Tagging Methods for Stock Assessment and Research in Fisheries
1 TAGGING METHODS FOR STOCK ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH IN FISHERIES Report of Concerted Action FAIR CT.96.1394 (CATAG) Co-ordinator Mr. Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson, Marine Research Institute, Skulagata 4, IS-121 Reykjavik, Iceland Editorial committee Dr. Geoff Arnold, Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), Lowestoft, UK Prof. John Davenport, University Marine, Biological Station, Millport, UK Dr. Niall Ó Maoiléidigh, Marine Institute, Dublin, IRELAND Mr. Vilhjálmur Thorsteinsson, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, ICELAND Reykjavík 2002 2 Management Committee of the CATAG project Dr. Geoff Arnold (Chair), Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), Lowestoft, UK Prof. John Davenport, Department of Zoology & Animal Ecology, University College, Cork, IRELAND Dr. Olav Rune Godø, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, NORWAY Mr. Curt Insulander, Swedish Salmon Research Institute, Älvkarleby, SWEDEN. Dr. Niall Ó Maoiléidigh, Marine Institute, Dublin, IRELAND Mr. Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, ICELAND Workgroups responsible for various chapters Chapter 4, conventional tagging: Mr Curt Insulander (group leader), Mr Stig Petersen, Dr Josianne Støttrup and Mr Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson. Chapter 5, electronic tagging, telemetry and data-logging tags: Dr Geoff Arnold (group leader), Mr Sigmar Gudbjornsson, Mrs Marianne Holm, Dr Tor Heggberget, Dr Niall Ó Maoiléidigh and Mr Johannes Sturlaugsson. Chapters 6 and 7, national legislation affecting tagging programmes; fish health and welfare, behavioural and physiological effects of tagging procedures: . Prof. John Davenport (group leader), Dr Etienne Baras, Dr Gianna Fabi and Dr Gisli Jonsson. Chapter 8, data analysis and modelling: Dr Olav Rune Godø (group leader), Dr-Ing. Frederico Borghini, Mr Tapani Pakarinen and Dr George Tserpes For addresses see chapter 11 (Annex): names and addresses of partners in the CATAG project.
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