ASIC 2007–2007 Annual Report
ASIC ANNU ASIC A L REPO R T 07–08 ASIC acHIEVEMENTS RECOGNisED 2007–08 Annual reporting Other communication Environmental management ASIC Annual Report 2006–07 Annual Report Awards from the Society of ASIC’s Sydney site is certified to Gold Award 2008 for overall Technical Communication’s International Standard (ISO excellence in annual reporting Australian and International 14001: 2004 Environmental from Australasian Reporting competitions Management Systems). Awards Inc. ASIC Summer School 2007 07–08 (program and directory) ASIC Annual Reports and Distinguished, Australia 2007 publications for companies Distinguished, International 2007 available from or phone 1300 300 630 Your company and the law Excellence, Australia 2007 Consumer publications available Super decisions from or phone Distinguished, Australia 2007 1300 300 630 Excellence, International 2007 CONTENTS CONTacT DETaiLS Letter of transmittal 01 How to find ASIC Visit us Melbourne: Level 24, ASIC at a glance 03 120 Collins Street, Melbourne. Our key achievements 04 (For company registration, document lodgment, For consumers and investors searches and fees, visit the FIDO Centre, Chairman’s report 06 Ground Floor, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne.) Financial summary 10 Sydney: Level 18, 1 Martin Place, Sydney. Regulating during market turbulence 12 (For company registration, document lodgment, Major enforcement actions 14 How to contact ASIC searches and fees, visit Level 8, City Centre Tower, 55 Market Street, Sydney.) Consumers and retail investors 16 Email us at Adelaide: Level 8, Allianz Centre, Capital market integrity 20 Phone us on 1300 300 630 • To report misconduct in financial markets, 100 Pirie Street, Adelaide.
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