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RESTRICTED GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE TAR/29 ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE 14 October 1981 ACUERDO GENERAL SOBRE ARANCELES ADUANEROS Y COMERCIO Limited Distribution Committee on Tariff Concessions SUBMISSION OF LOOSE-LEAF SCHEDULES Schedule XXXII - Austria The secretariat has received the draft consolidated Schedule XXXII - Austria prepared in accordance with the requirements of the loose-leaf system. Two copiesIare being sent to each contracting party. If no objection is notified to the secretariat within three months from the date of the present document, the Schedule of Austria will be deemed to be approved and will be formally certified and published in loose-leaf form. Comit6 des concessions tarifaires COMMUNICATION DE LISTES SUR FEUILLETS MOBILES Liste XXXII - Autriche Le secretariat a reçu le projet de Liste XXXII codifi6e - Autriche, qui a 6t6 6tabli conform6ment aux exigences du syst3me à feuillets mobiles. Deux exemplaires de ce projet sont adress6s à chaque partie contractante. Si aucune objection n'est notifi6e au secretariat dans un d6lai de trois mois à compter de la date du present document, la Liste de l'Autriche sera consid6r6e comme approuv6e et sera officiellement certifi6e et publi6e sous la forme de feuillets mobiles. Comit6 de Concesiones Arancelarias PRESENTACION DE LAS LISTAS CON ARREGLO AL SISTEMA DE HOJAS AMOVIBLES Lista XXXII - Austria La Secretaría ha recibido el proyecto de Lista refundida XXXII - Austria, preparado con arreglo a los requisitos del sistema de hojas amovibles. Dos ejemplaresI del mismo serán enviados a cada parte contratante. Si en el plazo de tres meses, contado a partir de la fecha del presente documento, no se notifica ninguna objeción a la Secretaría, se considerará que la Lista de Austria ha sido aprobada y será oficialmente certificada y publicada en forma de hojas amovibles. 1 English only/anglais seulement/ingl6s solamente S C H E D UL E X X X II - A US T R I A This Schedule is authentic only in the English language General Notes 1. This Schedule includes all actual GATT-concessions. 2. The tariff rates marked with "C" are conditional on the implementation andmaintenance of certain commitmentsby certainof Austria's maintradingpartners.The tariff reductions will bemaintained as Long as these conditions are met. 3. Concessions granted in accordance with the Agreement on Trade in Civil. Aircraft of 12 April 1979, are marked in the ScheduLe accordingly. These concessions are applied under the conditions and provisions of Article 2 of the aforementioned Agreement. To secure compliance with the end-use condition, the customs administration shall exercise its control rights not only inrespect of the importer but ofanyfurther trader or user. The validity of theseconcessionsdependsonthevalidity of theAgreementon Trade in Civil Aircraft for Austria. May 1981 XXXII - 1 SCHEDULE XXXII-AUSTRIA PART I Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Tariff item Description of products Rate of duty number Present Initial Concession INR's on in % ad val. concession negotiating first earlier or in established right (INR) Incorporated concessions Schilling In on the In a GATT per 100 kg concession schedule In 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 ex Note 2 to Breeding animals falling within Chapter 1 headings Nos. 01.01 to 01.04 under certificate of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry regarding the necessity of import for the purpose of increasing the domestic cattle breeding are free of duty. G/79 DE T/51, PRM 8/59 01.01 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies: A - Horses 20 X G/79 G/67 01.06 other live animals free G/79 G/67, 6/79 02.01 Meat and edible offals of the animals falling within heading No.01.01,01.02, 01.03 or 01.04, fresh, chilled or frozen: B - other: ex 1 - Meat of sheep and goats 20 % G/79 G/67 ex 2 - Edible meat offals of sheep and goats 10 % G/79 G/67 SCHEDULE XXXII- AUSTRIA 1 2 3 4 5 7 02.02 Dead poultry (that is to say, fowls, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls) and edible offals thereof (except Liver), fresh, chilled or frozen: ex C - Turkeys, "rozen (C)1500-1) G/79 G/79 Remark: 1) This concession applies to unsubsidized imports which respect the threshold price. 02.03 Poultry liver, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted or in brine 315,- G/79 US T1/51, PRM 8/59 02.04 other meat and edible meat offals, fresh, chilled or frozen: B - Of other animals: 1 - of feather game 5 X1 G/79 G/79 2 - of other game 5 X G/79 G/67 ex 02.06 Meat and edible meat offals (except poultry liver), salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of sheep and goats 20 X G/79 G/67 XXXII- May 1981 SCIHEDJULE XXXU- AlS lA 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.3 4 - - 5 - 6 1 s - --7 - -s -_B Fish, fresh (Live or dead), chilled or frozen: A - Freshwater fish: 2 - Other: a - Trout and fish of the trout kind 25 X G/79 6/67 ex c - Fish for ornamental purposes 12 X G/79 6/79 B - Salt water fish: 1 - Herringe except filleted herring free 6/79 DK ,NO T/51, PRN 8/59 2 - FiLleted herring free G/79 DK ,NO T/51,o PRM 8/59 3 - other free G/79 DK,NO T/51, PRM 8/59 03.02 Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process: A - Smoked: 1 - Eels and salmon, in other than airtight containers 11 X G/79 G/56, DK:20 X G/67 2 - Kippers (salted and smoked her- ring without any addition), in airtight containers 120,- G/79 NO T/51, PRM 8/59 8 - Only dried free G/79 NO T/51, PRN 8/59, 6/79 C - Cut herring .free 6/79 GBNO T/51, PRM 8/59 May 1981 xxxIa- 5 SCHEDULE XXXII -AUSTRIA 2 3 4 5 6 03.02) D - Other: 1 - In immediate containers containing 15 kg or less: a - Herring, salted in other than airtight containers free G/79 GBNO T/51, PRM 8/59 b - Other 25 % G/79 G/67 ex 2 - Herring, salted, in other than airtight containers free G/79 GBNO T/51, PRM 8/59 x 03.03 Shrimps, whether in shelL or not, fresh (Live or dead), chilled, frozen, salted or in brine 15 % G/79 G/67 34.04 Cheese and curd: A - Fine table cheese and cheese in boxes: 1 - Produced from cows, milk: a - Grana, Parmigiano-Reggiano 20O,-1 )2) G/79 6/79 b - Asiago, Caciocavalto, Fontina, Provolone 500,-1)2) G179 c - Brie, Camembert, Carrb de l' Est, Coutommiers, Cres- cenza, Fromage de Bruxelles, Herve, Limburger, Livarot, 500,- Maroilles, Mozzarella, Muen- ster, Neufchatel, Pont G/79 L'Eveque, Reblochon, Romadour, ) 2) St. Marcellin, Stracchino 5O0,1 GI?9 G/79 d - Sbrinz, Glarner Kraeuterkaese I zoo,-1)2) G/79 G/79 e - Appenzeller, Raclette, Tete de Moine, Vacherin fribourgeois 500,1) 2) G/79 G/79 )2) G/79 f - Vacherin Mont d'or 500,_1 G/79 XXXII -6 May 15.,1 SCHEDULE XXXlI -AUST A 1 2 3 4 5 -7 (04.04) 2 - ExcLusively produced from other milk: a - Pecorino,Fiore sardo,Roquefor 200,-1)2) G/79 G/79 b - Other cheese in separate pack, )2) ings containing 300 g or LessI 300,-1 G/79 G/79 Remarks: 1) The note for subheading No. 04.04 A in the Austrian Customs Tariff is rtot to be appLied to imports from countries and territories of the Contracting Parties. 2) Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions to be determined by the competent authorities. 04.05 ex C - Dried eggs, not sweetened 280,- G/79. Us T/51, PRM 8/59 04.06 Natural honey 450,- G/79 G167 04.06 Honey falling within heading No. 04.06 Note 1 for the industrial manufacture of baker's wares, sweets and medicaments subject to a certificat of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and forestry in consultation with the Federal Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry 200,- G/79 AU G/56 May 1981 1XXII- I 7 SCHEDULE XXXU- AUSTRIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 05.01 Human hair, uncorked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair free 6/79 G/67 05.02 Pigs', hogs' and boars' bristles or hair; badger hair and other brush making hair; waste of such bristles and hair free G/79 G/67 .05.03 Horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up on a layer or between two layers of other material: A - Not curled f ree Gl79 G167 B - Curled: 1 - In locks or plaits 7 X Gl79 G/67 2 - Fixed on a support 7 X 6/79 G/67 05.04 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animaLs (other than fish), whoLe and pieces thereof free G/79 FR,GR T/51, PRM 8/59, G/67 05.05 Fish waste free G/79 FR,5R T/51, PRM 8/59, G/67 XXXU- 8 May 1981 SCHEDULE XXXII-AUSTRIA -.--.- * . U . a I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I . 9 - I -. U - -- -.I 05.07 Skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with tried edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation; powder and waste of feathers or parts of feathers: A - Bed feathers and down: 1 - Eider down free 6/79 6167 2 - other bed feathers and down, in separate packages of 80 kiLo- grammes or more or in hydraulically pressed bates, un- worked, whether or not with stripped quills free G/79 G/67 3 - Other 14 X G/79 G/67 B - Other free G/79.