D. Submittal Requirements 1. Submit a complete draft electronic copy of the equipment and instrument information database for City review at least three (3) months prior to the project acceptance. 2. The City will provide comments on the draft database within then (10) Working Days of receipt. City comments on subsequent drafts of the equipment and instrument information database will be provided within five (5) Working Days of receipt, provided that major revisions requiring additional review time have not occurred. 3. The equipment and instrument information database shall not be considered complete until approved by the City. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld. 4. Following review and approval, the Contractor shall submit one (1) electronic copy of the equipment and instrument information database to the City.




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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for Warranties and Bonds.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01999 – Referenced Forms

1.03 GUARANTEE OF WORK A. The Contractor hereby agrees to make, at its own expense, all repairs or replacements necessitated by any defect in materials or workmanship, supplied under terms of this Contract, and pay for any damage to other works resulting from such defects, which become evident within one (1) year after the date of acceptance of the completed Work by the governing board of Owner, as provided by the General Conditions, or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special extended warranty required by the Contract Documents. The Contractor further assumes responsibility for a similar guarantee for all work and materials provided by subcontractors or manufacturers of packaged equipment components. The Contractor also agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Owner harmless from liability, claims, costs or expenses of any kind arising from damage or injury resulting from or caused by any such defect. The signing of the Contract by the Contractor shall constitute execution of the guarantee under this section. This guarantee is in addition to any other warranties and guarantees stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents or implied in fact or in law. B. The Contractor shall execute and submit a complete Extended Warranty Form, in the format as located in Section 01999, for each extended warranty as may be specified in the individual specification sections. The Extended Warranty Form

shall be submitted upon achieving Substantial Completion and the Owner having taken occupancy and beneficial use of all facilities listed for each Milestone, other designated portion of the work, or the final acceptance of the project, whichever is applicable. Extended Warranty Forms shall be signed both by the Contractor and an officer of the company manufacturing the item. C. The Contractor shall, upon the receipt of notice in writing from the Owner, promptly repair or replace to the satisfaction of the Engineer any or all such work that may

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST prove defective in workmanship or materials, ordinary wear and tear excepted, togetherECOPY with any other work which may be damaged or displaced in so doing. The Owner is hereby authorized to make such repair or replacement work, and the Contractor and its Surety shall be liable for the cost thereof, if ten (10) days after giving of such notice to the Contractor, the Contractor has failed to make or undertake the repair or replacement with due diligence. In case of emergency, where in the opinion of the Owner delay could cause serious loss or damage, repair

City of Healdsburg 01785 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Warranties and Bonds 700-14-18-07 PWS927

or replacement may be made without notice being sent to the Contractor, and the expense in connection therewith shall be charged to the Contractor, and its Surety shall be liable for the cost thereof. D. Prior to the expiration of the guarantee or Extended Warranty period, the Owner reserves the right to hold a meeting and require the attendance of the Contractor. The purpose of the meeting is to review warranties, bonds and maintenance requirements and determine required repair or replacement of defective items. E. For the purpose of this paragraph, acceptance of the Work or a portion of the Work by the Owner, shall not extinguish any covenant or agreement on the part of the Contractor to be performed or fulfilled under this Contract which has not, in fact, been performed or fulfilled at the time of such acceptance. All covenants and agreements shall continue to be binding on the Contractor until they have been fulfilled. F. If, after installation, the operation or use of the materials or equipment furnished under this Contract proves to be unsatisfactory to the Engineer or Owner, the Owner shall have the right to operate and use such materials or equipment until it can, without damage to the Owner, be taken out of service for correction or replacement. Such period of use of the defective materials or equipment pending correction or replacement shall in no way decrease the guarantee or Extended Warranty period required for the acceptable corrected or replaced items of materials or equipment. G. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit, relieve or release the Contractor's, subcontractor's and equipment supplier's liability to the Owner for damages sustained as the result of latent defects in the equipment furnished and caused by the negligence of the supplier's agents, employees or subcontractors. Stated in another manner, the guarantee or Extended Warranty contained in this Section shall not amount to nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver by the Owner of any rights or remedies (or time limits in which to enforce such rights or remedies) it may have against the supplier of the equipment to be furnished under these Specifications for defective workmanship or defective materials under the laws of this State pertaining to acts of negligence.




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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for the Contractor’s testing of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment and systems provided under this Contract. B. The requirements contained in this Section supplement, but do not supersede, specific testing requirements found elsewhere in the Contract Documents.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01999 – Reference Forms

1.03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with the equipment suppliers for functional and performance testing and facility startup. Minimum levels of on-site installation and testing assistance required of the equipment suppliers is described in separate Sections. B. Coordinate the activities of subcontractors and equipment suppliers to implement the requirements of this Section.

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Independent Testing Labs: When testing by an independent laboratory is specified, provide credentials and certifications to demonstrate capabilities. C. Test Instruments Calibration: Certification that test instruments used in the testing procedure have been calibrated to an acceptable and recognized standard.

D. Testing Schedule: For each piece of equipment or system, provide a testing schedule and updates as appropriate. Submit at least 20 working days prior to the scheduled start of testing. Confirm the test schedule, or provide an updated schedule 4 days prior to the start of testing. E. Testing Plan: Describe step by step procedure that will be utilized to systematically test equipment and systems. F. Test Results: WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1.ECOPY Factory Test Results: Results of equipment tests performed by the equipment supplier at the point of manufacture and prior to shipping the equipment to the site. 2. Results of the Pre-Operational Test. 3. Results of the Functional Test.

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4. Results of the Operational and Performance Tests. G. Testing Form 1. Section 01999 contains a sample Instrumentation Data and Calibration Test Form showing the format and level of detail required for the documentation forms. H. Manufacturer’s Field Certification 1. Submit a Manufacturer’s Installation Certification Form (Section 01999) after the manufacturer’s Field Representative has completed the specified field services and testing. Submit the certification prior to Manufacturer's Representative leaving the plant site.

1.05 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS A. Develop and implement a records keeping system to document compliance with the requirements of this Section. B. Document date of test, equipment number or system name, nature of test (performance or operational), test objectives, test results and test instruments used during the test. Provide signature spaces for the Engineer and the Contractor.

1.06 TEST PLANS A. Develop test plans in cooperation with the equipment suppliers detailing the coordinated, systematic testing of each item of equipment and system provided under this Contract. B. Make test plans specific to the item of equipment or system to be tested. Identify by specific equipment or tag number each device or control station to be manipulated, observed or tested during the test procedure and the specific results to be observed or obtained. C. Identify the responsibility of subcontractors and suppliers who will participate in the tests and list the names of manufacturers’ representatives to be present during the duration of the test. D. Provide step-by-step procedures for testing control and electrical circuits to affirm that the circuit is properly identified and connected to the proper device. E. Undertake performance tests in a manner that will duplicate the actual operating conditions that will be encountered. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION

1.07 TESTING SCHEDULE A. Prepare a testing schedule setting forth the sequence contemplated for performing the test work. Identify the contemplated start date, duration of the test and completion of each test.

1.08 TEST RESULTS ECOPY A. Test results shall be within the tolerances set forth in the detailed specification sections of the Contract Documents. If no tolerances have been specified, test results shall conform to tolerances established by recognized industry practice.

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B. Retesting: If any portion of the work should fail to fulfill the Contract requirements and is adjusted, altered, renewed, or replaced, tests on that portion, together with all other portions of the work as are affected thereby, shall be repeated within reasonable time and in accordance with the specified conditions.



3.01 GENERAL A. The objective of the testing program is to demonstrate, to the Engineer’s complete satisfaction, that the systems and equipment provided under this Contract meet the specified performance requirements. B. Testing program also provides a base-line operating condition for the Owner to use in a preventative maintenance program. C. Testing sequence consists of Pre-Operational Checkout, Functional Tests, Performance Testing and Operational Testing. These tests are required regardless of whether Factory Tests were conducted on the same piece of equipment or system. D. Each item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment installed under this Contract shall be tested by the Contractor to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements of this project. E. Provide labor, outside services, materials, test equipment and other items required to complete the specified testing and startup requirements. Furnish power, water chemicals, fuel, oil, grease and other materials needed to conduct the specified tests. F. Install temporary valves, gauges, piping and other materials required to conduct the specified tests.

3.02 PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT A. Pre-Operational Checkout shall be undertaken by the manufacturer’s field representative. B. Pre-Operational Checkout includes basic checks of the equipment installation prior

to starting the equipment to determine if the equipment and related components have been correctly installed and is ready for starting. C. Pre-Operational Checkout includes the following: 1. Alignment of equipment, shafts and shaft couplings, drives, belts and pulleys. 2. Filling and checking lubrication reservoirs. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Checking shaft seals, packing and seal lubrication system. 4. Manufacturer’s recommendations for pre-start preparation. 5. Proper motor rotation 6. Circuit continuity testing, electrical testing, and instrumentation and control system testing in accordance with the requirements of Division 16.

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7. Demonstrate operational controls function as intended. 8. Calibration and adjustment of electrical and instrumentation devices. D. Verify pipes, conduits, vessels and equipment are clean and free of debris that may interfere with the testing or operation of the equipment. Remove debris prior to start of testing. E. Following completion of the Pre-Operational Checkout, the manufacturer’s field representative shall complete and sign a field certification form and submit to the Engineer.

3.03 FUNCTIONAL TESTS A. After successful completion of the Pre-Operational Checkout, start individual items of equipment and systems and operate under simulated operating conditions to determine as nearly as possible whether the equipment and systems meet the requirements of these specifications. B. Operate the equipment for a sufficient period of time to determine machine operating and characteristics, including noise, temperatures and vibration; to observe and document performance characteristics; and to permit initial adjustment of operating controls. C. Obtain baseline operating data on all equipment with motors greater than 10 horsepower to include amperage draw, bearing temperatures, and vibration as required. This baseline data will be collected for the Owner to enter in their preventive maintenance system. D. Post-Test Inspection: When Functional Tests have been completed, recheck equipment for proper alignment, unacceptably loose connections, unusual movement, or other indications of improper operating characteristics. Correct any deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Engineer. E. Machines or devices which exhibit unusual or unacceptable operating characteristics shall be disassembled and inspected. Repair any defects found during the course of the inspection and identify and correct the cause of such defect. Replace specific parts, or the entire equipment item, to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the Owner.

3.04 OPERATIONAL AND PERFORMANCE TESTS A. After successfully completing functional tests, conduct an operational test of each WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION system to verify correct operation. During the operational test, conduct performance testing to verify that the system complies with the performance requirements contained in the individual equipment specifications. B. Owner’s operating personnel will fill process units and process systems with water and other process fluids to allow the Contractor to conduct the operational tests. C. Upon completion of the filling operations, operate all parts of each system for a continuous,ECOPY uninterrupted period of not less than 8 hours. During this period, the Contractor and shall undertake performance testing and shall monitor the characteristics of each machine according to manufacturer information and specifications and report any unusual conditions to the Engineer.

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D. Undertake performance tests of mechanical, electrical, HVAC, and instrumentation equipment and systems to demonstrate and confirm compliance with the performance requirements specified in the individual equipment specifications. E. Should the operational testing be halted for any reason related to the facilities constructed or the equipment furnished under this Contract, the operational testing program shall be repeated until the specified continuous period has been accomplished without interruption. F. Following successful completion of the Operational Test, commissioning of the system may begin.



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City of Healdsburg 01825 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Equipment and System Testing 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 01999


The forms listed below and included in this section are referenced from other sections of the project manual. Contractor may submit equivalent forms for Owner’s approval prior to use. If Owner does approve substitute form, Contractor must use forms found in this Section. Owner will provide Contractor electronic files of prescribed forms upon request.

Section Title of Form 01782 Equipment Record Form - A 01782 Equipment Record Form - B 01782 Equipment Test Report 01785 Extended Warranty Form 01825 Instrumentation Data and Calibration Record Test Form 01782, 01825 Manufacturer’s Installation Certification Form 01782 Manufacturer’s Instruction Certification Form 01782 Manufacturer’s Representative Service Report 01782 Operating and Maintenance Information Transmittal 15996 Pipe Test Record Form 01330 Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution Transmittal 01330 Submittal Transmittal


City of Healdsburg 01999 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Reference Forms 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 01999 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Reference Forms 700-14-18-07 PWS927 EQUIPMENT RECORD FORM A (Electrical or Motorized Mechanical Equipment):

Equip. Description: Equip. Loc.: Equip. No. Shop Dwg. No. Date Inst.: Cost: Mfgr.: Mfgr Contact Mfgr. Address: Phone: Vendor : Vendor Contact: Vendor Address: Phone:


Lubricants: Recommended Alternative: Misc. Notes:

Recommended Spare Parts Electrical Nameplate Data Part Qty Part Name Cost Equip No. Make Serial No. Id. No. Model No. Frame No. ECOPYHP V Amp Hz pH RPM SF Duty Code Ins. Cl. DES Type NEMA DES C Amb. Temp Rise Rating Misc.

Page 1 of 2 Equipment Record Form A Recommended Spare Parts Mechanical Nameplate Data Part Qty Part Name Cost Equip No. Make Serial No. Id. No. Model No. Frame No. HP V Amp Hz pH RPM SF Duty Code Ins. Cl. DES Type NEMA DES C Amb. Temp Rise Rating Misc.


Page 2 of 2 Equipment Record Form A EQUIPMENT RECORD FORM B (Electrical or Non-Motorized Mechanical Equipment):

Equip. Description: Equip. Loc.: Equip. No. Shop Dwg. No. Date Inst.: Cost: Mfgr.: Mfgr Contact Mfgr. Address: Phone: Vendor : Vendor Contact: Vendor Address: Phone:



Page 1 of 1 Equipment Record Form B (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


NOTE: This example equipment test report is provided for the benefit of the Supplier and is not specific to any piece of equipment to be installed as a part of this project. The example is furnished as a means of illustrating the level of detail required for the preparation of equipment test report forms for this project.

Project: Owner Contractor: Supplier: Equipment Name: Equipment Number: Specification Ref:


Supplier Engineer Verified Date Verified Date Mechanical Lubrication Alignment Anchor bolts Pump/mechanical equipment vibration testing Seal water system operational Equipment rotates freely Safety guards Valves operational O&M manual information complete Supplier’s installation certificate complete Electrical (Circuit ring-out and high-pot tests) Circuits: ECOPY Power to MCC Control to HOA

Page 1 of 4 Equipment Test Report Supplier Engineer D Verified Date Verified Date Indicators at MCC: Red (running) Green (power) Amber (auto) Indicators at local control panel Wiring labels complete Nameplates: MCC Control station Control panel Electrical equipment grounding verification Equipment bumped for rotation Piping Systems Cleaned and flushed Suction Discharge Pressure tests Temporary piping screens in place Thrust restraint and pipe supports in place Instrumentation and Controls Flow meter ______calibration Calibration Report No. Flow recorder______calibrated against transmitter VFD speed indicator calibrated against independent reference Discharge overpressure shutdown switch calibration Simulate discharge overpressure shutdown I/C equipment grounding verification ECOPY

Page 2 of 4 Equipment Test Report FUNCTIONAL TESTS

Supplier Engineer Verified Date Verified Date Mechanical Motor operation temperature satisfactory Pump operating temperature satisfactory Unusual noise, etc? Pump operation: gpm/ psig Pump Measurement: Flow/Pressure Test gage number Alignment hot Doweled in Pump/mechanical equipment vibration testing Remarks:

Electrical Local switch function: Runs in HAND No control power in OFF Timer control in AUTO Overpressure protection switch PS2502C functional in both HAND and AUTO Overpressure protection switch PS2502C set at 75 psig PLC 2500 set at 24 hr cycle, 25 min ON Motor amperage draw test ECOPY

Page 3 of 4 Equipment Test Report OPERATIONAL TEST

Supplier Engineer Verified Date Verified Date 48-hour continuous test: pump cycles as specified indicators functional controls functional pump maintains capacity overpressure protection remains functional hour meter functional


Engineer Date


Owner’s Representative Date ECOPY

Page 4 of 4 Equipment Test Report EXTENDED WARRANTY FORM (For Equipment, Material, Process)

Extended Warranty For: Product Name Specification Section No. Product Manufacturer Project: Location:

We hereby guarantee the Product Name that we have constructed for a period of # of Years (#) year(s), as specified in the Section noted above, from Date, the date of acceptance of the work/substantial completion and the assumption of occupancy and beneficial use by the Name of Owner.

The following are excluded from the provisions of this warranty:

We agree that if any of the equipment, material, or process designated for Product Name should fail due to any reason other than improper maintenance or improper operation, or should any portion of the work fail to fulfill any of the requirements of the Specifications, we will, within ten days after written notice of such defects, commence to repair or replace the same together with any other work which may be damaged or displaced in so doing. In the event of our failure to comply with the above mentioned conditions within a reasonable time after being notified, or should exigent circumstances require repairs or replacements to be made before we can be notified or respond to notification, we do hereby authorize the Name of Owner to proceed to have the defect repaired and made good at our expense, and we will pay the cost therefor upon demand.

The warranty provided herein shall not be in lieu of, but shall be in addition to any warranties or other obligations otherwise imposed by the Contract Documents and by law.

Manufacturer: Contractor:

Signed: Signed:

Title: Title: Date: ECOPY Date: Phone: Phone:

E-mail: E-mail:


Component Description Component Tag Name Manufacturer Location Name Site Model Serial # Equip

Range Unit General Notes Indicator Range 1) Attach Calibration Curves for dp Flowmeters 2) Include mounting elevations for level Instruments Input Range 3) All entries within solid box to be typed in prior to Output Range start of test

Designed Calibration Measured Calibration Input Eng. Signal Output Value Input Output Comments


Tested by Witnessed by ECOPY(print name) (print name) Signature Signature Date Date

Page 1 of 1 Instrumentation Data and Calibration Test Form MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION FORM

Contract No: Specification Section: Equipment Name Contractor: Manufacturer of Equipment Item:

The undersigned manufacturer of the equipment item described above hereby certifies that he has checked the installation of the equipment and that the equipment, as specified in the project manual, has been provided in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and that the trial operation of the equipment item has been satisfactory.


Date Manufacturer

Signature of Authorized Representative

Date Contractor

Signature of Authorized Representative ECOPY

Page 1 of 1 Manufacturer’s Installation Certification MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION FORM

Contract No: Specification Section: Equipment Name: Contractor: Manufacturer of Equipment Item:

The undersigned manufacturer certifies that a service engineer has instructed the owner’s staff in the proper maintenance and operation of the equipment designated herein.

Operations Check List (check appropriate spaces) Start-up procedure reviewed ☐ Shutdown procedure reviewed ☐ Normal operation procedure reviewed ☐ Others: ☐ ☐

Maintenance Check List (check appropriate spaces) Described normal oil changes (frequency) ☐ Described special tools required ☐ Described normal items to be reviewed for wear ☐ Described preventive maintenance instructions ☐ Described greasing frequency ☐ Others ☐ ☐


Date Signature of Authorized Representative

DateECOPY Signature of Owner's Representative

Date Signature of Contractor's Representative

Page 1 of 1 Manufacturer’s Instruction Certification MANUFACTURER’S REPRESENTATIVE SERVICE REPORT

Owner: File No. Project: Date: Project No.

 This form should be completed and returned by the manufacturer’s representative prior to leaving the site.

Manufacturer: MRSR No. Supplier: Contract/P.O. No. Manufacturer’s Representative Company


Work performed and tests made on equipment:

Factory errors corrected:

Field errors corrected:

The above equipment ___is ___is not ready to be placed in operation. Remarks:

Arrival onsite ______AM __PM Department from Site ______AM __PM Date Time Date Time

Actual total duration onsite was ______hours for period covered by this report.

Manufacturer’s Representative Signature Date Address: Phone No. Report ReceivedECOPY By: Signature Date Distribution:

Page 1 of 1 Manufacturer’s Representative Service Report OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION TRANSMITTAL

Submittal Description: Submittal No. # Copies:

1st Submission Re-Submittal Spec Section

Routing Date Date Owner: Sent Received Contractor/CM CM/Design Consultant Project: Design Consultant/CM Contractor: CM/Contractor

Supplier Name: Supplier Review Design Consultant Review Checklist Satisfactory N/A Accept Deficient 1. Table of Contents 2. Equipment Record Forms 3. Supplier/Vendor Contact Information 4. Safety Precautions 5. Operator Pre-Start 6. Start-up, Shutdown/Post-Shutdown Procedures 7. Normal Operations 8. Emergency Operations 9. Operator Service Requirements 10. Environmental Conditions 11. Lubrication Data 12. Preventative Maintenance Plan/Schedule 13. Troubleshooting Guide/Diagnostic Techniques 14. Wiring Diagrams and Control Diagrams 15. Maintenance and Repair Procedures 16. Removal and Replacement Procedures 17. Spare Parts and Supply List 18. Corrective Maintenance Man-hours 19. Parts Identification 20. Warranty Information 21. Personnel Training Requirements 22. Testing Equipment and Special Tool Information

Remarks: ECOPY

(Contractor’s Signature) (Supplier’s Signature)

Page 1 of 1 O&M Information Transmittal PIPE TEST RECORD


Project Name: Project No.: Contractor:

Pipeline Size & Name Pipe Type Pipe Location/Description

(SL), SN, IA, etc.) (DI, PVC, Steel, Copper, etc.) (Attach sketch if needed) Section Tested: First Test ☐ Length of Pipe Tested: From: Or Re-Test ☐ To: Ft.

Test Specifications Actual Test Results

Type of Test: Start pressure:

Type of Test: End Pressure: Start time Stop time Duration


Allowable loss: Actual loss:


Test Passes ☐ Test Fails ☐ ECOPY Tested By: Contractor

Test Witnessed By: Construction Inspector



Proposed “Or Equal Substitution Submittal Description Submittal No.

☐ 1st Submission ☐Re-Submittal Spec Section

Priority Level: ☐ Low ☐ Medium ☐ High ☐ On Critical Path Dwg/Detail No.

Date Date Routing Owner: Sent Received Contractor/CM

Project Name: CM/Design Consultant Design Consultant/CM

Contractor: CM/Contractor

Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution Item or Service

A. When the first specified item is followed by a second maker's name and "or equal," the Contractor may submit Proposed Equivalent items for the Engineer's review. Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution items that are in the Engineer's judgment equal to the first specified item in quality, utility, and appearance, will be Favorably Reviewed. Where a product description and first maker's name is followed by "or equal" with no second maker's name, it means the Engineer knows of no equivalent product and the Contractor may submit Proposed Equivalent products by other makers for review. Where the term "or equal" is omitted, it means that the named item is required to meet the Owner's needs; no products or makers other than those specified will be considered. B. This request shall include adequate technical information to fully describe the function and quality of the item. Submittals of Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution items that are not made within thirty (30) calendar days of the Notice to Proceed date will be rejected unless the Owner has agreed in writing to a later submittal date and the Contractor agrees to comply with all conditions of the Owner for the late submittal. If the Contractor's second attempt to obtain Favorable Review of a Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item is unsuccessful, the Contractor shall submit the first specified item. C. Inclusion of a second maker's name indicates the maker is acceptable but does not necessarily indicate the maker offers a standard product equal to the first specified item. Items by the second named maker are subject to the same conditions of review and compatibility as other Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution items. Inclusion of a maker's name and/or model number after a specification description is not a representation that the maker will furnish an item meeting the Contract requirements at bid time or at time of need. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to furnish items meeting the Contract requirements. D. The Engineer's review of Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution items is based solely on information provided by the Contractor and on the Contractor's warranty that the proposed item is equal in quality, utility, function and appearance to the first specified item. Favorable Review of a Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item has the same meaning and is subject to the same limitations that apply to the Favorable Review of Product Data and Shop Drawings described in the Contract Documents. E. Submit with proposal: 1. Description of item being proposed including the Manufacturer's model or product number. 2. Manufacturer's representation that the proposed “or equal” substitution item or service is equal to or superior to specifiedECOPY item in all respects. 3. Manufacturer's product data. 4. Information about several recent similar installations, including project name, owner's name, address, telephone number, and name of knowledgeable person to contact for information on performance of the product.

Page 1 of 2 Proposed Substitution 5. Whether a reduction in the Contract Price is being proposed. If so, provide a detailed cost breakdown substantiating the cost reduction. Consideration should be given to all extra costs and expenses necessary to make the proposed “or equal” substitution meet or exceed the all requirements found in the Contract Documents. 6. Whether a reduction in the Contract Time is being proposed. If so, provide schedule analysis substantiating the reduction in contract time and assumptions made in the schedule analysis. 7. Explain all known differences between the product specified and the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution. Explanation to consider such items as: a) Does the substitution affect dimensions shown on Drawings? b) Are the manufacturer's guarantees and warranties on the proposed substitution items identical to those on the specified items? If there are differences, please specify each and every difference in detail. c) Does the proposed “or equal” substitution impact other contractors, trades or suppliers? d) Is the proposed “or equal” substitution compatible with all other interrelated equipment, materials and products? e) Any differences in Operations and Maintenance costs? f) Any differences in available factory authorized repair centers with regards to response times and geographic location? g) Will use of proposed “or equal” substitution be subject to any license fee or royalty? h) Are there any color or pattern differences? If so, provide color and pattern samples?

The undersigned hereby:

1. Certifies that he/she has thoroughly investigated the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service and has determined that the function/utility, appearance and quality of the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service are equivalent or superior to those of the specified item; 2. Certifies that the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service is compatible with all interrelated equipment, materials, products and services unless otherwise explained in specific detail in this submittal; 3. Agrees to coordinate installation and make all other changes that may be required for Work to be complete in all respects at no additional cost to the Owner; 4. Waives all claims for additional costs and contract time due to late ordering of the specified products or services caused by requests for “Or Equal” Substitutions that are subsequently rejected by the Engineer; 5. Represents and warrants that the Contractor is solely responsible for any extra cost or expense necessary to make the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service fully equivalent to and compatible with the Contract Documents and will meet or exceed the Engineer’s design intent; 6. Agrees to compensate the Owner for all additional redesign costs associated with the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service and the cost of the Engineer’s review of the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service; 7. Waives all claims for additional costs and contract time which may subsequently become apparent; and 8. Agrees to comply with all additional requirements imposed by the Owner and Engineer should the Proposed “Or Equal” Substitution item or service is approved.

Submitted by: Contractor: ECOPY Name:

Signature: Title: Date:

Page 2 of 2 Proposed Substitution SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL

Submittal Description Submittal No.

☐ 1st Submission ☐Re-Submittal Priority Level: ☐ Low ☐ Medium ☐ High ☐ On Critical Path Spec Section

Dwg/Detail No.

Date Date Owner: Routing Sent Received Project Name: Contractor/CM CM/Design Consultant Contractor: Design Consultant/CM CM/Contractor

We are sending you: ☐ Attached ☐ Under separate cover via ☐ Submittals for review and comment ☐ Product Data for information only

No. Reviewer Reviewer Description Manufacturer Copies Action Initials

The Action Designated Above is in CONTRACTOR: Must certify one of the following statements pertaining to the Accordance with the Following Legend: transmittal or submittal sent for review:

A – No Exceptions Taken ☐ As the General Contractor for this project we certify that the material or B – Make Corrections Noted equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements, including C – Amend and Resubmit coordination with all related work specified (no exceptions) D – Rejected E – Review not Required ☐ As the General Contractor for this project we certify that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified except for the attached deviations.

Comments: ECOPY

Certified by: (Contractor’s Signature)

Page 1 of 1 Submittal Transmittal END OF SECTION


City of Healdsburg 01999 - 22 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Reference Forms 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Geotextile fabric.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Manufacturer’s Data: 1. Manufacturer’s name and product information 2. Certificate of Compliance 3. Minimum Average Roll Values (MARV)

1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Geosynthetic – A planar product manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, aggregate, or other geotechnical engineering materials as an integral part of a civil engineering project. B. Geotextile – a permeable geosynthetic comprised solely of textile materials (nonwoven or woven comprised of various synthetic polymers and manufactured by numerous processes).


A. Filter Fabric: 1. Used for subsurface drainage applications including retaining walls, trench drains and seepage control. 2. Allows water to flow through he geotextile while retaining soil particles. Filter must perform for the life of the drainage system by resisting clogging. B. Rock Slope Protection Fabric: WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Provides protection from erosion and scour when used in conjunction with ECOPYrock rip rap. Provides separation between earth and rock. C. Subgrade Enhancement Geotextile: 1. Located beneath aggregate base of both paved and unpaved roadways. Used as solids separation barrier for below grade structures.

City of Healdsburg 02071 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927

D. Geomembrane Support Fabric 1. Located beneath geomembrane liners for support and protection on pond bottoms and interior berm faces which will be exposed to the contained liquid.

1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Treat geotextiles to resist degradation from exposure to sunlight.

1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, unload, and store geotextile fabric in manufacturer's wrapping with a minimum amount of handling. B. Protect geotextile rolls from excessive dust, moisture, rainfall, mud, ultraviolet exposure, and debris. C. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations regarding storage.


2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. One of the following or equal: 1. US Fabrics 2. TenCate Mirafi

2.02 MATERIALS A. General 1. Fabric values are based on the State of California Department of Transportation Specifications (Caltrans) 2015 (Section 96) except for Geomembrane Support Fabric. B. Filter Fabric 1. Permeable, nonwoven 2. Polypropylene, polyester or a combination of both 3. When tested under the referenced ASTMs, the properties must have the WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION values shown in the following table. 4. Approved manufacturers a. US Fabrics, US160NW for Class C b. TenCate Mirafi, 160N for Class C

Filter Fabric (Caltrans 96-1.02B)

Values ECOPYQuality Characteristic Test Method Class A Class B Class C Permittivity (min, sec-1) ASTM D4491 0.5 0.2 0.1 Apparent opening size, average roll ASTM D4751 40 60 70 value, (max, US standard sieve size)

City of Healdsburg 02071 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927

Filter Fabric (Caltrans 96-1.02B) Values Quality Characteristic Test Method Class A Class B Class C Grab Breaking Load, 1-inch grip, in each ASTM D4632 157 direction (min, lb) Apparent elongation, in each direction ASTM D4632 50 (min, percent) Puncture strength, (min, lb) ASTM D6241 310 Trapezoid tearing strength, (min, lb) ASTM D4533 56 UV Resistance retained grab breaking ASTM D4355 70 load, 500 hours (min. percent)

C. Rock Slope Protection (RSP) Fabric 1. Permeable, nonwoven, needle-punched. 2. Polypropylene, polyester or a combination of both. 3. When tested under the referenced ASTMs, the properties must have the values shown in the following table. 4. Approved manufacturers a. US Fabrics, Class 8 – US 225NW; Class 10 – US 270NW b. TenCate Mirafi, Class 8 – 180NC; Class 10 – 1100NC

RSP Fabric (Caltrans 96-1.02I) Values Quality Characteristic Test Method Class 8 Class 10 Mass (oz/sq yd, min) ASTM D5261 7.5 9.5 Grab Breaking Load, 1-inch grip in each ASTM D4632 200 250 direction, (min, lb) Apparent elongation in each direction ASTM D4632 50 50 (min, percent) Permittivity (min, sec-1) ASTM D4491 1.0 0.70

Apparent opening size (min and max, U.S. ASTM D4751 70-100 70-100 Standard sieve size) UV Resistance, retained grab breaking ASTM D4355 70 70 load, 500 hours, (min, percent)

D. Subgrade Enhancement Fabric 1. Polyester or polypropylene. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.ECOPY When tested under the referenced ASTMs, the properties must have the values shown in the following table. 3. Approved manufacturers a. US Fabrics

City of Healdsburg 02071 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927

Subgrade Enhancement Geotextile (Caltrans 96-1.02O) Requirement(a) Class Class Class Class Class Quality Characteristic Test Method A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 Elongation at break, (percent) ASTM D4632 <50 ≥50 <50 <50 ≥50 Grab Breaking Load, 1-inch grip in each ASTM D4632 250 160 -- 320 200 direction, (min, lb) Wide width tensile strength at 5 percent ASTM D4595 -- -- 2,000 -- -- strain, (min, lb/ft) Wide width tensile strength at ultimate ASTM D4595 -- -- 4,800 -- -- strength, (min, lb/ft) Tear strength, (min, lb) ASTM D4533 90 60 -- 120 80 Puncture strength, (min, lb) ASTM D6241 500 310 620 620 430 Permittivity, (min, sec-1) ASTM D4491 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.20 0.20 Apparent opening size, (min, inches) ASTM D4751 0.012 0.012 0.024 0.012 0.012 UV Resistance, retained grab breaking ASTM D4355 70 70 70 70 70 load, 500 hours, (min, percent) (a) Values are based on minimum average roll value in the weaker principal direction except apparent opening size is based on maximum average roll value.

E. Geomembrane Support Fabric 1. Permeable, non-woven, needle punched 2. Polypropylene or polyester fabric of uniform thickness and surface texture 3. When tested under the referenced ASTMs, the properties must have the values shown in the following table. 4. Approved manufacturers a. US Fabrics, 380NV b. TenCate Mirafi, S1600 Geomembrane Support Fabric

Quality Characteristic Test Method Values WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION Mass (oz/sq yd, min) ASTM D5261 16 Thickness, (mils) ASTM D5199 175 Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4632 380 (min, pounds) Grab Tensile Elongation ASTM D4632 50 (min, percent)

TrapezoidECOPY Tear Strength (min, pounds) ASTM D4533 145 CBR Puncture Strength (min, pounds) ASTM D6241 1080 UV Resistance, retained grab breaking ASTM D4355 70 load, 500 hours, (min, percent)

City of Healdsburg 02071 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927


3.01 PREPARATION A. Subgrade and earthwork as specified in Section 02300.

3.02 PLACEMENT A. Roll Length: Minimum length of 300 feet. B. Handle geotextile fabric in a manner that will not damage fabric. C. Place geotextile with no wrinkles or folds.

3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install as shown on the Drawings and per manufacturer’s installation instructions.



City of Healdsburg 02071 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927



City of Healdsburg 02071 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Geotextile Fabric 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. High density polyethylene geomembrane liner.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 02071 – Geotextile Fabric 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Batch: Quantity of resin, usually 1 railcar, used in fabrication of high density polyethylene geomembrane rolls with number corresponding to resin batch. B. Bridging: Condition existing when geomembrane is not in contact with underlying material. C. Extrudate: High density polyethylene material produced in form of rods used to extrusion weld panels of geomembrane together. D. Geomembrane: Very-low permeability synthetic flexible membrane liner barrier used to minimize fluid migration. E. Geomembrane Contractor: Entity responsible for receiving liner material from Liner Manufacturer, field handling, storing, subgrade approval, installing geomembrane seaming, temporarily restraining against wind, field quality control, laboratory testing, and providing installation warranty. F. Geomembrane Subsurface: Material surface upon which geomembrane is placed. G. Liner Manufacturer: Entity responsible for manufacturing of material, source quality control, shipping liner material to Geomembrane Contractor, subgrade approval and providing material warranty. H. Quality Assurance Consultant or Testing Laboratory: Entity, independent from the Contractor, responsible for conducting laboratory tests on samples of geomembrane obtained at the site by the Geomembrane Contractor. I. Panel: Unit of geomembrane area, roll, or portion of roll that will be seamed on the site. J. Panel Layout Drawings: Drawings indicating panel numbers, field seams, and WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST details.ECOPY K. Subgrade: In situ material.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include manufacturer's specifications, description of seaming by extrusion welding and hot wedge welding, descriptive drawings, product identification, supplier of polymer resin, and recommended method of material handling and storage prior to installation. B. Quality Assurance Program: Include polymer resin supplier, product identification, acceptance testing, production testing, installation testing, and documentation of changes, alterations, repairs, retests, and acceptance. C. Statement of Resin and Geomembrane Production Dates. D. Factory Test Results and Material Certification: Demonstrate conformance with Contract requirements and certify that material delivered is similar and of same formulation as that for which test results are submitted. E. Shop Drawings: Include panel layout drawings, procedures, and schedule, geomembrane sheet layout with proposed sizes, number, position, and sequence of sheet placement, and location of field seams and intermediate and final anchor trenches. F. Subsurface Certification: Certify acceptance of subsurface, as specified in Paragraph 3.02C. G. Welder Certification: Certify availability and each welder's performance record including linear feet of welds completed, number of samples tested and weld test failure rate, and qualifications. H. Record Drawings: Include identity and location of each repair, cap strip, penetration, boot, and sample taken from installed geomembrane for testing. I. Quality Control Record: Identify each test by date and sample, date of test, sample location, name of individual who performed test, and standard test method used. J. Weld Test Summary Report: Show normal distribution of test results, and individual test results identifying high, low, and average of 5 coupon samples for each test. K. Geomembrane Contractor Qualifications: Demonstrate compliance with Paragraph 1.06A. L. Testing Laboratory Qualifications: Demonstrate ability to conduct specified quality


1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Geomembrane Contractor Qualifications: Liner fabricator and installer of geomembranes for minimum 20 projects similar in complexity and size as the Project, and minimum 20 million square feet of geomembrane. Certified by the liner manufacturer/fabricator Project personnel shall include: 1. Superintendent or Foreman with minimum experience on 5 projects similar

ECOPYin complexity and size as the Project. 2. Master welder with minimum of 10,000,000 square feet of geomembrane seaming experience.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3. Welders with minimum of 1,000,000 square feet of geomembrane seaming experience. B. Liner Manufacturer 1. Minimum 50,000,000 square ft.

1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, unload, and store geomembrane with minimum handling. B. Protect materials from mud, soil, dirt, and debris. C. Store geomembrane directly on prepared level surface, maximum 3 rolls high. Rolls shall be completely covered. D. Geomembrane Contractor shall adhere to all of Liner Manufacturer's recommendations regarding liner storage and handling.

1.07 APPROVAL OF SUBGRADE A. The entire surface upon which the membrane lining is to be placed shall be prepared to produce a firm surface, even and smooth, free of rocks, stones, sticks, roots, sharp objects, or debris of any kind. The surface shall provide a firm, unyielding foundation for the membrane with no sudden, sharp, or abrupt changes or break in grade. No standing water or excessive moisture shall be allowed immediately prior to liner placement. B. The Geomembrane Contractor shall certify in writing that the surface upon which the lining is to be placed is acceptable for installation of the liner. Installation of the liner shall not commence until this certification is furnished to the Engineer.

1.08 WARRANTY A. The Geomembrane Contractor shall provide, directly to the Owner, a two (2) year warranty on liner material, field and factory seams, workmanship, and installation. B. The Liner Manufacturer shall provide directly to the Owner an extended twenty (20) year warranty on the liner material.


2.01 GEOMEMBRANE A. Type: First quality unmodified high density polyethylene, designed and manufactured specifically for reservoir and pond lining containing the following: 1. No plasticizers, fillers, chemical additives, reclaimed polymers, or extenders. 2. Minimum 2 percent carbon black. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Maximum 1.5 percent anti-oxidants and heat stabilizers. 4. Resin manufactured in United States or Canada. B. Width: Minimum 22.5 feet with no factory seams.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

C. Roll Identification: Unique number printed on label affixed to inside and outside of roll, and continuous name of manufacturer, thickness, material type, and date of manufacturer printed on membrane. D. Surface Texture: Smooth. E. Resin Properties 1. Specific Gravity of Resin: Minimum 0.932 grams per cubic centimeter when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1505, Condition A. 2. Melt Index of Resin: Maximum < 1.0 grams per 10 minutes when tested in accordance with ASTM D1238, Condition E. F. Membrane Properties: As follows:

SOOTH BLACK-SURFACED MEMBRANE PROPERTIES Properties Test Methods Frequency Typical Values ASTM D5199 for Smooth Liner Thickness, mils D5994 for Textured (1) 60 Density (g/cc) ASTM D1505A (3) 0.94 Melt Flow Index (G/10 min) ASTM D1238E (4) < 1.0 ASTM D638, Type IV, Dumb- Tensile Properties (typical) bell at 2 ipm (2) -- Strength (ppi): 1. at Yield (ppi) -- -- 126 2. at Break (ppi) -- -- 228 Elongation (percent): 1. at Yield -- -- 12 2. at Break (2.0 inch long) -- -- 700 Tear Resistance Initiation (pounds) ASTM D1004 Die C (2) 42 Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (hours) ASTM D5397 (5) 400 Puncture Resistance (pounds) ASTM D4833 (2) 144 Carbon Black:

1. Content (percent) ASTM D1603 (3) 2-3 WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 2. Dispersion ASTM D5596 (3) (6) (1) Thickness shall be measured 10 times per roll. (2) 1 per 50,000 square feet. (3) 1 per 100,000 square feet. (4) 1 per resin batch. (5) Certification only required. (6) Only near sphericalECOPY agglomerates are considered. 9 of 10 views shall be Category 1 or 2. No more than one view Category 3.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

SINGLE SIDED TEXTURED BLACK-SURFACED MEMBRANE PROPERTIES Properties Test Methods Frequency Typical Values Liner Thickness, mils ASTM D5994 for Textured (1) 60 Density (g/cc) ASTM D 1505A (3) 0.94 Melt Flow Index (G/10 min) ASTM D 1238E (4) < 1.0 Tensile Properties (Typical) ASTM D 6693 (2) -- Strength (ppi): at Yield (ppi) -- 126 at Break (ppi) -- 90 Asperity Height (mls) ASTM D 7466 -- 18 Elongation (Percent): at Yield -- 12 at Break (2.0 inch long) -- 100 Tear Resistance Initiation (pounds) ASTM D 1004 Die C (2) 42 Stress Crack Resistance ASTM D 5397 (5) 400 Puncture Resistance (lbs) ASTM D4833 (2) 90 Carbon Black: 1. Content (Percent) ASTM D 1603 (3) 2 2. Dispersion ASTM D5596 (3) (6) (1) Thickness shall be measured 5 times per roll. (2) 1 per 50,000 square feet. (3) 1 per 100,000 square feet. (4) 1 per resin batch. (5) Certification only required. (6) Only near spherical agglomerates are considered. 9 of 10 views shall be Category 1 or 2. No more than one view Category 3.

2.02 RELATED MATERIALS A. Extrudate: Made from same resin as geomembrane, free of contamination by

moisture or foreign matter, additives thoroughly dispersed.

2.03 SAFETY ROPE A. Safety Rope: 5/8-inch diameter solid braided black polypropylene with knots tied at 18-inch intervals. B. Length: Adequate to reach with slack from the anchor to the toe of the pond in one piece without splicing. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.04 EQUIPMENTECOPY A. Welding Equipment: Equipped with gauges showing temperature at nozzle for extrusion welder, or at wedge for wedge welder. B. Field Tensiometer: Geomembrane Contractor may elect to utilize field tensiometer during course of the work to determine quality of welds without waiting for

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

laboratory test results. Build to ASTM specifications; accompanied by evidence of recent calibration; motor driven with jaws capable of traveling at 2 inches per minute; equipped with gauge that measures force in unit pounds exerted between jaws with digital readout. Field test results are for Geomembrane Contractor's use and will not be accepted by the Engineer as quality control tests. C. Punch Press: Capable of cutting specimens in accordance with ASTM D4437. D. Vacuum Box: With transparent viewing window on top and soft, closed-cell neoprene gasket attached to bottom; rigid housing equipped with bleed valve and vacuum gauge; separate vacuum source connected to vacuum box; capable of inducing and maintaining vacuum of 5 inches mercury.


3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper installation of geomembrane.

3.02 PREPARATION A. Prepare subgrade in accordance with Section 02300. Repair damage to geomembrane subsurface during geomembrane deployment or other activities prior to installation. B. Verify smooth subsurface without protrusions, sharp objects and deleterious materials. Round excavation and grade change edges to minimum 3 inch radius. No standing water or excessive moisture shall be allowed immediately prior to placement. C. The Geomembrane Contractor shall certify, in writing, that the surface upon which the lining is to be placed is acceptable for installation of the liner. No installation of lining shall commence until these certifications are furnished to and accepted by the Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the Geomembrane Contractor to keep the subgrade surface in the certified accepted condition until complete installation of the lining is accomplished. D. Place HDPE liner on geotextile installed in accordance with Section 02071. E. Place geomembrane when air temperature is greater than 25 degrees Fahrenheit

and increasing, and less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION

3.03 DEPLOYMENT A. Assign each deployed panel with simple and logical identifying code consistent with panel layout drawing. Deploy no more panels than can be welded during same day. Do not leave temporary tack welded seams overnight. B. Orient panels so that seams are perpendicular to line of slope crest, or down, and not across slope. ECOPY C. Unroll geomembrane panels using methods that will not damage, stretch, or crimp geomembrane. Protect underlying subsurface from damage. Use ballast that will not damage geomembrane to prevent wind uplift. Minimize wrinkles. Remove folds.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

D. Do not engage in activities that may damage geomembrane. Wear shoes that will not damage geomembrane. Prohibit smoking while working on geomembrane. E. Prohibit vehicular traffic directly on geomembrane. Prevent equipment from damaging geomembrane by handling, trafficking, leakage of hydrocarbons, or other means. Do not use geomembrane surface as work area, for preparing patches, storing tools and supplies, or other uses. Spread out protective cover as work area when needed. F. Provide sufficient material to allow for geomembrane shrinkage and contraction to avoid bridging. Obtain Engineer’s acceptance of methods used to determine amount of additional material.

3.04 SEAMING A. Utilize the hot wedge seaming technique to seam geomembrane panels together. Extrusion welding shall only be utilized in areas that do not allow use of the hot wedge seaming apparatus. Hot wedge seaming apparatus shall produce two parallel welds with an air gap between the welds which is suitable for pressure testing the integrity of the seam. B. Use seam coding system that is compatible with panel coding system. C. Clean geomembrane surface of grease, moisture, dust, dirt, debris, or other foreign material with solvents or adhesives. Overlap panels by minimum 4 inches at welds. Weld seams to outside edge of panels placed under anchor berms or in anchor trenches. D. Cut fishmouths or wrinkles at seam overlaps to achieve flat overlap. Extrusion weld or patch cut fishmouths or wrinkles where overlap is more than 3 inches. With less than 3-inch overlaps, use oval or round patch that extends at least 6 inches beyond cut in every direction. E. Weld seams only when ambient temperature is between 40 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit as measured 12 inches above geomembrane surface. F. Extrusion Welding: Remove heat-degraded extrudate from welding apparatus before welding. Abrade geomembrane surface no more than 1/4 inch beyond weld bead area with disc grinder, or equivalent, not more than 1/2 hour before extruding seam. Bevel top edges of 60 mil thick geomembrane or thicker at 45 degrees using

hand held grinders. Do not grind more than 10 percent of liner thickness. G. Hot-Wedge Seaming: Use automated, vehicular-mounted welding apparatus, equipped with devices giving applicable temperatures and pressures. Grind edges of cross seams to smooth incline, top and bottom, prior to welding. H. Trial Welds: Perform on geomembrane to verify welding equipment operations and performance of seaming methods and conditions. Make minimum 2 trial welds per day or shift per welding apparatus. Make minimum trial welds prior to start of work and at mid-shift. Make welds under same surface and environmental conditions as WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST productionECOPY welds. I. Trial Weld Testing: Cut 4-foot-long by 2-foot-wide sample with seam centered lengthwise. Cut three 1-inch wide test strips from trial weld. Test each specimen in field for peel and shear. Retain remaining sample for future testing. For double- wedge welding, test both welds individually.

City of Healdsburg 02075 - 7 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Density Polyethylene Geomembrane Liner 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Geomembrane Contractor shall select a Testing Laboratory to perform Quality Assurance testing and shall pay for all laboratory testing costs. B. Conformance Testing by Testing Laboratory 1. Geomembrane Contractor shall obtain one sample of geomembrane liner, 3-foot-long by entire width of roll, excluding first 3 feet, per 100,000 square feet and provide to Testing Laboratory. 2. Perform test to determine geomembrane density, thickness, tensile strength, carbon black content, and carbon black dispersion. C. Other Testing by Contractor 1. Non-destructively test field seams over full length using vacuum test unit, air pressure for double fusion seams only, or other methods acceptable to Construction Manager. 2. Perform vacuum, air-pressure, or spark testing as seaming progresses. D. Vacuum Testing 1. Use equipment consisting of vacuum box assembly with rigid housing, transparent viewing window, and soft neoprene gasket attached to bottom, port hole or valve assembly, vacuum gauge, vacuum pump assembly with pressure control, rubber pressure and vacuum hose with fittings and connections, soapy solution and applicator. 2. Brush soapy solution on geomembrane. 3. Place vacuum box over wetted seam area. 4. Ensure leak-tight seal. 5. Apply vacuum of approximately 5 pounds per square inch. 6. Examine geomembrane through viewing window for presence of soap bubbles for minimum 15 seconds. 7. Mark areas where soap bubbles appear. 8. Repair defective areas. E. Air Pressure Testing For Double Seams with Enclosed Space WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1. Use equipment consisting of manual or motor driven air pump with pressure gauge capable of generating and sustaining pressure over 30 pounds per square inch and mounted on cushion to protect geomembrane, rubber hose with fittings and connections, sharp hollow needle or other pressure feed device, and pressure gauge with accuracy of plus or minus 1 pound per square inch. 2. Seal both ends of seams to be tested.

3.ECOPY Insert needle or other pressure-feed device into channels created by double-wedge welds. 4. Energize air pump to minimum pressure of 30 pounds per square inch, close valve, and sustain pressure for minimum 5 minutes.

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5. When pressure loss exceeds 2 pounds per square inch or does not stabilize, locate and repair defective area. 6. Puncture opposite end of seams to release air. 7. When blockage is present, locate and test seam on both sides of blockage. 8. Seal test needle penetration holes by extrusion welding. F. Spark Testing: Test extrusion welded seams that cannot be tested by vacuum box. Place 24 gauge copper wire 1/8 inch under top sheet overlap. Test with Holiday detector operating at 20,000 volts. G. Destructive Test Sampling 1. Collect one 18 by 40-inch sample with seam centered lengthwise, per 500 feet of seam length where directed by the Owner’s Representative. 2. Identify each sample, mark sample number and location on panel layout drawing, and cut sample into 3 equal parts: 1 for Owner, 1 for Contractor, and 1 for testing laboratory testing. 3. Immediately repair holes in geomembrane resulting from sampling. 4. Vacuum test repaired area for continuity. H. Laboratory Testing 1. Test seam welds from samples for peel adhesion and shear strength in accordance with ASTM D6392. 2. Test minimum 5 coupons from each sample for each test method. 3. Test adjacent coupons by different testing methods. 4. Test both welds of double-wedge seam samples. 5. Welds shall be considered unacceptable when sample exhibits film tearing bond type of separation before geomembrane or when shear strength and peel adhesion fails to withstand the following minimum stresses:

Minimum Acceptable Stress, Test lbs/inch width

Shear Strength 121 Peel Adhesion Wedge Weld 98 Extrusion Weld 78

6. Submit testing results verbally within 24 hours and in writing within 2 days of receipt of samples. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST I. RepairECOPY defective seams uncovered by testing by one of the following methods: 1. Reconstruct seams between 2 passed test locations. 2. Trace welds to intermediate locations at least 10 feet or to where seams end, in both directions from failed test locations. Check adjacent seams welded using same welding device when required to obtain additional

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samples. Take bounding samples for testing. When bounding samples pass, reconstruct seams between passed test locations. When bounding samples fail, repeat process until additional bounding samples pass. J. Reconstruct seams by extrusion welding of previously wedge welded seams, cap stripping of seams, or replacing seams with new 1-foot wide panels and welding in place, or other Construction Manager accepted method.

3.06 REPAIR OF DEFECTS A. Examine geomembrane for defects, holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials, and signs of contamination by foreign matter. Clean geomembrane surfaces during examination. Repair and non-destructively test suspect locations. Do not cover geomembrane at locations that have been repaired until accepted by the Construction Manager. B. Remove and replace geomembrane that cannot be satisfactorily repaired with new. C. Repair portions of geomembrane exhibiting flaws, or failing testing by one of the following methods: 1. Patching: For holes larger than 3/8-inch diameter, tears over 2 inches long, undispersed raw materials, and contamination by foreign matter. 2. Abrading and Re-Welding: For small seam section less than 12 inches long. 3. Spot Welding: For small tears less than 2 inches long, pinholes, or other minor, localized flaws. 4. Capping: For large lengths of failed seams. 5. Replacement with New: For unsatisfactory materials. D. For extrusion welds only, repair geomembrane surfaces to be repaired within 1/2 hour of being abraded. Extend patches or caps at least 6 inches beyond edges of defects. Round corners of materials to be patched and patches to minimum 3-inch radius. Cut geomembrane below large caps to avoid water or gas collection between 2 sheets. E. Verify repairs meet specified requirements by testing additional samples.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for controlled low strength material (CLSM) as backfill material in specific locations.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 DEFINITION A. Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM): A highly flowable, lean concrete mix consisting of a mixture of cement, fly ash, densely graded mineral aggregates, water and admixtures. Characteristics include: 1. Capable of freely flowing to fill excavations and voids without compaction or other additional effort. 2. Used in trenches and for backfill adjacent to structures where clearance is limited, and in other areas specifically identified on the Drawings or specified. 3. Low permeability to prevent migration of adjacent fines into the set mix. 4. Easily excavated after curing with minimum risk of damage to buried utility.

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Mix Design: Identify name and/or number of the mix design. Provide the proportions and gradations of materials proposed for CLSM.

C. Certified test results for compressive strength.

1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Demonstrate that the CLSM mix meets the specified requirements, including compressive strength. GUIDE SPECIFICATIONGUIDE B. Enlist the services of a testing laboratory to prepare test cylinders and to transport cylinders to the laboratory for testing. WEST YOST YOST WEST C. TestingECOPY expenses shall be borne by the Contractor. D. Test Cylinders 1. Procedure: Make 6-inch diameter by 12-inch high test cylinders in accordance with ASTM D4832.

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2. Required Number: Not less than 3 cylinders for each 200 cubic yards of CLSM placed, with a minimum of 3 cylinders for each location where CLSM is used. 3. Test two cylinders at 28 days, third cylinder is spare. E. Field Testing: 1. Test flow consistency per ASTM D6103. 2. Test flow consistency once every 200 cubic yards of CLSM placed.


2.01 GENERAL A. CLSM Mix: A mixture of Portland cement, fly ash, aggregate, water, and admixtures that produce a material of controlled density and of low compressive strength capable of filling all spaces between the pipe, the bedding and the trench walls.

2.02 MATERIALS A. Cement: Conforming to ASTM C150, Type II or III with total alkali content not more than 0.8 percent. B. Water: Clean, potable water. C. Fly Ash 1. Mix Designs used for Pipe Bedding and Trench Backfill: Class F in conformance with ASTM C618. 2. Mix Designs used for Backfill of Excavations: Class F in conformance with ASTM C618. D. Aggregate Materials 1. Densely graded rock conforming to the following gradation:

Sieve Size Percentage Passing 1” 100 No. 8 50-100


2.03 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Water-cement Ratio: Not to exceed 3.5. B. Minimum Cement Content: 50 pounds per cubic yard. C. Use fly ash to improve flow-ability of the fresh CLSM and to regulate the strength. Do not use more than 300 pounds per cubic yard. ECOPY D. Compressive Strength Requirements 1. Mix Designs used for Pipe Bedding and Trench Backfill: Compressive strength at 28 days between 100 psi and 150 psi as determined in accordance with ASTM D4832.

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2. Mix Designs used for Excavation Support and Protection: Compressive strength at 28 days between 600 psi as determined in accordance with ASTM D4832.

2.04 CONSISTENCY AND MIXING A. Consistency: Similar to that of a thick liquid so that it flows readily and fills spaces and voids around pipes and structures. B. Slump: Between 6 inches and 8 inches when tested in accordance with ASTM C143. C. Uniform consistency and appearance. D. Mixing Method and Time: As required to produce a uniform mixture of cement, fly ash, aggregate, admixtures, and water.

2.05 MEASUREMENT OF MATERIALS A. Use weighing equipment to determine the amount of cement, fly ash, and aggregate entering into each batch. Where batches are proportioned to contain an integral number of conventional sacks of cement, and the cement is delivered at the mixer in the original unbroken sacks, the weight of the cement contained in each sack may be taken without weighing as 94 lbs. B. Use a suitable water meter or other acceptable method of measuring the quantity of water entering the mixer.


3.01 PLACEMENT A. Thoroughly settle and consolidate CLSM as the material is placed in excavations. Fill the entire depth of the layer that is being consolidated, into a dense, homogeneous mass, filling all spaces and voids and bringing only a slight excess of water to the exposed surface. Place and consolidate CLSM by means that will not cause segregation of the mix. B. Do not place CLSM under the following conditions: 1. When the air temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. When the excavation contains water or when the bottom or walls of the excavation are frozen or contain frozen material. C. Prevent flotation of pipes by placing CLSM in two or more lifts, with each lift reaching an initial set before the succeeding lift is placed. Correct any flotation and

GUIDE SPECIFICATIONGUIDE displacement of pipelines.


WEST YOST YOST WEST A. Protect CLSM from equipment, traffic and backfilling operations until the surface hasECOPY achieved an initial set and has hardened enough to develop a minimum penetration number of 650 when tested in accordance with ASTM C403. B. If the trench backfill is not to be placed over the CLSM within eight hours after CLSM placement, place a 6-inch layer of moist backfill over the CLSM.

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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Precast concrete manholes, catch basins and utility vaults. B. Manhole, catch basin and utility vault frames and covers.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 08385 – Aluminum Utility Vault Doors 3. Section 15951 – Testing Gravity Flow Pipelines

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Product Data: 1. Manhole barrels, bases, cones, grade rings, tops, frames, and covers. 2. Compression connectors for connecting piping to manholes. 3. Catch basin sections, basins, tops, frames, and grates 4. Utility vault access hatches. 5. Accessories for utility vaults. C. Utility Structure Details: 1. Manufacturer’s standard shop drawings for each size and type of precast utility structure.

a. Provide dimensions of structure. b. Identify location of each type of insert cast into the structure. 2. Illustrate construction details related to joints between precast sections, method of connecting pipe to the structure, size and location of pipe penetrations, reinforcement details and concrete mix design. D. Structural Design: 1. Laboratory results verifying compressive strength of concrete mix design

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST used in the manufacture of precast concrete utility structures. 2.ECOPY Calculations and related sketches prepared, stamped and signed by a civil or structural Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California.

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1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Concrete Mix Design for products covered by this Section: 1. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4,000 psi at 28 days. 2. Cement: Type II low alkali Portland cement meeting requirements of ASTM C150. 3. Fly Ash: Class C or Class F meeting requirements of ASTM C618, not to exceed 25 percent by weight. 4. Aggregates: Conform to requirements of ASTM C33. B. Manhole Risers, Conical Tapered Sections, Grade Rings and Flat Top Sections: Comply with design requirements specified in ASTM C478. C. Catch Basins: 1. Conform to ASTM C858. 2. Base design and manufacture to A-16 (HS 20-44) loading in accordance with ASTM C857. D. Utility Vaults: 1. Base design and manufacture to A-16 (HS 20-44) loading with 30 percent impact in accordance with ASTM C857. 2. Traffic Loads: a. Utility Vaults in Roadways: H-20 structural load rating according to AASHTO HB 17. b. Utility Vaults in Driveways, Parking Lots and other Off-Roadway Locations: H-10 structural load rating according to AASHTO HB 17. 3. Earth Loads: Design for lateral earth pressure of 85 pounds per cubic foot and equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pounds per cubic foot applied at a depth of 1/3 H below the ground surface where H is the height of the utility vault. 4. Buoyancy: Select wall and slab thicknesses to provide sufficient weight against buoyancy due to groundwater elevations. a. Consider groundwater elevation at the ground surface. b. Utilize a safety factor of 1.1. c. Do not take credit for friction forces that may develop between the WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION soil backfill and concrete walls of the utility vault. 5. Access Hatch Loading Criteria: a. Access hatches subject to wheel loads from vehicular traffic: H-20 structural load rating according to AASHTO HB 17. b. Access hatches not subject to wheel loads from vehicular traffic: 200 pounds per square foot with a deflection not to exceed 1/150 ECOPYof the span. 1.05 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of utility structures with the final arrangement of other utilities, site grading, and surface features as determined in the field.

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2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLES A. Conform to the requirements of ASTM C478. B. Construct precast reinforced concrete manholes in accordance with design, size, shape, form and details indicated on the Drawings and specified. C. Conical Tapered Sections: Use eccentric type cones with same wall thickness and reinforcement as riser sections. D. Manhole Bases: 1. Either pre-cast or cast-in-place. 2. Pre-cast bases: a. Conform to ASTM C478 3. Cast-in-place bases: a. As indicated on the Drawings and specified herein. b. Place a bedding of 12 inches (minimum) of compacted crushed rock under the cast-in-place base. c. Vibrate concrete to reduce porosity for vacuum testing. d. Concrete: Class A, six sack mix conforming to ASTM C150 Specifications with Type V cement for sulfate protection. e. Form the top of the base to accept the first barrel section. Wet setting is not permitted. f. Install joint sealant on the first joint after the joint has been inspected and approved for stacking manhole barrel. g. Cure the cast-in-place manhole base concrete a minimum of 24-hours before stacking the barrel sections. E. Access Hatches: Conform to Section 08385. F. Accessories: 1. Compression Pipe Connectors: a. Integrally cast compression connector

b. Sized for the pipe material, pipe size and allowable opening size in structures with slide gates. c. Meeting the requirement of ASTM C-923 d. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) “A-LOK Premium” flexible connector as manufactured by A- LOK Products, Inc. 2) “Cast-Seal 603” flexible connector as manufactured by WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYPress-Seal Corporation 2. Joint Sealing Compound: Preformed cold-applied ready-to-use plastic joint sealing compound. a. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) Quikset Utility Vaults, Quik-Seal.

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2) K. T. Snyder Company, Ram-Neck.

2.02 PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASINS A. Provide precast concrete catch basins, drop inlets, curb inlets or other storm drain inlets as indicated on the Drawings. B. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Jensen Precast 2. Oldcastle Precast 3. Christy Concrete Products. 4. Utility Concrete Products. C. Description: 1. Factory-fabricated, reinforced concrete box. 2. Open or integral closed bottom as indicated on the Drawings or as scheduled. 3. Monolithically poured walls and bottom, unless open-bottom vaults are indicated on the Drawings or scheduled. D. Materials 1. Concrete: 5,000 psi at 28 days 2. Reinforcing steel: ASTM A615 grade 60 3. Mesh: Welded wire fabric ASTM A185 grade 65

2.03 PRECAST CONCRETE UTILITY VAULTS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Jensen Precast 2. Oldcastle Precast 3. Utility Concrete Products, LLC. 4. Utility Vault Company. B. Description: WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1. Factory-fabricated, reinforced concrete vault with cover and accessories. 2. Open or integral closed bottom as indicated on the Drawings or as scheduled. 3. Monolithically poured walls and bottom, unless open-bottom vaults are indicated on the Drawings or scheduled. C. Frame and Cover: ECOPY 1. Unless access hatches are indicated or specified, fabricate steel frame and cover for utility vault openings. 2. Frame: Galvanized steel or aluminum. 3. Cover: Galvanized steel or aluminum with diamond pattern.

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4. Provide 1-inch diameter pick hole for each cover piece unless otherwise indicated. 5. Split cover into pieces such that the maximum weight of each piece is less than 80 pounds.


3.01 MANUFACTURE A. Utilize a central batching facility to ensure accurate weighing and mixing of materials to consistently obtain a suitable concrete mix. B. Concrete Batching: Properly proportion sand, aggregate and cement with sufficient water to produce a concrete mix of uniform quality and slump. C. Concrete Compaction: Use either external or internal mechanical vibration during placement of the concrete mix within the forms. D. Curing: Steam cure concrete while still in the forms and after an initial set has taken place. 1. Steam temperature: Not to exceed 160 degrees F, nor raised from normal ambient temperature at a rate exceeding 40 degrees F per hour. 2. Terminate steam curing after sufficient time has elapsed to produce adequate strength to withstand any structural strain that may occur during the form stripping operation. 3. Additional curing may be applied by means of water spraying or membrane curing compound to reach the ultimate strength requirements. E. Reinforcing Steel: Position within the forms as required for design loads. Tie reinforcing steel sufficiently to withstand displacement during the pouring operation.

3.02 INSTALLATION A. Concrete Manholes: 1. Manhole Bases: May be pre-cast or cast-in-place at Contractor’s option. If cast-in-place base is used:

a. Form that portion of base above invert elevation of sewer pipe to provide smooth channel section as indicated on the Drawings. b. Place base concrete as a monolith. 2. Manhole Invert: Construct with smooth transitions to provide an unobstructed flow path through the manhole. Remove sharp edges and rough sections. a. When a full section of pipe is laid through the manhole, break out WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST the top portion of the pipe. Cover the exposed edge of pipe with ECOPYmortar and trowel smooth. 3. Manhole Sections: a. Set each manhole section plumb.

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b. Use sections of various heights and adjustment rings in order to bring top of manhole ring and cover to required elevation. 4. Joints in Manhole Sections: a. Seal joints with joint sealing compound. b. Clean joints with brush, prime and apply sealing compound in accordance with manufacture’s printed instructions. c. Remove silicon treated protective paper from one side of preformed rope and lay preformed rope, paper side up, on cleaned joint surface. Press surface firmly end-to-end around entire joint, making minimum 1-inch laps where necessary. Remove protective paper from preformed rope and lower next section into place. d. Seal joints watertight. 5. Install access hatches per Section 08385. B. Catch Basins: 1. Install catch basins level and plumb and with orientation and depth coordinated with connecting pipes. 2. Support catch basin on a level bed of aggregate base material, 6 inches deep and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. 3. Seal joints with joint sealing compound. Clean joints and apply sealing compound in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. 4. Finish Elevations of Catch Basins a. Paved Areas, Roadway Shoulders and Other Areas of Vehicular Traffic: Set structure so that cover is flush with finished pavement elevation ±0.25 inch. b. Other Locations: Set catch basin flush with finished grade ± 1 inch 5. Covers: install covers and perform necessary cleaning and scraping of foreign materials from frames and covers as necessary to assure proper fit. Replace frames and covers that create noise when passed over by traffic. C. Utility Vaults: 1. Comply with ASTM C891. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 2. When vaults are provided in sections, install vault sections level and plumb and with orientation and depth coordinated with connecting pipes. 3. Support vault on a level bed of aggregate base material, 12 inches deep and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. 4. Seal joints with joint sealing compound. Clean joints and apply sealing compound in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.

5.ECOPY Covers: a. Install covers and perform necessary cleaning and scraping of foreign materials from frames and covers as necessary to assure proper fit. Replace frames and covers that create noise when passed over by traffic.

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6. Finish Elevations of Utility Vaults a. Paved Areas, Roadway Shoulders and Other Areas of Vehicular Traffic: Set structure so that cover is flush with finished pavement elevation ± 0.25 inch b. Other Locations: Set utility vault so that cover is 4 inches above finished grade ± 1 inch

3.03 PIPE CONNECTIONS A. Install connecting pipe at the required alignment and grade. B. Set connecting pipes through the full thickness of the manhole wall, flush with the inner face of the wall. C. Use standard flexible pipe connector boots, specifically manufactured for the intended service, to connect pipe to the manhole. When concrete pipe is used, grout pipe to the manhole so that the connection is watertight.

3.04 CLEANING A. Upon completion, clean each structure of all silt, debris, and foreign matter.

3.05 TESTING A. Test manholes for leakage in accordance with Section 15951.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Site preparation work, as follows: 1. Locating existing facilities. 2. Installing safety and protective barriers. 3. Constructing temporary access roads, work areas and storage areas. 4. Clearing, grubbing, stripping, and other initial work required for earthwork and trenching operations. 5. Removing sludge and sludge-entrained soil.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02210 – Subsurface Investigations

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Clearing: Consists of removal of natural obstructions and man-made objects and features including foundations, buildings, fences, lumber, stumps, debris, rubbish, brush, trees, boulders, and other items that interfere with construction operations or are specifically designated for removal. B. Stripping: Includes the removal and disposal of grass, weeds, and other organic material above the soil surface remaining after clearing has been completed.


A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Submit: 1. Materials used and layout of temporary fences 2. Proposed staging and stockpile locations.


WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.01 TEMPORARY FENCES A. Type:ECOPY Heavyweight, high visibility, flat laminar mesh design. B. Material: High-density polyethylene. C. Height: 48 inches.

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D. Posts: Wood or metal posts at 10-foot spacing. Secure fence to posts with plastic cable ties.


3.01 LOCATING EXISTING FACILITIES A. Review the design drawings, maps, and other sources of information and identify existing facilities at the site to determine and mark the approximate locations of underground facilities. B. Follow rules adopted by the USA North 811 regarding locating and marking existing buried utilities and contact owners of existing underground utilities prior to beginning work in the vicinity of their utilities. C. Refer to Section 02210. Locate all existing utilities by exploratory excavations after field marking by the utility agencies or WRF staff and prior to any excavations in the affected areas.

3.02 SAFETY AND PROTECTIVE BARRIERS A. Temporary Fences: 1. Prior to beginning excavation, erect temporary fences or other safety barricade around work area. 2. Remove temporary fences when work in the vicinity is substantially complete. B. Existing Trees: Erect temporary fences around trees at the drip line that are adjacent to the Work and may be subject to damage unless protected. Maintain work activities outside of protected areas. C. Provide protective concrete slabs, steel plates or encasements for existing buried facilities that may be damaged by Contractor’s equipment and vehicles.

3.03 PRIMARY SITE ACCESS, WORK AND STORAGE AREAS A. Develop primary access routes, work areas and storage areas as indicated on the Drawings. B. Clean up areas at the conclusion of the project and return the areas to their original


3.04 CLEARING A. Clear construction areas of objectionable items and material, which, if left in place, would interfere with the proper performance of the work. B. Dispose of material from clearing operations in an acceptable off-site location.

3.05 STRIPPING ECOPY A. Remove grass, weeds, and other vegetation as close as possible to the soil surface without removing soil, from areas that will be affected by construction and site grading operations. B. Dispose of stripped vegetation material in an acceptable off-site location.

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C. Remove rock and gravel from pond bottoms and slopes. Rock and gravel shall be stockpiled onsite at the location shown on the Drawings.

3.06 DISKING A. Disk or otherwise work the soil in the pond to break up and mix any remaining vegetation into the soil prior to grading.

3.07 TREE REMOVAL A. Contractor takes complete and sole responsibility for the safe removal of trees. B. Trees to be removed have felled and are shown schematically on the Drawings. Contractor shall make his own determination of the amount of tree removal by inspection of the site at the mandatory prebid meeting. C. Remove all existing felled tree from the site. D. Trees shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be legally disposed of at an offsite location.

3.08 TREE TRIMMING A. Notify the Engineer of additional tree trimming work that may be needed during the project.

3.09 REMOVAL OF EROSION CONTROL DEVICES A. Remove erosion control devices when bare soils are sufficiently revegetated to prevent on-site or off-site soil erosion. B. Straw wattles containing plastic netting, including plastic specified as phot- degradable, may not remain on site. Remove entire wattle or remove and dispose of plastic netting and spread straw from wattle across vegetated areas of site.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for subsurface investigations for locating existing utilities and points of connection to existing systems

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Submit completed subsurface investigation report.



3.01 GENERAL A. Contact Underground Services Alert and have existing utilities marked prior to performing field investigations. B. No additional compensation will be provided for locating utilities whether or not the utility is shown with reasonable accuracy on the Drawings. C. Survey of existing utility field locations shall be conducted by a firm or individual that possesses a valid state registration for land surveying. Provide survey information using the same basis used for the Project.

3.02 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS A. Perform field investigations prior to preparation of Shop Drawings for underground piping, and prior to excavation for installation of any underground facilities. B. Field locate existing underground utilities and other interferences shown on the Drawings or marked by USA and facilities where connections will be made as part of the Work. At a minimum, locate the following existing underground facilities: 1. Crossing utilities up to 2 feet beneath the proposed utility or structure

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST subgrade. 2.ECOPY Parallel utilities within 5 feet of the nearest trench wall of proposed utility or structure. Locate parallel utilities at a minimum every 100 feet. Decrease the spacing as necessary to accommodate fluctuations in the alignment of the existing utility. 3. Proposed connections to existing underground utilities or facilities.

City of Healdsburg 02210 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Subsurface Investigations 700-14-18-07 PWS927

4. Any other existing underground utility or facility that may affect the installation of the proposed underground facilities. C. Determine the following properties of each existing underground utility and interference. 1. Horizontal location, including the design station or coordinates where the existing utility will cross or interfere with the proposed underground facility. 2. Elevation of the top and bottom of the existing utility. For round utilities, bottom elevation can be estimated provided the outside diameter of the utility is determined. For box-shaped utilities or conduit banks, excavate to the bottom of the utility to determine the bottom elevation. 3. The utility size, material type, and type of existing backfill D. Determine the following properties for each connection to existing underground utilities or structures: 1. Horizontal location of the proposed connection point. 2. Elevation of the top and bottom at the proposed connection point. 3. Horizontal and vertical angle of existing utility in reference to the proposed underground utility. 4. The utility size, material type, and type of existing backfill E. Prepare a detailed field investigation report to include the information described above. Organize the report by station. F. Following excavation and field date gathering, backfill excavations, and within paved areas, restore the surface pavement to match the material and thickness of the pre-investigation pavement unless otherwise required by the jurisdiction having authority over the pavement repairs.




City of Healdsburg 02210 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Subsurface Investigations 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Demolition, salvage and abandonment of existing facilities.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Description of removal procedures for careful removal of materials to be salvaged and the protection of facilities which are to remain undisturbed. C. Time schedule for demolition work including start and end dates for each activity. Show demolition in relation to new construction, including any temporary facilities. D. Waste Management and Recycling Plan. E. Quantitative demolition waste material reports. F. Record drawings showing location of capped utilities.

1.04 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Prior to the submittal of Bids, Contractor shall visit the site and inspect all facilities to become familiar with existing conditions, utilities and extent of demolition and recycling required. Existing felled trees on the site are shown schematically on the Drawings. Contractor shall make his own determination of the amount of tree removal by inspection of the site at the mandatory prebid meeting.

1.05 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Dispose of debris in accordance with the requirements of jurisdictional agencies. B. Divert demolished material from the landfill in accordance with CalGreen

GUIDE SPECIFICATIONGUIDE guidelines. C. Comply with applicable air quality control regulations.

WEST YOST YOST WEST D. Obtain and pay for necessary permits for demolition, transportation of debris to disposalECOPY site(s) and dust control. E. Erect appropriate safety devices to protect the general public, Owner’s operations personnel, and workers from the hazards of demolition activities. Install barriers, guard rails and fences, and provide appropriate warning signs.

City of Healdsburg 02221 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927

1.06 BURNING A. The use of burning at the project site for the disposal of refuse, debris, and waste materials will not be permitted.


2.01 CELLULAR CONCRETE A. Portland cement complying with ASTM C 150 B. Fly ash compatible with foaming agent. C. Water free from deleterious substances D. Foaming agent conforming to ASTM C869 E. Admixtures for water reducing, retarding, acceleration and other specific properties may be used when recommended by the manufacturer of the foaming agent. F. Cellular concrete shall have the following properties: 1. Shrinkage <2% 2. Range of Cast Density 40-60 pounds per cubic foot 3. Minimum Compressive Strength (28 days) 100 psi


3.01 GENERAL A. The Drawings identify the major equipment and facilities to be demolished, salvaged or abandoned. Auxiliary utilities such as water, air, drainage, lubrication oil, electrical wiring, controls, and instrumentation are not necessarily shown. Remove auxiliary utilities, as well as equipment and pipe supports and associated instrumentation devices pertaining to piping or equipment designated to be removed. B. Arrange a meeting no less than ten (10) days prior to demolition with the Engineer and other designated representatives to review any salvageable items and discuss Contractor’s Waste Management and Recycling Plan. C. Pre-demolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1. Review the environmental goals of this Project with Contractors, subcontractors, and waste haulers and make a proactive effort to increase awareness of these goals among all labor forces on site

3.02 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. Before beginning any cutting, trenching, or demolition work, carefully survey the existing work and examine the Contract Documents to determine the extent of the Work.ECOPY B. Take precautions to prevent damage to facilities which are to remain in place or are to be salvaged and be responsible for any damages to these facilities resulting from this work. Repair or replace damages to such work to return the facilities to its pre-existing condition at no additional cost to the Owner.

City of Healdsburg 02221 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3.03 DEMOLITION A. Demolish structures and equipment in an orderly and safe manner. B. Dispose of material not identified for salvage or re-installation at a new location. C. Minimize dust by sprinkling with water. D. Backfill excavations caused by demolition in accordance with Section 02300.

3.04 SALVAGE A. Carefully remove and salvage, for reuse by the Owner, the following items: 1. Salvage of the redwood lumber in the baffles located in Pond 2 is an alternate bid item. Salvage redwood lumber if this alternate bid item is included in the contract. B. Dismantle the baffle wall and deliver the lumber to the City’s Corporation Yard at 550 Westside Road, Healdsburg. Stack lumber using stingers and spacers. C. Remove items to be salvaged in a workmanlike manner and take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to the materials.

3.05 BURIED PIPELINES A. Remove or abandon in place as shown on the Drawings. B. Abandoned pipes shown to be filled on the demolition drawing shall be plugged at both ends and filled with either of the the following materials: 1. Controlled Low Strength Material as shown in Section 02081 2. Cellular Concrete a. Conforming to the requirement of Section 2 b. Produced utilizing specialized automated proportioning, mixing and foam producing equipment approved by the foam manufacturer. 3. Volume of fill material shall be measured, recorded and compared with anticipated volume per foot of conduit being filled.


A. The Work of this Contract has a goal a minimum of 65% by weight of the solid waste generated in the Work to be diverted from landfill disposal through a combination of re-use and recycling activities. B. Contactor Waste Management and Recycling Plan 1. Must be approved prior to the start of work. GUIDE SPECIFICATIONGUIDE 2. Submit in the format provided in Form 02221A and include:

WEST YOST YOST WEST a. Contractor’s name and project identification information ECOPYb. Procedures to be used c. Materials to be re-used and recycled d. Estimated total quantities of materials generated in Project e. Names and locations of landfills, re-use and recycling facilities/sites

City of Healdsburg 02221 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927

f. Tonnage calculations that demonstrate that Contractor will re-use and recycle a minimum of 65% by weight of C&D materials generated in the Work. C. Contractor Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal Report 1. Must be submitted as a condition of approval for progress payments. Failure to submit the form and its supporting documentation will render the application for progress payment incomplete. 2. Submit in the format provided in Form 02221B and include: a. Quantity of materials generated in the Work, disposed in Class III Landfills, or diverted from disposal through recycling. b. Disposal or recycling amounts in either in tons or in cubic yards: if scales are available at disposal or recycling facility, report in tons; otherwise, report in cubic yards. Report in other units for salvage items when no tonnage or cubic yard measurement is feasible. c. Locations to which materials are delivered for reuse, salvage, recycling, accepted as daily cover, inert backfill, or disposal in landfills or transfer stations. d. Legible copies of weigh tickets, receipts, or invoices that specifically identify the project generating the material. D. Salvage, Re-Use, and Recycling Procedures 1. Identify re-use, salvage, and recycling facilities 2. Develop and implement procedures to re-use, salvage, and recycle demolition materials, based on the Contract Documents, the Contractor’s Waste Management and Recycling Plan, estimated quantities of available materials, and availability of recycling facilities. Procedures may include on-site recycling, source-separated recycling, salvage, and/or mixed debris recycling efforts. 3. Identify materials that are feasible for salvage, determine requirements for site storage, and transportation of materials to a salvage facility 4. Source-separate new construction debris, excavation and demolition materials including, but not limited to the following types:

a. Asphalt WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION b. Concrete, Concrete Block, Concrete Masonry Units (CMU), Slump Stone (Decorative Concrete Block), and Rocks c. Paper: Bond, Newsprint, Cardboard, Paper, Packing Materials, and Packaging d. Paint e. Glass

ECOPYf. Plastics g. Beverage Containers h. Green Materials (i.e. tree trimmings and land clearing debris) i. Metal (ferrous and non-ferrous) j. Soil

City of Healdsburg 02221 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927

k. Wood, Clean Dimensional Wood, Pallet Wood l. Other materials as appropriate 5. Develop and implement a program to transport loads of mixed (commingled) demolition materials that cannot be feasibly source separated to a mixed materials recycling facility whenever available.

3.07 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Concrete, site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations, as well as mechanical and electrical equipment designated to be demolished, shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be legally disposed of at the Contractor’s expense. B. Legally transport and dispose of materials that cannot be delivered to a source- separated or mixed recycling facility to a transfer station or disposal facility that can legally accept the materials for the purpose of disposal. C. Use a permitted waste hauler or Contractor’s trucking services and personnel. D. Become familiar with the conditions for acceptance of new construction, excavation and demolition materials at recycling facilities, prior to delivering materials. E. Deliver to facilities that can legally accept new construction, excavation and demolition materials for purpose of re-use, recycling, composting, or disposal. F. Do not burn, bury or otherwise dispose of rubbish and waste materials on project site.

3.08 CLEANING A. During and upon completion of the demolition operations, promptly remove unused tools and equipment, surplus materials, rubbish, debris, and dust and shall leave work areas in a clean condition. B. Do not sweep, grade, or flush surplus materials, rubbish, or debris into storm drains, channels, lakes, or streams.




City of Healdsburg 02221 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927



City of Healdsburg 02221 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Demolition, Salvage, and Abandonment 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 02221A CONTRACTOR'S BUILDING DEMOLITION WASTE AND RECYCLING PLAN (Submit After Award of Contract and Prior to Start of Work)

Project Title: Contract or Work Order No.: Contractor's Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address: Prepared by: (Print Name)

Date Submitted: Project Period: From: TO:

Reuse, Recycling or Disposal Processes To Be Used Describe the types of recycling processes or disposal activities that will be used for material generated in the project. Indicate the type of process or activity by number, types of materials, and estimated quantities that will be recycled or disposed in the sections below: 01 - Reuse of building materials or salvage items on site (i.e. crushed base or red clay brick) 02 - Salvaging building materials or salvage items at an off site salvage or re-use center (i.e. lighting, fixtures) 03 - Recycling source separated materials on site (i.e. crushing asphalt/concrete for reuse or grinding for mulch) 04 - Recycling source separated materials at an off site recycling center (i.e. scrap metal or green matls) 05 - Recycling commingled loads of demolition matls at an off site mixed debris recycling center or transfer station 06 - Recycling material as Alternative Daily Cover at landfills 07 - Delivery of soils or mixed inerts to an inert landfill for disposal (inert fill). 08 - Disposal at a landfill or transfer station. 09 - Other (please describe) ______

Types of Material To Be Generated Use these codes to indicate the types of material that will be generated on the project A = Asphalt C = Concrete M = Metals I = Mixed Inert G = Green Matls D = Drywall P/C=Paper/Cardboard W/C = Wire/Cable S= Soils (Non Hazardous) M/C = Miscellaneous Construction Debris R = Reuse/Salvage W = Wood O = Other (describe) Facilities Used: Provide Name of Facility and Location (City) Total Truck Loads: Provide Number of Trucks Hauled from Site During Reporting Period Total Quantities: If scales are available at sites, report in tons. If not, quantify by cubic yards. For salvage/reuse items, quantify by estimated weight (or units). SECTION I - RE-USED/RECYCLED MATERIALS Include all recycling activities for source separated or mixed material recycling centers where recycling will occur. Type of Type Facility to be Total Truck Total Quantities Material of Activity Used/Location Loads Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. (ex.) M 04 ECOPYABC Metals, Los Angeles 24 355

a. Total Diversion 0 000

2018 WRF Pond Lining Contractor's Building Demolition Waste and Recycling Plan December 2018 Section 02221A-1 SECTION 02221A CONTRACTOR'S BUILDING DEMOLITION WASTE AND RECYCLING PLAN Continued SECTION II - DISPOSED MATERIALS Include all disposal activities for landfills, transfer stations, or inert landfills where no recycling will occur. Type of Type Facility to be Total Truck Total Quantities Material of Activity Used/Location Loads Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. (ex.) D 08 DEF Landfill, Los Angeles 2 35

b. Total Disposal 000

SECTION III - TOTAL MATERIALS GENERATED This section calculates the total materials to be generated during the project period (Reuse/Recycle + Disposal = Generation Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. a. Total Reused/Recycled 0 0 0 b. Total Disposed 000 c. Total Generated 000

SECTION IV - CONTRACTOR'S LANDFILL DIVERSION RATE CALCULATION Add totals from Section I + Section II Tons Cubic Yards Other Wt. a. Materials Re-Used and Recycled 0 b. Materials Disposed 0 c. Total Materials Generated (a. + b. = c.) 00 0 d. Landfill Diversion Rate (Tons Only)* #DIV/0! * Use tons only to calculate recycling percentages: Tons Reused/Recycled/Tons Generated = % Recycled Contractor's Comments (Provide any additional information pertinent to planned reuse, recycling, or disposal activities):

Notes: 1. Section 01151A is a Division 01 General Requirement under CSI MasterFormat 1998 Edition. For CSI MasterFormat 2004 Edition, this Section may be renumbered as follows: Under Division 00, Procurement and Contracting Requirements, Project Forms 00 60 00 Use: Section 00 62 22ECOPY Construction Waste Diversion Plan 2. Suggested Conversion Factors: From Cubic Yards to Tons (Use when scales are not available) Asphalt: .61 (ex. 1000 CY Asphalt = 610 tons. Applies to broken chunks of asphalt) Concrete: .93 (ex. 1000 CY Concrete = 930 tons. Applies to broken chunks of concrete) Ferrous Metals: .22 (ex. 1000 CY Ferrous Metal = 220 tons) Drywall Scrap: .20 Non-Ferrous Metals: .10 (ex. 1000 CY Non-Ferrous Metals = 100 tons) Wood Scrap: .16

2018 WRF Pond Lining Contractor's Building Demolition Waste and Recycling Plan December 2018 Section 02221A-2 SECTION 02221B BUILDING DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR'S REUSE, RECYCLING, AND DISPOSAL REPORT (Submit With Each Progress Payment)

Project Title: Contract or Work Order No.: Contractor's Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address: Prepared by: (Print Name)

Date Submitted: Period Covered: From: To:

Reuse, Recycling or Disposal Processes Used

Describe the types of recycling processes or disposal activities used for material generated in the project. Indicate the type of process or activity by number, types of materials, and quantities that were recycled or disposed in the sections below: 01 - Reuse of building materials or salvage items on site (i.e. crushed base or red clay brick) 02 - Salvaging building materials or salvage items at an off site salvage or re-use center (i.e. lighting, fixtures) 03 - Recycling source separated materials on site (i.e. crushing asphalt/concrete for reuse or grinding for mulch) 04 - Recycling source separated materials at an off site recycling center (i.e. scrap metal or green matls) 05 - Recycling commingled loads of C&D matls at an off site mixed debris recycling center or transfer station 06 - Recycling material as Alternative Daily Cover at landfills 07 - Delivery of soils or mixed inerts to an inert landfill for disposal (inert fill). 08 - Disposal at a landfill or transfer station. 09 - Other (please describe) ______

Types of Material Generated Use these codes to indicate the types of material that were generated on the project A = Asphalt C = Concrete M = Metals I = Mixed Inert G = Green Matls D = Drywall P/C=Paper/Cardboard W/C = Wire/Cable S= Soils (Non Hazardous) M/C = Miscellaneous Construction Debris R = Reuse/Salvage W = Wood O = Other (describe) Facilities Used: Provide Name of Facility and Location (City) Total Truck Loads: Provide Number of Trucks Hauled from Site During Reporting Period Total Quantities: If scales are available at sites, report in tons. If not, quantify by cubic yards. For salvage/reuse items, quantify by estimated weight (or units). SECTION I - RE-USED/RECYCLED MATERIALS Include all recycling activities for source separated or mixed material recycling centers where recycling occurred. Type of Type Facilities Total Truck Total Quantities Material of Activity Used/Location Loads Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. (ex.) M 04 ECOPYABC Metals, Los Angeles 24 355

a. Total Diversion 0 000

2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Contractor's Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal Report December 2018 Section 02221B-1 SECTION 02221B BUILDING DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR'S REUSE, RECYCLING, AND DISPOSAL REPORT Continued SECTION II - DISPOSED MATERIALS Include all disposal activities for landfills, transfer stations, or inert landfills where no recycling occurred. Type of Type Facilities Total Truck Total Quantities Material of Activity Used/Location Loads Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. (ex.) D 08 DEF Landfill, Los Angeles 2 35

b. Total Disposal 000

SECTION III - TOTAL MATERIALS GENERATED This section calculates the total materials generated during the project period (Reuse/Recycle + Disposal = Generation Tons Cubic YD Other Wt. a. Total Reused/Recycled 0 0 0 b. Total Disposed 000 c. Total Generated 000

SECTION IV - CONTRACTOR'S LANDFILL DIVERSION RATE CALCULATION Add totals from Section I + Section II Tons Cubic Yards Other Wt. a. Materials Re-Used and Recycled 0 b. Materials Disposed 0 c. Total Materials Generated (a. + b. = c.) 00 0 d. Landfill Diversion Rate (Tons Only)* #DIV/0! * Use tons only to calculate recycling percentages: Tons Reused/Recycled/Tons Generated = % Recycled Contractor's Comments (Provide any additional information pertinent to planned reuse, recycling, or disposal activities ):

Notes: 1. Section 01151A is a Division 01 General Requirement under CSI MasterFormat 1998 Edition. For CSI MasterFormat 2004 Edition, this Section may be renumbered as follows: Under Division 00, Procurement and Contracting Requirements, Project Forms 00 60 00 Use: Section 00 62 22ECOPY Construction Waste Diversion Plan 2. Suggested Conversion Factors: From Cubic Yards to Tons (Use when scales are not available) Asphalt: .61 (ex. 1000 CY Asphalt = 610 tons. Applies to broken chunks of asphalt) Concrete: .93 (ex. 1000 CY Concrete = 930 tons. Applies to broken chunks of concrete) Ferrous Metals: .22 (ex. 1000 CY Ferrous Metal = 220 tons) Drywall Scrap: .20 Non-Ferrous Metals: .10 (ex. 1000 CY Non-Ferrous Metals = 100 tons) Wood Scrap: .16

2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Contractor's Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal Report December 2018 Section 02221B-2




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Control of surface water and excavation drainage. B. Protection of the work against surface runoff, and exfiltration from existing pipes and structures. C. Collection, treatment, and disposal of removed water.

1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Excavation drainage includes keeping excavations free of surface water, seepage water, and exfiltration from existing pipes and structures. B. Surface drainage includes use of temporary drainage ditches and dikes and installation of temporary culverts and sump pumps with discharge lines as required to protect the work from any source of surface water. C. Construction Water: surface or groundwater that is subject to removal by the Contractor as necessary to complete the work.

1.03 PERMITS A. Construction dewatering may be disposed of at the Equalization Basin for later treatment and discharge at the Water Reclamation Facility. Permits are not required.


2.01 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT A. Provide all necessary facilities and equipment for controlling surface water and excavation drainage as necessary to complete the Work.


3.01 SURFACE AND EXCAVATION DRAINAGE WATER CONTROL A. Perform surface and excavation drainage water control in conformance with regulatory requirements as modified herein. B. Have available, on hand at all times during excavation activities,

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Sufficient pumping equipment and labor necessary to keep excavations ECOPYclear of water as necessary to complete Work as specified 2. Adequate standby equipment as may be necessary to keep the control of water operation in full effect due to equipment or power failure.

City of Healdsburg 02241 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Control of Water 700-14-18-07 PWS927

C. Commence control of water at an appropriate time during excavation and continue until facilities and structures are installed and backfilled and are sufficiently protected from the effects of hydrostatic uplift or floatation. D. Intercept surface and excavation water and divert it away from excavations through use of dikes, ditches, curb walls, pipes, sumps or other approved means. The requirement includes temporary works required to protect adjoining properties from surface drainage caused by construction operations E. Excavations extending below groundwater levels or encountering perched groundwater. 1. Where possible, direct inflow to a sump where water can be removed by a pump within narrow trench excavations that penetrate less than a few feet below the groundwater level and do not encounter loose or cohesionless soils. 2. Provide well points, perimeter trench drains, or deep sumps as necessary to control of water within wider, deeper, and/or more extensive excavations. 3. To maintain bottom stability of wider, deeper, or more extensive excavations, draw down groundwater levels a minimum of 5 feet below the lowest portion of the excavation. F. Control water in such a manner as to preserve the undisturbed bearing capacity of the subgrade soils at proposed bottom of excavation and protect temporary excavation slope stability during construction. 1. If foundation soils are disturbed or loosened by the upward seepage of water or an uncontrolled flow of water, excavate and replace the affected areas with drain rock on geotextile fabric at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Implement ground settlement monitoring, prior to the commencement of the dewatering operation: 1. Survey existing structures in the vicinity of the proposed dewatering operation, 2. Monitor the existing structures for settlement, both total and differential, throughout the dewatering operation. 3. Prepare a daily report for each structure and provided to the Engineer identifying the original baseline elevation; the elevation measured each day, and corresponding total and differential settlement. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 4. Modifications to the dewatering program may be necessary, as determined by the Engineer, should dewatering induced settlements be detected.

3.02 DISPOSAL OF WATER A. Construction water may be disposed into the existing Equalization Pond. B. Design and control the dewatering operations such that disposal of water does not

causeECOPY erosion or other damage and such that water to be disposed of is free from silt and other objectionable materials. C. Use settling basins and/or other means to control groundwater quality prior to discharge as necessary.

City of Healdsburg 02241 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Control of Water 700-14-18-07 PWS927

D. Follow the applicable construction activity Best Management Practices (BMP) for the project. E. Refer to "Caltrans Storm Quality Handbooks, Construction Site Best Management Procedures Manual", May 2017 or latest edition.

3.03 TERMINATION OF DEWATERING A. Terminate control of water operations in such a manner as to maintain the undisturbed state of the natural foundation soils, prevent disturbance of compacted backfill and prevent flotation or movement of structures, pipelines, and sewers. B. If damage occurs due to improper termination of dewatering, repair the damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Remove control of water devices following completion of the Work requiring control of water.



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City of Healdsburg 02241 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Control of Water 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 02260



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Temporary excavation support systems.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02081 – Controlled Low Strength Material 3. Section 02320 – Trenching

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Protection Systems: 1. Sloping or benching systems for excavated slopes. 2. Structural support systems, shield systems, and other systems for preventing excavation wall failure.

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit information as a complete package. Include all items required by the Contract Documents. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed and will be returned for resubmittal as a complete package. C. Shop Drawings 1. Prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer who is registered to practice in the state of California. 2. Clearly indicate structural sections of shoring members, welding details, bolting details and bracing details. 3. Indicate existing and new structures, pipelines and other improvements located in the vicinity and impacting the design of the shoring system. 4. Provide details for bracing, reinforcement and sealing around penetrations.

1.05 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. DesignECOPY and install excavation support and protection systems that are capable of: 1. Supporting excavation sidewalls and bottom to maintain the required excavation or trench section. 2. Resisting soil and hydrostatic pressure and superimposed construction loads and other live loads.

City of Healdsburg 02260 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Excavation Support and Protection 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Protecting existing facilities in the vicinity of the excavation from damage due to settlement or movement of soil B. Provide professional engineering services necessary to assume engineering responsibility, including preparation of Shop Drawings and a comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer registered in the State of California. C. Install and remove excavation support and protection systems without damaging existing buildings, pavements, utilities, railroad facilities and other improvements adjacent to excavation. D. Excavations 1. Protect workers from hazard of ground and other hazards. 2. Install excavation protection system in locations where: a. Protection system is specifically indicated on the Drawings. b. Excavations are equal to, or greater than, 5 feet deep. c. Excavations are less than 5 feet deep, but there is a potential for -in. d. When engineering analyses prepared by the Contractor indicate the stability of existing structures and facilities may be jeopardized by settlement or movement of soil.

1.06 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Design excavation support systems to meet requirements and standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). B. Design excavation support systems to meet the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 8 – Construction Safety Orders and California Labor Code Sections 6705 to 6707. C. Design structural steel members in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design and the Uniform Building Code. D. Excavation support systems for trench excavations shall be selected by the Contractor based on the soil conditions, depths of trench excavations, groundwater conditions and other site conditions. No attempt has been made by Engineer to define acceptable trench shoring options.

1.07 JOB SITE POSTINGS A. Maintain at least one copy of the protection system design at the job site while the excavation is open in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 8 Construction Safety Orders and the California Labor Code. 1.08 SEQUENCEECOPY AND SCHEDULING A. Do not begin excavations or installation of excavation supports until submittals for excavation support systems have been accepted by the Engineer and until materials necessary for installation are on site.

City of Healdsburg 02260 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Excavation Support and Protection 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 2 - PRODUCTS

2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials that are either new or in serviceable condition. B. Structural Steel Soldier Beams: ASTM A36, ASTM A690 or ASTM A992. C. Steel Sheet Piling: ASTM A328, ASTM A572 or ASTM A690; with continuous interlocks. D. Wood Lagging: Lumber, mixed hardwood, nominal rough thickness as determined by design calculations, but not less than 3 inches. E. Controlled Low Strength Material: 1. Controlled Low Strength Material in accordance with Section 02081. 2. Minimum Compressive Strength: 600 psi.


3.01 PREPARATION A. Prior to beginning installation of the excavation support system, pothole to locate existing buried utilities in the vicinity of the excavation. Survey utilities and compare actual locations to those locations indicated on the Drawings and the Shop Drawings. Determine any areas of conflict and revise the design and layout of the excavation support system to eliminate these conflicts.

3.02 TRENCHING SUPPORT SYSTEMS A. Where structural excavation support systems are not specifically indicated on the Drawings, trench support systems consisting of hydraulic jacks and plates, trench shield systems, and other trench protection systems may be utilized.

3.03 INSPECTION A. Designer of the shoring system is responsible for confirming proper installation of the shoring system. Shoring system designer, or a representative of the designer, shall make site visits to confirm installation is in accordance with the accepted shoring design. B. Submit letter of proper installation confirming installation is in accordance with the shoring design.

3.04 REMOVAL A. Remove excavation support systems. B. Remove excavation support and protection systems when backfill can support the remaining open excavation and bear soil and hydrostatic pressures. Remove supportECOPY and protection systems in stages to avoid disturbing underlying soils or damaging structures, pavements, facilities, and utilities. C. After removal, promptly fill voids resulting from the extraction of shoring with controlled low strength material conforming to the requirements of Section 02081.

City of Healdsburg 02260 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Excavation Support and Protection 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Repair or replace adjacent work damaged or displaced by excavation support and protection systems removal.



City of Healdsburg 02260 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Excavation Support and Protection 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Earthwork requirements for sitework, structures, roads and general earthwork, including excavation, fill, backfill, grading, and compaction; import of material; and disposal of surplus and unsuitable materials. B. Refer to Section 02320 for earthwork related to pipeline installation.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02200 – Site Preparation 3. Section 02241 – Control of Water 4. Section 02260 – Excavation Support and Protection 5. Section 02320 – Trenching 6. Section 02722 – Aggregate Base Course Material

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Earthwork necessary to add fill between new structures and the excavation up to the sub or finish grade. B. Borrow Area: Area identified from which to obtain earthwork materials. C. Cut: Earthwork necessary to remove existing material to lower the existing grade in elevation to sub or finish grade. D. Embankment: Materials placed to form the subgrade for roadways or site improvements.

E. Excavation: Earthwork necessary to remove existing material for the installation of structures. F. Fill: Earthwork necessary to add material to bring the existing grade up in elevation to sub or finish grade. G. Finish Grade: Final surface following placement of surfacing, if any, as indicated. H. Subgrade: The surface of the earthwork on which pavement, surfacing, base, WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST subbase,ECOPY pond liner or a layer of any other material is placed. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare submittals and submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. For imported materials, provide certification and source.

City of Healdsburg 02300 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Earthwork 700-14-18-07 PWS927

C. For excavations 5 feet or deeper: Submit detailed plan of all shoring, bracing, side sloping, or other provisions for worker protection against the hazard of caving ground during excavations in accordance with Section 02260.

1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Materials and Compaction Testing. 1. Source testing of materials: Provided and paid for by Contractor. 2. Field testing of compaction: Provided and paid for by Owner. B. Compaction Testing Standards 1. In-place Density of Compacted Fill Material: Density determined in the field in accordance with ASTM D6938 – Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 2. Maximum Dry Density of Compacted Material: determined in the laboratory in accordance with Method C of ASTM D1557-12e1 – Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3)), or ASTM D4253 – Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table and D4254 – Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density, for cohesionless, free draining soils. C. Material Testing Standards: 1. Particle size analysis of soils and aggregates: ASTM D422 – Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. 2. Determination of sand equivalent value: ASTM D2419 – Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate. 3. Liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index: ASTM D4318 – Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. 4. The testing for organic matter: ASTM D2974 – Standard Test methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils. D. References in this section to soil classification types and standards shall have the meanings and definitions indicated in ASTM D2487 – Standard Practice for

Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. Contractor shall be bound by all WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION applicable provisions of ASTM D2487 in the interpretation of soil classifications.


2.01 MATERIALS A. General fill, backfill, and embankment materials: 1. Selected or processed clean earth, rock, or sand, free from grass, roots,

ECOPYbrush, other vegetation, corrosive and hazardous materials, manmade objects, and debris. 2. Materials not defined as unsuitable as indicated below, except some materials listed as unsuitable may be used, if indicated on the Drawings or

City of Healdsburg 02300 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Earthwork 700-14-18-07 PWS927

when acceptable to the Engineer, when thoroughly mixed with suitable materials to form a stable composite. 3. Obtain suitable materials from one or more of the following: a. Onsite excavations and designated borrow areas. b. Processed on-site materials. c. Imported from offsite borrow areas and processing plants. d. If imported materials are required by this Section, or to meet the quantity requirements of the Project, provide the imported materials at no additional expense to Owner, unless a unit price item is included for imported materials in the Bidding Schedule. 4. Rocky material: stones or other hard objects that will not pass through a 3/8” screen are not allowed in the top 1” of the subgrade under the pond liner. 5. Further condition fill, backfill, and embankment materials as described below or as indicated on the Drawings. B. Structure Backfill Material (within 12” of outside face of structure) 1. Granular, low to non-expansive soil. 2. Plasticity index 12 or less. 3. Liquid limit 30 or less. 4. Complying with the grading shown in the following table:

Sieve Size Percentage Passing 6-inch 100 3-inch 95-100 No. 200 15-50 C. Aggregate Base Course Material: In accordance with Section 02722. D. Crushed Rock: 1. Manufactured, angular, crushed stone with a minimum sand equivalent

value of 75. 2. Clean, hard, sound, durable, uniform in quality, and free of soft, friable, thin, elongated or laminated pieces, and disintegrated material. 3. Have 100 percent of its particles with at least one fractured face on a weight basis, when tested for crushed particles per ASTM D5821. 4. Complying with the grading shown in the following table:

Percentage Passing WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYSieve Size 1-inch 3/4-inch 1/2-inch 1-1/2-inch 100 - - 1-inch 90-100 100 - 3/4-inch 30-60 90-100 100 1/2-inch 0-20 30-60 90-100

City of Healdsburg 02300 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Earthwork 700-14-18-07 PWS927

Percentage Passing Sieve Size 1-inch 3/4-inch 1/2-inch 3/8-inch - 0-20 20-60 No. 4 0-5 0-5 0-15 No. 8 - 0-5

E. Sand: 1. Clean, coarse, natural sand free from organic material, suitable for the purpose intended. 2. Gradation: 90 percent to 100 percent will pass a No. 4 sieve and not more than 5 percent will pass a No. 200 sieve.

2.02 UNSUITABLE MATERIALS A. Unsuitable materials include the materials listed below: 1. Soils which, when classified under ASTM D2487, fall in the classifications of Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL, or in a classification that contains Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL in combination with any other letter designation, such as CH/CL. 2. Soils which cannot be compacted sufficiently to achieve the density specified for the intended use, or are unstable or pump regardless of the degree of compaction. 3. Materials that contain hazardous or designated waste materials including petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals, and any material which may be classified as hazardous or toxic according to applicable regulations. 4. Soils that contain greater concentrations of chloride or sulfate ions, or have a soil resistivity or pH less than the average values for existing onsite soils. 5. Topsoil, sludge and sludge-entrained soils. 6. Rocks, stones, and boulders larger than allowed for use as fill and backfill materials.


A. Materials source testing will be performed by a testing laboratory at the WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION Contractor’s expense. B. Minimum Frequency of sampling: 1. Fill, backfill and embankment material generated from earthwork activities: a. Two soil samples every [500] cubic yard of material used. b. Two soil samples whenever the character of the soil changes.

ECOPYc. One soil sample when directed by the Engineer. d. Obtain samples that represent the predominate character of the soil that is encountered.

City of Healdsburg 02300 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Earthwork 700-14-18-07 PWS927

2. Sampling of Imported Material a. Obtain representative samples of product from supplier. b. After initial testing demonstrated that the proposed borrow material meets the specified requirements, obtain and test one additional sample for every [500] cubic yard of imported material. C. Testing: 1. Test all materials used in the Work to confirm they meet the requirements indicated. 2. Prepare moisture-density curves for use in determining the optimum moisture content and in-place density of the compacted backfill.


3.01 EXCAVATION – GENERAL A. Excavation includes the removal of all materials of whatever nature encountered, including all obstructions of any nature. B. Excavation shall conform to the lines and grades indicated on the Drawings. C. Clear, grub and strip and remove topsoil, sludge and sludge entrained soil in construction and borrow areas in accordance with Section 02200. D. Excavation Stability 1. Slope excavated faces or otherwise support in a safe manner in accordance with applicable State safety requirements and the requirements of OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction (29CFR1926) and in accordance with Section 02260. 2. Furnish, place, and maintain supports and shoring required to maintain stability of the sides of excavations. E. Notify Engineer at least 1 working day in advance of completion of any structure excavation to allow inspection of the exposed subgrade before it is covered with backfill or with any construction materials. F. Erosion Control:

1. Maintain earthwork surfaces true and smooth and protected from erosion. 2. Construct erosion control measures identified in the Water Pollution Control Plan prior to any clearing or grading activity. G. Control of Water: Control water entering the excavation as indicated in Section 02241. H. Existing Underground Utilities:

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 1. Known existing underground utilities are generally shown on the Drawings ECOPYin their approximate locations based on information of varying accuracy. 2. Exercise care to avoid damage to all existing utilities whether shown or not. 3. Conduct field explorations to locate all underground utilities in the vicinity of the Earthwork activities in accordance with Section 02200.

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4. Alert the Engineer of the presence of existing utilities that are not shown on the Drawings or are in locations different than those shown on the Drawings. I. Existing Overhead Utilities: There may be existing overhead utilities in the vicinity of the Work which may or may not be shown on the Drawings. Identify existing overhead utilities, if any, and use extreme caution when working in the vicinity of overhead utilities.

3.02 EXCAVATION FOR FILLS AND EMBANKMENTS A. Sludge and Sludge Entrained Soils: 1. Remove and dispose of sludge and sludge entrained soils as described in Section 02200. B. Benching and Keyways: 1. Where fill is to be placed against existing subgrade or existing grade that is sloped, excavate horizontal benches a minimum of 5 feet wide and located at vertical intervals of not more than 5 feet to provide for placement and compaction of the new fill on horizontal surfaces. 2. Excavate keyway along the base of the existing slope: a. Extend the keyway at least 3 feet into competent native soil. b. Width of Keyway: Minimum of 12 feet. c. Keyway Side Slopes: Inclined at approximately 0.75:1. d. Keyway Subgrade: Scarify the upper 8-inches of the exposed surface, moisture condition and re-compact. C. Subgrade Preparation: 1. Subgrade Beneath Embankments: a. Expose competent native soil within the planned new embankment footprint. b. Scarify the exposed subgrade to a depth of 8 inches, moisture condition as necessary and re-compact. 2. Subgrade Beneath Paved Areas: WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION a. Excavate to the subgrade soils beneath the bottom of the aggregate base or to the subbase, if such subbase is indicated. b. Scarify the top 12 inches of subgrade soils, moisture condition as necessary, and re-compact. c. Finished subgrade shall be even, self-draining, and in conformance with the slope of the finished pavement.

3.ECOPY Subgrade Beneath Structures: a. Excavate to the subgrade soils beneath the bottom of the structure or bottom of crushed rock layer where indicated. b. Scarify the top 12 inches of subgrade soils, moisture condition as necessary, and re-compact.

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4. Subgrade Beneath Pond Liners a. Grade interior embankment faces by grading to a constant slope. b. Scarify the top 12 inches of subgrade soils, moisture condition as necessary, and re-compact. c. Achieve a surface with no localized depressions that is acceptable to the Geomembrane Manufacturer and Geomembrane Installer with respect to surface smoothness. d. Rake exposed surface to remove all stones or other hard objects that will not pass through a 3/8” screen in the top 1” of the subgrade. e. Liner installer shall inspect and approve subgrade.

3.03 OVER-EXCAVATION NOT ORDERED OR INDICATED A. Backfill areas over-excavated with the materials indicated for the backfill above the over-excavation or Aggregate Base. B. Backfill the over-excavation to restore the required subgrade elevation and compact. C. Any over-excavation carried below the grade indicated on the Drawings will be at no additional cost to Owner.

3.04 OVER-EXCAVATION WHERE ORDERED BY ENGINEER A. Where ordered by the Engineer, over-excavate beyond the depth of subgrade indicated to the dimensions ordered. B. Backfill areas over-excavated with the materials indicated for the backfill above the over-excavation or Aggregate Base. C. Backfill the over-excavation to restore the required subgrade elevation. D. Over-excavation less than 6 inches below the limits indicated: At no increase in cost to Owner. E. Over-excavation greater than 6 inches below the limits indicated: Payment will be made under separate unit price bid items for over-excavation if such bid items have been established. Otherwise, payment will be made in accordance with a negotiated price.

F. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement of quantities for payment of over-excavation: By calculation by Engineer of the volume of materials removed as over-excavation based on the difference between the excavation dimensions before and after the over-excavation work. No compensation will be made for removal of materials beyond the limits of the additional excavation ordered by Engineer or for materials which may come into the excavation from outside

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST the designated limits. No compensation will be made for removal of ECOPYmaterials that are outside of the minimum horizontal dimensions indicated. 2. Payment for over-excavation will be made by the cubic yard. The payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in excavating and backfilling the over-excavation completely. Payment shall

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also include full compensation for the removal and disposal of the excavated materials, import and installation of backfill materials, control of water in the excavation, excavation support, and all costs associated with interruption of construction operations during the review of the foundations, over-excavation, backfill, and all other operations required for, or as a result of, over-excavation.

3.05 DISPOSAL OF UNSUITABLE, EXCESS EXCAVATED AND OTHER MATERIALS A. Dispose unsuitable or excess excavated materials at an appropriate site selected by Contractor unless otherwise indicated. B. Obtain required permits, landowner, and agency approvals for disposal of unsuitable and excess excavated materials and pay costs associated with the removal and disposal of the materials.

3.06 FILL AND EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION A. Scarify foundation soils for fills and embankments, bring to optimum moisture content, and re-compact with heavy compaction equipment to obtain compaction indicated. B. Place and compact fill and embankments in horizontal layers so that when compacted layers to not exceed thickness indicated. C. Provide keyways or benches where an embankment or fill is to be placed against slopes, hillsides, or fill slopes. D. Slopes: Construct slopes as indicated except construct no permanent fill or embankment slopes with slope inclinations that exceed 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) unless specifically indicated otherwise E. Over-construct fills and embankments to greater horizontal dimensions than indicated. Cut back slope following placement and compaction to expose well compacted fill. F. Construct the first 3 feet of embankment or fills over pipelines using placement and compaction equipment that do not damage the pipe. Keep heavy construction equipment a minimum distance of the edge of the trench equal to the depth of the trench until at least 3 feet of fill over the pipe has been completed.

3.07 STRUCTURE BACKFILL WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION A. Provide Structure Backfill material within 12-inches of all structures to be backfilled unless otherwise indicated. B. Place a 6-inch layer of 3/4-inch or 1-inch Crushed Rock below all structures, unless otherwise indicated. C. Do not drop backfill upon any structure or pipe. D. Confirm concrete structures have attained sufficient strength to withstand the

backfillECOPY loads imposed. E. Do not place backfill around water retaining structures until structures have been tested and approved for backfill. Fill structures with water during backfill operations.

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F. Place backfill after all water has been removed from the excavation and the excavation sidewalls and subgrade soils have dried to a moisture content suitable for compaction. G. Remove all loose, sloughing, or caving soils and rock materials prior to placement of backfill. H. Place geotextile fabric as indicated. I. Promptly after removal, fill voids created by the extraction of sheetpile or shoring indicated in Section 02260 with controlled low strength material in accordance with Section 2081. J. Place backfill and spread evenly in layers so that when compacted layers do not exceed thickness indicated. K. Thoroughly mix layers as necessary to promote uniformity of material in each layer. L. Add water to backfill material where moisture content is below the optimum moisture content and mix with the soil until the proper moisture content is achieved throughout the soil layer. M. Compact backfill to 90 percent of maximum dry density except compact to 95 percent the upper 24 inches below the finished grade. Where backfill material moisture content is too high to permit the specified degree of compaction, dry backfill material until moisture content is satisfactory.

3.08 COMPACTION OF FILL, BACKFILL, AND EMBANKMENT MATERIALS A. Adjust moisture condition of soils to achieve a water content of 3 percent, plus or minus 0.5 percent, above the optimum moisture content as determined through laboratory testing of the soil. B. Compact each layer in a uniform and systematic manner. C. For materials with less than 10 percent passing the No. 4 sieve, compact by means of at least 2 passes from a flat plate vibratory compactor. D. For materials with 10 percent or more passing the No. 4 sieve, mechanically compact to the indicated percentage of density each layer of backfill materials. 1. Use equipment that is consistently capable of achieving the required

degree of compaction. 2. Compact each layer over its entire area while the material is at the required moisture content. E. Do not use flooding, ponding, or jetting as a method of compaction. F. Do not use equipment weighing more than 10,000 lbs closer to structure walls than a horizontal distance equal to the depth of the fill at the time. Use hand operated power compaction equipment where use of heavier equipment is impractical or

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST restricted due to weight limitations. G. CECOPYompaction Requirements: 1. Compact finish and subgrades in compliance with the following table:

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Percentage of Maximum Maximum Lift Dry Density of Compacted Location or Use of Fill Thickness Material per ASTM D1557 Backfill around structures 8 in. Layers 90 Embankment Fill 12 in. Layers 90 Subgrade beneath embankments or fill areas Upper 8 in. 95 Subgrade beneath paved areas Upper 12 in. 95 Subgrade beneath structures Upper 12 in. 95 Subgrade beneath keyway Upper 8 in. 95 Subgrade beneath pond liner Upper 12 in. 90

3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING A. Field quality control testing for compaction confirmation will be done by a testing laboratory of the Owner’s choice at the Owner’s expense except as indicated below. B. If requested by the Owner, remove soil above the level at which the Owner wishes to test. Backfill and re-compact material after testing is completed. C. If compaction fails to meet specified requirements, perform remedial work by one of the following methods: 1. Remove and replace backfill at proper density. 2. Bring density up to specified level by other means acceptable to Owner. 3. Retesting: a. Costs for conducting additional tests to confirm and verify that remedial work has brought compaction within specified requirements shall be borne by the Contractor. b. Conduct compaction tests at twice as frequently specified for the initial confirmation tests. D. Where soil compaction is specified as a percentage of maximum dry density, determine the maximum dry density at optimum moisture content by laboratory testing in accordance with Method C of ASTM D1557. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION E. Where compaction of cohesionless, free draining soil is specified as a percentage of relative density, determine relative density by laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM D4253 and D4254. F. Determine In-Place Density of Compacted Fill Material by performing field tests of soil density in accordance with ASTM D6938. G. Frequency of Compaction Confirmation Testing at intervals not less than as follows:ECOPY 1. Embankments and Fills: 2 tests every 500 cubic yards. 2. Structure Backfill: 1 test every 5 feet in elevation per 100 horizontal feet of backfill.

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3.10 FINISH GRADES A. Surface: Reasonably smooth and free of grade breaks, irregular surface changes, protrusions and other defects. B. Restore un-improved areas back to pre-construction grades. C. Restore drainage swales and water courses to their pre-construction alignments and grades unless otherwise modified by the Work. Grade surface to drain away from structures. Direct drainage to collection points. D. Provide smooth transitions to existing grades. E. Repair and reestablish grades to required elevations and slopes due to any settlement or erosion that may occur prior to final acceptance. F. Vertical Tolerance: 1. Subgrade under paved areas: 0.0 feet above and 0.08 feet below. 2. Subgrade under structures: 0.0 feet above and 0.08 feet below. 3. Subgrade under pond liner: adjust grade of pond bottom to achieve a balance in earthwork, with minimum slope as shown on drawings and no low areas.



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City of Healdsburg 02300 - 12 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Earthwork 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Trench excavation and backfilling for pipe and pipeline appurtenances. B. Minor structure excavation and backfill associated with pipeline construction.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02071 – Geotextile Fabric 3. Section 02081 – Controlled Low Strength Material 4. Section 02200 – Site Preparation 5. Section 02210 – Subsurface Investigations 6. Section 02241 – Control of Water 7. Section 02260 – Excavation Support and Protection 8. Section 02722 – Aggregate Base Course Material 9. Section 02953 – Pavement Restoration 10. Section 03301 – Cast-in-Place Concrete

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Earthwork necessary to provide fill between new structures and excavation up to the sub or finish grade. B. Bedding Zone: The area from the trench subgrade to the bottom of the pipe.

C. Embedment or Pipe Zone: The area from the top of the Bedding Zone to the bottom of the Trench Zone as indicated on the Drawings. D. Excavation: Earthwork necessary to remove existing material for the installation of structures. E. Finish Grade: Final surface following placement of surfacing, if any, as indicated. F. Native Material: Naturally occurring soils excavated from the trench after top soil, if any, has been removed. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST G. Open Areas: Areas along the pipeline route that are outside Roadway Shoulders orECOPY in open pasture. H. Pavement Section: The upper portion of the trench within paved areas comprising the base and finished surface materials.

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I. Roadway Shoulders: Paved areas and unpaved areas outside the traveled way and extending to the outside edge of any roadside drainage features. J. Spoils: Unsuitable or excess excavated materials. K. Subgrade: The surface of the earthwork on which bedding, base materials, pavement, other surfacing materials, or structure bases are placed. L. Traveled Way: The portion of the roadway where vehicles travel, does not include shoulders. M. Trench Backfill: Materials used to backfill the trench including bedding zone, pipe zone, and trench zone backfill. N. Trench Zone: The area from the top of the Pipe Zone to the bottom of the pavement base (subgrade), ground surface or other surface material over the trench excavation. O. Wet Trench: Trench with water or groundwater present in the trench.

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare submittals and submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Material Data: Submit the following for each material type imported to the site: 1. Material source. 2. Gradation. 3. Moisture-density curves. 4. Permeability tests (for clay material). C. All material submittals must be dated to less than 1 year prior to Notice-to-proceed. D. For excavations 5 feet or deeper, submit detailed plan of all shoring, bracing, side sloping, or other provisions for worker protection against the hazard of caving ground during excavations in accordance with Section 02260. E. Submit name and qualifications of materials testing lab for Contractor furnished testing.


A. Materials and compaction testing WEST Y 1. Source Testing of Materials: Provided and paid for by Contractor OST GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION 2. Field Testing of Compaction: Provided and paid for by Owner 3. For contractor provided testing, provide testing performed by a qualified testing laboratory approved by the Owner. Submit testing laboratory qualifications for approval. B. Compaction Testing: ECOPY 1. In-place Density Testing of Compacted Fill Material: ASTM D6938 – Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).

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2. Maximum Dry Density: a. Cohesive soils: Method C of ASTM D1557 – Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures, Using 10 lb Rammer and 18” Drop. b. Cohesionless, free draining soils: ASTM D4253 – Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table and D4254 – Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density. C. Materials Testing Standards: 1. Particle size analysis of soils and aggregates: ASTM D422 – Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. 2. Determination of sand equivalent value: ASTM D2419 – Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate. 3. Liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index: ASTM D4318 – Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. 4. Testing for organic matter: ASTM D2974 – Standard Test methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils. 5. Testing for percentage of fractured particles: ASTM D5821. 6. References in this section to soil classification types and standards: Meanings and definitions indicated in ASTM D2487 – Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes.


2.01 MATERIALS A. General: 1. Obtain trench backfill materials from one or more of the following: a. Processed on-site materials, b. Imported from off-site borrow areas, c. Processing plants.

2. Provide materials as indicated or as may be necessary to complete the Work at no additional cost to the Owner, unless a unit price item is included for trench backfill materials in the bidding schedule. 3. Provide materials as indicated in the Schedule in PART 3. 4. Soils unsuitable for use as trench backfill materials: a. Soils classified under ASTM D2487 categories Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL; or soils that contain classifications Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL in WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYcombination with any other soil classification, such as CH/CL. b. Soils which cannot be compacted sufficiently to achieve the density specified for the intended use, are highly expansive, or are unstable or "pump", regardless of the degree of compaction. c. Soils that contain hazardous or designated waste materials including petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals, and

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any material which may be classified as hazardous or toxic according to applicable Regulations. d. Soils that contain greater concentrations of chloride or sulfate ions, or have a soil resistivity or pH less than the existing on-site soils. e. Topsoil, except as allowed below. f. Soils containing rocks, stones, or boulders larger than specified. g. Soils that contain more than 5 percent organic matter when tested in accordance with ASTM D2974. B. Native Materials: 1. Materials generated from on-site materials conditioned as follows: a. Maximum particle size: 3 inches. b. Percent passing No. 200 sieve: Less than 5 percent. c. Sand equivalent: 30 minimum. C. Crushed Rock: 1. Clean, hard, sound, durable, uniform in quality, and free of soft, friable, thin, elongated or laminated pieces, and disintegrated material. 2. Have 100 percent of its particles with at least one fractured face on a weight basis, when tested for crushed particles per ASTM D5821. 3. Comply with the grading shown in the following table:

Percentage Passing Sieve Size 1-inch 3/4inch 1/2-inch 3/8-inch chips 1-1/2-inch 100 - - 1-inch 90-100 100 - 3/4-inch 30-60 90-100 100 100 1/2-inch 0-20 30-60 90-100 3/8-inch - 0-20 20-60 90-100 No. 4 0-5 0-5 0-15 35-75 No. 8 - 0-5 0-15 No. 16 0-10 No. 30 0-5 WEST Y

D. Sand: GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION 1. General: Clean, coarse, natural sand free from organic material, suitable for the purpose intended. 2. Gradation: 90 percent to 100 percent will pass a No. 4 sieve and not more than 5 percent will pass a No. 200 sieve. E. ControlledECOPY Low Strength Material (CLSM): In accordance with Section 02081. F. Aggregate Base: Class 2 aggregated base as specified in Section 02722. G. Clay: 1. On-site or off-site clay material free of organic materials or rocks.

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2. Permeability: Not greater than 1x10-6 cm/sec when tested in accordance with ASTM D2434. H. Permeable Backfill: 1. General: Hard, durable, clean sand, gravel or crushed stone, free from organic material, clay balls or other deleterious substances. 2. Durability index: Not less than 40 3. Sand equivalent: Not less than 75. 4. Comply with the grading shown in the following table: Sieve Sizes, Percent by Weight Square Openings Passing Sieve 1-inch 100 3/4-inch 90 – 100 3/8” 40 – 100 No. 4 25 – 40 No. 8 18 – 33 No. 30 5 – 15 No. 50 0 – 7 No. 200 0 – 3 I. Filter Fabric: In accordance with Section 02071. J. Structure Backfill Material: 1. General: Granular, low to non-expansive soil. 2. Plasticity index: 12 or less. 3. Liquid limit: 30 or less. 4. Comply with the grading shown in the following table:

Sieve Size Percentage Passing 6-inch 100 3-inch 95-100 No. 200 15-50 K. Concrete: In accordance with Section 03301 L. Cement Slurry Backfill: 1. Slurry cement backfill: Provide a fluid workable mixture of aggregate, cement, and water. 2. Cement: In accordance with Section 03301, except testing is not required. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Water: Free from oil, salts, and other impurities that adversely affect the backfill. 4. Aggregates: Select one of the following: a. Commercial-quality concrete sand

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b. Excavated or imported material in any combination, free of organic material and other deleterious substances and complying with the grading requirements shown in the following table:

Sieve size Percentage passing 1-1/2" 100 1" 80–100 3/4" 60–100 3/8" 50–100 No. 4 40–80 No. 100 10–40

5. Proportion slurry cement backfill by weight or volume. Use at least 188 pounds of cement per cubic yard. Use sufficient water to produce a fluid workable mix that flows and can be pumped without segregation during placement. 6. Mix materials thoroughly by machine. Use a pugmill, rotary drum, or other authorized mixer. Mix until cement and water are thoroughly dispersed.

2.02 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform source quality control testing by approved testing laboratory and submit results to Owner. B. Frequency of Sampling of Imported Material: After initial testing demonstrates that the proposed borrow material meets the specified requirements, obtain and submit one additional sample for every 500 cubic yards of imported material.


3.01 EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS A. Perform subsurface investigations to locate existing underground utilities in accordance with Section 02210.

3.02 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT WEST Y A. In paved areas, remove and replace pavement as follows unless otherwise

indicated: GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION 1. Saw cut existing pavement along each side of the trench. 2. Remove and dispose of the pavement lying within the limits of the saw cuts and from adjoining areas damaged by the cutting, removal, excavation and backfilling operations.

3.ECOPY During subsequent trench excavation and backfill activities, minimize disturbance of the adjoining pavement. 4. Restore pavement surfaces in accordance with Section 02953.

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3.03 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. General Requirements 1. Stabilize and support all faces of the trench excavation as specified in Section 02260. 2. Control groundwater as specified in Section 02241. 3. Clear, grub, and strip construction area as necessary to remove all vegetation and top soil as specified in Section 02200. B. Open Trenches 1. Open Trench Limitations: Unless otherwise indicated or required by the Agency having jurisdiction limit open trenches as follows: a. Travelled Way plus 3 feet either side: 1) Do not open more than 300 lineal feet of excavated trench at any one time during the Work shift. 2) Up to 50 feet of trench as measured at the surface may remain open during any non-work shift, provided: a) The entire trench opening is plated with steel plates, secured to avoid movement, and the edges backfilled with temporary pavement to provide a smooth transition. b) Shoring is installed to prevent collapse of the trench excavation. b. Paved surfaces including road shoulders: 1) Do not open more than 300 lineal feet of excavated trench at any one time during the Work shift. 2) Up to 50 feet of trench as measured at the surface may remain open during any non-work shift provided the open trench is adequately plated, and the trench adequately shored. c. Open areas: Do not open more than 300 lineal feet of excavated trench at one time. 2. Open Trench Safety Requirements:

a. Erect traffic barricades and warning lights as appropriate to warn operations staff of open trench condition. b. Provide fencing or warning tape to protect the public and operations staff from open trench in open areas. C. Trench Excavations 1. Excavate trenches and maintain excavation such that pipe and pipeline

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST accessories are installed in an open trench. 2.ECOPY Excavate to subgrade elevation and to trench width dimensions indicated on the Drawings. 3. Excavate all materials of whatever nature encountered, including all obstructions of any nature that would interfere with the proper execution of the trenching Work unless otherwise indicated.

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4. Where pipelines are to be installed in embankments, fills, or structure backfills, construct fill to a level at least one foot above the top of the pipe before the trench is excavated. 5. Trench shield: a. If a moveable trench shield is used during excavation operations widen the trench width so that the shield is free to be lifted and then moved longitudinally without binding against the trench sidewalls. b. If the trench walls cave in or slough, the trench shall be excavated as an open cut excavation with sloped sidewalls or with trench shoring, as indicated and as required by the pipe structural design. D. Trench Bottom: Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform subgrade for placement of Bedding Material. 1. Unsuitable Hard Trench Bottom: If bottom of excavation is found to consist of rock or any material that cannot be excavated to provide uniform bearing surface: a. Notify Engineer of the conditions encountered and obtain concurrence that an unsuitable trench bottom condition is present. b. Remove such rock or other material to a depth of not less than 3 inches below the original design elevation of the bottom of the trench. c. Place bedding material or aggregate base course material to restore the trench bottom to the original design elevation. Place in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in un-compacted thickness and compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density. 2. Unsuitable Soft Trench Bottom: If bottom of excavation is found to consist of soft or unstable material which is incapable of properly supporting pipe: a. Notify Engineer of the condition encountered and obtain concurrence that an unsuitable trench bottom condition is present. b. Remove such material to a depth and for the length required, as determined by the Engineer. c. Place bedding material or aggregate base course material to restore the trench bottom to the original design elevation. Place in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in un-compacted thickness and compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density. WEST Y

3. Wet Trench GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION a. Where groundwater is present in the trench, provide wet trench section as indicated on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 4. Over-excavation

ECOPYa. Over-excavation to a depth 6 inches or less below the design trench bottom shall be done at no additional cost to the Owner. b. When the over-excavation ordered by Engineer is greater than 6 inches below the limits shown, additional payment will be made to Contractor. Additional payment will be made under separate unit price bid items for over-excavation if such bid items have been

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established. Otherwise, payment will be made in accordance with a negotiated price. c. Measurement and Payment: 1) Measurement of quantities for payment of over-excavation will be by calculation by Engineer of the volume of materials removed as additional excavation, including additional material that must be excavated from slopes. Such calculation shall be based on the difference between dimensions before and after the additional excavation work. No compensation will be made for removal of materials beyond the limits of the additional excavation ordered by Engineer or for materials which may come into the excavation from outside the designated limits. No compensation will be made for removal of materials that are outside of the minimum horizontal dimensions indicated, even if Contractor has excavated wider than the minimum indicated. 2) Payment for over-excavation will be made by the cubic yard. The payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in excavating and backfilling the over-excavation completely, to a level at the bottom of the pipe bedding indicated. Payment shall also include full compensation for the removal and disposal of the excavated materials, import and installation of the backfill materials, control of water in the excavation, excavation support, and all costs associated with the interruption of construction operations during the review of the foundations, excavation, backfill, and all other operations required for, or as a result of, over-excavation. 5. Over-excavation not ordered by the Engineer: a. Any over-excavation carried below the grade ordered or indicated, shall be backfilled to the required grade with the indicated material and compaction. Such work shall be performed by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner.

3.04 EXCAVATION FOR MANHOLES, VAULTS AND OTHER PIPELINE STRUCTURES. A. Unless otherwise indicated, provide excavations sufficient to leave at least 12 inches clear between structure outer surfaces and the face of the excavation or any shoring which may be used to support the face of the excavation. B. Excavate to the subgrade soils beneath the bottom of the structure or bottom of crushed rock layer where indicated. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST C. ScarifyECOPY the top subgrade soils to a depth of 6 inches, moisture condition, and re- compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density.

3.05 EXCAVATION IN VICINITY OF TREES A. Except where trees are indicated to be removed, protect trees from injury during construction.

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B. Do not cut tree roots over 2 inches in diameter without permission of the Engineer. C. Support trees during excavation by means approve by the Engineer.

3.06 BEDDING ZONE A. Bedding Material: As scheduled herein B. Depth of Bedding Material: As indicated on the Drawings. C. Place Bedding Material in a single lift, and at uniform density, with minimum possible compaction. Grade material to allow installation of the pipe at the design elevations. D. Depressions for Assembly of Joints 1. Dig holes for bell or coupling assembly after Bedding Material has been placed at the trench bottom and fine graded to the design elevation. 2. Create sufficient width and depth to provide ample for tightening bolts, welding, or other joint assembly activities. 3. Excavate holes only as necessary in making joints. Ensure that pipe rests upon prepared trench bottom and is not supported by any portion of the joint.

3.07 PIPE ZONE A. Pipe Zone Material: As scheduled herein. B. Dimensions of Pipe Zone Material: As indicated on the Drawings. C. After the pipe is laid, place material within the Pipe Zone in lifts: 1. Place backfill only after all water is removed from the excavation and the trench sidewalls have been dried to a moisture content suitable for compaction. 2. Immediately prior to placing backfill materials remove all loose, sloughing, or caving soils and rock materials from the trench. 3. Place in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in un-compacted thickness and compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density. Maintain level backfill on each side of pipe.

4. Do not dump backfill materials directly on the pipe. WEST Y

D. Pipe Displacement GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION 1. Take necessary precautions in placement and compaction of to prevent displacement of piping. 2. In the event there is movement of the pipe, excavate and re-lay the pipe. E. Consolidation: 1.ECOPY Do not use water-settling methods to consolidate trench backfill materials. 2. Use mechanical means, shovel slicing or vibratory compaction, to compact granular backfill materials under pipe haunches.

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3.08 TRENCH ZONE A. Trench Zone Material: As scheduled herein. B. Dimensions of Trench Zone Material: As indicated on the Drawings C. Backfill voids that may form when removing shoring and bracing. D. Do not use water-settling methods to consolidate Trench Zone Material. E. Under Existing Crossing Pipes or Conduits Larger than 3 Inches in Diameter 1. Backfill from the top of the Pipe Zone to the spring line of the intersecting pipe or conduit with Aggregate Base or Pipe Zone material. Place in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in compacted depth and compact to 90 percent of maximum dry density. 2. Extend Pipe Zone material 2 feet on either side of crossing pipe or conduit to 6 inches above the top of the crossing pipe. 3. Backfill remainder of trench as described in this Section.

3.09 FINAL BACKFILL ZONE A. Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings, restore the Site to the topography that existed prior to construction by excavation, compaction, finish grading and other earthwork operations, as necessary, for the areas affected by construction. B. Backfill with stockpiled topsoil in all areas where the original topsoil was removed as part of the site preparation and construction activities. C. Restore all drainage swales and water courses to their original alignments and grades. D. Install and maintain for a period of at least one year following completion of construction in any area, the facilities and management practices required by the Project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, if any. E. Areas with unpaved surfaces: 1. Place final backfill in lifts not exceeding 18 inches in un-compacted depth and compact to 85 percent of maximum dry density. 2. In Open Areas, replace topsoil with material that was removed and

stockpiled prior to trench excavation. F. Paved areas: 1. Backfill in lifts not exceeding 12-inches in un-compacted depth and compact to 90 percent maximum dry density except compact the upper 24 inches to 95 percent. 2. Replace final surface as indicated on the Drawings or match existing thickness, whichever is greater. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Match pre-construction condition or better. 4. Smooth and compact material as required to create a smooth and firm driving surface.

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3.10 CONCRETE PIPE ENCASEMENT A. Provide concrete pipe encasement where indicated on the Drawings. B. Concrete: 2,000 psi C. Provide temporary bulkheads to contain concrete at each end of encasement. Remove temporary bulkheads after concrete has set. D. Install reinforcing steel, where indicated, in accordance with Section 03301. E. Mix and place concrete in accordance with Section 03301 F. Control placement of concrete to prevent movement of the pipe from either displacement or buoyancy forces. G. Support pipeline on concrete blocks, sand bags, or pre-mixed cement bags unless otherwise noted. Place supports a minimum of 10 feet on center. H. Maintain groundwater removal, as necessary, at least until completion of concrete placement. I. Do not place backfill on top of concrete within 4 hours of the completion of concrete placement.

3.11 CEMENT SLURRY BACKFILL A. Provide cement slurry backfill where indicated on the Drawings. B. Provide temporary bulkheads to contain cement slurry at each end of cement slurry backfill segments. Remove temporary bulkheads after slurry has set. C. Control placement of cement slurry backfill to prevent movement of the pipe from either displacement or buoyancy forces. D. Support pipeline on concrete blocks, sand bags, or pre-mixed cement bags unless otherwise noted. Place supports a minimum of 10 feet on center. E. Maintain groundwater removal, as necessary, at least until completion of cement slurry backfill placement. F. Do not place backfill on top of cement slurry backfill within 4 hours of the completion of cement slurry backfill placement.

3.12 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS WEST Y A. Compaction requirements specified herein are in-place densities of compacted

backfill. GUIDEOST SPECIFICATION B. Initial Trench Backfill Compaction Demonstration 1. Demonstrate adequacy of compaction equipment and procedures before exceeding 500 lineal feet of trenching work. 2. Continued Compaction Requirements: When specified degree of ECOPYcompaction is achieved, proceed with trenching and backfilling activities using the established equipment and procedures.

3.13 DISPOSAL OF SPOILS A. Dispose of spoils and unsuitable materials in a lawful manner at an off-site location.

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3.14 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compliance testing: By Owner. B. Frequency of testing: Periodic compliance tests will be made by the Engineer to verify that compaction is meeting requirements specified. C. Contractor’s responsibilities: 1. Coordinate compaction testing and compliance with Owner. 2. Submit copies to the Owner of compaction testing results for compaction testing conducted by others. 3. Remove overburden above level at which the Engineer wishes to test. 4. Provide trench support and groundwater removal. 5. Backfill and re-compact material after testing is completed. 6. If compaction fails to meet specified requirements, perform remedial work by one of the following methods: a. Remove and replace backfill at proper density. b. Bring density up to specified level by other means acceptable to the Engineer. c. Redo trench backfill compaction demonstration and demonstrate compaction process achieves required results. d. Costs of retesting to confirm compliance: By the Contractor. D. Frequency of trench backfill compaction confirmation testing: 1. Each test location: Perform tests for each type or class of backfill from bedding to finish grade, excluding controlled low strength material (CLSM) and concrete slurry backfill 2. Non-paved roadways: 1 tests every 500 linear feet. 3. Paved areas 1 test every 300 linear feet.

3.15 SCHEDULE A. Construct pipeline using materials specified in the following schedule. Where

options are provided, Contractor may select materials from the materials listed. 1. Bedding Zone: a. Crushed Rock, 3/8-inch chips b. Controlled Low Strength Material - Controlled Low Strength Material is required for pipes with less than 2.5 feet of cover. 2. Wet Trench: a. Crushed Rock (3/4”) wrapped with filter fabric WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.ECOPY Embedment Zone: a. Crushed Rock, 3/8-inch chips b. Controlled Low Strength Material - Controlled Low Strength Material is required for pipes with less than 2.5 feet of cover.

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4. Trench Zone: a. Native Backfill, except Class 2 Aggregate Base within 36-inches of the finished surface within paved areas. b. Class 2 Aggregate Base c. Controlled Low Strength Material – Controlled Low Strength Material is required for pipes with less than 2.5 feet of cover. 5. Final Backfill Zone: As described in 3.09. B. Structure Backfill: 1. Bedding: a. Crushed Rock (1- or 3/4-inch) b. Class 2 Aggregate Base. 2. Structure backfill: a. Structure Backfill Material b. Class 2 Aggregate Base.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Aggregate base course material and placement.

1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Completed Course: Compacted, unyielding, free from irregularities, with smooth, tight, even surface, true to grade, line, and cross-section. B. Completed Lift: Compacted with uniform surface reasonably true to cross-section.

1.03 STANDARD SPECIFICATION A. State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Caltrans).

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Source, gradation, and testing data records for aggregate base course material previously produced by the supplier, which demonstrates compliance with the specified gradation and physical requirements.

1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Storage and Protection: Protect from segregation and excessive moisture during delivery, storage, and handling.

1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Material and Compaction Testing 1. Source Testing of Materials: Provided and paid for by the Contractor 2. Field Testing for Compaction: Provided and paid for by the Owner

B. Compaction Testing 1. In-place Density: Density of aggregate base course material that has been placed and compacted in the field, then tested in conformance with ASTM D6938 to determine density relative to the maximum density. 2. Maximum Density: Density obtained in the laboratory when tested in accordance with ASTM D1557.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.01 MATERIALSECOPY A. Aggregate: Clean, hard, durable particles consisting of the any combination of the following: 1. Broken stone

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2. Crushed gravel 3. Natural rough surfaced gravel 4. Sand 5. Processed reclaimed asphalt concrete, portland cement concrete (PCC), lean concrete base (LCB), or cement treated base (CTB). B. Use either 3/4-inch aggregate grading unless otherwise indicated. Do not change grading without authorization from the Engineer. C. Conform to the following gradation when tested in accordance with ASTM C136: Percent by Weight Sieve Sizes Passing Sieve (Square Openings) 3/4” Maximum 2” - 1-1/2” - 1-inch 100 3/4-inch 90-100 No. 4 35-60 No. 30 10—30 No. 200 2-9

A. Durability Index (ASTM D3744): 35 minimum. B. Sand Equivalent (ASTM D2419): 25 minimum. C. R-Value (ASTM D2844): 78 minimum.


3.01 PLACEMENT A. Obtain Engineer's acceptance of subgrade before placement of base course. B. Do not place aggregate base material on soft, muddy or frozen subgrade. C. Moisture condition, spread and compact aggregate base course material to the

lines, grades and dimensions indicated on the Drawings and in accordance with WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION applicable sections of Caltrans Section 26. 1. Do not haul material over surfacing in process of construction. 2. Spread and distribute material to provide the required density, depth, grade and dimensions with allowance for subsequent lifts. 3. Produce an even distribution of material without segregation. Should segregation occur, modify or change the spreading procedure to correct ECOPYsegregation problems and to result in uniformity in grading. 3.02 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A. Compact aggregate base course material to obtain an In-Place Density of 95 percent of maximum density unless otherwise indicated.

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B. Commence compaction effort by starting at the outer edges of the layer and continue toward the center. C. Apply water as needed to obtain required In-Place Density. D. Place and compact each lift to required density before succeeding lift is placed. E. Blade or otherwise work surfacing as necessary to maintain grade and cross- section at all times, and to keep surface smooth and thoroughly compacted.

3.03 TOLERANCES A. Structure subgrade: Plus or minus 0.05-foot of the design elevation. B. Pavement subgrade: Plus or minus 0.05-foot of the design elevation. C. Aggregate Base surface grade: Plus or minus 0.05-foot of the design elevation.

3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Contractor’s compaction testing responsibilities: 1. Accomplish specified degree of compaction. 2. Undertake and control compaction effort by confirmation tests to verify that the compaction work complies with the specified degree of compaction. B. Owner’s Compaction Compliance Testing 1. Owner will periodically make compliance tests to independently verify that compaction is meeting the specified requirements. 2. If necessary, remove overburden above the test location and backfill and re-compact as necessary after the testing has been completed.



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City of Healdsburg 02722 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Aggregate Base Course Material 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 02953




A. The restoration of asphalt and concrete pavements and surfaces, including roadways, driveways, road shoulders, medians, traffic signal loops, pavement markings, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and any other surfaces that may be damaged as a result of the work.


A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork


A. References in this Section to the State Standard Specifications means the latest edition of the Standard Specifications published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. B. References in this Section to the City of Healdsburg Specifications means the August 2008 Public Works Standard Specifications and Details published by the City of Healdsburg


A. Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit information for materials to be used in restoring surfaces including mix designs, aggregates, asphalt, liquid priming asphalt, surface sealers, and all other materials to be used for surface restoration.


A. Surface Restoration: The repair or replacement of surface materials back to pre- construction condition or better or as indicated due to the work or damaged as a result of the work.



A. Provide all materials in accordance with: 1. State Standard Specifications, modified by this Section.

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2. City of Healdsburg Specifications, as modified by this Section. B. Aggregate base and sub-base materials: 1. State Standard Specifications, Section 26. 2. Class 2, 3/4 –inch maximum, unless otherwise indicated. C. Asphalt concrete pavement materials: 1. State Standard Specifications, Section 39. 2. City of Healdsburg Specifications, Section 6 3. PG64-10 D. Tack coat: 1. State Standard Specifications, Section 94 and Section 92. 2. City of Healdsburg Specifications, Section 6 3. Grade SS-1. E. Concrete: 1. City of Healdsburg Specifications, Section 6 2. Class A (6 sack) Portland Cement Concrete with 3/4-inch aggregate.



A. Reconstruct surfaces to pre-construction condition or better unless otherwise indicated, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, road shoulders, pavement, ditches, drainage ways, and related items that have been temporarily removed, damaged, or displaced as part of the work. B. Reconstruct pavements in conformance with the State Standard Specifications and the City of Healdsburg Specifications as modified herein. C. Perform trench pavement restoration following the approved hydrostatic test results of the section being tested unless otherwise indicated. D. Trench pavement restoration in areas where the pipe is installed with double-

welded lap or double gasketed joints may be completed after the joints have been WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFIC air tested and the trench backfilled prior to pipe hydrostatic test.


A. Sawcut existing pavement surfaces prior to surface restoration. B. Sawcut in straight lines parallel or perpendicular to existing roadway centerlines a minimum of 12 inches outside the edge of trench unless otherwise indicated. ATION ECOPY C. Where sections of existing pavement remain that are less than 2 feet wide between the proposed sawcut and an existing edge of asphalt concrete, curb, or gutter, remove the existing remaining pavement and replace it as part of the pavement restoration.

City of Healdsburg 02953 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Pavement Restoration 700-14-18-07 PWS927 D. Where pavement is damaged outside of sawcut lines, re-cut lines and remove damaged pavement. E. Where voids develop under existing pavement to remain, re-cut lines, remove pavement and fill voids.


A. Place asphalt concrete in accordance with the following as modified herein: 1. State Standard Specification, Section 39. 2. City of Healdsburg Specifications. B. Prepare the road subgrade as specified in Section 02300. C. Replace trench pavement to match the removed pavement thickness and aggregate base thickness unless otherwise indicated. Replace trench pavement to the extent indicated on the Drawings. D. Test asphalt concrete per: 1. State Standard Specification, Section 39 2. City of Healdsburg Specifications.


A. Prepare the road subgrade as specified in Section 02300. B. Replace trench pavement to match the removed pavement thickness unless otherwise indicated. Replace trench pavement to the extent indicated on the Drawings. C. Following sawcutting, insert dowels into existing concrete on 12-inch centers along the sides of the trench as shown. D. Concrete Pavement: Place concrete pavement in accordance with: 1. City of Healdsburg Specifications.


A. Reconstruct finished surfaces of private roads, parking areas, and other improved areas with the same materials and to not less than the pre-construction dimensions, unless otherwise indicated. B. Reconstruct improvements damaged as part of the work to pre-construction condition or better. C. Asphalt Pavement: Match existing pavement thickness, or at least 3 inches of asphaltECOPY concrete, whichever is greater. D. Gravel, stone, or aggregate surfaces: Match existing thickness, or at least 6 inches, whichever is greater.

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A. Reconstruct concrete surfaces including curbs, gutter, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, medians, valley gutters and any other concrete surface or structure temporarily removed, damaged, or displaced as part of the work in accordance with: 1. City of Healdsburg Specifications


A. Place temporary steel covers over manhole and valve boxes prior to placing permanent pavement. B. Following pavement installation, remove the temporary covers and install grade rings as necessary to adjust the surface of the frames and covers to conform to the surface of the surrounding pavement surface. C. Following adjustment of the frames and covers, neatly chip with a flat tool or sawcut the pavement around each frame to provide a smooth, even, vertical surface. D. Install asphalt concrete in accordance with this Section, to provide a smooth surface around each frame, so that the frame, cover and pavement surfaces match.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for cast-in-place concrete work.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings 1. Reinforcing Steel: Prepare shop fabrication and field installation drawings in accordance with CRSI Manual of Standard Practice and ACI SP. 2. Layout drawings for construction joints. C. Product Data: Waterstops, curing compound data. D. Concrete Mix Design: Data on the concrete mix, including aggregate gradations and admixtures, in accordance with ASTM C94. E. Quality Control Submittals 1. Manufacturer’s application instructions for curing compound. 2. Ready-mix delivery tickets for each truck in accordance with ASTM C94.

1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Supplier Qualifications: A minimum of 5 years’ experience manufacturing ready- mixed concrete and that complies with ASTM C94 for production facilities and equipment. B. Source Limitations: Use the same brand of cement from the same manufacturer's plant, obtain aggregate from one source, and obtain admixtures through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Concrete and Reinforcement: Unless otherwise specified, meet the requirements of ACI 301 and 318. D. Hot Weather Concreting: Conform to ACI 305R. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST


2.01 FORMWORK A. Exposed Areas: Use hard plastic finished plywood.

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B. Unexposed Areas: Use new ship lap or plywood. C. Earth cuts may be used for forming footings.

2.02 CONCRETE A. Ready-mixed meeting ASTM C94, Option A. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. C. Aggregates: Furnish from one source. 1. Natural Aggregates a. Free from deleterious coatings and substances in accordance with ASTM C33, except as modified herein. b. Free of materials and aggregate types causing pop outs, discoloration, staining, or other defects on surface of concrete. 2. Non-Potentially Reactive: In accordance with ASTM C33, Appendix XI, paragraph X1.1. 3. Aggregate Soundness: Test for fine and coarse aggregates in accordance with ASTM C33 and ASTM C88 using sodium sulfate solution. 4. Fine Aggregates a. Clean, sharp, natural sand. b. ASTM C33. c. Materials Passing 200 Sieve: 4 percent maximum. d. Limit deleterious substances in accordance with ASTM C33, Table 1 with material finer than 200 sieve limited to 3 percent, coal and lignite limited to 0.5 percent. 5. Coarse Aggregate a. Natural gravels, combination of gravels and crushed gravels, crushed stone, or combination of these materials containing no more than 15 percent flat or elongated particles (long dimension more than five times the short dimension). b. Materials Passing 200 Sieve: 0.5 percent maximum. D. Admixtures: Do not use admixtures that contribute water-soluble chloride ions

exceeding those permitted in hardened concrete. Do not use calcium chloride or WEST YOST GUIDE admixtures containing calcium chloride. 1. Air-Entraining: ASTM C260. 2. Water-Reducing: ASTM C494, Type A or D. SPECIFICATION 3. Superplasticizers: ASTM C494, Type F or G. 4. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or F. 5.ECOPY Color Pigments: Inert mineral or metal oxide pigments, natural or synthetic; resistant to lime and other alkalies. E. Concrete Mix Design 1. Minimum Compressive Field Strength: 4,000 psi at 28 days when cured and tested in accordance with ASTM C31 and C39.

City of Healdsburg 03301 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Cast-in-Place Concrete 700-14-18-07 PWS927

2. Coarse Aggregate Size: 1-1/2 inches and smaller. 3. Slump Range: 3 to 5 inches. 4. Air Entrainment: Between 3 and 6 percent by volume. 5. Water Reducers: Use in concrete without plasticizers. F. Proportions 1. Design mix to meet aesthetic and structural concrete requirements. 2. Water-cement ratio (water-cement plus fly ash ratio) shall control amount of total water added to concrete as follows:

Coarse Aggregate Size W/C Ratio 1-1/2 inch 0.50 1 inch 0.45

3. Minimum Cement Content (Combined Cement Plus Fly Ash Content): a. 517 pounds per cubic yard for concrete with 1½ inch maximum size aggregate. b. 540 pounds per cubic yard for 1 inch maximum size aggregate. 4. Increase cement content (combined cement plus fly ash content), as required meeting strength requirements and water-cement ratio. 5. Fly Ash Content: maximum 15 percent by weight of total cement content. G. Mixing: Minimum 70 and maximum 270 revolutions of mixing drum. Non-agitating equipment is not allowed.

2.03 REINFORCING STEEL A. Deformed Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60. B. Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A185, fabricated from as-drawn steel wire into flat sheets. C. Bar Supports: 1. For Slab Rebar: Concrete blocks or plastic bar supports.

2. For Rebar in Walls, Beams, Columns, and Slabs Exposed to View: Galvanized steel chairs with plastic tips or plastic bar supports and side form spacers.

2.04 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Curing Compound 1. Material: Solvent based containing acrylic solids in accordance with ASTM WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST ECOPYC1315 with additional requirement that the moisture loss not exceed 0.030 gram per centimeter squared per 72 hours. 2. Manufacturers and Products a. Master Builders Co.; Masterkure CC 250SB b. Euclid Chemical Co.; Euco Super Diamond Coat

City of Healdsburg 03301 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Cast-in-Place Concrete 700-14-18-07 PWS927

B. Epoxy Bonding Agent and Adhesives (for Binding New Concrete to Existing Concrete) 1. Epoxies: Two component material for use on dry or damp surfaces and conforming to the requirements of ASTM C881. 2. Apply in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Sika Armatec 110 EPOCEM; Sika Chemical Corporation. b. CCS Bonder Paste LWL; Chemco Systems. C. Waterstops 1. General: Place hydrophilic and/or rubber dumbbell type or center bulb type waterstops at construction joints and other joints as specified and indicated on the Drawings. 2. Hydrophilic Waterstops: a. Use: For concrete repairs or when attaching new concrete to existing structures. b. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) Greenstreak, Hydrotite CJ. 2) Tremco, Parastop II. c. Installation: As indicated on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 3. Rubber Waterstops a. Use: At new construction joints where indicated on the Drawings. b. Material: PVC or rubber waterstops manufactured by one of the following, or equal: 1) Greenstreak. 2) Progress Unlimited. 3) Williams Products. c. Size: 1) Construction and Contraction Joints. 6-inch flat dumbbell type. WEST YOST GUIDE 2) Expansion Joints: 9-inch wide dumbbell with hollow center bulb. D. Vapor Barrier

1. Material: 15 mil, multilayer plastic, 0.01 minimum permeance rating. SPECIFICATION 2. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. StegoWrap, Stego Industries.

ECOPYb. Premoulded Membrane Vapor Seal with Plasmatic Corel, W. R. Meadows.

City of Healdsburg 03301 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Cast-in-Place Concrete 700-14-18-07 PWS927


3.01 FORMWORK A. Design, construct, erect, brace and maintain formwork in accordance with ACI 301. B. Form Ties 1. Fixed conical or spherical type inserts that remain in contact with forming material and allow for dry packing of form tie holes. 2. Space ties to withstand pressures and to limit deflection of forms to acceptable limits. 3. Wire ties are not acceptable. C. Construction 1. In accordance with ACI 347. 2. Make joints tight to prevent escape of mortar and to avoid formation of fins. 3. Brace as required to prevent distortion during concrete placement. 4. On exposed surfaces locate form ties in uniform pattern or as shown. 5. Construct so ties remain embedded in the wall with no metal within 1-inch of concrete surface when forms, inserts, and tie ends are removed. D. Form Removal 1. Remove after concrete has attained 28 day strength, or approval is obtained in writing from Engineer. 2. Remove forms with care to prevent scarring and damaging the surface.

3.02 PLACING REINFORCING STEEL A. Place reinforcing steel in accordance with CRSI Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. B. Field bending or welding of reinforcing bars will not be allowed. C. Bar Supports: Provide in sufficient quantity to prevent sagging and to support bars during concrete placement. D. Splices and Laps 1. Top Bars: Horizontal bars placed such that 12 inches of fresh concrete is cast below in single placement. 2. Horizontal wall bars are considered top bars. 3. Bar lap splices shall conform to General Structural Notes on the Drawings. 4. Tie splices with 18-gauge annealed wire as specified in CRSI Standard. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 3.03 PLACINGECOPY CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301. B. Before placing concrete: 1. Check reinforcing steel for proper placement and correct discrepancies.

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2. Remove excessive rust, mill scale, dirt, oil and other material from rebar that may adversely affect bonding to concrete. 3. Remove water from excavation and debris and foreign material from forms. C. Before depositing new concrete on existing concrete, clean surface using sandblast or other mechanical means to obtain a 1/4 inch rough profile, and apply epoxy bonding agent in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. D. Place concrete as soon as possible after leaving mixer, without segregation or loss of ingredients, without splashing forms or steel above, and in layers not over 2 feet deep. Place within 1½ hours after adding cement to mix. E. Placement Limitations: 8 feet maximum vertical drop to final placement, when not guided with chutes or other devices to prevent segregation due to impact with reinforcing. F. Hot Weather 1. Prepare ingredients, mix, place, cure, and protect in accordance with ACI 305R. 2. Maintain concrete temperature below 80 degrees F at time of placement, or furnish test data or provide other proof that admixtures and mix ingredients do not produce flash set plastic shrinkage, or cracking due to heat of hydration. Ingredients may be cooled before mixing to maintain fresh concrete temperatures at 80 degrees F or less. 3. Make provisions for windbreaks, shading, fog spraying, sprinkling, ice, or wet cover, or other means to provide concrete with temperature specified. 4. Maximum allowable temperature differential between reinforcing steel and concrete: Not greater than 20 degrees F at the time of concrete placement.

3.04 COMPACTION A. Vibrate concrete as follows: 1. Apply approved vibrator at points spaced not farther apart than vibrator’s effective radius. 2. Apply close enough to forms to vibrate surface effectively but not damage form surfaces.

3. Vibrate until concrete becomes uniformly plastic. WEST YOST GUIDE 4. Vibrator must penetrate fresh placed concrete and into previous layer of fresh concrete below.

3.05 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SPECIFICATION A. Locate as shown or as approved. B. Maximum Spacing Between Construction Joints: 40 feet, unless otherwise


3.06 CRACK CONTROL JOINTS A. Provide crack control joints in concrete slabs on grade, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other concrete flatwork as follows:

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1. Install crack control joints by use of grooving tool on fresh concrete or saw- cut by use of a saw designed for crack control joints as soon as the concrete hardens sufficiently to support the saw, however, no longer than 12 hours after concrete placement. 2. Depth: 1/4 the thickness of the slab. 3. Frequency: Unless otherwise indicated, a. At least 2 times the slab thickness in feet (6-inch slab = 12 foot on center). b. Rectangular slabs: Maximum spacing 1-1/2 to 1

3.07 FINISHING FLOORS AND SLABS A. Unexposed Slabs: Screed to true surface, bull float with wood float, and wood trowel to seal surface and to provide a uniform surface. B. Exposed Slabs to Receive Grout: Screed to indicated elevation and leave without special finish. C. Exposed Floors and Slabs: Screed to true surface and use bull float to form a uniform surface with minor texture then apply final surface finish. D. Final Surface Finishes for Exposed Floors and Slabs: Apply final surface finish as scheduled. 1. Walkway finish: Apply to concrete surfaces that will be used for foot traffic such as walkways around basins and sidewalks. Apply steel trowel surface, then a light hairbroom finish to produce a profile that is parallel to the slab drainage. 2. Scratch Finish: Apply to surfaces receiving concrete floor topping and other bonded cementitious floor finishes, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Use brushes or brooms with stiff bristles to produce ¼-inch deep scratches. 3. Float Finish: Apply to slabs of water-bearing basins and channels and to roof surfaces to receive membrane roofing. Use power-driven floats or hand floats to produce a surface that is uniform and smooth. 4. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, trowel surface until surface is uniform in texture and appearance and free of trowel marks. Apply trowel finish to surfaces indicated and to floor and slab surfaces exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet or tile. 5. Non-slip Finish: After concrete has been screeeded level and slightly hardened, sprinkle abrasive onto surface, wood float into concrete, and trowel abrasive into surface to obtain the proper non-slip finish with the exposed abrasive. E. Tolerances: Exposed surfaces shall not vary from level or true plane more than ¼ WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST inchECOPY in 10 feet when measured with a straightedge. 3.08 FINISHING AND PATCHING FORMED SURFACES A. Unexposed Surfaces: Provide rough-formed concrete texture as imparted by form- facing material, fill form tie holes with nonshrink grout and grind off projections, fins, and rough spots.

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B. Exposed Surfaces: Provide smooth-formed concrete texture as imparted by form- facing material, arranged in an orderly and systematic manner with a minimum number of seams. Fill form tie holes with nonshrink grout and grind off projections, fins, and rough spots. Where scheduled, apply rubbed surface as follows: 1. Smooth Rubbed Finish: Not later than one day after form removal, moisten concrete surfaces and rub with carborundum brick or another abrasive to produce a uniform color and texture. Do not apply cement grout other than that created by the rubbing process. 2. Grout-Cleaned Finish: Wet concrete surfaces and apply grout of a consistency of thick paint to coat surfaces and fill small holes. a. Mix one part portland cement to one and one-half parts fine sand with a 1:1 mixture of bonding admixture and water. Add white portland cement in amounts determined by trial patches so color of dry grout will match adjacent surfaces. b. Scrub grout into voids and remove excess grout. When grout whitens, rub surface with clean burlap and keep surface damp by fog spray for at least 36 hours. 3. Cork-Floated Finish: Wet concrete surfaces and apply a stiff grout. a. Mix one part portland cement and one part fine sand with a 1:1 mixture of bonding agent and water. Add white portland cement in amounts determined by trial patches so color of dry grout will match adjacent surfaces. b. Compress grout into voids by grinding the concrete surface in a swirling motion, then finish the surface with a cork float.: C. Patching Defective Areas: Patch defective areas and repair rough spots resulting from form release agent failure or other reasons to provide smooth uniform appearance. 1. Cut out honeycombed and defective areas. 2. Cut edges perpendicular to surface at least 1-inch deep. Do not feather edges. Soak area with water for 24 hours. 3. Finish surfaces to match adjacent concrete. 4. Keep patches damp for minimum 7 days or spray with curing compound to minimize shrinking. WEST YOST GUIDE

3.09 PROTECTION AND CURING A. Protect fresh concrete from direct rays of sunlight, drying winds, and wash by rain. SPECIFICATION B. Keep concrete slabs continuously wet for a 7 day period. Intermittent wetting is not acceptable. C. Use curing compound only where approved by Engineer. Cure formed surfaces withECOPY curing compound applied in accordance with manufacturer’s directions as soon as forms are removed and finishing is complete. 1. Do not use curing compound on concrete surfaces that will be painted. D. Remove and replace concrete damaged by freezing.

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3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Concrete Samples: 1. Provide concrete for making composite samples for testing slump, air content, and for making cylinders for determination of compressive strength. 2. Prepare samples in accordance with ASTM C172. Select trucks or batches of concrete on a random basis. 3. Samples may be obtained at the discharge chute of the truck or at the point of discharge into forms. B. Sampling Frequency: One composite sample for each 100 cubic yards of structural concrete, or fraction thereof, of each concrete mixture placed in any one day. C. Evaluation will be in accordance with ACI 301, Chapter 17 and Specifications. D. Slump tests and concrete cylinders will be made by the Owner. Owner will handle cured test cylinders, transport to the testing laboratory and pay testing costs. E. Enforcement of Compressive Strength Requirements: 1. Compressive strength of concrete will be considered acceptable if the following conditions are satisfied: a. Averages of all sets of 3 consecutive strength test results are greater or equal to the specified compressive strength. b. No individual strength test (average of 2 cylinders) falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 pounds per square inch. 2. Whenever one, or both, of 2 conditions stated above is not satisfied, provide additional curing of affected portion of structure, then obtain test cores from the affected area. a. Obtain 3 test cores in accordance with ASTM C42 and ACI 318. b. Concrete will be considered acceptable if the average compressive strength of the 3 test cores is equal to at least 90 percent of the specified 28-day compressive strength and no single core is less than 80 percent of the specified 28-day compressive strength.

c. Concrete will be designated as defective when the specified conditions are not achieved. d. Fill core holes with concrete. 3. Engineer may require the Contractor to strengthen defective concrete by means of additional concrete, additional reinforcing steel, or replacement of defective concrete, all of the Contractor's expense.


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City of Healdsburg 03301 - 10 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Cast-in-Place Concrete 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 03600



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grout for uses other than masonry construction, including: 1. Dry pack grout 2. Cement grout 3. Nonshrink grout, non-metallic 4. Pressure grout 5. Epoxy grout 6. Polymer concrete

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 03301 – Cast-in-Place Concrete

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Conform to Section 01330. B. Product Data 1. Manufacturer’s product data of all materials proposed for use in the Work. 2. Manufacturer’s literature containing instructions and recommendations on the mixing, handling, placement and appropriate uses for each type of grout used in the Work C. Laboratory Test Reports 1. Test reports on previously tested materials shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's statement that the previously tested material is the same type, quality, manufacture, and make as that proposed for use in this project. 2. Test reports are required for the following: a. Cement b. Aggregates ECOPYc. Bonding compounds d. Admixtures D. Certifications that all grout used on the project are free of chlorides or other chemicals that may cause corrosion.

City of Healdsburg 03600 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field tests 1. Compression test specimens will be taken during construction from the first placement of each type of grout and at intervals thereafter as selected by the Owner to insure compliance with the Contract Documents. 2. The test specimens will be obtained, tested, and paid for by the Owner except the Contractor will be charged the cost of any additional tests on work which does not meet the Specifications. 3. Compression tests for grout and non-shrink grout: a. Per ASTM C109. b. Obtain three samples. c. At a minimum test at 7 and 28 days. 4. Compression test for epoxy grout: a. Per ASTM C579 Method B. b. Obtain three samples. c. At a minimum test at 7 days. 5. Remove and replace all grout that does not meet the Specification requirements at no additional cost to the Owner.


2.01 GENERAL A. Use grouts indicated in the grout schedule whether called for on Drawings or not.

2.02 CEMENT GROUT A. Portland cement ASTM C150 Type II or Type V B. Low alkali, containing less than 0.60 percent alkalies. C. Aggregate 1. Nonreactive and washed before use. 2. Fine Aggregate a. Hard, dense, durable particles of either sand or crushed stone regularly graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to ASTM C33 as modified herein. b. Gradation (ASTM C136): 100 percent by weight will pass a standard No. 8 mesh sleeve and no less than 45 percent by weight will pass a standard No. 40 mesh sieve. c. Tolerance: The average of three consecutive tests fall within the ECOPYlimits listed below: Permissible variation in US standard sieve size individual tests, percent 30 or coarser 2.0 50 or finer 0.5

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3. Meet the requirements of the following specifications:

Test Test Method Requirements Organic Impurities ASTM C40 Color lighter than standard Amount of Material Passing ASTM C117 3% maximum by weight No. 200 Sieve 10% maximum loss with Soundness ASTM C88 sodium sulfate Reactivity ASTM C289 Innocuous aggregate Sand Equivalent ASTM D2419 Minimum 80

4. Admixtures a. General 1) Compatible with the grout. 2) Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride. 3) Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use. 4) Add separately to the grout mix. b. Water Reducing Retarder 1) ASTM C494 Type D. 2) Manufactured by: a) Master Builders MasterSet R 300, b) Sika Corporation Plastiment, c) Or equal. c. Lubricant for Cement Pressure Grouting 1) Manufactured by: a) Intrusion Prepakt Intrusion Aid, b) Sika Intraplast N, c) Or equal. 5. Water a. Free from oil and deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, and organic materials; b. Do not use water containing more than 500 mg/1 of chlorides as Cl, nor more than 800 mg/1 of sulfates as SO4; c. Do not use water containing impurities that may cause a change of more than 25 percent in the setting time of the cement nor a reduction of more than five percent in the compressive strength of the grout at 14 days when compared with the result obtained with ECOPYdistilled water. d. Do not use water for curing that discolors the grout.

City of Healdsburg 03600 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927 D. Drypack Grout 1. A mixture of approximately one part cement, 1-1/2 to 2 parts sand, water reducing retarder, and sufficient water to make a stiff workable mix. 2. Consistency: Plastic and moldable but does not flow. E. Cement Grout 1. Mixture of one part cement, two parts sand, proportioned by volume, admixtures for pressure grouting, and sufficient water to form workable mix. 2. Maximum slump: 4 inches.

2.03 PREPACKAGED GROUT A. Non-shrink Grout 1. Cementitious non-shrink, non-metallic grout 2. Conform to ASTM C1107, Grades B and C. 3. Manufactured by: a. Sika Corporation, SikaGrout 212 b. Five Star Products, Inc. Five Star Grout c. Chemrex Inc. Masterflow 928 d. Euclid Chemical Co. High-Flow Grout e. Or equal. B. Epoxy grout bonding/grouting adhesive 1. Multi-purpose, two-component, 100% solids, moisture-tolerant, structural adhesive. 2. Conform to ASTM C881, Types I, II and V, Grade-2. 3. Manufactured by: a. Sika Corporation, Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod b. Chemrex Inc. MasterFlow 649 c. Or equal. C. Epoxy grout paste adhesive 1. High modulus, two-component, moisture insensitive, 100 percent solids, thermosetting modified polyamid epoxy compound. 2. Paste form consistency capable of not sagging in horizontal or overhead anchoring configurations. 3. Conform to ASTM C881 Type 1, Grade 3 4. Heat deflection temperature: In excess of 130 degrees F. 5.ECOPY Manufactured by: a. Chemrex Inc. Concresive Paste LPL b. Sika Corporation Sikadur Hi-Mod Series c. Adhesive Technology Corporation Ultrabond 1350

City of Healdsburg 03600 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927 d. Or equal, D. Epoxy grout for pressure grouting 1. Two-component, 100% solids, moisture-tolerant, epoxy adhesive. Low- viscosity, high-strength adhesive formulated specifically for injection grouting. 2. Consistency as necessary to achieve complete penetration in hairline cracks and larger. 3. Conform to ASTM C881 Type 1 and 2, Grade 1. 4. Manufactured by: a. Sika Corporation Sikadur 52 b. Chemrex Inc. Concresive LV1 c. Adhesive Technology Corporation SLV 300 series d. Or equal. E. Polymer concrete grout 1. Liquid binder and dry aggregate mixed together to make a mortar or grout of a consistency as necessary for the application. 2. Liquid binder: Chemical and oil resistant, stress relieved, low modulus, moisture insensitive, two-component epoxy-resin compound. 3. Consistency similar to lightweight oil for proper mixing with aggregate. 4. Conform to ASTM C881 Type 3 Grade 1, 5. Aggregate: a. Size and consistency compatible with recommendations of manufacturer of liquid binder for intended application. b. Keep aggregate oven dry in sealed packages until time of mixing. 6. Manufactured by: a. Sika Corporation Sikadur Lo-Mod series b. Adhesive Engineering Concresive 1470 c. Adhesive Technology Corporation 400 series d. Or equal.

2.04 PRESSURE GROUTING EQUIPMENT A. Mixer and holdover agitator tanks B. Designed to place grout at pressures up to 50 psi. C. Provide gages to indicate pressure grout pressure during application. D. Provide mixer with a meter capable of indicating to one-tenth of a cubic foot the volumeECOPY of grout used.

City of Healdsburg 03600 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 3 - EXECUTION

3.01 GENERAL A. Conduct mixing, surface preparation, handling, placing, consolidation, and curing for prepackaged grouts according to the instructions and recommendations of the grout manufacturer. B. Mix grouts in a mortar mixer. C. Bonding compound for use with grout is specified in Section 03301. D. Provide primer if required for polymer concrete, per manufacturer's recommendation.

3.02 DRYPACK GROUT A. Roughen surfaces to be built up with drypack grout by brushing B. Clean, and coat surface with bonding compound in conformance to Section 03301 before the application of the grout. C. Apply drypack grout immediately following the application of the bonding compound in layers to the required thickness. D. Finish the surface smooth. E. Where construction joints are necessary, slope face of construction joints and clean and wet the existing grout before application is resumed. F. Cure drypack grout in accordance with Section 03301. G. Do not place drypack grout during freezing weather unless adequate protection is provided.

3.03 CEMENT GROUT A. Except for the specialized equipment for pressure grouting, mixing and placing apparatus use equipment similar to that normally used for cast-in-place concrete. B. Mix grout for a period of at least 1 minute.

3.04 NONSHRINK GROUT A. Place in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

3.05 EPOXY GROUT A. Prime surface to be grouted in accordance with the grout manufacturer's instructions.

3.06 PRESSURE GROUTING A. PriorECOPY to grouting, Wash clean surfaces and holes to be grouted, prior to grouting. B. Washing is not required for grouting soil voids outside pipe cylinders or casing pipes. C. Once commenced, continue grouting to completion without stoppage.

City of Healdsburg 03600 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927 D. In case of breakdown of equipment, wash out the grouting system sufficiently to ensure fresh grout and adequate bond and penetration will occur upon restarting the grouting operation. E. Maintain grout pressure until grout has set.

3.07 GROUT SCHEDULE A. Use grout type indicated in the table below unless otherwise indicated.

Grout Application Drypack Cement Grout Built-up surfaces, setting miscellaneous metal items and minor repairs. Cement Grout Filling nonbearing portions of equipment pads and pressure grouting. Non-shrink Grout Bearing surfaces of machinery and equipment bases, column base plates, and bearing plates, and setting handrail, guardrail, or fence posts in pipe sleeves. Epoxy Grout Reinforcing steel set in grout, repairing cracks in concrete, concrete repair. Pressure Grout Repairing cracks in concrete. Polymer Cement Grout Repair of concrete floors, patching.



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City of Healdsburg 03600 - 8 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Grout 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Anchor bolts, concrete anchors, adhesive anchors, and other anchoring devices.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Manufacturer’s data for nuts, bolts, concrete anchors, chemical anchors and other fasteners. C. Catalog data and ICBO reports for each type of anchor bolt.

1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For applications that require special inspection in accordance with building codes, coordinate the progress of the Work with the required inspection activities.


2.01 MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings, materials of construction for anchoring devices shall conform to the following: 1. Anchor bolts and other anchoring devices, nuts and washers installed indoors: Type 304 stainless steel.

2. Anchor bolts and other anchoring devices, nuts and washers installed outdoors or in locations exposed to wastewater: Type 316 stainless steel. a. Locations exposed to wastewater include: 1) Below tops of walls of water-containing structures. 2) Underside of roof, slab or walkways of enclosed water- containing structures. 3) Dry side of walls on water-containing structures. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.02 CAST-INECOPY-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS A. Locations 1. Use cast-in-place anchor bolts: a. In locations indicated on the Drawings.

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b. To anchor engine-driven equipment and equipment with motors 3 horsepower and larger. B. Cast-in-Place Anchor Bolts 1. Material: Stainless steel conforming to ASTM A320. 2. Minimum Length of Bolt: As indicated on the Drawings. When not indicated, provide bolt length such that the length of the embedded anchor is at least 10 bolt diameters. 3. Minimum length of 90-degree hook: 4 bolt diameters.

2.03 CONCRETE ANCHORS A. Concrete Anchors: Drilled in place wedge-type anchors with threaded stud body, stainless steel expansion clip, nut and washer. B. Materials: Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel, depending upon installed location. C. Code Compliance: Test in accordance with, and comply with requirements of, ASTM E488 and ICC-ES AC193. D. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Hilti Kwik Bolt 3. 2. ITW Redhead, Trubolt Wedge Anchor. 3. Powers Fasteners, Power-Stud SD4 or SD6. 4. Wej-It Corporation, Ankr-Tite Wedge Anchors.

2.04 STUDS A. Material: Conforming to ASTM A108 with 50,000 pounds per square inch minimum yield strength, and 60,000 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength. B. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Nelson Stud Welding Company, S3L Shear Connectors or H4L Concrete Anchors. 2. Stud Welding Products, Headed Concrete Anchors and Shear Connectors or Concrete Anchors. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 2.05 ADHESIVE ANCHORS A. Applications: Use for bonding threaded rods and concrete reinforcing bars to hardened concrete and grouted cement masonry. Do not use in overhead applications, in chlorine gas environments, or where anchor may be exposed to machine oil or diesel oil. B. Code Compliance: Test in accordance with, and comply with requirements of, ASTM E488 and ICC-ES AC58. ECOPY C. Materials 1. Epoxy Adhesive: Two component, injectable epoxy adhesive. 2. Concrete Reinforcing Bars: Grade 60.

City of Healdsburg 05501 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Anchor Bolts and Anchoring Devices 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3. Threaded Rods: Type 304 stainless steel all-thread rod conforming to ASTM F593. D. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Hilti HVA Adhesive Anchor System. 2. ITW Redhead G5 Adhesive Anchoring System. 3. Powers Fasteners PE1000+ Epoxy Anchoring System.


3.01 GENERAL ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS A. Use equipment shop drawings, anchorage layout drawings, and anchor bolt layout templates to accurately position anchor bolts. B. Install anchor bolts, concrete anchors and other anchoring devices with at least 2 threads projecting beyond the nut, but no more than 1/2-inch projecting beyond the nut. C. Prior to installing nuts, coat threads of stainless steel bolts with material to prevent galling of threads. 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Never Seez Compound Corporation, Never-Seez. b. Oil Research, Inc., WLR No. 111. D. Tighten nuts on anchor bolts, concrete anchors and other anchoring devices to the "snug-tight" condition, defined as tightness attained by a few impacts of an impact wrench or the full effort of a man using an ordinary wrench.

3.02 CAST-IN-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS A. Do not use expansion type concrete anchors or adhesive anchors as substitution for cast-in-place anchor bolts. B. Accurately place anchor bolts to be embedded in concrete within the formwork and perpendicular to surface from which they will project. Secure in correct position while concrete is placed.

C. Do not allow anchor bolts to touch reinforcing steel. Where anchor bolts are within 1/4 inch of reinforcing steel, isolate with a minimum of 4 wraps of 10 mil polyvinyl chloride tape in area adjacent to reinforcing steel. D. In anchoring machinery bases subject to heavy vibration, use 2 nuts, with 1 serving as a locknut. E. Where bolts are indicated on the Drawings for future use, first coat thoroughly with non-oxidizing wax, then turn nuts down full depth of thread and neatly wrap

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST exposed thread with waterproof polyvinyl tape. F. WhereECOPY indicated on the Drawings, set anchor bolts in metal sleeves having inside diameter approximately 2 inches greater than the bolt diameter and a minimum of 10 bolt diameters deep. Fill sleeves with grout when equipment is grouted in place.

City of Healdsburg 05501 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Anchor Bolts and Anchoring Devices 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3.03 CONCRETE ANCHORS AND ADHESIVE ANCHORS A. Cast-in-place anchor bolts may be used in place of concrete anchors and adhesive anchors at Contractor’s option. B. Installation 1. Drill holes using concrete drill bits and impact type drill motors. Hole diameter shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. Clean drilled hole using compressed air to dislodge and remove drilling dust. 3. Accurately locate concrete anchors and set anchors with axis perpendicular to surfaces from which they will project. 4. Do not disturb adhesive anchors until cure time has elapsed. 5. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or as required by structural calculations prepared by the equipment supplier, comply with minimum embedment lengths identified in the following table.

Minimum Embedment Lengths for Concrete and Adhesive Anchors Diameter of Anchor Embedment Length for Embedment Length for Adhesive Anchors or or Bar, inches Concrete Anchors, inches Reinforcing Bars 1/4 1-3/4 3/8 1-7/8 1/2 2-1/4 As indicated on the Drawings 5/8 2-3/4 3/4 3-1/4 (1) Provide longer embedment where otherwise indicated



City of Healdsburg 05501 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Anchor Bolts and Anchoring Devices 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Aluminum Utility Vault Doors with fall protection grates.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Product Data 1. Manufacturer’s standard catalog information, drawings, specifications and accessories. 2. Storage, handling and installation instructions. 3. Anchorage details to the surrounding concrete, details of the recessed locking mechanism, safety grate details, and details of the compression spring lifting mechanism.

1.04 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Design: 1. Standard Weight Design Requirements: Design vault door with 1/4-inch aluminum plate, reinforced to withstand a live load of 300 pounds per square foot with a maximum deflection of 1/150 of the span. 2. Traffic Loading Design Requirements: Design vault door with 1/4-inch aluminum diamond pattern plate, reinforced to withstand an H-20 highway

load with a maximum deflection of 1/150 of the span. B. Operation: Smooth and easy opening and closing with controlled operation throughout the entire arc of opening and closing, regardless of ambient temperature. Provide lifting mechanism that retards downward motion of the cover when closing to prevent quick closing and slamming.


WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. BilcoECOPY; B. Thompson Fabrication Company; C. Halliday Products, Inc.; D. or equal

City of Healdsburg 08385 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Aluminum Utility Vault Door 700-14-18-07 PWS927

2.02 UTILITY VAULT DOOR A. Sizes and Design Loading Requirements: As indicated on the Drawings. Sizes indicated reflect the clear opening required for each vault door. B. Vault Door 1. Double leaf or single leaf as indicated in 3.02. 2. Provide each leaf with a minimum of two compression spring lifting mechanisms designed to prevent the entry of dirt and foreign matter into compression spring housing. 3. Provide a recessed locking mechanism and flush lift handles. 4. Leafs: Diamond pattern, milled aluminum, 1/4-inch thickness, ASTM B221, Alloy 5086. Reinforce as necessary to comply with design loading requirements. 5. Leaf Gaskets: EPDM or neoprene gasket, mechanically attached to the vault door frame. 6. Type 316 stainless steel hardware throughout. C. Hatch Hinges 1. Heavy forged aluminum with ¼-inch diameter stainless steel hinge pins provided, designed to pivot so the cover does not protrude into the channel frame. 2. Specifically designed for horizontal installation. 3. Through bolted to the covers with tamperproof Type 316 stainless steel lock bolts and through bolted to the frame with Type 316 stainless steel bolts and locknuts. D. Lifting Mechanisms: 1. Compression spring-type mechanism within a telescoping tube. 2. Provide automatic hold-open arms with release handles. 3. Attach lower tube of lifting mechanism to a flanged support shoe fastened to a formed 1/4” gusset support plate. E. Locking Mechanisms:

1. Exterior: Provide removable turn/lift handle with spring loaded ball detent WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION to open the cover. Protect latch release by a flush, gasketed, removable screw plug. 2. Interior: Provide Type 316 stainless steel snap lock with fixed handle mounted on the underside of the cover. F. Frame: Aluminum channel frame, 1/4-inch thickness, ASTM B221 alloy 6063-T5, with a perimeter anchor flange with anchor tabs around the perimeter. G. ProvideECOPY a 1-1/2 inch drainage coupling, zinc plated and chromate sealed, in a corner of the channel frame. H. Finish 1. Mill-finish with one of the following applied to the exterior of the frame:

City of Healdsburg 08385 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Aluminum Utility Vault Door 700-14-18-07 PWS927

a. Carboline “Bitumastic Super Service Black,” b. Tnemec “46-499 Heavy Duty Black”. c. Valspar “High-Build Bitumastic Coating 35-T-10”.

2.03 FALL PROTECTION GRATE A. Underlying aluminum safety grates to allow inspection of the wet well while providing fall-through protection. Safety grates: 1. Designed to withstand a live load of 300 lb/ft2 with a maximum deflection of 1/150 of the span. 2. Fabricated from aluminum flat bars. 3. Openings between flat bars shall be not less than 4” x 4” to facilitate visual inspection. 4. Provided with a hinging system that will lock the grate in the 90 open position. 5. Provide an aluminum open arm with red vinyl grip. 6. Paint safety grates safety orange.


3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. B. Install vault door with frame set level and flush with the surrounding surface. C. Coat the exterior surfaces of door frames with a bituminous paint. D. Connect a 1-1/2-inch diameter copper drain pipe to the drainage coupling on the hatch frame and route the drain pipe to the wet well.

3.02 VAULT DOOR SCHEDULE Safety Location Qty Opening Size Design Grates Style 1. Pond Drain Sump Manhole, (1)

See Drawing C05 1 36”x42” Traffic Weight Required Single Leaf 2. Valve Vault, See C10 1 36”x36” (1) Traffic Weight No Single Leaf (1) Confirm size required and coordinate with precast vault and sump manufacturer and access hatch manufacturer before ordering access hatch


City of Healdsburg 08385 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Aluminum Utility Vault Door 700-14-18-07 PWS927



City of Healdsburg 08385 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Aluminum Utility Vault Door 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 09960



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Field-applied, high performance coatings and requirements for surface preparation.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 15143 – Ductile Iron Pipe

1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. The following categories of work are not included as part of field-applied finish work. 1. Factory-Finished Items: Unless otherwise indicated, do not include field applied coatings when factory-finishing or installer-finishing is specified within the specific specification Section for that item. a. Examples include, but are not limited to, finished mechanical and electrical equipment such as pumps, engines, light fixtures, electrical switchgear enclosures, and power distribution cabinets. B. Shop Priming: Unless otherwise specified, shop priming of ferrous metal items is included under specific specification Sections for structural steel, metal fabrications, hollow metal work and similar items.

1.04 GOVERNING STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES A. Standards and recommended practices listed in this Article govern the Work unless otherwise specified. B. ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials 1. ASTM D3960, Standard Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)Content of Paints and Related Coatings 2. ASTM D4940, Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble Ionic Contamination of Blast Cleaning Abrasives 3. ASTM D5402, Standard Practice For Assessing the Solvent Resistance of Organic Coating Using Solvent Rubs 4.ECOPY ASTM D6386, Standard Practice for Preparation of Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coated Iron and Steel Product and Hardware Surfaces for Painting

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. ANSI/AWWA 1. ANSI/AWWA C213 - Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines D. NSF International – National Science Foundation 1. NSF 61, Listing of Certified Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects E. SSPC – The Society for Protective Coatings 1. SSPC- Vol. 1, Steel Structures Painting Manual, Good Painting Practice 2. SSPC- Vol. 2, Steel Structures Painting Manual, Systems and Specifications 3. SSPC-SP1, Solvent Cleaning 4. SSPC-SP2, Hand Tool Cleaning 5. SSPC-SP3, Power Tool Cleaning 6. SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast Cleaning 7. SSPC-SP7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning 8. SSPC-SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning 9. SSPC-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning 10. SSPC-SP11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal 11. SSPC-SP15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning 12. SSPC-Guide 12, Illumination of Industrial Painting Projects 13. SSPC-PA1, Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting 14. SSPC-PA2, Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gauges 15. SSPC-PA, Guide 3 Guide to Safety in Paint Application 16. SSPC-AB1, Mineral and Slag Abrasives 17. SSPC-VIS 1, 02-12 Reference Photographs, Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning 18. SSPC-VIS 3, 93-04 Visual Standards for Power and Hand-Tool Cleaned Steel F. NACE International – National Association of Corrosion Engineers International 1. Joint NACE/SSPC-SP5/5 NACE #1 White Metal Blast 2. Joint NACE/SSPC-SP10/NACE #2 Near White Metal Blast 3. Joint NACE/SSPC-SP6/NACE #3 Commercial Blast 4. Joint NACE/SSPC-SP7/NACE #4 Brush-off Blast 5.ECOPY Joint NACE/SSPC-SP12/NACE #5 Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Water Jetting Prior to Recoating 6. Joint NACE/SSPC-SP13/NACE #6 Surface Preparation of Concrete 7. NACE RPO178 Appendix C - Degrees of Surface Finishing of Welds

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 8. NACE RPO287 Field Measurement of Surface Profile 9. NACE SPO188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings G. Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District 1. Volatile Organic Content (VOC) requirements for coatings and applications.

1.05 DEFINITIONS A. Paint: Coating systems materials, including primers, emulsions, enamels, stains, sealers and fillers, and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate, or finish coats.

1.06 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Apply coatings that are specifically formulated for application in water, wastewater, and stormwater applications. B. Compatibility of Coating System Components: Apply coating materials for each specified coating system, including primer, intermediate coat, finish coats, produced by the same manufacturer. Use thinners, cleaners and other additives recommended by the coating manufacturer for the specified system. C. Use only coatings that are free of asbestos, lead, cadmium, and chromate. D. Volatile Organic Content (VOC) of Applied Coatings 1. Comply with air quality regulations mandated by jurisdictional agencies. 2. Determine VOC concentrations in accordance with ASTM D3960. 3. If the specified products are not available in formulations that meet applicable VOC limits, supply alternative products of equivalent quality and function that comply with VOC regulations in effect at the time. E. Shop Applied Coatings 1. Except as otherwise specified, prime coats may be shop applied or field applied. a. Shop Applied Primer: Compatible with the specified coating system and applied at the minimum dry film thickness (DFT) recommended by the manufacturer. 2. Repair damaged, deteriorated, and failed finish coatings that have been shop-applied to items delivered to the project site. a. Items requiring extensive repairs: Remove failed coating system and re-apply new coating system. Repair may be undertaken in field or item may be shipped back to factory. b. Items requiring spot repairs: Remove coating from area surrounding damage, exposing bare substrate. Re-apply and touch ECOPYup the prime coat and finish coats to achieve the specified film thickness and continuity.

1.07 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Product Data 1. Coating manufacturer’s technical data on product and recommended use. Include the brand name and series number of coatings to be used. 2. Coating manufacturer's surface preparation criteria, including recommended surface profile range after abrasive blasting. 3. Coating manufacturer's product data sheets that include application instructions, equipment recommendation, temperature and humidity limitations, pot life and induction requirements, drying and curing times, and recoat cycle times. Provide maximum and minimum material and substrate temperatures for proper application. Provide product VOC information. 4. Contractor’s written program for over spray prevention. 5. Coating manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all Product to be used on the project, including solvents, additives, cleaners and thinners. C. Submittals for Abrasive Blasting 1. Abrasive supplier's certification that the abrasive blast material to be provided complies with the State of California Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Board and Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District requirements for dry outdoor blasting. 2. Abrasive blast cleaning and application equipment list and complete procedures for its use. D. Contractor’s safety program to be employed on this project which complies with the current requirements of California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OHSA) and this Specification. E. Quality Assurance Certifications 1. Coating Manufacturer’s experience certification. 2. Coating Applicator’s qualifications certification.

1.08 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Coatings Manufacturer Qualifications 1. Specialize in the manufacture of high performance coatings used in water, stormwater, and wastewater environments with a minimum of 10 years successful experience. 2. Coatings Applicator Personnel a. Provide a supervisor at the work site during surface preparation and coating operations. b. Provide personnel trained and qualified to perform work to industry ECOPYstandards of practice and safety. B. Regulatory Requirements 1. Abrasive Blasting: Comply with the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and state Air Quality Management District requirements for dry outdoor blasting.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Coatings: Comply with regulations of jurisdictional governing agencies by using coatings that do not exceed permissible volatile organic compound limits and coatings that do not contain lead. C. Pre-Construction Conference 1. Schedule pre-construction conference with the Construction Manager. 2. Conduct a pre-construction conference with the Construction Manager, Contractor, Inspector, Coating Manufacturer, and Coating Applicator. 3. Topics for discussion include: a. Site conditions. b. Coating materials and manufacturer's application recommendations. c. Surface preparation prior to abrasive blast cleaning. d. Specification compliance of blast abrasives and surface profile requirements. e. Schedule of field surface preparation and coating application, and order of the work. f. List of equipment and procedures for cleaning, blasting, coating application, ventilation and dehumidification. g. Safety programs and the enforcement to be used during the course of the work. h. Weather limitations for acceptable work. i. Inspection facilities and equipment to be provided. j. Inspector’s authority. k. Procedures for over-spray prevention.

1.09 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING. A. Delivery 1. Deliver coating products in original sealed containers identified with labels indicating manufacturer; product name and number; color, batch or lot number; and date of manufacture. 2. Note the date of manufacture and apply coatings prior to the expiration of the recommended storage life. Coating materials exceeding storage life will be rejected. 3. Factory Coated Items: Protect coated surfaces from damage during shipping and handling. B. Storage 1. Store coating materials in a protective enclosure to protect from weather and excessive heat or cold. 2.ECOPY Coatings stored at above or below manufacturers recommendations will be rejected. 3. Comply with state and local requirements for storage of flammable materials.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1.10 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not apply coatings when surface moisture, surface temperature, relative humidity, or other environmental conditions exceeds manufacturer’s specified limits. B. Painting may be continued during inclement weather if areas and surfaces to be painted are enclosed and the ambient temperature is within temperature limits specified by paint manufacturer during application and drying periods. C. Provide fans, heaters, dehumidifiers, or other devices to prevent formation of condensate on surfaces. D. When necessary to maintain progress, erect temporary tents or enclosures and provide adequate ventilation and/or heating systems to maintain the environment within the temporary enclosure minimum and maximum temperatures.

1.11 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL A. Carefully contain paints and solvents. Do not allow them to penetrate the soil. B. Utilize drop cloths to protect walkways, floors, pre-finished materials, building fixtures, and other similar items. Contractor is responsible for damage caused by coating application. C. Dispose of waste material in a legal manner.

1.12 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Supply 5 gallons of each color, type, and surface texture. Store where directed. B. Label each container with color, type, texture, room and floor locations, in addition to manufacturer's label.

1.13 CONSISTENCY OF MATERIALS A. Each coating system shall have only one product used for the finish coat to ensure consistency in appearance throughout the project.


2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Products identified for each coating system are the product names from specific manufacturers. Coatings products from other manufacturers and of equal or higher quality and performance may also be acceptable. 1. Requests for Substitution of Alternative Coatings Products: a. Include the full name of each product, descriptive literature, test data, data on past performance, manufacturer's instruction for use, generic type, and its nonvolatile content by volume. ECOPYb. Demonstrate product and performance is equivalent to the specified materials and complete systems. c. Demonstrate that the coatings manufacturer has local qualified representation which will provide onsite technical support to resolve

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 field problems with the manufacturer's products, materials or application for the duration of the project. B. Requests for substitution of alternative coating products that decreases the specified dry-film thickness or the number of coats to be applied, or which changes the generic type of coating specified, will not be considered.

2.02 COATING SYSTEM DESIGNATIONS A. Coating System Designations: The following designations are used in this Section: 1. F: Fusion-bonded Epoxy-based system 2. M: Mastic-based coating system. 3. U: Urethane-based coating system.

2.03 COATING SYSTEMS A. Coating Systems for Pipes – Exterior Exposure 1. System F-1 Fusion Bonded Epoxy: a. Surface Preparation: Abrasive blasted in compliance with SSPC- SP 10/NACE No. 2 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning. Obtain an anchor pattern between 3.0 and 4.0 mils. b. The coating material shall be a 100 percent powder epoxy, certified as compliant with NSF Standard 61, applied in accordance with the ANSI/AWWA C213 - Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines, except that the surface preparation shall be as listed above. The coating shall be applied using the fluidized bed process. 1) Coating DFT = 16 mils, Scotchkote 206N, or equal. 2. Liquid Epoxy: For field repairs, the use of a liquid epoxy will be permitted, applied in not less than 3 coats to provide a DFT of 15 mils. The liquid epoxy shall be a 100 percent solids epoxy recommended by the powder epoxy manufacturer. 3. System U-1– Acrylic Urethane: a. Surface Preparation Ductile Iron Pipe: Abrasive blasted in compliance with SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning. b. Surface Preparation PVC Pipe: Hand Sanding SSPC-SP1 c. Primer: Single coat, shop- or field-applied, two-component polyamide epoxy. Products: Sherwin-Williams Macropoxy 646FC; Tnemec Series 66; or equal applied at 4.0 to 6.0 dry mils. d. Intermediate Coat: Field applied two-component polyamide epoxy. Products: Sherwin-Williams Macropoxy 646 FC; Tnemec Series 66; ECOPYor equal applied at 4.0 to 6.0 dry mils. e. Finish Coat: Field-applied, semi-gloss polyurethane. Products: Sherwin-Williams Acrolon 218HS B65-650 series; Tnemec Series 1075-Color Endura-Shield II applied at 3.0 to 5.0 dry mils in one to two coats, or equal.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 7 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2.04 ABRASIVES FOR BLAST CLEANING A. Use only new materials that are clean and free of contaminants. B. Certified by the local Air Quality Management District for use in dry, open air abrasive blasting. C. Comply with all applicable requirements of the local Air Quality Management District. D. Purchase only from firms which can accept spent abrasives, then process spent abrasives for recycle or proper disposal.


3.01 PROTECTION OF THE WORK A. Techniques 1. Use coverings or drop cloths to protect floors, concrete, appurtenances, equipment, prepared surfaces and applied coatings or paints. 2. Take precautions to prevent damage or contamination of coated surfaces from personnel entering containment areas or walking near coated surfaces. 3. Exercise care to prevent coating from being spattered onto surfaces that are not to be coated. 4. Recoat surfaces from which such material cannot be removed satisfactorily to produce a finish satisfactory to the Construction Manager. B. Where protection is required or provided for coated surfaces, maintain protection until the coating film has properly cured. C. Do not handle, work on or otherwise disturb coated areas until the coating has cured to “dry to handle”.

3.02 SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS A. General 1. Comply with the applicable health and safety requirements of OSHA and the recommendations of the product manufacturer. 2. Provide and require the use of proper personal protective and life saving equipment for all persons visiting or working in or about the project site. 3. Remove contaminated air, vapors, and other potential hazardous substances from the confined space. 4. Forced air ventilation during blast cleaning, abrasive removal, coating application, and curing is mandatory in confined spaces. B. ConfineECOPY blasting debris and paint over spray to within the bounds of the site. 1. Prevent adverse offsite consequences from the blasting and coating operations. 2. Complaints received by the Construction Manager regarding potential off site problems will be immediately referred to the Contractor for resolution.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 8 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 a. Immediately halt work and take corrective action required to mitigate such problems. b. Protect site properties and/or correct damage to property caused by blasting or coating operations at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Abrasive Blasting 1. Provide and require workers to use approved supplied air protective abrasive blasting hoods. 2. Require workers to wear protective hoods while in the immediate vicinity of the blasting work. 3. During abrasive blasting operations, require the nozzle person(s) to wear U.S. Bureau of Mines approved blasting hoods at all times. 4. Require other personnel in the vicinity of the blasting work, who may be exposed to blasting dust, to wear approved renewable cartridge filter type respirators and plastic safety goggles. 5. Paper dust masks or standard glasses are not acceptable protection. D. Coating Application 1. When coatings are applied in confined areas, require all personnel directly exposed to coating vapors to wear OSHA approved air supplied hoods. 2. Paper dust masks or standard glasses are not acceptable protection. 3. During the mixing and application of coatings and paints, prohibit all flames, welding and smoking within fifty (50) feet of the work area. 4. Post "No Smoking" signs in appropriate places to warn visitors and workers of the no smoking area. E. Ground all blasting, spray and air hoses to prevent accumulation of static electric charges. Use heavy duty industrial insulated electrical cords with twist lock type connectors. F. Abrasive Blasting Nozzles 1. Equip with "deadman" emergency shut off switches. Keep switches properly maintained and in working order whenever abrasive blasting is in progress. 2. Wrap abrasive blast hose connections with duct tape prior to pressurizing. a. Visually inspect taped connections for leaks at the start and at the conclusion of blast cleaning operations. b. Immediately repair leaking connections to prevent further damage to the equipment or injury to personnel. G. Solvents 1.ECOPY The solvents used with the specified protective coatings are explosive at low concentrations and are highly toxic to humans. 2. Because of toxicity, keep the maximum allowable concentration of vapor below the maximum safe concentration level as defined by OSHA. 3. In addition, never exceed Lower Explosive Limit in the confined space.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 9 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Comply with all regulations, manufacturer's recommendations, and directives from the Owner, related to safety of personnel and the handling of the coating materials. H. Fire Extinguishers 1. Keep a minimum of two (2) ten pound (10lb) ABC type fire extinguishers present in the work area whenever work is proceeding. 2. Train all personnel in the use of this type of fire extinguisher. I. Noise 1. Whenever the occupational noise exposure exceeds the maximum allowable sound level as set forth by OSHA regulations or the regional Air Pollution Control District, provide and require the use of approved ear protection devices. 2. General maximum sound levels for the project are defined as those which will not affect routine facility or neighborhood activities. 3. Whenever levels are objectionable, or exceed these limits, adjust operations to reduce noise levels, as directed by the Construction Manager or the local agency of jurisdiction. J. Follow carefully the manufacturer's recommendations, precautions, and warnings regarding the handling and use of specified cleaning and coating materials. 1. Coating materials may be irritating to the skin and eyes, and may cause an allergic reaction in certain persons. 2. When handling and mixing coatings and paints, require workers to wear proper protective clothing and equipment, including gloves, respirators and eye protection. 3. Identify flammability, toxicity, allergenic properties, and any other characteristic requiring field precautions and follow specific safety practices recommended by manufacturer. K. Remove spent abrasives and other debris. Comply with requirements of all regulatory agencies for handling and disposing of such wastes.

3.03 CONDITION OF EQUIPMENT A. Use coating equipment designed for application of the material specified and maintain in good working condition at all times. 1. Equip compressors with suitable traps and filters to remove water, dust and oils from the air. 2. Conduct blotter or white cloth tests in the presence of the Construction Manager at each start-up period or as deemed necessary by the Construction Manager. 3.ECOPY Verify cleanliness of compressed air supply daily, or as deemed necessary by the Construction Manager. a. Direct a stream of air, without abrasive, from the blast nozzle onto a white blotter or cloth for twenty (20) seconds.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 10 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 b. If oil or water appears on the blotter or cloth, blow down all traps and separators until two (2) subsequent twenty (20) second tests show no further oil or water. c. Use a compressed air system capable of delivering a continuous nozzle pressure to achieve the required surface cleanliness and profile, typically 90 pounds per square inch (psi) minimum to each nozzle in operation.

3.04 LIMITATIONS ON ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING A. Do not blast clean when conditions would not permit the subsequent application of coating. B. Prepare surfaces to acceptable limits of good painting practice, after completion of surface preparation and before corrosion or recontamination occurs. C. Surfaces prepared under temperature and humidity control may use an extended recoat window but only after surface preparation re inspection confirms the specified cleanliness. D. In the event that a cleaned surface colors, oxidizes, or becomes moist, blast clean again and secure inspection/approval from Construction Manager before applying the coating.

3.05 ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING A. Use dry method field abrasive blast cleaning for steel surfaces. Maintain dust emissions below the legal limit and below a level which would create a nuisance. B. Prior to abrasive blasting, remove all weld splatter by mechanical means. Comply with NACE Weld Designation D, per RP0178-95. C. Pre-clean per SSPC-SP1 and as approved by Construction Manager prior to abrasive blasting. 1. Clean surfaces until free of dirt, mildew, grinding/welding/cutting debris and visible contaminants. 2. Keep surface clean and dry prior to the abrasive blasting operation. 3. Keep surface temperature 5 degrees above the dew point. D. After completion of blast cleaning work, sweep, collect, and remove all debris and waste materials from the work area as specified. Keep the area of the work in a clean condition and do not permit blasting particles to accumulate and create a nuisance or hazard. E. Use the maximum particle size recommended by the manufacturer to produce the specified surface profile, as recommended by the manufacturer, subject to approval of the Construction Manager. F. Evaluation of surface preparation will be based upon comparison with the latest revisionsECOPY of the "Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces", Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) VIS 1 02 -12. G. During abrasive blasting and cleaning operations, do not expose existing and new, previously placed coatings to abrasion from blast cleaning operations.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 11 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1. Program and coordinate cleaning and coating operations so that dust, dirt, grit, etc., will not damage or fall upon wet or newly coated surfaces. 2. Restore any damaged coatings to their specified condition. H. Do not distribute spent abrasives on the job site or surrounding properties. 1. Clean, remove from site, and dispose of spent abrasives and other debris. 2. Comply with the requirements of all regulatory agencies for handling and disposing of such wastes. I. After blast cleaning and prior to application of coating, dry clean surfaces to be coated by dusting, sweeping, and/or vacuuming to remove residue from blasting.

3.06 LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICATION OF COATINGS A. Do not apply any coating outside the limits recommended by the manufacturer without written approval by the Construction Manager. B. Weather Condition Restrictions 1. Do not apply coating when the surrounding air temperature or the temperature of the surface to be painted is below forty five (45) degrees F or in excess of one hundred and twenty (120) degrees F. 2. Do not apply any coating when the temperature of the material to be applied is less than fifty (50) degrees F or more than one hundred (100) degrees F. 3. Do not apply any coating to wet, moist, or damp surfaces, or during snowy, rainy, foggy, or misty conditions, or when the relative humidity exceeds eighty five (85) percent, or when the ambient air temperature is less than five (5) degrees F above the dew point. 4. Do not apply any coating when it is expected that the relative humidity will exceed eighty five (85) percent or that the ambient air temperature will drop below forty five (45) degrees F within eight (8) hours after the application of the coating. 5. Do not apply any coating when the surface temperature is expected to drop to less than 5 degrees F above the dew point within eight hours after application of coating. 6. Do not apply any coating when wind speed exceeds fifteen (15) miles per hour in the immediate coating area. C. The Construction Manager may require the Contractor to roll the coatings if high winds create the potential for damage to surrounding property by airborne paint particles. This does not reduce the Contractor’s responsibility for any damage to property caused by blast cleaning or painting operations. 1. If above conditions are prevalent, delay or postpone the coating application ECOPYwork until conditions are favorable. 2. Anticipate dew or moisture condensation and if such conditions are prevalent, delay coating work until midmorning to be certain that the surfaces are dry.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 12 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Complete each day's coating work in time to permit the film sufficient drying time, per manufacturer’s recommendations, and prior to subjecting coatings to potentially damaging climatic conditions. D. Repair coatings damaged by a change in climatic conditions. As directed by the Construction Manager, restore coating to specified requirements at no cost to the Owner.

3.07 PROCEDURES FOR THE APPLICATION OF COATINGS A. Contact the Construction Manager to schedule inspection and approval of prepared surfaces prior to each application of coating materials. 1. The Construction Manager may order the removal of any coatings applied by the Contractor prior to inspection and approval. 2. If so ordered by the Construction Manager, remove coatings, prepare surfaces, schedule inspection, obtain approval, and reapply coating. Perform work at no additional cost to the Owner. B. After blast cleaning and prior to application of coatings and paintings, clean the surfaces to be coated by air blowing with clean dry air, dusting, sweeping, or vacuuming to remove any residue from blasting as directed by the Owner. C. Remove and reapply any coating applied to an improperly prepared surface. Perform this work to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager and at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Follow the recommendations of the coating material manufacturer including the selection of application equipment, thinners, mixing, drying time, temperature and humidity of application, and safety precautions. Address any conflicts between coating manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements in this specification at the Pre-Construction Conference meeting and resolve at that time. E. Properly cure and clean any surface which will receive subsequent coating layers. Remove over spray from previous coats, dirt or dust accumulation, or scuff marks from worker traffic. F. Comply with SSPC PA-1 for all coating and painting application work. G. Stir and strain as required, and keep coating materials at a uniform consistency during application. H. Use a different shade or tint (or as selected by Construction Manager) on succeeding coating or painting applications to indicate coverage. 1. Apply each coating evenly, free of sags, runs, and other evidence of poor workmanship. 2. Produce finished surfaces free from holidays, defects, or blemishes. I. Difficult Surfaces 1.ECOPY Includes all interior steel surfaces, all welds, sharp edges, nuts, bolts irregular surfaces. 2. Other difficult surfaces include, but are not limited to, welds, roof lap seams, nuts, bolts, ends and flanges of rafters, or other irregular shapes.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 13 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. To insure complete coverage, brush coat the specified material per SSPC- PA 1, 6.6 Striping, 7.4.6 Application Method (Brush). 4. Brush coating in multiple directions to insure penetration and coverage. J. Thinners 1. Do not use thinners unless recommended by the coating manufacturer. 2. If thinning is allowed, do not exceed the maximum allowable amount of thinner per gallon of coating material. 3. Do not reduce coating materials more than is absolutely necessary to obtain the proper application characteristics. 4. Materials thinned to achieve proper application characteristics must still meet the specified minimum dry film thickness. 5. Do not use any coatings which have been so severely modified or thinned that their application would cause established VOC limits to be exceeded. Contractor is responsible for any fines, costs, required remedies, or legal action and costs which may result from exceeding VOC limits. K. Spraying 1. Hold the spray nozzle perpendicular and sufficiently close to surfaces being coated to avoid excessive evaporation of volatile constituent and loss of material into the air or the bridging of cracks and crevices. 2. Use a spray technique that will result in a film free of fog, spatter or over spray. 3. Remove all over spray as directed by the Construction Manager. 4. Approval of Contractor’s over spray prevention procedures and Construction Manager’s presence on project site does not free Contractor from responsibility for over spray. 5. Obtain Construction Manager’s approval of procedures will be required prior to start of spray operations. L. Drying Time 1. Strictly observe manufacturer’s printed instructions for drying time between coats and time between applications of coats. 2. If the recommended minimum or maximum recoat time is violated, prepare the surface as directed by the coating manufacturer. M. Dry Film Thickness 1. Apply coating systems within the specified minimum/maximum range dry- film thickness as measured from above the peaks of the surface profile. 2. Measure per SSPC-PA-2 and correct for the magnetic effect of the surface ECOPYprofile. N. Cleaning Cast Iron 1. Clean per SSPC-SP1 by thorough scrubbing with stiff bristle brushes soaked in solvent.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 14 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Brush-off blast cleaning may be necessary in order to provide a minimum surface profile of 1.5 mils. 3. Once a 1.5 mil profile (or greater) is verified, hand or power tool clean (reference SSPC-SP2/SP3) but do not use cleaning tools that burnish or smooth the natural roughness (profile) of the cast iron surface. 4. Remove any dust or other contaminants remaining after hand or power tool cleaning with dry, oil free compressed air or by vacuum cleaning. 5. It is not the intent to remove the annealing. 6. If the cast iron has bituminous coating, trace amounts may remain in the pours of the cast iron. O. Produce coating termination and transition details per manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection 1. Materials and work are subject to inspection by the Construction Manager. Unless otherwise noted herein, the Owner will pay the cost of 3rd party inspection. 2. The Construction Manager may perform inspection of the surface preparation, abrasive blast cleaning, and application of the coating and painting systems. 3. Provide inspection equipment including that which may be operated by the Construction Manager. The Construction Manager may elect to use his own equipment. 4. Use quality assurance procedures and practices to monitor each phase of surface preparation, application and inspection throughout the duration of the project. Procedures or practices not specified may be utilized if they meet appropriate professional standards and are approved by the Construction Manager. 5. Owner’s use of a third party to inspect the work does not reduce or alter Contractor’s responsibility for the quality control, and quality assurance, or other requirements of the contract. 6. Work performed in the absence of the Construction Manger’s inspection is at the risk of the Contractor. a. After written notice from the Construction Manager, the Contractor may be required to remove and replace the uninspected work. b. The entire cost of removal and replacement of uninspected work, including the cost of any materials furnished by the Owner and used in the work thus removed, is the responsibility of the Contractor, ECOPYregardless of whether or not the work removed is found to be defective.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 15 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3.09 FINISH SCHEDULE A. Specific coating systems, colors and finishes for piping, equipment, and other items which are painted or have other finishes are specified in the following coating systems schedule. After approval of coatings, submit samples of the specified colors to the Construction Manager for final color approval using the appropriate finish coating. B. Unless otherwise specified in the coating system schedule, the word “interior” means the inside of a building or structure and the word “exterior” means outside exposure to weather elements. FINISH SCHEDULE SURFACE SYSTEM COLOR A. Process Piping

1. Ferrous, non-ferrous and galvanized piping, — — appurtenant hangers and supports, non- immersed, non-stainless steel a. Exterior exposed (including material U-1 See Note 1 in vaults) 2. Plastic PVC and CPVC Piping — — a. Exterior exposed (do not coat pipe in U-1 See Note 1 vaults) B. Miscellaneous Electrical 1. Conduit, outlet and junction boxes, lighting See Division 16 See Division transformers, lighting communication and 16 small power panels, control stations, appurtenant hangers, trays, clamps and supports; interior and exterior C. Other 1. Equipment and appurtenances which are Uncoated — made of fiberglass, plastic, rubber, including flexible hose, conduit, and plastic coated tubing, expect as specified 2. Buried, sleeve-type couplings, flanged pipe, F-1, ---- couplings, valves, mechanical and electrical Polyethylene penetrations not encased in concrete, encase per except as specified. For items in vaults use Section 15143 F-1 coating and delete polyethylene encasement. Notes: 1. Owner to select from manufacturer’s color charts

3.10 EXCLUSIONS A. DoECOPY not prepare or coat the following items or surfaces: 1. Mortar coated pipe and fittings 2. Sacrificial anodes and support wires 3. Copper, brass

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 16 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Name Plates 5. Fiberglass items B. Where surfaces specified as "not to be coated" are damaged, coated or otherwise do not comply with these Specifications, clean, repair or otherwise restore such surfaces to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager, at no additional cost to the Owner.

3.11 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Perform inspection and testing as specified. Include additional inspection, sampling and testing work that the Construction Manager may require to verify compliance with these Specifications. B. Notify the Construction Manager three (3) working days in advance of any field operations involving abrasive blast cleaning or coating applications. C. Assistance to Construction Manager 1. Coordinate work with the inspection, sampling and testing requirements of the Construction Manager 2. Assist the Construction Manager as required for the performance of duties. 3. Provide all lighting and scaffolding to enable the Construction Manager to perform inspection and testing. 4. Provide the level of illumination and scaffolding locations for inspection purposes as directed by the Construction Manager. 5. Furnish Construction Manager with safety equipment and devices during abrasive blast cleaning, coating and painting operations. Provide a helmet with continuous fresh air supply for observation during cleaning operations and coating application. D. The Construction Manager will perform such tests as are required to help ensure compliance with all phases of the surface preparation, and application of the coating systems. Provide test equipment including, but not be limited to the following: SSPC surface preparation standards; surface profile test tape; micrometer; abrasive sieve test; ultraviolet lamp; sling psychrometer; mirror; certified thickness calibration plates; magnetic type dry film thickness gage; and a nondestructive holiday detector. E. Inspection by the Construction Manager does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of compliance with all the requirements of these specifications. 1. In cases of dispute concerning surface profiles, film thickness, film continuity (holidays), etc., the Construction Manager’s measurements and tests shall be final. Abide by the Construction Manager’s decisions and directives. 2. Correct deficiencies in the continuity of the coating, or painting film or in the ECOPYdry film thickness by applying additional coats as required, at the sole expense of the Contractor. F. The Construction Manager will determine the degree and surface profile of the field blast cleaned surface per test method NACE RP0287. Perform additional blast

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 17 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 cleaning over areas not conforming to the specified degree of surface preparation and surface profile. G. Perform tests on surfaces of abrasively blast-cleaned steel to detect oil and other contaminants which might be deposited on surfaces as a result of abrasive blasting operations. This may include chemical tests or ultraviolet (black light) tests, as required. H. Perform all mixing, thinning, application and holiday detection of coatings in the presence of the Construction Manager. I. The Construction Manager may completely inspect each application of coating to determine thickness and integrity. 1. Each coating application will be checked and deficiencies marked. 2. After observing specified recoat time apply additional coating materials over areas not having the specified minimum dry film thickness and areas having any holidays or pinholes. 3. After correction of deficiencies, the Construction Manager will re inspect those areas to determine the acceptability of the additional coating. 4. Each coating application must be one hundred (100) percent to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager prior to proceeding with successive coating applications. J. Dry Film Thickness Measurement 1. Use an approved magnetic type non destructive dry film thickness gauge. 2. Determine that the specified dry film thickness has been obtained. 3. Measure specified dry film thickness' above the peaks of the surface profile. 4. Perform as many dry film thickness measurements, as described in SSPC– PA2, as required to verify compliance with this specification. Use a Type II Constant Pressure Probe Dry Film Thickness Gauge. K. Furnish calibrated inspection devices in good working condition for detection of holidays and measurement of dry film thickness. 1. Calibrate and operated per manufacturer's instructions. 2. Furnish U.S. Department of Commerce; National Bureau of Standards certified thickness calibrated plates to test the accuracy of dry film thickness gauges and certified instrumentation to test the accuracy of holiday detectors. 3. Keep dry film thickness gauges and holiday detectors available onsite at all times until final acceptance of the application. L. Construction Manager may elect to furnish inspection devices and render decisions based solely upon test results from these devices. M. MeasureECOPY anchor profile for prepared surfaces using a non destructive instrument such as a Testex Press O Film System. N. The Construction Manager will verify completion of the final cure of the interior lining using a solvent wipe test.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 18 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1. Solvent wipe test: Consists of rubbing a solvent saturated rag on the area to be tested per ASTM D5402, using solvent recommended by manufacturer. 2. If any coating material is removed or the surface being tested becomes tacky, the coating is not fully cured. Extend curing time and if required continue dehumidification until the coating is fully cured. O. The Construction Manager may suspend the work if the cleaning and coating operations of the Contractor are creating a localized condition detrimental to facility operation, personnel or adjacent property. In the event of an intermittent or emergency suspension of the work by the Construction Manager, correct deficiencies immediately. P. Prepare, sign, and submit to the Construction Manager daily inspection reports. Q. Nonconformance Reports 1. When a nonconformance report is required, prepare, sign, and submit to the Construction Manager within one working day from the time that it is written. 2. After confirming that all non-conforming work has been corrected and/or the coating work is in compliance with this specification, prepare and submit a conformance verification report shall be completed for the specific item or area. 3. This report must be signed by the inspector.

3.12 FINAL CLEANUP A. Leave all areas in a neat and presentable condition. B. Remove rubbish, construction debris and waste, surplus construction materials, scaffolding, tools, equipment, and coating, and thinner containers, and excess coating, and thinners, and other objectionable materials. C. Dispose of such materials away from the site of work and in conformance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. D. Remove coating spots upon adjacent surfaces. E. Clean, repair or refinish all damage to surfaces resulting from the work.

3.13 WARRANTY INSPECTION A. Conduct a warranty inspection of all coating and painting work between the period of eleventh (11th) month through eighteenth (18th) month following final acceptance of the Contract work. B. The Construction Manager will establish the date for the inspection and will notify the Contractor at least 30 days in advance. The Construction Manager may, by written notice to the Contractor, reschedule the warranty inspection to another date withinECOPY the eleventh through eighteenth month inspection period, or may cancel the warranty period altogether. C. Attendance 1. Attend the warranty inspection.

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 19 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Notifying directly involved parties of the date and time of the inspection. 3. The Construction Manager suggests personnel present at the pre- construction conference be present at this inspection. D. Inspect visually the entire coating systems to determine whether any repair work is necessary or if a more detailed inspection will be needed. E. Inspection Report 1. The Construction Manager will prepare and deliver to the Contractor an Inspection Report. a. The report will cover the warranty inspection, setting forth the number and types of failures observed, the percentage of the surface area where failure has occurred, and the names of the persons making the inspections. b. Color photographs illustrating each type of failure will be included in the report. c. A coating system failure is defined as any location where coatings have peeled off, bubbled, or cracked, and any location where rusting is evident. d. Upon completion of inspection and receipt of Inspection Report, the Construction Manager will establish a date for the Contractor to proceed with remedial work. F. Commence repairs on the date established by the Construction Manager and completed within one month (thirty days). 1. Repair all coating system failures. a. Remove the deteriorated coating, clean the surface and recoat with the same coating system in strict accordance with the specification and manufacturer's recommendations, to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. b. If the area of failure exceeds twenty five (25) percent of the area of a portion of the structures surface, then remove the entire coating system and recoat that surface. All costs for warranty inspection are the responsibility of the Contractor. Additional inspection and all costs for repair are the responsibility of the Contractor. G. If the contractor fails to complete the remedial work to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager, the Owner may elect to perform the remedial work. The Contractor is liable for actual cost of all such remedial work, plus 20% for Owner’s administrative cost. H. Perform final cleanup in accordance with this Section. ECOPYEND OF SECTION

City of Healdsburg 09960 - 20 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project High Performance Coatings 700-14-18-07 PWS927




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Application of zinc coating to steel using the hot-dip method.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Manufacturer's product data showing conformance to the specified product. C. Narrative description of method for application of zinc coating. D. Coating applicator's Certificate of Compliance that the hot-dip galvanized coating meets or exceeds the specified requirements of ASTM A123 or A153, as applicable. E. Source quality control procedures.


2.01 MATERIALS A. Zinc Coating Material: In accordance with ASTM A153. B. Zinc Dust-Zinc Oxide Coating: Conform to MILSPEC DOD-P-21035. Manufactured by Z.R.C. Chemical Products Co., Galvicon Co., or equal.


A. Fabrication practices for products to be galvanized: In accordance with applicable portions of ASTM A143, A384 and A385.


3.01 APPLICATION A. Galvanize steel members, fabrications and assemblies after fabrication and in accordance with ASTM A123. WEST YOST GUIDE GUIDE YOST WEST B. UnlessECOPY otherwise specified, steel items weighing 100 pounds or less shall be hot-dip zinc coated. C. Galvanized Bolts and Nuts: 1. Bolts and nuts 5/8-inch in diameter and larger: Hot-dip zinc coated in accordance with ASTM A153.

City of Healdsburg 09972 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Hot-Dip Zinc Coating 700-14-18-07 PWS927

2. Bolts and nuts smaller than 5/8-inch and all other bolts, screws, nuts, washers and other minor steel fasteners: Mechanically galvanized as specified in ASTM B695.

3.02 COATING REQUIREMENTS A. Coating Thickness: Coating Grade 35 in accordance with ASTM A123, Table 2.

3.03 REPAIR OF DEFECTIVE GALVANIZED COATING A. Damaged Zinc Coating: 1. Clean substrate surface, then repaired with zinc dust-zinc oxide coating in accordance with ASTM A780. Apply in accordance with instructions published by the manufacturer of the zinc dust-zinc oxide coating. 2. Coating Thickness: Apply multiple coats to achieve a dry film thickness of 8 mils. B. Items not physically damaged, but which have insufficient or deteriorating zinc coatings, and items damaged in shipment or prior to installation, shall be removed from the project site for repair by the hot-dip zinc coating method.




City of Healdsburg 09972 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Hot-Dip Zinc Coating 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 11288



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Specifications for slide gates fabricated from stainless steel and gate actuators.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01782 – Operations and Maintenance Information 3. Section 01999 – Reference Forms 4. Section 05501 – Anchor Bolts and Anchoring Devices 5. Section 15110.3 – Powered Valve and Gate Actuators and Accessories

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Design Head (Seating or Unseating): The hydrostatic head representing the differential pressure that the gate is to be designed to withstand and for which the actuator is sized to accommodate. Design head is measured to the center of the gate. B. Seal: Resilient material attached to the slide plate or the gate frame that function to prevent leakage. C. Seat: The horizontal and vertical bearing surfaces that support the slide plate that function to prevent leakage. D. Slenderness Ratio (L/R): The ratio of maximum unsupported stem length to stem cross-section radius of gyration. E. Self-contained: The arrangement of gate actuator, supported by the gate frame, such that the operating thrust loads are not applied to the gate assembly. F. EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene monomer. G. RMS: Root Mean Square. H. UHMWPE: Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene.

1.04 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Reference Standard: Provide slide gates conforming to AWWA C561. B. SlideECOPY gates mounted directly to concrete walls: Design for installation without the use of a wall thimble embedded in the concrete. C. Allowable Leakage Limits 1. Seating and Unseating Head Installations: Leakage not to exceed 0.10 gallons per minute per foot of seating perimeter.

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 D. Sizing Criteria for Gate Actuators: In accordance with AWWA C561.

1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s standard catalog data, descriptive literature, parts list and specifications describing system components. C. Shop Drawings 1. Certified drawings indicating principal dimensions, general construction of the assembly and materials of construction. 2. Detailed structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings showing equipment fabrications and interface with other items. Include dimensions, size, and locations of connections to other work, and weights of associated equipment. 3. Mounting details for each type of mounting configuration used. 4. External utility requirements such as air, water, power, and drain for each component. 5. Mounting details and connections to gate actuator. 6. Power and control wiring diagrams, including wiring terminal numbers. 7. Contractor’s field performance test procedures. D. Design Data: 1. Gate opening and closing thrust forces that will be transmitted to the support structure with operator at extreme positions and load. 2. Gate operator and stem sizing calculations for each gate and service condition. Show equations used and identify variables and design factors. 3. Calculated gate deflection under maximum specified hydraulic loading condition. E. Installation Instructions: Submit manufacturer’s instructions, requirements and detailed drawings for installation of slide gates and actuators. F. Certificate of Unit Responsibility (Section 01999). G. Operation and Maintenance Data: Prepare and submit in accordance with Section 01782.

1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of Slide Gate Manufacturer: Minimum of 5 years full time experience in manufacturing fabricated slide gates in compliance with AWWA C561. B. Unit Responsibility: The Contractor shall require the equipment manufacturer to assumeECOPY unit responsibility of all items specified in this section. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handle and store in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Avoid warping gate frame and maintain tolerances between seating faces.

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Self-contained Slide Gates: Ship as a fully assembled unit, complete and ready for installation, except electric actuators and hydraulic cylinders shall be shipped separately and installed in the field. C. Ship slide gates that are not in a self-contained arrangement in components and assemble in the field. Pack gate stems in sturdy wood crates and bolt slide plates and frames securely to wood skids to protect unit and to provide safe handling. Package and ship actuator separately.


2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Waterman Valve, LLC. 2. Fresno Valves and Castings, Inc. 3. Golden Harvest, Inc. 4. H. Fontaine, Ltd. 5. Hydro Gate LLC.

2.02 MATERIALS A. Slide Gates Structural Members: Thimble, Frame, Slide Plate, Guides and Yoke: ASTM A240 or ASTM A276, Type 304L/316L Stainless Steel. B. Lift Nut: ASTM B584 bronze. C. Flush-Bottom Sill: Extruded or molded neoprene. Reclaimed rubber as described in ASTM D2000 shall not be used. D. Flush-Bottom Sill Retainer: Stainless Steel ASTM A276. E. Actuator Pedestal or Gear Housing: Stainless Steel ASTM A36/ A36M. F. Gears: Steel, AISI 8620, AISI 4140 or AISI 1117. G. Thrust Nut 1. Rising Stem Type Slide Gates: ASTM A276, Type 304/316 stainless steel, or ASTM B584 bronze. 2. Non-rising Stem Type Slide Gates: ASTM B584 bronze. H. Seat: UHMWPE in accordance with ASTM D4020 I. Seal: In accordance with AWWA C513. J. Stems and Stem Couplers: ASTM A276 Type 304/316 Stainless Steel. K. Stem Guide Bushings: Cast/Extruded UHMWPE ASTM D4020, or bronze bushed. L. Bolts,ECOPY Studs, Fasteners and Anchor Bolts: ASTM A276 Type 304/316 Stainless Steel. Adhesive anchors per Section 05501.

2.03 FABRICATED SLIDE GATES A. Designed and fabricated in accordance with AWWA C561.

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Slide Plate 1. Comprised of a single flat stainless steel plate reinforced as required to meet the specified design criteria for deflection. C. Slide Plate Guides 1. Comprised of structural members welded to form a rigid, one-piece frame designed to mount directly on a concrete wall or within a channel. 2. Vertical Guides: a. Self-contained Gates: Design to extend in one continuous piece from the gate invert to form posts for supporting the yoke. Size vertical guides to retain the slide plate and to withstand forces generated by the gate operating mechanism. b. Gates not Self-contained: Design to extend in one continuous piece from the gate invert to form posts for supporting at least 2/3 of the slide plate height when the gate is in the full open position. Size vertical guides to retain the slide plate and to withstand forces generated by the gate operating mechanism. c. Guide Slot Depth: Provide per Manufacturer’s recommendations, with the necessary calculations. d. Guide Slot Liners: Incorporate replaceable UHMWPE bearing strips on both sides of the guide slot. D. Yoke 1. Formed by structural members welded to the vertical guides. 2. Location Relative to Operating Floor: a. Minimum Height of Yoke: 3 feet 6 inches above the operating floor. b. Maximum Height of Yoke: High enough above the operating floor to allow the bottom of the upward acting slide plate to be raised above the maximum water surface elevation when the gate is in the full up position. E. Stem and Stem Guides 1. Diameter as required to meet specified sizing criteria, minimum 1.25-inch diameter. Length suitable to extend at least 2 inches above the stop collar when the gate is in the closed position. 2. Rising Stem Gates: Threads shall be machine cut and rolled type threads with RMS surface roughness of 63 micro-inches or less. 3. Provide adjustable stop collar. a. Upward Opening Gates: Located at closed gate position. b. Downward Opening Gates: Locate to prevent the loss of the slide ECOPYfrom the guides. 4. Use stem couplers with internal threads when stems are made up of more than one section. Hold coupler in place with bolts or with key and keyway. 5. Stem Guides: Split, adjustable in two directions to properly align stem. a. Anchor bolts for stem guide brackets: Type 304/316 stainless steel.

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 6. Stem Cover: a. Clear plastic with vent hole, drain and top cap in compliance with AWWA C561 b. Place open and closed labels at appropriate locations with adhesive tape and graduations at 1-inch intervals.

2.04 SLIDE GATE OPERATORS A. Manual Gate Operators: Provide handwheel type operators meeting requirements of AWWA C561 pertaining to manual lifting devices. 1. Handwheel Type Operators: Non-geared. B. Pedestal Type Floor Stands 1. Off-set type or standard as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Height: As needed to locate gate operator approximately 36 inches above operating floor. 3. Materials: a. Floor Stand: Fabricated steel, cast iron or aluminum. b. Operating Nut: Bronze. 4. Gearing: Steel, accurately machined to provide smooth operation. 5. Operating Nut: Internally threaded with cut or cold rolled Acme threads corresponding to stem threading. 6. Bearings: Grease lubricated ball thrust or tapered, located below and above operating nut to support both opening and closing thrusts. C. Powered Gate Actuators: In accordance with Section 15110.3.

2.05 FABRICATION A. Shop Fabrication 1. Workmanship: a. Conform to design dimensions with bolt holes accurately drilled to match mounting pattern. b. Free from defects, burrs, grease and dirt. 2. Tolerances: Within 1/8-inch of square, flatness and dimensional tolerances. 3. Welding: In accordance with AWS D1.6. Welds free of slag, weld splatter and discoloration from heat.

PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATIONECOPY A. Install slide gates in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. B. Accurately place anchor bolts using the anchor locations shown on the manufacturer’s certified drawings.

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. Gate Mounting: Plumb, shimmed as necessary, and accurately aligned.

3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Conduct functional testing on each gate in compliance with AWWA C561. If necessary, adjust, align or modify units for proper operation and re-test. B. Corrective Actions: Replace or repair to eliminate defects, deficiencies and irregularities.

3.03 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. Manufacturer’s Field Services 1. Provide field inspection of installed slide gates to confirm proper installation and to conduct functional testing. Provide Manufacturer’s Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. Assist Contractor in undertaking field leakage tests, when such tests are specified. B. Schedule and Timing 1. Schedule site attendance by manufacturer’s representative when appropriate based on the progress of the work. 2. Timing: Minimum time spent at the project site, not including travel time: a. 1 days for inspection and functional testing. C. Reports: Submit certification that gates have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and properly operate.


Gate Leakage Opening Mounting Opening Design Head (feet) Testing Gate Tag Actuator Gate Type Width x Arrangement Direction Requirements Notes Number Type(c) Height (a) (b) Un- Seating Factory Field (inches) seating SG-100 Non-Self- 20 x 20 WM U 14.2 11.7 HC no yes open-close contained service SG-200 Non-Self- 20 x 20 WM U 11.7 14.2 HC no yes open-close contained service SG-300 Self- 20 x 20 WM U 4.6 0 EM no yes open-close contained service (a) Mounting Arrangement: WM = wall mount, C-E = in-channel with embedded frame, C-S = in-channel with surface mounted frame (b) Opening Direction: U = opens in an upward direction, D = opens in a downward direction (c) Actuator Type: HW = handwheel, HC = hand crank, EM = electric motor driven, HP = hydraulic powered (refer to Section 15110.3 for powered actuators) ECOPY END OF SECTION

City of Healdsburg 11288 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15050



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Systems of process piping and general requirements for piping systems. B. Specifications for pipe are found in other sections of Division 15. This section shall be used in conjunction with those sections. C. Requirements of Section are a minimum for Division 15 Sections, unless otherwise stated in each Section, in which case that Section's requirements take precedence.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 03301 – Cast-in-Place Concrete 3. Section 09960 – High Performance Coatings 4. Section 09972 – Hot-Dip Zinc Coating 5. Section 15951 – Testing Gravity Pipelines 6. Section 15996 – Testing Pressure Pipe

1.03 DEFINITIONS: A. Pressure terms used in this Section and elsewhere in Division 15 are defined as: 1. Maximum: The greatest continuous pressure at which the piping system operates. 2. Test: The hydrostatic pressure used to determine system acceptance.

1.04 REFERENCES A. This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. B. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall meanECOPY the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Reference Title ANSI A13.1 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems ASME B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads, (UN and UNR Thread Form ASME B1.20 Pipe Threads, General Purpose, Inch ASME B16.1 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250 ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard ASME Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, B18.2.1 Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch Series) ASTM A276 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes ASTM D2000 Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications ASTM D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM F477 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe AWWA C110 Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings AWWA C111 Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C115 Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Ductile-Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges AWWA C151 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast AWWA C153 Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service, Sizes 4 In. Through 144 In. (100 mm Through 3,600 mm) AWWA C219 Bolted Sleeve-Type Couplings for Plain-End Pipe AWWA C606 Grooved and Shouldered Joints AWWA C900 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 4 In. Through 60 In. (100 mm Through 1,500 mm) AWWA C905 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 14 in. Through 48 in. (350 mm through 1,200 mm), for Water Transmission and Distribution NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects UPC-2016 Uniform Plumbing Code, 2015 edition, amended by the State of California, 2016

1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Provide data on piping materials in accordance with Section 01330. B. Equipment and piping coordination and installation drawings: 1. The Drawings show only the general arrangements of the project equipment, piping and appurtenances. Contractor shall prepare and submit coordination and installation drawings, prior to construction, that show the specific locations and dimensions of equipment, tanks, control panels, piping, trench and rack mounted piping, valves, appurtenances, platform gratings, electrical services and related items, based upon dimensions for the actual equipment to be furnished from the accepted shop drawings. 2.ECOPY The coordination and installation drawings are required for the following systems: a. Equipment and associated piping in Division 11 and Division 15. b. All unburied piping systems.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Drawing Requirements: a. The drawings shall be printed at a minimum scale of 3/8” = 1’, on a minimum sheet size of 11” x 17”. Piping shall be shown in plan and section views. b. Piping of nominal size less than 8” may be single line with scaled lay lengths and fittings. Piping of size 8” and greater shall be double line with scaled flanges, lay lengths, and fittings. Each pipe run shall be dimensioned. c. Fittings, valves, and all devices shall be shown. d. Drawings are to incorporate Addenda items and change orders. 4. Distribute drawings to all trades involved. During preparation of the drawings, Contractor shall provide interface and coordination between all equipment suppliers and subcontractors, and, including as a minimum, the mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and control elements of the work. 5. Review and revise as necessary section cuts in Contract Drawings after verification of field conditions. Verify in field exact size, location, invert, and clearances regarding existing material, equipment and apparatus, and advise Engineer of discrepancies between that indicated on Drawings and that exist in field prior to installation related thereto. Contractor shall bear costs resulting from failure to properly coordinate installation or failure to advise Engineer of conflict. 6. Submittal and review of the coordination and installation drawings shall be completed at least 30 days prior to commencement of piping fabrication for each system. For piping systems that are field fabricated, such as polyvinyl chloride piping systems, submittal and review shall be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of each system. 7. Final coordination drawings with appropriate information added shall be submitted as Record Drawings at completion of project.

1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contract Documents 1. Where Contract Documents are at variance with applicable codes governing work, code and local jurisdiction requirements take precedence, and Contractor shall include cost necessary for code compliance or local jurisdiction compliance in bid price. Costs shall include machinery and equipment necessary to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as currently revised, as interpreted for equipment manufacturer requirements. 2. Drawings are intended to be diagrammatic and are based on one manufacturer's equipment. They are not intended to show every item in its ECOPYexact dimensions, or details of equipment or proposed systems layout. Verify actual dimensions of systems (i.e., ducts and piping) and equipment proposed to assure that systems and equipment will fit in available space.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Contractor is responsible for design and construction costs incurred for equipment other than basis of design, including but not limited to architectural, structural, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing. B. Minimum Rule, Regulations, and Laws 1. As a minimum requirement, work in accordance with the following rules and regulations and applicable laws: a. NFPA b. OSHA c. Codes as published by ICBO: 1) CBC 2) UFC 3) UMC 4) UPC 5) Related supplements and standards d. California State Energy Code e. State of California and local jurisdictional requirements C. Regulatory Requirements 1. UL and CSA Compliance: Provide UL and CSA listed equipment. Equipment supplier is responsible for obtaining state, county, and city acceptance on equipment not UL approved or not listed for installation. D. Permits and Inspections 1. Unless otherwise distinctly hereinafter specified, apply and pay for necessary permits, plans check, and inspections required by public authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). 2. Obtain certificates of inspection from AHJs and deliver to Owner before final acceptance. 3. Each trade shall consult local building department and utility companies prior to commencement of work to ascertain existence and location of existing underground utilities. Protect existing service against damage and interruption of use and reroute as may be necessary to accomplish new work. Include costs for materials and installation for rerouting as specified for new work in bid price. E. Fittings and Coupling Compatibility 1. To assure uniformity and compatibility of piping components, fittings and couplings for grooved end piping systems and plastic piping systems shall be furnished by the same manufacturers. 1.07 SEQUENCINGECOPY AND SCHEDULING A. For proper execution of work cooperate with other trades as needed. B. To avoid installation conflicts, thoroughly examine complete set of Contract Documents. Resolve conflicts with Engineer prior to fabrication and installation.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. Prior to installation of equipment requiring electrical connections, examine manufacturer's shop drawings, wiring diagrams, product data, and installation instructions. Verify that electrical characteristics indicated in Contract Documents are consistent with electrical characteristics of actual equipment being installed. When inconsistencies occur request clarification from Engineer.

1.08 EXISTING SOILS CONDITIONS A. Understand existing soils conditions before submitting bid on work. No additional allowance will be granted due to lack of information for existing conditions of subsurface soils.


2.01 GENERAL A. Furnish pipes, fittings, and appurtenances in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Technical Specifications and as specified herein. B. Provide hot-dip galvanized coatings in conformance to the requirements of Section 09972. C. Comply with application, thickness, and curing of pipe coatings and linings of the applicable pipe and coating Technical Specifications. D. External ferrous metal surfaces of pipes above ground or in structures: Prepare surface and apply prime coatings in the shop and apply finish coatings in the field after installation, all in accordance with Section 09960. E. Surfaces of field assembled non-ferrous and non-metallic piping above ground or in structures: Apply coatings in the field in accordance with Section 09960. F. Piping Expansion and Movement Provisions 1. Provide sleeve-type couplings and telescoping sleeve couplings to accommodate piping movement and expansion where indicated. Provide provisions for thrust restraint and movement limitation where couplings are provided. 2. If acceptable to Engineer, Contractor may install additional sleeve-type or grooved end mechanical couplings to facilitate piping installation, provided that the installation includes additional pipe supports and hydraulic thrust protection.

2.02 PIPE A. Provide pipe in conformance to the Pipe Schedule in 3.08 and in conformance with the respective pipe technical specifications.

2.03 BOLTS, NUTS, TIE RODS, AND OTHER FASTENERS FOR DUCTILE AND CAST IRON PIPE: ECOPY A. Flange bolts and nuts: 1. High strength, low alloy steel in accordance with AWWA C111. 2. Hot dipped galvanized.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Tie-rod bolts and nuts: 1. Type 316 stainless steel. C. Coupling and appurtenance bolts and nuts (not including flanges): 1. Type 316 stainless steel. D. Furnish fasteners for ductile and cast iron pipe in unopened containers with the product labels and alloy type intact and legible.

2.04 PIPE FLANGES A. General 1. Do not bolt flat-faced flanges to raised-face flanges. 2. Coat machined faces of metal blind flanges and pipe flanges with a temporary rust-inhibitive coating to protect the metal until the installation is completed. 3. Studs and bolts shall extend through the nuts a minimum of 1/4-inch. 4. Use all-thread studs only on valve flange connections where space restrictions preclude the use of regular bolts. 5. Provide insulating flanges with bolt holes 1/4-inch diameter greater than the bolt diameter unless otherwise indicated. B. Flanges for Cast and Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Conform to AWWA C115 for ductile iron and AWWA C110 for cast iron. 2. Use threaded connections to connect flanges to pipe, or flanges may be integrally cast with the pipe. 3. Dimensions: ASME B16.1, Class 125 flanges and ASME B16.5, Class 150 flanges. C. Flange Gaskets 1. Full-faced, compressed sheets of aramid fiber base, with nitrile or neoprene binder and non-stick coating, suitable for temperatures to 700 degrees F, a pH of one to eleven, and pressures to 1,000 psig. 2. 1/16-inch thick for flange sizes up to 24 inches, and 1/8-inch thick for sizes greater than 24 inches. 3. Gaskets for blind flanges shall cover the entire inside face of the blind flange and be cemented to the blind flange. 4. Manufactured by, or equal: a. John Crane, Style 2160; b. Garlock, Style 3000 or 3300. 5.ECOPY Refer to the respective Technical Specifications for flange gaskets for chemical service.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2.05 BLIND FLANGES A. Conform to AWWA C207, or as required by the requirements for the respective pipe materials in the Technical Specifications. B. Provide blind flanges for pipe sized 12-inches and over shall with lifting eyes in form of welded or screwed eye bolts.

2.06 THREADED INSULATING CONNECTIONS A. Use threaded insulating bushings, unions, or couplings, as appropriate, for joining threaded pipes of dissimilar metals and where otherwise indicated. B. Threaded insulating connections: 1. Nylon, Teflon, polycarbonate, polyethylene, or other non-conductive materials. 2. Pressure rating and properties to suit the service and loading conditions.

2.07 MECHANICAL COUPLINGS A. Prepare pipe ends for sleeve and grooved end-type couplings by holding back pipe end coating, abrasive blasting surface, and coating with epoxy in accordance with Section 09960. B. Sleeve-Type Couplings and Flanged Coupling Adapters 1. Construction a. Provide sleeve-type couplings where indicated. b. Conform to AWWA C219 unless otherwise indicated. c. Type: Steel sleeve with bolt down compression glands, without pipe stop, and sized to fit the pipe and fittings indicated. d. Sizes: 1) Pipe size up to 30-inches: 5 or 7 inches long 2) Pipe size greater than 30-inches: 10 inches. 3) Long body (where indicated): 16 inches. e. Middle sleeve ring: 1) 1/4-inch minimum thickness. 2) Test by cold-expanding a minimum of one percent beyond the yield point, to proof-test the weld to the strength of the parent metal. 3) Test the weld of the middle ring for porosity with air. f. Followers: 1) Single-piece contoured mill sections, welded and cold- expanded as required to fit the middle rings. ECOPY2) Sufficient to accommodate the number of bolts necessary to obtain adequate gasket pressures without excessive rolling. 3) Designed to provide positive confinement of the gasket. g. For flanged coupling adapters, provide anchor studs for all sizes up to and including 12-inch.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 7 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 h. Coat all ferrous metal surfaces with fusion bonded epoxy and tape wrap in accordance with Section 09960. 2. Pipe End Preparation a. Prepare the ends of the pipe for sleeve-type couplings as indicated and specified by the coupling manufacturer. b. Plain ends for use with couplings shall be smooth and round for a distance of 12 inches from the ends of the pipe, with outside diameter not more than 1/64-inch smaller than the nominal outside diameter of the pipe. 3. Gaskets for Water and Wastewater Service a. Rubber compound material that will not deteriorate from age or exposure to air under normal storage or use conditions. b. Wastewater and sewerage applications: Buna N, grade 60, or equivalent elastomer. c. Specifications: 1) Color: Jet Black 2) Surface: Non-blooming 3) Durometer Hardness: 74±5 4) Tensile Strength: 1,000 psi Minimum 5) Elongation: 175 percent Minimum d. Immune to attack by impurities normally found in water or wastewater. e. Conform to ASTM D2000, AA709Z, Suffix B13 Grade 3, except as otherwise noted above. f. Compatible with the piping service and fluid. 4. Insulating couplings: a. Provide where required or indicated. b. Provide wedge-shaped gasket which assembles over a rubber sleeve of an insulating compound in order to obtain insulation of all coupling metal parts from the pipe. 5. Sleeve type couplings, Manufactured by, or equal: a. Dresser, Style 38 b. Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., Style FC1 or FC3 c. Smith-Blair, Style 411 6. Flange Coupling Adapters, Manufactured by, or equal: a. Dresser, Style 127 or 128 b. Rockwell, Style 912 or 913 7.ECOPY Ductile iron pipe sleeve-type couplings, Manufactured by, or equal: a. Dresser, Style 53 or 153 b. Smith-Blair, Style 441 8. Transition sleeve-type couplings, manufactured by, or equal (for use connecting pipes with small differences in outside diameter):

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 8 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 a. Dresser, Style 53 or 153 b. Smith-Blair, Style 413

2.08 PIPE THREADS A. Conform to ASME B1.20.

2.09 TRACER WIRE A. 10 Gauge solid copper, insulated tracer wire installed as specified in the City Standard Specifications.

2.10 CONCRETE FOR ENCASEMENTS A. Conform to Section 03301.

2.11 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. Do not use products containing asbestos, lead, arsenic, or any other material defined by EPA as hazardous to human or animal life.

2.12 PIPING IDENTIFICATION A. Plastic Warning Tape 1. Warning tape shall be in conformance with City Standard Specifications. Warning tape for storm drains and force mains shall be 6” wide, colored the same as the background colors as specified in Table A, in Paragraph 3.08, below and made of inert plastic material suitable for direct burial. Tape shall be capable of stretching to twice its original length and shall be as manufactured by Allen Systems, W. H. Brady Co., Seton Name Plate Corporation, Marking Services Inc., or equal. 2. Warning tape shall be marked in conformance with City Standard Specifications. Warning tape for storm drains and force mains shall be marked, “Buried Storm Drain Below” and “Buried Force Main Below” respectively. Marking shall use bold letters approximately 2” high. Messages shall be printed at maximum intervals of 2’.


3.01 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store and handle materials and equipment in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration. Store in original container that identifies manufacturer's name, brand and model number. Do not store indoor equipment outdoors unless provided with a waterproof protective cover. B. Replacement: In event of damage, immediately make repairs and replacements necessary.ECOPY 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment and fixtures in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, plumb and level, firmly anchored to vibration isolators. Maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 9 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. Location 1. Piping shall be provided as specified except for adjustments to avoid architectural and structural features and shall be coordinated with electrical construction. C. Piping Sizes 1. Where the size of piping is not specified, the Contractor shall provide piping of the sizes required by UPC. Unless specified otherwise, small piping (less than 1” in diameter) required for services not described by UPC shall be 1/2”. D. Bedding and Backfill 1. Bedding and backfill for buried piping: as specified in Section 02320. E. Repairs 1. Repair damages to building around pipes, ducts, and fixtures that occur during installation. F. Cutting and Patching 1. Refer to section specific to pipe material.

3.03 PIPING IDENTIFICATION A. Plastic tracer Tape 1. A single line of tape shall be provided 2.5’ above the centerline of each buried pipe. 2. For pipelines buried 8’ or greater below finished grade, Contractor shall provide a second line of tape 12” below finished grade, above and parallel to each buried pipe. 3. Tape shall be spread flat with message side up before backfilling. B. Magnetic tracer tape 1. Polyethylene magnetic tracer tape shall be buried 12-18” below ground and shall be above and parallel to buried nonferrous, plastic and reinforced thermosetting resin pipelines. 2. For pipelines buried 8’ or greater below final grade, the Contractor shall provide a second line of tape 2.5’ above and parallel to the buried pipe.

3.04 VALVE IDENTIFICATION A. All valves 4” in diameter and larger shall be provided with a stainless steel identification tag bearing the specified valve number stamped in 1/4” high letters. B. The valve designation system shall be as indicated on the Drawings. C. TheECOPY tags shall be installed on valve flanges in a position visible from floor level. D. Flangeless valves 8” in diameter and larger shall have tags attached to the valve body by self-tapping corrosion resistant metal screws. E. Flangeless valves 6” in diameter and smaller shall have tags attached to the valve stem by stainless steel wire. Wire shall be 0.063” minimum.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 10 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3.05 TESTING A. General 1. Upon completion of piping, but prior to application of insulation on exposed piping, the Contractor shall test the piping systems. 2. Pressures, media and test durations shall be as specified below. Equipment which may be damaged by the specified test conditions shall be isolated. Testing shall be performed using calibrated test gages and calibrated volumetric measuring equipment to determine leakage rates. Each test gage shall be selected so that the specified test pressure falls within the upper half of the gage’s range. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours prior to each test. 3. Unless otherwise specified, testing, as specified herein, shall include existing piping systems which connect with new pipe systems. Existing pipe shall be tested to the nearest existing valve. Any piping which fails the test shall be repaired. Repair of existing piping will be considered and paid for as extra work. B. Liquid Systems 1. Leakage shall be zero at the specified test pressure throughout the specified duration for the following systems: exposed piping, buried insulated piping, and buried or exposed piping carrying liquid chemicals. Unless otherwise specified, leakage from other buried liquid piping systems shall be as specified in Section 15951 and 15069.

3.06 CLEANING AND FLUSHING A. General 1. Piping systems shall be cleaned following completion of testing and prior to connection to operating, control, regulating, or instrumentation equipment. 2. The Contractor may, at his/her option, clean and test sections of buried or exposed piping systems. 3. Use of this procedure, however, will not waive the requirement for a full pressure test of the completed system. 4. Unless specified otherwise, piping 24” in diameter and smaller shall first be cleaned by pulling a tightly fitting cleaning ball or swab through the system. 5. Piping larger than 24” in diameter may be cleaned manually or with a cleaning ball or swab. B. Liquid Systems 1. After completion of cleaning, liquid systems, unless otherwise specified, ECOPYshall be flushed with clean water. 2. With temporary screens in place, the liquid shall be circulated through the piping system using connected equipment for a minimum period of 15 minutes and until no debris is collected on the screens.

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 11 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. Appurtenances and Piping Exterior 1. Upon completion of installation, thoroughly clean exposed portions of equipment, removing temporary labels and traces of foreign substances. 2. Throughout work, remove construction debris and surplus materials accumulated by this work. 3. Prepare piping for coatings per Section 09960.

3.07 REVIEW BY ENGINEER, ACCEPTANCE AND LETTER OF CONFORMANCE A. Acceptance 1. System cannot be considered for acceptance until work is completed and it is demonstrated to Engineer that installation is in strict compliance with Specifications, Drawings and manufacturer's installation instructions, particularly in reference to following: a. Testing. b. Cleaning. c. Instruction and operating manuals. d. Training of operating personnel. e. Record Drawings. f. Guaranty certificates. g. Start-up and test document. h. Letter of conformance. B. Letter of Conformance 1. Provide letter and copies of extended warranties with a statement in letter that mechanical items were installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Include letter of conformance and warranties in operating and maintenance manuals. 2. Warranties shall begin at date of substantial completion.

3.08 PIPING SPECIFICATION SHEETS A. Piping and valves for groupings of similar plant processes or types of service lines are specified on individual piping specification sheets. Piping services are grouped according to the chemical and physical properties of the fluid conveyed and/or by the temperature or pressure requirements. Each grouping of services is identified by a piping system number. Piping services specified in the specification sheets and indicated on the Drawings are alphabetically arranged by designated service symbols as shown in Table A. Table A also indicates the system number, fluid category, and pipe marker background color of each service. ECOPY

City of Healdsburg 15050 - 12 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Table A. Piping Services PIPESPEC Pipe Marker Symbol Service Pipe Material System Background D Pond Drain 1 PVC Green PD Pumped Drain 2 PVC buried Ductile Iron Green exposed FE Final Effluent 2 PVC Blue

A. PIPESPEC, System 1 1. Piping Symbol/Service: D—Pond Drain 2. Buried Pipe (See drawings for pipe size and type.) a. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, ASTM D3034, SDR-26 b. Connection: elastomeric gasket joint in bell and spigot assembly c. According to Section 15100 3. Gasket Requirements: meeting ASTM F477 4. Test Requirements: Comply with Section 15951 B. PIPESPEC, System 2 1. Piping Symbol/Service: PD–Pumped Drain, FE – Final Effluent 2. Buried pipe a. PVC Pressure pipe per Section 15069 b. AWWA C900 Pressure Class 235 DR 18 PVC pipe (4-inch through 12-inch diameter). c. AWWA C905 Pressure Class 165 DR25 (Pipes larger that 12-inch diameter) d. Fittings: Ductile iron per AWWA C110 or AWWA C153 cement mortar lined and factory bituminous coated, restrained. e. Joints: 1) Restrained push-on rubber gasketed bell and spigot 2) Flanged adapters for valves 3) AWWA C900/905 3. Exposed pipe a. Duction iron pipe per Section 15143 b. Class 200 ductile iron AWWA standard C151. c. Cement mortar lined and coated per Section 09960. d. Fittings: Ductile iron per AWWA C110 or AWWA C153 cement mortar lined and coated per Section 09960. Flanged in accordance ECOPYwith AWWA C110 with ASTM A276 Type 304 Stainless Steel bolts. 4. Test Requirements: Comply with Section 15069, test pressure 60 psi for 2 hours.


City of Healdsburg 15050 - 13 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 15050 - 14 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Piping Systems 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15069



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for pressurized service applications and with ductile iron pipe outside diameters and thrust restraint devices.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01500 – Construction Facilities and Utilities

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Product Data 1. PVC Pipe: Provide information on materials, pipe dimensions and gaskets. 2. Thrust Restraint Devices: Catalog data, materials of construction, coatings and dimensions. C. Certification that pipe meets NSF requirements for potable water distribution piping.

1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handling 1. Use wide fabric choker slings. 2. Do not drop pipe or fittings. 3. Do not use hooks. 4. Use extra care when handling and installing PVC pipe during cold weather due to reduced impact resistance. B. Storage 1. Protect piping from exposure to sunlight. 2. Store and use lubricants in a manner that will avoid contamination. 3. Store loose rubber gaskets in a cool, dark location away from grease, oil, ECOPYand ozone producing electric motors. 4. Store pipe on a surface which provides even support for the pipe barrel. Do not store pipe in such a way as to be supported by the bell.

City of Healdsburg 15069 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 2 - MATERIALS

2.01 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE – CLASS TYPE A. PVC Pipe, Class Type 1. 4-inch diameter to 24-inch diameter in nominal size: Conforming to AWWA C900, Pressure Class 235 and DR of 18. 2. Pipe Materials: Manufactured from Class 12454A or 12454B virgin compounds as defined in ASTM D1784. 3. Outside Diameter of Pipe: Conform to outside diameter of cast iron pipe to allow connection directly into cast or ductile iron fittings without adapters. 4. Joint Design: Mechanical joint design. Use thrust restraint harnesses in locations indicated on the Drawings. 5. Gaskets: Elastomeric with solid cross section, meeting the requirements of ASTM F477. 6. Pipe Lengths: Standard laying length of 20 feet. 7. Color: Pantone 522 Purple. 8. Markings: “Caution: Reclaimed Water – Do Not Drink”. Stamp on opposite sides of pipe every three feet.

2.02 FITTINGS A. Cast or ductile iron conforming to AWWA C153, sized for the dimensions of the pipe being used. B. Use fittings with mechanical joint type ends conforming to AWWA C111. Restrain joints where indicated on the Drawings. C. Use flanged fittings where required to connect to flanged valves and other flanged piping components.

2.03 RESTRAINED JOINT DEVICES A. Use manufactured devices to restrain pipe joints at the locations indicated on the Drawings. Do not use concrete thrust blocks to restrain pipe joints unless specifically indicated on the Drawings. B. Restrained Joint Harnesses on Straight Pipe, 4-inch to 12-inch in nominal size: 1. Specifically designed for use with the specified PVC pipe. Consisting of two rings that are clamped to the pipe and which utilize machined teeth to grip the outside surface of the pipe. Thrust restraint rods connect the two rings to restrain the joint. 2. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: ECOPYa. EBAA Iron, Series 1500. b. Romac Industries, Style 611. 3. Design and Materials a. Gripping Ring: Ductile iron, split ring with clamping lugs and bolts, serrated on inside face. Install on spigot end of pipe.

City of Healdsburg 15069 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 b. Bell Ring: Ductile iron, split, non-serrated ring installed behind and against the pipe bell. c. Thrust Bolts: High strength, low alloy steel per AWWA C111. Use to connect the bell ring and gripping ring to fully restrain the pipe joint from separation. d. Pressure Rating: 200 psi with a minimum safety factor of 3. C. Restrained Joints on Straight Pipe, Larger than 12 inches in nominal diameter: 1. Use Type 1 Restraint Harness or Type 2 Restraint Harness at Contractor’s option. 2. Type 1 Restraint Harness a. Specifically designed for use with the specified PVC pipe and passing the performance testing requirements outlined in ASTM F1674. b. Consisting of mild steel Restraint Rings with machined teeth and thrust bolts. Restraint Rings are clamped to the pipe to allow the machined teeth to grip the pipe. c. As manufactured by Romac Industries, Style 470SJ, or equal. d. Design and Materials 1) Gripping Ring: Mild steel, split ring with clamping lugs and bolts, serrated on inside face. Install on spigot end of pipe. 2) Bell Ring: Mild steel, split, non-serrated ring installed behind and against the pipe bell. 3) Thrust Bolts: High strength, low alloy steel per AWWA C111. Use to connect the bell ring and gripping ring to fully restrain the pipe joint from separation. 4) Pressure Rating: 200 psi with a minimum safety factor of 3. 5) Coating: Epoxy enamel applied in the factory. 3. Type 2 Restraint Harness a. Specifically designed for use with the specified PVC pipe and passing the performance testing requirements outlined in ASTM F1674. b. As manufactured by EBAA Iron, Series 2800, or equal. c. Design and Materials 1) Gripping Ring: Ductile iron restraint ring consisting of multiple individual gripping surfaces, each or which are individually tightened against the outside surface of the pipe to securely grip the pipe to restrain the pipe joint from separating. 2) Bell Ring: Ductile iron restraint ring installed behind and ECOPYagainst the pipe bell. 3) Thrust Bolts: High strength, low alloy steel per AWWA C111. Use to connect the bell ring and gripping ring to fully restrain the pipe joint from separation. 4) Pressure Rating: 200 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2.

City of Healdsburg 15069 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Thrust Restraint Harness for Flexible Couplings a. Design 1) Split restraint rings manufactured from ductile iron with gripping wedges that are tightened against the exterior surface of the pipe. 2) Incorporate tie bars into the harness that span the distance between the restraint rings and provide adequate clearance from the flexible coupling. b. Manufacturers: One of the following, or equal: 1) EBAA Iron, Series 1100HV. 2) Romac Industries, Series 470 (14-inch to 24-inch) or Series 600 (12-inch and less). D. Restrained Joints on Pipe Fittings and Valves 1. Specifically designed for use with the specified PVC pipe. 2. Designed as a mechanical joint follower gland for ductile iron fittings and valves with mechanical joint ends. Designed with multiple gripping wedges to grip the outside surface of the PVC pipe. 3. Materials a. Gland Body, Wedges and Wedge Actuating Devices: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536 steel. 4. Pressure Rating: 200 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2. 5. Manufacturer: One of the following or equal: a. EBAA Iron, Series 2000PV b. Romac Industries, RomaGrip


3.01 INSPECTION A. Promptly remove PVC pipe with any of the following visual defects from the project site: 1. Pipe that is sufficiently out-of-round to prohibit proper joining. 2. Improperly formed ends. 3. Fractured, cracked, chipped, dented or otherwise damaged pipe. 4. Pipe that has been damaged during shipment or handling.

3.02 PREPARATION A. Straight Pipe Runs: Cut pipe smooth, straight, and at right angles to the pipe axis withECOPY saws or pipe cutters designed specifically for the material. Remove any burrs and dust from the jointing surfaces. Bevel cut ends in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

City of Healdsburg 15069 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Prior to making up pipe joints, clean the socket and plain end of the pipe and apply pipe lubrication meeting the requirements of AWWA C111. B. Inset the plain end of the pipe into the socket and press the gasket into its proper position within the socket. C. Tighten bolts on joint restraint harness to the torque recommended by the manufacturer. D. Do not disturb previously completed joints during the joining operation.

3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test pipe in accordance with Section 15996.



City of Healdsburg 15069 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 15069 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15100



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Polyvinylchloride gravity pipe and fittings. B. See Section 15050 for service applications.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 15050 – Piping Systems 3. Section 15951 – Testing Gravity Flow Pipelines

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. For use in the Piping System Specification Sheets (PIPESPEC) in Section 15050 and in this section. B. The following plastic pipe designations are defined: 1. PVC: Polyvinylchloride

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Include 1. Manufacturer’s data certificates of compliance with the specified standards. 2. Contractor’s piping layout drawings as specified in Section 15050.

1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. To assure uniformity and compatibility of piping components, fittings and couplings for plastic piping systems shall be furnished by the same manufacturer.


2.01 PVC PIPE A. Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings: 1.ECOPY Material: PVC complying with Class 12454-B, as defined in ASTM D1784. 2. Comply with ASTM D3034 for SDR 26. 3. For push-on joints provide neoprene gaskets per ASTM F477.

City of Healdsburg 15100 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project PVC Drain Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 3 - EXECUTION

3.01 INSTALLATION A. Unless otherwise specified, join PVC pipe 4” in diameter and greater using gasketed push-on joints. B. Remove foreign material from the pipe interior prior to assembly.

3.02 TESTING A. Test as specified in Section 15951. B. Conduct the tests in the presence of the Construction Manager.

3.03 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Gravity flow sanitary sewers and drainage pipelines are required to have a straight alignment and uniform grade between manholes. B. Plastic pipe is required to have no more than 5% deflection when measured at least 30 days following completion of backfilling for the segment being tested, using a standard mandrel as defined herein. C. Plastic pipe is required to have no more than 7.5% deflection when measured at least 11 months following substantial completion of the project, using a standard mandrel as defined herein. D. Replace or repair sections of pipelines and manholes that fail any test and retest.



City of Healdsburg 15100 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project PVC Drain Pipe 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15110.3



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Powered operators for valves and gates, and operator appurtenances. B. Schedule 1. Electric Actuator Schedule

Valve or Gate Actuator Operating Size, Press., Hazardous Dwg. Location Type Inches Service PSI Type Tag No. Area Ref Junction Slide 20” FE See EMTI MOSG300 No C06 Structure Gate Section 11288

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01782 – Operations and Maintenance Information 3. Section 11288 – Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates

1.03 DEFINITIONS A. For use in control valve schedules in other sections and in this section, powered operators are defined as follows:

Operator (OPSPEC) Type Service Definition EMTI Isolating Electric motor multi-turn

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Include the following items: 1. Electrical power and control wiring diagrams for electric motor operators marked to show specific changes necessary for the supplied equipment. ECOPYa. If no changes are required, the drawing shall be marked “No Changes Required.” 2. Manufacturer’s catalog information and other data confirming conformance to design and material requirements. 3. Certificate of Unit Responsibility (Section 01999)

City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories 4. Operating and maintenance information specified in Section 01782. 5. Provide the Owner with an affidavit of compliance from the manufacturer or the manufacturer's authorized representative that the motor operators furnished comply with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard C542 and this specification.

1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unit Responsibility 1. Assign unit responsibility for equipment, accessories and appurtenances specified in this section to the powered operator manufacturer. Extend this responsibility to include the gate or valve associated with the operator. B. ISO 9001 Quality System 1. Submit documentation of compliance prepared by independent certification agency approved by International Organization for Standardization. 2. Do not ship equipment before compliance documentation review has been completed by City.


2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. One of the following: 1. Rotork IQ series 2. Limitorque MX series 3. Or equal, as defined by Section 01330. B. Modify equipment if necessary to comply with this section.

2.02 COMPONENTS A. General 1. Electric motor actuators shall comply with AWWA Standard C542 except as modified in this specification. 2. Size operators to produce an operating torque equal to 1.5 the maximum required valve operating torque under the specified flow conditions. 3. Factory-mount on the valve or gate and provide as a unit. 4. On each valve body or operator cast the word “OPEN”, an arrow indicating the direction to open, and flow direction arrows. 5. Specific requirements for each type of powered operator are specified in OPSPEC sheets at the end of this section. B. MotorECOPY 1. Design specifically for valve or gate actuator service and be of totally enclosed, non-ventilated construction. 2. Suitable for use with 460V, three phase, 60 Hz power.

City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories 3. Rate for 15-minute duty and provide with NEMA Class F insulation. 4. Embed thermostat for thermal protection in the motor windings. C. Enclosures 1. Rate motor and all electrical enclosures for NEMA 6/IP68. 2. In hazardous areas, rate enclosures for both NEMA 6/IP68 and NEMA 7 Class 1 Div 1 Groups C and D. 3. Enclosure standard: double o-ring sealed to prevent moisture ingress through conduit entry. 4. Do local control knobs which do not penetrate actuator housing. D. Motor Starter 1. Provide with a three phase full voltage reversing starter with overload elements in each of the three poles. E. Gearing 1. Totally enclose the actuator gearing totally enclosed in an oil-filled gearcase suitable for operation at any angle. 2. Manufacture all drive gearing and components of metal and incorporate a lost-motion hammerblow feature. 3. For rising spindle valves provide a hollow output shaft to accept a rising stem, and incorporate ball or roller thrust bearings at the base of the actuator. 4. Design to permit the opening of the gearcase for inspection or disassembly without releasing the stem thrust or taking the valve out of service. F. Torque Switch 1. Use solid-state non-contacting electronic means capable of displaying torque percentage on local LCD display. 2. Set point to be determined by valve manufacturer. 3. Permit settings, adjustments, calibration, diagnostics, and datalog file extraction to be accomplished without opening any electrical compartment. 4. Provide PC/PDA compatible software to allow the Owner to perform diagnostics, save operational history and save torque profiles. G. Manual Operator 1. Provide with a handwheel for manual operation. 2. Design so handwheel does not rotate during motor operation and so a locked motor does not prevent manual operation. 3.ECOPY For rising stem valves and gates, do not share any gearing with the motor. 4. Provide motor or manual selection using a positive declutching lever which will disengage the motor and motor gearing mechanically but not electrically. Plastic declutch levers are not acceptable. 5. Design to prevent simultaneous operation in manual and motor modes.

City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 3 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories 6. Design to limit rim effort to 80 lbs of rim effort at maximum torque. H. Hammer Blow Device 1. Provide with a built-in lost-motion device that allows sufficient travel of the worm gear, prior to engaging the stem nut, for the motor to reach full speed. 2. Through this action, impart a “hammer blow” to start the valve or gate in motion in either direction. 3. Share load equally by two lugs cast integrally on the drive sleeve. I. Position Sensing and Remote Indication 1. Sense position without the use of switches via an absolute encoder with no more than four moving parts which has built in redundancy should one of the four parts fail in any way or a similar device. Display position on the LCD as open limit and closed limit,.. 2. Provide four software configurable indication contacts as shown in the OPSPEC sheets. 3. Local position display and indication contacts shall update even during loss of main power. External control power shall not be necessary to achieve this.


3.01 INSTALLATION A. General 1. Locate operators so that they are readily accessible for operation and maintenance. 2. Mount for unobstructed access, but do not obstruct walkways. 3. Do not mount where shock or vibration will impair operation. 4. Do not attach support systems to handrails, process piping, or mechanical equipment. 5. Locate manual operating accessory, where possible, between 48 and 60 inches above the floor or a permanent work platform. B. Identification Tags 1. Provide each powered operator with a 16-gage stainless steel identification tag. 2. Inscribe complete equipment number of the operator. 3. Characters: 1/4-inch, die-stamped. 4. Securely attach to the operator in a readily visible location using stainless ECOPYsteel screws or wire. C. Electrical Power and Signal Wiring and Equipment 1. Comply with Division 16.

City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories 3.02 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. Provide field inspection and instruction services by factory-trained service technician of the manufacturer. Services by a sales representative are not acceptable. 1. Provide minimum 1 visit of 8 hours, excluding travel time, to inspect and test initial operation, and make necessary adjustments. B. Complete and submit the following forms in Section 01999: 1. Manufacturer’s Installation Certification Form.

3.03 OPERATOR SPECIFICATION (OPSPEC) SHEETS A. The following OPSPEC sheets are included in this section: EMTI.

Operator Type EMTT Description: Electric Multi-Turn Isolation valve operator

Construction: Rotork IQ or Limitorque Accutronix MX, modified as necessary to provide the specified features and to meet the specified operating requirements. Where specified in the Electric Actuator Schedule, provide Rotork IQ with IW gearbox and Limitorque Accutronix MX with HBC gearbox. Controls 1. Control power: Provide by an integral 120 volts AC, single-phase control transformer unless a separate power source is shown on the electrical drawings. 2. Size transformer to operate at not more than 80% of rating with the connected load shown: Include protective secondary fusing. 3. Provide with an integral control station. a. Include ”Local/Stop/Remote” toggle switch and “Open/Close” toggle switch. “Local/Stop/Remote” shall accept standard ¼” padlock to lock in either position. b. Momentary operation of the “OPEN” or “CLOSE” toggle: Causes the operator to drive the valve or gate to the appropriate limit. Software configuration shall allow push-to-run operation where desirable. c. Momentary operation of the “STOP” pushbutton: Causes the operator to stop. d. Provide terminals for remote “OPEN” and “CLOSE” pushbuttons. Remote Valve 1. Provide four contacts which can be selected to indicate any position of the valve or Position / gate. Actuator Status a. Provide for the selection of a normally closed or open contact form. indication: b. Maintain and update position indication during handwheel operation when all external power to the actuator is isolated. c. Rate at 5A, 120V AC, 30V DC. 2. As an alternative to providing valve position, configure so any of the four above contacts may be selected to signal one of the following: a. Valve opening, closing or moving b. Thermostat tripped, lost phase c. Motor tripped on torque in mid travel, motor stalled ECOPYd. Remote selected e. Actuator being operated by handwheel


City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 5 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 15110.3 - 6 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Powered Valve and 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Gate Actuators and Accessories




1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Resilient seated gate valves.

1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s catalog data, weights, dimensions, and assembly drawings with materials of construction. B. Demonstration of Compliance with Referenced Standard: 1. Testing records per Section 5 of AWWA C509. 2. Affidavit of compliance with AWWA C509.


2.01 RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVES A. General Requirements: 1. Use resilient seated type gate valves for valves 3-inches in nominal size and larger. 2. Pressure Ratings: a. Valves less than 16 inches in nominal size: 200 psi. b. Valves 16-inch and larger: 150 psi. 3. Type: a. Exposed Gate Valves: Rising stem type with stem yoke. b. Buried Gate Valves: Non-rising stem type. B. Manufacturers: One of the following, or equal:

1. American Darling 2. M&H / Kennedy Valve Company, Model KS-RW. 3. Clow Corporation 4. Mueller Company, 2360 Series. 5. AVK

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST C. Valve Design: 1.ECOPY Body, Bonnet, and Wedge: Cast iron conforming to ASTM A126, Class B. 2. Wedge: Fully encapsulated with SBR rubber conforming to ASTM D5000 and meeting rubber-to-metal bond tests specified in ASTM D249.

City of Healdsburg 15111 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Gate Valves 700-14-18-07 PWS927

3. End Connections: Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, provide valves with the following end connections: a. Exposed Gate Valves: Flanged ends conforming to ANSI B16.5. b. Buried Gate Valves: Mechanical joint or push-on ends. 4. Stem: Cast bronze with integral collars. 5. Stem Packing: a. Rising stem valves: Teflon braid packing in a stuffing box. b. Non-rising stem valves: Provide with double or triple o-ring stem seals or with braided packing material. 6. Operator Extension: As indicated on the Drawings. D. Valve Actuator: 1. Exposed Gate Valves: Provide valve with manual handwheel actuator unless a powered actuator or operating nut is indicated on the Drawings. a. Valves 8-inch in Nominal Size and Larger: Provide geared type actuator. 2. Buried Gate Valves: Provide 2-inch square AWWA operating nut on a shaft that extends to within 6 inches below finished grade. Support shaft at 5 foot intervals with the last support just below the operating nut. Provide 42-inch long operating wrench. 3. Operation: Counter clock-wise to open. E. Coating: 1. Coat interior and exterior of valve body and bonnet with fusion bonded epoxy. a. Fusion bonded epoxy: Complying with AWWA C550 and NSF/ANSI 61 approved.


3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install valves in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

B. Repair damaged areas of epoxy coating in accordance with AWWA C550 such WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION that coating is free of holidays and other defects.



City of Healdsburg 15111 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Gate Valves 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15116.6



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Horizontal flexible disc swing check valves.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01782 – Operation and Maintenance Information

1.03 DESIGN A. Unless otherwise specified, design valves to conform to the minimum pressure ratings listed below:

Size, inches Working Pressure, psig 2 through 12 200 14 through 24 150

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Include the following items: 1. Manufacturer’s catalog information including dimensions, cross-sectional views, details of construction and materials list. 2. Design Data: Submit test reports certifying that manufacturer has performed adequate testing prior to shipment on site. 3. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit data in accordance with Section 01782.


2.01 GENERAL A. Provide type of check valve as indicated. B. Comply with AWWA C508, unless otherwise indicated. C. ClearECOPY opening per AWWA C508 (can pass a solid the same diameter as the valve) D. ANSI Class 125-pound flange, unless otherwise indicated.

2.02 MANUFACTURERS A. Flexible Disc

City of Healdsburg 15116.6 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Swing Check Valves 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1. One of the following or equal: a. Val Matic Swing-Flex Series 500 b. Mueller Flexible Disc Model 851A

2.03 MATERIALS A. Flexible Disc 1. Body, Cover: Ductile iron, ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. Optional body materials include stainless steel, ASTM A-351, Grade CF8M for sizes 3” through 12”. 2. Disc: Buna-N, ASTM D2000, with allow steel and nylon reinforcement 3. Cover Seal: Compressed non-asbestos fiber (2” through 3”); Buna-N, ASTM D2000 (4” through 48”)


3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install as recommended by manufacturer.



City of Healdsburg 15116.6 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Swing Check Valves 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 15123



1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Flexible couplings.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Section is referenced in this Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Manufacturer’s standard catalog information. Include dimensions and materials of construction. C. Manufacturers published installation instructions.


2.01 FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS FOR STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Unrestrained a. Dresser Industries, Style 253 b. Romac Industries, Inc., Style 501 c. Smith-Blair, Inc., Series 441 2. Restrained a. Ebba Iron, Mega Lug Series 3800 b. Romac Industries, Inc. 400 RG c. Smith Blair, Inc. Series 470 B. Materials 1. Center Sleeve: Ductile iron, ASTM A536 2. Follower Flanges: Ductile iron, ASTM A536 3. Bolt and Hex Nuts a. Above Ground: High strength, low alloy steel. ECOPYb. Buried and Underwater: Type 316 stainless steel. C. Coating and Lining: Provide product with fusion bonded epoxy. D. Center Sleeve Dimensions: Provide center sleeves with lengths in accordance with the following table:

City of Healdsburg 15123 - 1 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Flexible Couplings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Nominal Pipe Size, Inches Buried Condition Aboveground Condition 3 inch and smaller Manufacturer’s Standard Manufacturer’s Standard 4 inch to 8 inch, inclusive 7 inches 5 inches 10 inch to 18 inch, inclusive 12 inches 6 inches

E. Restrained Flanged Coupling Adapters: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. EBA Iron Series 2100 b. Romac Industries, Inc., Style RFCA c. Smith-Blair, Inc., Series 911 d. Provide restrained flanged couplings adapters where indicated on the Plans. 2. Materials a. Flanged Body: Ductile iron, ASTM A126 or ASTM A536. b. Follower Ring: Ductile iron, ASTM A536. c. Bolts and Hex Nuts 1) Aboveground: High strength, low alloy steel. 2) Buried and Underwater: Type 316 stainless steel bolts. 3. Flange Design: In accordance with AWWA Class D with ANSI 150 pound drilling. 4. Coating and Lining: Provide product with shop-applied primer, which is compatible with finish coating to be applied in the field.

2.02 FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS FOR NON-PRESSURIZED PVC PIPE A. Flexible couplings shall be rubber, full-circle, clamp-on type provided with two stainless-steel band, screw clamps to secure the coupling tightly to entering and exiting pipes. All screw-clamp hardware shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Rubber material shall be suitable for sewage service. Use Fernco Series 1056, Calder, or equal.

2.03 GASKETS FOR FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS AND FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS A. Provide gasket materials for process piping applications as follows: 1. All Process Piping Applications: Neoprene rubber or EPDM.

2.04 PROTECTIVE COATINGS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Tapecoat Company, Inc., T.C. Mastic 2.ECOPY Kop-Coat Company, Inc., Bitumastic Number 50.

City of Healdsburg 15123 - 2 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Flexible Couplings 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 3 - EXECUTION

3.01 INSTALLATION A. In underground and underwater installations, coat the coupling exterior after installation with a protective coating. B. Install pipe couplings with gap between pipe ends in accordance with the following table. Install flexible coupling with pipe gap located in middle of center sleeve. Install flanged coupling adapter with end of plain end pipe in middle of flanged coupling body.

Center Ring Length Gap Dimension and Tolerance 4 inch through 6 inch 3/8 inch plus or minus 1/8 inch 7 inch 5/8 inch plus or minus 1/8 inch 10 inch and greater 7/8 inch plus or minus 1/4 inch

C. Install flexible couplings with joint restraint tie rods and harnesses unless specifically shown otherwise on the Drawings. 1. Steel and Ductile Iron Pipe: Install tie rods across flexible coupling for joint restraint as indicated on the Drawings. 2. PVC Pipe: Install joint restraint harnesses on flexible couplings that are installed within the sections of pipeline where restrained joints are required as indicated on the Drawings.

3.02 PROTECTIVE COATING A. Following installation of flexible couplings in buried conditions, cover coupling and bolts with minimum 40-mil thickness of mastic coating.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Ductile iron pipe, joints, fittings, gaskets, and pipe lining and coating.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section: 1. Section 15050 – Piping Systems 2. Section 15996 – Testing Pressure Piping

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Certifications 1. Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance with the specified standards. B. Shop Drawings 1. Detailed layout drawings showing alignment of pipes, location of valves, fittings, and appurtenances, types of joints, connections to structures and joint thrust restraint details. C. Product Data 1. Photographs, drawings, and descriptions of fittings, gaskets, couplings, grooving of pipe and fittings, pipe linings, and coatings.

1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Block piping material for shipment, prevent damage to castings and linings. B. Carefully handle piping material during loading, unloading, and installation. Do not drop piping material from cars or trucks. Lower piping material by mechanical

means. Do not drop or pound pipe to fit grade. C. Repair damaged cement mortar lining to match quality, thickness, and bonding of original lining in accordance with AWWA C104. When lining cannot be repaired, or repairs are defective, replace defective piping with undamaged piping. D. Protect gaskets and polyethylene encasement from long term exposure to sunlight. E. Store fittings and other accessories such that they do not accumulate and hold rainwater, dirt, and debris. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST PART 2 - PRODUCTSECOPY 2.01 DUCTILE IRON PIPE A. Type: Conforming to AWWA C150 and AWWA C151 with minimum pressure class 350.

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B. Pipe Joints 1. General Intent: a. Use push-on type joints on buried pipe unless mechanical joints are specifically indicated on the Drawings. b. Use restrained joints on buried piping on fittings that create a change in pipe size and on fittings that result in a change of direction, whether the change is in horizontal plane or a vertical plane. c. Use flanged joints on all exposed pipes. Use flanged joints in buried situations only where flanged joints are specifically indicated on the Drawings. d. Exposed Piping: To the greatest extent possible, use factory- assembled pipe spools with flanges for exposed piping. Field cutting pipe to match field conditions will be allowed in limited quantities as determined by the Construction Manager. 2. Flanged Joints: a. Screw-on type with diameter, thickness, bolt holes, and other characteristics conforming to ANSI B16.1. b. Material: Ductile iron. c. After installation of flanges, machine flange face to make perpendicular to axis of the pipe. d. Bolt Holes on Flanges: e. 2-holed and aligned at both ends of pipe. f. Cap Screw or Stud Bolt Holes: Tapped. g. Bolts and Nuts: Conform to ANSI/ASME B16.1. 1) Aboveground and Exposed Pipe: Corrosion resistant, high strength, low alloy. 2) Underground, in concrete pipe valve boxes, or underwater: Use Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel. 3) Cut and finish bolts to project a maximum of 1/4 inch beyond nut when joints are assembled. 3. Mechanical Joints: a. Joint Design: In accordance with AWWA C111/ANSI A21.11. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION 4. Restrained Mechanical Joints: a. Design: Lug-type joint. b. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company, Lock Mechanical Joint.

ECOPY2) American Cast Iron Pipe Company, MJ Coupled Joint. 3) EBBA Iron, Megalug. 5. Restrained Push-on Joints: a. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) United States Pipe and Foundry Company, TR Flex.

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2) Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company, Thrust Lock. 3) American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Flex Ring or Lok-Ring. b. Design: Suitable for the following working pressures: 1) For 4 through 24 inch Pipe: 350 pounds per square inch gauge.

2.02 FITTINGS A. Fittings: Ductile iron conforming to AWWA C110. B. Joint Type: Same as that of the associated piping as specified in Section 15050. C. Plain end-to-flanged joint connectors using set screws are not acceptable.

2.03 GASKETS A. Push-on Joints and Mechanical Joints: Synthetic rubber compound in which the elastomer is nitrile or neoprene and conforming to AWWA C111. B. Flanged Joints: Neoprene.

2.04 PIPE LININGS AND COATINGS A. Asphaltic Base Coating 1. Apply to outside surface of pipes which will not receive another coating. Apply in accordance with AWWA C151/ANSI A21.51. B. Cement-mortar Lining 1. Apply mortar lining in accordance with AWWA C104 to interior surface of pipe unless un-lined pipe is specifically indicated on the Drawings or specified. 2. Apply mortar to clean, bare metal surfaces, extended to faces of flanges, ends of spigots, and shoulders of hubs.

2.05 DUCTILE IRON PIPE APPURTENANCES A. Dismantling Joints 1. Flange Spool: AWWA Class D Steel ring flange. Pipe is ASTM A36 plate.

2. End Ring and Body: ASTM A36 steel. 3. Gaskets: NBR made from rubber compounded for water and sewer service. 4. Bolts and Nuts: Type 304 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A588. 5. Pressure: Rated to 150 psi. 6. Manufacturers: Romac Industries Inc., DJ400 or equal.

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST B. Lug-type Restrained Flange Adapters 1.ECOPY Use lug type restrained flanged adapters when connecting flanged joints on pipe, fittings, or valves to straight pipe that has been cut to length in the field. 2. Material: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536.

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3. Restraint Mechanism: Consists of multiple gripping wedges designed to maximize restraint capability. Use torque limiting actuating screws to insure proper initial set of gripping wedges. Restrained flange adapters using set screws are not acceptable. 4. The flange adapter shall be capable of deflection during assembly, or permit lengths of pipe to be field cut, to allow a minimum of 0.6” gap between the end of the pipe and the mating flange without affecting the integrity of the seal. 5. Manufacturers: EBAA Iron Inc. Series 2100 Megaflange, or equal.

2.06 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT A. Polyethylene Encasement Sheets or Tubes: 1. 8 mil thickness low density polyethylene, or 2. 4 mil thickness high density, cross laminated polyethylene.


3.01 INSTALLATION A. General 1. Install ductile iron piping in accordance with AWWA C600, modified as specified in Section 15050. 2. Lay mechanical joint or bell and spigot pipe with 1/8-inch space between the spigot and shoulder of the pockets. B. Polyethylene Encasement 1. Wrap ductile iron pipe to be buried with polyethylene encasement in accordance with ASTM A674 and AWWA C105. 2. Repair tears and make joints with two layers of plastic tape. 3. All bolts and hardware shall be coated with bitumastic prior to encasement in the polyethylene bag. 4. Wrap fittings and valves with a flat sheet of polyethylene film by passing the sheet under the appurtenance and bringing the sheet around the body. Make seams by bringing the edges of the polyethylene sheet together, WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION folding them over twice, and taping them closed. Seal penetrations including valve riser and PVC pipe by applying at least a half lap of tape on and completely around the cleaned penetrations. C. Coat exposed pipe per Section 09960


A. TestECOPY ductile iron piping as specified in Section 15996. END OF SECTION

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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Acceptance testing of gravity flow pipelines, including: 1. Visual inspection of pipes. 2. Leakage testing of pipes. 3. Leakage testing of manholes.

1.02 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Perform leakage testing to verify compliance with the maximum allowable leakage criteria specified in this Section. Refer to tables in this Section for leakage criteria. B. Repair or replace sections of pipelines and manholes that fail to meet the specified requirements and retest until the leakage criteria is satisfied.

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Before testing begins and in adequate time to obtain approval through the submittal process, prepare and submit a test plan for review by the Engineer. Include testing procedures, methods, equipment, and tentative schedule. B. Submit test reports for each test on each segment of pipeline.

1.04 SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULING A. Perform testing after placing and compacting Bedding Material around the pipe, or after backfilling the pipe trench, at Contractor’s option. B. Coordinate testing schedules with Engineer. Perform testing under observation of Engineer.



3.01 PREPARATION A. Provide labor, equipment, tools, test plugs, risers, air compressor, air hose, pressure gauges and other devices necessary for proper testing and inspection of pipelines. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST B. TestECOPY pressures shall account for ground water elevation. 3.02 TESTING LINE AND GRADE A. Confirm pipe alignment visually by flashing a light between manholes. Verify if alignment is true and no pipes are misplaced. In case of misalignment or damaged pipe, remove and re-lay or replace pipe segment.

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3.03 LEAKAGE TESTING A. Test Options: 1. Test gravity flow pipes and manholes for leakage. a. Gravity flow pipelines 24-inches in diameter and smaller may be tested by either hydrostatic means or by low pressure air testing. b. Test gravity flow pipelines larger than 24-inches in diameter by hydrostatic means, or joint testing. B. Compensating for Ground Water Pressure: 1. When Contractor elects to test pipe after backfilling the pipe trench, groundwater pressure must be taken into account to eliminate influence on the leakage test. 2. Determine groundwater elevation as follows: a. Install a 1/2-inch diameter pipe nipple, approximately 10” long, through the wall of each manhole. Cap the end of the pipe nipple that protrudes into the manhole. Locate pipe nipple at the crown of the new gravity pipeline where the pipeline enters the manhole. Install pipe nipple at the same time the gravity pipeline is constructed. b. Before performing pipeline leakage acceptance test, remove the cap from the pipe nipple and clear the pipe nipple with air pressure. Connect a clear plastic tube to the nipple, run the tube vertically inside the manhole and allow groundwater to rise in the tube. c. After groundwater stops rising, measure the height in feet of water over invert of the pipe.

3.04 HYDROSTATIC LEAKAGE TESTS A. Determine groundwater elevation. B. Plug wyes, tees, stubouts, laterals and other connections to the sewer. Plug sewer pipeline in the downstream manhole. If necessary to isolate flow, plug incoming pipes in the upstream manhole. C. When test pressures require installation of a riser pipe, connect riser pipe to pipe WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION in the upstream manhole. D. Fill sewer pipe and manholes with water to the specified test elevation, compensating for the measured groundwater elevation. E. Leakage Tests on Concrete Pipe 1. After filling pipe with water, allow water to saturate concrete for four hours before beginning hydrostatic test. 2.ECOPY After four hours, replace water lost through absorption into the pipe, re-filling to restore to the specified test pressure. F. Conduct leakage test for a duration of 2 hours. After 2 hours, take water level reading to determine drop of water level and calculate water loss or measure the

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quantity of water required to restore water to the specified elevation. Total loss of water shall not exceed that calculated from allowable leakage criteria. G. Allowable Leakage Criteria: Maximum allowable leakage equivalent to 200 gallons per day per inch of inside diameter per mile of pipeline under test.

3.05 LOW PRESSURE AIR TESTING A. Conduct air pressure testing in accordance with ASTM C924. B. When low pressure air testing is used to test concrete pipes, a wetted pipe interior is recommended. C. Pressurize the pipe section to be tested to 4.0 pounds per square inch and hold this pressure for 5 minutes. After this time period, allow pressure to drop. D. When internal air pressure reaches 3.5 pounds per square inch, begin measuring rate of air pressure loss. Record the time interval required for the internal air pressure to drop from 3.5 psi to 2.5 psi. E. Acceptance Criteria: The pipeline under test is acceptable when the time interval so recorded exceeds the minimum test time given by the following table:

MINIMUM Time Allowed for Pressure Loss from 3.5 psig to 2.5 psig: Nominal Pipe Minimum Time Allowed per 100 Lineal Feet Diameter, Inches of Pipe Under Test, Minutes 6 0.7 8 1.2 10 1.5 12 1.8 15 2.1 18 2.4 21 3.0 24 3.8

F. Any section of pipe which fails to meet requirements shall be repaired and retested.

3.06 LEAKAGE TESTING FOR MANHOLES A. After completion of manhole construction, wall sealing, or rehabilitation, test manholes for water tightness using hydrostatic or vacuum testing procedures. 1. New Manhole Construction: Conduct test prior to backfilling.

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST B. Plug influent and effluent lines connected to manhole with suitably-sized pneumaticECOPY or mechanical plugs. 1. Utilize plugs that are properly rated for pressures required for test. 2. Place plugs a minimum of 6 inches outside of manhole walls.

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3. When pipes connected to the manhole have not been backfilled, brace pipes to prevent dislodging from the manhole. C. Vacuum Testing: 1. Install vacuum tester head assembly at top access point of manhole and adjust for proper seal on straight top section of manhole structure. Following manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions, inflate sealing element to the recommended maximum inflation pressure; do not over-inflate. 2. Evacuate manhole with vacuum pump to 10” mercury (Hg), disconnect pump, and monitor vacuum for the time period specified in the following table.

Time in Seconds by Manhole Diameter Depth in Feet 48” 60” 72” 4 10 13 16 8 20 36 32 12 30 39 48 16 40 52 64 20 50 65 80 24 60 78 96 (a) 5 6.5 8.0 (a) Add times for each additional 2-feet of manhole depth. (The values listed above have been extrapolated from ASTM C924-85).

3. If the drop in vacuum exceeds 1” Hg over the specified time period tabulated above, locate leaks, complete repairs necessary to seal manhole and repeat test procedure until satisfactory results are obtained. D. Hydrostatic testing: 1. Fill manhole with water to top of frame. Add water over a 24-hour period to compensate for absorption and evaporation losses. After 24 hours, refill to top of frame and observe for loss of water. If, after a 4-hour period the water level is reduced by more than 1/4”, the leakage shall be considered

excessive. Contractor shall make necessary repairs and retest the WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION manhole. 2. If water loss exceeds amount tabulated above, locate leaks, complete repairs necessary to seal manhole and repeat test produce until satisfactory results are obtained.



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1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Hydrostatic pressure pipeline testing.

1.02 REFERENCED SECTIONS A. The following Sections are referenced in this Section: 1. Section 01330 – Submittals 2. Section 01500 – Construction Facilities and Utilities 3. Section 01999 – Reference Forms 4. Section 15050 – Piping Systems

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Provide Submittal per Section 01330. B. Testing Schedule and Notification of Testing: Submit advance written notice of testing activities a minimum of 48 hours prior to conducting piping tests. C. Testing Plan: Submit a written plan that identifies the methods for water procurement, conveyance and disposal. D. Completed Pipe Test Record Forms, found in Section 01999.

1.04 TESTING REQUIREMENTS A. Furnish personnel, materials, bulkheads, test plugs, restraints, anchors, temporary connections, pumps, pressure gauges and other equipment needed to perform testing. B. Water for Testing

1. Use potable water for pressure testing pipelines. Obtain water from the source identified in Section 01500. 2. Disposal: a. Dispose of water used for testing pipelines in the Equalization Pond. C. Test only those portions of the pipe that have been installed as part of this Contract. 1. Test new pipe sections prior to making final connection to existing piping. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 2.ECOPY Install test plugs or bulkheads to isolate new piping systems. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, valves may not be used to isolate portions of the piping system for purposes of testing. When testing against a valve is indicated or approved by the Owner, provide a test plate “pancake” to further isolate the new and existing piping.

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D. Sequence 1. Buried Pressure Piping: Except as otherwise indicated, conduct piping pressure test after trench has been backfilled to subgrade and compacted. Piping may be tested before or after final paving, at Contractor’s option. 2. Encased Piping: Test before encasing pipe in concrete. E. Failed Tests: Make necessary corrections or remove defective pipe or defective appurtenances. Repeat pressure test until a successful test is achieved.



3.01 GENERAL A. Test pipelines, appurtenances, valves and fittings in the pipeline system. B. Where allowable leakage rates are not specifically indicated, no leakage is allowed. C. Perform testing operations in the presence of the Engineer. D. Prior to pressure testing, clean pipeline of debris, construction materials, dirt and other foreign material within the piping system. E. Do not test pipelines until thrust restraint devices have been installed. Where concrete thrust blocks are used, do not begin pressure test until concrete has attained an age of at least 7 days unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Pressure test buried pipe after backfill. F. After testing has been completed, drain test water from pipelines and leave in clean condition.

3.02 FILLING PIPING SYSTEMS WITH WATER A. Place temporary bulkheads in the pipe at the ends of the test section, and then slowly fill the pipeline with water at a rate which does not cause surges or exceed the rate at which the air can be released through the air valves. B. Ascertain that test bulkheads are suitably restrained to resist the thrust of the test pressure without damage to, or movement of, the adjacent pipe. WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION C. Purge air within the pipeline during the filling operation. Check proper operation of air release valves and air vents during the filling operation to ascertain proper operation and venting of air from the pipeline. D. Concrete pipe, cement-mortar lined pipe and other pipe made from water absorbing material: 1. After the filling operation is complete, allow the filled pipeline to stand under a slight pressure for at least 24 hours to allow air to escape from any air ECOPYpockets within the pipeline and the pipe lining to absorb water. 2. Examine bulkheads, valves and connections for leaks during this period. If leaks are found, make corrections before conducting the pressure test.

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3.03 PRESSURE TESTING EXPOSED PIPING A. Test exposed piping as follows: 1. Fill section of piping under test with water and raise the system pressure to the test pressure specified in the Piping Schedule in Section 15050. 2. Visually inspect exposed pipe joints, joints at fittings, valves, hydrants, and other piping appurtenances for leaks. 3. Correct leakage as necessary to eliminate the leakage. 4. Duration of Pressure Test: 2 hours. 5. Leakage Allowances: Zero leakage. 6. Correct any visible leakage by tightening flanges and screwed joints, replacing gaskets or removing defective materials. 7. Repeat test until no leakage is observed. 8. Record results of pressure test on Pipe Test Record form, included in Section 01999.

3.04 PRESSURE TESTING BURIED PIPING A. Pressure test buried piping as follows: 1. Fill section of piping under test with water and raise the system pressure to the test pressure specified in the Piping Schedule in Section 15050. 2. Visually inspect exposed pipe joints, joints at fittings, valves, hydrants, and other piping appurtenances for leaks. 3. Correct visible leaks necessary to eliminate the leakage. 4. Duration of Pressure Test: 2 hours. 5. Leakage Measurement: a. Begin test once visible leaks have been eliminated. b. Maintain test pressure during the test period by adding makeup water to a calibrated test reservoir. c. Accurately measure the volume of makeup water introduced into

the pipeline to maintain the test pressure to determine the leakage rate for the test. 6. The pipeline pressure test is successful when the makeup water added during the test is equal to or less than the allowable leakage rate (L) defined below. 7. Gasketed Ductile Iron Pipe (mechanical or push-on joint) L = SD(P)1/2

WEST YOST GUIDE SPECIFICATION GUIDE YOST WEST 148,000 ECOPY L = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour. S = Length of the test section in feet. D = Nominal diameter of the piping in inches. P = Test pressure in pounds per square inch gauge.

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8. Polyvinyl Chloride (PCV) pipe: L = ND(P)1/2 7,400

L = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour. N = Number of joints in the length of pipeline to be tested. D = Nominal diameter of the piping in inches. P = Test pressure in pounds per square inch gauge.




City of Healdsburg 15996 - 4 West Yost – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Testing Pressure Piping 700-14-18-07 PWS927 SECTION 16010




A. The Contractor shall install, ready for use, the electrical and instrumentation system as specified herein and shown on the Contract drawings. This document describes the function and operation of the system and particular components, but does not necessarily describe all necessary devices. All components and devices shall be furnished and installed as necessary/required to provide a complete operable and reliable system for accomplishing the functions and meeting the performance set forth hereinafter.

B. Furnish all required labor, materials, project equipment, tools, construction equipment, safety equipment, transportation, test equipment, incidentals, and services to provide a complete and operational electrical & instrumentation system as shown on the E&I - Series Drawings, included in these Specifications, or required for fully operating facility.

C. Examine the specification and Drawings for mechanical equipment and provide all circuit breakers, switches, pushbuttons and appurtenances which are not specified to be with the mechanical equipment. Erect all electrical equipment not definitely stated to be erected by others, furnish and install conduit, wire and cable and make connections required to place all equipment in complete operation.

D. It is recommended that the Electrical Contractor attend the job walk for the site and shall have accomplished the following: 1. Thoroughly examine existing conditions before submitting his bid proposal to perform any work. He shall compare site conditions with data given on the plans or in these Specifications. No allowance shall be made for any additional costs incurred by the Contractor due to his failure to have examined the site or to have failed to report any discrepancies to the Owner prior to bid. 2. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to be fully familiar with the existing utility locations, conditions and local requirements and regulations. 3. Verify all measurements and conditions and shall be responsible for the correctness of same. No extra compensation will be allowed because of differences between Work shown on the Drawings and measurements at ECOPYthe site. E. Any major deviations in location and conduit routing that the Contractor makes without the express written review or direction of the Engineer, shall be considered to have been made at the Contractor’s sole responsibility. Such deviations made by the Contractor shall be reflected on the Contractor supplied “Record Drawings.”

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 1 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 The Owner will reimburse the Engineer and the Owner will then deduct an amount equal to said reimbursement from the Contractor’s contract for all engineering, drafting, and clerical expenses associated with updating the Record Drawings due to any major unauthorized changes.

F. The major areas in the scope of work shown on E&I - Series Contract Drawings and Device Index located in Appendix “B” which includes the furnishing and installation: 1. Motor starter controls, and other miscellaneous device. 2. Moisture sensing relay. 3. Instrumentation and other miscellaneous devices. This includes all wiring and cables. 4. Provide all necessary conduits, junction boxes, disconnect switches, grounding system, field interconnection wiring, hardware, fittings, and devices to connect the designated equipment and wiring. 5. Installation of primary devices, equipment and instruments are not completely detailed on Contract Drawing plan sheets. Use Device Indexes and Contract Drawings installation details for installation and mounting requirements. 6. All necessary miscellaneous shut off, sample, and calibration valves to sensors. 7. Trenching, back filling, compaction and resurfacing to match existing surfaces for each underground conduit route. 8. Grounding system and equipment grounding. 9. Concrete pads and supports for electrical and instrumentation equipment 10. Remove and dispose of all excess dirt, paving, concrete, and other materials from site work. 11. PLC programming, and configuration of OI & SCADA system will be by Others.

G. Existing site is limited in space. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide an electrical and instrumentation package to fit in the allocated space.

H. Provide all necessary hardware, conduit, wiring, fittings, and devices to connect the electrical equipment provided under other Sections.

I. All electrical equipment and materials, including installation and testing, shall conform to the applicable codes and standards listed in this and other Sections. All electrical work shall conform with the National Electrical Code (NEC) 2017 issue. Nothing on the Drawings or in the Specifications shall be construed to permit workECOPY or materials not conforming to these codes and standards. J. It is the Contractor’s responsibility for obtaining instrumentation configuration software, manuals and disks necessary for the Contractor to program and configure the instrumentation. All software shall be licensed and turned over to the Owner.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 2 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 K. The following specifications incorporate specific equipment and devices that are standards of the Owner because of their serviceability, because of the local availability of labor, parts and materials, or because of the ability of the Owner to umbrella the equipment under existing maintenance contracts; however, favorable alternatives proposed in writing will be considered by the Owner.

L. Contractor shall field verify all existing conditions, equipment, wires, conduit, etc. as required to complete the project


A. All electrical/instrumentation equipment and materials, including installation and testing, shall conform to the following applicable codes and standards:

1. ANSI - American National Standards Institute, Inc. 2. EIA - Electronics Industries Association. 3. ETL - Electrical Testing Laboratories. 4. FM - Factory Mutual. 5. GO128 - General Order No. 128, Rules for Construction of Underground Electrical Supply and Communication Systems, Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. 6. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 7. ICEA - Insulated Power Cable Engineers' Association. 8. ISA - International Society of Automation (ISA) Standards (formerly Instrument Society of America. 9. NEC - National Electrical Code, 2017 Edition. 10. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association. 11. NETA - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems, International Electrical Testing Association. 12. NESC - National Electrical Safety Code. 13. NFPA - National Fire Protection Agency & NFPA820 14. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act Standards. 15. UL - Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. B. The revisions of these codes and standards in effect on the date of issuance of the Contract Documents shall apply.

C. Codes and standards referenced shall be considered minimum acceptable work.

D. In instances where two or more codes are at variance, the most restrictive requirements shall apply.

E. Nothing on the Drawings or in the Specifications shall be construed to permit work orECOPY materials not conforming to the preceding codes and standards. F. All work shall also be performed in accordance with the Owner, State, County or Owner standards, and local Utility codes.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 3 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 G. The Contractor shall furnish without extra charge any additional material and labor which may be required for compliance with these codes and standards, even though the work is not explicitly mentioned in the Specifications or shown on the Contract E- Series Drawings.

H. Amperage listed on the single-line Drawings for motors are per NEC Table 430.250 and may not necessarily match that of the equipment supplied. It is the electrical system supplier and Contractor’s responsibility to furnish equipment sized for the motors supplied for this project at no additional cost.

I. All electrical work shall conform with the National Electrical Code (NEC) 2017 issue and the latest NFPA 70E. Nothing on the Drawings or in the Specifications shall be construed to permit work or materials not conforming to these codes and standards.


A. Provide electrical system that interfaces to work performed under other Mechanical and Equipment plans.


A. It is the intent of this Division that the complete responsibility for management and installation of the electrical and instrumentation required for this project be by a qualified Electrical Contractor. This responsibility includes, but not limited to, supervision and coordination of work performed by all suppliers of Division 16.

B. Uncertified electricians shall not perform electrical work for which certification is required per Labor Code Section 3099. Electricians shall be required to carry proof of certification on their person at all times. Electricians found on the jobsite without proof of certification will be asked to leave, prohibited from working on-site until proof of certification has been provided and may be reported to the Contractors State License Board (CSLB).

C. Contractor shall submit the proposed Electrical Subcontractor and System Supplier with bid documents that will be used on this project.

D. If the Contractor, Electrical Subcontractor, and System Supplier listed in bid documents are deemed not qualified by Owner, they will have their bid rejected at the Owner’s sole discretion and the next qualified bidder selected.

E. The Electrical Subcontractor shall meet the following minimum qualifications: 1. Has a current C-10 Electrical Subcontractor’s License. 2. Has regularly engaged in similar electrical contracting for the Municipal ECOPYWater Industry. 3. Has successfully performed work of similar or greater complexity on at least five previous projects under one company name and under the present company name.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 4 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Has all persons performing work as electricians certified by the California Apprenticeship Council per California Labor Code Section 3099. 5. Has been actively engaged in the type of electrical and instrumentation work specified in this Division for a minimum of two years.

F. Bid package shall include a list of five (5) completed projects of similar size and nature for water treatment plants the Electrical Contractor has completed: 1. Provide completion dates of projects. 2. References of Owner Representative in charge of project, including contact name and telephone number.


A. General: 1. It is the intent of this Division that complete responsibility in the supplying of the MCC/PLC, and all instrumentation in Appendix “B” Device Index and other equipment required for this project be supplied by one System Supplier. This responsibility includes, but not limited to, all work necessary to select, furnish, program, supervise installation, calibrate, and place into operation all transmitters, instruments, controllers, alarm equipment, monitoring equipment, and accessories as specified herein. 2. The system supplier shall have an on staff project engineer with prior experience on similar sized projects. This project engineer shall coordinate the technical aspects of this project and prepare the submittals and drawings. The system supplier project engineer shall attend all coordination meetings and be on-site when requested by the Owner’s Engineer.

B. Pre-Qualified System Suppliers 1. The Suppliers listed below have been determined to meet minimum qualifications specified in this Division and are pre-qualified by the Owner for providing supplier bids as system suppliers on the project. a. Technical Systems, Inc. (phone 707 678-1111) b. Tesco (phone 916 395-8800) c. Krug-Bixby-Long Associates (KBL) (phone 510 887-1117) d. Primex Controls (phone 707 449-0341) C. Non-Pre-Qualified System Suppliers 1. System Suppliers not pre-qualified by the Owner shall submit the information listed herein at least 14 calendar days prior to bid date, and if approved by the Owner, will be listed in a Contract addendum prior to bid. ECOPYa. Company history. b. List of five (5) completed projects of similar size and nature for water treatment plants. c. Provide completion dates of projects.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 5 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 d. References of Owner Representative in charge of project, including contact name and telephone number. e. List of projects in progress. f. Description of scope of projects. g. Dollar amount of projects. h. References of Owner Representative in charge of project, including contact name and telephone number. i. Complete 2017 Year End Financial statement prepared by a Certified Accountant or complete 2017 Company Tax Returns listing assets and liabilities. 2. Factory test for this project shall be held within 150 miles of project location at the System Suppliers shop. 3. Additional information for clarification as requested by the Owner in writing shall be provided by the System Supplier asking for the qualification or qualification will automatically be denied. 4. System Supplier providing financial statements lacking detail or stating that detailed financial records are proprietary will be disqualified as a qualified System Supplier and is grounds alone for disqualification. 5. Any qualification package deemed incomplete or lacking sufficient information to determine qualification will result in System Supplier not being qualified. 6. No reason will be released on why a System Supplier was not qualified.


A. The Contract drawings and specifications are intended to be descriptive of the type of electrical system to be provided; any error, omission, or minor details missing in either shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligations there under to install in correct detail any and all materials necessary for a complete operational system, at no additional cost.

B. The Contract drawings are generally diagrammatic; exact locations of electrical products shall be verified in the field with the Engineer. Except where special details on drawings are used to illustrate the method of installation of a particular piece or type of equipment or materials, the requirements or descriptions in this Section shall take precedence in the event of conflict.

C. The Contract Electrical elementary, elevation and one-line diagrams are the basis of the electrical system to be provided and are for reference only. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to adjust and make minor revisions to the diagrams as necessary for operational system at no additional cost to the Owner. Additional isolators, relays, wiring, terminal blocks, and appurtenances, shall be provided for anECOPY operation system at no additional cost to the Owner.

D. Location at facilities of new equipment, inserts, anchors, panels, pull boxes, conduits, stub-ups, and fittings for the electrical system are to be determined by the Contractor and Engineer at time of installation. Contractor shall make minor

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 6 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 adjustments to locations of electrical equipment required by existing conditions and coordination with other trades at no additional cost.

E. The Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule, wire fill, and number of conduits are based on the best information available. 1. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to modify the conduit schedule based upon Shop Drawings for the actual equipment. Such modifications in conduit sizes and numbers of conductors shall be at no additional cost to the Owner, if such changes are the direct result of the equipment selected by the Contractor. 2. A copy of the Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule and Electrical plans showing conduit routing shall be updated weekly by the Contractor. Progress payments will be withheld if during monthly checks it is found that the Contractor fails to maintain the Conduit Schedule updates.

F. Electrical & instrumentation, conduit & wire lengths shown on Contract Drawings are approximate. The Contractor is responsible for determining actual lengths for bidding and installation purposes. Contractor is to be made aware that equipment may be installed in the lower levels of the building and instrumentation manufacturer's cable length depends on conduit routing.

G. The Contractor shall examine the architectural, mechanical, structural, electrical and instrumentation equipment provided under other Sections of this Contract in order to determine the exact routing and final terminations for all conduits and cables. The exact locations and routing of cables and conduits shall be governed by structural conditions, physical interferences, and the physical location of wire terminations on equipment. Conduits shall be stubbed up as near as possible to equipment.

H. All equipment shall be installed and located so that it can be readily accessed for operation and maintenance. The Engineer reserves the right to require minor changes in location of equipment, without incurring any additional costs.

I. Provide means to furnish equipment and accessories, do the installation, complete connections, submit documentation, perform start-up, and be responsible for the warranty.

J. Where conduits are shown as “home runs” on the Contract drawings or stated to be furnished, but not explicitly shown as part of the scope of work; the Contractor shall provide all fittings, boxes, wiring, etc., as required for completion of the raceway system in compliance with the NEC and the applicable specifications in this Section.

K. No changes from the Contract drawings or specifications shall be made without written approval of the Engineer. Should there be a need to deviate from the ContractECOPY documents, submit written details and reasons for all changes to the Engineer for favorable review within 30 days after award of Contract.

L. When existing conduits are to be used, it is the Electrical Contractor’s responsibility to verify conduit size and routing. This includes all potholing or other location

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 7 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 methods. Existing conductors and conduits damaged by Contractor during construction shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to Owner.

M. The resolution of conflicting interpretation of the Contract documents shall be as determined by the Engineer.

N. The Contractor shall coordinate with other Suppliers on the project for a complete and operable system.

O. It is the System Supplier's responsibility for obtaining instrumentation transmitter configuration software, manuals, USB drives and disks necessary for the Contractor to program and configure the instrumentation transmitters.

P. The Electrical Contractor shall maintain a separate set of neatly and accurately marked set of Record Documents, consisting of spreadsheets, specifications and full size blue-line Electrical (E-Series) and Instrumentation (I-Series) Contract Drawings. 1. These documents are to be used specifically for recording the as built locations and layout of all electrical and instrumentation equipment, routing of raceways, junction and pull boxes, and other diagram or document changes. 2. These Record documents shall be kept up-to-date during the progress of the job, with all "change orders", submittal modifications, and construction changes shown and stamped with “As-Built” at end of job. 3. These Record documents shall not be used for daily construction use and shall not contain any mark-ups that are unrelated to as-built corrections. 4. The following lists the record documents shall be as-built by Electrical Contractor: a. E-Series Drawings. b. Panelboard schedules. c. Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule. 1) A copy of the Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule and electrical plans showing conduit routing shall be updated weekly by the Contractor. Progress payments will be withheld if during monthly checks it is found that the Contractor fails to maintain the Conduit Schedule updates. d. Lighting Schedule. e. Duct banks and their routing with offset measurement and indicate changes in depth. Duct bank elevations shall not be drawn or penciled in by hand. Provide CAD drawings of duct banks. 5. The following lists the record documents that shall be as-built by System ECOPYSupplier to be maintained by Electrical Contractor: a. I-Series Drawings b. Instrumentation Index. 6. Record documents shall be kept current weekly with all "change orders," submittal modifications, and construction changes shown. Record

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 8 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Documents shall be subject to the inspection by the Engineer at all times, progress payments or portions thereof may be withheld if Record Documents are not accurate or current. 7. When documents are changed, they shall be marked with erasable colored pencils using the following coloring scheme: a. Additions - red b. Deletions - green c. Comments - blue d. Dimensions - black 8. Show the following on the Electrical (E-Series) Record Contract Drawings by dimension from readily obtained base lines: a. Exact location, type and function of electrical and instrumentation equipment and devices. b. Precise routing and locations of underground conduits, pullboxes, junction boxes, and appurtenances that make-up the raceway system. c. Show the dimensions, location and routing of electrical work, which will become permanently concealed. d. Show complete routing and sizing of any significant revisions to the systems shown. 9. Prior to acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer one set of record full size drawings neatly marked accurately showing the information required above.


A. The Contractor shall coordinate the electrical work with the other trades, code authorities, utilities, and the Engineer; with due regard to their work, towards promotion of a rapid completion of the project. If any cooperative work must be altered due to lack of proper supervision of such, or failure to make proper provisions, then the Contractor shall bear expense of such changes as necessary to be made in the work of others.

B. Manufacturer’s directions and instructions shall be followed in all cases where such is not shown on the Contract Drawings or herein specified.

C. Power utility coordination: 1. The Contractor shall field verify the locations for the underground primary and secondary conduit runs, pull boxes, and transformer pad with utility representative prior to installation. 2. Provide all the equipment and materials not provided by the power utility ECOPYcompany for permanent service at the locations shown on the Contract Drawings. All work shall meet the requirements of the serving power utility companies.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 9 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Coordinate all work with the serving power utility, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) for the work shown on Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall obtain the required inspections. a. Submit to the power utility the proposed metering details including, but not limited to, proposed meter enclosure, meter socket and service entrance drawing details. Provide a written statement from the utility that shows approval of the proposed metering. b. All work associated with material and installation for the utility power service not paid by the utility shall be borne by the Contractor. c. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining utility engineered drawings. d. The Contractor shall provide and install all material, conduits, wiring, pull ropes, pole risers, pull boxes, transformer pads, bollards, and other work specified and shown on PG&E engineered drawings for new power service. e. Conflicts between the Contract drawings and the utility engineered drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. Contractor shall meet all utility requirements at no additional cost to the Owner. f. All fees and charges for the utility power service hook-up will be paid by the Owner. D. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining utility Engineered Drawings for service conductor conduits, pull boxes, wire size requirements, pull rope requirements, etc. Conflicts between the Contract Drawings and the utility engineered drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer.

E. The Contractor shall cease work at any particular point, temporarily, and transfer his operations to such portions of work as directed, when in the judgment of the Owner it is necessary to do so.

F. Prior to commencing construction, the General Contractor shall arrange a conference with the General Contractor, Electrical Contractor, System Supplier, Resident Engineer & Owner as well as all equipment and system suppliers vital to the current phase of work. During the meeting, the equipment supplier shall verify types, sizes, locations, installation requirements, controls and diagrams of all equipment furnished. The Equipment and System Suppliers shall, in writing, inform the Engineer that all phases of coordination of this equipment have been covered and if there are any unusual conditions, they shall be enumerated at this time.

G. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to make all equipment approval arrangements and scheduling with the power utility company connected with this project. Schedule within 30 days after award of contract all service installations andECOPY connections with the power and telephone utility. Lack of effort by the Contractor to properly schedule Utility service will not be considered valid justification for delays in project completion and no extension in contract time will be given.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 10 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 H. The Contractor shall coordinate with Owner, witnessing Engineer and System Supplier to test the entire system.

I. No passwords shall be enabled on software or hardware provided for this project. All electronic disk copies provided to Owner shall not have any password protection enabled on them or the software. Software submitted with password protection will be removed by Owner and the Contractor will be back-charged for the cost thereof.


A. General: 1. Submit shop documents and drawings for approval in accordance with this subsection and Section 01300. 2. Electrical submittals shall be submitted for favorable review by the Owner or Engineer per this subsection. They shall be complete giving all details of connections, wiring, instruments, enclosures, materials and dimensions. Standard sales literature will not be acceptable. 3. A copy of the appropriate Division Specification Sections, with addendum updates included and with each paragraph check-marked to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested deviations from specification requirements. a. Check marks (√) shall denote full compliance with a paragraph as a whole. If deviations from the specifications are indicated and, therefore, requested by the Contractor, each deviation shall be underlined and denoted by a unique number in the margin to the right of the identified paragraph. The remaining portions of the paragraph not underlined will signify compliance on the part of the Contractor with the Specifications. b. The submittal shall be accompanied by a detailed, written justification for each numbered item explaining variance or non- compliance with specifications. c. Failure to include a copy of the marked-up specification sections, along with justification(s) for any requested deviations to the specification requirements, with the submittal shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the entire submittal with no review. 4. The Contractor shall coordinate submittals and required meetings with the work, panel fabrication and factory tests so that project will not be delayed. This coordination shall include scheduling the different categories of submittal, so that one will not be delayed for lack of coordination with another. 5. No material or equipment shall be allowed at the job site until the submittal ECOPYfor such items has been reviewed by the Engineer and marked “No Exceptions Taken” or “Make Corrections Noted.” 6. The equipment specifications have prepared on the basis of the equipment first named in the Specifications. The Supplier shall note that the second named equipment, if given, is considered acceptable and equal equipment,

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 11 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 but in some cases additional design, options, or modifications may be required, at no additional cost, to meet Specifications. 7. The decision of the Engineer governs what is acceptable as a substitution. If the Engineer considers it necessary, tests to determine equality of the proposed substitution shall be made, at the Contractor’s expense, by an unbiased laboratory that is satisfactory to the Engineer. 8. The Contractor shall cease work at any particular point, temporarily, and transfer his operations to such portions of work as directed, when in the judgment of the Engineer it is necessary to do so. 9. No submittal documents shall be labeled as proprietary. Labeling documents as proprietary will be sufficient cause for rejection of entire submittal. The Owner reserves the right to copy or duplicate any and all portions of the documents provided for the project including copyrighted documents as desired. 10. Identify all submittals by submittal number on letter of transmittal. Submittals shall be numbered consecutively and resubmittals shall have a letter suffix. For example: a. 1st submittal: 1. b. 1st resubmittal: 1A. c. 2nd resubmittal: 1B, etc. B. The electrical submittals shall include but not be limited to data sheets and drawings for each product together with the technical bulletin or brochure. No FAX copies of documents are allowed. Color copies shall be provided when black and white copies do not show adequate clarity. The electrical submittals shall include: 1. Product (item) name used herein and on the Contract Drawings. 2. The manufacturer’s model or other designation. 3. Tag name/number per the P&ID drawings, schedules, and indexes. 4. Index Binder Tab Dividers. 5. Detailed electrical one line, elementary control diagrams and interconnection diagrams showing all wiring requirements for each system. 6. Complete documentation with full description of operation. 7. Complete catalog cuts with full description of equipment. General sales literature will not be acceptable. The part or model number with options to be provided shall be clearly identified. Where more than one item or catalog number appears on a catalog cut, the specific item(s) or catalog numbers(s) proposed shall be clearly identified. 8. Location of assembly at which it is installed. 9.ECOPY Input-output characteristics. 10. Range, size, and graduations as required. 11. Physical size with dimensions and mounting details. System Supplier submit a letter listing all instrumentation pipe sizes, pipe connections, flange types, and ANSI ratings signed by Contractor and System Supplier

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 12 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 to certify coordination for proper installation prior to flow elements being purchased. 12. Enclosure fabrication and color. 13. Enclosure layout and elevation drawings to scale. 14. Quantity and quality requirements for electric power. 15. Materials of construction of components. 16. Nameplate schedule. 17. Interconnection diagrams. 18. Failure to provide submittals with heavy duty permanent plastic labeled index tabs may be grounds for immediate rejection without review. 19. Bill of Materials: A complete Bill of Materials list shall be provided at the inside of the front cover. The Contractor shall provide Bill of Material for electrical components formatted as shown in Appendix "A". A separate set of Material Listing forms shall be provided for the MCC, spare parts, and another listing all field equipment. Generic names or part numbers used by a distributor or Systems House are not acceptable; originating manufacturer’s name and part number shall be listed. 20. A separate instrument data sheet shall be provided for each instrument per ISA S20 standards or approved equal. Data sheets shall be printed on blue or pink paper. Provide an index with proper identification and cross- referencing of each data sheet. 21. Submit USB electronic copies of all submitted drawing in AutoCAD format. 22. For each resubmittal, provide a copy of submittal comments and a separate letter, on Company letterhead, identifying how each submittal comment has been addressed in the resubmittal. 23. Electronic PDF version of submittals shall be provided with table of contents regardless of hard copy format of submittal. PDF shall be “bookmarked” at each index, subtab, copy of appropriate check-marked Specification Section, bill of materials, copy of submittal comments (for resubmittals), Contractor’s response to submittal comments (for resubmittals), drawings, etc. Failure to bookmark PDF may be grounds for immediate rejection without review. Bookmarks shall not be out of order; the English description shall match that listed in the Submittal’s Table of Contents. 24. Electronic submissions of submittals may be provided for submittals less than 40 pages and without drawings. Submittals equal to or over 40 pages or those that contain drawings shall be provided in a hardcopy format. Drawings shall be printed at 11 inches by 17 inches. Hardcopy submittals shall be provided in binders as specified herein. The Owner reserves the ECOPYright to reject submittals that fail to be organized as described herein. C. All drawings shall be generated with a computer utilizing the AutoCAD 2010 or later drafting package. Standard preprinted drawings simply marked to indicate applicability to the Contract will not be acceptable. Drawings shall be prepared in a professional manner and shall have borders and a title block identifying the

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 13 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 project, system, drawing number, drawing title, AutoCAD file name, project engineer, date, revisions, and type of drawing. Drawings shall be no smaller than 11” x 17” and printed with a laser jet printer or plotted in ink on vellum. The lettering shall be legible and no smaller than 0.075 inch in height. Diagrams shall carry a uniform and coordinated set of wire colors, wire numbers, and terminal block numbers. A Drawing Index shall be provided that lists each Drawing title and drawing number. Each Drawing title and number shall be unique. The index shall not include drawings listed as “This Page Intentionally Left Blank”. The shop drawings shall include: 1. Electrical one or three line diagrams detailing all devices associated with the power distribution system. The following applicable information or data shall be shown on the one- or three- line diagram: location, size and amperage rating of bus; size and amperage rating of wire or cable; breaker ratings, number of poles, and frame sizes; generator; automatic transfer switch; utility metering; voltage; amperage; number of wires and phases; fault interrupt ratings; ground size and connections; neutral size and connections; power fail and other protective devices; fuse size and type; panelboard; starters; contactor size and overload range; motor full load amperage of submitted motor and horsepower; rating for miscellaneous loads; etc. Submit equipment motor voltage, phase and full load amps provided for this project for verification of accuracy of submitted one line drawings. 2. Elementary diagrams shall be provided for all relay logic, power supplies, PLC I/O and other wiring. All elementary diagrams shall be drawn in EMP/EGP format and standards similar to those shown on the E-series elementary diagrams showing ladder rung numbers and coil and contact cross referencing numbers. 3. Analog and digital PLC I/O wiring diagrams shall be provided showing the wiring requirements for each instrument loop. Graphic symbols shall conform with ISA S5.4 drawing standards. A loop diagram shall be furnished for each analog and digital I/O process and all PLC I/O points. Loop diagrams shall include the following as a minimum: a. The loop diagram shall be drawn with sufficient detail to express control philosophy. The diagram shall show all components and accessories of the instrument loop, highlighting special safety and other requirements. These diagrams shall be arranged to emphasize device elements and their functions as an aid to understanding the operation of a system and for maintaining or troubleshooting that system. b. Analog and digital I/O shall be arranged on the diagram in the same order as the physical arrangement of the group terminations. All termination points on the diagram shall be shown with the actual equipment identification, device and relay terminal number or letter, ECOPYand I/O point P&ID English descriptor and tag name. c. A separate drawing shall be prepared for each analog and digital card. Each card shall be arranged on the diagram in the same order as the physical arrangement of the card terminations.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 14 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 d. Energy sources – electrical power, air supply, pneumatic and hydraulic fluid supply, designating voltage, current, pressure, etc. shall be shown in detail on the diagram. Input and output signals (e.g., 1-5 VDC, 4-20 mA DC, 3-15 psig, etc.), power and instrument supplies to devices (e.g. 120 VAC, 24 VDC, 80 psig, etc.) shall be shown. e. Engineering units shall be shown on the diagram. Each wire label, equipment identification terminal number or letter and color code shall be shown. Signal and DC polarities shall be shown. f. All spare wires, cables and termination points shall be shown. All jumpers, grounding, shielding, power supply details shall be shown. 4. Enclosure and Elevation layout diagrams shall be provided to show all deadfront, front panel and backpan devices drawn to scale. Show fabrication methods and details; including material of construction, paint color, support and latching mechanisms, fans and ventilation system, and conduit entrance areas. Provide enclosures with removable metal filters. 5. Interconnection diagrams shall show for each piece of equipment all wiring between all devices, panels, cabinets, terminal boxes, control equipment, motor control centers and any other devices and equipment. An interconnection diagram shall be furnished for each electrical and instrumentation system, even if one was not shown explicitly on the Contract Drawings. Interconnection diagrams shall be prepared for all conduits listed in the Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule. Each interconnection diagram shall show the following as a minimum: a. Interconnect drawings shall be prepared for all equipment by the System Supplier. b. The diagrams shall be utilized by the electrician during all phases of installation and connection of all conductors to ensure coordination of equipment interconnect. c. The diagrams shall show wiring as field labeled at the end of the project when as-builts are submitted. d. Each wire labeling code as actually installed shall be shown. The wiring labeling code for each end of the same wire must be identical. e. All devices and equipment labeling codes shall be shown. f. All Interconnection wires listed in the Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule for each conduit shall be shown only on one interconnect drawing. Interconnection diagrams shall be of the continuous line type with identified lines. Diagrams of the wireless or wire schedule type are not acceptable. Bundled wires shall be shown as a single line with the direction of entry/exit of individual wires clearly shown. g. All terminations points on the diagram shall be shown with the ECOPYactual equipment identification terminal number or letter. This identification of terminations includes terminal blocks, junction boxes, all devices, computer I/O points, etc. “??” in lieu of terminal number is unacceptable.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 15 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 h. Diagrams shall include raceway numbers, raceway size, raceway type, cable numbers, wire color code, and wire numbers. i. Each wire size, and cable size and color code shall be shown. Each conduit with the conduit label and conduit size and wire fill shall be shown. Wire and cable routing through conduits, wireways, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, terminal boxes and other electrical enclosures shall be shown with the appropriate equipment labels. All spare wires, cable, and termination points shall be shown. Cable shields shall be shown. j. Labeling codes for terminal blocks, terminals, wires, cables, panels, cabinets, instruments, devices, and equipment shall be shown. Place “øA”, “øB”, and “øC” label next to each breaker to identify phase connected to. k. Schematic symbols shall be used for field devices, showing electrical contacts. Signal and DC circuit polarities shall be shown. l. The diagrams shall show all other Contract and Supplier drawing numbers, for reference, that are associated with each device that is interconnected. Attached to each interconnect, a copy of all the support documents used in preparing interconnects shall be submitted. This includes current issues of panel schematics, elementary diagrams, panelboard schedules, conduit schedules, one-line diagrams, connection diagrams, terminal block diagrams, submittals, contract drawings, vendor drawings and all other data used to develop the interconnection diagram as noted in the “Reference Documents” corner of Interconnect Drawings. m. Interconnects shall include list of all applicable reference drawings, request for clarifications, field instructions and change orders. All deletions and additions of equipment, wire and cables shall be clearly shown. n. Field wiring shall not start before the Interconnection Drawing has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. o. Do not show the same wires or jumpers, or panel wiring on both the connection and interconnection diagrams. All jumper, shielding, and grounding termination details not shown on the connection diagrams shall be shown on the interconnection diagrams. p. Interconnection diagrams shall be submitted and approved by Owner for each electrical and instrumentation system. The Contractor shall not pull in any wires into conduits that do not have approved interconnects. If the Contractor pulls in wire without Owner approval of associated Interconnect Drawings, the Contractor will not be reimbursed for labor for re-pulling in wires even if there was an error in wire fill or sizing. Also, if the Contractor pulls in wire without Owner approval of associated Interconnect ECOPYDrawings, then all progress payments related to field wiring for that particular area of work will be withheld until approved Interconnect Drawings are in use. q. All interconnection diagrams shall be prepared by a System Supplier under the supervision of or by a State of California Registered Electrical Engineer and shall bear that Engineer’s

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 16 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 professional stamp and signature for all Interconnection Drawings submitted for approval including as-builts and those used in the field installation. r. Example format of Interconnection diagram is shown on Contract “E” Series Drawings or may be obtained from the Engineer. s. Interconnect drawings submitted with wiring of a single conduit run separated onto multiple interconnect drawings will be rejected without review. A single conduit run with wiring shown on separate interconnect drawings will be allowed only after written approval is given by the Engineer for each conduit run prior to submitting the associated interconnect drawings. t. Only field wiring between MCC, Panelboards, Control Panels, and other electrical and instrumentation devices or equipment shall be shown on interconnection drawings. No internal panel wiring shall be shown on interconnect drawings except jumper or other wiring to be installed in field by Electrical Contractor. u. Interconnect Drawings along with the corresponding support documents shall be submitted in a separate submittal package. Interconnect drawings submitted with non-interconnect drawing packages will be rejected. v. Interconnect drawings shall be prepared for all equipment by the System Supplier with the exception of the Telephone System and Security Alarm System who may produce their own interconnect drawings. w. Provide a notes section on each interconnect drawing. In the note section, list any variances from the Contract conduit schedule necessary for completing the interconnections. Change orders regarding wire fill, conduit schedule and errors in plans regarding conduits and wires will not be processed until interconnect drawings have been received for such work. x. The field electrician shall mark-up all interconnection diagrams during installation to show accurate as-built wiring, conduits runs, terminations, etc. If interconnection drawings are not properly as- built, the Electrical Contractor will have cost deducted from the Contract for the Owner to field verify and prepare as-built interconnection drawings amount. The amount of the deduction shall be determined on a time and material basis. The cost of such work shall be $120.00 per hour plus expenses. y. The System Supplier shall be responsible to collect all information necessary to complete each interconnection drawing. This includes making field trips to collect all terminal connection data for new and existing, MCCs, switchboards, panelboards, instruments, equipment and electrical panels. ECOPYz. An index of drawings shall be provided with each Interconnection submittal listing the unique drawing number and the description of the interconnect drawing (e.g. Drawing 4321-IC1004 Pump 1004 Interconnect Drawing).

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 17 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 aa. Provide conduit and interconnect drawing cross reference indexes. Interconnect Conduit Index shall list all conduits listed in the Conduit & Wire Routing schedule and its associated Interconnection Drawing number. An Interconnection Drawing Index shall list all Interconnection drawings and the conduits shown on that specific drawing. These two indexes shall be at the front of all interconnection drawing submittals. bb. Interconnection submittals that contain more than two motor control panels/centers shall have heavy duty dividers with permanent plastic labeled index tabs separating each group of drawings. 6. Submit full size drawing of all nameplates and tags, as specified herein, to be used on project. The Engineer has the right to adjust nameplate engraving titles during submittals at no additional cost to the Owner. Submittal to include the following: a. Dimensions of nameplate. b. Exact lettering and font for each nameplate. c. Color of nameplate. d. Color of lettering. e. Materials of construction. f. Method and materials for attachment. g. Drawing showing location of nameplates on each panel and enclosure. 7. Copying contract drawings and providing them as submittals will be considered unresponsive and the submittal will be rejected without review.

D. Each submittal shall be bound in a three ring binder, which is sized such that when all material is inserted the binder is not over 3/4 full. Binder construction shall allow easy removal of any page without complete manual disassembly; spiral ring type binders are not acceptable. 1. Each binder shall be appropriately labeled on the outside spine & front cover with the project name, contract number, equipment supplier’s name, specification section(s), and major material contained therein. 2. An index shall be provided at the inside of the front cover. This index shall itemize the contents of each tab and subtab section. Also list the project name, contract number and equipment supplier’s name, address, phone number, and contact person on the index page. 3. Field equipment shop documents, panel equipment shop documents, drawings, and bill of materials shall be grouped under separate tabs. Catalog cuts shall be ordered in the same sequence as their corresponding Contract specification subsection. Catalog cuts shall not be scattered throughout the submittal intermingled with other material cut sheets (i.e. do ECOPYnot submit cut sheet for specific size conduit followed by cut sheet for specific size wire, and then cut sheet for different size conduit and different size wire. Group conduits together, group wires together, etc. 4. All copies shall be clear and legible. Data sheets shall be provided for each instrument, with an index and proper identification and cross-referencing.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 18 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 5. Exceptions to the Contract specifications or drawings shall be clearly defined by the equipment supplier. a. Data shall contain sufficient details so a proper evaluation may be made by the Engineer. Contractor shall provide separate letter (located in the front of the submittal) detailing specific exceptions to the Contract Specifications or Drawings. b. Exceptions that are noted in the marked-up Drawings or Specifications, but not listed on the Exceptions/Clarifications letter, will be considered as non-responsive and not accepted as changes to the Contract Documents. 6. Request for information (RFIs) shall not be included in submittals. RFIs supplied with submittals will not be answered. RFIs shall be submitted following proper channels. 7. Resubmittals shall be provided with a copy of the previous submittal comments and a separate letter, on company letterhead, identifying how each submittal comment has been addressed in the resubmittal. 8. Drawings shall be submitted in a separate hole-punched binder that covers the entire 11” x 17” length of the Drawing: a. Shop Drawings with less than 20 sheets total in the submittal, may be provided in an 11½-inch by 17½-inch reinforced folder. b. All Interconnection Drawings or Shop Drawings of 20 sheets or more shall be provided in separate heavy duty three-ring binder to allow drawings to be easily removed. Binder shall be Cardinal D- Ring Easy Open Ledger Binder with locking D-Rings or approved equal. c. Failure to provide drawing submittal in correct binder format may be grounds for immediate rejection without review. d. Each drawing title block shall contain the English description name for drawing contents (i.e. Lift Pump No. 1 Interconnect Drawing) and drawing number. All pages and drawings in the submittal shall be numbered sequentially (with no number skipped) in lower right hand corner. e. Drawings that are "C" or "D" size shall be folded, with the title block visible and placed in reinforced clear plastic pockets. E. Shop documents and drawings shall be submitted for all devices and components in the electrical system. The Contractor is notified that this is a “Fast Track” project and all electrical & instrumentation drawings shall be submitted in a timely manner as not to delay completion of the project.

1.09 SUPERVISION A. TheECOPY Contractor shall schedule all activities, manage all technical aspects of the project and attend all project meetings associated with this Section.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 19 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. The Contractor shall supervise all work in this Division, including the electrical system general construction work, from the beginning to completion and final acceptance.

C. The Contractor shall supervise and coordinate all work in this Division to insure that each phase of the project, submittal, delivery, installation, and acceptance testing, etc., is completed within the allowable scheduled time frames.

D. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining, preparing, completing, and furnishing all paper work for this Section, which shall include transmittals, submittal, forms, documents, manuals, instructions, and procedures.


A. All work or materials covered by the Contract documents shall be subject to inspection at any and all times by the Owner. If any material does not conform to the Contract documents, or does not have an “No Exceptions Taken” or “Make correction Noted” submittal status; then the Contractor shall, within three days after being notified by the Owner, remove the unacceptable material from the premises; and if said material has been installed, the entire expense of removing and replacing same, including any cutting and patching that may be necessary, shall be borne by the Contractor.

B. The Contractor shall give the Owner 10 working days’ notice of the dates and time for inspection. Date of inspection shall be as agreed upon by both the Contractor and Owner.

C. Work shall not be closed in or covered over before inspection and approval by the Owner. All costs associated with uncovering and making repairs where non- inspected work has been performed shall be borne by the Contractor.

D. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Owner and provide assistance for the inspection of the electrical system under this Contract. The Electrical Contractor shall remove covers, provide access, operate equipment, and perform other reasonable work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, will be necessary to determine the quality and adequacy of the work.

E. Before request for final inspection is made, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner in writing, a statement that the Contractor has made his own thorough inspection of the entire project enumerating punch list items not complete and that the installation and testing is complete and in conformance with the requirements of this Division.

F. The Owner may arrange for a facility inspection by Cal-OSHA Consultation Service at any time. The Contractor shall make the necessary corrections to bring all work inECOPY conformance with Cal-OSHA requirements, all at no additional cost to the Owner.

G. Contractor will be Responsible for any Additional Cost for Overtime, Weekend Overtime or Differential Time, Expenses for Inspection of Defective Work that has to be re-inspected.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 20 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 1.11 JOB CONDITIONS

A. The Contractor shall make all arrangements and pay the costs thereof for temporary services required during construction of the project, such as temporary electrical power and telephone service. Upon completion of the project, remove all temporary services, equipment, material and wiring from each site as the property of the Contractor.

B. The Contractor shall provide adequate protection for all equipment and materials during shipment, storage and construction. Equipment and materials shall be completely covered with two layers of plastic and set on cribbing six inches above grade so that they are protected from weather, wind, dust, water, or construction operations. Equipment shall not be stored outdoors without the approval of the Owner. Where equipment is stored or installed in moist areas, such as unheated buildings, provide an acceptable means to prevent moisture damage, such as a uniformly distributed heat source to prevent condensation.

C. The elevation of the project site is shown on Contract Civil Drawings. All equipment shall be derated, as recommended by the manufacturer or in accordance with ANSI C37.30.

D. The normal outdoor, not in direct sunlight, ambient temperature range of the job site will vary between 0 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. All equipment shall be rated to operate in these temperature ranges or provisions for adequate heating and cooling shall be installed, at no additional cost to Owner.

E. The jobsite is prone to vandalism and theft. Contractor shall be responsible for securing all materials and equipment against theft and vandalism for the duration of the project.

F. Contractor & Subcontractors shall utilize temporary services during construction of the project. No Contractors shall utilize building power, receptacles, etc. during construction.


A. No measurement will be made. Full compensation for conforming to these requirements, including all the labor, materials, tools, equipment, incidentals and for doing all the work involved in this section necessary for completion of the work, as shown on the Contract Plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications, these special provisions and as directed by the Engineer, shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed. 1.13 CHANGEECOPY ORDER PRICING A. All change order pricing by Contractor or System Supplier shall be broken out into the following minimum categories: 1. Labor per hour listed per discipline, i.e. Engineer, Drafter, Estimator, Secretarial, etc.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 21 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Materials and equipment itemized per component and quantity. 3. Rentals, travel, per Diem, etc. 4. Tax. 5. Shipping. 6. Overhead and profit.

B. Lump sum change order pricing is not acceptable.

C. If Contractor or System Supplier refuse to provide a change order with broken out pricing, the Engineer reserves the right to obtain independent estimates from other Contractors or System Suppliers. The Contractor or System Supplier who refused to provide the change order with broken out pricing, will be charged for the preparation of the independent estimates.


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 22 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 2 - MATERIALS


A. It is the intent of the Contract specifications and drawings to secure the highest quality in all materials and equipment in order to facilitate operation and maintenance of the facility. All equipment and materials shall be new and the products of reputable suppliers having adequate experience in the manufacture of these particular items. For uniformity, only one manufacturer will be accepted for each type of product.

B. All equipment shall be designed for the service intended and shall be of rugged construction, of ample strength for all stresses which may occur during fabrication, transportation, erection, and continuous or intermittent operation. All equipment shall be adequately stayed and braced and anchored and shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Appearance and safety, as well as utility, shall be given consideration in the design of details. All components and devices installed shall be standard items of industrial grade, unless otherwise noted, and shall be of sturdy and durable construction suitable for long, trouble free service. Light duty, fragile and competitive grade devices of doubtful durability shall not be used.

C. Products that are specified by manufacturer, trade name or catalog number established a standard of quality and do not prohibit the use of equal products of other manufacturers provided they are favorably reviewed by the Engineer prior to installation.

D. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listing is required for all substituted equipment when such a listing is available for the first named equipment.

E. When required by the Contract specifications or requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit equipment or material samples for test or evaluation. The samples shall be furnished with information as to their source and prepared in such quantities and sizes as may be required for proper examination and tests, with all freight and charges prepaid. All samples shall be submitted before shipment of the equipment or material to the job site and in ample time to permit the making of proper tests, analyses, examinations, rejections, and resubmissions before incorporated into the work.

F. All equipment shall be designed and constructed so that in the event of a power interruption, the equipment specified hereunder shall resume normal operation without manual resetting or operator interaction when power is restored.

G. Signal transmission from remote or field electric and electronic devices shall be 4-20 mA, sourced by a 24 VDC loop supply from the panel that is to receive the signal. Nonstandard transmission methods such as impulse duration, pulse rate, andECOPY voltage regulated will not be permitted except where specifically noted.

H. Outputs of equipment that are not of the standard signals as outlined, shall have the output immediately raised and/or converted to compatible standard signals for remote transmission.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 23 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 I. It is the System Supplier's responsibility to visit jobsite to collect and document existing conditions and equipment device part numbers in order for all similar called out new equipment to match existing.


A. EQUIPMENT EXTERIOR NAMEPLATES: Nameplate material shall be rigid laminated black phenolic with beveled edges and white lettering, except for caution, warning, and danger nameplates the color shall be red with white lettering. The size of the nameplate shall be as shown on the Drawings. No letters are allowed smaller than 3/16”. All phenolic nameplates located outdoors shall be UV resistant. Securely fasten nameplates in place using two 316 stainless steel screws if the nameplate is not an integral part of the device. Epoxy cement or glued on nameplates will not be acceptable. 1. Each major piece of electrical equipment shall have a manufacturer’s nameplate showing the Contract specified name and number designation, the manufacturer’s name, model designation, part number, serial number, and pertinent ratings such as voltage, amperage, # of phases, range, calibration, etc. 2. For each device with a specific identity (pushbutton, indicator, field control station, disconnect switches, etc.) mounted on the exterior or deadfront of a piece of equipment, provide a nameplate with the inscription as shown in the Contract Documents. Where no inscription is indicated in the Contract Documents, furnish nameplates with an appropriate inscription providing the name and number of device. 3. For all receptacles and switches, provide a faceplate engraved or stamped with the panelboard and circuit number it is fed from. Also, include on faceplate or on a separate nameplate for each light switch identification use such as “OUTSIDE BUILDING LIGHTS”, “PERIMETER LIGHTS”, “MCC ROOM”, etc. 4. All field instruments and devices shall be labeled with designation shown on P&ID diagrams. 5. All transformers and panelboards shall have nameplates with ½” high letters and be engraved with designations as shown on one-line Drawings. 6. All safety and disconnect switches shall have nameplates with ½” high letters and be engraved with designations as shown on one-line drawings. 7. Underground Pull Box and Vault Cover Identification: Engrave or bead weld pull box covers with minimum 1/4”thickness and 1/2” letters and covers shall be engraved with designations as shown on Contract drawings or as directed by Owner. 8. Aboveground Pull Box Cover Identification: 316 stainless steel screws ECOPYattached stamped 316 stainless steel plate nameplates with 1/2” letters and be engraved with designations as shown on Contract drawings or as directed by Owner.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 24 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 9. Provide engraved nameplate at service entrance equipment (red with white lettering) indicating type and location of standby generator per NEC 702.7 (A). 10. Provide engraved nameplate at service entrance equipment per NEC 702.7(B) 11. METERING – Service Equipment Label: Per NEC 110.24 (A) Service equipment shall be legibly marked in field with the maximum available fault current. Field marking shall include date the fault current calculation was performed and be weather & UV rated. Service equipment shall not be hand labeled.

B. EQUIPMENT INTERIOR NAMEPLATES: Nameplate material shall be white plastic with black machine printed lettering as produced by a KROY or similar machine; except caution, warning, and danger nameplates shall have red lettering. 1. The size of the nameplate tape shall be no smaller than ½” in height with 3/8” lettering unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Securely fasten nameplates in place on a clean surface using the adhesion of the tape. Add additional clear adhesive to hold the nameplate securely in place when necessary. 2. For each device with a specific identity (relay, module, power supply, fuse, terminal block, etc.) mounted in the interior of a piece of equipment provide a nameplate located above the device with the inscription as shown in the Contract Documents. Where no inscription is indicated in the Contract documents, furnish nameplates with an appropriate inscription providing the name and number of device used on the Submittal Drawings. Stamp the nameplates with the inscriptions as approved by the Engineer in the submittal. 3. Nameplates shall not be attached to wireway covers or to removable devices.

C. EQUIPMENT TAGS: The Contractor shall attach a tag to the equipment (including instruments) with the same inscriptions as specified above in paragraph A. The tag shall be made from 316 stainless steel material and the size of the nameplate shall be no smaller than 3/8”h x 2”w with 3/16” machine printed or engraved lettering unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The tag shall be attached to the equipment with 316 stainless steel 0.048 inch diameter wire of the type normally used for this purpose (catalog cut sheet shall be submitted). Stainless steel wire shall be crimp connected. Twisting ends together is not acceptable.

D. Engrave or machine print the tags with inscriptions as approved by the Engineer in the nameplate submittal.

E. Provide temporary labels for all instruments and devices immediately when installed.ECOPY Temporary labels shall be provided with ½” letters minimum and labeled with P&ID tag number.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 25 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2.03 WIRE

A. This Section applies to all wires or conductors used internal for all electrical equipment or external for field wiring. All wires shall be properly fused or protected by a breaker at the amperage rating allowed by the NEC.

B. Material: Wire shall be new, plainly marked with UL label, gauge, voltage, type of insulation, and manufacturer’s name. All wire shall conform to the following: 1. Conductors shall be copper, with a minimum of 97% conductivity. 2. Wire shall be Class B stranded. Solid wire conductor prohibited. 3. ASTM B8, soft drawn copper, maximum 12 months old. 4. Insulation of all conductors and cables shall be rated 600 volt. 5. Insulation type for all conductors shall be moisture and heat resistant thermoplastic NEC Type XHHW-, rated 90 °C in dry locations and 75 °C in wet locations, or approved equal. 6. Field wire minimum AWG sizes a. #12 for wires used for individual conductor circuits 480 volt and above. #12 for wires used for individual conductor circuits 100 volt and above, except for PLC I/O which may be #14 AWG. b. #14 for wires used for individual conductor circuits below 100 volt. 7. Non-field or panel wire minimum AWG sizes if properly protected by fuse or breaker: a. #14 for wires used for individual conductor circuits 100 volt and above. b. #18 for wires used for individual conductor circuits below 100 volt and above if properly protected by fuse or breaker. 8. Instrument Wiring a. Field: Instrument cables shall have 600V tray cable rated insulation and 100% individual shielded twisted pair #16 conductors with drain wire. Single twisted shielded pair (T.S.P.R.) Cables shall be Belden, Manhattan, or approved equal. b. Non-Field: Instrument cables shall have 300V rated insulation and 100% individual shielded twisted pair #18 conductors with drain wire. Single twisted shielded pair (T.S.P.R.) cables shall be Belden, Manhattan, or approved equal. c. General: Instrument cables shall have 600V rated insulation and 100% individual shielded twisted pair #16 conductors with drain wire. Single twisted shielded pair (T.S.PR.) cables shall be Belden, or approved equal. C. WireECOPY Marking 1. Wire Identification: All wire terminations including field interconnect as well as wiring interior MCC cubicles, switchboard, panels, equipment, junction panels and boxes shall be identified with machine printed labels. Hand lettered labels are not acceptable and shall be replaced at the Contractor’s

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 26 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 expense. The wire identification code for all field interconnect and panel interior wiring, shall be similar to the designations shown on the Contract example drawings. 2. Wire Labels: The labels shall be machine printed with indelible ink, heat- shrink type, capable of accepting a minimum of 23 machine printed characters per sleeve, label by Brady “Bradysleeve” or equal. Labeling shall be neatly installed for visibility and shall be clearly legible. Each wire and conductor shall be labeled with wire label, as shown on approved loop, elementary and interconnect Drawings. Labels shall not be wrap-around or Snap-On type. 3. Where there is insufficient space for labels on locally interconnected neutral wires such as jumpers between adjacent auxiliary relay coil neutral terminals, these labels may be omitted. “Locally” is defined as wires no longer than 8”. 4. Wire labels for lighting and receptacles shall be installed and consist of the panelboard and circuit number (i.e., Panelboard “LP100”, circuit breaker #3 would have wire label line “LP100-L3” and neutral “LP100-N3”). 5. All spare wires shall be labeled with equipment number followed by X1, X2, etc. (i.e. P11001-X1 for first spare wire). 6. All control and signal wiring terminations shall have the correct wire label applied prior to making connection.

D. Special Purpose Wiring 1. Manufacturer Supplied Cables (MNFR CBL): Cables and wiring for special systems shall be provided by the manufacturer with the equipment and installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

E. Color Code 1. Color code of all wire shall conform with the following table:

WIRES COLOR CODE TABLE Description Phase/Code Letter Field Wire or Tape Color Non-Field Wire Color 480 V, 3 Phase A Brown Brown B Orange Orange C Yellow Yellow 240 V or A Black – 208 V, 3P B Red (Orange if high leg) – C Blue – 240 / 120 V, 1 P L1 Black Black ECOPYL2 Red – 12 V Positive 12P Dark Blue Dark Blue 12 V Negative 12N Black/Red Stripe Black/Red Stripe 24 V Positive 24P Pink Pink 24 V Negative 24N Black/White Stripe Black/White Stripe

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 27 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Description Phase/Code Letter Field Wire or Tape Color Non-Field Wire Color AC Control Violet Red (Yellow for Foreign Circuits) DC Control Blue Blue Neutral N White White Ground G Green Green Shielded Pair + Black Black – Clear (White) Clear (White)

2. No other colors shall be used without prior approval of the Owner. 3. The same color shall be connected to the same phase throughout the panel. 4. All wires shall be properly fused or protected by a breaker at the amperage rating allowed by the NEC. 5. Neutral used for AC Control shall be white. 6. Phase color insulation shall be provided for complete length of #8 wire or smaller, colored phase tape is not allowed on #8 and smaller wire.


A. Fuses 1. Fuses used in circuits 200 VAC and above shall be time-delay type FNQ or approved equal, 13/32” x 1-1/2”, and have an interrupting rating of 42,000 AIC at 500 VAC. Fuse holders shall be of the barrier type and rated 600 VAC. 2. Fuses used in 120 VAC shall be time-delay type MDL or approved equal, 1/4” x 1-1/4”, and have a rating of 250 VAC. Fuse-holders shall be of the terminal block type. 3. Fuses used in signal and 24 VDC circuits shall be fast acting type GMA or approved equal, 5 mm x 20 mm/1/4” x 1-1/4”, and have an rating of 250 VAC. Fuse-holders shall be of the terminal block type. 4. Fuses shall be sized in conformance with the NEC.

B. Switches and Pushbuttons 1. Switches and pushbuttons for general purpose applications shall be water and oil tight as defined by NEMA 4X, corrosion resistant as defined by NEMA ICS 6-110.58, U.L. listed, standard 30 mm diameter, with round plastic clamp ring. Switches shall be Allen-Bradley 800H, or approved equal. 2.ECOPY Switches and pushbuttons shall have contacts rated 10 amperes continuous and 600 VAC. 3. Manufacturer’s standard size legend plates shall be provided and engraved to specify each switch and pushbutton function. The legend plate color shall be black.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 28 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Selector switch handles and pushbutton caps shall be black. 5. Selector switches for hand-off-auto (HOA) applications shall have the hand position to the left, off in center, and auto in the right position. 6. Potentiometer be 10kohm, manual single turn potentiometer. 7. On/Off selector switches shall have the “ON” position to the right. 8. Lockout stop shall be a pushbutton with red cap and pad locking assembly for pushbutton.

C. Relays and Timers 1. GENERAL: Relays and timers shall be provided with N.O. or N.C. contacts as shown on the Contract drawings. All spare contacts shown shall be provided. Contacts shall be rated 10 amps minimum at 120 VAC, 60 Hz unless otherwise stated. Supply power or coil voltage shall be 120 VAC unless shown otherwise on the Contract drawings. Relays and timers shall be designed for continuous duty. All relays shall be U.L. listed. The following is a summary of abbreviations associated with relays and timers: CR – Control relay TR – Timing relay PFR – Power fail relay TDOE – Time delay on energization TDOD – Time delay on de-energization 2. The power fail relay (PFR) shall continuously monitor the three phases for power loss, low voltage, phase loss, and phase reversal. The power fail monitor shall have a drop-out voltage adjustment, an adjustable delay on make time delay (0.2 to 8.0 minutes) and a status indicating LED. Power fail relays shall be Diversified SLJ, Time Mark, or approved equal. 3. Control relays (CR) shall be plug-in type with indicating lights and clear see-through sealed or enclosed housing to exclude dust. Sockets for plug- in relays shall be standard industrial blade type with barrier pressure screw terminals. Provide IDEC Type RR, Potter and Brumfield KU, or approved equal. Two form-C contacts (minimum) shall be provided on each relay. 4. Time delay relays (TR) on energization or de-energization shall be solid state plug-in relays with a timer adjustable over the range 1 second to 3 minutes unless other ranges are indicated or required. Provide LED timer energized indicator lamp. Sockets for plug-in timers shall be standard industrial type with barriered pressure screw terminals. Time delay relays shall be IDEC RTE, SSAC TD, or approved equal.

D. Indicating Lights 1. Indicating Lights for general purpose applications shall be water and oil tight as defined by NEMA 4X, corrosion resistant as defined by NEMA ICS ECOPY6-110.58, U.L. listed, High intensity multi-chip LEDs, full voltage (unless shown otherwise), standard 30 mm diameter, with round plastic lens. Indication lights shall be Allen-Bradley 800H, or approved equal. 2. Manufacturer’s standard size legend plates shall be provided and engraved to specify each light’s function. The legend plate color shall be black.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 29 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Indicating lights designated "PTT" shall be provided with a push-to-test switch and wiring. 4. Indicating light type and color of lens shall be as shown on the Drawings or specified in the Contract documents. Lamp color will be as follows: a. Open/On Green b. Closed/Off Red c. Alarm Amber d. Power On White E. Circuit Breakers 1. Circuit breakers shall be of the indicating type, providing ON, OFF and TRIPPED positions of the operating handle. Circuit breakers shall be quick-make, quick-break, with a thermal-magnetic (TM) action or Motor Circuit Protectors (MCP) as shown on One-Line Diagrams. Circuit breakers feeding Soft Starters or VFDs shall have true adjustable long, short and instantaneous trip units. 2. Main Circuit breakers shall be the bolted on type. The use of tandem or dual circuit breakers in a normal single-pole space to provide the number of poles or spaces specified are not acceptable. All multiple-pole circuit breakers shall be designed so that an overload on one pole automatically causes all poles to open. Main Circuit breakers and motor circuit protectors shall be manufactured by Eaton, G.E., ITE, or approved equal. 3. Each 480 volt or 240V circuit breaker shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 35,000 amperes. Each 120 volt breaker shall be rated for a minimum 10,000 amperes interrupting capacity. Breakers shall be sized as shown on Drawings and as necessary for the supplied equipment. 4. Fused disconnects shall not be used in place of breakers. 5. Breakers shall be sized and have a minimum interrupting capacity as shown on Drawings and as required for the supplied equipment. 6. All breakers shall be supplied with the correct sized copper only lugs for wire sizes as listed in “Conduit & Wire Routing Schedule”. Provide larger frame breaker or lug adapters as necessary when connecting to the listed oversized wire.

F. Control power transformer: 1. Control power transformer (CPT) shall be provided with a time-delay, slow-blow secondary fuse rated to protect the transformer and interrupt 10,000 amperes at 120VAC. Two primary fuses with KAIC interrupt rating of corresponding power connection shall be provided. Transformer size minimum ratings shall be as shown on Contract E-Series Drawings.

G. OverloadsECOPY 1. Starters shall have adjustable overload relays. Adjustable overload relays shall be adjustable for trip point and for automatic or manual reset. Overload shall feature interchangeable heater packs adjustable +/- 24% to match motor full load amps. Each overload shall be ambient compensated

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 30 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 with a visible trip indicator. Each overload shall have selectable class 10 or 20 trip time and be provided with built-in load lugs. Each overload relay shall have a built-in test trip pushbutton and an adjustable calibrated trip with indicating dial. Three-phase starters shall have 3 overload relays. Each overload relay shall have an isolated normally open auxiliary contact. Motor overloads shall be Allen-Bradley, Square "D", or approved equal. 2. Where shown, starters shall have adjustable electronic overload relays (EOL). Electronic overload relays shall be adjustable for trip class and for automatic or manual reset. Electronic overload shall have selectable ground fault tripping and jam protection. Electronic overload relay shall have setting of full load amps and monitoring of current, percent of thermal capacity utilized, & current imbalance via Ethernet where shown on Contract Drawings. Electronic motor overloads (EOL) shall be Allen- Bradley E1 Plus series, or approved equal.

H. Control Panel Terminal Blocks: 1. General a. Terminal blocks to be clamp type, 6mm spacing, 600 volt, minimum rating of 30 amps, and mounted on DIN rail, Phoenix Contact to match Owner Standard. DIN rail shall be same type as used for the relays. Install an extra DIN rail on each type of terminal strip with 20% spare terminals for future additions. b. Provide terminal blocks with "follower" plates that compress the wires and have wire guide tangs for ease of maintenance. Terminal blocks that compress the wires with direct screw compression are unacceptable. All power, control and instrument wires entering and leaving a compartment shall terminate on terminal blocks with wire numbers on terminals and on both ends of the wires. c. Terminal Tags and Markers: Each terminal strip shall have a unique identifying alphanumeric code at one end. Numbers shall be assigned to all blocks except grounding blocks. Fuse blocks shall be assigned unique tag numbers such as FU1, FU2. No two fuses shall be assigned the same tag number. Terminal blocks are to be labeled to match the wire landed. d. Terminal blocks shall be physically separated into groups by the level of signal and voltage served. Power and control wiring above 100 volts shall have a separate group of terminal blocks from terminal blocks for wiring below 100 volts, intermixing of these two types of wiring on the same group of terminal blocks is not allowed. e. Provide a ground terminal or connection point for each grounding conductor. f. Provide a separate terminal block for every two neutral terminations ECOPYor as coordinated with the interconnect diagrams. 2. MCC – Motor Starter Cubicles Terminal Blocks: a. MCC cubicle terminal blocks shall be pull-apart as supplied standard by MCC manufacturer.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 31 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3. Power Termination Blocks shall be rated for 600V main power connection. The power termination blocks shall be rated to accept Copper or Aluminum cable rated as shown on Contract one-line diagrams. The power termination block shall be capable of being mounted anywhere in a termination box. Each termination block shall be provided with lug shield to prevent contact with power connections. The power termination blocks shall be Connectron or approved equal.


A. Provide new terminal blocks and other devices for a complete and operational system. Coordinate with Owner to identify spare I/O on existing PLC.

B. Devices: 1. Isolator shall provide complete isolation of the 4-20 mA output signal from the input signal and isolator power supply. Each isolator shall have all solid state circuitry mounted in a plug-in module. The 4-20 mA output signal shall be capable of driving a 600 ohm load. Both accuracy and linearity shall be +/- 0.10% of span. The isolator shall be powered as shown on Contract Drawings. Each isolator shall be as manufactured by AGM Electronics, Action Instruments, or approved equal.


A. Submersible level transmitter: 1. Submersible level probes to be range shown in Instrument Index with minimum accuracy of ±0.5% of span, non-repeatability of ±0.1% of span. Transmitter shall be 4-20 mA output loop powered. 2. Transmitter have operating temperature of 14°F to 122°F. 3. Provide breather bag on the air tube mounted inside the panel. The filter shall be same manufacturer as the submersible level transmitter. 4. Contractor is responsible for determining final manufacturer cable length. 5. Submersible level transmitter shall be Siemens A1000 (6012950013), to match Owner Standard.

B. Each level switch shall utilize a Polypropylene float which moves with liquid level to actuate a hermetically sealed (non-mercury) microswitch. The level switch shall have Form “C” contacts with a minimum electrical with switch rating of 16 Amp at 120VAC. The float switch shall be suspended mounted with a weight. The level switch shall be Flygt ENM 10 to match City Standard. C. WetwellECOPY cable supports 1. Provide six hook stainless steel mounting bracket for supporting level instruments to wetwell wall, USA Blue Book 47715 or approved equal.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 32 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Provide stainless steel cable strain relief clamp/ hanger for each float switch, submersible level sensor, bubbler tubing, etc. USA Blue Book 35AKL801VA or approved equal.


A. General: 1. Boxes: a. Boxes shall be U.L. listed with steel box NEMA rating per Device Index. b. Box dimensions shall be in accordance with size, quantity of conductors, and conduit clearances per NEC Article 370 Requirements. c. Larger panels or boxes shall be provided to accommodate special temperature and moisture monitoring relays for pumps at no additional cost to Owner. Provide all associated wiring, drawings, etc. at no additional cost to Owner. 2. Provide nameplates per subsection nameplates. 3. Devices shall be provided as specified under subsection components.


A. General: Conduit, raceways, wireways, wiring methods, materials and installation shall meet all requirements of the NEC, be UL labeled for the application, and meet the minimum following specifications: 1. All wiring shall be installed in conduits, raceways, or wireways when interconnecting equipment and devices. 2. The Contractor shall use special conduit, raceways, wireways, construction methods, and materials as shown on the Contract drawings; which shall take precedence over any general methods and materials specified in this Section. 3. The minimum size conduit shall be ¾-inch unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings or for special connections to equipment. 4. Conduit stubs for future use shall be capped with coupling, nipple, plug, and cap and each end identified with conduit labels. 5. Conduits to be abandoned that protrude above graded shall be cut flush and filled with grout 6. Conduits shall not be filled to more than 50% of their total cross – sectional area. 7.ECOPY Conduits entering enclosures shall be fitted with insulated grounding bushing; O-Z "HBLG", Appleton "GIB", or approved equal. All grounding bushings shall be tied to the grounding system with properly sized bonding conductors per the NEC code.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 33 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 8. Conduit drains shall be installed with GRS-PVC condulets-T with Stainless Steel Universal Conduit Drain, Appleton ECDB38 or approved equal. Install in conduit locations where condensation may form.

B. Conduit Marking 1. All conduits listed in the “Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule” shall have conduit tags at both ends of each conduit segment. This includes all conduits in pullboxes and vaults. 2. Tag material shall be aluminum or brass with machine stamped lettering. The size of the tag shall be 2” diameter. No letters are allowed smaller than 7/16”. Tags shall be heat and UV resistant, stain proof, electrically non- conductive and non-corroding. Securely fasten tags in place using 316 stainless steel 0.048 inch diameter wire of the type normally used for this purpose (catalog cut sheet shall be submitted). Stainless steel wire shall be crimp connected. Twisting ends together is not acceptable. Engrave the tags, on both sides, with the conduit number as listed in the Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule on the Contract “E”-series Drawings. Labeling shall be neatly installed for visibility and shall be clearly legible. Conduit tags shall be Brady Custom B-1, or approved equal. 3. Prior to encasement, concealment, backfilling of conduits, temporary conduit labels shall be provided at each end of conduit. Temporary conduit labels shall have ½-inch (minimum) lettering at all transition points. After encasement and concealment temporary conduit labels shall be placed at each exposed end.

C. Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRS) 1. Rigid steel conduit, couplings, bends and nipples shall be in accordance with ANSI C80.1 and UL-6. 2. Hotdip galvanized inside and outside after fabrication and then coated with a zinc bichromate finish. 3. Minimum trade size – three-quarters inch (¾”) unless otherwise shown on Contract Drawings. 4. Conduits entering enclosures shall be fitted with insulated grounding bushing; O-Z "HBLG", Appleton "GIB", or approved equal. All grounding bushings shall be tied to the grounding system with properly sized bonding conductors per the NEC code. 5. Galvanized rigid steel factory elbows for indoor 90 degree transitions. 6. EMT or IMC is not considered an equivalent to GRS. 7. GRS conduit is allowed only when specifically called out in the “Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule”.

D. GalvanizedECOPY Rigid Steel Conduit – PVC Coated (GRS-PVC) 1. Standard weight, galvanized conduit with a 40-mil thick polyvinylchloride coating bonded to both the outside and urethane interior coating. Conduit shall be hot-dip galvanized conforming to NEMA RN 1. GRS-PVC conduit to be Robroy Plasti-bond Red, Perma-Cote, or approved equal.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 34 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. Provide PVC coated galvanized rigid steel factory elbows for 90 degree transitions. 3. Fittings shall be hot dipped galvanized steel or galvanized cast ferrous metal with a PVC 40 mils thick coating. Provide threaded-type fittings, couplings, and connectors; set-screw type and compression-type are not acceptable. Fittings shall be Robroy Liquitite coated fittings or approved equal. 4. All junction boxes shall be galvanized with exterior surfaces PVC coated to 40 mils thickness except where 316 stainless steel boxes are called out. 5. Conduits entering enclosures shall be fitted with insulated grounding bushing; O-Z "HBLG", Appleton "GIB", or approved equal. All grounding bushings shall be tied to the grounding system with properly sized bonding conductors per the NEC code. 6. Support channel and pipe straps shall be PVC coated. Exposed metal/nuts, all-thread rod shall be 316 stainless steel. 7. PVC coating patching material shall be as provided by the manufacturer. 8. PVC coated Aluminum conduit is not acceptable.

E. PVC Conduit (PVC-40 OR PVC-80) 1. Shall be high impact polyvinylchloride suitable for use underground, direct burial and for use with 90 C wires, and shall conform to UL 651. PVC conduits shall be UL listed and labeled for “direct” burial. 2. A copper bonding conductor shall be pulled in each raceway and bonded to equipment at each end with approved lugs. 3. Bends, elbows, and risers shall be made with PVC coated galvanized rigid steel (GRS-PVC) conduit using threaded adapters. Bond each metallic portion to each other and to equipment connected at each end of conduit run. 4. Risers shall be made with PVC coated galvanized rigid steel (GRS-PVC) conduit using threaded adapters. Bond each metallic portion to each other and to equipment connected at each end of conduit run. 5. PVC fittings shall have watertight solvent-weld-type conduit connections. 6. PVC conduit shall be stored on a flat surface and shielded from the sun. 7. PVC conduit shall not be used above grade.

F. Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit (FLEX) 1. Minimum trade size one-half inch (1/2"). 2. All flex conduits shall be metallic with water tight outer jackets. 3.ECOPY Connectors: a. NON-NEMA 12 AREA: PVC coated metallic with insulated bushings. b. NEMA 12 AREA: Metallic with insulated bushings.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 35 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Final connections to vibrating equipment such as motors and fans shall be made with flexible conduits. 5. Flexible conduit lengths shall not be greater than 36 inches. 6. Flexible metallic conduit shall not be considered as a ground conductor, install a separate wire for equipment bonding. 7. Flexible conduit shall only be installed in exposed or accessible locations. 8. Flexible conduits shall be used for conduit coupling to all vibrating and shifting equipment.

G. Pull Rope 1. Provide 1/2 inch wide, polyester pull tape rated 1250 pounds tensile strength in each empty conduit more than 10 feet in length. Pull tape is synonymous with pull rope. Pull tape shall be printed with sequential footage. Pull tape to be installed underground spare conduits. Pull tape shall be Neptco Muletape WP1250P or approved equal.


A. Underground pull boxes, where shown or required by length of conduit runs, shall be prefabricated concrete type with the size shown on the Drawings or larger to allow for adequate pull area. Extension sections shall be provided as necessary to reach the depth of underground conduits. All boxes shall have galvanized steel hold down bolts and hardware. Boxes located in paved areas or other areas which vehicles may travel shall be H/20 loading rated and have diamond plate steel traffic covers. Steel covers or lids shall be galvanized. Pull box covers shall be labeled with pull box designation. All underground pull boxes shall have a 12-inch bedding of 3/4-inch nominal crushed rock. Pull boxes shall be Old Castle (Christy Concrete Products), Brooks, or approved equal.


A. The utility service entrance switchboard ground bus shall be tied to a building ground rod as per Contract E-Series Drawings.

B. The main ground bonding wire from the ground shall extend up into the utility service entrance for the visible connection with a UL approved "ground clamp" attached to the ground bus. The main ground bonding wires shall be a 2/0 copper.

C. The ground rod shall consist of not less than 10 continuous feet of ¾-inch copper coated electroplated high grade carbon steel. The ground rod shall be an Eritech 613400, NEHRING type NCC, Weater 348, or approved equal. D. GroundECOPY clamps shall be bolt-on type as manufactured by ILSCO type AGC, O-Z Gedney Type GRC, Burndy Type GAR or GP, or approved equal.

E. All ground rod, pipe, and steel plate and buried bond connections shall be made by welding process equal to Cadweld.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 36 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 F. Provide a 13-inch diameter, 9-inch nominal throat, concrete ground rod box, minimum 12 inches deep, with a cast iron traffic cover embossed or engraved "GROUND."

G. Ground buses shall be provided in all electrical enclosures. Each ground bus shall be sized as shown on the Contract drawings or specified herein. The ground bus shall be adequately sized for the connection of all grounding conductors required per NEC. Screw type lugs shall be provided on all ground busses for connection of grounding conductors.

H. Each ground bus shall be copper. Screw type fasteners shall be provided on all ground busses for connection of grounding conductors. Ground bus shall be a Challenger GB series, ILSCO D-167 series, or approved equal.

I. Attachment of the grounding conductor to equipment or enclosures shall be by connectors specifically provided for grounding. Mounting, support, or bracing bolts shall not be used as an attachment point for ground conductors.

J. All raceway systems, supports, enclosures, panels, and equipment housings shall be permanently and effectively grounded.

K. One side of the secondary on all transformers shall be grounded.

L. The system neutral (grounded conductor) shall be connected to the system’s grounding conductor at only a single point in the system. This connection shall be made by a removable bonding jumper sized in accordance with the applicable provisions of the National Electrical Code if the size is not shown on the Drawings. The grounding of the system neutral shall be in the enclosure that houses the service entrance main over-current protection.

M. The system neutral conductor and all equipment and devices required to be grounded by the National Electrical Code shall be grounded in a manner that satisfies the requirements of the National Code.

N. Grounding conductors shall be sized as shown on the Plans or in accordance with NEC Table 250.122, whichever is larger.

O. Grounding and bonding wires shall be installed on all conduits with grounding bushings, expansion joints and for continuity of raceways transitions. Bonding wires at endpoints shall be connected to enclosure ground bus or equipment grounding lug.

P. Conduit grounding bushings shall be installed on all metallic conduits. Conduit grounding bushings shall be set screw locking type electra-galvanized malleable iron with insulation collar and shall be provided with a feed through compression lug for securing the ground bonding wire. Ground bonding wire shall be bare wire andECOPY shall be sized per NEC. Q. All receptacles shall have their grounding contact connected to a grounding conductor.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 37 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 R. Branch circuit grounding conductors for receptacles, or other electrical loads shall be arranged such that the removal of a lighting fixture, receptacle, or other load does not interrupt the ground continuity to any other part of the circuit.

S. Negative side of all VDC power supplies shall be grounded.

T. All metal panel doors shall be installed with ground straps, including motor starters and all MCC bucket doors.

U. Ground all swinging gates and fences using UL approved ground clamps specifically designed for the grounding purpose. Strap metal is not acceptable for grounding.


A. Switches shall be provided with the voltage, and amperage rated as shown on the one-line and other Contract Drawings. Switches shall be provided with fuse holder with fuses sized as required by the mechanical equipment when shown on Contract drawings. All switches shall be UL labeled.

B. Switches to be steel NEMA rated as shown on Contract Drawings.

C. The operating handle shall be capable of being padlocked in the "ON" and "OFF" positions. The operator shall be a positive, quick-make, quick-break mechanism. Disconnects shall be of the enclosed knife blade type.

D. Switches shall be provided with defeatable door interlocks that prevent the door from opening when the operating handle is in the "ON" position. Handle position shall clearly indicate whether the switch is in "ON" or "OFF." Operating handle shall be an integral part of the enclosure frame and in no way part of the door or cover.

E. Equipment ground kits shall be furnished for each switch.

F. Provide nameplates on outer door in accordance with subsection nameplates and tags.

G. Disconnect switches shall be Square D, Eaton or approved equal.


A. Enclosures and boxes to be wall mounted, minimum 14 gauge, type 316 stainless steel with seams continuously welded & ground smooth, and fast access door latches. A copper ground bus shall be provided in the enclosure. Outer door shall have provisions for locking enclosure with standard padlock. Provide white backpanECOPY in box. B. Provide accessories consisting of breaker to disconnect incoming power, heater, fan, removable metal louvers, and thermostats, where shown on Contract drawings.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 38 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. Provide larger enclosure as required to accommodate the supplied equipment at no additional cost to the Owner

D. Provide metal data pocket within each enclosure and box to hold as-built drawings.

E. All panel doors shall be installed with ground straps.

F. Enclosure shall be Hoffman, Rittal, Circle AW or approved equal.


A. Provide temperature and moisture relay to monitor existing thermal switches and moisture sensors embedded in the existing Flygt pump. Relay shall have Form C dry contact relays; one for the overtemperature and one for leakage. Relay shall have manual and automatic reset selector switch. Relay shall be front deadfront door panel mounted. Temperature and moisture relay shall be Flygt MiniCAS II with associated devices compatible existing pump.


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 39 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 PART 3 - MATERIALS


A. All work in this Section shall conform to the codes and standards outlined herein.

B. The Electrical Contractor shall employ personnel that are skilled and experienced in the installation and connection of all elements, equipment, devices, instruments, accessories, and assemblies. All installation labor shall be performed by qualified personnel who have had experience on similar projects. Provide first class workmanship for all installations.

C. Ensure that all equipment and materials fit properly in their installations.

D. Perform any required work to correct improper installations at no additional expense to the Owner.

E. The Engineer reserves the right to halt any work that is found to be substandard or being installed by unqualified personnel.


A. All wiring shall be neatly bundled and laced with plastic tie-wraps, anchored in place by round-head 316 stainless screw attached retainer. Where space is available, such as in electrical cabinets, all wiring shall be run in slotted plastic wireways or channels with dust covers. Wireways or channels shall be sized such that the wire fill does not exceed 50%. Wires carrying 100 volts and above shall be physically separated from lower voltage wiring by using separate bundles or wireways with sufficient distance to minimize the introduction of noise, crossing only at 90 degree angles. Tie-wraps shall be T & B TY-RAP’s, or approved equal.

B. Where wiring crosses hinged surfaces, provide a "U" shaped hinge loop protected by plastic spiral wrap. The hinge loop shall be of sufficient length to permit opening and closing the door without stressing any of the terminations or connections.

C. All devices shall be permanently labeled and secured in accordance with subsections labeled “NAMEPLATES AND TAGS”.

D. All field wires and panel wires have wire markers as specified in the “WIRE” subsection.

E. All components associated with a particular compartment’s or enclosure’s function shall be mounted in that compartment or enclosure. F. SpacingECOPY and clearance of components shall be in accordance with UL, and NEC standards.

G. Wires shall not be spliced except where shown. Devices with pigtails, except lighting fixtures, shall be connected at terminal blocks. Equipment delivered with

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 40 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 spliced wires shall be rejected and the Contractor required to replace all such wiring, at no additional cost to the Owner.

H. No wires shall be spliced without prior approval by the Engineer.

I. Where splices are allowed or approved by the Engineer they shall conform with the following: 1. Splices of #10 and smaller, including fixture taps, shall be made with see- thru nylon self-insulated twist on wire joints; T & B “Piggys”, Ideal “Wing Nut”, or approved equal. 2. Splices of #8 and larger shall be double crimped splices, or approved equal, insulated with heat shrink tubing, or approved equal. 3. Splices in underground pullboxes shall be insulated and moisture sealed with 3M “Scotchcast” cast resin splice kits and shall have a date marking for shelf life. Do not use splice kits with a date marking for shelf life that has expired. 4. Wire splicing devices shall be sized according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 5. Tape on splices shall not be allowed. 6. Splices for motor leads shall be made with T&B MSC series splice kit, or approved equal.

J. Tapes shall conform to the requirements of UL 510 and be rated: 105 degrees C, 600V, flame retardant, hot and cold weather resistant. Vinyl plastic electrical tape shall be 7 mil black. Phase tape shall be 7 mil vinyl plastic, color coded as specified. Electrical insulation putty shall be rubber based, elastic putty in tape form. Varnished cambric shall not be used.

K. Connections to terminals shall be as follows: 1. Use connector or socket type terminals furnished with component. 2. Connections to binding post screw, stud or bolt use: a. For #10 and smaller wire, T & B “Sta-Kon”, Buchanan “Termend” or approved equal, self-insulated locking forked tongue lug. b. For #8 to #4/0 wire, T & B “Locktite”, Burndy QA or approved equal lug of shape best suited. 3. Use ratchet type crimping tool which does not release until proper crimp pressure has been applied. 4. Connections to terminals shall be as follows: a. Use connector or socket type terminals furnished with component. ECOPYb. Connections to binding post screw, stud, or bolt use: 1) For #10 and smaller wire, T & B "Sta-Kon", Buchanan "Termend", or approved equal, self-insulated locking forked tongue lug. 2) For #8 to #4/0 wire, T & B "Locktite", Burndy QA, or approved equal, lug of shape best suited.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 41 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 c. Use ratchet type crimping tool which does not release until proper crimp pressure has been applied. d. Connections for all terminals shall be made with insulation stripped per manufacturer's instructions. L. Equipment shall be wired and piped by the manufacturer or supplier. Major field modifications or changes are not allowed without the written “change order” authority by the Engineer. When field changes are made, the components, materials, wiring, labeling, and construction methods shall be identical to that of the original supplied equipment. Contractor’s cost to replace or rework the equipment to match original manufacturer or supplier methods shall be done at no additional cost to the Owner.

M. Mating fittings, bulkhead fittings, plugs, lugs, connectors, etc. required to field interface to the equipment and panels shall be provided by the supplier when the equipment is delivered.

N. All electrical and instrumentation factory as-built drawings associated with the equipment shall be provided with the equipment when it is delivered to the job site. Drawings for each piece of equipment shall be placed in clear plastic packets of sufficient strength that will not tear or stretch from drawing removal and insertion.


A. Panel cutouts for devices (i.e. indicating lights, switches) shall be cut, punched, or drilled and smoothly finished with rounded edges. Exposed metal from cutouts that are made after the final paint finish has been applied shall be touched up with a matching paint prior to installing device. Do not paint nameplates, labels, tags, switches, receptacles, conductors, etc.

B. All doors shall be fully gasketed, with non-shrinkable water and flame resistant material.

C. Bolts and screws for mounting devices on doors shall be as specified by the manufacturer, otherwise they shall have a 316 stainless steel flush head which blends into the device or door surface. No bolt or screw holding nuts shall be used on the external surface of the door.

D. No fastening devices shall project through the outer surfaces of equipment.

E. Each component within the equipment shall be securely mounted on an interior subpanel or backpan and arranged for easy servicing, such that all adjustments and component removal can be accomplished without removing or disturbing other components. Mounting bolts and screws shall be front located for easy access and removal without special tools. Access behind the sub panel or backpan shall not beECOPY required for removing any component. F. HARNESS: Where space is available, all wiring shall be run in slotted plastic wire ways or channels with dust covers. If space is not available for wireways, then all wiring shall be neatly bundled and laced with plastic tie-wraps, anchored in place by 316 stainless steel screw attached retainer. Wire ways or channels shall be

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 42 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 sized such that the wire fill does not exceed 50%. Tie-wraps shall be T&B TY-RAP, or approved equal.

G. HINGE LOOPS: Where wiring crosses hinged surfaces, provide a “U” shaped hinge loop protected by clear nylon spiral wrap. The hinge loop shall be of sufficient length to permit opening and closing the door without stressing any of the terminations or connections. Spiral wrap shall be Graybar T25N, or approved equal.

H. RETAINERS: Wire ways, retainers, and other devices shall be screw mounted with round-head 316 stainless steel screws or mechanically mounted by push-in or snap-in attachments. Glue or sticky back attachment of any type or style shall not be used. Retainers shall be T&B TC series, or approved equal.

I. ROUTING: Wires shall be routed in slotted plastic wire-ways with snap covers. 1. Wires carrying 120 VAC shall be separated as much as possible from other low voltage wires and signal cables, and shall be routed only in ducts for 120 VAC. If the power wiring has to cross the signal wiring, the crossing shall be as close to a right angle as possible. 2. Ducts for 24 VDC wiring shall be used for all other wires and cables. Routing of 120 VAC in combined ducts is not allowed without prior written approval of the Owner. 3. Wires and cable shall be routed along the shortest route between termination points, excepting routes which would result in routing 120 VAC and other wires and cables in the same duct. Wires and cables shall have sufficient length to allow slack and to avoid any strain or tension in the wire or cable. 4. Wires and cables shall be placed in the ducts in a straight, neat and organized fashion and shall not be kinked, tangled or twisted together. Additional wire ducting shall be provided for use by the electrical subcontractor for routing field wires to their landing points in the each electrical and instrumentation panel. 5. Wiring not routed in duct work shall be neatly bundled, treed, and laced with plastic ties. Wiring across door hinges shall be carefully made up and supported to avoid straining and chafing of the conductors or from putting any strain on their terminals.

J. TERMINATIONS: Single wire and cable conductors shall be terminated according to the requirements of the terminal device. All terminations must be made at terminals or terminal blocks. Use of spring or buttsplice connectors are not allowed. 1. Provide 2” minimum separation between wireway and terminal blocks. Installation of wireways too close to terminal blocks will be required to be ECOPYcompletely reworked to the satisfaction of the Owner. 2. For captive screw pressure plate type terminals, the insulation shall be removed from the last 0.25 inches of the conductor. The conductors shall be inserted under the pressure plate to full length of the bare portion of the conductor and the pressure plate tightened without excess force. No more

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 43 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 than two conductors shall be installed in a single terminal. All strands of the conductor shall be captured under the pressure plate. 3. Terminal blocks and same equipment type termination wiring shall have all wiring terminated with appropriate sized ferrules with insulation collars. Ferrule crimping (full ratcheting) tool with proper sized jigs shall be used per manufacturer’s recommendations. 4. For screw terminals, appropriately sized locking forked spade lugs shall be used. Lugs shall be crimp on type that form gas tight connections. All crimping shall be done using a calibrated crimping tool made specifically for the lug type and size being crimped. 5. On shielded cables, the drain wire shall be covered with insulating tubing along its full bare length between the cable jacket and the terminal lug or terminal pressure plate. 6. For screwless terminals, wire shall be stripped back and inserted per the manufacturer’s instructions. When stripping insulation from conductors, do not score or otherwise damage conductor. 7. Heat shrink shall be placed on ends of shielded cable to cover foil. 8. Additional condulets with terminal blocks shall be supplied for wire termination to devices with leads instead of terminals. (i.e., solenoid valves, level probe, etc.). 9. Terminate all status, control, and analog I/O wiring on terminal blocks, including spares. Provide additional relay, DIN rails, terminal blocks and side panels as required.

K. A ground bus shall be provided in each enclosure or cabinet. It shall have provisions for connecting a minimum of ten grounding conductors. Screw type lugs shall be provided for connection of grounding conductors. All grounding conductors shall be sized as shown on plans or in accordance with NEC Table 250.122, whichever is larger.

L. Minimum wire bending space at terminals and minimum width of wiring gutters shall comply with NEC Tables 373.6(A) & (B).

M. Wire sizes shall not be installed smaller than those shown in NEC Article 310 for each circuit amperage rating.

N. Future device and component mounting space shall be provided on the door, backpan, and subpanel where detailed on the Drawings. Where no detail is shown, provide a minimum of 15 percent usable future space.

O. Doors shall swing freely a minimum of 90º and close with proper alignment. P. ProvideECOPY larger motor termination boxes as required to accommodate conduit and wires.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 44 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3.04 DELIVERY

A. Contractor shall inspect each electrical and instrumentation item delivered to the jobsite.

B. Contractor shall unpack each item for inspection within two (2) days of arrival.

C. Complete written inventory shall be produced by Contractor and submitted to Owner within (2) days after arrival on jobsite for record keeping prior to any payment for the item.

D. All panels and enclosures be delivered with as-built drawings in clear plastic packets within each panel and enclosure.


A. Damage products will not be accepted. All damaged products shall be replaced with new products at no additional cost to the Owner.


A. Fasteners for securing equipment shall be 316 stainless steel. The fastener size shall match equipment mounting holes. Layout to maintain headroom, neat mechanical appearance, and to support equipment loads required.

B. All wire & cable lugs shall be copper; aluminum or aluminum alloy lugs shall not be used. The Electrical Contractor shall supply all lugs to match the quantity & size of wire listed in the conduit & wire routing schedule.

C. Anchor Methods: 1. Hollow Masonry: Sleeve type anchors. 2. Solid Masonry: Sleeve type anchors or epoxy anchors bolts. 3. Metal Surfaces: Machine screws, bolts, or welded studs. 4. Concrete Surfaces: Wedge or expansion 316 stainless steel anchors. 5. Structural Steel: Right angle, parallel and edge type rigid metal clamps. Do not weld or drill structural steel.

D. Equipment Mounting: 1. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and setting all anchor bolts required to install his equipment. 2. Electrical equipment shall be unistrut “stand off” mounted a minimum of ½ ECOPY- inch from the wall in a manner so that the rear of the equipment is freely exposed to air circulation. Unistrut material shall be 316 stainless steel in NEMA 4X areas and galvanized in non-NEMA 4X areas unless called out specifically in details. 3. All equipment enclosures shall be of the NEMA classification noted on the electrical plan Drawings for the area in which the device will be mounted.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 45 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Reinforced concrete pad with 316 stainless steel anchor bolts shall be provided for each electrical freestanding equipment.

E. Dissimilar metals such as aluminum, stainless steel, steel, galvanized steel between enclosures, devices, etc. and mounting surfaces shall be isolated from each other using insulated tape or nonmetal spacers. Tape and spacers used shall be specifically manufactured for this application.


A. System 1. Install all products per manufacturer’s recommendations and the Drawings. 2. Contract Drawings are intended to show the basic functional requirements of the electrical system and instrumentation system and do not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility to provide a complete and functioning system. 3. Keep a copy of the manufacturer’s installation instructions on the jobsite available for review at all times prior to and during the installation of the associated equipment.

B. Provide all necessary hardware, conduit, terminal blocks, wiring, fittings, and devices to connect the electrical equipment provided under other Sections. The following shall be done by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner: 1. Provide additional devices, wiring, terminal block, conduits, relays, signal converters, isolators, boosters, and other miscellaneous devices as required to complete interfaces of the electrical and instrumentation system. 2. Changing normally open contacts to normally closed contacts or vice versa. 3. Adding additional relays to provide more contacts as necessary. 4. Installing additional terminal blocks to land wires.

C. All programmable devices, shall be programmed, set-up and tested by the Contractor prior to start of witness testing. This includes UPS, PLCs, VFD and instrumentation. Programming and set-up parameters shall be adjusted or changed as directed by the Owner or Engineer during start-up and throughout the warranty period, at no additional cost to the Owner. Coordinate with the Owner and setup all alarm, process, time delays and operation setpoints.

D. Coordinate with the Owner and setup all alarm, process, and operation setpoints.

E. Panels and Enclosures 1.ECOPY Install panels and enclosures at the location shown on the Plans or approved by the Engineer. 2. Install level and plumb. 3. Clearance about electrical equipment shall meet the minimum requirements of NEC 110.66.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 46 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Box supports shall be located and oriented as directed in field by Owner. 5. Seal all enclosure openings, including bottom edge of all pad mounted enclosures to prevent entrance of insects, rodents, dirt, debris, etc. 6. All conduits entering outdoor panels and enclosures shall use watertight hubs. These hubs shall be located on sides or bottom only. Top entry of outdoor panels or enclosures is not allowed unless specifically shown on plans. 7. Additional condulets with terminal blocks shall be supplied for wire termination to devices with leads instead of terminals. (i.e. solenoid valves, level probe, etc.) 8. Terminate all status, control, and analog I/O wiring on terminal blocks, including spares. Provide additional relay, DIN rails, terminal blocks and side panels as required. 9. All panels and enclosures be delivered with as-built drawings in clear plastic packets within each panel and enclosure. 10. Provide larger motor termination boxes as required to accommodate conduit and wires.

F. Conduits and Ducts 1. Care shall be exercised to avoid interference with the work of other trades. This work shall be planned and coordinated with the other trades to prevent such interference. Pipes shall have precedence over conduits for space requirements. Exposed conduits shall be neatly arranged with runs perpendicular or level and parallel to walls. Bends shall be concentric. 2. Exposed conduits runs shall not be run directly on the ground. Secure conduits to 316 stainless steel unistrut. 3. Install conduit free from dents and bruises. 4. All conduits shall be labeled with conduit tags on all ends; at junction boxes, pull boxes, enclosures, stub-outs, or other terminations. All spare conduits shall be labeled. 5. A maximum of three equivalent 90 degree elbows are allowed in any continuous runs. Install pull boxes where required to limit bends in conduit runs to not more than 270 degrees or where pulling tension would exceed the maximum allowable for the cable. 6. Route all above grade outdoor conduits or conduits in rated areas parallel or perpendicular to structure lines and/or piping. 7. Conduits installed outdoor or in NEMA 4X rated areas above grade shall be braced in place with 316 stainless steel Unistrut stanchions or PVC coated clamps with backplates. 8.ECOPY Conduit entrances: Seal each conduit entrance from below grade into the panels, and other electrical enclosures with plugging compound sealant to prevent the entrance of insects and rodents.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 47 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 9. Special “Soft–Jaw” type pipe clamps shall be used to prevent damage to PVC-coated conduits while field threading, cutting to length, and coupling sections. 10. Conduits shall be painted to match the color of surface attached to as directed by Owner. 11. Prior to encasement, concealment, backfilling of conduits, temporary conduit labels shall be provided at each end of conduit. Temporary conduit labels shall have ½-inch (minimum) lettering at all transition points. After encasement and concealment temporary conduit labels shall be placed at each exposed end. 12. All spares shall be mandrel and have pull ropes installed. 13. Conduits shall be painted to match the color of surface attached to as directed by Owner. 14. All existing conduits that are reused shall have a mandrel or conduit piston pulled through the entire conduit run to prove the length contains no blockages or obstructions. Mandrelling shall be witness by the Owner. 15. Install new conduit tags for reused conduits at all transition boxes and endpoints. Conduit & Wire Routing Schedule shall be updated as these modifications take place. 16. Seal conduits entering any electrical instrument. Install conduit drain boxes and plug conduit interior to form an effective barrier to keep out water traveling into equipment or instrumentation from conduit installed higher than equipment or instrumentation.

G. Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule 1. Conduit material, wire size, and quantity listed in schedule take precedence over Division 16 Specifications. 2. All of the entries for each line in the conduit schedule apply to each conduit when multiple quantity of conduits (quantity of which are indicated by number entered in conduit no. column in schedule) are listed in the schedule. 3. Wire sizes listed are in AWG or Kcmil and are copper conductors. 4. Extra wire was intentionally placed in the “Conduit & Wire Routing Schedule” which shall be labeled on both ends with a unique wire label. 5. Contractor to supply and install all conduits and wiring as shown on Utility Engineered Design drawings. Utility primary and secondary conduit and wiring shown in “Conduit and Wire Routing Schedule” is for bid purposes only. A credit or add-on will be provided by Contractor based on the actual work performed by Contractor for the Utility service. 6.ECOPY All control and signal wiring terminations shall have the correct wire label applied prior to making connection. 7. Conduit entries listed as “GRS-PVC” in the Conduit & Wire Routing Schedule are to be “Galvanized Rigid Conduits with PVC coating” the entire length.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 48 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 8. Vertical offsets and sloping of conduits are not detailed on plans, the Electrical Contractor shall include in his bid the price for the complete conduit run utilizing the civil & mechanical plans to measure vertical & slope distances. 9. Exposed conduits runs shall not be run directly on the ground or roof. Secure conduits to stainless steel unistrut. 10. Duct-taping conduits together is not acceptable. Conduits, installed into concrete pads, shall be installed with a minimum of 2” distance between conduits to allow installation of bushings. 11. Seals a. Seal around all conduits, wires, and cables penetrating between panels, walls, ceilings, and floors in all buildings with a fire stop material. Seal shall be made at both ends of the conduit with a fire stop putty. Seal shall have a minimum two hour rating. Fire stop sealing shall be International Protective Coatings Flamesafe, or approved equal. b. Seal around conduits entering outside to inside structures and around bottom of free standing enclosures to maintain watertight integrity of structure. c. Place conduit seal inside each underground conduit riser into panels and enclosures to prevent entrance of insects and rodents. d. Seal conduits entering any electrical instrument and install conduit drains as necessary to prevent corrosion from water condensation. e. Conduit entrances: Seal each conduit entrance from below grade into the MCC and other electrical enclosures with plugging compound sealant to prevent the entrance of insects and rodents. Conduits between the enclosures shall be sealed with plugging compound sealant on each end. Plugging compound sealant shall be PRC-DeSoto (formerly Courtaulds) Aerospace Semco PR-868 or approved equal. H. Excavation and Back Filling 1. The Electrical Contractor shall provide the excavation for equipment foundations, and trenches for conduits or buried cables. 2. Underground conduits outside of structures shall have a minimum cover of 24 inches except for utility conduits depth shall be as required by the governing utility requirements. Back filling shall be done only after conduits have been inspected. 3. Trenches for all underground utility lines shall be excavated to the required depths. 4. Repave any area that was paved prior to excavation. Backfill and surface ECOPYall areas as shown on the Drawings or where not shown to the original condition that was present prior to the excavation. 5. Contractor shall uncover any uninspected covered conduit trenches, at no additional cost to Owner, to verify proper installation.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 49 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 6. Excavation and back fill conduit trenches shall conform to the requirements of the Earthwork Section of these Specifications, unless modified on plans, and to other entities as required. Backfill shall consist of 3/4 inch class 2 aggregate base material, unless otherwise noted. 7. At all times during the installation of the electrical distribution system, the Contractor shall provide barricades, fences, guard rails, etc., to safeguard all personnel, including small children, from excavated trenches.

I. Wiring, Grounding, and Shielding 1. It is important to observe good grounding and shielding practices in the generally noisy environment in this application. The shield of shielded cables shall be terminated to ground at one end only (source end), the shield at the other end (receive end) shall be encased in an insulated material to isolate it from ground. 2. Special cables shall be provided when required by manufacturer or necessary to correct noise or distortion interference at no additional cost to Owner. 3. Field wiring shall not begin until interconnection drawings have been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

J. Cutting and Patching: The Contractor shall do all cutting and patching required to install his work. Any cutting which may impair the structure shall require prior approval by the Engineer. Cutting and patching shall be done only by skilled labor of the respective trades. All surfaces shall be restored to their original condition after cutting and patching. Paint patched surfaces to match the original color.

K. Housekeeping Pads: 1. Concrete housekeeping pads are required for all free standing electrical equipment. Housekeeping pads shall be 3-1/2” inches above surrounding finished floor or grade unless otherwise shown and shall be 4 inches (minimum) larger in width on all sides of equipment. The depth of housekeeping pads shall be 18 inches (minimum). 2. Housekeeping pads shall be installed for future units as shown on the Contract Drawings. 3. Housekeeping pad shall be Class “A” concrete with rebar crossway network. The minimum size rebar allowed is #3. Concrete shall be precisely leveled so that equipment set in place will not require shimming.

L. Cleaning and Touch Up 1. Prior to startup and at completion of the work prior to final acceptance, all parts of the installation, including all equipment, exposed conduit, devices, ECOPYand fittings shall be cleaned and given touch up by Contractor as follows: a. Remove all grease and metal cuttings. b. Any discoloration or other damage to parts of the building, the finish, or the furnishings, shall be repaired. c. Thoroughly clean any of his exposed work requiring same.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 50 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 d. Vacuum and clean the inside of all MCC and electrical and instrumentation enclosures. e. Clean all above and below ground pull boxes, junction boxes, and vaults from all foreign debris prior to final acceptance. f. Paint all scratched or blemished surfaces with the necessary coats of quick drying paint to match adjacent color, texture, and thickness. This shall include all prime painted electrical equipment, including enclosures, panels, poles, boxes, devices, etc. g. Remove all decals and lettering from both sides of support plates. h. Repair damage to factory finishes with repair products recommended by Manufacturer. i. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by Manufacturer.


A. General Requirements 1. It is the intent of these tests to assure that all equipment is operational within industry and manufacturer’s tolerances and is installed in accordance with design plans and specifications. 2. All equipment setup and assembled by the Contractor shall be in accordance with the design plans and Drawings and the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions and shall operate to the Engineer's satisfaction. a. Follow all manufacturer's instructions for handling, receiving, installation, and pre-check requirements prior to energization. b. After energization, follow manufacturer’s instructions for programming, set-up and calibration of equipment. c. The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall correct by repair or replacement, at his own expense, equipment which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has been caused by faulty mechanical or electrical assembly by the Contractor. d. Necessary tests to demonstrate that the electrical and mechanical operation of the equipment is satisfactory and meets the requirements of these Specifications shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. The testing shall not be started until the manufacturer has completed fabrication, wiring, setup, and programming; performed satisfactory checks and adjustments; factory testing sheets approved by Owner; and can demonstrate the system is complete and operational. 4. Factory Test Scheduling: ECOPYa. The testing shall not be started until: 1) The manufacturer has completed fabrication, wiring, and setup; performed satisfactory checks and adjustments; and can demonstrate the system is complete and operational.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 51 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2) Submittals associated with the equipment have been approved by the Engineer 3) PLC Design review meetings have taken place to the satisfaction of the Owner. 4) Certification of completion of Contractor’s in-house tests shall be submitted prior to scheduling of factory testing. b. If factory test equipment is significantly different from submittal drawings, this shall be grounds for cancellation and rescheduling of factory tests at no additional costs to Owner or extension of Contract time. 5. The first Pre-Energization tests shall be performed to determine the suitability for energization and shall be completed with all power turned off and complete prior to the start of any of the Post-Energization Tests. The Electrical Contractor shall have qualified personnel on the job site for all Pre-Energization and Post-Energization tests. 6. Testing Sheets and Procedures: a. The supplier shall submit for approval, the proposed factory & field testing sheets at least two weeks prior to the start of the tests. Each testing sheet shall have a title giving the type of test and entry spaces for the name of the person who performed the test, name of the person who witnessed the test, and the date. b. Separate test procedures in separate binders shall be submitted for approval for the Factory and Field Tests. Testing shall not commence until the test procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Owner. Tests forms shall be similar to those shown on Appendix “A”. 7. All tests shall be witnessed by the Engineer and/or Owner personnel. The test forms shall be completed by the testing person for field checkout, testing, and calibration of all equipment and instruments. a. All filled in test forms shall be given to the Engineer and/or Owner the day of the test. Fill in two sets of test forms if Contractor wants to keep a copy. b. All tests shall be documented in writing by the supplier and signed by the Engineer as satisfactory completed. The supplier shall keep a detailed log of all tests that failed or did not meet specifications, including date of occurrence and correction. c. Completed forms with proper signatures and dates shall be included and become a component of the Operations and Maintenance Manual for each of the respective systems. d. The Contractor shall notify the Owner and the Engineer of the Supplier’s readiness to begin all factory and field tests in writing (a minimum of ten working days prior to start), and shall schedule ECOPYsystem checkout on dates agreed to by the Owner and the Engineer in order that the testing be scheduled and witnessed. e. The Contractor shall fill in & submit for approval the “Scheduled Test Request Form” located in Appendix “A” for each requested inspection, factory and field test.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 52 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 B. FAILURE TO MEET TEST: 1. Any system material or workmanship which is found defective on the basis of acceptance tests shall be reported to the Engineer. The Contractor shall replace the defective material or equipment and have tests repeated until test proves satisfactory to the Engineer without additional cost to the Owner. 2. If the results of any of tests are unacceptable to the Engineer, the Contractor shall make corrections and perform the tests again until they are acceptable to the Engineer; these additional tests shall be done at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. If testing, installation or configuration work performed is deemed inadequate by Owner or Engineer, then the Contractor shall provide a qualified technician to meet these requirements. No extension of Contract time will be allowed. 4. If Owner Representative determines that the System Set-up is not ready for testing, the Owner Representative reserves the right to cancel the Factory Test as the equipment is found to be not fully and completely ready for factory testing. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying for the Owner and Engineer to return for the factory testing when it has been cancelled.

C. SAFETY 1. Testing shall conform to the respective manufacturer’s recommendations. All manufacturer’s safety precautions shall be followed. 2. The procedures stated herein are guidelines for the intended tests, the Contractor shall be responsible to modify these tests to fit the particular application and ensure personnel safety. Absolutely no tests shall be performed that endanger personal safety. 3. The Contractor shall have two or more personnel present at all tests. 4. Two non-licensed portable radios are to be made available by the Contractor for the testing organization to conduct tests. 5. California Electrical Safety Orders (ESO) and Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): The Contractor is cautioned that testing and equipment shall comply with ESO and OSHA as to safety, clearances, padlocks and barriers around electrical equipment energized during testing. 6. Field inspections and pre-energization tests shall be completed prior to applying power to equipment.

D. ELECTRICAL FACTORY TEST 1. The System supplier shall conduct a thorough and complete factory test by ECOPYqualified factory-trained personnel witnessed by Owner per the criteria specified herein. Factory test shall be held within 150 miles of project location.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 53 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2. The “System set-up” for factory testing shall consist of, but is not limited to motor starter panel, and any miscellaneous associated electrical equipment or panels. 3. Temporary wiring and equipment shall be setup during these tests to simulate the complete assembled system. 4. The length of the factory testing for the “System setup” shall be a minimum of one (1) working days. If in the opinion of the Owner or Engineer the factory testing is not completed at the end of the working day, the testing shall be extended, at no additional cost to the Owner or extension in Contract time. The Contractor shall agree that the sum set forth hereafter is a reasonable amount to be charged as liquidated damages; and it is therefore agreed that the Contractor will pay the Owner the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in liquidated damages for each and every calendar day beyond the time prescribed above for the completion of factory testing for the System set-up. Liquidated damages will be assessed to the Contractor each and every day past the time allotted for factory testing. 5. All factory tests shall be conducted at the Supplier’s facility. All factory tests shall be completed prior to shipment of any of the “System set-up” to the jobsite. The “System set-up” shall be fully assembled, programmed, and connected as it will be installed in the final configuration. If the “System set- up” is found to be not fully and completely ready for factory testing, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for the Owner and Engineer to return for the factory testing. Factory testing is to ensure that there are no defects. The hardware and software shall be tested for compliance with the plans and Specifications included herein and for the ability to perform the control functions. 6. All components of the system setup shall be completely assembled and thoroughly pre-tested by the supplier or manufacturer before start of factory test. Prior to start of factory test, vacuum and clean the inside of all MCC, switchboard and electrical and instrumentation enclosures. 7. Provide a complete clean copy of System Supplier drawings for Owner and Engineer’s use during Factory Test prior to starting the tests. These drawings shall reflect the equipment being tested. a. If Owner Representative determines that these drawings do not adequately reflect the actual equipment being tested or differs substantially from the approved equipment submittal, the Owner Representative reserves the right to cancel the Factory Test as the equipment is found to be not fully and completely ready for factory testing. b. Equipment that differs substantially from the approved equipment submittal shall be resubmitted. Factory test will be rescheduled ECOPYafter revised submittals have been reviewed by the Engineer and marked "No Exceptions Taken" or "Make Corrections Noted". c. No extension of Contract time will be allowed. Cancellation and rescheduling of factory tests shall occur at no additional costs to Owner

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 54 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 d. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying for the Owner and Engineer to return for the factory testing when it has been cancelled. 8. The associated factory tests for each of the factory testing sheets that are to be performed by the supplier and witnessed by the Owner/Engineer shall include the following for the “System set-up” as a minimum: a. Vacuum and clean the inside of all MCC, panels and electrical and instrumentation enclosures prior to start of testing. b. Inspections of the panels as follows: 1) Visual and Mechanical: a) Inspect for physical damage, proper support, and wiring. b) Check all starters, breakers, and other components for proper sizes. 2) The Contractor shall fill in test form TF4 located in Appendix “A”. c. Testing of the Equipment as follows: 1) Each line of control logic on the elementary or loop diagrams shall be checked. After a line of control logic is tested, the person performing test shall initial or highlight the corresponding line on the elementary diagram. When the complete elementary diagram has been checked, it shall be signed and dated by testing person and person witnessing test. 2) I/O points to terminal blocks shall be simulated for the complete checkout of PLC interfaces. 3) The tests, as a minimum, shall simulate all operating conditions including steady state, transients, upsets, startup, shutdown, power failure, and equipment failure conditions (for control logic). 4) The Contractor shall complete each test and fill in the I/O test form TF13 located in Appendix “A”. d. Testing of Control as follows: 1) To facilitate testing and system simulation of the “System Set-up”, the Supplier shall connect a separate toggle two position on-off switch to each status and alarm digital input. Three digital multi-meters (minimum +/- 0.2% accuracy) with clip-on leads shall be supplied and utilized during testing for measurement of digital and analog outputs. The supplier shall use simulated input signals to replicate varying field device signals during the factory tests in order to verify the ECOPYproper functioning of hardware and software. e. The structured factory tests to be performed by the System Supplier and witnessed by the Owner shall include the following as a minimum: 1) Control Checkout Tests: Simulate the digital or analog signals (or combination thereof) at the panel field terminals

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 55 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 using the test hardware to verify that each control is functional and properly configured. Verify that all parameters (i.e., relay logic operations, relay timing, controller setpoints, etc.) of the control system are defined and operate according to the design documents. 2) Alarm Checkout Tests: Simulate the digital or analog signals (or combination thereof) at the panels using the test hardware to verify that each I/O point is functional and properly configured. Verify that all parameters (i.e., description, engineering units, span, enable/disable, setpoints, runtimes, totalization, logic type, etc.) of the alarms are defined and operate according to the Specifications. f. Unstructured factory tests are required as part of the factory testing phase. These additional tests shall include any and all unstructured tests as directed by the Owner or Engineer. The various unstructured tests shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Verify the correct inventory of hardware, etc. All spare parts shall be included in the inventory. 2) The factory tests, as a minimum, shall simulate all normal and abnormal operating conditions including steady state, change of state, variable changes, fluctuations, transients, upsets, start-up, shutdown, power failure, and equipment failure conditions. 9. The factory test will be considered complete only when the integrated system has successfully passed all tests to the satisfaction of the Owner or Engineer and the Factory Test checkout form TF11 has been signed & dated by Owner. No electrical equipment shall be shipped to jobsite without authorization from the Owner or Engineer that the factory test has been completed. 10. Acceptance and witnessing of the factory tests does not relieve or exclude the Contractor from conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents. 11. The testing personnel shall provide all material, equipment, labor and technical supervision to perform such tests and inspections. 12. During the testing period, under the supervision of the supplier, the Engineer and other Owner personnel shall have unlimited and unrestricted access to the usage and testing of all hardware and software in the system. 13. Spare parts, including spare I/O for the system shall also be tested during this test period. The supplier shall prove by temporarily connecting the spare hardware to the system that any or all of the spare parts function in a manner equivalent to the original equipment under test. 14.ECOPY The Contractor shall pay all expenses incurred by his personnel which includes labor, material, transportation, lodging, daily subsistence, and other associated incidental costs during the factory testing. 15. Faulty and/or incorrect hardware operation of major portions of the system may, at the discretion of the Owner Engineer, be cause for suspension or

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 56 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 restarting of the entire factory test, at no additional cost to the Owner or extension in contract time. 16. The factory test will be considered complete only when the system setup has successfully passed all tests both structured and unstructured to the satisfaction of the Owner Engineer. No equipment shall be installed without authorization from the Owner Engineer that the factory test has been completed. 17. All modifications to drawings and documentation as a result of the factory tests shall be corrected and completed before shipment of drawings with equipment and the submittal and delivery of “operation and maintenance” manuals. 18. Copies of the completed, signed, and witnessed factory testing forms shall be placed in the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

E. Electrical Field Tests 1. The Contractor shall engage and pay for the services of an approved qualified testing company for the purpose of performing inspections and tests as herein specified. The testing company shall provide all material, equipment, labor and technical supervision to perform such tests and inspections. The Electrical Contractor shall be present on site for all field tests. 2. Prior to start of any field testing, the Field Test Procedures, Interconnection Drawings and Preliminary Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall have been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Also, prior to start of field testing of equipment, correct machine printed wire labels shall be in place on all wires associated with that equipment. 3. The Electrical Contractor shall complete and submit “Schedule Test Request Form” as illustrated in Appendix “A” for each electrical field test. 4. The Electrical Contractor shall be at the jobsite to assist with all Electrical Field Tests. 5. Pre-Energization Tests: These tests shall be completed prior to applying power to any equipment. a. Vacuum and clean the inside of all MCC, panels and electrical and instrumentation enclosures. b. Inspections: 1) Visual and mechanical inspections: a) Inspect for physical damage, proper anchorage and grounding. b) Compare equipment nameplate data with design plans and starter schedule. ECOPYc) Compare overload setting with motor full load current for proper size. 2) Performed NETA acceptance testing for each piece of equipment.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 57 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3) The Testing Company shall compile, by visual inspection a record of all motor nameplate data, the following minimum data shall be neatly tabulated in spreadsheet form and submitted to Owner: a) Manufacturer b) Part and model number c) Equipment driven d) Motor horsepower e) Nameplate amperes, volts and phase f) Service factor g) Temperature ratings h) Overload catalog number i) Overload current range and setting j) Circuit breaker rating k) Circuit breaker trip setting, for magnetic only circuit breakers. 4) The Contractor shall fill in, for each piece of equipment, Test Form TF4 located in Appendix “A”. c. Torque Connections: 1) All electrical, mechanical and structural threaded connections inside equipment shall be tightened in the field after all wiring connections have been completed. Every worker tightening screwed or bolted connections shall be required to have and utilize a torque screwdriver/wrench at all times. Torque connections to the value recommended by the equipment manufacturer. If they are not available, use NEC Annex I for torque values as guidelines. d. Wire Insulation & Continuity Tests: 1) All devices that are not rated to withstand the 500V megger potential shall be disconnected prior to the megger tests. 2) Megger insulation resistances of all 600 volt insulated conductors using a 500 volt megger for 10 seconds. Make tests with circuits installed in conduit and isolated from source and load. Each field conductor shall be meggered conductor to conductor and conductor to ground. These tests shall be made on cable after installation with all splices made up and terminators installed but not connected to the equipment. 3) Each megger reading shall not be less than 10 Meg-ohms resistive. Corrective action shall be taken if values are recorded less than 10 Meg-ohms. Values of different phases ECOPYof conductors in the same conduit run showing substantially different Meg-ohm values, even if showing above 10 Meg- ohms shall be replaced. 4) Each instrumentation conductor twisted shielded pair shall have the conductor and shield continuity measured with an

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 58 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 ohmmeter. Conductors with high ohm values, that do not match similar lengths of conductors the same size, shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. 5) The Contractor shall fill in test forms Power and Control Conductor Test Form TF1 and Instrumentation Conductor Test Form TF2 located in Appendix “A”. e. Grounding System Tests: 1) Visual and Mechanical Inspection: a) Verify ground system is in compliance with Drawings and Specifications. 2) Electrical Tests: a) Before backfilling trenches, and placement of sidewalks, landscape and paving, measure the resistance of each electrode to ground using a ground resistance tester. Perform the test not less than two days after the most recent rainfall and in the afternoon after any ground condensation (dew) has evaporated. b) After all individual ground electrode readings have been made, interconnect as required and measure the system’s ground resistance. c) The grounding test shall be in conformance with IEEE Standard 81. d) The current reference rod shall be driven at least 100 feet from the system under test. e) Measurements shall be made at 10 feet intervals beginning 25 feet from the test electrode and ending 75 feet from it in a direct line between the system being tested and the test electrode. f) Point-to-Point: Perform point-to-point tests to determine the resistance between the main grounding system and all major electrical equipment frames, system neutral, and/or derived neutral points. 3) Test Values: a) The resistance between the main grounding electrode and equipment ground shall be no greater than five ohms per IEEE Standard 142. b) Investigate point-to-point resistance values that exceed 0.5 ohms. c) The Contractor shall fill in Grounding System Test ECOPYForm TF3 located in Section 16010 Appendix “A”. d) Plots of ground resistance shall be made and submitted to the Engineer for approval.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 59 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 f. Panelboard Tests 1) Visual and Mechanical Inspection: a) Inspect for physical damage, proper anchorage and grounding. b) Compare equipment nameplate data with design plans and panelboard schedules. c) Compare breaker legend for accuracy. d) Check torque of bolted connections. 2) The Contractor shall fill in Panelboard Test Form TF5 located in Appendix “A”. g. Breaker Test: 1) All breakers shall be checked for proper mounting, conductor size, and feeder designation. Operate circuit breaker to ensure smooth operation. Inspect case for cracks or other defects. Check tightness of connection with torque wrench in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 2) All MCPs and breakers 100 amps and above shall be tested. Time current characteristic tests shall be performed bypassing three hundred percent (300%) rated current through each pole separately. Trip amps and time shall be measured. Instantaneous pickup current shall be determined by run up or pulse method. Clearing times should be within four (4) cycles or less. All trip times shall fall within NETA Table values. Instantaneous pickup current levels should be within 20% of manufacturer’s published values. 3) Contact and Insulation Resistance: Contact resistance shall be measured and be compared to adjacent poles and similar breaker. Deviations of more than 50% shall be reported to Engineer. Insulation resistance shall be measured and shall not be less than 50 megohms. 4) At end of test the all breakers trip settings shall be set by Contractor to values listed in protective device coordination study to properly protect equipment. 5) The Contractor shall fill in mcc Device Test Form TF8 and Breaker Test Form TF9 located in Appendix “A”. 6. Post Energization Tests a. Panels and Enclosure Tests: 1) During these tests, test all local and remote control operations and interlocks. ECOPY2) Electrical Tests: a) Perform operational tests by initiating control devices to affect proper operation. b) The Contractor shall fill in Operational Device Checks and Tests Form TF6.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 60 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 b. Phase Rotation Tests: 1) Check connections to all equipment for proper phase relationship. During this test, disconnect all devices which could be damaged by the application of voltage or reversed phase sequence. Three phase equipment shall be tested for the phase sequence “ABC” front to back, left to right, and top to bottom. 2) All three phase motors shall be tested for proper phase rotation. Revise wire color codes to indicate correct phase color if wires are swapped. 3) The Contractor shall fill in Phase Rotation Test Form TF7 located in Appendix “A”. c. Motor Testing: 1) Record the amperage draw on all phases of each motor operating under full load. Ensure that these values do not exceed the motor nameplate full load amperage. 2) Record the voltage between all phases of each motor operating under full load. If the voltage balance is not within plus or minus 5 percent of nominal, request the Utility power company or other responsible party to correct the problem. 3) Record the Ohm’s on phase to phase with low Ohms tester. 4) The Contractor shall compile, by visual inspection of equipment installed for each motor, the following data in neatly tabulated form and be placed in the O&M manual: a) Equipment driven. b) Motor horsepower. c) Nameplate amperes. d) Service factor. e) Temperature rating. f) Overload catalog number. g) Overload current range and setting. h) Circuit breaker rating. i) Circuit breaker trip setting, for magnetic only circuit breakers. 5) The Contractor shall fill in Motor Test Form TF10, located in Appendix “A.” 6) Additional motor testing requirements per Division 11. d. Instrumentation Tests 1) The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two (2) hours of field acceptance testing for each instrument. If any ECOPYinstrument has not been fully tested during its allotted time, the Contractor shall provide additional hours for finishing testing of the instrument, to be paid by the Contractor.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 61 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 2) The overall accuracy of each instrument loop shall be checked to ensure that it is within acceptable tolerance. a) As a minimum, all the tests indicated/specified on the test form TF14 in Appendix "A" shall be performed by the Contractor for each of the instruments listed in Appendix “B” Device Index. 3) Test equipment used for testing shall be of suitable quality so as not to mask performance deficiencies. All test equipment shall be traceable to National Bureau of Standards and have been calibrated within six months of test date. 4) Testing shall be accomplished using simulated inputs only with prior written approval of the Owner. 5) Calibration stickers shall be supplied for all equipment and instruments. Calibration stickers shall list the following information: a) Tag number. b) Calibrated by who (name), firm, city and telephone number. c) Date calibrated. d) Calibration range. e) Comments. e. Control System Tests: The following tests shall be performed for all MCCs and for the control panels listed in Section 16010 Appendix “B”, including all non-Division 16 Control Panels 1) Component Tests: a) Measure insulation resistance of starter phase to phase and phase to ground with the starter contacts closed and the protective device open. Test voltage and minimum acceptable values shall conform to NETA Section 3 "Test Values." Measure insulation resistance of each control circuit with respect to ground. b) Motor overload units shall be tested by injecting primary current through overload unit and monitoring trip time. c) Test the motor circuit protectors and thermal breakers as specified herein. 2) Control Tests: a) Remove motor overload heaters from each motor starter or disconnect pump/motor coupling. In case ECOPYthe motor overload heaters are fed by current transformers, the motor conductors shall be removed and insulated away from the load lugs of the motor starter. b) Verify the pump control circuits are wired and operate as shown on the elementary diagrams.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 62 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 Check the indicator lights, alarm lights, local & remote selector switches, alarm contacts, power fail relays, overloads, etc., for proper operation. c) Reinstall all heaters and all wiring removed for this test. f. PLC Control System Tests: 1) All the I/O points for the PLC shall be tested by the System Supplier in the field with Owner’s representative for proper operation of alarms, status, analog, control display functions. Where practical, the final element shall be used, i.e. trip the intrusion switch or change levels. Testing shall be accomplished using simulated inputs only when necessary. 2) During this task the System supplier shall have: a) Qualified field technician with experience in the startup of similar systems with PLC controls, and other field devices. b) Test instruments as required. c) A pair of radios for communication. 3) Contractor to fill in “I/O Point Checkout Sheet” TF13 located in Appendix “A”. g. Trial Operations: The entire electrical installation shall be either tested or trial operated to verify Contract compliance. That is, controls, heaters, fans, light switches, convenience receptacles, lights, etc. shall be trial operated. Contractor shall conduct trial operations in the presence of the Engineer and Operations and Maintenance personnel. F. Operational Testing: 1. After all the previous tests in this subsection 3.07 and 3.08 are complete, the Contractor shall conduct operational testing. 2. The Contractor shall demonstrate operation of each part of the control and instrumentation system to the satisfaction of the Owner and/or Engineer. Tests shall be repeated by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner and at the discretion of the Owner and/or Engineer to resolve whether the system has been demonstrated that it will operate under all modes of operations and varying conditions. 3. For the operational testing the new equipment shall be activated to automatically run for 5 days, 24 hours per day, Monday through Friday. During this five day period the Owner will run the different combinations of the monitoring options. If equipment failure occurs during the 5 days of operational testing, the Contractor shall repair or replace the defective ECOPYequipment and shall begin another 5 day operational test, Monday through Friday. This shall be continued until the new equipment functions acceptably for 5 consecutive days.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 63 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. The Electrical Contractor, testing firm and System Supplier shall re-visit the jobsite as often as necessary until all field tests, start-up and operation tests are completed and approved.


A. Operation and maintenance manuals covering instruction and maintenance on each type of equipment shall be furnished prior to completion of the project.

B. These instructions shall provide the following as a minimum: 1. Each set bound in a three ring binder and organized as specified herein. Binder shall be sized such that when all material is inserted the binder is not over 3/4 full 2. “As Constructed” set of submittal shop documents, data sheets, and drawings (with all field changes included) for all items in the electrical system. 3. A complete list of items supplied, including serial numbers, ranges, options, and other pertinent data necessary for ordering replacement parts. 4. Full technical specifications on each item. 5. Instrument data sheets for all instruments supplied on the project, clearly identifying the instrument tagname, range, part number, serial number, size, etc. 6. Detailed service, maintenance and operation instructions for each item supplied. Schematic diagrams of all electronic devices shall be included. A complete parts lists with stock numbers shall be provided on the components that make up the assembly. 7. Special maintenance requirements particular to this system shall be clearly defined, along with special calibration and test procedures. 8. Safety precautions and procedures. 9. Record of the following: a. Each motor nameplate data including manufacturer, full part number, size, voltage, amps, service factor, bearings, etc. b. Each breaker and overload heater element including manufacturer, full part number, size, setting etc. c. Spread sheet listing all setpoints and programmable parameters entered for this project for VFD, UPS, HIM, etc. 10. No photo copies are allowed of standard published manuals available from manufacturers. All of the manuals shall be originals, not copies. 11. Include all completed and signed test data and forms from factory and field ECOPYtesting. 12. Warranty certificate with start dates, duration and contact information. 13. Troubleshooting instructions. 14. Record of all settings or parameters for all programmable devices.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 64 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 C. At the end of the project these manuals shall be updated to show “as-built or as- installed” conditions.

D. Provide to the Owner four (4) sets of USB drives on lanyards and two sets of DVDs (DVDs shall contain all documents in both PDF format and unlocked AutoCAD - DWG format, version 2010 or later) including: 1. As-built Contract electrical and instrumentation drawings prepared for this project. 2. As-built set of all required Drawings for the project. 3. As-built sets of other computer generated documents prepared for this project, including the following: a. Bill of Materials b. As-Installed Software VFD / SS configuration settings 4. Electronic PDF version of O&M manual. Version format shall follow the hard copy submittal of the O&M, including index, equipment record sheet, warranty information, theory of operation, maintenance instruction, etc. PDF shall be “bookmarked” at each index, subtab, transmittal letter, equipment record sheet, warranty information, theory of operation, maintenance instruction, etc. Failure to bookmark PDF may be grounds for immediate rejection without review. Bookmarks shall be descriptive of actual document, tab, etc. Bookmarks shall not be out of order; the English description shall match that listed in the Submittal’s Table of Contents. 5. These files shall be the property of the Owner, for its use on this and future projects. 6. Label drives with site name using clear plastic with black machine printed lettering as produced by a KROY or similar machine. The size of the nameplate tape shall be with 3/8-inch lettering unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Securely fasten nameplates in place on the USB drive using the adhesion of the tape.


A. All training sessions shall be held on dates and times agreeable to Owner. A total of 5 or fewer Owner personnel shall be trained.

B. After “Operation Testing” has started the Contractor shall provide a period of not less than 8 hours training for instruction of operation and maintenance personnel in the use of all the new electrical and instrumentation systems. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements with manufacturer’s representative. Provide product literature and application guides for user’s reference during instruction.

C. Training to include instruction on the use, operation, calibration, programming, and maintenanceECOPY of the field devices listed in Appendix “B”.

D. Acceptable Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be on site and available when training sessions are implemented.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 65 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 3.11 SPARE PARTS

A. The Contractor shall supply all spare parts prior to start of field tests. All parts shall be sealed in plastic bags and delivered to each site in a heavy duty plastic storage bag. Bag shall be clearly labeled on the outside with part name and number and the corresponding equipment tagname.

B. The Contractor shall make available any replacement parts that are not manufacturer’s normal stock items for immediate service and repair of all the instrumentation equipment throughout the warranty period.

C. The following spare parts shall be provided to the Owner as part of this Contract for each site: 1. Five (5) fuses for each type of fuse. 2. Twenty (20) lamps for each type of light. 3. Two (2) relays for each type of control, power fail and time delay relay.

D. See other division 16 sections for additional spare parts to be provided.


A. The Contractor shall warrant all electrical and instrumentation equipment for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance. Standard published warranties of equipment which exceed the preceding specified length of time shall be honored by the manufacturer or supplier.

B. The Contractor shall provide all labor and material to troubleshoot, replace, or repair any hardware or software that fails or operates improperly during the warranty period, at no additional cost to the Owner.

C. The System Supplier shall have a staff of experienced personnel available to provide service on 2 working days’ notice during the warranty period. Such personnel shall be capable of fully testing and diagnosing the hardware and software and implementing corrective measures.

D. If the System Supplier "fails to respond" in 2 working days, the Owner at its option will proceed to have the warranty work completed by other resources; the total cost (direct and indirect) for these other resources shall be reimbursed in full by the Contractor. 1. "Fail to respond" shall be defined as: The Contractor has not shown a good faith effort and has not expended adequate resources to correct the problem. 2. The use of other resources, as stated above, shall not change or relieve ECOPYthe Contractor from fulfilling the remainder of the warranty requirements. E. The Contractor shall warrant all electrical and instrumentation equipment for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance. Standard published warranties

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 66 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 of equipment which exceed the preceding specified length of time shall be honored by the manufacturer or supplier.

F. Prior to “final acceptance”, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a listing of warranty information for all manufacturers of materials, instruments, and equipment used on the project. The listing shall include the following: 1. Manufacturer’s name, service contact person, phone number, and address. 2. Material and equipment description, equipment number, part number, serial number, and model number. 3. Manufacturer’s warranty expiration date.

G. The Contractor shall provide all labor and material to troubleshoot, program, replace, or repair any hardware or software that fails or operates unpredictably during the warranty period, at no additional cost to the Owner.

H. Each time the Supplier’s repair person responds to a system malfunction during the warranty period, he or she must contact the designated Owner maintenance supervisor for scheduling of the work, access to the jobsite, and permission to make repairs. Operation of facilities necessary to test equipment shall only be performed by or under the direction Owner staff. Owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to deny operations requested by the Supplier. A written description of all warranty work performed shall be documented on a field service report to be given to Owner prior to the repair person leaving job site. This field service report shall detail and clearly state problem, corrective actions taken, additional work that needs to be done, data, repair person name and company.


A. Final acceptance will be given by the Owner after the equipment has passed the “operational testing” trial period, each deficiency has been corrected, final documentation has been provided, and all the requirements of design documents have been fulfilled.

B. At the end of the project, following the completion of the field tests, and prior to final acceptance, the Supplier shall: 1. Remove all temporary services, equipment, material, and wiring from the site. 2. Verify Service equipment has been legibly marked in field with the maximum available fault current per NEC 110.24 (A). Field marking shall include date the fault current calculation was performed and be weather & UV rated. Service equipment shall not be hand labeled 3.ECOPY Two sets of all keys for locks supplied on this project. Submit each key with matching duplicate. Wire all keys for each lock securely together. Tag and plainly mark with lock number or equipment identification, and indicate physical location, such as panel or switch number.

City of Healdsburg 16010 - 67 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 4. Verify that as-installed drawings, in reinforced clear plastic pockets, have been placed in all new or modified panels. 5. Resubmit all Electrical System Analysis studies with all calculations rerun, data and graphs updated to reflect as-left conditions. Provide new Arc Flash labels to reflect as-constructed equipment and as-left circuit breaker settings. 6. Provide the following to the Owner: a. Listing of warranty information. b. Each "operation and maintenance" manual shall be modified or supplemented by the Supplier to reflect all field changes and as-built conditions. c. Full size record drawings neatly marked accurately showing the information required herein d. Four (4) USB drives and two (2) DVDs with copies of all final documentation to reflect as-built conditions.


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 68 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 APPENDIX “A”


Index of Forms:

Bill of Material

Schedule Test Request Form

TF1 Power and Control Conductor Test Form

TF2 Instrumentation Conductor Test Form

TF3 Grounding System Test Form

TF4 Visual and Mechanical Inspection Form

TF5 Panelboard Test Form

TF6 Operational Device Checks and Tests Form

TF7 Phase Rotation Test Form

TF8 MCC Device Test Form

TF9 Breaker Device Test Form

TF10 Motor Test Form

TF11 Factory Test Checkout Form

TF13 I/O Point Checkout Test Sheet

TF14 Instrument Data Sheet and Calibration Record


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 69 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 BILL OF MATERIAL





TIME DESCRIPTION OF TEST 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00




NOTES: Record insulation test values in meg-ohms.


NOTES: * With both conductors tied together Record continuity test values in ohms. record insulation test values in meg-ohms.

TESTED BY : ______DATE : ____/____/____ WITNESSED BY:ECOPY ______




TESTED BY : ______DATE : ____/____/____ WITNESSED BY:ECOPY ______VISUAL AND MECHANICAL INSPECTION FORM TEST FORM (TF4) EQUIPMENT NAME : ______LOCATION : ______NAMEPLATE DATA MFGR. : ______SERIES # : ______MODEL # : ______U.L. # : ______VOLTAGE : ______PHASE : ______AMPERAGE : ______SERVICE : ______BUS TYPE : ______BUS BRACING: ______VERT. BUS : ______HORZ. BUS : ______GND. BUS : ______NEU. BUS : ______ENCLOSURE : ______



TESTED BY : ______DATE : ____/____/____ WITNESSED BY: ______PANEL-BOARD TEST FORM TEST FORM (TF5) PANEL NAME: ______LOCATION : ______NAMEPLATE DATA MFGR. : ______SERIES # : ______MODEL # : ______U.L. # : ______VOLTAGE : ______PHASE : ______AMPERAGE : ______SERVICE : ______BUS TYPE : ______BUS BRACING: ______VERT. BUS : ______HORZ. BUS : ______GND. BUS : ______NEU. BUS : ______ENCLOSURE : ______MAIN BKR : ______






NOTES: Use phase tester to verify all circuits and equipment have a clockwise A-B-C phase rotation. Physical phase locations: Left to Right - LR or Top to Bottom - TB Phase color codes: Brown, Orange, & Yellow -BOY Black, Red, & Blue -BkRBe

TESTED BY : ______DATE : ____/____/____ WITNESSED BY:ECOPY ______MCC DEVICE TEST FORM TEST FORM (TF8) MCC # : ______CUBICLE : ______EQUIP NAME: ______EQUIP # : ______MOTOR DATA CONTACTOR DATA H.P. : ______MFGR. : ______PART # : ______F.L.A. : ______NEMA SIZE : ______COIL VOLT : ______

OVERLOAD TESTS MFGR. : ______HEATER # : ______RANGE : ______PART # : ______FINAL OVERLOAD SETTING: ______


BREAKER TESTS MRGR. : ______PART # : ______FRAME # : ______













TESTED BY : ______DATE : ____/____/____ WITNESSEDECOPY BY: ______


Manufacturer: Location: Job No.:

Tel: Fax:

MCC / Control Panel: TEST RESULT

OVERALL PANEL INSPECTION Pass Fail 1. All front panel and back panel components mounted securely......   2. All wiring terminated and labeled correctly......   3. All components, wiring, and labeling accurately reflected on the drawings..   POWER-UP INSPECTION 1. Voltage levels on load side of circuit breakers......   2. Voltage levels at the DC terminals of the power supply......   3. Voltage levels at the DC power distribution terminals......   POWER DISTRIBUTION AND GENERAL COMPONENT TESTING 1. Power distribution to the appropriate components......   2. Operation of the ancillary components such as receptacles, work lights, etc.   CONTROL COMPONENTS CHECKS 1. Operators (push buttons, selector switches, pilot lights)......   2. Inputs from External Sources......   3. Outputs to External Sources......   4. Relay Logic......   5. PLC I/O and Program Verification......   6. O/I Display Verification......  


1. For relay logic checks, each rung of the elementary or loop diagram is to be highlighted in yellow as they are verified for correct control functions. 2. For PLC I/O andECOPY program verification, the control strategies shall be highlighted in yellow as each logic function is tested.

Tested by: Witnessed by:





Component Description Manufacturer Location Name Site Component Tag Name Model Equip Serial # Range Unit General Notes Indicator Range 1) Attach Calibration Curves for dp Flowmeters Input Range 2) Include mounting elevations for level Instruments Output Range 3) All entries within solid box to be typed in prior to start of test Designed Calibration Measured Calibration Input Signal Output Eng. Value Input Output Comments


Tested by (Print Name) Witnessed by (Print Name)

Signature Signature Date / / ECOPYDate / / APPENDIX B



City of Healdsburg 16010 - 70 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 16010 INSTRUMENTATION DEVICE INDEX

MINIMUM 16010 P&ID E C NEMA SP / DWG REF DET NOTES AND TEST DWG DWG DWG TAG NO. DESCRIPTION TYPE SPECS RATING SIZE VOLT RANGE UNITS MOUNTING ACCESSORIES FORM ...... I03 E04 - LSL 151 Level Switch Float 16010-2.06.B 6P - 120 Vac 78.8' ELEV E11-G TF-14 I03 E04 C05 LT 151 Level Transmitter Sub 16010-2.06.A 6P - 24 Vdc 0-20 FT E11-F TF-14 I03 E04 - PNL 111 Control Panel - 4X - 480 Vac - - E11-D TF-7 I02 E04 - DISC 121 MOG121 F 4X 30A 480 Vac - - E11-E TF-7 I02 E04 C06 MOG 121 Motorized Gate - Division 15 4X - 480 Vac - - Gate TF-7

City of Healdsburg 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project ECOPY 16010-71 A TEEM - December 2018 PWS927 Electrical 700-14-18-07 END OF SECTION


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 72 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY)


City of Healdsburg 16010 - 73 A TEEM – December 2018 2018 WRF Pond Lining Project Electrical 700-14-18-07 PWS927