Urdu Syllabus

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Urdu Syllabus TUMKUR UINIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF URDU'. SYLLABUS AND TEXT BOOKS UNDER CBCS SCHEME LANGUAGE URDU lst Semester B.A./llsc/B.com/BBM/BCA lffect From 20!6-tz lst Semester B.A. Svllabus: Texts: I' 1. Collection of Prose and Poetry Urdu Language Text Book for First Semister B.A.: Edited by: URDU BOS (UG) (Printed and Published by prasaranga, Bangarore university, Bangalore) 2. Non-detail : Selected 4 Chapters From Text Book Reference Books: 1. Yadgaray Hali Saleha Aabid Hussain 2. lqbal Ka Narang QopiChandt 'i Page 1 z' i!. .F}*$T g_€.9f.*g.,,,E B'A BE$BEE CBU R$E Eenlcprqrerlh'ed:.Ufifi9 TFXT B €KeCn e,A I SEMESTER, : ,1 1;5:. -ll-=-- -i- - 1. padiye Gar Bcemar. 'M,tr*hf ag:A.hmgd-$tib.uf i 1.,gglrEdnre:a E*yl{arsfrt$ay Khwaja Hasan Nizarni 3" M_ugalrnanen Ki GurashthaTaleem Shibll Nomani +. lfilopatra N+y,Ek Moti €hola Sclence Ki Duniya : 5. g,€land:|4i$ ..- Manarir,Aashiq flarganvi PelfTR.Y i X., Hazrathfsmail Ki Viladat .FJafeez,J*lan*ari Naath 2. Hsli Mir.*e6halib 3. lqbal 4. T*j &Iahat 5*-e-ubipe.t{i Saher Ludhianawi ,,, lqbal, Amjad, Akbar {Z Eaehf 6g'**e€{F} i ': 1.. 6azaf W*& 2;1 ' 66;*; JaB:Flis,qf'*kfiit" 4., : €*itrl $hmed Fara:, 4. €azgl Firaq ,5; *- ,Elajrooh 6, Gqzal Shahqr..Y.aar' V. Gazal tiiarnsp{.4i1sruu ' 8. Gaal Narir Kqgrnt NG$I.SE.f*IL.: 1- : .*akF*!h*s ,&ri*an Ch*lrdar; 3. $alartrf,;oat &jendar.Sixgir.Ee t 3-, llfar*€,Ffate Tariq.€-hil*ari 4',,&alandar t'- €hig*lrl*tn:Ftyder' Ah*|.,9 . €*rtrk*"lt(g{aruf, eF-; . 'u ?,Ao L TUMKUR UNIVERSITY,, DEPARTMENT OF URDU EOOKS UNDER lst Semesler B.A. '^ sc/B.com,RBM/BCA Effect From 2016-17 Texts: 1' collection of Prose and Poetry urdu Language Text Book for First semister B.com: Edited by: URDU BOS (UG) (Printed prasaranga, and Published by Bangalore University, Banglaore) 2. Non-detail : parda-E-Ghaflat Saleha Aabid Hussain Reference Books: 1. Yadgaray Ghalib Moulana Altaf Hussain Hali 2. Mazameen-E-Sir Syed , Sir Syed Ahmed Khan '! ;t Page 3 i. F{'&€ S€FtI*tsR.,A,eg,$*=e- B'OK PrESCribCd; URDU THXT BOOK FOR B.COM., ISEMISTER FR{}-SEr 1. 'Uos$pn se ra*lkh*,Fai s,kFrnsa Dale karnegi 2" Kaheli $rf. 3., Meer ki Seerath ,F 4" Haj-e-Akbar ig.#*med,€ragqi i prer$qhahd Chini ash ffay,kjyaad may : ,&I€k-5.ftussain F.gffi_Y+ 'i il 1, HAMD Meer dard t-, .,1?lb-ticanr"gr.€8H?ta Souda 3. Umnreed say gitab Hali 4, Insapaurhazm-e.qudrath lehat 5. Indira Gandhi $iksndar:ali u.rajd GAZALEIN: r) Gazal Majar ,2) Gazal $aher 3| Gazal Elte-h*re yaar 4) Garal 5) :6azal J*.i-ilEis*r Akhtar S,rsq 6| Gazaf : SBaix*lg4gs66st 7) €aral n-s{i 8| €araf $t p*r.*egr.$ha|tir NON trE.TAIL: l' Parda-e"ghaflat $aleh a',*tid,hugs,*jn Ahal-e-qhalarnkataruf Page 4 ', TUMKUR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF URDU SYLLABUS AND TEXT BOOKS UNDER CBCS SCHEME LANGUAGE URDU lst Semester B.A. 'Bsc/B.com /BBM /BCA Effect From 2016r-17 ! lst Semester B.sc Svllabus: Texts: 1. Cotlection of Prose and Poetry Urdu Launguage Text Book for First Semister B.sc: Edited by: URDU BOS (UG) (Printed and Published by Prasaranga, Bangalore University, Banglaore) 2. Non-detail : Anarkali (Drama) t lmtiaz AliTaj ;, Reference Books: 1. lqbal Shayar Aur Falsafi Viqhar Azeem 2. Dastay Saba Faiz Ahmed Faiz Page5 ,FJ*SIT #lEf . Bgo* preserib-e* URDU TEXT. B0'OK F€ft;ilg'6., I SEMISTER ' 4.8+:"..e--r'--=- :', i:'' '-"' .. -':i' F L 'Tdhir ISIasood ..:g'$@,tKAll . s.- + TArig chatri t Natendar luther Rasheed Ahmgd eiddiqi ..Zakir: FJ qs:din . :..:.: tvtndd*nl'a,iihanear ,'f.ghal 'Eashe-ersdar :', ,,S-A3mgE:d.i*ysar,,'' . $' .ffi41; -. ' kha1e31'5111;utuu l[".,G#al : , 5, Garal .r€i*i* rrgfrf '6r'S*2*l ,'',, firaq 7. 'Gszaf " ir. Jpr,l,gllssy Aktar 8. 6aml .,ffi1pgSh i : ., ,, i. .t i t'' ' l' NBf$,*@tl,r, "l '.t . .. l. ARarkaH ( Drama,) trnfiaeAti Taj Ahal.e=qhakrnkataruf Page 6 tt. TUMKUR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF URDU SYLIABUS AND TEXT BooKs UN,DER cBgs scHEME mrue unce dnou Effect From 2016-17 lst Semester: BBM Svllabus: Texts: 1. collection of Prose and Poetry urdu Language Text Book for First semister BBMi Edited by: URDU BOS (UG) prasaranga, (Printed and Published by Bangatore University, Banglaore) 2. Non-detail : Kheti Prof. Mujeeb Reference Books: 1. lqbal Shayar Aur Mufaqir Noorul Hassan Naqvi 2. Fairozul Lughat Alhaj Moulvi Fairozuddin PageT i!. ' pffir,emffi;s-,MsgenEEeagnse,,'' .. &eolq,pr,**trlhed1,ggglg' f94f*s.gg.,Feg B,E;M,1 $eME$f.ER, . : _ .. r ,*_.q::, : . -::-Jt FRQfi,' , X, $e€+E G,::Fterst:Abubg.kar t*, f$culana ' ,., A*kqr.$hah *, ,Fr,,&ld.#e*an - .-{rt!en!ixir Aaehi4 fiarg.Enni 3. Seerat*E'Hali : Abdaull{aq 4. Laiwqnthi 5. Khateb Khareh . FikrTonsvi POE,TRY: 1" Fkmd ':Daag l, Bqniara Nama Nazeer 3" Sarguzisht Adaar lbbal t,-, 4. Ysad ErtCmaa,Khstesh', , 5. Rubaliyaath rir',.:r l, ',:-1 r- --;, ..: :l . Amiad, ftali, akbar {3 Each,} . : . :': . :.. GAZIAIEIN : ;r. L Garal '$Fleel,Shi at{€-e . 2u Gazal Easheer Badar 3. 6azal 'Mazhar lmam 4. Gazal Ahmed Nadeem qasmi .5. 6aaal Jan NisarAkhfar 6. Gazal Firag 7. Garal Mnjrooh 8. 6az*l lqbat Fio{rl,tr:Ff,,&lt: X, Khethi Frof ".Muieeb ,l- ,4hal "'E - Qhs*artr,t**Tsr#f f6e ? TUMKUR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF URDU , SYLLAB S AND UN IANGUAGE URDU Effect From 201G-17 Texts: 1' collection of Prose and Poetry Urdu Launguage Text Book for First semister BCA, Edited by: URDU BOS (UG) (Printed and pubrished prasaranga, by Bangarore university, Bangraore) 2. Non-detail :Numainda Muqtasar Afsana Md. Athar Farooqui Reference Books: 1. Bag-o-Bahar Meer Aman 2. Sehrul Bayan Meer Hasan z Page 9 ! B.A./Bsc/B.com/BBM/BCA Theory 9O+tnternalAssessment 10 (90+10 =1001 Sl. No Content of the Paper Choices Marks Total 1-. Multiple Choice Questions From prose, poetry, Lo/to 10x1 10 & ND Text 2. Essay Type Questions from pros 2/3 2X8 16 3. Short type of Questions and pros 3/4 3x3 09 4. Short Type of question From poetry 2/z 2x4 08 5. Annotations From Pros 4/s 4x2 08 6. Appreciation of Poem tlt tx7 07 8. Exptanauon oI uuptets 4/6 4x3 t2 9. a. Essay rype quesilon ot ND text 3/4 3x4 L2 b. Short Type of Questions from ND text 2/4 2x4 08 10. l olat tvtarKs 90 tt. Inrernat ASsessment Marks 10 uranq tolat vtarKs 100 per teacntng Hours Week 4 Eno Exarn ilme 3 Credit ^1, TIAD -4 Chairman, Urdu BOS (UG) Tumkur University, Tumkur 572103 Page 11 DEPARTMENT OF URDU TUMKUR UNIVERSITY TUMKUR LANGUAGE URDU SYLLABUS AND TEXT BOOKS FOR UNDER GRADUATE COURSES CBCS (CHOCE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM) SEMISTER SCHEME WITH EFFECT FROM THE ACADENIC YEAR 2017-2018 (AS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF STUDIES IN URDU ON 7TH & 8TH FEBRUARY 2017. (Total working hours 56: Syllabus divided into four units, each unit consists of 14 Hours) Unit-I: Prose(14hours), Unit-II: Poems (14 hours). Unit-III: Ghazliyath (14 hours).Unit-IV Non-Detail(14 hours) 2CREDITS FOR EACH SEMISTER Teaching Hours per Week : 4. End Examination Time: 3 hours SECOND SEMESTER B.A. DEGREE COURSE SYLLABUS BOOK Prescribed: URDU TEXT BOOK FOR B.A. II SEMISTER Prasaranga, Bangalore University. I.PROSE: 1) Baghdad ka safar - Sajjad Hydar Eldaram 2) Aana Murgiyan ka - Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi 3) Jigar Murad Aabadi - Shahid Ahmed 4) Sirat-e -Hazrat Umar - Shibhli Nomani 5) Khutoot - Ghalib aur Moulana Azad II. POEMS: (A) NAZMEIN: 1) Hamd - Nazeer Akbar Aabadi 2) Marsiya-e-Dilli - Hali 3) Shikwa urdu ka - Talib Khand meri 4) Oh Des say Aanay Walay Bata - Akhtar Shirani 5) Duwa-e-Aseer - Mohamed Ali Jowhar III. (B) GAZLIYATH: 1) Gazal - Siraj 2) Gazal - Fani 3) Gazal - Jigar 4) Gazal - Asgar 5) Gazal - Hasrat 6) Gazal - Daag 7) Gazal - Ameer Meenae 8) Gazal - Iqbal IV. NON DETAIL: 1) Barsoon Ram Dhadakay - Moeennuddin Jeena Badey 2) As hab-e-Kahaf ki bedari - Hina Ruhi 3) Aapa - Mumtaz Mufti 4) Aanandi - Gulam Abbas V. AHAL-E-QHALAM KA TARUF Page | 1 THIRD SEMESTER B.A. DEGREE COURSE SYLLABUS BOOK Prescribed: URDU TEXT BOOK FOR B.A. III SEMISTER Prasaranga, Bangalore University. I.PROSE: 1) Shamsur Rehman Farooqi - Manazir Aashiq Harganvi 2) Galileo our Jhuka Huva minar - Science ki kahaniyan 3) Adabi Istelahein - Saleem shehzad 4) Secrath-e-Hazrath Ayesha - B-Shaik ali 5) Need - Shameem Hanfi II. POEMS: (A)NAZMEIN: 1) Naath - Asad Yejaz 2) Sehrul bayan - Meer Hasan 3) Dilli - Naresh kumar shad 4) Garib-ul watan ka payam - Josh 5) Duwa - Mahmood Ayaz III. (B) GAZLIYATH: 1) Gazal - Insha 2) Gazal - Ghalib 3) Gazal - Hali 4) Gazal - Momin 5) Gazal - Zouq 6) Gazal - Aatish 7) Gazal - Mus hafi 8) Gazal - Nasiq IV. NON DETAIL: 1) Chacha chakkan - First 3 chapters 2) Poems: (a) Beroz gaar (b) Bombai (c) Galib ko bura kyon kaho V. AHAL-E-QHALAM KA TARUF Page | 2 FOURTH SEMESTER B.A. DEGREE COURSE SYLLABUS BOOK Prescribed: URDU TEXT BOOK FOR B.A. IV SEMISTER Prasaranga, Bangalore University. I.PROSE: 1) Seerat-e-Iqbal - Abdus Salam Nadvi 2) Talmeehate-e-Galib - Mahmood Niyazi 3) Syed Insha Alla Khan - Mohmed Hussain Azad 4) Haqiqi Azmath - Moulana Azad 5) Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari - Rasheed Ahamed Siddiqi II. POEMS: (A)NAZMEIN: 1) Naath - Muneer Ahmed Jami 2) Aaj Bazaar May - Faiz 3) Boostan-e-Khayal - Siraj 4) Shahar-e-Aashoob - Sauda 5) Kaun Dushman Hai - Ali Sardar Jafari III.
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