Final Species List for Phoenix Park

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Final Species List for Phoenix Park Final species list for Phoenix Park Motacilla cinerea bony fish (Actinopterygii) Grey Wagtail Gasterosteus aculeatus Oenanthe oenanthe Three-spined Stickleback Northern Wheatear Phoxinus phoxinus Parus major Minnow Certhia familiaris Great Tit Rutilus rutilus acarine (Acari) Eurasian Treecreeper Passer domesticus Roach Hydracarina Columba livia House Sparrow Phyllocoptes goniothorax Feral Pigeon Periparus ater conifer Columba palumbus Coal Tit Larix decidua amphibian Common Wood Pigeon Phalacrocorax carbo European Larch Lissotriton vulgaris Corvus cornix Great Cormorant Pinus radiata Smooth Newt Hooded Crow Phasianus colchicus Monterey Pine Corvus frugilegus Common Pheasant Pinus sylvestris annelid Rook Pica pica Scots Pine Erpobdella octoculata Corvus monedula Black-billed Magpie Taxus baccata leeches Eurasian Jackdaw Prunella modularis Yew Helobdella stagnalis Cyanistes caeruleus Dunnock Naididae Blue Tit Pyrrhula pyrrhula crustacean Tubificidae Cygnus olor Common Bullfinch Asellus aquaticus Mute Swan Regulus regulus Crangonyx pseudogracilis bird Delichon urbicum Goldcrest Cyclops Accipiter nisus House Martin Riparia riparia Cypris Eurasian Sparrowhawk Dendrocopos major Sand Martin Daphnia (Daphnia) pulex Aegithalos caudatus Great Spotted Woodpecker Streptopelia decaocto Eurycercus (Eurycercus) Long-tailed Tit Erithacus rubecula Eurasian Collared Dove lamellatus Aix galericulata European Robin Sturnus vulgaris Gammarus duebeni Mandarin Duck Fringilla coelebs Common Starling Simocephalus vetulus Aix sponsa Chaffinch Sylvia atricapilla Wood Duck Fulica atra Blackcap fern Alauda arvensis Common Coot Sylvia communis Asplenium trichomanes Sky Lark Gallinula chloropus Common Whitethroat Maidenhair Spleenwort Anas platyrhynchos Common Moorhen Tachybaptus ruficollis Dryopteris filix-mas Mallard Garrulus glandarius Little Grebe Male-fern Apus apus Eurasian Jay Troglodytes troglodytes Phyllitis scolopendrium Common Swift Hirundo rustica Winter Wren Hart's-tongue Ardea cinerea Barn Swallow Turdus merula Grey Heron Larus argentatus Common Blackbird flatworm (Turbellaria) Aythya fuligula Herring Gull Turdus philomelos Polycelis nigra Tufted Duck Larus fuscus Song Thrush Carduelis carduelis Lesser Black-backed Gull Turdus viscivorus flowering plant European Goldfinch Motacilla alba subsp. yarrellii Mistle Thrush Acer campestre Carduelis chloris Pied Wagtail Field Maple European Greenfinch Ireland’s BioBlitz 2012 – Phoenix Park species list. Page 1 Acer pseudoplatanus Arum maculatum Cerastium fontanum Epilobium montanum Sycamore Lords-and-Ladies Common Mouse-ear Broad-leaved Willowherb Achillea millefolium Barbarea vulgaris Cerastium glomeratum Eupatorium cannabinum Yarrow Winter-cress Sticky Mouse-ear Hemp-agrimony Aegopodium podagraria Bellis perennis Chamerion angustifolium Fagus sylvatica Ground-elder Daisy Rosebay Willowherb Beech Aesculus hippocastanum Brachypodium sylvaticum Cirsium arvense Fallopia japonica Horse-chestnut False-brome Creeping Thistle Japanese Knotweed Agrostis stolonifera Bromopsis erecta Cirsium vulgare Festuca rubra Creeping Bent Upright Brome Spear Thistle Red Fescue Ajuga reptans Bromopsis ramosa Conopodium majus Filipendula ulmaria Bugle Hairy-brome Pignut Meadowsweet Alisma plantago-aquatica Bromus hordeaceus Convolvulus arvensis Fragaria vesca Water-plantain Soft-brome Field Bindweed Wild Strawberry Alliaria petiolata Buddleja davidii Coronopus didymus Fraxinus excelsior Garlic Mustard Butterfly-bush Lesser Swine-cress Ash Allium ursinum Callitriche obtusangula Corylus avellana Galium aparine Ramsons Blunt-fruited Water-starwort Hazel Cleavers Allium vineale Callitriche stagnalis Cotoneaster microphyllus agg. Galium verum Wild Onion Common Water-starwort Crataegus monogyna Lady's Bedstraw Alnus glutinosa Calystegia sepium Hawthorn Geranium dissectum Alder Hedge Bindweed Cymbalaria muralis Cut-leaved Crane's-bill Alnus incana Capsella bursa-pastoris Ivy-leaved Toadflax Geranium robertianum Grey Alder Shepherd's-purse Dactylis glomerata Herb-Robert Alopecurus pratensis Cardamine hirsuta Cock's-foot Geum urbanum Meadow Foxtail Hairy Bitter-cress Deschampsia cespitosa Wood Avens Angelica sylvestris Cardamine pratensis Tufted Hair-grass Glechoma hederacea Wild Angelica Cuckooflower Digitalis purpurea Ground-ivy Anisantha sterilis Carex caryophyllea Foxglove Glyceria notata Barren Brome Spring-sedge Eleocharis palustris Plicate Sweet-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum Carex flacca Common Spike-rush Hedera helix Sweet Vernal-grass Glaucous Sedge Elodea canadensis Ivy Anthriscus sylvestris Carex pendula Canadian Waterweed Helictotrichon pubescens Cow Parsley Pendulous Sedge Elodea nuttallii Downy Oat-grass Apium nodiflorum Carex sylvatica Nuttall's Waterweed Heracleum sphondylium Fool's-water-cress Wood-sedge Elytrigia repens Hogweed Arabidopsis thaliana Carpinus betulus Common Couch Hippuris vulgaris Thale Cress Hornbeam flowering plant (cont.) Mare's-tail Arctium minus Centaurea nigra Epilobium ciliatum Holcus lanatus Lesser Burdock Common Knapweed American Willowherb Yorkshire-fog Arctium minus agg. Centranthus ruber Epilobium hirsutum Hyacinthoides non-scripta Arrhenatherum elatius Red Valerian Great Willowherb Bluebell False Oat-grass Hypericum androsaemum Medicago lupulina Polygonum aviculare Ranunculus sceleratus Tutsan Black Medick Knotgrass Celery-leaved Buttercup Hypericum pulchrum Melissa officinalis Populus alba Reseda luteola Slender St John's-wort Balm White Poplar Weld Hypochaeris radicata Mentha aquatica Potamogeton coloratus Ribes rubrum Cat's-ear Water Mint Fen Pondweed Red Currant Ilex aquifolium Mercurialis annua Potamogeton natans Ribes uva-crispa Holly Annual Mercury Broad-leaved Pondweed Gooseberry Iris pseudacorus Myosotis scorpioides Potentilla anserina Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Yellow Iris Water Forget-me-not Silverweed Water-cress Juncus effusus Nasturtium officinale Potentilla reptans Rosa canina Soft-rush Nuphar lutea Creeping Cinquefoil Dog-rose Juncus inflexus Yellow Water-lily Potentilla sterilis Rosa canina agg. Hard Rush Nymphaea alba Barren Strawberry Rubus fruticosus agg. Lamium purpureum White Water-lily Primula veris Bramble Red Dead-nettle Oenanthe crocata Cowslip Rumex acetosa Lapsana communis Hemlock Water-dropwort Primula vulgaris Common Sorrel Nipplewort Ononis repens Primrose Rumex crispus Lathyrus pratensis Common Restharrow Prunella vulgaris Curled Dock Meadow Vetchling Oxalis acetosella Selfheal Rumex obtusifolius Lemna minor Wood-sorrel Prunus laurocerasus Broad-leaved Dock Common Duckweed Persicaria amphibia Cherry Laurel Rumex sanguineus Leontodon saxatilis Amphibious Bistort Prunus lusitanica Sagina procumbens Lesser Hawkbit. Petasites fragrans Portugal Laurel Procumbent Pearlwort Ligustrum vulgare Winter Heliotrope Prunus spinosa Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia Wild Privet Petasites hybridus Blackthorn Rusty Willow Linum catharticum Butterbur Quercus ilex Sambucus nigra Fairy Flax Phalaris arundinacea Evergreen Oak Elder Lithospermum officinale Reed Canary-grass Quercus petraea Sanguisorba minor Common Gromwell Phleum pratense Sessile Oak Salad Burnet Lolium perenne Timothy flowering plant (cont.) Senecio jacobaea Perennial Rye-grass Phragmites australis Quercus robur Common Ragwort Lonicera nitida Common Reed Pedunculate Oak Senecio vulgaris Wilson's Honeysuckle Pilosella officinarum Ranunculus acris Groundsel Lonicera periclymenum Mouse-ear-hawkweed Meadow Buttercup Silene dioica Honeysuckle Plantago lanceolata Ranunculus bulbosus Red Campion Lotus corniculatus Ribwort Plantain Bulbous Buttercup Sisymbrium officinale Common Bird's-foot-trefoil Plantago major Ranunculus ficaria Hedge Mustard Luzula campestris Greater Plantain Lesser Celandine Smyrnium olusatrum Field Wood-rush Poa annua Ranunculus ficaria subsp. Alexanders Lycopus europaeus Annual Meadow-grass ficaria Solanum dulcamara Gypsywort Poa trivialis Ranunculus repens Bittersweet Rough Meadow-grass Creeping Buttercup Ireland’s BioBlitz 2012 – Phoenix Park species list. Page 3 Sonchus oleraceus Veronica serpyllifolia Udea ferrugalis Smooth Sow-thistle Thyme-leaved Speedwell insect - butterfly Rusty Dot Sorbus aria Vicia lathyroides Pieris napi Xanthia citrago Common Whitebeam Spring Vetch Green-veined White Orange Sallow Sparganium emersum Vicia sativa Unbranched Bur-reed Vicia sativa subsp. nigra insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Sparganium erectum Narrow-leaved Vetch Athripsodes cinereus Gerris Branched Bur-reed Vicia sepium Limnephilus lunatus Hydrometra stagnorum Stachys officinalis Bush Vetch Water Measurer Betony Viola hirta insect - hymenopteran Nepa cinerea Stachys sylvatica Hairy Violet Andricus kollari Water Scorpion Hedge Woundwort Viola reichenbachiana Andricus lignicola Notonecta Stellaria media Early Dog-violet Bombus (Thoracombus) Sigara dorsalis Common Chickweed Viola riviniana pascuorum Common Carder Symphoricarpos albus Common Dog-violet Bee insect - true fly (Diptera) Snowberry Bombus hortorum Bibio marci Taraxacum aggregate hornwort Bombus lapidarius Ceratopogonidae Tilia platyphyllos x cordata Phaeoceros laevis Bombus lucorum Chironomus = T. x europaea Smooth Hornwort Bombus pratorum Dixa Lime Bombus terrestris Simulium Trifolium pratense horsetail Vespula rufa Tipula maxima Red Clover Equisetum arvense Trifolium repens Field Horsetail insect - mayfly (Ephemeroptera) lichen White Clover Baetis rhodani Chrysothrix candelaris Tussilago farfara insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Caenis horaria Lecanora atra Coltsfoot Abax parallelepipedus Cloeon dipterum Parmotrema
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