Soil Survey of the Eastern Darling

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Soil Survey of the Eastern Darling 370000mE 380 390 400000mE 151 40 151 45 151 50 151 55 152 00 REFERENCE 69 000m 69 000m Mapping Unit Major Attributes of the Dominant Soil Landform Australian Soil Classification Area 70 N 70 N (ha) Coarse-grained sediments (Marburg Subgroup) Meringandan Cre Bo Bony Very shallow, acid to neutral, brown, sandy loam to clay loam. Hillslopes of undulating plains Leptic Tenosol; Brown Kandosol 111 Ok and rises. Mm Ok Dm Dm Eg Ellangowan Moderately deep to deep, texture contrast, with hardsetting surface and Hillslopes of undulating plains Yellow or Grey Sodosol 5 Ok Dm Hm bleached A2 over sodic, alkaline, mottled clay. and rises. Dm Ok Ok Dm Ok Ri Ridge Moderately deep, texture contrast, with hardsetting surface and thin Hillslopes of undulating plains Red or Brown Sodosol; 4 Dm Mm Mm Y Dm bleached A2 over sodic, neutral to alkaline, red-brown to red clay. and rises. Red or Brown Chromosol Ok Ok Dm Mm Mm ek Dm Vt Victoria Moderately deep to deep, sandy clay loam grading into neutral to Hillslopes of undulating plains. Yellow Dermosol 24 Ok Dm Dm alkaline, yellow to yellow-brown clay. Mm HIGHWA Ok Mm Ok Fine-grained sediments (Walloon Coal Measures) Mm Ok Dm Al Acland Moderately deep to deep, acid to neutral, brown to red-brown clay over Hillslopes of undulating plains Red Dermosol 57 Dm Ok Mb Mm Ct Mm Gv sodic, alkaline, red-brown clay. and rises. Ok El Ct Hm Wc Km 27 25 Mo Moola Gilgaied, moderately deep, alkaline, grey-brown cracking clay over Hillslopes of undulating plains Grey Vertosol 26 Km Ct ENGLAND sodic, alkaline, yellow-brown clay. and rises. 27 25 Ct Ok Hm Ba Km Ok Gv CtSp Dm Ok Ct Ba Ba Basaltic uplands Hm Cm Km Ct Ba Cm Ct El Dm Cm Pw Cm Ct Ng NEW Ok Dm CtSp GUL CtRv Gv Wl Wellcamp Very shallow, rocky, neutral, dark to brown, loam to clay loam. Hillslopes and crests of Brown Dermosol 211 Ok Cv Ba MoEp Wc Ba Cm Al CtSp undulating rises and low hills. CtRv Cm MgEp Cm Ab Cabarlah Wc Al Ct Mg Ba DLA Dm WcEp Gm Cd Ct CtSp Ab Hm Ok Dm CtSp Wc Gm Bn Mm Km Wc Ba Eg Bo Bn Km Kenmuir Very shallow, rocky, acid to neutral, brown to red-brown, loam to clay Hillslopes and crests of Red or Brown Dermosol 2 833 Ok CtSp Gm Mg Cm Km Bn Eg Pw Bn Ns DLO DLQ loam. undulating rises and low hills. Hm Ok Cv Cm Cm Ba Rb Cm Mg Mo Ok Km Ng Mg Cd Bn Rb Ok Dm Cm Gv Cd Ns Km Meringandan Ns Bo DLQ Ba Beauaraba Very shallow, rocky, neutral to alkaline, cracking, black clay. Hillslopes and crests of Black Dermosol 6 309 Ok Ba Wc PwSp CtSp CtSp Ns Bn DAM Hm Mm Cm Cm undulating rises and low hills. Dm Dm Ct Et Cm Ba Bn Km Ad Ct Ba Mm Ok Ng Ok Ok Ok Km Rb Rb Rb Wc Oakey El Km Vt CmEp Km Rb Ok Ok Cm CmRv Pw CtSp Cm Cd Cawdor Very shallow to shallow, rocky, neutral, red-brown to dark clay. Scarps and hillslopes of Brown or Black Dermosol 1 394 Wc Cm Iv Ba Cm PwSp Dm Ok Ok Km Iv Ct El Cb undulating to steep rises and low Dm Mm NgSp Ba Mm Dm Ba PwSp Ct Pw Cb NgSp Ng Mg Ct Ba hills. Ok Cv CmRv Ba Cm Ba Bn DLG Cb Cb DLQ CtSp Mm Mb Cm Cm CtSp Bn Cb Rb Wc Ok Ok Ok Ok Ct Cm Cd Cl Croxley Very shallow to shallow, rocky, neutral to alkaline, dark to brown clay Hillslopes of gently undulating Black or Brown Dermosol 52 DLD Iv CtSp Gv Rb Bn Dm CtSp Bn Ba Cm Ct Iv Cm Pw Ba (sometimes mottled). plains. Dm IvEp Ns Ns Rb Rb Mm Ok PwSp Iv Ba CtSp Bn Dm Ct CtSp Ok Ok CmRv Ct Cd Ml Mallard Shallow, neutral brown clay loam over neutral, brown, mottled clay. Hillslopes of gently undulating Red or Brown Dermosol 45 WcFv CtSp Ba Cm Gv Bn NgSp Km Ba CtSp Cb Cb plains. Cm Km Cd Cm Bn Ad Ng Bt Pw Ct Bn Mm Bn Bn Ba Ad Ab Pw Cm Bn Cb Oakey Pw Iv PwSp Ng Ba CtSp CtSp CtSp Ab Aubigny Shallow to moderately deep, alkaline, red-brown to red clay with free Hillslopes of gently undulating Red Ferrosol 208 CtSp Ad DLQ CtSp Ba Wc Cd Cb CtSp Ba Ct Rb carbonate in the subsoil. plains. Iv WcFv Ng Km Rb GUL Bn Dm Cm Ct Rb Cm Ng Iv Ba Pw Creek Ng Ct Cd WcEp Cd WcEp Pw Pw Pw Iv Rb Ba Pw PwSp IvRv CtSp Wc Bn Pt Bn Ng Nungil Moderately deep, acid dark clay over neutral to alkaline, red clay. Hillslopes of gently undulating Red Ferrosol 880 IvRv Cd Cm Ct El NgSp Wc Rb plains and basalt benches. Km Ad PwRv Km Iv Cm CtSp Ns Pw Ad Cm Ba Bn Ad Cm CmRv Cd Pw El Gv Cb PwSp Ba Ba Iv Ct CtSp Ct Rb Rb Sb Southbrook Moderately deep to deep, neutral, red-brown to red clay. Hillslopes of undulating plains Red Ferrosol 1 411 Iv Iv DLQ Ba Km Cd Bn Cd Wc Sb Km Wc Gv Cm Cm Bn Rb and rises. Pw Km Km PwSp Km Cm Ba Ba Iv El Pt Cd Ba Km Cm Pw Wc Cd NgSp Km NgSp Cm Gr Ng CtSp Ad Ba Bo Ct CtSp Ad Bn Cd Bt Burton Moderately deep to deep, neutral, red clay over tephra or red material. Hillslopes of level to gently Red Ferrosol 545 Sb CtSp Ad PwEp Iv Ba Km Km Iv Ba Cd PwSp undulating plains. Ad CtSp Pw Wc PwSp Km Ct DLA Ng CmRv Pw Rb Cd Ba We Wc Km Ct CmEp GUL Iv Pw Cd Bo Km Iv Wc Ns Ba Ct Charlton Moderately deep, alkaline, black, medium to coarse structured, cracking Hillslopes of undulating plains Black Vertosol 6 776 Cm Ct DLA NgSp Bt Bt Cd Ct stb Ba Cd Ba CtRv Ba Km Ba Bo clay. and rises. roo Sb Km DLA CtSp PwSp Cm CtSp CtSp Ba Cm Cm Cd Rb k Ct Ba Ct Ba DLD Ad Iv Cd Pt Pw Cm Cm Ad Ba Cd Ba Cm Ad Ba Highfields Pw Purrawunda Moderately deep, alkaline, black, fine to medium structured, cracking Hillslopes of undulating plains Black Vertosol 2 601 Pw Ad Bt Cd BaRv Ct Ba Iv DLQ Cd Ct Ba Wc Ad Sb Ad Ad CtSp Ct Bo clay. and rises. DLQ Ad Cd Ct El Cm Ct Iv Ct Ba CtSp Pw Ct Cb Ns Gr CtRv Creek WcEp Iv CtSp Ri El Gowrie El PwSp CtSp AdSp Ba Bt Bo Ad Aberdeen Deep to very deep, alkaline, red-brown to red, cracking clay. Footslopes and hillslopes of Red or Brown Vertosol 1 051 Km Cm Sb Km Ct AdSp Ba Bt Ns Sb Wc C Gr CtSp r El Wc Gr Iv Cm Cd gently undulating plains and CtSp e Ad Ct Cd Cm Ct Gr Cm Cd Gv CtSp Ct DLQ ek Wc CtSp CtEp Ct Cm Bt rises. Ct Gr Ba Ct Ba Rb Wc WARREGO Gr Cm Ad Bt Ct Cb Ba Sb Ct Ad Gr Ct CtSp Ct Ct Cm Gv Cb GUL Km Kingsthorpe Ad Cd Gr LOCALITY MAP Gympie Cm Sb WcEp Ba Bt Cd Pw Cm Craigmore Deep, alkaline, black, medium to coarse self-mulching, cracking clay Footslopes and hillslopes of Black Vertosol 5 485 Km Cm CtSp Ad Ba Cd CtSp Ct Ba with linear gilgai. gently undulating plains and Gr Wc CtSp Cb Ct Ns Cb Cd Ct Cd CtSp Ba Cm Cm DLQ Ba Iv Gv Rb rises. 69 Sb DAM CtRv 69 60 Km CtSp Km Gv Rb Bn Cd 60 Km Cd Bt CtSp Iv Iv Cm Cm CtSp Bn Iv Irving Deep, alkaline, black, fine to medium self-mulching, cracking clay. Footslopes and hillslopes of Black Vertosol 3 730 Ct Bt Ba CtSp Rb Bo Ct Ba CtSp El CtSp Bn HIGHWAY Iv Bt CtSp Dt gently undulating plains and CtSp Sb Iv CtSp WcEp Pw Iv Cd Km El CtSp Ba Iv Cb Rb Cb Kingaroy rises. Km Ad Pw Iv Cm CtSp CtSp Iv Pw Wc Gr Dt Kn Cd QLD Km Cm Cd Iv Mg Murlaggan Deep, alkaline, black, medium to coarse self-mulching, cracking clay Footslopes and hillslopes of Black Vertosol 141 CtSp Ct CtSp Nambour Ad Cm Iv Ct Rb Bo Km Pw Iv PwSp Ba Nanango deposited over sandstone. gently undulating plains and Ad Ct CtRv Study Area GUL Sb Sb Km SbSp Ng 0 Km Km NgSp SbSp CtSp rises. CtSp Km CtSp Cm Cd Cd X CtSp Ba Cm CtRv Ba Pw Gv CtSp Wc Ba IvEp Ba Wc Creek Cd El Ct CtSp Gowrie Cm Ba Yg Yargullen Moderately deep, alkaline black, self-mulching cracking clay over soft Drainage depressions and Hypercalcic Calcarosol; Black 6 Ct Wc Ba Ad Cm Iv Ct El Cd Cd Sb PwRv DAM Wc Cm Iv Bn CtSp Wc Cb grey to white, calcareous material. footslopes of undulating plains Vertosol Cm CtSp Ba Wc Ba Cm Ba Bn Cd NgSp Wc CtSp Ba Ba Ct Cm Ba and rises. DLQ Ct GUL Wc El Pw Iv CtSp CtRv Ct Iv Cm Cm GUL Sb Iv Wc Sb Ab Wc Pw Wc BaRv Wc Wl CtSp Pw Ct Highfields Plateau Km WcEp CtRv Cm Ba Dt Cd BaRv Iv Ct Wc Ba PwSp Cd WESTBROOK-HIGHFIELDS Caboolture Ba Km Wc Wc Ba Ba DLW CtRv Cd 27 30 Pw Ad Cb Cabarlah Very shallow to shallow, acid, red-brown to red, clay loam to light clay.
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