Introduction 1
Notes Introduction 1. “Economic Focus: Marathon Machine,” The Economist, November 25, 2011, 84. 2. Rana Foroohar, “What Ever Happened to Upward Mobility?” Time, November 14, 2011, 34. 3. “Average Hourly and Weekly Earnings in Current and Constant (1982) Dollars, by Private Industry Group, 1970– 2007,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings Monthly, http:// _poverty_wealth.html. 4. “The Next China,” The Economist, August 6, 2010, 49. 5. James Haggerty, “U.S. Factories Buck Decline: Sector Creating More Jobs than It’s Cutting; ‘Shining Star,’” The Wall Street Journal, January 19, 2011. 6. Time, November 14, 2011, 30. 7. Michael Spence, “The Impact of Globalization on Income and Employ- ment,” Foreign Affairs 90, no. 4 (July/August 2011): 28. 8. Ibid., 30 9. Robyn Meredith, The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us (New York: W. W. Norton, 2008): 212. 10. Alan Blinder and Jagdish Bhagwati, Offshoring of American Jobs: What Response from U.S. Economic Policy? The Alvin Hansen Symposium on Public Policy— Harvard University (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009): 98. 11. David Barboza and Nick Bunkley, “G.M. Shines in China,” The New York Times, July 22, 2010, 1. 12. David Wessel, “Big U.S. Firms Shift Hiring Abroad: Work Forces Shrink at Home, Sharpening Debate on Economic Impact of Globalization,” The Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2011. 13. Anand Giridharadas, “India’s Edge Goes beyond Outsourcing,” The New York Times, April 4, 2007. 14. David Wessel, “Big U.S.
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