Ann Coulter | 224 pages | 19 Aug 2016 | Biteback Publishing | 9781785901416 | English | London, United Kingdom In Trump We Trust : How He Outsmarted the Politicians, the Elites and the Media -

Aug 23, Minutes Buy. She knows why Trump was the only one of seventeen GOP contenders who captured the spirit of our time. Working class Americans finally have a champion against open borders and cheap foreign labor. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Halloween Books for Kids. Read An Excerpt. E Pluribus Awesome! Aug 23, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Audiobook Download. Hardcover —. Also by . Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Conservatives Without Conscience. John W. Too Close to Call. Jeffrey Toobin. The Enemy At Home. The WikiLeaks Files. One Nation. Debriefing the President. Party of One. Michael Harris. Resistance Is Futile! Confront and Conceal. David E. Gavin Newsom. The Mueller Report. Robert S. What Terrorists Want. Louise Richardson. A More Perfect Union. The Victory Lab. Is this not the type of guy America needs right now? The guy who gets things done? Hillary's been in the White House, as First Lady, she's been Secretary of State, what did she do, apart from enrich herself through fraudulent ventures? Oh yeah, she got Americans killed, there was that. Her track record is available for all to see, yet it would seem the best reason anyone can come up with for electing her is that she was born with a vagina. Well, if electing a female president is so important, could you guys elect anyone other than Hillary, please? Lots of vaginas to choose from, many of them not attached to pathological liars. I was reading some statistics about Trump's schedule yesterday. As of yesterday, he's held rallies in days. That does not include press conferences, debates, interviews, meetings, visiting flood victims and all the other events and activities Trump has been involved in since declaring he is running for president. A man willing to work this hard to get to the White House a considerable downgrade from Mar-a-Lago and would surely not be satisfied with getting there only to play golf? I hope that any American citizen still on the fence about Donald J Trump will read this book and reconsider the narrative the media is sticking to. Don't fall for it, you go out and vote to make America great again. View all 13 comments. It's just as bad as you think it is. View 2 comments. Just read it. I know as well as I know my own name that as soon as some see this book they will decide they hate it no need to actually read it. As I always do I recommend that you try to have an open mind. I think I got a pretty clear picture of Mr. Trump related in Ms. Coulter's inimitable style. Trump puts America first No one is capable of expressing their mind better than Ann Coulter. She cares more about America and justice than any other journalists. Her blogs, her tweets and her books are the best illustrators of her mind, and this book is no different. She is a lone fighter among grifters, hacks, losers and liberals. In this book, the time New York Times bestselling author has rocked the world of journalism. Ann Coulter has been a staunch supporter of and the first Trump puts America first No one is capable of expressing their mind better than Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and the first one to point out that his foreign policy is the best since it is designed on "America First" model. In his foreign policy speech, he warned that "On trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the American worker will always be my first priority. Author Ann Coulter has a unique style of writing. It is an insight into the American political machinery in which both political parties have become immensely corrupt and care more about themselves and political correctness than what is truly needed to make America great again. She makes a definitive case for Donald Trump with all fairness, candor and vigor. She speaks for the silent majority, and unwilling to accept when the country is taken over by lawlessness, Islam and political thuggery. It is highly insightful, with skillful arguments and political facts. After reading this book I'm really puzzled. How did Ann Coulter get books on the best seller list? Also I had to revise my 2 star review to 1 star after hearing Ann Coulter say, Trump won her over "with his Mexican rapist speech. But Ann, serously, you should have gotten an editor. Ann Coulter starts her book by acknowledging that she "didn't have time to for After reading this book I'm really puzzled. Ann Coulter starts her book by acknowledging that she "didn't have time to force as many friends as she'd like to read any portion of this book," she should have found the time, believe me, as Donald Trump would say. Riding on the coat tails of Trump fame, Coulter spent entirely too much time in this book discussing what the other candidates said and what the networks said rather than what's so great about Donald Trump. Who will even think twice about these losers next year? Where are the details for this to be a policy Ann? What will American taxpayers think when they are duped into paying for the "wall. This book was so boring and second rate that slogging through it put me to sleep. I can't believe a publisher gave Ann Coulter an advance for this. I got it at the library where by the way there is no waiting list. View 1 comment. Feb 15, Reese Copeland rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed the book. Coulter clearly lays the foundation for what attracted people to Trump and why he was wildly popular despite the media working against him and even the Republicans. While I don't agree him with everything Trump says or does, I do like how he won't kow tow to the Republicans and he listens to the voters. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foo I really enjoyed the book. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foot notes. She backs up what she says. Aug 23, Joseph Serwach rated it it was amazing. And Great Britain are about one issue: borders boils down to one major question: whether America builds a wall. That question actually touches far more issues, impacting jobs open borders with free trade mean more competitors willing to work for lower wages, which drives down U. Even Chris Matthews agrees Donald Trump is "on to something" when he argues if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. Ann Coulter, showing how she earned her University of Michigan law degree, lays out a case with more than footnotes spelling out how Donald Trump scored major wins by zeroing in on one major issue voters actually care most about and how that issue touches every other issue they care about. She shows how political consultants concerned most about collecting ad revenue trained most politicians to recite the same decades-old "safe" lines and avoid offending the same major donors again and again, offering little new -- until Trump changed the conversation and dominated the national agenda. She also details how and why this change in agenda threatens the establishment of both parties and the media. The same debate has played out in Great Britain the Brexxit vote and in Poland and other nations and touches on serious questions: do we out our national interests first or worry more about our place in a global marketplace? Aug 31, Cheryl rated it it was amazing. Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which chronicles Trump's rise from political oddity to presidential nominee. Coulter's trademark sarcasm is liberally! She accurately pins Trump's appeal on his willingness to confront the issues of illegal immigration and national security, which had been ignored by GOP politicians for decades. My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts who predicted Trump's inevitable defeat during the primaries. This book, like all of Coulter's books, is heavily footnoted. This makes it possible to peruse complete quotes, rather than relying on partial statements taken out of context. Aug 25, R. When the Going Gets Rogue, the Rogue Get Going; or, Success Through Excess Deploying two of the greatest weapons in her arsenal, humor and enthusiasm, Coulter sheds light on how, against all odds, Trump was able to earn his party's nomination, despite the media's attempted mesmerism, the tiresome talk-'round-the-clock soothsaying naysayers and naysaying soothsayers telling us Little Engine style "this cannot be done, this cannot be done, this cannot be done It's more a Disappointed Big Sister's look at how her own party really dropped the ball and presented the Voting Americans on the Right a selection of vigorously vapid, vapidly vigorous, candidates and frontrunners some glamorous, some grim that seemed to have sauntered straight out of a George Saunders novella, strung across the American Political Stage like just so many COD-but-DOA mail-order Semplica Girls. A look at how even Sam Kinison him, even him would've been more attractive to the tasteful and discerning Voting Americans on the Right than another lip-biting, head-shaking, "I-Know-You're-Frustrated, I-Am-Too" singing, podium-perching, "conservative" talking-point copycatting, malingering ex-fed Fed-Ex empty-promise messenger. Not because Trump was a holy-rolling messianic return to a bygone mythical great American era where Lawrence Welk was followed by Hee-Haw , followed by a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of milk and, finally, before a p. But, in the final analysis, Coulter's greatest weapon on view here is, perhaps, hope. Yes, hope. Hope that, whatever happens in November the Trump phenomenon sends a message to the overjoyed-to-be-overpaid ITT-Tech certified campaign consultants and data clerks that what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both on and off the Right really want to hear, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both in and out of the Right really thrill to believe in, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans Right, right or wrong secretly seeks in the viewfinder cannot be measured in clicks and cookies: that page hits are not political prophecy. Amen to that. Aug 27, Kevin Keating rated it it was amazing. Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. She's the only one who is out there telling the truth about Trump and the fact that it is his policies and not his personality that has gotten him this far. No one seems to be able to make that leap of undertanding. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if he backs down now he's definitely toast. And Coulter's book will be a laughingstock. Not fair, but let's see what happens. Buy it. Read it. Aug 25, Kevin Durbin rated it really liked it. Recommended Reading!! Particularly if you're tired of the political parties taking your views and opinions for granted. Cheers for Ann Coulter saying it like it is, even if she's sometimes a bit over the top and in your face. Coulter is witty, succinct and backs up her arguments with facts. I truly. If you think this country is in trouble, read this book. I've struggled a lot in regards to Mr. Trump and what exactly to do with him. This book offers a lot of good insight as to who Mr. Trump is in this election compared to the GOP establishment, and what his policies really are. In short while Donald Trump is no Solomon, he's won largely based on policies and addressing the actual concerns that people GOP voters are actually talking about around the water cooler. She correctly points out that the only candidate not beholden to special interest do I've struggled a lot in regards to Mr. She correctly points out that the only candidate not beholden to special interest donors is Trump. The only one who isn't politically correct is Trump. The only GOP candidate and presidential candidate who want's to put American interest first is Trump. There's a lot personally I don't like about Trump, but in regards to policy the author points out that he's truly right. Coulter rightly points out that this is the last election to really determine our course as a nation I recommend this for those on the fence like I have been. Trump is a wild card , but HRC in comparison is a sure shot that America will be on it's way to becoming Brazil. The last wild card this country had Reagan turned out pretty awesome. I'm at least willing to give Trump a chance at "making America great again," rather than give Obama a 3rd term. Dec 07, Joseph McGarry rated it really liked it Shelves: history. He asked her who had the best chance of winning the election. She answered, "Based on the declared candidates, Donald Trump. That's why this book has that feeling of "I told you so. It does not cover the general election. It is selling a lot better since the election. Sh "I told you so. She uses a lot of examples from the other candidates, showing that they were sticking to their talking points, using preprogrammed words, and trying to run the same campaign everyone else had for so many years. Donald Trump didn't have any of that, and the voters went with him. No other candidate could have said some of the things he said during the campaign and gotten away with it. I expect a paperback edition early next year. It will probably have at least one chapter devoted to the general election. She will say, "I told you so. The author was a bit repetitious maybe she needed a certain word count to get paid? Trump's obnoxious. He's thick-skinned which is good as the media absolutely loves to misquote him. He's not politically correct which is refreshing. Quote from early in the book: "Although the media tried to portray Trump's popularity as a cult of personality, ironically, the one th 8 -- snarky but interesting. Quote from early in the book: "Although the media tried to portray Trump's popularity as a cult of personality, ironically, the one thing voters weren't wild about was his personality. Aug 27, Travis Frey rated it it was amazing. Great book! A lot of pithy quotes and a good reminder of how wrong the establishment, the media, and most of the general public where in regards to Trump. Written in Coulter's typical witty and rhetorically cutting style it is a must read if you are at all interested in the Trump candidacy for president. Aug 28, Jeanne Eveleigh rated it it was amazing. The truth at last I hope a lot of people have time to read this book before they vote. Ann has done her research. Very enjoyable read! A very persuasive page argument for voting for Donald Trump. There's no political pundit I respect more than Ann Coulter. Another awesome book by Coulter. She's so fun to read. The irony and sarcasm comes with a heavy dose and loved it. Ann Coulter is a piece of dog poo and another Republican sound-piece. Another atrocious book by her. Feb 10, Gopal Sadagopal rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction. Author makes lots of statements with no regard to facts. Without a doubt to serve up to the Trump crowd - why bother with facts! But her justification of him are downright evil. I have been wanting to read a book about each of the candidates before the election but each one have had read so far was soooo bias. This book was by far the best so far, it provides both sides of a view and leaves it to the reader to decide which way you want to believe. The press has been so negative of Mr Trump since being part of this campaign. I have been wondering if any one is listening to what he really is saying because I haven't been able to come up with the view the press has taken. S I have been wanting to read a book about each of the candidates before the election but each one have had read so far was soooo bias. Suddenly this book sheds more light on that situation. I got it now! Main thing I like about this book, Ann provides 2 sides to most issues. She provides many quotes from the press and the negative approach they have taken. But then includes side 2, which includes some background on what was going on that caused the situation to occur or the whole statement made while the press appears to have taken it out of context. In Trump We Trust | Biteback Publishing

She knows why Trump was the only one of 17 GOP contenders who captured the spirit of our time. She gets the power of addressing the pain of the silent majority and saying things the PC Thought Police considers unspeakable. She argues that a bull in the china shop is exactly what we need to make America great again. In this short but powerful book, Coulter explains why conservatives, moderates, and even disgruntled Democrats should set aside their doubts and embrace Trump: He's flipped the GOP from a globalist party to a nationalist party, just when it's essential that we put America first in our trade deals and alliances. He's abandoned the GOP's decades-long commitment to a bellicose foreign policy, at a time when the entire country is sick of unnecessary wars. He's ended GOP pandering to Hispanics with his hard line on immigration. Working class Americans finally have a champion against open borders and cheap immigrant labor. He's broken the power of identity politics. It turns out you don't need to act religious to win the Evangelical vote; or talk about your dad the bartender to win the blue collar vote; or have served in the military to win the military vote. He's overturned the media's traditional role in setting the agenda and defining who gets to be considered presidential. See all 3 questions about In Trump We Trust…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Aug 28, Manny marked it as not-to-read Shelves: author-less-talented-than-goebbels , donalds-are-trumps. I think this is the first time in my life I have ever suggested that people should listen to Rush Limbaugh, but check out Rush Limbaugh literally can't stop laughing at the plight of Ann Coulter. I have nothing to add, they've said it all. I was particularly intrigued by the following passage from I think this is the first time in my life I have ever suggested that people should listen to Rush Limbaugh, but check out Rush Limbaugh literally can't stop laughing at the plight of Ann Coulter. I was particularly intrigued by the following passage from this recent article in Breitbart : While most of the left wailed about the return of Nazi Germany under Trump, savvier liberals saw his vulnerability: flattery. All we have to do is praise him! And, boy, did they lay it on thick with the Syrian misadventure. All Trump had to do was pointlessly bomb another country, and it was as if a genie had granted his every wish. Looking for some upside to this fiasco, desperate Trump supporters bleated that bombing Assad had sent a message to North Korea. Yes, the message is: The Washington establishment is determined to manipulate the president into launching counterproductive military strikes. Our enemies — both foreign and domestic — would be delighted to see our broken country further weaken itself with pointless wars. Was America strengthened by the Iraq War? The apparently never-ending Afghanistan War? This is how great powers die, which is exactly what the left wants. Those liberals! It makes your blood boil, doesn't it? But let's hope that nice Mr Putin will walk Donald back to the straight and narrow path of virtue. Will Act III see the sundered lovers blissfully reunited? I'm on the edge of my seat. View all comments. Up until last year, I disliked Ann Coulter immensely. Not because I had ever read anything she'd written, or watched her on TV, but because the liberal US bloggers I followed hated her with such passion that I assumed she must be the absolute worst. After all, I respected these highly intelligent bloggers professors, politicians, economists and if they dislike someone, it must be with good reason. Then Trump happened. In February , I was chatting online with my best friend, whose opinion I respect very much, especially where politics are concerned. Michael: Oh well. On the bright side it looks like Trump will win South Carolina Mandie: Why do you want him to win? Michael: I also have no doubt he'd actually be a better president than any of the others. I've been following the races even closer than usual Mandie: I have to say, I also think that Trump would make a good president. I think the guy is a clown, but he didn't get where he got by making stupid decisions. There I was thinking, Trump, really? I've only ever seen ridicule in the media, what's this about? Michael is a journalist and scholar, if anyone understands politics, history and the media, it's him. I started researching Trump. I read Trump: The Art of the Deal. I watched everything I could find related to Trump there is a documentary on Youtube about the Trump jet, I highly recommend watching that one. It didn't even take very long for me to board the Trump Train. I am not an American and therefore cannot vote, but I find great joy in witnessing the renewed energy American voters are experiencing right now. Trump is giving Americans hope again, he is really listening to what they have to say and there is a chance here, if he is elected president, for Americans to be in charge of their country once again. I did so, buying the Kindle edition yesterday and it was wonderful. Coulter is funny, sarcastic, but she cuts through the media and politicians' BS with a clarity that is refreshing. She uses footnotes and direct quotes and by doing so, illustrates how utterly irrelevant the US media has become. They have been either wrong or deceitful every step of the way since Trump declared his intention to run for president. When it is all presented in a coherent format, it makes you mad. Americans are being lied to and they are clearly tired of it. Ann uses excellent analogies and metaphors to demonstrate exactly how bizarre and stupid current media opinions are on important policies. She compares the unrestrained influx of Muslim refugees to an obtuse party guest: Are you bringing food to the dinner party? No, no—we need a casserole or side dish! That's what's happening, isn't it? America is a poor family, adopting hundreds of sickly orphans, while unable to feed their biological children. It's time to build a wall and stop adopting new kids until you can take care of the ones you have. Isn't that common sense? America is not an infinite bucket of resources, free for anyone who can come within reach. It is time for the administration to stop treating it as such. Speaking of administration, here is something I find mind-boggling about opposition to Trump in office. We all know, because this is a world-wide phenomenon, that government officials are nearly entirely useless when it comes to getting things done. Have you ever heard anyone speaking of bureaucracy in fond terms? These fat cats are simply not known for their efficiency at helping anyone but themselves. Pushing pencils, yes, losing important documents, yes Hillary Clinton has been misplacing subpoenaed documents since at least the early 's, some of which were found in the White House in , years after being requested Then here comes a guy from the private sector. In the private sector, if you don't get things done, you're out of a job. This is a guy who is known for achieving the impossible. Fed up with witnessing such ineptitude, Trump offered to take over the project this was not the first time he'd tried, but this time the city agreed, no doubt hoping to humiliate him after he failed to make headway. The project was completed under budget and ahead of schedule. Is this not the type of guy America needs right now? The guy who gets things done? Hillary's been in the White House, as First Lady, she's been Secretary of State, what did she do, apart from enrich herself through fraudulent ventures? Oh yeah, she got Americans killed, there was that. Her track record is available for all to see, yet it would seem the best reason anyone can come up with for electing her is that she was born with a vagina. Well, if electing a female president is so important, could you guys elect anyone other than Hillary, please? Lots of vaginas to choose from, many of them not attached to pathological liars. I was reading some statistics about Trump's schedule yesterday. As of yesterday, he's held rallies in days. That does not include press conferences, debates, interviews, meetings, visiting flood victims and all the other events and activities Trump has been involved in since declaring he is running for president. A man willing to work this hard to get to the White House a considerable downgrade from Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower would surely not be satisfied with getting there only to play golf? I hope that any American citizen still on the fence about Donald J Trump will read this book and reconsider the narrative the media is sticking to. Don't fall for it, you go out and vote to make America great again. View all 13 comments. It's just as bad as you think it is. View 2 comments. Just read it. I know as well as I know my own name that as soon as some see this book they will decide they hate it no need to actually read it. As I always do I recommend that you try to have an open mind. I think I got a pretty clear picture of Mr. Trump related in Ms. Coulter's inimitable style. Trump puts America first No one is capable of expressing their mind better than Ann Coulter. She cares more about America and justice than any other journalists. Her blogs, her tweets and her books are the best illustrators of her mind, and this book is no different. She is a lone fighter among grifters, hacks, losers and liberals. In this book, the time New York Times bestselling author has rocked the world of journalism. Ann Coulter has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and the first Trump puts America first No one is capable of expressing their mind better than Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and the first one to point out that his foreign policy is the best since it is designed on "America First" model. In his foreign policy speech, he warned that "On trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the American worker will always be my first priority. Author Ann Coulter has a unique style of writing. It is an insight into the American political machinery in which both political parties have become immensely corrupt and care more about themselves and political correctness than what is truly needed to make America great again. She makes a definitive case for Donald Trump with all fairness, candor and vigor. She speaks for the silent majority, and unwilling to accept when the country is taken over by lawlessness, Islam and political thuggery. It is highly insightful, with skillful arguments and political facts. After reading this book I'm really puzzled. How did Ann Coulter get books on the best seller list? Also I had to revise my 2 star review to 1 star after hearing Ann Coulter say, Trump won her over "with his Mexican rapist speech. But Ann, serously, you should have gotten an editor. Ann Coulter starts her book by acknowledging that she "didn't have time to for After reading this book I'm really puzzled. Ann Coulter starts her book by acknowledging that she "didn't have time to force as many friends as she'd like to read any portion of this book," she should have found the time, believe me, as Donald Trump would say. Riding on the coat tails of Trump fame, Coulter spent entirely too much time in this book discussing what the other candidates said and what the networks said rather than what's so great about Donald Trump. Who will even think twice about these losers next year? Where are the details for this to be a policy Ann? What will American taxpayers think when they are duped into paying for the "wall. This book was so boring and second rate that slogging through it put me to sleep. I can't believe a publisher gave Ann Coulter an advance for this. I got it at the library where by the way there is no waiting list. View 1 comment. Feb 15, Reese Copeland rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed the book. Coulter clearly lays the foundation for what attracted people to Trump and why he was wildly popular despite the media working against him and even the Republicans. While I don't agree him with everything Trump says or does, I do like how he won't kow tow to the Republicans and he listens to the voters. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foo I really enjoyed the book. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foot notes. She backs up what she says. Aug 23, Joseph Serwach rated it it was amazing. And Great Britain are about one issue: borders boils down to one major question: whether America builds a wall. That question actually touches far more issues, impacting jobs open borders with free trade mean more competitors willing to work for lower wages, which drives down U. Even Chris Matthews agrees Donald Trump is "on to something" when he argues if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. Ann Coulter, showing how she earned her University of Michigan law degree, lays out a case with more than footnotes spelling out how Donald Trump scored major wins by zeroing in on one major issue voters actually care most about and how that issue touches every other issue they care about. She shows how political consultants concerned most about collecting ad revenue trained most politicians to recite the same decades-old "safe" lines and avoid offending the same major donors again and again, offering little new -- until Trump changed the conversation and dominated the national agenda. She also details how and why this change in agenda threatens the establishment of both parties and the media. The same debate has played out in Great Britain the Brexxit vote and in Poland and other nations and touches on serious questions: do we out our national interests first or worry more about our place in a global marketplace? Aug 31, Cheryl rated it it was amazing. Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which chronicles Trump's rise from political oddity to presidential nominee. Coulter's trademark sarcasm is liberally! She accurately pins Trump's appeal on his willingness to confront the issues of illegal immigration and national security, which had been ignored by GOP politicians for decades. My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts who predicted Trump's inevitable defeat during the primaries. This book, like all of Coulter's books, is heavily footnoted. This makes it possible to peruse complete quotes, rather than relying on partial statements taken out of context. Aug 25, R. When the Going Gets Rogue, the Rogue Get Going; or, Success Through Excess Deploying two of the greatest weapons in her arsenal, humor and enthusiasm, Coulter sheds light on how, against all odds, Trump was able to earn his party's nomination, despite the media's attempted mesmerism, the tiresome talk-'round-the-clock soothsaying naysayers and naysaying soothsayers telling us Little Engine style "this cannot be done, this cannot be done, this cannot be done It's more a Disappointed Big Sister's look at how her own party really dropped the ball and presented the Voting Americans on the Right a selection of vigorously vapid, vapidly vigorous, candidates and frontrunners some glamorous, some grim that seemed to have sauntered straight out of a George Saunders novella, strung across the American Political Stage like just so many COD-but-DOA mail-order Semplica Girls. A look at how even Sam Kinison him, even him would've been more attractive to the tasteful and discerning Voting Americans on the Right than another lip-biting, head-shaking, "I-Know-You're-Frustrated, I-Am-Too" singing, podium- perching, "conservative" talking-point copycatting, malingering ex-fed Fed-Ex empty-promise messenger. Not because Trump was a holy-rolling messianic return to a bygone mythical great American era where Lawrence Welk was followed by Hee- Haw , followed by a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of milk and, finally, before a p. But, in the final analysis, Coulter's greatest weapon on view here is, perhaps, hope. Yes, hope. Hope that, whatever happens in November the Trump phenomenon sends a message to the overjoyed-to-be- overpaid ITT-Tech certified campaign consultants and data clerks that what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both on and off the Right really want to hear, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both in and out of the Right really thrill to believe in, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans Right, right or wrong secretly seeks in the viewfinder cannot be measured in clicks and cookies: that page hits are not political prophecy. Amen to that. Aug 27, Kevin Keating rated it it was amazing. Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. She's the only one who is out there telling the truth about Trump and the fact that it is his policies and not his personality that has gotten him this far. No one seems to be able to make that leap of undertanding. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if he backs down now he's definitely toast. In Trump We Trust - Wikipedia

Working class Americans finally have a champion against open borders and cheap foreign labor. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Halloween Books for Kids. Read An Excerpt. E Pluribus Awesome! Aug 23, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Audiobook Download. Hardcover —. Also by Ann Coulter. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Conservatives Without Conscience. John W. Too Close to Call. Jeffrey Toobin. The Enemy At Home. The WikiLeaks Files. One Nation. Debriefing the President. Party of One. Michael Harris. Resistance Is Futile! Confront and Conceal. David E. Gavin Newsom. The Mueller Report. Robert S. What Terrorists Want. Louise Richardson. A More Perfect Union. The Victory Lab. Sasha Issenberg. The Deep State. While I don't agree him with everything Trump says or does, I do like how he won't kow tow to the Republicans and he listens to the voters. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foo I really enjoyed the book. Best part of the book, and most frustrating to Liberals, Coulter has foot notes. She backs up what she says. Aug 23, Joseph Serwach rated it it was amazing. And Great Britain are about one issue: borders boils down to one major question: whether America builds a wall. That question actually touches far more issues, impacting jobs open borders with free trade mean more competitors willing to work for lower wages, which drives down U. Even Chris Matthews agrees Donald Trump is "on to something" when he argues if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. Ann Coulter, showing how she earned her University of Michigan law degree, lays out a case with more than footnotes spelling out how Donald Trump scored major wins by zeroing in on one major issue voters actually care most about and how that issue touches every other issue they care about. She shows how political consultants concerned most about collecting ad revenue trained most politicians to recite the same decades-old "safe" lines and avoid offending the same major donors again and again, offering little new -- until Trump changed the conversation and dominated the national agenda. She also details how and why this change in agenda threatens the establishment of both parties and the media. The same debate has played out in Great Britain the Brexxit vote and in Poland and other nations and touches on serious questions: do we out our national interests first or worry more about our place in a global marketplace? Aug 31, Cheryl rated it it was amazing. Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which chronicles Trump's rise from political oddity to presidential nominee. Coulter's trademark sarcasm is liberally! She accurately pins Trump's appeal on his willingness to confront the issues of illegal immigration and national security, which had been ignored by GOP politicians for decades. My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts Another Hilarious Coulter Hit! My favorite chapter was the last one: "Geniuses," which consists of several pages of quotes from political analysts who predicted Trump's inevitable defeat during the primaries. This book, like all of Coulter's books, is heavily footnoted. This makes it possible to peruse complete quotes, rather than relying on partial statements taken out of context. Aug 25, R. When the Going Gets Rogue, the Rogue Get Going; or, Success Through Excess Deploying two of the greatest weapons in her arsenal, humor and enthusiasm, Coulter sheds light on how, against all odds, Trump was able to earn his party's nomination, despite the media's attempted mesmerism, the tiresome talk-'round-the-clock soothsaying naysayers and naysaying soothsayers telling us Little Engine style "this cannot be done, this cannot be done, this cannot be done It's more a Disappointed Big Sister's look at how her own party really dropped the ball and presented the Voting Americans on the Right a selection of vigorously vapid, vapidly vigorous, candidates and frontrunners some glamorous, some grim that seemed to have sauntered straight out of a George Saunders novella, strung across the American Political Stage like just so many COD-but-DOA mail-order Semplica Girls. A look at how even Sam Kinison him, even him would've been more attractive to the tasteful and discerning Voting Americans on the Right than another lip-biting, head-shaking, "I-Know-You're-Frustrated, I-Am-Too" singing, podium-perching, "conservative" talking-point copycatting, malingering ex-fed Fed-Ex empty-promise messenger. Not because Trump was a holy-rolling messianic return to a bygone mythical great American era where Lawrence Welk was followed by Hee- Haw , followed by a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of milk and, finally, before a p. But, in the final analysis, Coulter's greatest weapon on view here is, perhaps, hope. Yes, hope. Hope that, whatever happens in November the Trump phenomenon sends a message to the overjoyed-to-be- overpaid ITT-Tech certified campaign consultants and data clerks that what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both on and off the Right really want to hear, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans both in and out of the Right really thrill to believe in, what a goodly sum of Voting Americans Right, right or wrong secretly seeks in the viewfinder cannot be measured in clicks and cookies: that page hits are not political prophecy. Amen to that. Aug 27, Kevin Keating rated it it was amazing. Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. She's the only one who is out there telling the truth about Trump and the fact that it is his policies and not his personality that has gotten him this far. No one seems to be able to make that leap of undertanding. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if Hey I don't think this book was as good as Adios America - not as well footnoted although don't get me wrong - it is footnoted - but definitely worth the money I spent buying it new. This book came out just as Trump seemed to indicate some fudging on enforcing immigration laws - if he backs down now he's definitely toast. And Coulter's book will be a laughingstock. Not fair, but let's see what happens. Buy it. Read it. Aug 25, Kevin Durbin rated it really liked it. Recommended Reading!! Particularly if you're tired of the political parties taking your views and opinions for granted. Cheers for Ann Coulter saying it like it is, even if she's sometimes a bit over the top and in your face. Coulter is witty, succinct and backs up her arguments with facts. I truly. If you think this country is in trouble, read this book. I've struggled a lot in regards to Mr. Trump and what exactly to do with him. This book offers a lot of good insight as to who Mr. Trump is in this election compared to the GOP establishment, and what his policies really are. In short while Donald Trump is no Solomon, he's won largely based on policies and addressing the actual concerns that people GOP voters are actually talking about around the water cooler. She correctly points out that the only candidate not beholden to special interest do I've struggled a lot in regards to Mr. She correctly points out that the only candidate not beholden to special interest donors is Trump. The only one who isn't politically correct is Trump. The only GOP candidate and presidential candidate who want's to put American interest first is Trump. There's a lot personally I don't like about Trump, but in regards to policy the author points out that he's truly right. Coulter rightly points out that this is the last election to really determine our course as a nation I recommend this for those on the fence like I have been. Trump is a wild card , but HRC in comparison is a sure shot that America will be on it's way to becoming Brazil. The last wild card this country had Reagan turned out pretty awesome. I'm at least willing to give Trump a chance at "making America great again," rather than give Obama a 3rd term. Dec 07, Joseph McGarry rated it really liked it Shelves: history. He asked her who had the best chance of winning the election. She answered, "Based on the declared candidates, Donald Trump. That's why this book has that feeling of "I told you so. It does not cover the general election. It is selling a lot better since the election. Sh "I told you so. She uses a lot of examples from the other candidates, showing that they were sticking to their talking points, using preprogrammed words, and trying to run the same campaign everyone else had for so many years. Donald Trump didn't have any of that, and the voters went with him. No other candidate could have said some of the things he said during the campaign and gotten away with it. I expect a paperback edition early next year. It will probably have at least one chapter devoted to the general election. She will say, "I told you so. The author was a bit repetitious maybe she needed a certain word count to get paid? Trump's obnoxious. He's thick-skinned which is good as the media absolutely loves to misquote him. He's not politically correct which is refreshing. Quote from early in the book: "Although the media tried to portray Trump's popularity as a cult of personality, ironically, the one th 8 -- snarky but interesting. Quote from early in the book: "Although the media tried to portray Trump's popularity as a cult of personality, ironically, the one thing voters weren't wild about was his personality. Aug 27, Travis Frey rated it it was amazing. Great book! A lot of pithy quotes and a good reminder of how wrong the establishment, the media, and most of the general public where in regards to Trump. Written in Coulter's typical witty and rhetorically cutting style it is a must read if you are at all interested in the Trump candidacy for president. Aug 28, Jeanne Eveleigh rated it it was amazing. The truth at last I hope a lot of people have time to read this book before they vote. Ann has done her research. Very enjoyable read! A very persuasive page argument for voting for Donald Trump. There's no political pundit I respect more than Ann Coulter. Another awesome book by Coulter. She's so fun to read. The irony and sarcasm comes with a heavy dose and loved it. Ann Coulter is a piece of dog poo and another Republican sound-piece. Another atrocious book by her. Feb 10, Gopal Sadagopal rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction. Author makes lots of statements with no regard to facts. Without a doubt to serve up to the Trump crowd - why bother with facts! But her justification of him are downright evil. I have been wanting to read a book about each of the candidates before the election but each one have had read so far was soooo bias. This book was by far the best so far, it provides both sides of a view and leaves it to the reader to decide which way you want to believe. The press has been so negative of Mr Trump since being part of this campaign. I have been wondering if any one is listening to what he really is saying because I haven't been able to come up with the view the press has taken. S I have been wanting to read a book about each of the candidates before the election but each one have had read so far was soooo bias. Suddenly this book sheds more light on that situation. I got it now! Main thing I like about this book, Ann provides 2 sides to most issues. She provides many quotes from the press and the negative approach they have taken. But then includes side 2, which includes some background on what was going on that caused the situation to occur or the whole statement made while the press appears to have taken it out of context. Oct 12, Paul rated it did not like it. I learned a few things from this book, but it's such a painful mixture of facts and lies that I would recommend it to no one. If you must read it, then take a highlighter and highlight every sentence that has a citation and then read only those. The format of the book is "quotation" 1 , fact 2 , fact 3 , "quotation" 4 , fact 5 , outlandish claim with no basis in reality, fact 6 , ridiculous conclusion. The biggest lesson I took from this book is that everyone with a voice in America is I learned a few things from this book, but it's such a painful mixture of facts and lies that I would recommend it to no one. The biggest lesson I took from this book is that everyone with a voice in America is at war with the concept of an "informed voter". The press, the media, the pundits are all enemies of a functioning democracy who willfully, knowingly work to undermine that essential cornerstone of democracy, an informed electorate. Unlike some of her other books, this one isn't even entertaining. Take a pass. Nov 15, Magne Salveson rated it it was amazing. Delighted by this stark contrast to MSMs ongoing whining. Debunks accusations. Started before the election and finished after. Listening to Ann Coulter reading it while driving to and from work was a nice timeout from the Norwegian PC news. Ann debunks a lot of the crap on the elected President whom I hope will be a new Reagan. Clearly points out the total hypocrisy of do nothing politicians and media who doesn't do their job. Scathing and searing holes in all the lame protestations such as 'trump is racist'. Nov 23, Andy Bigley rated it it was amazing. I've been intrigued how the media, political pundits, and a large portion of the public not only didn't foresee Trump's success, but had written him off as a complete non-contender. I also want to know more about the president-elect as I found him to be rough around the edges during the campaign. What's his history? Strip away the spotlight--what does he believe in? Coulter does a great job of explaining all of it! I found the book to be factually supported and informed--I did not feel like I was reading an op-ed piece. FYI my vote went to someone else so my reading selection wasn't based on looking for a feel-good, I-told-you-so cheerleading piece about 'my candidate. After finishing the book, I'm very optimistic about where President-Elect Trump will lead us and how he will do it. Oct 19, James Francis McEnanly rated it it was amazing. Misunderestimated This book details Donald Trump's campaign, and how he baffles both the media and political establishments. He has the revolutionary idea that politicians should serve those that they represent, rather than rule over them. The epilogue of this book is a collection of obituaries for the Donald's political career, all of them flat wrong. Nov 12, Renie rated it it was amazing. I recommend everyone read this book now that Tromp won the election. It will explain how and why he won and touches on the liberal media antics. Whether you agree or not it will point out some interesting facts. Sep 16, Joan Pinchuk rated it it was amazing. Her Best So Far Great research as usual and very effective use of humor. My wife and I were constantly laughing out loud. We both recommend it highly. Learn how the media lies. Readers also enjoyed. About Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter. Coulter is the legal correspondent for Human Events and writes a popular syndicated column for Universal Press Syndicate. She was the April 25, cover story of Time magazine. From there, she became a litigator with the Center For Individual Rights in Washington, DC, a public interest law firm dedicated to the defense of individual rights with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and the free exercise of religion. Books by Ann Coulter. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from In Trump We Trust

In Trump We Trust by Ann Coulter: | : Books

Donald Trump isn't a politician--he's a one man wrecking ball against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment. Now Ann Coulter, with her unique insight, candor, and sense of humor, makes the definitive case for why we should all join his revolution. The three biggest news stories of the election have been Trump, Trump, and Trump. The media have twisted themselves in knots, trying to grasp how he won over millions of Republicans, whether he really has a shot in November, and what he'd be like as president. But Ann Coulter isn't puzzled. She knows why Trump was the only one of 17 GOP contenders who captured the spirit of our time. She gets the power of addressing the pain of the silent majority and saying things the PC Thought Police considers unspeakable. She argues that a bull in the china shop is exactly what we need to make America great again. In this short but powerful book, Coulter explains why conservatives, moderates, and even disgruntled Democrats should set aside their doubts and embrace Trump: He's flipped the GOP from a globalist party to a nationalist party, just when it's essential that we put America first in our trade deals and alliances. He's abandoned the GOP's decades-long commitment to a bellicose foreign policy, at a time when the entire country is sick of unnecessary wars. Add to Cart. Also available from:. Available from:. Audiobook Download. Hardcover —. Also by Ann Coulter. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Conservatives Without Conscience. John W. Too Close to Call. Jeffrey Toobin. The Enemy At Home. The WikiLeaks Files. One Nation. Debriefing the President. Party of One. Michael Harris. Resistance Is Futile! Confront and Conceal. David E. Gavin Newsom. The Mueller Report. Robert S. What Terrorists Want. Louise Richardson. A More Perfect Union. The Victory Lab. Sasha Issenberg. The Deep State. Mike Lofgren. The Party Is Over. Imperial America. John Newhouse. United States of Jihad. Peter Bergen. .