Stephen W. Sears | 608 pages | 22 Jun 1998 | Cengage Learning, Inc | 9780395877449 | English | Boston, United States Chancellorsville PDF Book

A history of the battle has Hooker telling a subordinate that "I was not hurt by a shell and I was not drunk. , VI Corps. Johnston J. The campaign that resulted in Jackson's demise, paradoxically remembered as "Lee's greatest victory," emerged from the backwash of the . , mortally wounded Maj. Stuart , who, without any other plan to work from, threw his troops at Hooker the next morning. The fierce and flamboyant competence of his subordinates would falter. Hooker had assumed command on January 25, , and had immediately set out to reorganize the disheartened Army of the Potomac. Hooker had acquired the nickname Fighting Joe while serving in the peninsula. Lee watched in amazement as Union infantry scampered ashore from the Union bridgehead at Fredericksburg. Stoneman's cavalry began on April 30 its second attempt to reach Lee's rear areas. As Lee told the young officer who brought him the news of his general's wounding, "Captain, any victory is dearly bought that deprives us of the services of Jackson even temporarily. The pair of artillery pieces at the very end of the XI Corps line were captured by the Confederates and promptly turned on their former owners. The determined Union soldiers regrouped and hit the Confederate line again. Lee shook Hooker. [24]. The victories forced the Immediately behind the Union horsemen were the infantry from Maj. Such a great army! Every purchase supports the mission. The Union was shocked by the defeat. Although clearly incapacitated after he arose, Hooker refused to turn over command temporarily to his second-in-command, Maj. Chancellorsville Writer

Under the cover of darkness on the evening of April 28, the Union juggernaut began to move. Lee marched his Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania in late Richard H. The battles of Cold Harbor were two engagements that took place about 10 miles northeast of Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital. In the meantime, Lee's 60, veterans at Fredericksburg would guard their long river line against , well-equipped Yankees. As one Massachusetts soldier put it, "The morale of the Army of the Potomac was better in June than it had been in January. , wounded Lt. Please advance your pickets for purposes of observation as far as may be safe in order to obtain timely information of their approach. The most famous of those casualties was Stonewall Jackson. May 2, , Noon— p. The Battle of Chancellorsville was a major battle of the American Civil War — , and the principal engagement of the Chancellorsville campaign. External Websites. He decided to violate one of the generally accepted principles of war and divide his force in the face of a superior enemy, hoping that aggressive action would allow him to attack and defeat a portion of Hooker's army before it could be fully concentrated against him. History at Home. Virginia Landmarks Register. O'Neal , wounded. Joseph Hooker. The two armies faced off against each other at Fredericksburg during the winter of Library of Congress. Because of his superb intelligence, Hooker's knowledge of Lee's order of battle rivaled that of historians a hundred and fifty years later, but without cavalry, he could not follow the Confederates or even find them. He ordered Stonewall Jackson to march west and link up with Maj. Nicholls , wounded. The legendary "Stonewall" Jackson, renowned as the quintessential grim warrior, revealed his gentler nature on April 20, , at Guinea Station, 12 miles south of Fredericksburg as he greeted his beloved wife and saw his infant daughter for the first time. Gershom Mott , wounded Brig. Lee directed Jackson to make the flanking march, a maneuver similar to the one that had been so successful prior to the Second Battle of Bull Run Second Manassas. Facebook Twitter. The following evening, Jackson's men assailed Maj. The plan they came up with was nothing short of a desperate gamble: Jackson would march his entire corps twelve miles under cover of the Wilderness, past an old iron furnace, and around to Hooker's vulnerable right. The Battle of Chancellorsville was depicted in the film Gods and Generals , based on the novel of the same name. Franklin had been a staunch supporter of George B. The Georgians were driven south and made a stand at the same unfinished railroad bed used by Wright's Brigade the day before. It set the stage for his second invasion of the North and the . In January , the Army of the Potomac, following the Battle of Fredericksburg and the humiliating Mud March , suffered from rising desertions and plunging morale. American Civil War. Robert K. Lee's Chancellorsville consisted of a pastiche of unbelievably risky gambits that led to a great triumph. Lee List of memorials to . The Johnnies could never whip this army! As a result of this the two divisions of Maj. Those men, combined with bad communication, frayed nerves, and the fear of Longstreet's men finally appearing from the south like avenging ghosts, forced Sedgwick to retreat across the Rappahannock early in the morning on May 5. Lee , Commanding Lt. Of the , Union men engaged, 17, were casualties 1, killed, 9, wounded, 5, missing , [11] a percentage much lower than Lee's, particularly considering that it includes 4, men of the XI Corps who were captured on May 2. Halleck , and Hooker became intolerable in the early days of the and Lincoln relieved Hooker of command on June 28, just before the Battle of Gettysburg. Ford on April 30 without opposition. Meanwhile, for the second time, Lee was dividing his army. Subscribe and save! As the Union troops dug in around Chancellorsville that night, creating log breastworks, faced with abatis , Lee and Stonewall Jackson met at the intersection of the Plank Road and the Furnace Road to plan their next move. Chancellorsville Reviews

Gen ' division, went to Howard's headquarters warning him that an all-out enemy assault was imminent, but Howard insisted that it was impossible for the Confederates to get through the dense woods. When he abandoned the chance to reach that desirable goal, Hooker at once passed the initiative, with all of its advantages, to Lee. The determined Union soldiers regrouped and hit the Confederate line again. Hill , wounded. His loud boastings about making Bobby Lee run would now come back to haunt him. Horace Greeley , New York Tribune []. Jackson was delighted to see that Howard's men were resting, unaware of the impending Confederate threat. Two of Early's brigades under Brig. A history of the battle has Hooker telling a subordinate that "I was not hurt by a shell and I was not drunk. Save 22 Acres. Alexander arrived on the scene and quickly unlimbered his cannons. As they marched north on Brock Road, Jackson was prepared to turn right on the Orange Plank Road, from which his men would attack the Union lines at around Wilderness Church. The rest of "Fighting Joe's" army would cross the river at Fredericksburg and menace the Confederate front as the second blade of a great pincers. And many of its men did not believe that they had truly been beaten at Chancellorsville. If Stoneman had demonstrated the same boldness that Davis possessed, his cavalry would have crossed the river and sped on toward Richmond unimpeded. His chief of staff, Butterfield, commissioned Col. Thank you! This was followed by the crackle of musket fire, and then the unmistakable scream of the " Rebel Yell ". Amiel W. He could not conduct a frontal assault; that would be suicidal. Confederate generals Robert E. In this instance, the blue-clad attackers had the advantage. Hooker developed a strategy that was, on paper, superior to those of his predecessors. When the fighting started, Longstreet was still too far south to help. Chancellorsville Gettysburg. Slocum camped in the Wilderness, near an old tavern called Chancellorsville, waiting to push east in the morning. Previously, intelligence gatherers, such as and his detective agency, gathered information only by interrogating prisoners, deserters, "contrabands" slaves , and refugees. On the evening of May 3 and all day May 4, Hooker remained in his defenses north of Chancellorsville. Pennock Huey, received a notice that General Howard was requesting some cavalry. The regiment's commander, Maj. He was 39 years old. It was a daring move, but Lee felt he had no other alternative. The Union right flank was not anchored on any natural obstacle, and the only defenses against a flank attack consisted of two cannons pointing out into the Wilderness. Lee 's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Forces Engaged. Catton, Bruce. Many of its officers and enlisted men were immigrants from Germany and other parts of Central Europe, including a number of political refugees from the revolutions.

Chancellorsville Read Online History at your fingertips. Hill and Brig. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree John F. The question was whether they were ostentatiously displayed as a feint, or whether they were massed for crossing, he later wrote. Whipple , mortally wounded Brig. History at Home. He follows Sedgwick north with the rest of his army. Upon his return to Washington, Lincoln wrote a letter to Hooker expressing his views on the upcoming spring campaign. Army of Northern Virginia [5] [6]. Carl Schurz ordered his division to shift from an east-west alignment to north-south, which they did with amazing precision and speed. The death of Jackson caused Lee to make the long-needed reorganization of the Army of Northern Virginia from two large corps into three, under , Richard S. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. The battlefield was a scene of widespread destruction, covered with dead men and animals. James Longstreet , . Maybe the mystique of Robert E. Both armies resumed their previous position across the Rappahannock from each other at Fredericksburg. Accessed May 25, Nicholls , wounded Brig. Lee watched in amazement as Union infantry scampered ashore from the Union bridgehead at Fredericksburg. On the evening of May 3 and all day May 4, Hooker remained in his defenses north of Chancellorsville. , later dubbed the Mud March. Halleck in Aquia on April Hooker hated the sobriquet, but the nickname stuck. I hope as soon as practicable to attack. What was it then? Monongahela Susquehanna. Dilger next went to Howard's headquarters, but was merely told that the Confederate army was retreating and that it was not acceptable to make scouting expeditions without permission of higher-ups. Of the , Union men engaged, 17, were casualties 1, killed, 9, wounded, 5, missing , [11] a percentage much lower than Lee's, particularly considering that it includes 4, men of the XI Corps who were captured on May 2. Sickles , III Corps. Stuart and his party rode away as fast as their horses could take them. Chancellorsville campaign : , "present for duty equipped" : [7] [8] Chancellorsville : c. Finally, he wondered why Sedgwick had not been more aggressive at Fredericksburg. Grant in the spring of With Burnside's departure, Maj. Also, the XI Corps was not well respected — an outfit with poor morale and no history of battlefield success. As the boatmen neared the riverbank, preparing to cross, Confederate sharpshooters opened up. Although a majority voted to fight, Hooker had had enough, and on the night of May 5—6, he withdrew back across the river at U. Jackson would lead his Second Corps of 28, men around to attack the Union right flank while Lee exercised personal command of the remaining two divisions, about 13, men and 24 guns facing the 70, Union troops at Chancellorsville. Ford the night of May 5—6. They were overwhelmed by 5 p. John Sedgwick from advancing, while he attacked Hooker's advance with about four-fifths of his army. He stood shouting and waving a flag held under the stump of his amputated arm lost at the Battle of Seven Pines in , ignoring the danger of the heavy rifle fire, but he could only gather small pockets of soldiers to resist before his corps disintegrated. It can only be concluded that forty years after the event, elderly ex-staff officer Halstead was at best retailing some vaguely remembered campfire tale, and at worst manufacturing a role for himself in histories of the campaign Jubal A. Russell refused to allow his troops to cross in the darkness. Chancellorsville: A Fatal Volley. He rounded up the many thousands of stragglers and deserters, issued all the men tastier food, and instituted a furlough lottery so that they could go home once in awhile.