L. R. Singh and R. D. Singh: Spatio-demographic structure of in its ecological setting 281


With 3 figures and 3 tables

L. R. Singh and R. D. Singh

Zusammenfassung: Raumlich-demographische Struktur ecologically along lines similar to the cities of theWest, Patnas in ihrem okologischen Zusammenhang whereas other areas exhibit characteristics more nearly eine indische ist wahrend mehrerer Patna, Hauptstadt, typical of pre-industrial cities of the East. der Jahrhunderte Brennpunkt politischer, wirtschaftlicher, The of structure of Patna is und und analysis demographic gesellschaftlicher religioser Bewegungen gewesen based on the Census 1971 which war als solche unterschiedlichen Wachstumsmustern unter primarily provides data for each 37 worfen, die eine komplexe demographische Struktur erga Municipal wards, Patliputra colony and Phulwarisharif urban areas on sex ben. In dieser Abhandlung bemiihen sich die Autoren, diese population Struktur im Lichte der theoretischen Forderungen westlicher structure, literacy, working force and occupational zu Gelehrter analysieren. structure. In order to examine the spatial variations of Die Stadt Patna weist eine bestimmte okologische Ord these demographic characteristics within the city, nung Attribute auf. Die innerstadtische demographischer circles at 0.8 km. apart from the city centre have been dem der Dichteabnahme Bevolkerungsdichte folgt Prinzip drawn. Demographic variables for each ward falling mit der Distanz: mit der Zone hochster Dichte um den Ge in respective zone and its area have been computed. schaftskern und relativ weniger dicht besiedelten Zonen an As far as the determination of the city centre is con der Peripherie. Die Stadtrandzonen erfahren jedoch hohere there is a in it Bevolkerungszuwachsraten als die inneren Gebiete mit cerned, practical difficulty selecting in a linear of like Patna because aufierordentlich dicht belegten und baufalligen Hausern. especially pattern city Wegen des akuten Mangels an Wohnhausern im Stadtzen of complex internalmorphological structure.Although trum iibersteigt die Zahl der mannlichen Einwohner die der the original nucleus lieswithin the fortwalls in Patna doch in den weiblichen, Stadtrandzonen ist dieses Verhaltnis City, the city centre has been placed in the principal der Geschlechter Die raumliche Struktur der entgegengesetzt. commercial area (Muradpur) of the city where about dafi der Stadtkern im Bevolkerung zeigt weiterhin, Vergleich streets all principal roads and intersect and maximum mit den Randzonen sowohl von einer Elite als hochrangigen traffic-flow is observed the business hour auch von Geschaftsleuten charakterisiert wird. In Anbetracht during Land values are also found to be maximum dieser Beobachtungen kann man sagen, dafi (Fig. 1). - allgemein Patna wie den - there. For the data on area and meisten indischen Stadten die gesellschaft analysing components of to liche Mobilitat und wirtschaftliche Lebenskraft fehlt, die die population according distance increments, the modernen westlichen Stadte bestimmen. following linear regression equation has been adopted: = log y a + bx Introduction where y is the as of Most of the studies in urban population density expressed log geography by Indian acre as persons per and is treated dependent variable. geographers deal largely with a few demographic The independent variable x is the distance like trends expressed components growth, and migration of pop a in kms. whereas is constant and b stands for a para ulation as to individual towns and there pertaining meter, both of which are derived from the data is a lamentable in studies on density gap intra-urban spatial on a given formula: structure of as Brush population conceptualised by - (1977) and other western scholars. It is, therefore, N 2 x y S x 2 y b = log log desirable that we should examine the con - critically N2x2 (2 x)2 cepts and models advanced by western geographers a = - x and apply them with caution in the Indian context. (log y) b In view of this situation, the present study of spatio structure of Patna has been undertaken demographic Evolution and spatial growth of Patna having itsmajor objective to determine how this city, compared with other cities of theWest has grown on Although pre-industrial cities from the point of view of have the time-scale and how its intra-city demographic population size, been in general small. Patna falls into that structure is related to itsvaried and varying ecological category of pre-industrial city of setting. about 500,000 population which enjoys the cultural heritage of more than 2,500 years of existence as an urban centre. The in the historic was Methodology city early period more little than a simple village (Patligram) (Master For out carrying the study's objective the assump Plan, 1962, p. 16), situated at the confluence of the tion is that Patna like other colonial cities of theworld Ganga and the Son. The city so founded at such a has a dual of experienced pattern growth. Certain commanding and defensive site, attained the dignity of the have parts city developed demographically and of an imperial capital of eastern . The great 282 Erdkunde Band 34/1980

-municipal boundary 0 old citycentre () .municipal ward boundary # new cjtycentre (Muradpur) otherurban areas ^%s^_-? PaHiputra \nn thearea r-T r~T*?%r a \ \j surveyed c! Pa/no \ r?ir-HX^^pdra " ) 1Administrative { Npgar l.t /,-..Patnai"-J.Cfc^ City...>n .i.Xon^ex'J r.7 / } J \ 1 H-'* N V -30?N-/--J^Jp^^=^

Km PhulwarP Ai/o_2 U? J fVSnor/d _ H T \ / BIHARy41? ('fi r" Fig. 7: Base map { Patna 1971 ^^^^^_Lj^-Calcut^iJP^y

opment along the river's bank as far as . "The inside of the old town is disagreeable and - disgust Km and theview of it froma distance ismean. at =\|^ZT 0_500 ing Indeed, Mis -EEftIP7 0_250 a little distance south of the town, it is not discernible ^QdrQS (Buchanan, 1811-12, p. 61). Sjoberg also pointed out ^^^^QjO^ "Typically almost all the pre-industrial cities are girdled by walls inside of which various sections of the city sealed off from one another by wall and precincts congestion is the order of the day" (Sjoberg, 1960, p. 127). The changing political fortunes made an idelible on Indian emperors like Ajatsatru, Chandragupta imprint the townscape and caused a shift in its Maurya, and Sher Sah who acceded to the growth axis from east to west. This axial pattern of throne successively in Patliputra, are said to have growth of the city (Fig. 2) was quite natural as the completely transformed it from a tiny village to a adjacent lowland in the southwas vulnerable to flood. a garrison and fortified city. The historic fragments of As result of the impact of western culture and tradi the gigantic stone pillars at Kumhrar built by Ashoka tion, city dwellers were attracted to thisnew sitewhich and Pachhim and Purab Darwaja's of themagnificent later became the focus of concentration of population fortress in Patna city built by Sher Sah remind us of and economic activities. Under the British rule, from its past glory. "Few indeed are the remains of the themiddle of the 18th century to (the)World War II, splendid buildings of Askoka's capital. The cloud certain aspects of Patna's physical structure and capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, the solemn tem pattern of growth have virtually parallelled to those ples, have indeed desolved the left not a rack behind" of pre-industrial cities of theWest. Because of over (Houston, 1949, p. 17). From this brief historical whelming representation of native population over the account, it is apparent that Patna like other medieval years and reluctance of the Britishers to introduce European walled cities started growing rapidly out of western innovations which would have placed Patna the ancient nucleus of fort and fortresswhich were on the way to becoming industrial society, the city later replaced and modified in response to immediate retained many characteristics comparable with those growing requirements. "Thus the city passed through of pre-industrial cities. many vicissitudes but has shown a remarkable capa The most spectacular growth and development of city for survival and regrowth (Dayal, 1968, p. 18). Patna took place in the post-independence period Patna experienced themost remarkable development which brought about significant changes in the mor during colonial administration in India where the phological and demographic character of the city. was English merchants first came to Patna in 1620 and by Until the late sixties' Patna's southern expansion 1657 established a Saltpetre factory. "During the early almost restricted to the old bypass road, and the city British period Patna enjoyed considerable economic appeared to be a typical crescent shaped linear form. prosperity and it rose to worldwide importance as a With the construction of the protection embankment source of production and supply of sugar and salt (new bypass), an extensive urban sprawl to the south petre" (Dayal and Thakur, 1976, p. 168). Under the and south-west has emerged on the townscape which influence and power of the British East India Com has not only modified the linear character of the city pany, the traditional and dilapidated parts of Patna but also created opportunities for over hundreds of city were displaced and the city extended far beyond thousand urban dwellers to seek residence in the devel areas. the fortifiedwalls resulting in large sub-urban devel oped sub-urban L. R. Singh and R. D. Singh: Spatio-demographic structure of Patna in its ecological setting 283

Table I: Composition of population

' ' and Census Pop- % Decade Male Female Sex ratio }'. '.^rejUrban7Nucleus Year ulation variation female/ 100 males

1901 134785 - 67038 67747 101 1911 136153 1.01 70841 65312 92 1921 119976 -11.88 65777 54199 82 old citycentre and q administrativecentre ^?^3\ySj itssuburb and itssuburb 1931 159690 33.10 92238 67452 73 Esq presentcity centre ?axial growthpattern 1941 196415 23.00 112048 84367 75 and itssuburb 1951 283479 44.33 155623 127856 82 1961 364594 28.61 206050 158544 77 1971 491217 34.45 273717 217500 79

Source: Census of India, General Pop. Table (), 1971

growth of secondary and tertiary activities, the city population rose up. In addition to this, the influx of refugees after the Partition of the country also con tributed to the increase of population. The rate of census growth in subsequent decades appears to have slowed down i.e. 28.61 percent in 1951-61 and 34.45 percent in 1961-71; so also the sex-structure has slightly suffered i.e. from 82 females per 100 males in 1951 to 79 in 1971. The emphais laid after Independ ence on the uplift of rural economy, decentralisation of administrative machinery and reforms in agrarian and social orders have also to some extent slackened Residualfrom f/S/ffiX Regression the R-U stream. as a matter of fact, is a X/y/ffi abovestandard error ^ belowregression line Patna, 'para ofestimate sitic' of where about 70 of thework ESS above regressionUne ?S3 belowstandard error type city percent ofestimate ing force is engaged in non-productive economic 2: activities and limited Fig. Patna: a) schematic representation of morphological has, therefore, employment development;b) distributionof population (1971); c) pop opportunities. ulation density patterns (1971)

Intra-city growth pattern The above account of trends of Trends of population growth major population growth of Patna does not reflect intra-citypopulation During the British period, the population of Patna changes. In order to elucidate variations within the rose from 158,000 (1872) to 170,654 (1881). Much of city, census population figures of 1961 and 1971 have this growth was a result of the R-U stream attracted been examined during which the municipal ward or same. by the economic and cultural opportunities. Between boundaries remained more less the An analysis 1881 and 1921 the population of Patna suffered a of the data (Table II) shows some outstanding features as a setback result of slump in the river borne trade of population distribution in Patna, i.e. maximum and repeated visitation of epidemics. Sex-ratio also increase of population in peripheral wards and a experienced a notable change from almost a balanced relatively low variation in the central tracts. Some of structure to in 1901 only 82 females per 100 males in the over-crowded wards in Patna city have experienced 1921. In 1931 itmade a significant recovery and the notable decrease of population. Being disgusted from population rose to 159,690 with an adverse sex balance the din and bustle of the crowded central city, people, (73 females per 100 males). However, in 1941 the pop especially of affluent society prefer to reside in the ulation which totalled 196,415 exhibited a greater sex outer zones of the city. The traditional mode of res harmony. idential crowding in the central city is no longer a fact Since Independence the population curve has con and the centrifugal tendency appears to have taken the stantly looked up. The city experienced a phenomenal place of the centripetal. The inner wards of Patna growth of population during 1941-51 with an incre (14, 15, 16 & 17) comprising Muradpur, Dariapur, ment of 44.33 percent. Both as a result of sharp decline Sabzibagh, Bakarganj, etc. recorded population rise in morbidity and mortality and also accelerated between 10 to 45 per cent during 1961-71 whereas 284 Erdkunde Band 34/1980

several outlying census tracts (1, 18, 20, 21, 24 & 25) matched by the past change in urban structure.With registeredmuch higher growth i.e. 40 to 100 per cent. the advent of automobile era and introduction of cheap means can The transitional zone lying between 2.4-4.8 kilometres of transportation, many urban activities radii from the city centre experienced the largest in locate anywhere in themetropolis and still be close to creases in population during 1961-71. Some of the the place of work, market and transportation node. on important residential localities which experienced The revisionist view is, thus, based transportation fairly high increase of population are East Rajendra technology which permits movement of business, in Nagar, Bahadurpur, , Lohianagar, Jakan dustry and other activities and thereby growth of resi etc. pur, Purandarpur, Gardanibagh, dential neighbourhoods. Turing to apply the ecological concepts of intra In the light of the above ecological concepts, ifwe cen urban growth, traditionalist and revisionist views have examine the pattern of population changes in the been broadly examined here. The spectacular pop sus tracts of Patna, it is clear from the aforesaid areas areas more ulation growth of sub-urban and the relative analysis that peripheral have been acquiring more zone even some decline of the central city since the Second World War and people than the central and was emphasized by Guest (1973, pp. 53-69). The of the over-crowded residential tracts have lost pop traditionalist view is exemplified by the work of ulation during 1961-71. This reveals that residential Hawley (1950) while the revisionist view is repre crowding in some of the old delapidated tracts of the a cen sented by Winsborough (1962, pp. 35-49) and city has reached the saturation point and shows areas. Schnore (1958). Hawley contented that the urban trifugal tendency for residences in sub-urban structure is shaped by the assumption of fierce eco This view is in favour of traditional ecologists. More nomic competition for location near theCBD which is over, in a large growing metropolis like Patna, the attractive to all types of activities because of its acces rapid growth of residential neighbourhoods is favoured sibility to jobs, transportation node and market. by thepublic transportation facilities.The introduction of public transport and greater use of private vehicles have brought about tremendous impact on the growth Table II: Intra-urban variations of demographic attributes of commercial centres, and resi of Patna (1971) secondary industry dential neighbourhoods. The revisionist generalisa tion can, thus,be observed in such large growingmetro Distance from Increase Sex ratio %ge of ?/oge of politan cities. city centre in ?/oofpop. females/ literacy commer kilometres 1961-71 100 males cial workers Spatial patterns of population distribution

0.00- 0.80 38.10 75.57 61.04 29.45 Patna has spatial differences and patterns in distri 0.81- 1.60 43.76 77.41 63.70 26.29 bution of population which differ from other pre 1.61- 2.40 54.72 73.05 56.45 23.82 industrial cities of theWest in view of its distinctive 2.41- 3.20 66.76 65.95 55.34 19.80 physical and cultural setting, size, history and func 3.21- 4.00 57.22 76.37 55.40 17.79 tions. The most is whether the 4.01- 4.80 57.30 78.38 56.83 17.26 important question models in urban densities and 4.81- 5.60 48.28 80.24 54.28 16.69 seeking regularities 5.61- 6.40 42.20 80.78 53.93 17.18 stating statistical relationships between population 6.41- 7.20 40.34 85.70 49.53 17.99 densities and urban distances have any relavance in 7.21- 8.00 34.95 87.48 47.97 20.60 this case. The fact remains that no city totally conforms 8.01- 8.80 46.96 88.88 45.18 19.87 to the standard patterns of negative exponential 8.81- 9.60 48.90 88.80 41.34 17.31 decline in density with the increase in distance from 9.61-10.40 50.20 89.25 37.10 15.45 the city centre because 'a variety of local disturbing 10.41-11.20 52.70 89.56 35.13 14.70 factors'. The concept was first initiated by Bleicher and later on elaborated by Colin Clark (1967, of data the authors Computation by p. 341). Berry, Simmons and Tennant (1963, p. 389) confirmed its their of ? validity by study population This process would result in two consequences the gradients in some 100 cities in various parts of the central residential land in particular would be sub world. divided so that individuals can afford rent.This would Tanner (1961) and Sherratt (1960) suggested an result in a general pattern of population concentration alternative model according to which "densities de around theCBD or to put it in another way population crease rather slowly in the first incremental distance density should decline rapidly with distance from the zone outward from the city centre, then, the decline CBD and in thisway the city expands physically by accelerates appreciably until the outer margins of the the growth of peripheral neighbourhoods. city are approached, at which distance, the decrease in The revisionists, on the other hand, propounded density slows again". Newling (1969, p. 243) has that modern trends of cities' growth need not be modified themodel suggestedby Tanner and Sherratt L. R. Singh and R. D. Singh: Spatio-demographic structure of Patna in its ecological setting 285

?? because it "a relative low near the regressiontine , envisages density errorof estimate O 0-standard core of the city, with densities increasing in the in cremental zone nearest the centre and reaching 100- A - city a 100; : ?^a* -A maximum density levels some distance from the centre of the city". The analysis of population density data and scatter diagrams shows that the density-distance relationship has statistical significance and the gradient observed is somewhat in conformitywith Clark's model based >: D-\? ^; 0 ^? o on negative decline of density with the increase of ' ? 5- ?central commercialarea ? 5- change ofdensity in relation to distance from the centre. From Table III it is o. . . a . city #other^ commercial?n_nranarea distance fromthe city centre clear that the models as postulated by Tanner and A old city Sherratt and Newling have no relevance in the case a other residentialarea new residentialarea of Patna. The of to map population density according otherperipheral wards _ census tracts shows a wide variation of 2 4 6 8 10 . 2 4 6 8 10 population c d distrubution i.e. from 100 to 250 persons per acre in 60TV 70t. the central zone to less than 15 in many outlying wards. In contrast with western cities where the CBD 50 6? is almost devoid of / j residential population, Indian Literates >w < ? / | cities have highly mixed residential and commercial 4050- areas and except for the front foot portions of the 1 | l\ j buildings along roads devoted to commercial uses, the / ! i structure of the same are inten D 3o- ^ -w40- *o I adjacent apartments ? J n. S ? 2 ! * sively given to residential purposes. The highest con centration of residential population is found in and _ Q.20- Q-30- o \ - 1 * Commercial N. *" 'Si - 2 Workers 7: j * Table III: distribution in 1971 20- - Spatial of population Patna, 10- ? -S

o J ? } a. 1 1 Variation of of population density Regression _,_-,-1, 10J-,-L,-r-J-1-.-' 2468 10 2468 10 by distance increment population distance fromcity centre in Kilometres density*) 3: Patna: Fig. regression of population density (by distance Statis- Distance from Gross pop. Distance Pop increments) tical city centre density from city ulation zones (inkms.) persons centre density acre per (kms.) persons around the principal commercial area (Muradpur, acre per Dariapur, Sabzibagh, Bakarganj) of the city from where the downward and after 1. 0.00- 0.80 109.55 0.00 68.80 density profile slopes 4.8 kms. it because of the a 2. 0.81- 1.60 60.92 1.60 56.62 again goes up existence of centre 3. 1.61- 2.40 41.31 3.20 46.56 secondary of population in Patna city and later to 4. 2.41- 3.20 31.39 4.80 40.17 flattens down the city margin. Apparently, this 5. 3.21- 4.00 36.86 6.40 31.56 view tends to support Brush's observation that 6. 4.01- 4.80 35.07 8.00 26.00 majority of British built Indian cities are characterized 7. 4.81- 5.60 22.75 9.60 21.42 by dual nucleii of their growth history?the highest 8. 5.61- 6.40 24.37 11.20 17.63 centralisation of population around the com 9. 6.41- 7.20 40.66 ... .-: principal ^ mercial area and a centre a ") Estimating secondary little away in - Equation the traditional indigenous area of the city. = The moment co-efficient of correlation 10. 7.21- 8.00 47.97 1.8377 product Logy and co-efficient of are 0.0844 x ? 0.6530 (0.67) determination (0.45) relatively low which are indicative of the fact that 11. 8.01- 8.80 48.94 Coefficient of dispersion rather than concentration has been Correlation 0.67 taking place during the last few decades. T^e scatter diagram 12. 8.81- 9.60 30.22 Coefficientof (Fig. 3) also shows that some of the thicklypopulated 13. 9.61-10.40 12.40 Determination 0.45 central wards are clustered along the regression line 14. 10.41-11.20 within one 12.20 Significance of kilometre radius from the centrewhile the F. Ratio . . . 0.01 range of dispersion increases with the distance incre ment. This indicates that complexity in spatial distri of data the authors Computation by bution of population widens as one moves outward 286 Erdkunde Band 34/1980

from the principal commercial area of the city. The comes down to 14.70 percent in sub-urban wards. As positive residuals at a distance of 6-8 kilometres from a result of high degree of centralisation of commercial the centre show that some of themost densely settled activities, workers engaged therein reside close to the wards inPatna city having densities between 80 to 150 work place. Thus, there is very close association persons per acre are above the regression line and even between commercial establishments and workers de above the confidence limit. In contrast,many outlying pendent on it so far as spatial variation within the areas such as Patna administration in the west and city is concerned. some of the underdeveloped areas in the south have so The concentric zone model as suggested by Burgess low densities as they fall below the confidence limit. (1925) is not applicable in the case of Patna. Burgess In these areas, owing to the greater proportion of land theory is based on the study of American cities (espe being given to open spaces, green parks, offices and cially of Chicago) which were rapidly growing due to uses are agricultural population densities extremely high degree of technological innovations. The degree com low. of development of concentric zones of residence, merce and industry was a process of social and eco nomic to and to Regression analysis of other demographic attributes readjustment city growth especially competition for land. As Burgess assumed mobility case As is the with population distribution, the and mechanisation as the core concepts, it implied distance-decay function can also be observed in many growth of capitalistic economy under which American as other demographic variables such sex-structure, cities could assume forms. Mechanisation, which has literacy, occupational structure, etc. (Ellenfsen, 1962, been so powerful in the growth of western cities, has p. 94). The analysis of data shows that there is pre hardly been of any importance in the development of ponderance of males in the central and transitional Patna. Although there ismarked centralisation of com zones of the city i.e. from 75 to 65 females per 100 mercial activities in the centre, theCBD lacks that in males. In intermediate the of males zones, proportion tensity of land use so characteristic of the U.S. cities. fluctuates and declines outwards to become nearly Working men for themost parts live in or close to the balanced sex-structure. As a result of acute of a scarcity commercial areas. There is also conspicuous absence residential houses and exorbitant rent, workers en of industry in the zone surrounding the CBD as pos are gaged in various services compelled to live alone tulated by Burgess for the American cities. In fact, leaving their family members in their native villages. owing to the absence of any sizable middle or upper The predominance of masculinity diminishes with the class residential areas and highly mixed low and high increase of distance from city centre because of avail income class houses, there is practical difficulty in residential zones ability of relatively adequate and spacious delineating successive residential in Patna. There houses and low rent in the outer zones of the city. are few residential zones in the city having determined a In similar manner, the level of literacy widely by economic status and can be better explained by to outer zones to varies from inner of the city.Owing Hoyt's sector model of urban growth. amount so common availability of greater of civic amenities and Ethnic or racial segregation very often educational facilities, literacy rate is very high in the to both industrial and pre-industrial cities of theWest, as areas. central city compared with the sub-urban is not evident in Patna but there are communal segrega as a The fringe area of the city matter of fact, also tions. The various communal groups inhabiting Patna includes a large number of rural enclaves ('Busties') viz. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, etc. exhibit resources from where workers mostly derive for their some residential segregation. In Indian cities each and livelihood from primary occupation and considerable every civil ward is identified by of some ? predominance illiteracy as in the countrysides exists. cultural groups castes, community and minority From of structure of com the stand-point occupational groups, etc. Although there is marked economic most the working force, Patna like pre-industrial petition, yet it has not gained sufficient strength to cities, exhibits much less specialisation. Both under the overcome these social prejudices. In view of these fun a to suc British rule and now as a regional capital of sover damental differences, there does not appear be eign state,Patna incorporates all the functions ascribed cessive concentric zones of the city structure. a to societal community, namely, political, commercial, etc. educational, agricultural, industrial, Working Conclusion force of these functionswidely varies from one sector a of the city to another. For makirig any generalisation of The historical city of Patna is siocio-cultural entity centre eastern India. their spatial variation, dependence on commercial and a large regional urban in and function, as an instance, has broadly been examined. Being largely influenced by political, religious The Table II reveals that there is on an average maxi social factors, the city experienced differential growth mum concentration of commercial workers (29.45%) patterns resulting in complex internal demographic and in the innermost wards of the city. The degree of morphological structure.The spatial patterns of demo from dependence on this function drops gradually and graphic variables though widely different Klaus Rother: Bewasserungsgebiete und Bewasserungsprojekte in Siidostitalien 287

western cities, are common to most Indian cities. More Burgess, E. W.: The Growth of the City. In: The City, areas are ed. E. et 1925. over, the components of population in urban by Park, Robert, al., Chicago, not distributed at random, instead, they tend to conform Clark, Colin: Population Growth and Land Use, Mc to some definite ecological settings.Analysis of data Millan, London, 1967, p. 341. - confirms that peripheral zones of the city have regis Dayal, P.: The Bihar Plain A Regional Study, Trans tered relatively higher population increase than the actions of The Indian Council of Geographers, 1968, Vol. zone. 5, pp. 1-29. central The traditional unplanned central city P. & B.: Commercial Ribbon of Patna: is characterized by extremely congested and dilapi Dayal, Thakur, Growth and Functional Structure, National dated houses which at places represent horrible slum Geographi cal Journal of India, 1976, Vol. XXII, Part 3-4, p. 169. and blighted residential areas. Population densities A. Richard: Hinterland in are almost balanced in some residential Ellenfsen, City Relationships newly planned India with reference to Hinterlands of colonies. As a result of acute of residential special Bombay, shortage Delhi, Madras, Hydrabad and Baroda. In: India's Urban in the core of the there is housing especially city, pre Future, ed. by Roy and Turner, Oxford Univ. Press, 1962, of over to ponderance males females whereas it tends p. 94. diminish outwards. the areal distribution Likewise, Draft Master Plan, Patna, Patna Improvement Trust: Patna, of literacy exhibits centralisation of literate people as 1962, p. 15. with areas. compared the outlying In view of the Guest, M. Avery: Urban Growth and Population Densities, can above observations, it be generalised that Patna Demography, 1973, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53-69. like most Indian cities H. lacks the social mobility and Hawley, Amos: Human Ecology: A Theory of Com economic vitality of American cities and, therefore,the munity Structure, Ronald Press, New York, 1950. involved in the processes physical expansion and in the Houlton, J.: Bihar: The Heart of India, Longmans, ecological patterning of cities of the U.S.A. are not Bombay, 1949, p. 17. equally effective in India. Newling, Bruce: The Spatial Variation of Urban Pop ulation Densities, Geographical Review, 1969, Vol. 59 (2), p. 243. Schnore, Leo: Metropolitan Growth and Decentralisation, in The Sub-Urban References Community ed. by M. D. William, Putnaw: New York, 1958, pp. 3-20. L. et al.: Berry, J. Brian, Urban Population Densities; Sjoberg, G: The Pre-Industrial City: Past & Present, Free Structure and Change, Geographical Review, 1963, Vol. Press: Glence, 1960, p. 127. 53, p. 389. Sherratt, G. G: A Model for General Urban Growth, Brush, E.: Growth and Structure of Indian J. Spatial Management Science, Models and Techniques, New Cities. In: Indian Urbanisation and Planning, ed. by York, 1960. Dutt., A. K. and Noble, A. G.; McGraw Hill: New Delhi, Tanner, J. D.: Factors Affecting the Amount of Travel. 1977, pp. 64-92. Road Research Technical Paper, No. 51, Deptt. of Scien Buchanan, E.: An Account of the District of Bihar and tific and Technical Research: London, 1961. Patna, Bihar & Orissa Research and Calcutta: H. H.: Society Winsborough, City Growth and City Structures. Calcutta, 1811-12, Vol. i, 127. of p. Journal Regional Science, 1962, Vol. 4, pp. 35-49.


Klaus Rother

areas and Summary: Irrigation irrigation projects in south basis of new source material and fieldwork carried out east by Italy the author. It shows that the area under remains new irrigation A map of irrigation areas is for the small and near the coast. designed hy The changing principles of the areas of and Lucania on the water grically-disadvantaged Apulia procurement policy and the increase in the demand for water after World War II are discussed, and modern - irrigation schemes largely limited to those of the coastal Das Material fiir diesen Bericht wurde *) bei agrargeo lowlands - (Tavoliere, Metapontino) are described in detail graphischen in den siiditalienischen Kiisten Untersuchungen in the of the Sinni ebenen im example Aqueduct. Friihjahr 1979 gesammelt. Der Deutschen For schungsgemeinschaft danke ich auch an dieser Stelle fiir die Im sudostlichen Italien, zu dem man die Regionen Unterstiitzung der Forschungsreise. Apulien und Lukanien (= Basilicata) zusammenfassen