Eesti Pank Bank of Estonia Eesti Pank Annual Report 2008 2009 © Eesti Pank, 2009 Address Estonia pst 13 15095 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6680 719 Fax +372 6680 836 E-mail
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[email protected] ISSN 1406-1414 Executive editor: Kadri Põdra Design: Vincent OÜ Layout: Urmas Raidma Printed in Aktaprint 2 CONTENTS CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 3 MAiN features and Functions of Eesti Pank ..................................................................... 9 MAiN features and Functions of Eesti Pank ..................................................................... 9 Foreword by Governor of Eesti Pank .............................................................................................. 12 AccountabiliTy .......................................................................................................................... 16 Legal framework for accountability and compulsory publications of the central bank .................. 16 Accountability vis-à-vis the Riigikogu ......................................................................................... 16 Regular reporting on economic policy views and publication of economic data .......................... 17 STrATEGiC ObJECTiVES FOr PErFOrMiNG THE MAiN FuNCTiONS OF EESTi PANk ......... 20 I Monetary policy ......................................................................................................................