Christ As Healer the Power of Thought Truth Within Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer a Christian Esoteric Magazine
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“A Sane Mind, A Soft Heart, A Sound Body” November/December 2001—$5.00 CHRIST AS HEALER THE POWER OF THOUGHT TRUTH WITHIN ROSICRUCIAN EMBLEMS OF DANIEL CRAMER A CHRISTIAN ESOTERIC MAGAZINE CREED Who asks not, the chambers are darkened Where his soul sits in silence alone. Who gives not, his soul never hearkened To the love call of zone unto zone. Who prays not, exists, but he lives not, A blot and a discord is he. Who asks not, receives not, and gives not, Is as one drowned in the sea. Ah, the asking, receiving, and giving Is the soul of the life that we live. All the beauty and sweetness of living Is to ask, to receive, and to give. —Anonymous Front cover: Rest on the Flight to Egypt, Caravaggio (1573-1610), Planet Art. Back cover: Stained glass, Christ Church Cathedral, 1832, Planet Art. Above: Winter Scene, Corel Professional Photos This Issue... Feature Hymn to the Infinite(poem)...Alva Romanes........................................................2 Editorial A Christian Rosicrucian Teachings, Religion, and Christ ........................................................3 Mystic Light Esoteric Magazine Meditation: Christ as Healer...Friedrich Rittelmeyer............................................4 The Mystic and the Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings—Part 5...C.W. ...............8 Established by The Truth Within...Martie C. Purchase ...............................................................15 The Power of Thought...Danielle Chavalarias ....................................................20 Max Heindel The Christmas Rose...Janice Lorimer .................................................................25 June 1913 From Max Heindel’s Writings Volume 93, No. 6 Practical Precepts for Practical People................................................................27 Readers’ Questions November/December—2001 Suicide and Salvation; Organ Transplants ..........................................................30 Killing to Eat; Hypnotism ...................................................................................31 USPS 471080—ISSN 0744-432X Exercises for Clairvoyance..................................................................................32 Subscription in U.S.: one year, $20.00; two Western Wisdom Bible Study years, $38.00. Your Zip Code must contain The Cosmic Pattern in the Life of Abraham...Corinne Heline ...........................33 nine (9) digits (five + four). California resi- dents add applicable sales tax to all orders. Astrology Canada, Mexico and all other countries: one Astrological Aphorisms for Healing...Max and Augusta Foss Heindel..............36 year, $25.00; two years, $43.00. Prices are in Astrology Makes Known to Man the Will of God...C.C. Zain...........................39 U.S. dollars and include postage. Foreign sub- scribers: please check current exchange rates for Religion and Art proper amount. Current single copies: $5.00. Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer...C.W...................................................44 Second class postage paid at Oceanside, CA, 92049-0713, U.S.A. Postmaster: Send address News Perspectives change to Rays from the Rose Cross, P.O. Box Living Outside the Physical Body ......................................................................49 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, U.S.A. Book Reviews Writers of published articles are alone responsi- A Servant in the House...C.W..............................................................................50 ble for statements made. Typed manuscripts are welcomed for all departments of the Rays. Nutrition and Health Toxemia and Health...Leon Patrick, M.D.............................................................53 Issued bi-monthly. Change of address must reach us by the 1st of month preceding any issue. Address Healing ALL correspondence and make ALL remit- Let This Mind Be in You...T.M. Notthoff ...........................................................54 tances payable to The Rosicrucian Fellowship. For Children PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY Christmas Eve in the Forest...Dagmar Fragme ...................................................55 THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP P.O. Box 713, Oceanside, California Miscellaneous 92049-0713 U.S.A. Creed (poem)...Anonymous........................................................inside front cover 2222 Mission Avenue Greatness (poem)...Felicia B. Clem ....................................................................24 Oceanside, CA 92054 U.S.A. The Natal Chart...Isabel Ambler Gilman ............................................................43 November/December 2001 Ephemerides ......................................................61-62 Telephone: (760) 757-6600 Fax: (760) 721-3806 “A Sane Mind, E-mail: A Soft Heart, [email protected] A Sound Body” © 2001 The Rosicrucian Fellowship EDITORIAL Rosicrucian Teachings, Religion, and Christ S STUDENTS of the Rosicrucian to mentally participate in the belief process. Philosophy, we know enough about Neither of the two dictionary definitions of reli- it that we are intent on knowing gion—(1) the service and worship of God or the more. What we have thus far found supernatural; (2) a personal set or institutionalized in the Western Wisdom Teachings, system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and prac- Afor so this Philosophy is also called, satisfies a soul tices—describe the substance or purpose of the hunger, a deep need for reasonable answers to Teachings. Religions are faith-based. life’s meaning, a need, we come to realize, that The Rosicrucian Teachings are knowledge-based. many people don’t seem to share. And we wonder, It is both hoped and expected that this scientific, why not? logical, and exhaustive teaching will help a man The answer to this question is also provided by “believe in his heart that which his head has sanc- the Rosicrucian Teachings: Most people don’t tioned and start to live the religious life,” but that require them. Life as they know it suffices them. life is outside the scope of the teachings and is an The activities, goals, and rewards provided by liv- individual matter, between the student and his God. ing in the material world fully engage their atten- The Rosicrucian Teachings given by Max tion. And if it doesn’t, if they have the sense that Heindel are especially intended for people who there is a God who makes all life possible and that seek knowledge of spiritual worlds. As a science of without this God not anything made could be, then spirit, the Teachings reinforce the seeker’s intuition typically they seek to establish a relationship with that such worlds exist; they are described and this God through faith, though a belief which is man’s relation to them is explained. As a science of based on the creeds and doctrines that give rise to spiritual unfoldment, the Teachings indicate how the many Christian denominations. The need for latent faculties in each person can be transformed religion long antedates the advent of Christ, as in into dynamic powers, enabling the student to con- Hinduism and Judaism. For that matter, the Muslim sciously enter the worlds of spirit, confirm their religion originated six hundred years after Christ. reality, and gain first-hand information . And the Buddhist religion postulates no God, but Rosicrucian Philosophy clarifies the differences recognizes worlds beyond the physical. between Eastern and Western wisdom, which cen- The relationship of Christians with their God is ters on the Cosmic Being of Christ—as He lived in not the business of the Rosicrucian Fellowship per the man Jesus and as He radiates life, love, and light se. In fact, Max Heindel encourages believers who to the entire Earth sphere—Christ as both regent of are students of the Fellowship to stay with their the sun and as our Friend and Eldest Brother. Christian churches. Which brings us to the ques- May our work and our leisure, our pain and our tion, Do the Rosicrucian Teachings constitute a pleasure, our play and our prayers, may all we religion? Religions set forth dogmas, a set system think and do be oriented and conformed to the of beliefs which the believer must avow. This inner sun of Christ, that He may dawn and rise in demand creates problems for persons who want our soul’s firmament and through each of us give intelligible reasons for affirming creeds. They need spiritual healing and and true light to the world. ❐ RAYS 01 3 MYSTIC LIGHT Meditation: Christ as Healer HE “OTHER SIGN” that Jesus did was the healing of the nobleman’s son (John 4:46-54). And here now we see Christ engaged in a special activity, which had great significance in His Tlife: in healing sickness. If anything is to be done in this sphere, we must go especially cautiously to work, because in scarcely any other sphere is there such danger that egoism and materialism may thrust themselves in, as in the sphere of healing materialism, to which the body is too important, and egoism, to whose heart its own comfort lies too near. This shows itself clearly in many phenomena of today, where there is the will to heal, but in no praiseworthy way. Against these two dangers the meditation based on Christ’s second sign helps us. We begin in it to find once more that the story becomes transparent, so that we recognize in it a cosmic occurrence. The nobleman was probably a so- called heathen or half a heathen. At least, he is Oil on canvas, Gabriel Cornelius Max (1840-1915) serving as a soldier in the non-Jewish world. There Healing the Sick Child at that time the need was greatest.