STORY OF INDIAN SHIPPING AND AAAKillMH ACTIVITY ROM '11 IF: liARI JEST TIMES XIJA'IUD MOOKERJI .<SMS*Zy iJi*:^'i'yi''JS-iL^fj' immwmsm ^ ^ ^-i-im f, (li«tlBm-"&sca^!ba^^ i:» -'^ A HISTORY OF INDIAN SHIPPING IN PREPARATION. 1. •*The Empire of Chandra Gupta," by the Author and Narendranath Law, M.A. 2. •• Data of Indian Economics," by the Author and Radhakamal Mookerji, M.A. < > < w N o -^ o ^ o P ° H pq O ^ ^ 3 < S in a a, Q < INDIAN SHIPPING A HISTORY OF THE SEA-BORNE TRADE AND MARITIME ACTIVITY OF THE INDIANS FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES BY RADHAKUMUD MOOKERJI, M.A. Premchand Roychand Scholar, Calcutta University Hemchandra Basu Mallik Professor of Indian History in the National Coimcil of Education, Bengal WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY BRAJENDRANATH SEAL, MA., Ph.D. Principal, Maharaja of Cooch Behar's College, India LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO.. 8, HORNBY 30MSAY '. ^ ,\ ROAD, ;;.•'•;*;;* >, '* '" * '''"'''' 303, BOWBAZAR STREET, CALCUttA LONDON AND NEW YORK 1912 A LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, SUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W, " Do Thou Whose countenance is turned to all sides send off our adversaries, as if in a ship to the opposite shore : do Thou convey us in a ship across the sea for our welfare." [J^tg--Veda, I., 97, 7 and 8.] 255284 PREFACE. About two years ago I submitted a thesis which was approved by the Calcutta University for my Premchand Roychand Studentship. It was sub- sequently developed into the present work. As indicated by its title, it is an attempt to trace the history of the maritime activity of the Indians in all its forms from the earliest times.
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