Th e Mys tic al Interp retation of Chris tm as




ROSICRUCIAN FELLOW SHIP In t ern at io n al H e ad q u art e rs

M t . Eccl e s ia

r O ce an s id e , C al if o n ia

Lo nd o n

Im er l A r d . e L N . Fo wl e r C O . , 7 p ia ca Lu d gat e C irc u s COP! RIGHT 1920 R! M A! HEINDEL

PRESS P reface

The contents Of this book were sent in letter form to

s student from time to time by the author . They

o Of - es comprise nly five his ninety nine epistl . The principal feature Of these lessons is the mystic birth and a Of a de th the gre t Christ Spirit, given from the

e vi wpoint Of a seer . The author received these rare gems Of truth through divine illumination . The most pronounced materialist must become convinced Of the

’ divinity of man after reading this writer s revelations on the inner significance Of the Christ and the prin ci les a p which He procl imed .

Seventeen Of these booklets have been printed in ” D in book form under the title , The Web Of estiny ; ! ” E O u r E cluding The Occul t ffect f O motions , ! ” ! a —A a l Pr yer , Magic Invocation , and Pr ctica ” n N a Methods of Achievi g Success . ine h ve been ! published on the subject Of Freemasonry and Cathol ” icism as v m . re , iewed fro behind the scenes The maining sixty- eight lessons will be published in book

a form s time permits . We hope that the perusal Of thi s volume on the holy life of Christ will stimul ate a greater veneration for

a n w a a a o the Christi n , o m de ccept ble t the f reason through the inspired work O this author , whose greatest aim W hile he lived was t o bring the Christ i deal and the simple life of service closer to the hearts o f the people .

Mrs . Max Heindel .

ct 2 19 O . 8 , 20 . Content s

I h n a a T e Cosmic Sig ific nce of Christm s .

— II Spiritual Light The New Element and

The New Substance

III The An nual Sacrifice of Christ 23

IV The Mystic Midnight Sun

V The Mission Of Christ and

The Festival of the Fairies 39

anemic fiignifimme



Once more in the course of a year we are up on the

s D s i a hi eve of Christma . i s mil r is the view w ch each n of us takes Of thi s festival from that of every o e else .

the a a TO devout religionist it is a se son h llowed , n W s su b sacred , a d fraught ith mystery , none the le s

a lime because uncomprehended . TO the theist it is a a a silly superstition . TO the purely intellectu l it is z i as pu zle , for it s beyond re on .

In the churches the story is recited of how upon L and this, the holi est night Of the year, our ord

av a ul was of . S ior, imm c ately conceived , born a virgin

NO a a further explan tion is made , the m tter is left to acceptance or rejection by the hearer according to his

am If an as o a him temper ent . mind d re on d min te to

s o a an the exclu i n Of f ith , if he c believe nothing which

o a an cann t be demonstrated to the senses t y moment , he is forced to rej ect the tale as absurd and ou t Of con

o a s n nce with various immutable laws Of nature . Various interpretations have been given to satisfy

a an as a a . the mind , these princip lly Of tronomic l n ture

set on n They have forth how, the ight between the 24th and 25th Of m the su n m the D ece ber , com ences its h j ourney from t e south to the north . He is the ! L o nd a o l in ight Of the World . C ld a f mine w u d evitably exterminate the race if the sun re

a a is a a m ined lways in the south . Therefore it c use for great rej oicing when he commences his northward ! i or . s a a f journey He then h iled as s vior , he comes ! ” ! t o a w r a s ve the orld , to give it the b e d Of

as s a an a s life , he ripen gr in d gr pe . Thus he give ” his life upon the cross (ing) Of the equator (at the s e an m a pring quinox ) , d then co mences his scent into the n a n (norther ) he ven . O the night when he com mences his northward journey the zodiacal sign Virgo , ! a n a a the celesti l virgi , the ! ueen Of He ven , st nds

a an is upon the e stern horizon at midnight , d there ! ”

o a a a . f re , strologic lly spe king, his rising Sign Thus ! he h h is born Of a virgin wit out ot er intermediary , ” a a hence , imm cul tely conceived .

Thi s explanation may satisfy the mind regarding

ori in s ach the g Of the supposed uperstition , but the

a wheth ing void which is in the he rt Of every Skeptic , 8 f a or un er he is aware O the f ct not , must remain til the spiritual illumination is attained whi ch Shall fur nish an explanation acceptable to both heart and

s mind . TO Shed such light upon this sublime my tery s shall be our endeavor in the following p age . The immaculate conception will form the topic Of a future lesson ; just now we will Show how the material and spiritual forces alternately ebb and flow in the course ! a n a of the ye r, a d why Christm s is truly a holy day .

Let us say that we subscribe to the astronomical in

r r i n i of te p etat o as being as valid from ts point view, as the following is true when viewing the mystery

a u birth from another ngle . The s n is born from year

a a s - to ye r in the d rke t night . The world saving Christs are also born when the spiritual darkn ess Of

a as of m nkind is the greatest . There is a third pect

a a a is supreme import nce , n mely th t it no mere idle foolishness when P aul speaks of Christ being ! ” u I i ha are formed in yo . t s a sublime fact t t we all -in - - a an a Christs the m king , d the sooner we re lize that we must cultivate the Christ within before we

h a can perceive the Christ wit out , the more we sh ll

as of u r a a In h ten the day o spiritu l illumin tion . this 9 connection we again quote our favorite aphorism from

A Silesiu s W 1r1 u l o ngelus , hose sublime sp t a percepti n caused him to say

Though Christ a thousand times in B ethlehem be

born , An d not within thyself , thy soul will be forlorn ;

l ha a The Cross on Go got thou lookest to in v in , ” U w a a nless ithin thyself it be set up g in .

At the summer solstice in June the earth is furthest

r ra f om the sun , but the solar y strikes the earth at nearly right angles to its axis in the Northern E emis

here r f h si a ti it re p , hence the high deg ee O p y cal c v y su ltin s irit a a g. Then the p ual r di tions from the sun are obli ue a a t an are as q to this p rt Of the e r h , d weak as al a r the physic r ys when they a e Oblique .

At i nter solstice n o a a the w , o the ther h nd , the e rth

a a a a at is ne rest the sun . The spiritu l r ys then f ll right ’ angles to the earth s surface in the Northern B emis

here romotin iritu alit a activi p , p g sp y, while physic l ties are held in abeyance on account Of the Oblique angle at whi ch the Solar rays strike the surface of the

a . On a a are e rth this principle , the physic l ctivities at their lowest ebb and the spiritual forces reach their 10 highest tidal flow on the night between the 24th and

25 D i o th Of ecember, wh ch is theref re the most holy ”

. a night Of the year Midsummer , on the other h nd , is the sporting time Of the earth - goblins and similar entities concerned in the material development Of ou r ! as s a s Midsummer planet , hown by Sh ke peare in his ’ ” Ni ht D re m g s a .

If we swim wit h the tide at the time when it is

a a sta strongest , we shall cover gre ter di nce with less I effort than at any other time . t is Of great import ance to the esoteric student to kn ow and understand the particularly favorable conditions which prevail at ’ ! - Le w ule tide . t us follo Paul s exhortation in the 11th chapter Of Hebrews and throw aside every hamp

h r Let ering weight as do men w o ae running a race . us strike while the iron is hot ; let us specially bend all our energies at this time to spiritual endeavor , and we shall reap a harvest such as we cann ot Obtain at any other time Of the year .

Let us remember also that self- improvement is not

a r . our first consider tion . We a e disciples Of Christ If we aspire to distinction , let us remember that He ! said : Let him who would be the greatest among H E ER AN you be T S V T Of all . There is much 11 sorrow and suffering around us ; there are many lone l an a h a ou r l Of a y d c ing he rts in circ e acqu intances .

Let u s s ut an o a At eek them o in un btrusive m nner . no time Of the year will they be more amenable to ou r a a an s L u s u n dv nces th ju t now . et s trive to spread s

h a a s ine in their p ath . Thus we Sh ll e rn their bles s s n s r E B ing a d the bles ings of ou lder rothers . The resul ting vibrations In turn will cause a spiritual

n h wa growth not to be attained a y ot er y .

12 ARE! fill ; New 11115 1e C y ( 5

Last year ou r correspondence course in Mystic Christianity was started with a lesson on Christmas

I wa from the cosmic point Of view . t s explained that the summer and winter solstices together with the! vernal and fall equinoxes form turning points in the

E conce tion a k the life Of the Great arth Spirit, as p m r s ’ commencement Of the human spirit s descent into

a hl birth h a the e rt y body , resulting in , w ich in ugur t ates the period Of growth until matu ri y is reached . At that point an epoch Of mellowing and ripening has its inception , together with a decline of the physical

w t a t energies hich terminates in dea h . Th t even frees man from the trammels Of matter an d ushers in the season Of spiritual metabolism whereby our harvest

a hl Of e rt y experiences are transmuted to soul powers ,

and o talents , tendencies , to be put t usury in future

a ma lives, th t we y grow more abundantly rich in such ! t a an a f re sures, d be found worthy as f ith ul stew ” ards to fill greater and greater posts among the ’ s a F erv nts in the ather s House . 13 This illustration rests upon the secure foundation

the a law Of a a o s s Of gre t n l gy , SO ter ely expre sed in ! ” e a As a o S . U the Herm tic xiom, b ve , O below pon s as - to all s a l ms thi , the m ter key piritu l prob e , we shall ! also depend for an open sesame to ou r lesson on

s mas h s a h o ma o Chri t t i ye r , w ich we h pe y c rrect , con

Or om firm , c plete previous views on the part Of our s as e e tudents , each r quir s . The bodies originally crystallized in the terrible temperature Of Lemuria were too hot to contain suf ficient moisture to allow the spirit free and uure strict ed a e to all t a a as has cc ss par s Of their n tomy, it at ea la l La i n present by m ns Of circu ting b ood . ter,

a A a n e m e rly tl ntis they had, i d ed , blood , but it oved only with difficulty and would have dried quickly

s hi a a a becau e Of the gh intern l temper ture , s ve for the fact that an abundance of moisture was supplied l In by the watery atmosphere which then prevai ed . halation Of this solvent gradually lessened the heat and softened the body until a sufficient quantity of moisture could be retained within to allow of respi ration in the comp aratively dry atmosphere which

a a l ter Obt ined . The earlier Atlantean bodies were Of a grained and

a u r e and stringy subst nce , not unlike o pres nt tendons

14. o en also resembling w od , but in time flesh eating abled man to assimilate sufficient albumen to build elastic tissue necessary for the formation of lungs and arteries SO as to allow unrestricted circulation Of the B l as now a . b ood , such Obt ins in the human system y the time these changes within and without had taken

e he an and o - bow a plac , t gr d gl rious seven colored p p eared in the rain - laden sky to mark the advent Of The ! ingdom of Men where conditions were to be as varied as the hues into which its atmosphere refracted

- a the uni colored light Of the sun . Thus the first p p earance Of the bow in the clouds marked the com mencement of the No achian age with its alternating

a n n se sons a d periods Of which Christmas is o e.

The conditions prevailing in this age are not per

n a h f manent , however, a y more th n t ose o previous a ges . The process Of condensation which trans formed the fire fog Of Lemuria into the dense moist a A a an a tmosphere Of tl ntis, d l ter liquefied it into the water which flooded the cavities Of the earth and drove

a a n B th e o . m nkind to the highl nds , is still going oth atmosphere and ou r own physiological condition are a ch nging, heralding to the seeing eye and the under standing mind the dawn of a new day upon the 15 Of e horizon time , an ag Of unification called in the

B l The ! in dom o od ib e, g f G . The Bible does not leave us in doubt concerning the

a s a a as a ch nges . Chri t s id th t it w s in the days Of Noah

ho l m a n SO s u d it be that d y . Science a d invention are now I both finding conditions not previously met . t i s a scientific fact that oxygen is being consumed at

an al arming rate to feed the fires Of industry ; forest fires are also drawing enormously upon ou r stock Of

a n n this import nt eleme t , besides adding to the dryi g up process which the atmosphere is naturally under

E c1entists a a going. minent s have pointed out th t day must come when the globe cannot sustain life de

o as pending up n water or air for existence . Their ide have not excited much anxiety as the day they have named is SO far in the future ; but though the d ay be a m Of A a a as v as a Of dist nt , the doo ry n is ine itable th t

A la the flooded t ntis . Could an Atlantean be transferred to our atmos

h re a a as p e , he would be sphyxi ted are fish taken from

a their n tive element . Scenes viewed in the Memory of Nature prove that the pioneer avi ators Of that time actually did faint when they encountered one Of the air streams which gradually descended upon the land a which they inhabited , and their experience c used 1 6

f e an e n a s o doctrine O lif d b i g, but th t thi conditi n is now temporarily abrogated to facilitate certain

a The n f and ph ses Of development . u ity O scientific language in ancient Greece made these

a s a a s c m m tter comp r tively ea y Of o prehension , but to d ay complications have set in owin g to the fact that religion has trans lated and science merely transferred

hi ha a their terms from the original Greek, w ch s c used many seeming disagreements and a loss Of the link between the discoveries Of science and the teachings Of religion . TO arrive at the desired knowledge concerning n n physiological changes ow going o in our system , we may call to mind the teachings Of scl ence that the frontal lobes Of the brain are among the most recent

a a developments Of the human structure, and m ke th t organ in man enormously larger proportionately than

a N w u s ask : Is in any other cre ture . o let ourselves there in the brain any substance peculiar to that or an and m a ? g , , if so , what ay be its signific nce

The first part Of the question may be answered by reference to any scientific textbook bearing upon the

- o a . subj ect , but the R sicruci n Cosmo Conception (p

452 s a ) give more , and we quote from it s follows 18 The brain is built Of the same substances as are all o a s of o wi th the addi the ther p rt the b dy, but io o hos horu s w c a t n f p p , hich is pe uli r to the brain alone . The logical conclu si on is th at phosphoru s is the partien lar element by means of which the Ego is able to express thought Th e proportion and variation Of this substance are found to correspond to the state and stage of i a o s a ntelligence Of the individu l . Idi t h ve very little

os o s s s a m . is ph ph ru , hrewd thinker h ve uch It therefore of great importance th at the aspirant who is to u se his body f or mental and spiritu al work Should sup ply his brain with this substance necessary f or that pur pose . The indisputable religiousness Of Catholics is part ly traceable t o their practice of eatin g fish on Fri

n . days a d during Lent, which are rich in phosphorus

Though fish are a low order Of life , the Rosicrucian

Cosmo - Conception does not approve of killing them but refers the student to certain vegetables as a means Of physically Obtaining an abundance Of thi s desir

a not able substance . There are other and better w ys

- as mentioned in the Cosmo Conception , it would have

s been a digres ion there .

It was not by chance that teachers Of the Grecian Mystery School thus named that luminous substance

hi u was w ch we know as phosphor s . TO them it pat ! ”— ht hos ent that God is Lig the Greek word is p . They therefore most appropriately named the sub 19 stance in the brain which is the avenue Of ingress of

! hos- horas l the divine impulse , p p ; litera ly, light

! ” b a earer . In the me sure that we are cap able Of as similatin a a m g th t subst nce , we beco e filled with light hi and commence to s ne from within , a halo surround

u s as a a Th o . hos h r ing m rk Of saintho d e p p o us . how ever, is only a physical medium which enables the s to piritual light express through the physical brain , the of r h B . ut light , itself being the product soul g owt soul growth enables the brai n to ass1m11ate an increas ing amount of phosphorus ; hence the method Of ac q uiring this substance in l arge quantity is not by c a a Of hemic l met bolism, but by an alchemical process in soul growth , thoroughly explained by Christ His discourse to Nicodemus :

God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the wo H a e n Him is not con rld . e th t b lieveth o d emned a not is o m a a . , but he th t believeth c nde ned lre dy And s i s o m a o a is om thi the c nde n ti n , th t light c e

o o and men o a ss ra a . int the w rld , l ved d rkne ther th n light For one a oe a every th t d th evil h teth the light , r om to s his s s o re neithe c eth the light, le t deed h uld be m t a o . But a o o o pr ved he th t d eth truth c eth the light , th t hi s s ma ma ma s a are wro of deed y be de nife t , th t they ught d - Jo 3 : 17 Go . ( hn

Christmas is the season of greatest spiritual light . During thi s age of alternating cycles there is an ebb and flow Of the spiritual light as well as Of the waters

In the ocean . The early Christian church marked the conception in the fall Of the year , and to this day the event is celebrated in the Catholic church when the great wave Of spiritual life and light commences its descent into the earth . The flood tide is reached

i th e at Christmas , wh ch is therefore truly holy sea son Of hi the year, the time when t s spiritual light is most easily contacted and specialized by the aspirant ! Nor through deeds Of mercy, kindness , and love . are

n s for so opportu itie lacking to even the poorest, , as

Often emphasized in the Rosicrucian teachings , serv

a a a ice counts more th n fin nci l assistance , which may

F how be a detriment to the recipient . rom those ,

o ever, t whom much is given , much will be required , and if any one has been blessed with an abundance Of ’ are u l dis ensation o the same the world s goods , a c f p f woul d necessarily accompany whatever physical serv L ice he may render . et us further remember the words Of the Christ Inasmuch as ye have done n a it unto o e Of the least Of these , my brethren , ye h ve as done it unto me . Thus we shall follow Him burning and Shining lights , showing the way to the N w Er e a. 21

fil e Annual arrifire h C fi



Have you ever stood by the bedside Of a friend or relative who was about to pass out Of this world and

of into the beyond ? Most us have, for where is the house that has not been entered by Father Time ? N a Of either is the following ph se the occurrence , to

hi ul un w ch we would partic arly direct attention ,

a as out common . The person bout to p s very Often

a a a and f lls into a stupor , then w kens sees not only this world but the world into which he is about to enter ; and it is very significant that then he sees people who were his friends or relatives during the earli r a f — an e p rt O his life S ons daughters a wife , y , — , one in fact near and dear to him standi ng around the bedside and awaiting his cros sing over The

ou t a : mother will fondly stretch her rms Why,

J and ! ! there is ohn , how big he has grown What a ” Splendid big boy he is ! And so she will recognize one after another Of her children who have p assed 23 . are s into the beyond They a sembled at her bedside ,

a for n a w iting her to joi them , ctuated by the same feeling that possesses people here when a child is

ma o about to be born into this world , king them rej ice at the new arrival because they feel instinctively that

is it a friend who is coming to them .

S O a who o , lso , the people have gone bef re into the beyond gather when a friend is about to cross the

and border line join them on the other side Of the veil . Thus we see that the birth into one world is death — from the viewpoint Of another the child that comes

has r to us died to the spi itual world , and the person who p asses out Of ou r ken into the beyond and dies here is born into a new world and joins his friends there .

As a ; law of a hi bove , SO below the nalogy w ch is the same for microcosm and macrocosm tells us that what

m s befalls hu an beings under given conditions mu t , also apply to the superhuman under analogous cir cumstances . We are now approaching the winter

a a solstice, the d rkest days Of the ye r, the time when

a a N the light Of the sun has lmost f ded , when our orth

n But on ern Hemisphere is cold a d drear . the long

an a est d darkest night , the sun turns on its upw rd

on a path , the Christ light is born the e rth again , and 24 turning point , the place where we feel that something has happened whi ch ensures the prosperity and con tinu ance Of the world . H OW different is the feeling at Christmas from the one that is manif est at Easter ! At the latter there is an outgoing desire , an energy which ex presses iself in sex love with desire for perpetuation

Of self as the keynote ; how different this is from the love which expresses itself in the spirit Of giving that we find at Christmas time rather than that of re ce1v1n g.

And look now at the churches ; M es the

a and c ndle burn so brightly as upon this , the shortest

a e N the d rk st day of the year . ever do the bells sound so festive as when they ring out their message to the ! ” a w iting world , The Christ is born . ! L a a and God is ight, s ys the inspired postle , no other description is cap able Of conveying so much Of the nature Of God as those three little words . The invisible light that is clothed in the flame upon the In a a n a a F . lt r is a pt represent tion Of God , the ather

the bells we have an apt symbol Of Christ, the Word , for their metal tongues proclaim the gospel mes

a f nd s s ge O peace a good will , while the incense bring

an a s of dded spiritual fervor , repre enting the power 26 l the Holy Spirit . The Trinity is thus symbolica ly part Of the celebration whi ch makes Christmas the most spiritually joyful time of the year from the standpoint Of the human race which is now embodied and working in the physical world .

Bu t it must not be forgotten , as was said in the

a a a f Of opening p r gr ph o this letter , that the birth Christ upon earth is the death Of Christ to the glory of heaven ; that at the time when we rej oice at His annual coming, He is invested again with the heavy physical load which we have crystallized about our — selves and which is now our dwelling place the earth .

In a a this he vy body He is then encrusted , and nxiously ! ou He waits for the day Of final liberation . under

a Of a st nd , course , there are d ys and nights for the greater spirits as for the human beings ; that as we

our a ou live in body during the d ytime , work t the destiny which we have created for ourselves in the

an physical world , d are then liberated at night into

a a the higher world to recuper te , SO lso there is this and o It s ebb fl w Of the Christ Spirit . dwell within ou r earth a part Of the year and then withdraws into hi the gher worlds . Thus Christmas is for Christ the

Of Of a commencement a day physic l life , the beginning Of a period Of restriction . 27 What then should be the aspiration Of the devout and enlightened mystic who real izes the greatness of a a i b His s crifice , the gre tness Of this gift wh ch is e ing bestowed upon mankind by God at this time Of the year ; who realizes thi s sacrifice Of the Christ for our

a o s ke , this giving Himself, subj ecting Himself t a

a a virtu l de th that we may live , this wonderful love that is being poured out upon the earth at this time what Should be his aspiration ? What but to imitate in however small a measure the wonderful works Of God ! He should aspire to make hi mself more the

s n servant Of the Cro s tha ever before, more closely to follow the Christ in every thing by sacrificing himself

for e and s a his broth rs sister , by uplifting hum nity within his immediate sphere Of work SO as to hasten the day Of liberation for which the Christ Spirit is

wa a and a . iting, gro ning trav iling We mean the

r anent a th da and p e m liber tion , e y the coming Of

Christ .

ul s a l et TO realize this aspiration in the f le t me sure , us gO forth during the coming year with full self If a reliance and faith . we have heretofore desp ired hi a of our ability to work for Christ , then let t s desp ir ! for has not a a p ass , He said Gre ter works th n ” f these shall ye do ? Would He who has the word o 28 ul truth, wo d he have said such things if it were not possible to realize them ? All thi ngs are possible t o

If we them that love God . will really work in ou r own for little sphere, not looking the greater things w until we have done the ork close at hand , then we shall find that a wonderful soul growth may be at t ain a ed, so th t the people who are about us shall see in us something which they may not be able to de fine but which will nevertheless be patent to them

see they shall that Christmas light, the light Of the w- ou r ne born Christ , Shining within sphere Of action . It can be done ; it onl y depends upon ourselves whether we will take Him at His word so as to re ! alize this command : B e ye therefore perfect as F ” your ather in heaven is perfect . Perfection may seem a very long way Off ; we may realize more acute ly as we look upon Him how far we are from living up

our N i to ideals . evertheless, it is by striv ng daily, a d hourly , th t we finally attain , an every day some little progress can be made , something can be done , in some way we can let our light shine so that men shall see it as a beacon light in the darkness of the world . May God help us during the coming year to attain a

greater measure of Christ - likeness than we have ever 29 a before ttained . May we live such lives that when another year has rolled around and we again see the candle lights Of Christmas and hear the bells that call u s o h N t t e Holy ight service , we Shall then feel that n t we have o lived in vain .

E ach time we give ourselves in service to others we

d o ou r ul bOdIes hi ar a d t the lustre Of so , w ch e built Of

I a ether . t is the Christ ether that now flo ts this

an a w sphere of ours , d let us remember th t if e ever

a nt w nt to work for His liberation , we must in sufficie numbers evolve our own soul bodies to the point where

ma they y float the earth . Thus we may take up His burden and save Him the pain Of physical existence .

30 C e illi an iflihni t 1 m h G g é gh 5

Exoterically the sun has been worshiped as the

a mul giver Of life from time immemorial , bec use the titu de was incap able Of looking beyond the material B symbol Of a great spiritual truth . ut besides those who adored the heavenl y orb which is seen with the

a a physic l eye , there has alw ys been and there is today s a a small but increa ing minority, priesthood couse

a who crated by righteousness rather th n by rites , saw and see the eternal spiritual verities behi nd the tem poral and evanescent forms whi ch clothe these verities

a a a in ch nging raiment Of ceremoni l , ccording to the times and the people to whom they were originally For B hl given . them the legendary Star Of et ehem n hi shines each year as a Mystic Midnight Su , w ch enters ou r planet at the winter solstice and then com mences r L to radiate from the center Of ou globe , ife , L L e h ight , and ove , the three divin attributes . T ese rays Of spiritual splendor and power fill our globe 31 with a supernal light that envelops every one upon earth from the least to the greatest without respec t

Bu al Of persons . t l cannot partake Of thi s wonderful

a gift in the s me measure ; some get more , some less , and m a ! so e , las seem to have no share in the great love Offering which the Father has prepared for us

nl e S on a a et in His o y b gotten , bec use they h ve not y th hri h developed the spiritual magnet, e C st c ild with

a in , which lone can guide us unto the Way, the Truth , L and the ife .

W a o s o s h t pr fit it the Sun d th hine, H ad I not eyes to see ? H ow shall I know the Christ is mine S ave through the Christ in me ? That soundless voice within my heart Is earnest of the p act— Twixt Christ and me it does impart t ” To faith the force Of Fac . Thi s is a mystic experience whi ch will no doubt

a a n for is ring true to m ny mo g our students, it as lit erally true as that night follows day and winter fol l W a O S summer . Unless we h ve the Christ within

a l a ourselves , unless th t wonderfu p ct Of blood broth

rh a can a e ood has been consumm ted , we have no p rt

a far as ul in the S vior , and so we are concerned it wo d not matter though the Christmas bells never ring . 32 terial evolution which is SO necessary to teach us to use

Of a the power thought in the proper cre tive channels . The Christmas spirit is thus a living reality t o all

a l e with who h ve evo v d the Christ in . The average man or a a l a wom n feels it only round the ho id ys , but the illumined mystic sees and feels it months before and months after the culminating point on Holy N In ’ ight . September there is a change in the earth s atmosphere ; a light begins to glow in the b eav ens ; it seems to pervade the whole solar uni verse ; gradually it grows more intense and seems t o envelop our globe ; then it penetrates the surface of the plan et and gradually concentrates itself in the center Of the earth where the group spirits Of the

a n N a a plants m ke their homes . O Holy ight it tt ins

and its minimum Size maximum brilliancy, Then it a begins to radiate the light concentr ted , and gives new life to the earth wherewith to carry on the activ ities Of nature during the coming year . This is the beginning Of the great cosmic drama ” r l h ross From the C ad e to t e C , which is enacted annually during the winter months . Cosmically the sun is born on the longest and dark a est night Of the year when Virgo , the Celesti l Vir

z to gin , stands upon the eastern hori on at midnight 34 m a bring forth the im acul te child . D uring the

un months next following , the s passes through the ll violent sign Of Capricorn where , mythica y, all the powers Of darkness are concentrated in a frantic en

L - deavor to kill the ight bearer , a phase Of the solar drama which is mystically presented in the story Of

! ing Herod and the fl ight into Egypt to escape death .

A a When the sun enters the sign qu rius , the water man F a a of and , in ebru ry, we h ve the time rain storms ; and as the baptism mystically consecrates the

a o w s a S vior t his ork Of service , o lso the floods Of moisture that descended upon the earth soften and mellow it SO that it may yield the fruits whereby the Of lives those who dwell here are preserved . Then comes the sun ’ s passage through the Sign At Pisces, the fishes . this time the stores Of the pre ’ ceding year have been almost consumed and man s

a food is scarce . Therefore we h ve the long fast Of Lent which mystically represents for the aspirant the

un same ideal as that cosmically Shown by the s . There is arn - a at this time the c e vale, the f rewell to the flesh , for everyone who aspires to the hi gher life must at some time bid farewell to the lower nature with all its desires and prepare himself for the passover which is then near . 35 A In pril, when the sun crosses the celestial equator and A L enters the Sign ries, the amb , the cross stands as a mystic symbol Of the fact that the candidate to the higher life must learn to lay down the mortal coil , and Of a th begin the ascent Golgoth , e plac e in the skull; thence to cross the threshold into the invisible ’ F a world . in lly, in imitation Of the sun s ascent into i the northern heavens, he must learn that h s place is with the Father and that ultimately he is to as cend to t a F n n hat ex lted place . urthermore , as the su does ot s tay in that high degree Of declination but cyclically d escends again toward the autumn equinox and win t er solstice to complete the circle again and again for

Of a a a the benefit hum nity , so lso everyone who spires a a a Of a to become a Cosmic Ch r cter , a s vior m nkind , must be prep ared to Offer himself as a sacrifice again and again for his fellow men . This is the great destiny that is before every one

- in - - ma of us ; each one is a Christ the king, if he will

as a s : a b eliev be , for Christ s id to His disciple He th t n m a I a a eth o e, the works th t do Sh ll he do lso ” a c t o a and greater . Moreover, c ording the m xim ,

! ’ ’ ” Man s necessity is God S opportunity , there never

1m1 ate was so great an opportunity to t the Christ , to a H d d as is do the work th t e i , there today when the 36 whole continent Of is in the throes Of a world ! ! and war the grandest Of all Christmas carols , On ” a e rth peace , good will toward men , seems to be fur ther than ever from its realization . We have the

s to power within our elves hasten the day Of peace, al EA E f r by t king, thinking, and living P C , o the con cert ed action Of thousands Of people does carry an impression to the Race Spirit when it is there di r c a S e ted , especially when the moon is in C ncer , eor

or a pio , Pisces , which are the three gre t psychic hi Let signs b est suited to work of t s nature . us use the two and one- half days during which the moon is in each Of these signs for the purpose of medi — tation upon peace peace on earth and among men B do good will . u t in so doing let us be sure that we not take sid es for or against any Of the battling na tions ; let us remember at all times that everyone of

m r ne ou r their me bers is ou brother . O is entitled to

as a Le love much s another . t us hold the thought that what we want is to see Universal Brotherhood

a a n and lived upon earth , n mely pe ce o earth among men good will regardless Of whether the combatants were born on one side or the other Of an imaginary i d ma a d e l ne rawn upon the p , reg r l ss Of whether they

or . express themselves in this , that , the other tongue 37 Let us pray that peace may come up on earth ; ever

as and l ting peace , good will among all men , irrespect

f a r O o . ive Of all differences r ce , creed , color, religion In the measure that we succeed In voicing with our hearts o l a , not with our lips only, this impers na pr yer

a r ! Of for peace , sh ll we fu ther the ingdom Christ, for remember that eventually that is where we are all

for —th kin dom o the heavens bound , e g f where ! ” i ! n L f Christ s ing Of kings a d ord O lords .

38 Che filiasinn at Christ limit ! Che gfiestifial Hf Che gfiairies

’ Whenever we are confronted by one Of nature s

hi ar at a ss t a mysteries w ch we e lo o expl in , we simply add a new name to our vocabul ary which we then use in learned juggling to hi de our ignorance Of the sub

e t S a a j c . uch are the mpere which we u se to me sure

e i the volume Of the el ctric current , the volt wh ch we sa a Of y indic tes the strength the current , and the Ohm which we use to show what resistance a given con

o a f duct r Offers to the pass ge o the current . Thus by Of an a much study words d figures , the m ster minds Of the electrical science attempt to persuade them selves and others that they have fathomed the mys t eries Of the elusive force which plays such an im ’ portant part in the world s work ; but when all is

a an ar a o a s id d they e in a confidenti l mo d , they dmit that the brightest lights Of the electrical science know but very little more than the schoolboy who is just

’ beginning to experiment m th his cells and batteries .

S a s a at t imil rly in the other ciences , n omists canno distinguish the canine from the human embryo for a 39 hi long time, and w le the physiologist talks learnedly

a o about metabolism, he c nn t escape the admission that the laboratory tests whereby he endeavors t o im itate our digestive processes must be and are widely different from the transmutations undergone in the chemical laboratory Of the body in the nourishment

a a r , we t ke . This is not s id to disp arage o belittle the wonderful achievements Of science but to emphasize the fact that there are factors behind all manifesta — tions Of nature intelligences Of varying degrees Of

n es consciousness , builders a d d troyers who perform , — important parts in the economy Of nature and until these agencies are recognized and their work studied , we can never have an adequate conception Of the way

a the nature forces work, which we call he t , electricity ,

who cul gravity , chemical action , etc . TO those have tivat a so ed the spiritual sight, it is evident th t the called dead spend part Of their time in learning to build bodies under the guidance Of certai n spiritual

are hierarchies . They the agents in the metabolic and anabolic processes ; they are the unseen factors

a an ll a in assimil tion , d it is therefore litera y true th t we Should be unable to live save for this important aid from those we call dead . 40

’ a t p to explain nature s mysteries as Topsy did . We learnedly tell the child how heat from the sun evap

a Of and a a or tes the water the rivers oce ns , c using it to ascend to the cooler regions Of the air where it condenses to clouds which finally become SO saturated with moisture that they gravitate towards the earth as rain to replenish the rivers and oceans and be again a a I . t all ev por ted is perfectly simple , a nice auto

a a Bu all ? m tic perpetu l motion process . t is that Are there not a number Of holes in this theory ? We

a are a know th t there , though we c n not digress too far

our n a from subj ect to discuss them . O e thing is l ck m - g to fully explain it, namely , the semi intelligent action of the sylphs who lift the finely divided vapor ized w particles Of ater prepared by the undines , from the surface Of the sea and carry them as high as they may before partial condensation takes place and

ar m a Of a clouds e for ed . These p rticles w ter they m e keep until forced by the undines to release the . Wh n

sa we y it storms, battles are being fought on the

n air o surface of the sea a d in the , s metimes with the aid Of salamanders to light the lightning torch of sep arated hydrogen and oxygen and send its awe- Inspl r

- a ing Shaft crashing zig zag through the inky d rkness , followed by ponderous peals Of thunder that rever 42 berate in the clearing atmosphere , while the undines triumphantly hurl the rescued raindrops to earth that they may be again restored to union with their mother element .

The little gnomes are needed to build the plants n a d the flowers . It is their work to tint them with the innumerable shades of color which delight our

a a a eyes . They lso cut the cryst ls in all the miner ls and make the priceless gems that gleam from golden

a no di dems . Without them there would be iron for our machinery nor gold wherewith to pay for it . They are everywhere and the proverbial bee is not busier .

To the bee , however , is given credit for the work it

h an does , w ile the little nature spirits that play such ’ immensely import ant part in the world s work are un

o- r known save to a few s called dreamers o fools .

At the Summer solstice the physical activities Of

! a are n ture at their apex or zenith , therefore Mid summer Night is the great festival Of the fairies who

to a a have wrought build the m teri l universe , nour ished a a an are a the c ttle , nurtured the gr in , d h iling with j oy and thanksgiving the crest wave Of force which is their tool in shaping the fl owers into the as tonishing variety Of delicate shapes called for by their 43 archetypes and tinting them in unnumbered hues ’ w a hich are the rtist s delight and despair .

On this greatest Of all nights Of the glad summer

and season they flock from fen forest, from glen and

Fe f Fal ri e dale , to the stival O the s . They really bake and brew their etheric food s and afterwards dance in — ecstacies Of j oy the j oy Of hav1ng brought forth and served their important purpose in the economy Of nature .

It is an axiom Of science that nature tolerates noth

a a an es r ing that is useless , p r sites d dron a e an abom ination ; the organ that has become superfluous atro

or no . phies , SO does the limb eye that is longer used Nature has work to do and requires work Of all who would j ustify their existence and continue as p art of

a a her This applies to pl nt and pl net , man and

a an he a . be st , d to t f iries as well They have their work to do ; they are busy folk and their activities are ’ the solution to many Of nature s mul tifarIOus mys

teries . , as already explained

We are now at the other pole of the yearly cycle , where the days are Short and the nights long ; phys icall s a es N y peaking , d rkn s hangs over the orthern

a a and Hemisphere , but the w ve Of spiritu l light life 44 ’ which wi ll be the basis Of next year s growth and its n progress is now at greatest height and power . O Christmas night at the winter solstice when the celes tial Sign Of the Immaculate Virgin stands upon the

a o sun a e stern horiz n at midnight , the Of the new ye r is born to save humanity from the cold and the famine i which would ensue were ts beneficent light withheld . At that time the Christ Spirit is born into the earth and commences to leaven and fertilize the millions Of seeds which the fairies build and water that we may ! a Bu man a no h ve physical food . t sh ll t live by ” a of bread alone . Import nt as is the work the

ni a a fairies , it fades into insig fic nce comp red with the

s of h mi sion C rist , who brings to us each year the spir itu al food needed to advance us upon the p ath Of progress , that we may attain perfection in love with all a which th t implies .

It is the advent Of this wonderful love light that we symbolize by the lighted lamps on the altar and the ringing Of the Christmas bells which each year an ’ Of to nounce the glad tidings the Savior s birth , for

an the spiritual sense , light d sound are inseparable ; the light is colored and the sound is modified accord ing to vibratory pitch . The Christmas light that 45 s on a l shine e rth is golden , inducing the feelings Of a

o and a n a truism, j y, pe ce which ot even the gre t war

could entirely obliterate .

an as a a The war is past , d we alw ys value th t most

a ml ssed all which we h ve , it is to be hoped that man f kind will unite this Christmas in the song O songs , !

n a . O Earth Pe ce, Good Will Toward Men

46 Ind ex

A mos of a m s to o t phere , e rth , in Septe ber begin gl w

as of o m o Ampere , me ure v lu e f electric current a mas to all s o m An logy, the ter key piritual pr ble s . A iato Atl antean asphyxiate by air ; A yan as v r, , d r , phyxiated by new element de scending from above to take the pl ace Of oxygen Bo m a t oo hot t o a o s ac dy, Of the Le uri n, ll w the pirit cess to all parts by means Of bl ood and moisture Of the Atlantean was of a grained and stringy

B a o a o s amo mos r in, fr nt l l be Of, ng the t recent devel opments of the human structure peculiar in that it alone h as phosphoru s C s s u s s a oo for o hri t, bring the piritu l f d perfecti n in

omm s to radat e and o om c ence life , light , l ve fr the center of the earth at Christmas ether floats the earth i s fettered each time H e is born into the earth . is imprisoned from Christmas to Easter principle Of brotherhood love is only means of our contacting Christ 47 C r s mas as o om a a o h i t , tr n ic l interpret ti n Of t m f a ti e o , spiritual vibrations from sun are strongest a s s on a is o al light th t hine e rth g lden , inducing u m o a tr is , j y, pe ce mystical interpretation Of occult scientific interpretation of s a a v s at are a a phy ic l cti itie , held in bey nce to Easter constitutes a day of physical life for Christ Co a o a ma ncentr ti n , upon pe ce y reach the race spirits Co o mma a a a Ca ncepti n, i cul te, celebr ted in f ll in th olic church Co sa o a s orm f o of m a nden ti n , tr n f ed the fire g Le uri into the moist atmosphere Of Atlantis Co s o s ss at a ass s to a o a n ci u ne , de th p e n ther pl ne . D a so a are a s m a o e d, the c lled, the gent in the et b lic and anabolic processes of our bodies D a som o at see s and a s who e th, e pe ple , friend rel tive have previou sly p assed out t o one world is birth into another world Of Christ t o heaven when born on earth D s ma for o s s o ou t s e tiny, de ur elve , w rked in the phy i c al world ! ” D ama r at osm Of Passo o o e r , the g e c ic , the ver f ll w d Eas and a to a and res by ter, rel ted the de th urrection Of the Sun and the S avior E m new om o om a o o at le ent, , c ing d wn fr b ve int the mosph ere to take the place of oxygen 48

Phospho u s an element oun in the b ain r , f d r the element by which the Ego is able to express thought oss ss o sma a s o s p e ed nly in ll qu ntitie by idi t , shrewd thinkers have much s r not a s as oo f or as ra fi h ich in , dvi ed f d the pi nt as om a to ass m a om we bec e ble i il te, we bec e filled with light ass m a o of not o m a i il ti n , dependent up n che ic l metabolism but an alchemical process of soul

Pr a are not to a s s w os yer, in , we t ke ide bet een th e

Ra ow s a a a of mar i of inb , fir t ppe r nce , ked beginn ng Noa a a e a a s aso an a chi n g , ltern ting e ns d cle r atmosphere

Ra s so a s No h H m s at r y , l r, trike the rt ern e i phere ight ’ a s to ar s a s at s mm ngle the e th xi , the u er so s omo s a a s l tice , pr ting phy ic l ctivitie R o s a s and a s a in eligi n , cience, rt cr ft were t ught the Greek mystery temples translated and science transferred their terms from the original Greek Sa s crifice , Of self in the ervice of humanity hastens the day of the liberation Of the Christ m o m not our s o s a o to Self I pr ve ent , fir t c n ider ti n , but serve others o -Bo s m s o to o r S ul die , u t be ev lved the p int whe e they will be able t o float the earth 5 0 o s r o a G a S l tice , tu ning p int in the life Of re t Spirit . at C s mas is a fl of Spirit, Of giving hri t re ex the divine wave Of giving s and for s a o mat Of de ire energy elf perpetu ti n . ’ at Eas is c of C r s s a and ing, ter effe t h i t de th resurrection a of B m a m s m sun St r, ethlehe , y tic idnight o ms are s s s s and St r , fight between the ylph , undine , sometimes salamanders s a a new is ma o s to Sub t nce, , entering the hu n b die supersede albumen was o s a s m was in Sun, w r hiped bec u e the ultitude cap able Of looking beyond the material sym bol Of a spiritual truth S m o s T s s y b l , Of the rinity in church ervice s a o z a s of a Sylph , lift the v p ri ed p rticle w ter, pre p ared by the undines Un s o s s to om dine , c ntend with the ylph c pel return Of water particles to the sea

V o m as r s r of r . lt, unit e u e Of t ength elect ic current

5 1 gftnsicrueizm


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