Contributions to the Terrestrial Arthropod

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Contributions to the Terrestrial Arthropod CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TERRESTRIALTERRESTRIAL ARTHROPODARTHROPOD FAUNAFAUNA OFOF THETHE CORVO ISLANDISLAND (AZORES)(AZORES) VIRGÍLIO VIEIRA VIEIRA,VIEIRA , VIRG~L~OVIRGíLIO 1994.1994. ContributionsContributions toto thethe terrestrialterrestrial ArthropodArthropod faunafauna ofof thethe Corvo islandisland (Azores).(Azores). Arquipe'lago.Arquipélago. LifeLife andand MarineMarine SciencesSciences 12A512A:5 1-56.I-56. PontaPonta Delgada.Delgada. ISSNISSN 0870-658 1.1. This paperpaper presentsprcsents a summarysummary ofaf thethe Arthropods fromrrom CorvoCorvo island.island. CollectionsCollections andlorand/or observationsabservations werewere made inin JulyJul y andand OctoberOctober 1993.1993. TheThe insects,insects, whichwhich comprisedcomprised mostmost ofor thethe material,material, werewere foundfound associated with theirlheir hosts.ho sts. TheThe listlist ofor recordsrecords includesincludes 4444 species,species, belonging toto 1313 ordersorders andand 313 1 families.ramiliêS. SomeSome speciesspecies ofor thelhe ordersorders HomopteraHomoptera (3), ColeopteraColeoptera (6), LepidopteraLep id optera (1( 1 6) andand HymenopteraHymenoptera (3)(3) areare newnew confirmedconfirmed recordsrecord s forfor thisthis island.island. VIEIRA, YIRG~LIOVIRGíLIO 1994. ContribuiqiloContribuição parapara oo conhecimentoconhecimento dada faunafauna terrestreterrestre dede Artr6podesArtrópodes da ilhailha do CONOCorvo (Aqores).(Açores). Arquipe'lago.Arquipélago. CisnciasCiências Biol6gicasBiológicas ee Marinhas l2A:512A:5 1-56.l-56. Ponta Delgada. ISSNISSN 0870-6581.0870-6581. UmaUma listalista das esptciesespécies de Artrop~dosArtropodos recolhidosrecolhidos e/oue/ou observadosobservados nana ilhailha dodo Corvo,Corvo, emem Julho e Outubro de 1993,t1993. é apresentada.apresentada. EstaEsta inclui fundamentalmentefundamentalmente aa entomofaunaentomofauna queque se encontrava associada corncom oO seu hospedeiro.hospedeiro. AsAs 4444 esptciesespécies encontradasencontradas est3oestão distribuidasdistribuídas por 13 ordens ee 31 familias.famílias. AlgumasAlgumas esptciesespécies dede Hom6pterosHomópteros (3).(3). Cole6pterosColeópteros (6),(6), Lepid6pterosLepidópteros (16) e ~imend~terosHimenópteros (3)(3) constituemconstituem primeirasprimeiras cita~6escitações parapara esta ilha.ilha. VirgilioVirgílio Vieira. Universidade dos A~ores,Açores, DepartamentoDepanamenlo de Biologia,Biologia, PT-9500PT-9500 PontaPOll/a Delgada, Acores,Açores, Portugal. INTRODUCTION predatorspredators of phytophagousphytophagous Arthropods havehave notnot been studied previously.previously. The Arthropod faunafauna of the Corvo island (the The fieldfield work was carried outout duringduring fourfour smasmallestllest of the Azorean Arquipelago (17 km2,km2, days (3 JulyJuly and 18-20 October 1993).1993) The maximum altitudealtitude 718 m, situated at 36"401N;36°40'N; general objectives were to contributecontribute toto thethe 3131°40'W) "40'W) has been poorly studied. understanding of thethe ecology of thethe biotopesbiotopes of BibliographicalBibliographical record are for the most part oldo ld this islandisland and describe qualitativelyqualitatively and, and appear mainly in the form of general whenever possible, quantitatively, theirtheir faunistical lists or single records.(e.g. DROUET communities. This paper listslists thethe materialmaterial 1861; GODMAN 1870;1870; FERNANDES 1982; GAMA collected by thethe author, as wellwell as thethe 19821982;; GOMES 1982; QUARTAU 1982; SOUSA observations made. Some ecological notes are 1985; BORGES 1990; SOUSA 1991; VIE~RAVIEIRA & presented. TAVARESTAVAKES in press). Still fewer papers have been METHODS published on vascular flora and vegetation of the Corvo (SJOGREN 1979; HANSEN 1988). The SeveralSevera I techniques were used to collect plants are, however,however, much betterbeller known than Arthropod specimensspecimens at Corvo islandisland (VIEIRA & their Arthropod enemies. The parasites and TAVARES in in press). Moreover,Moreover, noctuid 51 Lepidoptera in pasture lands, specially Noctua SYMPHYLA pronuba (L.), Peridroma saucia (Hiibner), Xestia c-nigrum (L.), Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth) Family SCUTICERELLIDAE and Phlogophora meticulosa (L.), were studied Scutigerella imt~~aculataNewport altogether using 20 sample plots (size 0,25 m2) per locality. Vila Nova do Corvo, 19.X.93, 3 specs. Zea mays L. (Poaceae), So[anutn t~~herosurn L. The list of records only includes the (Solanaceae), Bcra vulgaris L. (Chenopodiaceae). entomological fauna that was found associated with their hosts (plants or other Insects). Twenty DIPLOPODA eight species and subspecies of Lepidoptera from Corvo island were listed by VIEIRA& TAVARES Family BLANIULIDAE (in press). From these, only the species where larval instars were observed attacking hostplants Blaniulus gurtulatus Bosc. directly (in pastures, maize-fields, tomato-fields, Vila Nova do Corvo (Cascalho), 18-20.X.93, other vegetable crops and endemic plants) are common. Solanum tuberosunz L. (Solanaceae), presented. The nomenclature and sequence used Beta vulgaris L. (Chenopodiaceae) and cultivated plants in areas of horticulture. for the listing of the Hexapoda tma are that of QUARTAU(1984): The families and species are COLLEMBOLA listed following the order used namely by LERAUT(198O), 'DELVARE & ABERLENC(1989), Family ENTOMOBRYIDAE BORGES (1990). The nomenclature of the families and species of plants and vegetation is * Entomoblya multifasciata (Tullberg) that of SJOCREN(1979) and HANSEN(1988). Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93. On house The species marked (*) were not collected, walls. but only observed during field work. From species listed, those marked with (#) are recorded DERMAPTERA for the first time from Corvo. Data given under each species entry conform to the format: - Family FORFICULIDAE locality, date, number of specimens Forficula auricularia L. (=spec./specs.), cultural area, hostplant and/or habitat, natural enemy (NE) - parasite or Vila Nova do Corvo and Rebentiio, 18-20.X.93, predator. common. Zea mays L. (Poaceae), bulbs, and beet (Beta vulgaris L. (Chenopodiaceae)). RESULTS ORTHOPTERA Family GRYLLIDAE LIST OF SPECIES AND MATERIAL EXAMINED Gryllus birnaculatus (De Geer). ISOPODA Vila Nova do Corvo (Cascalho), 19.X.93, 1 spec. In cultivated lands and pastures. Family PORCELLIONIDAE Family ACRIDIDAE Locusra danica (L.) Porcellio sp. Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, common. Vila Nova do Corvo (Cascalho), 18-20.X.93, Cereal crops (Zeu mays L., Avena sp. (Poaceae)), common. Dry to moderately damp biotopes, e.g. potato (Solanurn tuherosum L. (Solanaceae)), leaf litter, young organons of plants. beet (Beta vul~arisL. (Chenopodiaceae)) and flowers in marginal areas of cultivated lands and COLEOPTERA pastures. Family CARABIDAE HOMOPTERA Pseudophonus rufpes (De Geer) Family MARGARODIDAE Vila Nova do Corvo, 19.X.93,4 specs. # Icerya purchasi (Maskell) Family COCCINELLIDAE Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, common. Adults in shadow zones of branches of # Scymnus interruptus (Goeze) Pittosporurn tobira (Thunb.) Ait. (Pittosporaceae) and Ficus carica L. (Moraceae). Vila Nova do Corvo, 19.X.93, 3 specs. NE: Rodolia (Vedalia) cardinalis Muls Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). (Pittosporaceae). Family DIASPIDIDAE # Scyrnnus sp. Vila Nova do Corvo, 19.X.93, 2 specs. The # Aspidiotus nerii Bouchk Scymnus sp. larva was observed to be cannibal. Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, common Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait. (males and females). Branches and leaves of (Pittosporaceae). Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait. (Pittosporaceae). # Rodolia (Vedalia) cardinalis (Mulsant) Family COCCIDAE Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, 1 pupa. Predator of I. purchasi. # Coccus aff, hesperidum L. Family CHRYSOMELIDAE Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, common. Branches, leaves and fruits of Pittosporum tobira # Chrysolina (Chrysomela)banksi (Fabricius) (Thunb.) Ait. (Pittosporaceae). Vila Nova do Corvo, 20.X.93, 3 specs. In HETEROPTERA pastures. Family RHYNCHOPHORIDAE Family MIRIDAE Ligus apicalis Fieb. # Sitophilus zeamais Motschoulsky Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, 4 specs. In Vila Nova do Corvo, 18.X.93, Zimbral, 19.X.93, pasture lands. and Rebentgo, 19.X.93, common. Adults on maize cobs (Zea mays L., Poaceae). Family PENTATOMIDAE Family CURCULIONIDAE Nezara viridula (L.) Vila Nova do Corvo, 18-20.X.93, common. # Otiorhynchus sp. Trifolium sp. (Leguminosae) and Licospersicon Vila Nova do Corvo, 18.X.93, 1 spec. On field esculenturn Mill. (Solanaceae) in cultivated lands stone walls. and pastures. DIPTERA NEUROPTER A Family SYRPHIDAE Family CHRYSOPlDAE Metasyrphus corollae (Fabricius) Chrysoperla sp. Vila Nova do Corvo, 19.X.93, 1 spec. Tripholium Zimbral, 19.X.93, 1 spec. Erica scoparia L. ssp. sp. (Leguminosae) and Lavatera cretica L. azorica (Hochst.) D. A. Webb (Ericaceae). (Malvaceae). Sphaerophoria scripta (L.) # Cydia molesta (Busck) Vila Nova do Corvo, 18.X.93, 1 spec. flying. Rebentgo, l8.X.93, 3 larvae mining in apple fruit Family MUSCIDAE (Rosaceae). Haematobia (Lyperosia) irritans L. Family PYRALIDAE Ro~as,19.X.93, common. The cows became sick caused by hor-fly in pastures. H. irritans larvae # Udea ferrugalis Hiibner develop in cow dung. Vila Nova do CONO (Matriz), 03.VII.93, 18- 20.X.93, common. Several adults of this species Family TILUPIDAE were seen flying all over the island. U. ferrugalis * Tipula oleracea L. larvae feed on various Poaceae. Rebentgo, l8.X.93. In pasture grass. Family PIERIDAE LEPIDOPTERA # Colias crocea (Geoffroy in Fourcroy) Family GRACILLARIIDAE Vila
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