Herpetology Notes, volume 11: 209-216 (2018) (published online on 09 March 2018)

New records and an updated list of from Son La Province, Vietnam

Anh Van Pham1, Hoang Van Tu1, Tan Van Nguyen2, Thomas Ziegler3,4 and Truong Quang Nguyen2,5,*

Abstract. We report five new records of lizards from Son La Province, namely Pseudocalotes brevipes (Agamidae), Gekko palmatus, Hemidactylus garnotii (Gekkonidae), Ateuchosaurus chinensis and Sphenomorphus cryptotis (Scincidae). In addition we provide an updated list of 32 from Son La Province.

Key words: Lizards, new records, morphology, , Son La Province

Introduction Material and Methods Although Son La Province contains a large area of Sampling. Field surveys were conducted in 440,000 hectares of natural forest (People’s Committee northwestern Vietnam by Anh Van Pham, Tan Van of Son La Province, 2007), the lizard fauna of this Nguyen, Kham Di Pheng Kia, Nenh Ba Song, and province is still poorly studied. Hikida and Darevsky Hoang Van Tu (hereafter AVP et al.) between April 2013 (1987) recorded only one species of Scincidae, namely and June 2016 in the Copia, Muong La, Xuan Nha, and Eumeces tamdaoensis (Bourret, 1937). Further new Sop Cop nature reserves and Muong Do District, Son records of lizards from Son La Province were published La Province (Fig. 1). Specimens were collected by hand by Bobrov and Ho (1993), Nguyen et al. (2009), Ngo between 8:00 and 22:00. Specimens were photographed and Grismer (2010), Nguyen et al. (2010), and Pham in life and euthanized in a closed vessel with a piece et al. (2015). As a result of these studies a total of 27 of cotton wool containing ethyl acetate (Simmons, species of lizards were recorded from this province. 2002), fixed in 85% ethanol and subsequently stored Based on our recent field work in Copia, Muong La, in 70% ethanol. Voucher specimens were subsequently Sop Cop, and Xuan Nha nature reserves and Muong Do deposited in the collections of the Tay Bac University District of Son La Province between 2013 and 2016 we herein provide new records of lizards and an updated checklist of lizard species from Son La.

1 Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Tay Bac University, Quyet Tam Ward, Son La City, Son La Province, Vietnam 2 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam 3 AG Zoologischer Garten Köln, Riehler Strasse 173, D-50735 Cologne, Germany 4 Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne, Zülpicher Strasse 47b, D-50674 Cologne, Germany 5 Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam Figure 1. Map showing the survey sites (black square: Son La * Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] Province) in northern Vietnam. 211 Anh Van Pham et al.

Figure 2. a) Pseudocalotes brevipes (TBU PAT. 101, adult male), b) Gekko palmatus (IEBR A.2017.7, adult male), c) Hemidactylus garnotii (TBU PAT.202 adult male), d) Ateuchosaurus chinensis (TBU MD.2015.111, adult female), and e) Sphenomorphus cryptotis (TBU MD.2015.198, adult male) from Son La Province, Vietnam. Photos: A. V. Pham (a, b, c) and H. V. Tu (d, e).

(TBU), Son La Province and the Institute of Ecology Chieng Bom Commune within Copia NR (21o22.952’N, and Biological Resources (IEBR), Hanoi, Vietnam. 103o37.987’E, elevation 1380 m a.s.l.); one adult female Morphological characters.—Measurements were (TBU PAT.77) collected on 22 July 2013, near Pha taken with a digital calliper to the nearest 0.1 mm. The Khuong Village, Co Ma Commune within Copia NR following abbreviations were used: SVL: Snout-vent (21o19.301’N, 103o34.503’E, elevation 1590 m a.s.l.); length, TaL: Tail length. Terminology of morphological one adult male (TBU PAT.101) collected on 12 August characters followed Hallermann et al. (2010) for 2013, near Huoi Pu Village, Chieng Bom Commune Pseudocalotes, Nguyen et al. (2011a) for , within Copia NR (21o22.549’N, 103o39.219’E, elevation Nguyen et al. (2013) for Gekko, and Zug et al. (2007) 950 m a.s.l.); two adult females (TBU PAT.198, 199) for Hemidactylus. Bilateral scale counts are given as collected on 1 May 2014, near Chu Vai Village, Nam left/right. Man Commune within Sop Cop NR (21o04.986’N, 103o34.555’E, elevation 1030 m a.s.l.) and one adult Results male (IEBR A.2017.6: Field No. TBU PAT.230) collected on 17 June 2014, near Hua Ty Village, Chieng Pseudocalotes brevipes (Werner, 1904) Bom Commune within Copia NR (21o22.568’N, Vietnam False Bloodsucker / Nhông việt nam (Fig. 2a) 103o37.126’E, elevation 1400 m a.s.l.). All collected by Specimens examined (n = 6). One adult female (TBU AVP et al. PAT.9) collected on 18 April 2013, near Hua Ty Village, New records and an updated list of lizards from Son La Province, Vietnam 212

Description. Morphological characters of the (20o43.282’N, 104o40.676’E, elevation 560 m a.s.l). specimens from Son La Province agreed well with Description. Morphological characters of the the descriptions of Gawor et al. (2016), Hallermann specimens from Son La Province agreed well with the (2000), Hallermann and Böhme (2000), Hallermann et descriptions of Hecht et al. (2013) and Nguyen et al. al. (2010), Nguyen (2011), Nguyen et al. (2011b): SVL (2013): SVL 69.3–72.8 mm (n = 2); tail regenerated, 61.0–65.4 mm in males (n = 2), 52.3–70.3 mm in females TaL 63.8–71.5 mm (n = 2). (n = 4); TaL 142.0–142.2 mm in males (n = 2), 120.3– Rostral rectangular, wider than high, without suture; 144.7 mm in females (n = 4). Head large, longer than supralabials 11–14; nares in contact with rostral, first wide; dorsal head scales heterogeneous in size; rostral supralabial, supranasal, and two nasals posteriorly; approximately three times wider than high; frontal area internasal single; snout medially with flat, elongate with 5–8 enlarged distinctly keeled scales, forming an cavity; interorbitals 28–30; pupil vertical; upper ciliary inverse Y-shape; other scales on dorsal snout smaller, scales 2 times as large as medial snout scales, 25–29 keeled or pointed. Supralabials 8–10; infralabials 7– in number, 4 spinous tubercles posteriorly; a skin fold 10; tympanum exposed, horizontal diameter 1.8–2.6 running from the last supralabial, backward about half mm, orbit 4.7–5.1 mm; mental triangular, wider than way to tympanum; ear opening oblique, oval, with a long; gular scales keeled, small, pointing medially skin fold above; nuchal scales granular; temporal region and posteriorly. Nuchal crest spines 5–7, separated with several tubercles above tympanum; mental slightly from one another by a small scale; dorsal crest spines pentagonal, as wide as long; infralabials 11 or 12; dorsal absent; midbody scale rows 66–80; subdigital lamellae tubercles 2 or 3 times as large as adjoining dorsal scales, of fourth finger 18–19; subdigital lamellae of fourth toe round to oval, convex, smooth, surrounded by 8–10 22–24; fold in front of shoulder absent; middorsal scale dorsal scales, in 8 or 9 longitudinal rows at midbody; row pointed straight backwards, lateral scales keeled, lateral fold present, without tubercles; ventrals between ventral scales strongly keeled. lateral folds 37–46; scales around midbody in 145– Colouration in life. Dorsal surface of head, body, limbs 146 rows; ventral scales in a line between mental and greyish brown; gular region darker with keeled scales; cloacal slit 184–192; tubercles absent on dorsal surface venter white with light grey beige marbling; light spots of forelimbs; enlarged femoral scales absent; fingers present on elbows and knees. and toes webbed basally; subdigital lamellae under first Natural history notes. Specimens were found in finger 11–12, under fourth finger 12–15, under first the morning between 8:00 and 10:00 while moving toe 10–13, under fourth toe 11–13; precloacal pores across a tarmac road, or between 20:00 and 22:00, on 25–26, in a continuous row; enlarged scales posterior tree branches. The surrounding habitat was secondary to precloacal pores in 3 rows; postcloacal tubercle 1/1, forest. blunt; tail thickened at base, with some tubercles on Distribution. In Vietnam, this species has been dorsal surface of tail base; subcaudals flat, enlarged. recorded from Cao Bang, Lang Son, Thai Nguyen, Colouration in life. Dorsal surface of head and body Quang Ninh, Hai Duong, and Vinh Phuc provinces and grey with a small light blotch on neck and five larger the cities of Hai Phong and Hanoi (Nguyen et al., 2009, blotches between shoulder and sacrum; flanks with 2011b; Nguyen 2011; Gawor et al., 2016). Elsewhere some small light spots between limb insertions; limbs the species is known only from China (Nguyen et al., with light spots; dorsal tail with 7 light bands; throat, 2009). venter, and precloacal region yellowish cream with dark dots. Gekko palmatus Boulenger, 1907 Natural history notes. The specimens were found at Palm Gecko/ Tắc kè chân vịt (Fig. 2b) night, between 20:00 and 21:00, on limestone karst outcrops, 1–2 m above the ground. The surrounding Specimens examined (n = 2). One adult male (TBU habitat was secondary forest. MD 2015.109) collected by Hoang Van Tu and Kham Distribution. This species is currently known only from Di Pheng Kia, 28 August 2015, near Kieng Village, northern Vietnam: Yen Bai, Bac Giang, Lang Son, Vinh Muong Do Commune, Phu Yen District (21o11.690’N, Phuc, Quang Ninh, and Quang Binh provinces (Hecht et 104o46.221’E, elevation 650 m a.s.l) and one adult male al., 2013; Nguyen et al., 2013; Uetz et al., 2017). (IEBR A.2017.7: Field No. SL 2016.460) collected by Nenh Ba Song, 28 May 2016, near Kho Hong Village, Chieng Xuan Commune winthin Xuan Nha NR 213 Anh Van Pham et al.

Hemidactylus garnotii Duméril & Bibron, 1936 Distribution. In Vietnam, this species has been recorded Garnot’s House Gecko/ Thạch sùng đuôi dẹp (Fig. 2c) from Bac Kan and Hai Phong southwards to Kien Giang and Ca Mau provinces (Nguyen et al., 2009, 2011b). Specimens examined (n = 3). One adult male (TBU Elsewhere, the species is known from India, Bangladesh, PAT.97) collected by AV Pham, 16 August 2013, near Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Huoi Pu Village, Chieng Bom Commune (21o22.549’N, Taiwan, Philippine, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, 103o39.219’E, elevation 950 m a.s.l); one adult male New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, Polynesia, Fiji, (TBU PAT.202) collected by AVP et al., 19 June Western Samoa, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Tonga (Nguyen 2014 near Nam Nhu Village, Long He Commune et al., 2009; Neang et al., 2011). (21o25.108’N, 103o29.553’E, elevation 690 m a.s.l) within Copia NR and one adult male (IEBR A.2017.8: Ateuchosaurus chinensis Gray, 1845 Field No. MS 2014.1) collected by AVP et al., 25 June Chinese Short-limbed /Thằn lằn chân ngắn trung 2014, near Ang Village, Chieng Mai Commune, Mai quốc (Fig. 2d) Son District (21o13.092’N, 104o58.380’E, elevation 710 m a.s.l.). Specimens examined (n = 2). Two adult females Description. Morphological characters of the (TBU MD.2015.111, 112) collected by Hoang Van specimens from Son La Province agreed well with Tu and Kham Di Pheng Kia, 28 August 2015, near the descriptions of Smith (1935), Zug et al. (2007), Kieng Village, Muong Do Commune, Phu Yen District McMahan and Zug (2007) and Nguyen et al. (2011b): (21o11.609’N, 104o45.728’E, elevation 650 m a.s.l). SVL 52.1–56.6 mm (n = 3); TaL 68.8 mm (n = 1). Description. Morphological characters of the Head moderately large and broad, distinct from neck. specimens from Son La Province agreed well with the Rostral large, as high as broad, rectangular with middorsal descriptions of Nguyen et al. (2008), Hecht et al. (2013), cleft; nares bordered by rostral, a large supranasal, two and Gawor et al. (2016): SVL 82.6–83.8 mm (n = 2); tail postnasals and first supralabial; supranasals separated regenerated, TaL 74–83.4 mm (n = 2). from each other by a small scale; supralabials 9 or Rostral wider than high, visible from above; 10, infralabials 8–10; mental triangular, two pairs of supranasals absent; frontonasal wider than long, in chinshields, the anterior pair in contact with each other contact with nasal, rostral, anterior loreal, prefrontal and and larger than the posterior, posterior pair separated frontal; prefrontals small, separated by frontal, touching from infralabials by small scales; back without enlarged both loreals laterally; frontal larger, frontal anteriorly tubercles; ventrolateral skin fold absent; ventral scales truncated, constricted in the middle, approximately three slightly enlarged, from base of neck to pelvic area; times longer than wide, twice longer than frontoparietal subdigital lamellae on pad extending to base of digit and and interparietal together, twice longer than its distance slightly on to palm/sole: 9 on fourth finger, distalmost to tip of snout; frontoparietals separated from each other, lamella undivided, subsequent 6–8 divided; 11 or 12 as long as interparietal; a small transparent spot present on fourth toe, distalmost lamella undivided, subsequent on interparietal; parietals small, in contact posteriorly; 6–8 divided; femoral and precloacal- pores absent; tail nuchals absent; nostril in a single nasal, with rostral, midventrally with rectangular, slightly overlapping, first supralabial, anterior loreal, and frontonasal; loreals smooth-surfaced plates from vent to at least mid-length, 2; preocular 1; supraoculars 4, following by a small reducing in size to small elongate conical scales on postsupraocular; supraciliaries 8; lower eyelid scaly; ventrolateral edges; tail depressed, segmented, each supralabials 6, fourth longest and right below the eye; segment 8–10 scales long; ventrolaterally sawblade ear opening small, oval, tympanum deeply sunk; mental like with four conical spine scales in each segment, wider than long, rounded anteriorly, in contact with first posteriormost one at edge of each segment double the infralabial and postmental; infralabials 7; postmental size of preceding three. undivided; chin shields in 2 pairs; ventral scales in Natural history notes. Specimens were found at night, 30 rows at midbody, slightly smaller than ventrals; between 20:00 and 22:00, on limestone karst outcrops, paravertebral scales 50–52; ventrals in 52–58 transverse 2–3 m above the ground. The surrounding habitat was rows, smooth; precloacals six or seven, not enlarged; secondary forest. subdigital lamellae smooth, nine on fourth finger and Colouration in life. Dorsal surface of head, body, 15–18 on fourth toe; tail thick at base, tapering to a fine limbs and tail greyish with small white spots; venter point; subcaudals not enlarged, smooth. immaculate cream to light yellow. Colouration in life. Dorsal head, body and base of tail New records and an updated list of lizards from Son La Province, Vietnam 214 brownish, each scale with a darker spot in the centre; venter and underside of anterior part of tail white, neck blackish with white spots laterally; flanks mottled posterior part of tail yellowish brown. with some black and white spots; ventral surface Natural history notes. Two specimens were collected cream. between 18:00 and 21:00 on tree branches, ca. 1.2–2.0 Natural history notes. Two adult females were collected m above the water surface of a rocky stream. The between 8:00 and 9:00 in a cave near Kieng Village. surrounding habitat was evergreen secondary forest. Distribution. In Vietnam, this species has been Distribution. This species is currently known only recorded from Ha Giang, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Bac from northern Vietnam: Lao Cai, Dien Bien, Bac Giang, Giang, and Nghe An provinces (Nguyen et al., 2009; Quang Ninh, and Nghe An provinces (Nguyen et al., Hoang et al., 2012; Gawor et al., 2016). Elsewhere, the 2009, Pham et al., 2015). species is known from China (Nguyen et al., 2009). Discussion Sphenomorphus cryptotis Darevsky, Orlov & Ho, At present, a total of 32 species of lizards are known 2004 from Son La Province. The most diverse family is Depressed-eared Forest Skink/ Thằn lằn phê nô tai ẩn Scincidae with 16 recorded species, followed by (Fig. 2e) Gekkonidae (six species), Agamidae (six species), Specimens examined (n = 2). One adult male (TBU Lacertidae (two species), Anguidae and Varanidae MD.2015.88) collected on 26 August 2015 and one (one species each). It is noted that Son La Province adult male (TBU MD.2015.198) collected on 31 August also harbours two nationally threatened species that are 2015 by Hoang Van Tu and Kham Di Pheng Kia, near listed in the Red Data Book of Vietnam (Physignathus Kieng Village, Muong Do Commune, Phu Yen District cocincinus and Varanus salvator) (see Appendix 1). (21o11.609’N, 104o45.728’E, elevation 650 m a.s.l). Among the five newly recorded species from Son La Description. Morphological characters of the Province, two species (Ateuchosaurus chinensis and specimens from Son La Province agreed well with the Sphenomorphus cryptotis) are poorly known in Vietnam descriptions of Darevsky et al. (2004) and Pham et al. due to their rarity or hidden life mode (Darevky et al., (2015): SVL 57.8–68.6 mm (n = 2); tail complete, TaL 2004; Nguyen et al., 2008; Pham et al., 2015). 108.0 mm (n = 1). Rostral wider than high; supranasals absent; frontonasal Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the directorates of Copia, wider than long, in contact with nasal, rostral, anterior Muong La, Sop Cop and Xuan Nha nature reserves for support loreal and prefrontal; prefrontals in contact with each of our field work. We thank C. K. P. D. Kham and N. B. Song other; parietals in contact posteriorly; loreals two; (Tay Bac University) for their assistance in the field. Field work in Son La Province was funded by the Ministry of Education supraoculars four, followed by four very small ones; and Training (Grant No. B2016-TTB-01) to A.V. Pham. Field supraciliaries nine; primary temporal single; secondary equipment was donated to A. V. Pham by Idea Wild. temporals two, upper very large and overlapped by lower one; lower eyelid scaly; supralabials seven, separated References from the eye by a row of small scales; external ear openings superficial, without lobules; mental wider than Bobrov, V.V., Ho, C.T. (1993): A report on a collection of lizards long; infralabials six or seven; postmental undivided; (Reptilia, Sauria) from Son La Province (Northern Vietnam). Journal of Bengal Natural History Society, New Series, 12(1): midbody scales in 32 rows; dorsal scales between lateral 5-10. stripes in ½ + 6 + ½ rows, smooth; paravertebral scales Darevsky, I.S., Orlov, N.L., Ho, T.C. (2004): Two new lygosomine 71–72; ventrals in 78–81 transverse rows, smooth; skinks of the Sphenomorphus Fitzinger, 1843 (Sauria, precloacals two, enlarged; medial subcaudals widened; Scincidae) from northern Vietnam. Russian Journal of limbs short, pentadactyl; fingers and toes meeting when Herpetology, 11(2): 111-120. adpressed; subdigital lamellae smooth, numbering 13 Gawor, A., Pham, C.T., Nguyen, T.Q., Nguyen, T.T., Schmitz A., under fourth finger and 18–19 under fourth toe. Ziegler, T. (2016): The herpetofauna of the Bai Tu Long National Park, northeastern Vietnam. Salamandra 52: 23-41. Colouration in life. Dorsum yellowish brown with a Hallermann, J. (2000): The taxonomic status of Acanthosaura vertebral row of large black spots; numerous indistinct fruhstorferi Werner, 1904 and Calotes brevipes Werner, 1904 white spots on the labials; lateral zone with a distinct (: Agamidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen dark stripe from behind the eye to tail base, with white Museum in Berlin, Zoologische Reihe 76: 143-150. spots; neck and throat white, with some black dots; Hallermann, J., Böhme, W. (2000): A review of the genus 215 Anh Van Pham et al.

Pseudocalotes (Squamata: Agamidae), with description of a new Nguyen, T.Q., Schmitz, A., Nguyen, T.T., Orlov, N.L., Böhme, species from West Malaysia. Amphibia-Reptilia 21: 193-210. W., Ziegler, T. (2011a): A review of the genus Sphenormorphus Hallermann, J., Nguyen, Q.T., Orlov N.L., Ananjeva, N. (2010): A Fitzinger, 1843 (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae) in Vietnam, with new species of the genus Pseudocalotes (Squamata: Agamidae) description of a new species from northern Vietnam and Hainan from Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 17: 31-40. Island, southern China and the first record of S. mimicus Taylor, Hecht, V.L., Pham, T.C., Nguyen, T.T., Nguyen, Q.T., Bonkowski, 1962 from Vietnam. Journal of Herpetology, 45(2), 145-154. M., Ziegler T. (2013): First report on the herpetofauna of Tay Nguyen, T.Q., Stenke, R., Nguyen, H.X., Ziegler, T. (2011b): Yen Tu Nature Reserve, northeastern Vietnam. Biodiversity The terrestrial fauna of the biosphere reserve cat Journal 4: 507-552. ba archipelago, Hai Phong, Vietnam. Bonner Zoologische Hikida, T., Darevsky, I.S. (1987): Notes on a poorly known blue- Monographien 57: 99-115. tailed skink, Eumeces tamdaoensis, from Northern Vietnam. Nguyen T.Q., Tran T.T., Hoang N.V., Böhme W., Ziegler T. (2008): Japanese Journal Herpetology, 12(1): 10-15. Rediscovery and redescription of Ateuchosaurus chinensis Grey, Hoang, N.T., Hoang, X.Q., Cao, T. T., Nguyen, T.L. (2012): Frist 1845 (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae) from northeastern Vietnam. records amphibians and from north central Vietnam. Herpetology Notes, 1: 17-21. Proceedings of the second National Scientific Workshop on Nguyen T.Q., Wang Y-Y., Yang Y-H., Lehmann T., Le M.D., Ziegler Amphibians and Reptiles of Vietnam. Nghe An Province, T., Bonkowski M. (2013): A new species of the Gekko japonicus Vietnam, 28th December 2012, pp. 238 – 244. group (Squamata: Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the border region McMahan, C.D., Zug, G.R. (2007): Burmese Hemidactylus between China and Vietnam. Zootaxa, 3652: 501–518. (Reptilia, Squamata, Gekkonidae): geographic variation in Pham, V.A., Le, T.D., Nguyen, L.H.S., Ziegler, T., Nguyen, Q.T. the morphology of Hemidactylus bowringii in Myanmar and (2015): New provincial records of skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) Yunnan, China. Proceedings of the California Academy of from northwestern Vietnam. Biodiversity Data Journal, 3: Sciences, 58 (23-30): 485-509. e4284, 1-21 (doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e4284). Neang ,T., Chhin, S., Kris, M., Hun, S. (2011): First records of two Simmons, J.E. (2002): Herpetological collecting and collections reptile species (Gekkonidae: Hemidactylus garnotii Dumeríl & management. Revised edition. Society for the Study of Bibron, 1836; Viperidae: Ovophis convictus Stoliczka, 1870) Amphibians and Reptiles, Herpetological Circular 31: 1-153. from Cambodia. Journal of Natural History 2: 86-92. Smith, M. A. (1935): The fauna of British India, including Ceylon Ngo, T.V., Grismer, L.L (2010): A new karst dwelling Cyrtodactylus and Burma. Reptilia and Amphibia. Volume 2-Sauria. Taylor (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Son La Province, northwestern and Francis, London. Vietnam. Hamadryad, 35, 84-95. The People’s Committee of Son La Province (2007) Son La Nguyen, S.V., Ho, C.T., Nguyen, T.Q. (2009): Herpetofauna of Province Portal (http://sonla.gov.vn/gioi-thieu), accessed in July Vietnam. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 768 pp. 2017. Nguyen, S.V., Nguyen, D.X., Nguyen, T.Q. (2010): Herpetofauna Uetz, P., Freed, P., Hošek J. (eds.) (2017): The Reptile Database, of Xuan Nha Nature Reserve, Son La Province. Journal of http://www.reptile-database.org, accessed in June 2017. Biology 32(4), 54-61. Zug, G.R., Vindum, J.V., Koo, M.S. (2007): Burmese Hemidactylus Nguyen, T.Q. (2011): Systematics, ecology, and conservation of (Reptilia, Squamata, Gekkonidae): taxonomic notes in tropical the lizard fauna in northeastern Vietnam, with special focus Asian Hemidactylus. Proceedings Of The California Academy on the genera Pseudocalotes (Agamidae), Goniurosaurus Of Sciences 58: 387-405. (Eublepharidae), Sphenomorphus and Tropidophorus (Scincidae) from this country. Dissertation, University of Bonn: 19-21. New records and an updated list of lizards from Son La Province, Vietnam 216

Appendix 1. List of lizard species recorded from Son La Province, Vietnam (* = new record for Son La Province; 1= Hikida and Darevsky (1987), 2 = Bobrov and Ho (1993), 3 = Nguyen et al. (2009), 4 = Nguyen et al. (2010), 5 = Ngo and Grismer (2010), 6 = Pham et al. (2015), 7 = This study; RBVN (2007) = Vietnam Red Data Book: EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable)

Name Previous record RBVN 2007 Agamidae Acanthosaura lepidogaster (Cuvier, 1829) 3,4,7 Calotes mystaceus Dumeril & Bibron, 1837 2,3,4 Calotes versicolor (Daudin, 1802) 3,7 Draco maculatus (Gray, 1845) 3,4,7 Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829 3,4,7 VU Pseudocalotes brevipes (Werner, 1904)* 7 Gekkonidae Cyrtodactylus bichnganae Ngo & Grismer, 2010 5,7 Gekko palmatus Boulenger, 1907* 7 Gekko reevesii (Gray, 1831) 3,4,7 Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836 2,3,4,7 Hemidactylus garnotii Dumeril & Bibron, 1836* 7 Hemiphyllodactylus yunnanensis (Boulenger, 1903) 3 Lacertidae Takydromus kuehnei Van Denburgh, 1909 3,7 Takydromus sexlineatus Daudin, 1802 3 Scincidae Ateuchosaurus chinensis Gray, 1845* 7 Eutropis chapaensis (Bourret, 1937) 3,4 Eutropis darevskii Bobrov, 1992 1 Eutropis longicaudatus (Hallowell, 1856) 3,4,7 Eutropis macularius (Blyth, 1853) 6,7 Eutropis multifasciatus (Kuhl, 1820) 3,4,7 Plestiodon quadrilinneatus Blyth, 1853 2,3 Plestiodon tamdaoensis (Bourret, 1937) 1,7 Scincella devorator (Darevsky, Orlov & Ho, 2004) 6 Scincella reevesii (Gray, 1838) 2 Scincella ochracea (Bourret, 1937) 6,7 Sphenomorphus cryptotis Darevsky, Orlov & Ho, 2004* 7 Sphenomorphus indicus (Gray, 1853) 2,3,7 Tropidophorus baviensis Bourret, 1939 4,7 Tropidophorus berdmorei (Blyth,1853) 3 Tropidophorus microlepis Günther, 1861 3 Anguidae Dopasia harti (Boulenger,1899) 2,3,7 Varanidae Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1786) 3,7 EN

Accepted by Philipp Wagner