UNSPOKEN Creating Dialogue on LGBTI Rights in the Turkish Cypriot Community

MedyaMedia Monitoring takipReport raporu ABOUT THE PROJECT:


The Unspoken Project has been implemented by the Cyprus Community Media Centre in cooperation with Cyprus Association and the Thomson Foundation. This project was launched in November 2015 funded by the European Union under the Cypriot Civil Society in Action program. The Unspoken Project aimed to increase LGBTI awareness within the Turkish Cypriot community, especially in the various sectors such as media, education, law and health. The purpose was to achieve social change by combating discrimination based on gender and and improving levels of media coverage and public debate. A number of activities were organised within the scope of the Unspoken Project, which was a 2-year project that included billboard campaigns, public service announcements, seminars for various professional groups, attitude mapping surveys, thematic discussions, capacity building workshops, a roundtable discussion with editors, yearly media monitoring reports, a series of inclusive-reporting trainings for journalists, communication and advocacy trainings for activists, and a toolkit for media professionals, financial support for the participation at international conferences and activities for the annual pride march organised in the northern part of Cyprus.


We, as the project team, would like to thank Boran Şenhuy, İbrahim Ray, Doğukan Gümüşatam and Derviş Taşkıranlar and Magda Zenon for their contribution in the preparation of this report.

3 INDEX FOREWORD 5 INTRODUCTION 6 NOVEMBER 2015 7 DECEMBER 2015 9 JANUARY 2016 10 FEBRUARY 2016 12 MARCH 2016 14 APRIL 2016 16 MAY 2016 17 JUNE 2016 20 JULY 2016 21 AUGUST 2016 22 SEPTEMBER 2016 24 OCTOBER 2016 25 NOVEMBER 2016 26 DECEMBER 2016 29 JANUARY 2017 30 FEBRUARY 2017 34 MARCH 2017 36 APRIL 2017 38 MAY 2017 40 JUNE 2017 42 JULY 2017 44 AUGUST 2017 45 SEPTEMBER 2017 46 OCTOBER 2017 48 NOVEMBER 2017 50 Glossary 51


“Unspoken: Creating Dialogue on LGBTI Rights in the Turkish Cypriot Community” was a 2- year project funded by the European Union and implemented by Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) in cooperation with Queer Cyprus Association and the Thomson Foundation, which aimed to increase LGBTI awareness within the Turkish Cypriot community in various sectors such as media, education, law and health. Within the framework of this project, our purpose was to combat discrimination and social bias based on sexual orientation and that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals experience, as well as to conduct activities in order to improve the levels of LGBTI media coverage and encourage a more inclusive media.

Within the scope of the “Unspoken” project, we analysed 2 online and 2 printed daily newspapers with largest circulation since November 2015 to explore the attitude of mainstream media with regards to human rights and observe the portrayal and coverage frequency of LGBTI individuals in the Turkish Cypriot media. As a result of this activity, we managed to reach some conclusions about the approach of the mainstream media in the northern part of Cyprus towards LGBTI issues, what kind of visual materials they choose, the number of news which include expert opinions by LGBTI organisations or professionals, and the number of news which reinforce stereotypes and prejudices. We chose to include the news that matched with the keywords even if their focus was not LGBTI; yet, the total number of news over the last two years is 710. Although the number of positive news is higher than the negative, in general the majority of news reports that we deem as positive are the press releases sent by the Civil Society Organisations or news articles from international media rather than news prepared by the local newspapers themselves. We hope that this report will be a useful resource to encourage media institutions to use their transformative potential effectively to combat discrimination and inequality through a responsible and inclusive approach.

Hazal Yolga Project Coordinator

5 INTRODUCTION The Media Monitoring Report of 2015-2016-2017 prepared within the scope of Unspoken: Creating Dialogue on LGBTI Rights in the Turkish Cypriot community is developed through regular monitoring of two printed and two internet newspapers:

Two Digital Two Printed Newspaper Newspaper

Kıbrıs Kıbrıs Postası Gündem Kıbrıs Yeni Düzen Newspaper

The screening was conducted by using the following keywords:

“gay” “gay” “lesbian” “transsexual” “transgender” “transvestite”

“homosexual” “bisexual” “intersex” “faggot” “queer” “queer”

“sexual “gender “sexual choice” LGBTİ orientation” identity”

The news reports matching with the keywords are considered as “positive” and “negative” under two main categories. There are three sub-headings under these two main categories: CATEGORIES 1. POSITIVE (P) a. News reports that are sensitive and respectful to human rights b. News reports that include the views of related individuals or professionals c. News reports covering the press releases or activities of related topic 2. NEGATIVE (N) a. News reports with hate speech and/or discriminatory speech b. Stereotyping and/or criminalising news reports c. News reports with insulting images and/or content and/or bearing bias In order to facilitate the media monitoring, the archived news reports were recorded with the following coding system. In the case of the same news reports published in different newspapers, each of the news were reviewed separately.

The coding system used for monitoring and archiving purposes is as follows: First letters of newspaper – Date–Number of news reports–Positive/Negative Nature of News reports

Ex: KP-20.11.2015-1A-P =>First positive news reports published in Kıbrıs Postası on 20th November 2015 that matched with the key word

6 NOVEMBER 2015 In November 2015, the Media Monitoring Report commenced with the beginning of the Unspoken Project by monitoring Kıbrıs Postası ve Gündem Kıbrıs newspapers on 11th November 2015. In November 2015, a total number of 21 news pieces matched with the key words, out of which 17 were considered as positive and 4 as negative. Additionally, the press release published on HIV by the Health Department employed a discourse reinforcing the negative perspectives rather than the rights based journalism perspective.

HIGHLIGHTS: The cover of LGBTI themed OUT Magazine featuring Barack Obama and the interview conducted by Enver Ethemer with a transgender individual anonymously in Kıbrıs Postası newspaper are considered as examples of positive news. The news reports in Kıbrıs Postası regarding Canada opening its doors to LGBTI refugees was written with a positive discourse and classified under the sub-heading of news reports that are sensitive and respectful to human rights focused journalism. Additionally, the news reports in Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs about a colt racehorse that was executed for having intercourse with another colt racehorse in Saudi Arabia was not considered under the negative news reports category as the language used in reporting was not negative.

Figure 1: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Male and Pregnant” - 17.11.2015

7 Gündem Kıbrıs covered the pregnancy of Kayden Coleman, a transgender man, with the title “Male and Pregnant”. As the title suggests, this news report overlooks the statements and identities of individuals and ignores the complexities of sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions. Therefore it was categorized as negative news reports under the sub-heading of news reports with hate speech and/or discriminatory speech.

Figure 2: Kıbrıs Postası - “Ministry of Health: “HIV is transmitted due to lack of awareness not because of shaking hands, hugging or kissing”” - 30.11.2015

Finally, both Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published the statement of local body in charge of health regarding HIV Awareness. The content of news included statements such as “Although the disease emerged in the world for the first time in 1981 among homosexuals, the Health Department points out that the disease is not exclusive to homosexuals and underlined that HIV/AIDS may be transmitted via heterosexual intercourse. In its statement, the Health Department noted that the disease is observed in the same rate among both polygamist and homosexual individuals, and indicated that HIV infected individuals may frequently contract other sexually transmitted diseases simultaneously”. However, HIV was not first observed in 1981 among homosexual individuals; its origin goes back to the 1920s in the Democratic Republic of Congo and it cannot be connected to any specific sexual orientation. When HIV was observed in 1981 in America, research programs were also launched regarding the disease. Since the provision of information that the disease is observed in the same rate among homosexual and polygamist individuals is in the nature of stereotyping and insulting perceptions, these news reports were classified as negative due to leading major misunderstanding and misinformation despite its general positive structure.

8 DECEMBER 2015 In December 2015, a total number of 22 news reports matched with the key words out of which, 18 were considered as positive and 4 as negative.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs Postası featured news reports about the seminar organised by the Cyprus Turkish Medical Association and Queer Cyprus Association within the scope of the HIV Awareness week while both Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the current issue of Civil Unity in Greece and the promises of Syriza on these matters respectively. Additionally, Kıbrıs Postası featured a news report regarding a “No to Gay Marriage” vote as a result of a referendum in Slovenia, which was written using a positive discourse and classified under the sub-heading of news reports covering the press releases or activities of a related topic. Gündem Kıbrıs covered the coming out of Holland Taylor, one of the actors of the comedy series “Two and a Half Men”. The use of “confessed” in the headline creates a perception to the reader as if homosexually is something that must be hidden or something negative. Similarly, the article in Gündem Kıbrıs newspaper about the gender identity of Australian transgender male Savvy, was written using a discourse that makes the situation tragic while including incorrect terminology such as “second gender reassignment”.

Figure 3: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Famous actor confessed that he is gay” - 01.12.2015

9 JANUARY 2016 In January 2016, a total number of 42 news reports matched with the key words, out of which 40 were considered as positive and 2 as negative under the category of stereotyping and/or criminalising news. Since January is the month that amendments to the “Criminal Code” were adopted in the northern part of Cyprus, the news reports from this month mainly are about the activities in regard to the observance of the 27th January and press releases.

HIGHLIGHTS: The article published in Kıbrıs Postası regarding couples that would enjoy civil partnerships in the Republic of Cyprus were considered as positive news reports regardless of the terminological mistakes. Other news reports published in Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs were about the Military Intelligence Service, Section 5 (MI5) of the United Kingdom and its being named as the most gay-friendly employer. It is written using a positive discourse and covered the press releases or activities of the related topic. The news reports in Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası about the launch of the Unspoken Project were categorised as positive under the news reports covering the press releases or activities since the news reports were written using a positive discourse as well as indicating the project content. Similarly, other positive news reports published in Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs were the feature of a panel organised by the Queer Cyprus Association on the 27th January for the second year of amendments under the “Criminal Code”. Additionally, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası also covered the news reports about the event organized by Queer Cyprus Association together with MAGEM for the second year anniversary of amendments under the “Criminal Code” where the documentary called “Under the Same Sky” was screened, followed by a Q&A session. The news report was written using a positive discourse announcing a positive event. The news reports of Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs that covered the first event of the Unspoken Project called “LGBTI Awareness Seminar Towards the Training of Educators” were also in the same category. The interview in Kıbrıs Newspaper with psychologist Ziliha Uluboy on behalf of Queer Cyprus Association for the anniversary of amendment under the “Criminal Code” in 27th January was also written in a positive way with a positive content and also it was positive in the way it included the views of related individuals or professionals. Kıbrıs Postası published an article about the process with the amendments of “Criminal Code” and the unity through the event on 27th January by Queer Cyprus Association. Since the published piece t is written with a positive discourse indicating that there is a need to fight for the freedom of women and LGBTI individuals in Cyprus, it was considered as positive covering the press releases or activities of related topic. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured news reports about the demonstration during which flags were flown on about 40 buildings that was launched with the initiative of Queer Cyprus. The news reports were written in a positive way and supported with the images of buildings with flags.


Figure 4: Yenidüzen - “Awareness on LGBTI Figure 5: Kıbrıs Gazetesi - “Rainbow flags are issues and freedom” - 28.01.2016 waved on the buildings ” - 28.01.2016

In January, Gündem Kıbrıs featured an interview with Jennifer Lawrence. The statement of Jennifer Lawrence “I dress like a lesbian” might potentially create and perpetuate stereotypes, therefore this piece was categorized under “stereotyping and/or criminalising news reports”. Yenidüzen re-published an article about David Bowie, which was translated by Sevgül Uludağ from BBC’s article “Portrait: David Bowie…” published on 11.1.2016. The word “ambiguous sexuality” was translated as “uncertain sexual preference”. Considering that sexual orientation is not “a choice”, this news report reinforces misinformation and was classified as a stereotyping and/or criminalising news report.

11 FEBRUARY 2016 In February 2016, a total number of 30 news reports matched with the key words, out of which 25 were considered as positive and 5 as negative. All newspapers that were monitored in February covered the news reports allegedly published in Politis about the HIV cases in the Republic of Cyprus. The inclusion of statistics with regards to homosexual individuals only and nothing about heterosexual individuals leads to stigmatisation. In February 2016, 5 negative news reports were screened and 4 of them were found as the versions of the same news reports published in different newspapers. All such news reports are included in the stereotyping and/or criminalising news category.

HIGHLIGHTS Similar to the other months, the news reports featured in February relate mainly to the news covering the press releases or activities of related topic in addition to the news reports published around the world. As a result of research, the number of news reports generated is found in general, to be very limited. Primarily, Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the FEMiniStival event organised by Baraka Culture Centre at which LGBTI themed movies would also be screened. Additionally, the same newspapers covered the news report of a homophobic attack that occurred in the southern part of Cyprus. Although the subject of the news report is negative as it reports on a homophobic attack, the discourse of the news report is positive.

Figure 6: Kıbrıs Postası - “Homophobic attack in Greek Cypriot side ” - 08.02.2016

Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the first gay marriage in the Republic of Cyprus. The literary language is positive announcing a positive event. This news report is classified under the category of news reports that are sensitive and respectful to human rights.


Figure 7: Kıbrıs Postası - “First gay marriage took place yesterday in the southern part of Cyprus ” - 13.02.2016

In her article called “Occasionally cheated lover” in Kıbrıs newspaper, psychologist Ayla Kahraman, answers the questions of readers on the topic of the habitual infidelity of a gay person. In the article, the individual, who suffers from depression because of their partners infidelity, was advised to find another lover and the article did not have a homophobic approach. Kıbrıs Postası featured the news report indicating the statement of the Prime Minister of Canada that he would be in the front row at the Pride march and shows support. The content and discourse of this news report is positive. Kıbrıs Postası covered the news report about the first capacity building workshop organised within the scope of the Unspoken Project. The news report indicated the details of the event and the Project. Murat Obenler, in his column in Kıbrıs newspaper called “Embraced all the colours of Resistance”, mentioned the documentary screened during the “if film festival” in İstanbul called “#direnayol” about the Gezi Park protests and the participation of LGBTI individuals in these protests. The news report was considered as positive and it is an example of inclusive journalism.

In terms of negative news reports, Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs re-published an article that was claimed to have been previously published in POLITIS newspaper on the increase in the rate of HIV incidents in the Republic of Cyprus and that it is mainly observed in homosexual individuals. Since the news pieces included the statistics only of homosexual individuals, thus insinuating that AIDS has something to do with sexual orientation, these news link AIDS and . There were also terminological mistakes; for instance, “HIV virus” is redundant since the word “virus” is already included in the acronym of the HIV. For all these reasons, this news report was categorised as stereotyping and/or criminalising. Gündem Kıbrıs reported that a mayor in Indonesia claimed that malnutrition causes homosexuality, while Indonesia Psychiatrists Association classified being transgender as a mental disease. Such news reports contribute to bias among readers and create negative perceptions.

13 MARCH 2016 In March 2016, a total number of 31 news reports matched with the key words and all of them are categorised as positive. Out of all news reports, 16 of them were press releases and event announcements sent by the CSOs to the press. The coverage of the first same- sex civil partnership in the Republic of Cyprus in all newspapers supported by positive images is considered as positive news. A negative news report was entitled “Germans to Make Kids Watch Porn!” This news report is both against journalistic principles and LGBTI friendly journalism as it is stereotyping LGBTI individuals.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news reports about the Nicosia local community’s flying of purple flags on all roundabouts for 8th March International Women’s Day and similarly flying rainbow flags on local administration building for 27th January and that the Netherlands will start using LGBTI themed traffic lights. Kıbrıs Postası also covered that the left wing party will take the LGBTI friendly municipality in Vienna and start using LGBTI characters on the traffic lights.


Figure 7: Kıbrıs Postası - “Vienna Figure 8: Yenidüzen - “First gay marriage of Municipality wanted to underline that they the island ” - 07.03.2016 are “LGBTI friendly” city” - 08.03.2016

Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report about the first public gay marriage ceremony in the Republic of Cyprus. Considered as positive, this news report was supported with photos and a video. Kıbrıs Postası mentioned the participation of Queer Cyprus Association in the 8th March International Women’s Day march organised by the Gender Equality Platform. According to the news reports of Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs about the convening of “Parliament”, one of the representatives from CTP Fazilet Özdenefe stated in her speech that there is a major fear of homosexuality in the society and it must be overcome. The coverage of these news in the newspapers were considered as positive. Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası published the call of Queer Cyprus Association, MAGEM and Envision Diversity concerning the events to be organised for 17th May International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The news report was categorised as positive under the news reports covering the press releases or activities. Kıbrıs Gazetesi, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası featured news reports about the realization of the Charter Congress of Bağımsızlık Yolu (Independence Way) Organisation. The news report was written in a positive way and included the article under the Charter that noted that each individual who is a member of Bağımsızlık Yolu, should fight against fascism, chauvinism, sexism, homophobia and racism using a revolutionary approach. The column of psychologist Ayla Kahraman in Kıbrıs newspaper where she answers the questions of readers featured the topic of the habitual infidelity of a gay person in her article called “Confession of my fiancée”, the reader noted that the fiancée confessed to being gay and

15 Ayla Kahraman gives advices to her reader. This piece is not considered as negative since the answer was not considered as homophobic as it did not give any details about homosexuality. Gündem Kıbrıs re-published a news report by a Turkish news outlet reporting on a German sex education program for migrants with the title “Germans Started to Make Kids Watch Porn”. The completely biased news report claims that the project defeated its purpose and the participants are shown “german porn”. The news report also criticizes the education program for emphasizing that homosexuality is not considered a crime in European countries, and adopting a western approach while completely ignoring eastern values and culture.

Figure 9: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Germans started to let kids watch porn” - 11.03.2016

16 APRIL 2016

In April 2016, a total number of 31 news reports matched with the key words and all of them are categorised as positive. 18 of the news reports were deemed as in the categories of news reports that are sensitive to human rights; 3 as news reports that include the views of related individuals and 9 as news reports that cover the press releases of the related topic.


The publication of the press release regarding the meeting of 17th May Organisation Committee formed following the joint call of Queer Cyprus, Envision Diversity and MAGEM in Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası was considered as positive. The news reports of Gündem Kıbrıs and Kıbrıs Postası indicated that the USA Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Cyprus published two separate reports and the discrimination against LGBTI individuals was also included under the violation of human rights in the south. Similarly, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published a news report emphasizing that regardless of the good progress made on human rights during the workshop in the Republic of Cyprus, there are still far too many things to do in regard to LGBTI rights. The headline of the news report was “16 same-sex marriages in Cyprus. Kıbrıs , Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured news reports about the 1st May demonstration. The news report is the direct publication of a press release, and the Queer Cyprus Association did not sign such a press release due to the expression of “with different sexual orientation”; however the Queer Cyprus Association appeared a signatory due to the communication problems with the team that prepared the press release. Since this news report is a direct publication of the press release, it is not homophobic in term of journalism. On the other hand, the expression of “with different sexual orientation” is discriminatory as there is a discourse considering every orientation other than its own as “different” and marginalising it with a heteronormative perspective. In consideration of the whole press release, it looks like this discrimination was not done intentionally and it was written to make a call for enhancing the struggle of LGBTI individuals; hence this news report was generally considered as positive. Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report about the call of KTÖS for 1st May, so the call gives support for the participation of LGBTI individuals thus the publication of this news report is positive.

17 MAY 2016 In April 2016, a total number of 49 news reports matched with the key words. The only negative news report was the interview published in Yenidüzen, the remaining 48 were positive. Although the interview written by the journalist Fayka Arseven Kişi about a trans man was prepared with good will, the discourse used in the interview is problematic. The majority of news reports published in May for the 17th May International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia mainly covers the press releases regarding the events. The publication of the Gay Pride march in many newspapers as full page and in colour with a lot of images is important for the representation of LGBTI, since 33 of the 48 positive new are press releases this shows the activities performed in this domain are not those of the journalists themselves.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası covered the news report about the formation of Dayanışma, a left organisation. Written in a positive manner, the content of the news report mentions that Dayanışma is an organisation that will also fight for queer and LGBTI rights. Additionally, Kıbrıs Postası published a news report about the panel with a theme ‘Body Politics and Education’ organised by the Gender Equality Platform at KTÖS on 17th May and MAGEM’s building on 18th May at which Ali Erol and Aylime Aslı Demir from Kaos GL would be speakers. The news report indicated that the events would focus on the reflection of body policies on human life and education together with the discrimination encountered by LGBTI students and teachers. Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the adoption of a law in Italy on the same-sex partnerships. Gündem Kıbrıs and Kıbrıs Postası covered the first same-sex marriage of Cyprus in Nicosia. Gündem Kıbrıs featured the statements of Enver Ethemer, one of the founders of Envision Diversity, about the problems of homosexual and LGBT citizens to the correspondent of Diyalog. The content of the news report is mainly about the problems of trans individuals in Cyprus and is important in terms of improving the visibility of LGBTI.


Figure 10: Kıbrıs Postası - “Panel themed “Body Politics and Education” will be organised in Nicosia and Famagusta” - 06.05.2016

The news reports of Kıbrıs Gazetesi, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası noted that covering the Arasta Women’s Bazaar square with rainbow colours by the Gender Equality Platform for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17th May in a positive manner. Moreover, the same newspapers covered the activities of GEP for the 17th May. The positively written news reports included the press release of organisations on the related matter. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the press release of the Organising Committee for the 17th May Day Against Homophobia regarding the march on 21th May; and Kıbrıs and Kıbrıs Postası featured a news report about the press release of People’s Party (Halkın Partisi) published for 17th May Day Against Homophobia emphasizing the prosperity of diversity. Kıbrıs covered a news report about the content of the panel “Rights of LGBTI individuals in EU” organised by the European Commission within the scope of the International Day Against Homophobia. Kıbrıs , Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report about the message of support of the Ombudsperson, Emine Dizdarlı for the 17th May Day Against Homophobia. The publication of this statement was considered as positive since it is significant regarding the fight for LGBTI rights. Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the announcement of the march on the 21st May organised by the organisation committee of the 17th May Day Against Homophobia. Yenidüzen published the article of guest writer Enver Ethemer called “Because we are not ready”. Regarded as important in terms of LGBTI visibility, the article discussed why the Turkish Cypriot community does not talk about LGBTI matters and how they create excuses for not being ready. Kıbrıs and Yenidüzen covered the Pride March organised for 17th May Day Against Homophobia on the cover of the newspaper as well as two full coloured page with images. Such news reports respecting the human rights are important for the representation of the LGBTI rights.


Figure 11: Yenidüzen - “We Figure 12: Kıbrıs Gazetesi - “They reminded are ready and we are here their right like a carnival celebration” - altogether” - 22.05.2016 22.05.2016

Kıbrıs Postası covered the news report about the seminar called “Homophobia and Marginalisation in Education” organised within the framework of the Unspoken Project targeting the students of Special Education Teaching Department of the Eastern Mediterranean University. Yenidüzen interviewed Gökhan Coşkun for a series of interviews prepared by Fayka Arseven Kişi. While featuring an extensive interview is important and positive for the visibility of LGBTI individuals, there are discriminatory and transphobic statements in the introduction section such as “Gökhan is waiting to be a complete man”.

Figure 13: Yenidüzen - “This life is mine and yes I am a trans male” - 17.05.2016

20 JUNE 2016 In June 2016, a total number of 41 news reports matched with the key words. All of the news reports were considered as positive and 14 of them published in Kıbrıs Postası, 11 in Gündem Kıbrıs, 10 in Yenidüzen and 6 in Kıbrıs newspaper. Although the discourse and how they are written is sensitive, it is interesting that majority of such news reports are written by foreign press.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs Postası covered the news report that the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau raised a LGBTI flag at the Parliament building for the first time in the history of Canada in recognition of LGBTI Pride day. Kıbrıs Newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report about a gay nightclub shooting that happened in Orlando, USA where 50 people were killed and 53 injured. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured the press release about a series of activities conducted on the 24th June in cooperation with POST Research Institute and Envision Diversity for the Stonewall Riots known as the beginning of gay rights.

21 JULY 2016 In July 2016, a total number of 16 news reports matched with the key words, all of which are positive. 12 of such news reports were categories under the journalism respecting human rights and 4 as the news reports covering the press releases of related topics. When analysed in detail, the number of LGBTI themed journalism in July is lower than before since a majority of news reports were matched with the key words due to the fact that Queer Cyprus Association is a signatory of the #Reddediyoruz demonstrations. Particularly in the second week of July, there are no news reports matching with key words. Since the remaining news reports are the direct publication of press releases, it indicates that there is a lack of LGBTI oriented news reports that are prepared independently. HIGHLIGHTS: Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report that the ban in USA for individuals with gender reassignment surgery to serve in the military was lifted. The news report might be considered as positive in terms of providing equal rights for transgender individuals and eliminating the discrimination against them. Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured the 4th Extraordinary General Assembly of Queer Cyprus Association. The news report featured that as a result of general assembly, intersex individuals were added under LGBT, which is considered as a positive development.

Figure 14: Kıbrıs Postası - “Queer Cyprus added intersex individuals to their legislations” - 27.07.2016

22 AUGUST 2016 In August 2016, a total number of 24 news reports matched with the key words, of which 22 are positive and 2 are negative. One of the negative news reports was published in Kıbrıs newspaper and the other in Gündem Kıbrıs. 7 of the positive news reports were published in Kıbrıs Postası, 4 in Gündem Kıbrıs, 7 in Yenidüzen and 4 in Kıbrıs newspaper. In August, particularly the coverage of the killing of Hande Kader, a trans woman, without using any negative discourse is a positive aspect.

HIGHLIGHTS: In Gündem Kıbrıs, according to the news report about an incident in Mehmetçik Village of İskele, Cyprus, a 57-year old harassed a person. The news report was completely written in a problematic way; instead of referring to a disabled person, the word “handicapped” was used and although the sexual orientation of the person who harassed had nothing to do with the subject, the use of “claimed to be homosexual” is both discriminatory and stereotyping discourse. In the case of the heterosexual harasser, none of the news reports included the phrase “claimed to be heterosexual”, which indicates the dominance of heteronormativity in the journalism discourse. Besides, sexual orientations are not possible to detect without the declaration of individuals.

Figure 14: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Harassment to 19 years old disabled young person in the middle of the road” - 01.08.2016

23 Kıbrıs Postası covered an interview with a homosexual person. This interview is important in terms of emphasizing the existence of LGBTI individuals in society and making the pressure and discrimination LGBTI individuals face visible. The article of Serhat İncirli, “World to be out of joint!”in his column in Kıbrıs newspaper mentioned a couple, who had babies via IVF. Although the article discussed the problem of homosexuals being murdered, the following sentences are considered as negative for using “world to be out of joint” and “I guess the dose of freedoms are overdone” regarding two gay men having children via IVF, namely using ovaries of one of the partners’ sister and sperm of the other partner, and such discourse creates a perception that the gay couple is guilty. This news report was categorized as stereotyping and/or criminalising.

Figure 15: Kıbrıs Gazetesi - “The world gone mad” - 12.08.2016

Kıbrıs Gazetesi and Yenidüzen covered the protest organised with the participation of numerous civil society organisations and people from different levels following the rape and murder of Hande Kader in Turkey. The news report covered this protest with the relevant images. Kıbrıs newspaper features a letter of a reader sent to the column of psychologist Ayla Kahraman called “Reader’s Corner”. The letter cited with the heading “Would my child become a homosexual?” starts with the ‘danger’ of child becoming gay as mother indicates that she caught her son playing with the son of neighbour in ‘an inappropriate position’. Although the mother’s way of asking is homophobic, the psychologist Ayla Kahraman responded in a professional manner indicating that such things might happen, which categorises this article as positive in general. Kıbrıs Postası featured an interview with Ayta Sözeri. The interview discussed the success and visibility of Ayta Sözeri, the first transgender artist, on television; which is important for improving the visibility of trans individuals and their media representation. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured the press release published by the Queer Cyprus Association. The press release noted that trans individuals are discriminated in the society from an early age as well as being exposed to hate speech; and they are mostly driven to suicide or are killed due to pressure, exclusion and a number of discriminations. The publication of this press release is important as it shows LGBTI individuals that they are not alone or doing something wrong in addition to making LGBTI rights visible.

24 SEPTEMBER 2016 In September 2016, a total number of 17 news reports matched with the key words, all of which are positive. Among the positive news reports, 7 of them were published in Kıbrıs Postası, 2 in Gündem Kıbrıs, 4 in Yenidüzen and 4 in Kıbrıs newspaper. 10 of the news reports are the publication of press releases and 7 are examples of journalism respecting human rights. In September, the events organised within the scope of the Unspoken Project had a wide coverage due to the press releases sent. HIGHLIGHTS: In Kıbrıs newspaper, Serhat İncirli elaborated on the countries with İslamophobia and covered the news that the massacre in Orlando happened in a gay bar and that the person that committed the massacre indicated that it was done in the name of Islam. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published the press release regarding the LGBTI Awareness seminar that would be organised targeting psychological counsellors and guides within the framework of the Unspoken Project. Kıbrıs Postası featured the press release written by POST Research Institute and the Unspoken Project for World Peace Day celebrated each year on the 21st September.

Figure 16: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Trans health seminar will be organised” - 29.09.2016 Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the press release about the Transgender Health Seminar organised at the Chamber of Turkish Cypriot Medical Doctors (KTTO) on 1st October as part of the Unspoken Project.

25 OCTOBER 2016 In October 2016, a total number of 36 news reports matched with the key words, of which 33 are positive and 3 are negative. Among the positive news reports, 17 of them were the the publication of press releases and/or events, 15 respected to human rights and 1 covered individuals or professionals.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs newspaper and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the screening of “My Child” about LGBT rights within the framework of the Open Door Festival organised by Civic Space. The news report also considered the screening of an LGBT themed documentary during the event as positive. Kıbrıs newspaper and Kıbrıs Postası featured a news report about the marriage of a gay sergeant serving at Dikelya British bases with his boyfriend. The column of Serhat İncirli in Kıbrıs newspaper called “Pandora’s Box” featured “Miss Trans Israel”, which is an important development for the visibility of trans persons. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report about the implementation and content of an event called “Media Literacy Workshop for Civil Society Organisation Activists” organised under the auspices of the Unspoken Project. The news reports is important in terms of the media representation of LGBTI individuals and sharing important events with the public. Kıbrıs newspaper covered the interview of Gökhan Coşgun. a trans man, under the column called “They Tell”. The news report is positive as it improves the visibility of transgender individuals and provides a basis for transgender individuals to raise their voices about their needs and opinions.

Figure 17: Kıbrıs Gazetesi- “Every day 44 people are diagnosed with AIDS” - 26.10.2016

Kıbrıs newspaper featured a news report with the headline “Each day 44 people contract AIDS”, where the data obtained from Ukraine’s Ministry of Health was used. Since LGBTI representation in local newspapers is quite low, such news reports about AIDS and homosexuality lead to the stigmatization of gay individuals by society. Additionally, including transmission rates only from gay individuals and not from heterosexuals highlights the subjective approach towards the subject matter. This news report is categorised as negative under the stereotyping news report.

26 NOVEMBER 2016 In November 2016, a total number of 67 news reports matched with the key words. In consideration with the previous months, the number of news reports has increased and the majority of news reports were related with the billboards placed within the framework of the Unspoken Project for awareness and visibility purposes. During this remarkable awareness campaign, the various groups of society discussed LGBTI rights and visibility on social media and i the mainstream media. While a part of such news reports approached the topic objectively, Kıbrıs Postası and Kıbrıs newspaper published some negative news reports about the campaign. Particularly, the article of Ahmet Tolgay entitled “Homophobia Not To Be Provoked” used a marginalising and discriminatory discourse towards both the billboard campaign and LGBTI individuals. This article also legitimized the vandalism against billboards with the justification of “provocation” and lead to crime. Additionally, the column of Gökhan Altuner published in Kıbrıs Postası “There is no such awareness campaign!” provides wrong information about homosexuality and legitimizes homophobic discourses and attitudes. Upon the publication of the column, the coverage of the article of Queer Cyprus Association criticizing this column and giving the required clarifications1by Gökhan Altuner in Kıbrıs Postası is a positive approach.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured the condemnation statement of Queer Cyprus Association for the attack against the billboard placed as a part of the Unspoken Project. Regardless of it being a negative incident, the discourse of the news report is not homophobic or transphobic. Kıbrıs newspaper and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the statement of Archbishop Chrysostomos II about his intention to build school where “natural people” can be educated without any gay people. The response of Accept LGBTI organisation was also added to the statement, which shows the bigger picture; hence the statements of Hrisostomos are homophobic yet the news report is positive in terms of discussing the topic from an objective and inclusive perspective. Furthermore, the statement of Eliza Savvidou, the Ombudsperson in the southern part of Cyprus was featured indicating that a criminal investigation might be launched for such statements and no homophobic discourse is acceptable regardless of religion, tradition or ideology. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the condemnation of Semen Saygun, the chairperson of the Turkish Cypriot Teachers Union (KTOS), regarding the attacks against the billboards of Queer Cyprus Association that were placed to improve the visibility of LGBTI individuals and enhance the awareness. The statement also noted that the homophobic discourse of society bringing the children to the fore is also child abuse. The Chairperson of KTÖS, Semen Saygun stated that they are in solidarity with feminist and LGBTI organisations. Kıbrıs newspaper published an article on hate crimes for giving a warning about the hate crimes performed on the billboards without any press release or demand from any civil society organisation. This article is a positive and important


27 development for emphasizing equal access of LGBTI individuals to human rights. The increase in the number of such news reports prepared independently within the framework of human rights is important and necessary for the LGBTI movement. Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs featured the statement of Bağımsızlık Yolu against the homophobic discourse, which condemns the homophobic discourse and that Bağımsızlık Yolu would fight next to all oppressed people. Therefore, it is positive and considered under the news reports as respecting human rights.

Figure 18: Kıbrıs Gazetesi- “Billboards are attacked, Queer Cyprus condemned” - 02.11.2016 The column of Serhat İncirli called Pandora’s Box in Kıbrıs newspaper featured an article supporting the Unspoken Project. As an example for positive journalism, this article is significant and positive in terms of Serhat İncirli’s condemning the attacks against billboards, congratulating the Unspoken Project for their awareness activities and discussing the topic from a comprehensive perspective. Gündem Kıbrıs mentioned the article of Hüseyin Ekmekçi, the Editor-in-Chief of Havadis newspaper, where he discussed the billboards of Queer Cyprus Association at specific points of the country and the topic of homosexuality, and the complete article was published accordingly. Ekmekçi included the social media post of Gündem Kıbrıs Director Enver Karakaya about the subject matter and put the headline of “Is Enver wrong?” The discourse of this news report is positive and contributes to the discussions on LGBTI rights in the Turkish Cypriot community by condemning the homophobic attacks. Yenidüzen published the article of Cenk Mutluyakalı called “Don’t be shy, just say it!” in his column. Condemning the attacks against the billboards of Queer Cyprus Association as part of the Unspoken Project, the article criticized the people that stayed silent on a number of problems in Cyprus. The discourse of the article is positive and it is important in terms of condemning the attacks. Gündem Kıbrıs covered the 10 year anniversary of the gay penguin couple at Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany. This news report is an example of positive journalism and important for sharing positive news about homosexuality around the world and nature with the Turkish Cypriot community. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Gündem Kıbrıs covered that the number of organisations condemning the attacks against the awareness raising billboards of Queer Cyprus Association placed as part of the Unspoken Project. The news report included the statement of Queer Cyprus Association and underlined the support of local and international organisation on the solidarity call; hence it is considered as positive under the news reports covering the press releases or activities. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the theatre performance in Nicosia on the occasion of the Transgender Day of Remembrance as part of the Unspoken project. The news report also mentioned the solidarity night that would be organised after the theatre performance at 1984 Bar.


Figure 19: Kıbrıs Postası- “Hope Association also used the billboards against poverty” - 07.11.2016 Kıbrıs Postası included a news report that following the awareness-raising billboards placed as part of the Unspoken Project; “KKTC Umut Derneği” (TRNC Hope Association) also used the same billboards. Although the visuals and idea of the Unspoken billboards were used without permission, Kıbrıs Postası defined this move as “meaningful” and referred to the billboards of the Unspoken Project as the “billboards that cause arguments”. Such approach not only creates and supports prejudices against LGBTI community but also positions the struggle for LGBTI rights as a counter-movement to fighting poverty. As a result, this news report considers the unauthorised use of billboards as positive while it is negative due to emphasizing that the original billboards “cause arguments”.

29 DECEMBER 2016 In December 2016, a total number of 12 news matched with the key words, 9 of them were considered as positive and 3 as negative since they contained hate speech and/or discriminative language. News that was considered as negative were the ones covered by Kıbrıs Postası, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs newspaper on George Michael’s death.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs Postası, Kıbrıs newspaper and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report on seminars to be organized related to “Revealing processes of LGBTI people and families” within the framework of the Unspoken Project. It was considered as positive news since it covers the press releases and activities. Oxford University using a genderless pronoun against discrimination was covered in Yenidüzen. It is important and positive to have such studies and practices against discrimination covered in the local media. Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs newspaper covered the death of famous singer and songwriter George Michael. In the content of the news, there was a sentence saying “George Michael was detained in 1998 at USA due to disorderly behaviour and then he declared that he is homosexual”. The fact that his sexual orientation and “disorderly behaviour” were mentioned to provide background information about George Michael, while the positive developments in the USA that followed the incident and the struggle of Michael for LGBTI rights were omitted clearly indicates bias.

Figure 20: Kıbrıs Postası- “Cypriot origin Famous singer George Michael passed away” - 26.12.2016

30 JANUARY 2017 In January 2017, a total number of 31 news matched with the key words, all of them were considered as positive. Since the 27th of January 2014 the penal code had been amended in a positive way for the LGBTI struggle, January is an important month. In this content, most of the news reported on January 2017 was press releases on the change of the Criminal Code and the awareness campaigns.


Ali Baturay wrote in his column in Kıbrıs Gazetesi that most people hate gays even though they don’t have any bad experiences with them and mentioned that tolerance is necessary for happiness. Yenidüzen and Gündem Kıbrıs reported about Barbaros Şansal (an openly gay Turkish fashion designer) being deported. The news reports also included that he is an LGBTI activist therefore the news were considered as positive. However, deportation of Barbaros Şansal also received negative coverage featuring hate speech. In response to this, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published the press release of Basın-Sen (Press Workers Union) stating that “these journalists are not our members”. In the press release, the importance of journalism ethics were mentioned in general and it was emphasized that Basın-Sen is sensitive while covering news about LGBTI individuals. Also stating the difference between freedom of expression and hate speech, the union asked the journalists in question if they are aware of the marginalization that they are causing.

31 Figure 21 : Gündem Kıbrıs -“Press Trade Union: The journalists who are affiliated with Şansal’s deportation are not our members” - 05.01.2017

In Kıbrıs Postası, a news report was covered headed “Cyprus all Unions Form supports the negotiations being carried out in Geneva”. In the content of the news, the support given to the negotiations mentioned and it was said that in the structure to be set up must be an environment and education system where people will not be discriminated due to their gender and sexual orientations. News report covered for the panel of “Discrimination and Heteronormativity”. Prof. Dr. Melek Göregenli, Dr. Umut Şah, Researcher Mehmet Karasu and CIU Psychology Club Counsellor Gözde Kral Uçar attended to the panel as speakers. It is important and positive that institutions other than LGBTI organizations organize such events independently. Language of the news was considered positive. Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report named “Queer Cyprus Association asks: What had been changed”. The news is comprised of an interview conducted by Rüstem Tüccar who took an initiative and is one of the writers in Kıbrıs Postası; that’s why both the preparation of such a news report and the content of the news is positive and can be shown as an example for the journalism understanding with LGBTI sensitivity.

Figure 22: Kıbrıs Postası -“Queer Cyrus Association is asking: “whatchanged”” - 19.01.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report entitled “Trump is officially the 45th President of the USA”. In the content of the news, information was given regarding the election process of Trump and after the election in general. It was mentioned that the morning of the oath-taking ceremony, advocates of homosexual rights wanted to walk to the ceremony area but the police did not allow them to enter. Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a statement of Özdenefe “For equal and liberal community, we need to struggle with all type of discrimination including homophobia”. Details of a speech in parliament given by MP Fazilet Özdenefe mentioned “What has changed in the social view about LGBTI individuals”.


Figure 23: Kıbrıs Postası -“Queer Cyrus Association visited Dizdarlı” - 24.01.2017 Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report regarding the panel called “Hate also changes” organized by Queer Cyprus Association. In the news that was considered as positive as details of the panel were mentioned. Kıbrıs Postası gave a place to an interview entitled “Homophobic understanding runs around in circles”. In the interview conducted by Rüstem Tüccar with Queer Cyprus, information about a campaign named “Hate also changes” took place and general information about the LGBTI struggle in Cyprus was given. This news report can be shown as an example of journalism with LGBTI sensitivity.

Figure 24: Kıbrıs Postası -“Homophobic understanding still remains the same” - 27.01.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper included a news report called “discriminatory violence is undeniable”. In the content of the news, details of the panel called “hate also changes” organized by Queer Cyprus Association on the 3rd year anniversary of the amendment of the Criminal Code were given. Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası covered a press release from Envision Diversity: “The government hasn’t performed most of its duties”. The content of the news stated the importance of the changes happened after the amendment of the Criminal Code on 27th of January 2014. Kıbrıs newspaper also published a news report entitled “It is a hypocrisy that LGBTI people are forced to hide themselves”. The news report continued with the statement made by Queer Cyprus Association assessing the current situation of LGBTI rights. Kıbrıs newspaper published a news article entitled “The unisex toilets of Berlin” mentioned that New York is the first metropolitan city that took a step forward on this matter and the reason behind the Municipal Council’s decision was to create a safe environment for trans* people.


Figure 25: Kıbrıs Gazetesi -“Berlin’s mixed toilets” - 30.01.2017

34 FEBRUARY 2017 In February 2017, a total number of 20 news matched with the key words, out of which 19 were considered as positive and 1 as negative. The negative news published this month was important to understand the level homophobia in the media. The news covering a child abuse case also mentioned that the abusive person was homosexual. This increases the prejudices towards all gay people and creates a connection between being abusive and homosexuality even though they are not related. The discrimination is very obvious since the attackers are never labeled heterosexual in such news reports in the media.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs newspaper gave a place to the problems faced by LGBTI people headed “Iranian LGBTI refugees are stuck in Turkey”. The content of the news report mentioned that LGBTI people are stateless and the issues that are related to that situation. Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report entitled “ Homosexual Referee Dinçağ is a candidate for MHK Presidency”. In such news there is homophobia. In the content, the problem that Dinçağ faced due to his sexual orientation and the struggle he gives are stated.

Figure 26: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Gay Football Coach Dinçdağ is candidate for being MHK President” - 04.02.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered the news report which Queer Cyprus Association expressed that it is wrong to connect sexual abuse that children are exposed to and paedophilia by touching upon children rights with the heading “Any type of sexual abuse can is unacceptable!”. It is important that the press release with informative content gives all the relevant definitions

35 Kıbrıs newspaper published an article written by Gizem Özgeç entitled “Homosexuality is not a perversion”. In the content of the news, the destructive effects of hate speeches and discrimination against people and the existence of LGBTI people within the historical processes and scientific surveys give answers to the claims that “homosexuality is a disease” or “LGBTI people are pedophiles” and the views of expert psychologists and advocates from Queer Cyprus Association were taken. Also it was mentioned by Queer Cyprus Association that pedophilia and sexual abuse are different things and they should not be associated with homosexuality. It is a news article with information and awareness raising content reflecting the opinions of experts. Başel at Kıbıs Postası said “Quietness in regard to children abuse is a cancer for communities” as is being silent about this subject. If this happens the community gets used to it and accepts it as normal. With the sentence “A homosexual is not a potential abuser” she stressed that the abuser can be from every orientation, gender or profession and this situation can never be accepted. It is important that press releases with informative content give all the definitions required. Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report mentioning Jewish activists that organized a protest against the anti-immigrant policies of President Trump entitled “Jewish people in New York protested Trump”. The content of the news report covered a variety of meetings that were organized with the support of other organizations including the LGBTI community. Kıbrıs Postası published a news report entitled “The first transsexual doll of the world has been introduced”.

Figure 27: Kıbrıs Postası -“First transexual doll of the world is introduced ” - 19.02.2017 Gündem Kıbrıs published an article on the detention of fashion designer Barbaros Şansal. There were incidents during the detention period and statements of Barbaros Şalsal were mentioned in the articles. According to the statements, it was mentioned that criticisms was used because of Şansal’s ‘sexual preference’. Even though sexual orientation was incorrectly expressed as sexual preference; homophobic or journalistic language with prejudice were not found generally in the news. Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report entitled “Negative effects which Brexit is going to create continue to take place in the headings of the British newspapers”. The s negative effects of Brexit and the struggle to acquire the civil partnership right that is already given to homosexuals also for heterosexuals were taken on board. Gündem Kıbrıs published a news report entitled “Child abuser went to the Southern Cyprus to escape”. In the news article information was shared about the sexual orientation the person who was the alleged abuser. Although the sexual orientation is not relevant with the abuse, sharing such information causes existing homophobia and stereotype toward LGBTI people to increase.

36 MARCH 2017 In March 2017, a total number of 50 news matched with the key words, out of which 47 were considered as positive and 3 as negative journalism.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs gave a place to news mentioning hundreds of transsexuals gathered and organized demonstrations against Trump in USA entitled “ Transsexuals protested against Trump”. In the article, it was mentioned that banners as “lives of transsexuals are also important”, “No to fascist USA” “Rights of transsexuals are human rights” were held by the demonstrators to criticize the policies of Trump. Gündem Kıbrıs mentioned the rising problems seen in both sides in the news according to the 2016 Human rights report with the title “The problem of the both sides is the increasing crime rates”. In the content of the news article, discrimination against LGBTI individuals, minorities, ethnic and national groups were also mentioned. Kıbrıs Postası reported news that Tayip Erdoğan’s criticism towards Germany given by the Guardian Newspaper with the heading “Nazi accusations of Erdoğan reflects the big tension”. The article reported that the MP of Greens Party Volker Beck who was detained in İstanbul while visiting the city to attend the LGBTI Pride in 2016, tweeted “lost his mind” in reference to Erdoğan.

Figure 28: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Queer Cyprus reacted to the rape related news: “These are against the journalism ethics” ” - 22.03.2017

Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report mentioning the symposiums to be given by experts about therapy and implementations on LGBTI individuals and mental health headed “Diversity+ Spring Symposiums are going to start on 17th of March”.

37 A statement by the Media Ethics Board entitled ‘Publications against human rights should not be done” was published in Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası referring to the bad practices of the media with regards to emphasizing someone’s gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or any other characteristic when it is not relevant to the crime they committed. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report saying Queer Cyprus calls for participation in the “17th May Organization committee”. In the content it was said that Queer Cyprus is going the set up a “17th of May Organization Committee” to organize the events for “17th of May International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia”. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published the statement of CTP MP Doğuş Derya on gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, hate speech and Criminal Code amendment proposals she would present to the Parliament that week. It is an important improvement in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Gökhan Altıner from Kıbrıs Postası published the response letter sent by the Queer Cyprus Association entitled “Letter from Queer: LGBTI” which criticizes the homophobic language used in his previous article.

Figure 29: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Homosexual teen was kidnapped and raped” - 20.03.2017 News report covered in Gündem Kıbrıs Newspaper with the heading “Homosexual teen was kidnapped and raped” has negative journalism features. In the content of the news article which has discriminatory language, there is information created that violates individual rights. Besides giving the sexual orientation of the teen, together with the rape incident it increases the prejudices. Gündem Kıbrıs newspaper reported news mentioning that a father in UK was given a 21 years prison sentence for raping his daughter when she told him that she was a lesbian. Since the crime is given without any comment in the news, it creates a negative perception.

38 APRIL 2017 22 news matched with keywords in April 2017. All of the news were considered as positive. In this month, “Hate speech on gender, sexual orientation or gender identity” was brought into the agenda of the Parliament within the scope of the Criminal Code.

HIGHLIGHTS : Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published a news article mentioning the draft Penal (amendment) Code prepared by CTP MP’s Doğuş Derya and Fazilet Özdenefe that was also published in the Official Gazette on 6th of April. Within the content of the Law amendment among 6 articles they have foreseen that the article dealing with the “hate speech regarding the gender, sexual orientation or gender identity” crime to become more operative. Kıbrıs Postası reported news saying “LGBTI representation in media” seminar for the students of the Communication Department, EMU was organized on 31st of March. This event was organized within the scope of the Unspoken Project and journalist Burcu Karakaş gave a speech.

Figure 30: Kıbrıs Postası -“LGBTI representation in media” seminar for the students of the Communication Department, EMU was organized on 31st of March” - 03.04.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper covered the news mentioning that famous British theatre and cinema actor, scenarist and LGBTQ activist Sir Ian McKellen met with cinema lovers in İstanbul. News are positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity.


Figure 31: Kıbrıs Gazetesi -“I never imagined that I would have a film career” - 12.04.2017 Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report with a heading mentioning a sanction proposal for the teacher who didn’t teach about respecting LGBTI individuals in the Netherlands. This news report is positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity and inclusive journalistic practices. Kıbrıs newspaper covered the coming out of actress Michelle Rodriguez. Kıbrıs Newspaper gave a place to news stating that transgenders are applying to learn the art of defense with the title of “In Brazil, trans individuals learn art of defense”. Kıbrıs Postası covered the NASUWT conference in its news. Within the subjects of the conference, there was prejudice, discrimination, and harassment because of the LGBTI, gender, sexual identity and race.

40 MAY 2017 In total 34 news matched with keywords in May 2017. 33 of the news were considered as positive and 1 as negative. In most of the countries, that day is celebrated against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia since the World Health Organization excluded homosexuality from being a disease on 17th of May 1990. Therefore, the biggest part of the news published in May is the press releases to announce events to be organised by the 17 May Organization Committee.


Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report with the title “Queer Cyprus published a message for 1st of May” where in the content it was said that Queer wants the reality of “sexual orientation” and “sexual identity” that define LGBTI+ existence to infiltrate the community by all progressive structures of the community and the definitions to be recognized by the Constitution. Gündem Kıbrıs gave a place to the event of Baraka Cultural Center titled “ Poems and Songs that meet in the Rainbow”. In the statement of Baraka Cultural Center it was stated that their event was organized within the scope of “17th of May International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia”. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report entitled “ Pride is going to be held tomorrow”. In the content of the news, it was said that Pride will be held due to the 17th of May Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia which is accepted as a “Demonstration day against physical, psychological and economic violence against sexual identities and sexual orientations”.

41 Figure 32: Gündem Kıbrıs -“The day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia will be celebrated with the various events” - 08.05.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper and Yenidüzen published an article entitled “Dereboyu was coloured with the colours of the rainbow”, “Pride will be held today”, due to the 17th of May Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia that was accepted as “Demonstration day against physical, physiological and economic violence against sexual identities and sexual orientations” Pride was held. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs gave place to the news which said that Nicosia Turkish Municipality is going to organize an awareness raising seminar on LGBTI rights. News is considered positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Gündem Kıbrıs and Kıbrıs Postası stated in their news article that Queer Cyprus published a message due to the Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia and in the content of the message they mentioned that their struggle will continue until a world where no-one is exposed to discrimination and existence with diversity is possible will be constructed. Serhat İncirli in his column in Kıbrıs newspaper stressed that human is free entitled “ We are homophobic! We should be ashamed!”. He mentioned that it is freedom of sexuality, thought and expression. In the content he stated the definition of homophobia, and the existence of homophobia in Cyprus. This news was positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. In a news report titled “Ombudsman supports the struggle against discrimination!” Yenidüzen newspaper published the statement of the Ombudsperson about waving the rainbow flag on the building and their support. Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Post and Gündem Kıbrıs stated in their news that the Artistic Intervention in Public Spaces “Rüzgar Gülü” project was done by the Communal Gender Equality Platform. It was said in the news that Artistic Intervention in Public Spaces “Rüzgar Gülü” project that CGEP activists Özinal and Karagil worked on together with the Unicorn LGBTQ Club was done within the scope of the 17th May Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report mentioning that the partner of Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Gauthier Destenay who had a homosexual marriage is the only man among First Ladies. This news is positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Kıbrıs postası mentioned in its news that Queer Cyprus Association participated to the Pride organized in the southern part of the island (RoC) on 28th of May.

Figure 33: Gündem Kıbrıs -“The age of sexually transmitted diseases decreased until 15 years oldsexually transmitted diseases can be seen in youth as young as 15” - 02.05.2017 In Gündem Kıbrıs newspaper, Alper Sözüöz was quoted saying sexually transmitted diseases can be seen in youth as young as 15 and the rates are increasing. He continued to say “if you are homosexual, don’t get married to a girl to cover it up or to escape from social pressure. You will put her in trouble as well!” In the Q&A part of the news, with the wording as “some men are gay” he reflected that homosexuality is abnormal. This is a problematic statement as it stereotypes gay individuals.

42 JUNE 2017 In total 25 news matched with key words in June 2017. All of the news were considered positive. June is an important month for the LGBTI struggle and while positive developments happen all around the world, Transgender Pride was prohibited again in Turkey and UBP MP Zorlu Tö re made homophobic statements.

HIGHLIGHTS: Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs mentioned in the news that sexual preferences were the discussion subject at the Parliament. In the content of the news, the statement of the UBP MP Zorlu Töre was mentioned as “Homosexuality is contradictory with Turkish family structure” and he said “I am tolerant to those sexual preferences but I don’t find it appropriate and sexual relations against nature are not suitable for the Turkish family structure”. In continuation of the news it was written that Fazilet Özdenefe took the floor and condemned the speech of Töre and invited Töre to apologize to all segments of the community. It is positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Titled “Youth exclude their friends due to their sexual orientations”, Kıbrıs newspaper covered the statements of Özdenefe drawing attention to the lack of knowledge at schools, and anti-LGBTI campaigns. Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published QCA’s letter condemning Töre’s speech which was hate speech that included discriminative words. It was stressed that homosexuality is not a preference but a sexual orientation and the MP should act with dignity and apologize to LGBTI people immediately.

Figure 34: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Homosexuality is contradictory with Turkish family structure” - 20.06.2017

43 Kıbrıs, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs reported about the “First homosexual Prime Minister: Ana Branabiç”. In the content of the news, it was mentioned that Serbia has its first both woman and homosexual prime minister as a positive and sensitive news story. Kıbrıs Gazetesi reported that Serra Yılmaz had been selected as “Comedy Queen” in Italy and made a statement that “I embrace all colours of the rainbow and become richer when they express their different sexual identities freely; nowadays at different areas of the world such as Chechnya, violations of LGBTI rights have reached worrisome levels”.

Figure 35: Kıbrıs Gazetesi -“First homosexual Prime Minister: Ana Branabiç” - 17.06.2017 Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report with the title of “ No permission for the pride” at Taksim, mentioning that the Pride march planned by LGBTI individuals at Taksim Square will not be allowed by İstanbul governor’s office and then news saying “Pride which was not allowed by the Governor’s office tried to be performed despite the prohibition”. In the news it was mentioned that police took comprehensive measures for the Pride that was prohibited by the Istanbul Governor’s office and police detained nine people and prevented the ones who carried the rainbow symbol to walk through the streets.

44 JULY 2017 11 news matched with key words in July 2017. 8 of those news were considered as positive and 3 as negative.

HIGHLIGHTS: Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report titled “ 50 million Euros war against hate speech in Germany” which says that from now on Germany approved a law that allows the imposition of sanctions against platforms that do not prevent hate crime. Kıbrıs newspaper published a news report saying Trans Pride that had been planned to take place at Taksim İstanbul was not allowed. Although the subject was negative, the language used was positive in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Again in Kıbrıs newspaper there was a news article published saying that the marriage of three men was allowed in Colombia. Kıbrıs newspaper and Kıbrıs Postası reported that gay marriage passed from the Parliament in Malta. Kıbrıs newspaper reported that the US President’s “transgender ban” in the army was received with negative reactions. It was mentioned that Canada, Democrats, Hollywood, LGBTI activists and even Republicans were against the decision of the US President regarding transgenders not being able to serve in the army. Kıbrıs newspaper published a news report titled “Veto from Trump for the transgender soldiers.” explaining in the content that a decision was taken by the President to terminate the acceptance of trans individuals into the America armed forces.

Figure 36: Kıbrıs Postası -“”The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army” is established against ISIS” - 25.07.2017 The use of sexual preference wording by Serhat İncirli in his column in the Kıbrıs newspaper is considered as a terminological mistake. Kıbrıs Postası reported that “homosexual resistance and salvation army” was established against ISIS. The word “faggot”, which was included in the the organisation’s tweet, was censored as “fag..t”. Considering that the organisation defines themselves as “faggots” and the image used contains the word “faggot”, censoring this word is considered as a moralist approach.

45 AUGUST 2017 23 news matched with keywords in August 2017. 19 of the news were considered as positive and 4 of them negative.


The news in Kıbrıs newspaper entitled “A man gave birth in the USA” was considered positive in terms of journalistic language. Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report on voting for same-sex marriages in Australia. Kıbrıs Newspaper pointed out the necessity to hear the problems of homosexuals with the title “finally you have started reporting about our problems too”. It is positive in terms of journalistic sensitivity. Yenidüzen covered a news report about the event to be organized under the scope of the “Unspoken” project. In the content it was mentioned that brainstorming will be done with the motto of “lets shape our future”. Kıbrıs newspaper and Kıbrıs Postası published the news titled “ transgender people will not be accepted to the army officially”. It was reported that the President of the US, Donald Trump terminated the acceptance of transgenders in the American armed forces and officially gave the relevant instruction to the Ministry of Defense. Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası widely covered the billboard campaign made by Unspoken Project to create public opinion on LGBTI rights in Turkish Cypriot community.

Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası featured a news story titled “AIDS cases have doubled in the last 5 years!”. According to the data given in the content of the news, 1/8 of those people are homosexual men between the ages of 20 and 39 which shows discriminatory language. Even though the given rates of homosexual individuals is very low, linking homosexuality and AIDS, which are still taboos, feeds and reproduces stereotypes.

46 SEPTEMBER 2017 32 news matched with keywords in September 2017. 31 of that news were considered as positive and 1 as negative. 28 of the positive news articles were press releases.


A news article in Kıbrıs newspaper with the title of “LGBTI organized a billboard campaign again.” they mentioned that LGBTI awareness billboards were done again. The content of the news report was about Unspoken: Creating Dialogue on LGBTI Rights in the Turkish Cypriot Community and in that way reach a wider mass. It was positive in terms of journalistic sensitivity. Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report to publicize that LGBTI awareness billboards were done again titled as “LGBTI billboards are in the streets of Cyprus one more time!”. It is positive in terms of journalistic sensitivity. Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası covered the program of the 36th book fair organized by Işık Kitabevi which also included the speech of Erman Dolmacı from Queer Cyprus. Kıbrıs Newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report mentioning the LGBTI Sensitivity Workshop that was going to be organized for media professionals in Cyprus. It was positive in terms of journalistic sensitivity. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs published a news article entitled “Queer Cyprus Association draws attention to sexual orientation based discrimination”. The content of the news was the discriminations faced by LGBTI individuals in the workplace and anti-discrimination policies of institutions were mentioned at the press conference organized by Queer Cyprus Association.


Figure 37: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Queer Cyprus Association draws attention to sexual orientation based discrimination” - 17.09.2017 Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report entitled “Homosexual president of Serbia Brnabic was the first president to participate in the Balkans Gay Pride”. In the content of the news, statements of Brnabic regarding LGBTI rights and the struggle of Serbia from past to today in regard to LGBTI rights was summarized. It was a positive new in terms of LGBTI sensitivity. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report titled “Right based journalism and the Media LGBTI Representation seminar will be organized”. Kıbrıs Postası published a piece titled “In Brazil, judiciary approves homosexual transformation therapy” where a judge approved that psychologists can classify homosexuality as a disease and apply treatment in this scope. Even though the subject of the news was negative, the fact that it featured explanations and statements of activists and the Federal Psychology Council was positive.. Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report titled “New Saw movie criticizes the blood donation prohibition which homosexuals are exposed to”. In the content, discrimination exposed by homosexuals and the ways followed to combat with such discrimination was mentioned. Kıbrıs newspaper, Yenidüzen and Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report entitled“Open Door Festival is starting on Sunday”. In the news mentioning the activities organized within the scope of the Open Door Festival, the Queer Cyprus Association will also organize an event.

Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report with the title “Fake news writer who said Trump was selected with my help was found dead at 38”. In the article, the following expression was used; “In the websites as newsexaminer.com established by Horner, a gossip was spread that Obama is a Muslim gay”. This news report increases the prejudice since homosexuality is meant as a negative thing in context.

48 OCTOBER 2017 18 news matched with keywords in October 2017. 12 of the news were considered as positive and 6 as negative.


Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report with the heading “ Marriage Equality law has been passed in Germany”. In this news article was the law that had been amended as “Marriage is done with two different genders or same genders”. Such improvement is positive. In the same newspaper there was news with the title of “Law had been adopted to recognize Trans identity cards”. It was mentioned that in Greece, trans people can change their identity cards without being subjected to any medical intervention or testing. In Kıbrıs newspaper, news had been covered by Ergül Ernur with the heading “Community Report: In which fields do you find yourself successful and unsuccessful? “ which content was the results of a survey done by the Migration, Identity and Right Studies Centre (CMIRS) in September 2017. Content of the news showed that the community gives 4.72 points to the LGBTI rights over 10. Since the word homosexual was a word used by the World Health Organization before 1990, to consider it as a disease evokes negative however in general it is positive in terms of right-based journalism. Gündem Kıbrıs wrote a news article entitled “Football players can come out as homosexual at Football Manager 2018”. In the content of the news report, it was mentioned that new characteristic of the game aims to decrease homophobia and they talked about the football players who came out in their personal life and their stories.

Figure 38: Gündem Kıbrıs -“Football players can come out as homosexual at Football Manager 2018” - 30.10.2017

49 Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report titled “ LGBTI Equality and the Fight with Discrimination Conference will be held at Nicosia Bedesten on 20-21 October”. The details of the conference were given in the context of the news. Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report stating that in England, patients will be questioned about their sexual orientation. While Kıbrıs Postası considered this news as positive and as an example of journalism where positive language is used, although the subject in question is a positive development, the news in Gündem Kıbrıs with the title “In England, patients will be questioned about their sexual orientation” presenting sexual orientation as a preference by using the words “sexual preference” and maintaining the public’s prejudice “homosexuality is preference”.Kıbrıs Postası published news entitled “Human face carries information”. In the context of the article, the studies conducted about the human face were mentioned and all the lesbians and gays were stereotyped and a perception was created where “feminine” men are gay and “masculine” women are lesbians by stating “research shows that gay men have more feminine features in comparison with the heterosexual men and lesbian women have more masculine features in comparison with the heterosexual women”. At the same time, it is known that, masculinity and effeminacy changes from one culture to another and this kind of news cause standardization. Kıbrıs Postası published news titled: “ Royal College Psychiatrists in England: Our treatment for homosexuals were wrong”. In the context of the news, the damages and the false notion caused by the aversion therapies implemented on homosexuals were emphasized. Although the incident mentioned in the news is positive, in the context of “sexual preference” is used and sexual orientation was reflected as a preference.

Figure 39: Gündem Kıbrıs - “Scary Scenario in HIV” - 22.10.2017 Gündem Kıbrıs published a news article titled “Scary Scenario in HIV”. In the context of the news, statistical data given by the local body in charge of Health about HIV and AIDS are shared. In the news, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Expert Emre Y. Vudalı stated that in the TRNC, there are 54 registered patients in total, the majority of these patients are homosexual men or individuals having bisexual relations. With this statement both Gündem Kıbrıs and Dr. Emre Y. Vudalı who prepared the news, strengthens prejudice and stigmatizes homosexual and bisexual individuals. Although it is known that HIV is not a type of infection exclusive to homosexuals, the homophobic approaches in the health sector coming from the past are sustained and a perception is created where HIV is exclusive to homosexuals. Even if this data is shared, the people preparing this news should not have shared the sexual orientation of these individuals for the sake of fair journalism. In this respect, both the news source and the news itself maintain the homophobic and transphobic approaches and increase prejudice.

50 NOVEMBER 2017 8 news matched with keywords in November 2017. 4 of the news were considered as positive and 4 as negative. This month is the final month of the Unspoken Project and media monitoring process that was initiated on 11th of November in 2015 had been finalized on 11th of November 2017.


Kıbrıs Postası covered a news report headed “Ali Turan gave a statement on the claims about himself saying he divorced his wife because he is gay”. It was positive that not only the claims but also the statement given by Ali Turan was in the news. Kıbrıs newspaper, Kıbrıs Postası and Gündem Kıbrıs covered a news report on harassment claims against actor Kevin Spacey. It is negative journalism that together with the negative claims about Kevin Spacey, it was mentioned that he came out as homosexual. Even though there is no relation between the sexual orientation and the events that happened, they were mentioned together in the news thus creating a negative perception and increasing the prejudice.

News given by Kıbrıs Postası as a “weird explanation from authorities in Kenya regarding the lions which had homosexual relationship: They are being affected by humans”. In the content of the news, negative treatment to lions and decisions given about lions and also the negative attitude of the Kenya government about homosexuals were given. In the column of Ali Baturay at Kıbrıs newspaper called Markaj, an article entitled “When women lack a sexual drive, what is the quota for?” was published. In the content he wrote that he defends equal rights in every field for LGBTI individuals. Such positive statements given by important people in the community is vital both for LGBTI struggles and human rights based journalism.

At Kıbrıs Postası Journalist – Writer Murat Yetkin covered a news report headed: ‘Behind the Cyprus dispute there is a sex scandal’. In the context of the news, journalist-Writer Murat Yetkin made a statement about the President of the Republic of Cyprus Archbishop Makarios and EOKA leader Grivas claiming that according to the English documents it is detected that “they show homosexual orientation particularly unusual towards youth” showing homosexuality as a crime factor.

51 Glossary

Bisexual: form of sexual orientation. Individuals who define themselves with this orientation have sexual, emotional and romantic attraction both to women and men.

Biological sex: defines the structure from birth and physical and genetic features of an individual based on the sex.

Sexual Orientation: feature that directs individuals to have emotional, romantic and sexual attraction to one and/or more than one sex.

Sexual Identity: identity with which an individual defines themselves in terms of gender. The answer given by an individual when asked the question “What is my gender?” .

Homosexual: form of sexual orientation. Individuals who define themselves with this orientation have sexual, emotional and romantic attraction to people of the same sex.

Gay: Homosexual man. Men who define themselves with this orientation have sexual, emotional and romantic attraction to men.

Heteronormativity: (look at heterosexism) structure that feeds and brings heterosexist views and assumptions into existence.

Heterosexual: look at heterosexual

Heterosexism: View/assumption that accepts heterosexualism as a norm and sees heterosexualism as correct and normal.

Homophobia: form of bias. Defines the prejudice to homosexuals and contains negative feelings, behaviors and attitudes towards homosexual women and/or men.

Homosexual: look at homosexual

Heterosexual: form of sexual orientation. Individuals who define themselves with this orientation have sexual, emotional and romantic attraction to people of the opposite sex.

Lesbian: Homosexual women. Women who define themselves with this orientation have sexual, emotional and a romantic attraction to women.

Social Gender: Feminine and masculine perception of an individual and/or community.

52 Transgender: Ones who live out of binary gender system and gender perception and form within the community. Umbrella term that covers transvestite, trans and transsexualism.

Trans man: an individual who was assigned a female at birth and whose gender identity is a man .

Trans woman: an individual who was assigned a male at birth and whose gender identity is a woman.

Transphobia: form of bias. Defines the bias to transgenders and contains negative feelings, behaviours and attitudes towards transgender people.

Intersex: intersex individuals have a mixture of anatomic sex characteristics (chromosomes, genital and/or reproductive organs) which definitely do not fit with typical female or male definitions. There are different forms of intersex, not a single category.

Hate speech: insulting or treating a specific group or person in regard to language, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender declaration, age, ethnicity or disability.

Stereotyping: Standardization of a specific group or person based on bias and stigmatization with generalizations.