Project Level Compliance Monitoring on 2. Ln Para7 Line2,The Date Has B

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Project Level Compliance Monitoring on 2. Ln Para7 Line2,The Date Has B National (NRA) Earthquake Project (EHRP) Project pnit (PMU) Amendment of EOI Notice Second date of Publicatignrlt January 2020 This is to notify that the EOI published by this Project on 9th Jan 2020 for Consulting Service of Third Party Monitoring Agenr (TPMA) for "Project level compliance Monitoring on Implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguard, contract ID No: EHRpNRA/s/ces- 0l/2076-77 in "Nagarik" National Daily newspaper has been amended as follows: l. In Para 3 The shot-listing criteria are: a. Years ofgeneral experiences ofthe firm. (20%) b. Specific Experience of similar nature works of the firm. (50%) c. Financial Capacity of the Firm. (10%) d. Organizational Structure of the Firm. (20%) 2. ln Para7 line2,the date has been amended as28 lanuary 2020. 3. In Para 8 line l, the date has been amended as29 January 2020. 4 All others sentence and paragraphs are remaining same. The detail notice has oeen Published on NRA website: for interested consulting firms. Project Director Na tiona I ority (NRA) [arthquake H n Project ( EH RP) Project u) Request for tr) terest (EOl) Second date 2020 Project: Earthquake Housing Reconstruction project Credit No.; IDA Cr. No. 5706-NP Assignment Title: Consulting Services for Third party Monitoring Agent (TpMA) fbr Project level compliance Monitoring on lmplementation of Environmental and Social Saf'eguard. Contract ID: Contract ID No; EH RP,tJRA/S/COS-O I t2O'76-i j I .'l'he Covernment of Nepal (CoN) / National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has received financing fiorn thc World Bank towards the cost ofthe Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP), and intend! to apply pan ofthe proceeds for consulting services. 2 The consulting ser.rices ("the Ser.vices") include engagement of competitive consulting firrn for 'fh ird I)arty Monitoring of Pro.iect level Compliance Monitoring on Inrplementation of Enviionnrcrrtal arrtJ Socizrl Safeguard. The project period will be 8 months for 2 phases (4 rnonths in each phase). l'he key expe rts' inpur will be total 6 nronths (3 months in each phase). The first phase comp liance mon itoring will cover the activ il ics cornpleted from Jan - Dec 2019 in l4 severely affected districts and and second phase compliance rnonitoring will cover the activities carried out from Jan - Dec, 2020 in all 32 districts. 3.The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA/EHRP, PMU now invites eligible consulting fir.ns ("Consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants shoLrld provide information demol'lstrating that they have the reqLrired qualifications and relevant experience to perlbrnl thc -fhe Services. l'he firrn(s) should have at least Five years ofgerreral experience. short-listing c1te1a arc: a. Years ofgeneral experiences ofthe firm. (20%) tr. Specific Experience ofsintilar nature works ofthe firm. (50%) c. Financial Capaciry of the Finn. ( I 0%) d. Organizational Structure of the Firm. (20%o) 4.Interested finns shall ensure their eligibility by submitting the following documents with rheir EOIs: Copy of Registration of the company/firm, VAT/PAN Registration, Tax Clearance/Tax Return Subrnission/l,cttcr of T'ime Bxtension fbr Tax Returrr Submission for fiscaj year 2075/76 5.The Agency (Consultant) shall be selected through Consultanr Qualification Seleorion (CeS) rrethod as per World Bank Consultant Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loan ancl IDA credits and crants b.".' world Bank Borrowers" January 20 r | (including revised July 20 r4). 6.Consultants may associate with other firms in tlre form ofajoint venture or a sub-consultancv to erhalce thejr q ualifications. T.lntcrcsted eligible cotrsLrll.artls rrray ohlain ftrrther inforrnation and detail Terrns of Rcfcrcncc ( lol{) ficc of cost at the tbllowing address during office hoLrrs on or belore 28 January 2020 or can he 6orvnloacled fiorr the NRA website,gov. tto. 8 Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by 29 January 2020 on or before l2:00 hours, 9.ln case the last date of submission of the EOI happens to be a holiday, the next working day ivill be deerned as the due date. Project Director Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRp) Project Management Unit (PMU) Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 | 4211971i4211535 E-mail: ehrt.pmu@_glnai!.corn 'foR lbr TPMA EHRP, PMI.J_NItN tion Authoritv Earthquake Housing n Project (EHRP) ir (PMU) TermsofR e(ToR) fo, Third Parry Monitoring Agent (TPMA) "Project level compliance Monitoring on Implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguard " Contract ID: EHRP/NRA/S/CQS-01 /207 6-77 I. Background The GoN has estabilshed the National Reconstruction Authority Q.JRA) for the purpose of coordinating and implementing the post-disaster reconstruction program. National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has received development credit and Multi Donor Trust Frrnd (MDTF) grant to implement the Ea(hquake Housing Reconstruction Project (FflRP). fiom the International Development Association/World Bank (IDA/WB). NRA has established Pro-icct Management unit (PMU) for implementation of the EHRp. There are two implementing agencies at the central under NRA: (i) The Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLplU) - Building and (ii) The central Level project Implementation Unit-Grant Managemenr and Local Infrastructure (CLPIU-GMaLI) for Housing reconstruction activities. EHRP Central Level Project Implementation Unit - Grant Management and Local Inliastructur.e (CLPIU-GMaLI) under the NRA is currently delivering housing grant to beneficiaries through banking system, managing information system and is responsible for environmental and social safeguard management and overall safeguard complaince monitoring & evaluation of the project. ,\c pcr thc t'cquit vrr rurrts uf Drr v ir ur rrrrcrrtal arrd Sucial lvlanagement Framework (l:blVll-), pro;ecr level Environmental and Social safeguard monitoring of undergoing safeguards activities in earthquake housing reconstrution program has to be carried out from an Independent Third paty agency. Therefore, PMU intends to select a national agency to monitor and evaluate the overall complaince with environmental and social safeguard requirements in the project (including consultation & verification of E & S issues and ESMps prepared by DLlcL-plU. awareness/ information disseminstaion and disclosure, capacity building, etc). The level of compliance with the project's ESMF will be done in the housing reconstruction activities supponed uncler the World Bank funded EHRP. ToR for TPMA EHRP, PMU-NItA 2. Objective of the Assignment 'fhe main objective of an Independent ng is to evaluate the level ol' compliance with the World Bank funded vironment and social safesuard instruments (ESMF) independently. Third party toring will ensure and eval uatc process, documentation and implementation of en tal and social compliance in stages ol' project level activities. Based on its assessment, and as deemed necessary, the Consultant will recommend interventions to improve oerformance. The Specific Objective Includes: 1 To review and monitor compliance of environmental and social safeguard activities implemented by DLPIUs for the suppo( of beneficiaries of EHRP. 2. To review the effectiveness of Environmental and social site verification/consu ltalion process, ! site specific ESMPs, and construction completion reports based on mitigation measures implemented in Municipality/Rural Municipality level and procedurcs prescribed in the EHRP's ESMF. 3. To review the institutional role played by DLPIU and CLPIU - to pur in place for implementation of the ESMF/ESMp. 4. To review Environmental and Social safeguard process/ audits/ quarterly compliancc monitoring and reporting ofoutputs and social auditing. 5. To review the nature of grievances submitted by earthquake victim fronr thc social and envlronmental perspectives. 6. To identify constraints/difficulties that have been encountered in the process of implementation of ESMF/ESMp. 7 To provide clear guidance on ways to strengthen on-going monitoring of the pro.iect to maximize learning and improve the implementation of safeguard activities. 8. On the basis of above, assess overall quality, adequacy and effectivencss of safeguard activities from the perspective of EHRP beneficiaries. 9. TPM should assess the activities performed by Social Technical Assistant (STA) team. 10. To sugeste fufther instruments required to complaince the E & S safeguard implemntation and documents the best learnins practjses. 3, ,Scupc of tltc fier vir:n The Agency shall work in close co-ordination wirh the DLpIUs, cLplU-GMaLI and cLpIU- Building and PMU. The Agency shall ensure that the services carried out are fully adequate to attain the objectives set out in ESMF. I'he Agency's duties shall include but not necessarily be limted to: Task-1: Review the ESMF/RPF, Government Documents Related to EHRp: T'his assignment will be based on both primary and secondary information. Agency wili revrew Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement policy Framework (RPF), Procedural Guidelines, Frameworks regarding Environmental lmpact Assessment, Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation andother project related documents developed by NRA, GoN's related rules and regulationsare considered as secondary source of inlbrmation.Thc ToR fbr TPMA EHRP, PMU-NItN Agency shall review documents inclt Palika level consultation ancl verification report, Environmental and Plan. Project
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