Subantarctic forest ecology: case study of a c on if er ou s-br o ad 1 e a v ed stand in Patagonia, Argentina. Promotoren: Dr.Roelof A. A.Oldeman, hoogleraar in de Bosteelt & Bosoecologie, Wageningen Universiteit, Nederland. Dr.Luis A.Sancholuz, hoogleraar in de Ecologie, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina. j.^3- -•-»'.. <?J^OV Alejandro Dezzotti Subantarctic forest ecology: case study of a coniferous-broadleaved stand in Patagonia, Argentina. PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor op gezag vand e Rector Magnificus van Wageningen Universiteit dr.C.M.Karssen in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 7 juni 2000 des namiddags te 13:30uu r in de Aula. f \boo c^q hob-f Subantarctic forest ecology: case study of a coniferous-broadleaved stand in Patagonia, Argentina A.Dezzotti.Asentamient oUniversitari oSa nMarti nd elo sAndes .Universida dNaciona lde lComahue .Pasaj e del aPa z235 .837 0 S.M.Andes.Argentina .E-mail :
[email protected]. The temperate rainforests of southern South America are dominated by the tree genus Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae). In Argentina, at low and mid elevations between 38°-43°S, the mesic southern beech Nothofagusdbmbeyi ("coihue") forms mixed forests with the xeric cypress Austrocedrus chilensis("cipres" , Cupressaceae). Avirgin ,post-fir e standlocate d ona dry , north-facing slopewa s examined regarding regeneration, population structures, and stand and tree growth. Inferences on community dynamics were made. Because of its lower density and higher growth rates, N.dombeyi constitutes widely spaced, big emergent trees of the stand. In 1860, both tree species began to colonize a heterogeneous site, following a fire that eliminated the original vegetation.