The Vatican Collections
E F G H overall design, must have been inspired by the pies (G. L. Hersey, 1973, fig. 37), and the angu The eight carvings were set into the wall of monumental dborium of Cardinal d'Estouteville lar and curiously expressive faces, the muscular the Cappella delle Partorienti, in the Grotte, about erected in 1461-63 in Santa Maria Maggiore. and veined arms, and the bony hands of the 1616. In 1949, they were moved to Room VI, The corner reliefs of the Trials of Peter and Paul figures are characteristic of the sculptures exe and in 1977 they were reinstalled in Room IV of must have occupied a place similar to that of cuted by Paolo Romano and his workshop dur the Grotte. the triple Corinthian pilasters that flanked the ing the pontificate of Pius II (1458-64). Espe O.R. main narrative scenes by Mino da Fiesole on the cially striking are comparisons with the two entablature ofthe latter ciborium (C. Seymour, colossal statues of Saints Peter and Paul carved BIBLIOGRAPHY: F. L. Dionysius, Sacrarum Vaticanae Basilicae Cryptarum Monumenta, Rome, 1828, pp. 50-51, 1966, p. 159, fig. 21). in 1461-62 by Romano and his assistants for no. 2, Tab. XXIII; H. von Tschudi, "Das Konfessionstaber The style of the Trials is generally quite typi the steps in front of Saint Peter's (A. Venturi, nakel Sixtus IV in St. Peter zu Rom," in Jahrbuch der cal of the conservative, classicizing manner so 1908, figs. 756-757). These observations sup Koniglich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, 8, 1887, pp. often found in Roman works of the third quar port a suggestion first advanced by Giuseppe 11-24; F.
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